I AFcbmnry !, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 9 Mabhetl and fyiMXMt&ial GOOD IR NEWS BOOMS MARKET TO NEW HIGHS , By VICTOR EUBANK :. NEW YORK, Fob. 0 (!) Fur !' tlii-r good wiir news brought ; bnyum buck to tlio stock murkot tmluy unci selected pcuco-ratod ,: industrials ware lifted fractions ' tn u point or mora, many to new Oi'.hs for a yenr or longer. , JnpniH'ko evacuation of Guad :. alcuniil Island, in addition to con- 1 Unuod Russian successes, acted .in spur to stocks of companies tlmt stand to benefit moat when tlio world conflict li concluded. - : Prices, boat oround nild-day, ; ' were trimmed In a number of aimca near the closo by profit gushing but offerings, generally, were ubaorbnd without much dlf- i : Acuity. Italia, nlrcrnfta and utll- (ties did little. Large blocka of i low-quoted lasuea bolatered vol ! time which approximated 900, , 000 ahnrea, J; Stock nt top marks for 1042 4:i included General Motora. Yellow Truck, Wlllya-Ovorlnnd, :: Deore, Johna-Munvllle, Market ; Street Rullwoy Prior Preferred, ; Standard Oil (N. J.), Texaa com- pnny, R-K-O Rndli corporation ;- aiul Robert Gulr. The laat two were among the faateat aprlntera. ' Cloalng quotationa: I f American Can 78a JLn Car & Fdy 29t On Tel as Tel 132) I i Anaconda 201 ; Cnllf Packing 25 Cat Tractor 43 i ' Comm'nw'lth Se Sou 1532 General Electric ......... 341 General Motors 474 Ot Nor Ry pfd . 234 Illinois Central .. ... 61 Irit Harvester .......... 681 Kennecott 30J j Lockheed .. IB Long-Bell "A" 61 Montgomery Ward 37i NaahKelv 7 N Y Central 12 J Northern Psrlflo 81 Pac Gaa & El 26t Packard Motor 31 fonna R R 251 focnubllc Steel 15 ; tflchfleld Oil ... Ui Soar Roebuck 6-11 Southern Pnclfle 17 iJStandard Brands fta Qnshlnr Mining 41 Trnina-Amcrlca .... 7 k Union Oil Cnllf 171 t t'nlon Pacific 851 V S Steel 01 Vomer Pictures 81 I LIVESTOCK 1 PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 9 (AP CSDA) CATTLE: Salable 100, tijlol 150; cnlvus: aalable 10, to tttl 26: market ateady on limited supply; few common to medium ; alecra. $ medium ! haUcri up to $13.00; common grndca $0.25-10.00; .canner and qiittcr cow $0.50-8.25; famy i' jnorl beef cowk $11.50; medium ; Ui good bulla $12.00-13.00; cut i Uti. down to $9.50; common to ' rtuxlium vealera, $10.00-14.00; Oolce guotuble to $10.00. HOGS: Suluble and total 300: tiiuikel ntuady; loud good to Choice llghlwelghla, $15.50; good to choice truckina around 180 230 lbs,, $15.35-50; medium iruclca down to $16.00; butchers 850-300 !!., $14.25-75; light liiihls $1-1.75: Kood aowa $13.76- t .00; good to cholco feeder pigs iiiilnblfl around $14.50-15.50. M SHEEP: Salable and total ii0; market atoady; load medium it" sood fed lnmbs $14.50; ,trlctly good to choice carlota quotable to $15.50; common and nindlum lnmbs slow; good owes 8..1I11 bid up to $8.00. - J BOOTON WOOL j BOSTON. Feb. 9 (AP-USDA) Tfxas 10 to 12-months wool ot average to good condition was Sbld today in Boston at a clean lkils price of $1.18. Purchasing W fed lambs' wool was record ed In Arizona ot a grease price ol 38 to 40 cents. Contracting of eight months Texas wools was reported at 43 cents, grease ibhsis. H Hltlerlsm Is the reversion of ioivllizcd man back to all that tWhlch Is most evil in the anl mnl. It Is the return In human Mlntlons to animal ferocity and sheer animal stupidity, It Is the denial of the Divine by the hu man being. Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles. y f J Never since the Uth century When Alexander Nevikl defeat ed the Prussian Teutonic knights his Germany undergone a simi lar plight, Franz von Papen, German ambassador to Turkey. M IS YOUR CHILD A hose picm-n? II tnr bt ft lira of bow, wormil Ani til" roundworm! can mum ral troublol Othr warn In i arat uneasy stomach, ntr rogsnasa, Itchlna: nana. If you avan auipaat nd worms, nt Jayna a Verm If una tod ay I J AYNE'S la AmarlM'a laattlnv Dronrlatarv orm madlolna uwd by millions for ovsr ft Dafltury. Acta ffcnlly. yt driven nut round wofms. Damand