February 9, IIKRALD AND NICWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IS STEARNS KLAMATH PIONEER DES Mrs. Orson Avory Stanrna, 01 cnrly ility roslilmit or Klamath county, died at hur homo In Ami liind Into Sunday, Fobruury according" to word received hero Mrs. Stearns wan found by noluli- bom Mondny mornlnii. Slnco 1U1U, tint Slcurns fiim- lly has lived In tha viillny, but In tha history of curly Klumulh they floured prominently In civic life. Mr. Stcurni win born July, 18(12, r nntlvo of Ohio, who I emtio with her parents as a child to Tulcnt. Iter maiden nnmo wan Luelln M, Slimnnu, In tlin curly 18 II U.i Miss Shcrmun and her brother, Charles, took up homestead In Yonna valley, On January 10, 1UU7, alio waj mar ried to Oraon A, Stearin, the first mun to homestead In Kluin nth county, They lived for aov cnil yoiira on tha old Stearns place on tho Kono highway, now known us tho Hiram Murdoch place. Mr. and Mra. Stearin moved to Klamath Kail In 1UU3 and resided on South Riverside In 1018, they left here for Ash land where they muda their home at 74 Pino street, Historian During her years of residence In this city, Mrs, Stenrns was active In civic affairs. Sho served as tho first president of the Klamath Foils Woman's Library ciud, was actlvo In WCTU clr- eles, tho Women's Relief corps of CAR, and a mcmbrr and officer of Ml. Ashland chapter, DAR, Asniand. Mr. Stearns riled In Anlilnn'd on July 20, 1028, at tha orb of e,i years, ne was a livii war veteran and also served at Fort Klamath. As a young man he was sent to Stccn's mountain to help build Fort Alvord and aid In protecting emigrants from ma raudlna bands