JAYNE'fl VKRMIFUOB KLAMATH BABIN Carload Potato Shipments (Figures from Stutn-Fcdrn) Inspector Roa Aubrey) L)By of Mni Reason 1H42-43 j'-'"110" f,",2 rc, Feb. to Beuson Feb. to Hcaaon Dally Date 'lo Unlit Daily Dale to Date j "2i "nlo7 i I iio8fj ----- -y -jj j7' g47'0 ""21 73 M57 5 3a lzs "eoii io so- sni'- 8 3 100 "' "554a- """17 106 "MOO- T 0 160 5540 21 127 621l 8 H 171 6557 "" 2 129 0213 9 21 TbO- 5234 IQ 23 173 B257 U 23 ToT 5280 20 216 "6300 3 18 232 6316 H 18 250 5334 if 0 250 "8334 IB- 15 265 5349 17 22 287" 6371 IS 21 308 5302 g21' " 0405 20 13 334 6418 21 10 344 5428 22 0 344 5428 23 6 350 5434 24 i 14 3B 5448 as"" 14 378"" 5462 28 10 388 5472 2T 15 403 MBT 28 12 4lT 6409 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ora.. Ffb. a UPJ-m'T-Tr-R-l'Mnti, A (raJe. eH,r lb. In paiafv iaai ripr, bt'yc In ertio; U a''i- He to (iiichmtol fspcfi, aj in oarloui. B! T lEKFAT-Flflt qmlllr. nmlmum ul .1 ot I r wot aridity iftiivrred m Port Uu'I. SMJUc b. ; primium )uilly insx linuu of .W ol I pr Cent acMlty, M !h.; vsllay roula aM country pfttnls, 5.' 1am thsn first or Mtei it-roml on III)- at l')rt)t).l ;r unrr tin 1 or &QMi,e. rHr:t;4Ktvmn prtn to IMMlind ra UH.m; Tillsnik IfiH'ti. Me lt.; Jf, tt: lt.; tflrlt to vtmktsWr. na iu.; k.sf. r.O.B. Tillsinook. JUlis-Nontlnst pric to ttllfJ A Isrit. 40c; p Isris, lci A m tii am, tc; b mdiuro, Uc; A smsll, Me. LIVE mt LT(tV-iminf prlf: No. I irso Lhoro hmtlfr. IU to lh t.-: rolorrd fry, undtr IS lb., Uc; do V to 4 lbs.. colored ronUr. over 4 bi., ?9oi Uiliro Iioiii, nndtr 3lt lb-, vr Ii lbs., rlci colored lirns, i a & Itn., ttVe: ovtr A tbi.. N fd h'tu, So Umi No. I iradv, 1(K rwit'i. 10c lb. DRKASED TPHKEYft Uniting prleasi CotiBtrr dMiid hns. S5c; psrkfr' siorts htoi. No. I, W40 Mih-carry i Isrin touu. ovr t Ibi.. no caih carrjr. KABUIIft Avfrai" country HHM. M-idAi ON10N-)rn. $1.10 di. bunclioi: Ot too dry. II. 74; Idaho lari. t-w; Yakima, 11.74 ftOlb. Ms. COUNTRY UEATft-ftslHot wlca- to r tallirt: Outttry killed hoc. bMi butchm, IW-HJ Ibi.. liej valri, ftney. lb rood, hsvy, le-lto Ib.j cannrcotUr oowi 7nw cUloi, li bull (ntw calllni), ITc; b. lamb. !7c lb.; wft, (ood, l5fl lb,! awas. poor, jor. - HAY Hulm price iu,car; AllaUs. o. t nvoot No. ?. Jir.M-M.oO ton; oii-vctch, M.oo un, valley ioln': timothy (valleyi. WO.eO; do Esitaro Oraion. Wa.oo h-n: cloTr, tos. WHEAT CHICAGO, Feb. 0 M) Possi bility of new Inflation curbs to be announced tonight had a chill ing effect on tho grain futures markets today. Rye futures dropped to the lowest levels In two weeks and wheat and corn showed sympathetic weakness. Oats also were off. Just before tha opening of the market, it was announced that Stabilization Director James F. Oyrnes would deliver a radio talk to. light on a now adminis tration program designed to hold down prices. The market started lower. Wheat and corn then rallied to around the previ ous closing levels, but continued weakness in rya forestalled any definite rallying tendencies. Wheat elosed tc higher to tc lower than yesterday's final prices, May $1 JOl-l, July $1.39; corn was to to Ic up, May 878c, Jul 98ie; oats unchanged to ic off; soybeans Ic down and rye Ic to to lower. ' We wore all scared while waiting In our assault boats. In cluding myself, but when we landed everyone did his job quietly and efficiently. Fortu nately for us, It was foggy and the Japanese did not see the ap proach of the task force. Ma rine Col, Le Roy P. Hunt on Guadalcanal attack. 'NOTHING BETTER' to rellava Itchy aoranesa of SKIN IRRITATIONS ManvDni(ltSayl To promptly rtllave tha rail, ItcMni, burning aonnaaa of almplrMhM,sma, and (Mar akin and u!p Irrltatlona du to eattrnal cause apply wondtrtul sotblng madleattd Uauid Zemo a Doctor's formula backra by 90 years' sueeua. Ztmo atarts et one to aid hti! Int. Flrat trial convince.! Only 8M. At lfdru,.ter. 2EM0 Thirsty War Workers Warned to Stay Out of Portland PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 9 W). Thirsty Washington war work j ers had their warning today from Municipal Judge J. J. Qui! j lin. ! "Don't come to Portland just , because Washington liquor ra tioning leaves you dry," he told them in effect. I The judge fined 11 Seattle i workers $10 each on drunken ' nuss convictions after one of j them said, "We didn't have , enough liquor for a weekend splurge so we came to Portland. We got all we wanted here. Qulllln said he would increase fines If, the visits of Washing ton's thirsty continue. Snell's Milk Bill Introduced in House Today SALEM, Feb. 9 (JP) The houso food and dairy products committee Introduced today Gov ernor SiijII's bill to transfer the functions of the milk control boaid to the state department of agriculture. A similar senate bill, by Sen. Thomas R. Mahoney, Portland, was taken off the senate table yesterday ar.d sent to the agricul ture committee, which also is considering Mahoney's bill to abolish milk control entirely. Mahoney said that the com mittee should report out the re peal bill first, but the committee said the transfer bill ..ould come out first LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS' Notice is hereby given that Elsie Marie Mock has been ap pointed administrator ot the estate of Fred Dingier, also 1 Known as r reaericK uingeier, deceased. Creditors having claims against said estate may present same duly verified to said administrator at the office of John B. Eblnger, U. S. Nation al Bank Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the first publication ot this notice. ELSIE MARIE MOCK . Administrator ot the Estate of Fred Dingier, deceased. F 2-9-16-23; M 2 No. 182 Want Belief Prom ARTHRITIS PAINS? Try Tyamol en Thla Money Baek Guarantee Tf you ara suffering from trie tabbing (lna of arthrftla, rhum llim, solatlca or naurltlt, to today and buy a tuba of Tyamol at any food drug atora. Apply thla dtllght ill abiorhent to tha part that hurta and watch raaulta. you ahould aaa a dlffaranoa attar tha vary flrat ap. plication. Should Tyamol fall to glva aatla. faotlon by rallavlng tha torturing palna, aorancta or atlffntia In mua clt or jlgamanta, Juat raturn amply tuba and tha manufacturer will rafund your monay. . Ton will rind Tyamol plaaaantly distinctive among praparatlona ct Ita olaia. Guaranteed to be frea trom narcotic? and dope. Soli by tadlng drugglata averywher. On liauil al Star Pms Store, Lecturer K 1 T i -. Y 1 Rev. A. J. Beattle, who la conducting a revival at tha Frte Melhodlit church. South Ninth atreet and Plum avenue. REV. A. J. BEATTIE TO 1 '.lvl ' n l Rev. A. J. Bcattie, lecturer and : wrap bandages or do other work evangelist whose home Is In needed by the Red Cross. Miss Sharon, Pa., will conduct revival Dunbeck will act as adviser to meetings In the Free Methodist the group, church, South Ninth street andi The community service dl Plum avenue, for the next two vision, designed to promote sal weeks. Morning lectures' will j vage work, first aid, fire pro be held at 10:30 o'clock, evening . caution, and letters to service meetings at 7:30 o'clock. The men, will be led by Bruce Hess public, is invited. and advised by Max Marvin. Rev. Beattie has held revivals The production division head In both Salem and Ashland. He ed by Harry Orem and advised gave his widely known lecture j by Arthur Cole will stimulate on Robert Burns', "The Scottish production of crops, poultry, Bard of the Universal Heart," at meat animals and victory gar- bouthcrn Oregon College of Edu - cation and the high school. In his home towh, the evangelist teaches a Bible class made up of 200 men. For 40 years, Rev. Beattle has served as pastor, district elder, evangelist and dirt farmer. Meetings here started Monday night. It is the mercy of God and your (Royal navy men) devotion vj. , .1... 1 1 u. ... XrZ r r a great cnailenge to our sea power because of your service and your great record. British great challenge to First Lord of Admiralty A. V, Alexander ' LEGAL NOTICES NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER , FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received K 4Ua n ; 1 IT . 1 TT Innrl n t ,l , t.,. ! than 2:00 p. m., February 23. i 1943. for all the live timber marked or designated for cut- ' ting, and all merchantable dead i timber located on an area cm bracing about 3840 acres within Sections 28, 29, 32 and 33, T. 27 S., R. 9 E., and Sections 4 and 8, T. 28 S., R. 9 E., W. M., Fremont- National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 6,500,000 feet B.M., more or less, of live and dead ponderosa pine saw timber, and an unestimated amount of lodgepole pine saw timber to be cut at the option of the purchas er. No bid of less than $5.50 per M for ponderosa pine, and $1.00 per M for lodgepole pine will be considered. In addition to the prices bid for the stump ae,n, a cooperative deposit of $.25 per M feet B. M. to be used by the Forest Service for paying the cost of slash disposal, and a cooperative deposit of $.10 per M feet B.M. to cover the cost of -tree planting, seed sowing and timber stand improvement work on the area cut over, for the total cut of timber , under the ternls of the agreement, will be required. $10,000.00 must ac company each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full Informa tion concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and the sub mission of bids should be ob tained from the Forest Super visor, Lakevlew, Oregon, or the Regional Forester, Portland, Ore gon. 4 F 9-16 No. 186. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned, Administrator of the . Partnership Estate of COX BROTHERS, a co-partnership formerly existing between H. O. Cox, C. E. Cox and J. E. Cox, the latter now deceased, has filed his Final Account of DANCE Feb. 13th"-Armory Pappy Gordon's Hill Billy Band , Admission, Couple .. Extra Lady .... Service Man Includes Tax Sponsored by Veterans ot Foreign Wars Midland CrMfUna ORG HON OF-' VICTORY HENLEY Initial steps for the organization of a Victory corps at the Henley high achool were taken at an assembly of 10th, 11th and 12th grade atudenta Friday morning. A national organization, the victory corpa is dealgned to stim ulate war activity on the home front, and to prepare students for war in the armed forces, pro duction service, and community service. Production Heada Named Elmer Blrk and Ann Steven son were selected to head the corps for the entire school. Re becca Bridges will lead the Red Cross aid arouD. which will sew. ; dens. Leaders stressed that the LEGAL NOTICES ' . , . , , . ,, . , . . . : " n'lfta"" e 'i'01!" CJlfAe Sta.te of Oregon for Klamath County, and the Court has fixed February 18, 1943 at 10:00 a. m. as the time and the Circuit Court room of said court, Klamath Falls, : "u Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, if any, to said ac- count and settlement of said estate. Dated January 18, 1943. H. O. COX, Administrator of the Partner ship Estate of COX BROTH ERS. J 19, 26; F 2, 9, 16 No. 177 ALIAS SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Equity No. 6505 - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LV AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. The Federal Land Bank of Spo kane, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. C. L. Janssen as administrator de bonis non of the estate of Fred A. Janssen, deceased; Grace Wheeler Noriel, a di vorcee; Fred Collman and Kath- crine Collman, husband and wife; John Collman and Clara Collman, husband and wife; Sa die Janssen, a widow; C. L. Janssen and Emma Janssen, hus band and wife; John Janssen and Quenlyn May Janssen, hus' band and wife; George Janssen and Thelma Janssen, husband and wife; Christine Janssen Neubert and Ralph Neubert, wife and husband; William Neu bert Jr., a minor; Wayne Neu bert, a minor; Vera Love Neu bert, a minor; Minnie Corbell Janssen, a widow; The unknown heirs of Mary Janssen, deceased; The unknown heirs of Fred A Janssen, deceased; The unknown heirs of John E. Janssen, de ceased; The unknown heirs of Henry Janssen, deceased; Algc- ma Lumber Company, a corpor ation; Klamath County, a muni clpal corporation; Klamath Falls National Farm Loan Associa tion, a corporation; And also all other persons and parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien" or interest in the real estate described In the com plaint herein. Defendants To: GRACE WHEELER NORI-j ii j-uj- 111 1 mm ACHING STIFF SORE MUSCLES mm attar Tim OM-fi $1,00 .18 .50 CORPS rerQefti I Relief lwiwt members will have to conform to national regulations which In clude participation in a physical fitness program and military drill,, as well as specific local tasks Including mainly hard work In and out of school. Klamath Grange Supply to Sponsor Program Tonight HENLEY A program of movies and talks will be spon sored by the Klamath Grange supply at the Henley grange hall, Tuesday, February 9, ac cording to Bud Haggerty, man ager for the group. , Haggerty states that 1942 has been the best business year yet, and expressed the desire that all farmers attend the meeting whether or not they are members of the grange. Robert Sawyer will be the principle speaker. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Steele have returned from a business trip to San Francisco. Stewart's grocery, in business here for many years, closed its doors this week and Louis Stew art who, with his father, served Merrill folks with meat, grocer ies and vegetables will move, probably to Klamath Falls, with Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Percy L. Bush, the for mer Marjorie Taber, is spending some time here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Luther A. Taber. Mrs. Bush's home is In Seattle and her husband at present is employed on defense work in Alaska. EL, CHRISTINE JANSSEN NEUBERT, RALPH NEU BERT, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF MARY JANSSEN, DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF FRED A. JANS SEN, DECEASED, THE UN KNOWN HEIRS OF JOHN E. JANSSEN, DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF HENRY JANSSEN, DE CEASED, and, ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS AND PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TI TLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR IN TEREST IN THE REAL ES TATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, OF DEFENDANTS. , IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you, and each of you, are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you, in the above entitled suit, on or before the 9th day of February 1943, that being the last day of the time you may appear in this suit under order for publi cation of this summons. If you fail so to appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for in its complaint, on. file herein, and will take judgment and decree as follows, to-wit JUDGMENT DECREEING, that the sum of $62.50, being the par value of 1214 shares of stock In The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, pledged by . the Klamath Falls National Farm Loan Association as ad ditional security for the loan made by the plaintiff herein, be applied to the payment of N MEAL FORM. TOO eniM See) of Approval br American Velerinaiy Merffca ani AiWmal Hoeptfa! Aeeodatfone If your dog likes his food In meal form, he'll love this new ORO-PVP. It's made from the same successful formula used for the ribbon form ORO-PUP. It's great for dogs of all ages . . . provides every mineral and vitamin needed for growth and vigor. Money saving, tool Fed as directed, 2 boxes Is all you need buy to last an aveaWge 15-pound dog a full week. Get ORO-PUP at your grocer's today. lUde by Kaneo"! la Settle Creek Newt, Winter Dance at Merrill Saturday Draws Large Crowd MERRILL The second of the series of wlntor dances sponsor ed by residents of the Merrill community was well attended Saturday night, with guests present from Malin and Tulelake as well as Merrill. Early in the evening, a brief program featuring "Carmen Mi randa," and a bevy of South American dancers proved enter taining. The "gals" were Verle Reeves, T. W. Chatburn, Jay McDonald, Harold West, William L. Poe and E. E. Kilkatrlck, who "snake danced." Poe gave a humorous reading and the Merry Musketeers, Don ald Bowman, Ronnie Trotman and the Shuck brothers, Mer vyne and Jimmie, appeared in several accordion numbers. Alonzo Hodges was master of ceremonies. Assisting on the committee were Mr. and Mrs. Don Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Verle Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mc Collum, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shuck, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stu kel and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. King. Lynn Hodge Takes Boy Scout Job CHILOQUIN Many Chilo quin school boys are happy to know that Lynn Hodges of Chilo- quin has accepted the position of scoutmaster. Hodges has announced that he will reorganize the scouts in the near future. the amount secured by plain tiffs mortgage; and that the plaintiff have decree that there are due and unpaid plaintiff on said indebtedness w the following amounts, to wit: The sum of $767.06 with interest from the 22nd day i of September, 1942, until the entry of decree herein at the rate of 5H per cent per an num on $507.88 thereof, and 6 per cent per annum on $244.66 thereof; and for the further sum of $100.00, or such other sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees herein, togeth er with plaintiff's costs and disbursements; that the mort gage described in plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed and that the mortgaged premises be sold in one parcel in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Oregon and the practice of this Court; that the proceeds thereof be applied towards the payment ot plaintiff's decree, costs and accruing costs; that at said sale plaintiff be permitted to become a purchaser; that the defendants above1 named, and jlLU'" .....,.. Ir, ,, agiminTiigrg& TO SLICE I 'fr ; to spread mxt , 3. uvad&H$ , B. jhf;f TO SERVE ! W Una . utse c , ifld tW'1 YV AW aptaMaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaa1SaaaaaCBf CNRfCHED (fv Va r 1 WHITE BRIAD LEGAL NOTICES each and all ot them, be fore closed and barred ot all right, title, claim or Interest In the premises described In plain tiff's mortgage except the right of redemption allowed by law, and that plaintiff have such other and further relief as is meet and equit able. Said mortgaged premises are described, In said complaint, as follows: . , The South Half of Lot Three, the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, the North west Quarter ot the Southeast Quarter, the Southeast Quar ter of the Northwest Quarter and Lot Two, in Section Four, Township Thirty-seven South, Range Nine, East of the Wil lamette Meridian; together with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all situated In Klamath County, Oregon. This summons is served by publication thereof in, Herald and News, a dally newspaper printed, published and of gen eral circulation In Klamath County, Oregon, by order of. the Honorable David R. Van denberg. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and en tered on the 23rd day of De cember, 1942, which said or der requires that this sum mons be published once week for four (4) consecutive weeks, and the first publica tion of this summons is the 12th day of January, 1943. Henry E. Perkins Of Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Address: 731 Main Street, ' Klamath Falls, Oregon. J. 12-19-26; F. 2-9. No. 174 Paul O. Landry this question: "A friend's store was re cently destroyed bj tire but he tells me his insur ance company has Indem nified him against loss of his profits from sales as well as the actual damage to his store and merchan dise. How can I gat Infor mation about such insur ance for my own busi ness?" For Information en any Insurance problem, consult the Landry Co., 313 Main St. Phone 5612. "The Courthouse Is Just Across Main Street From Our Office."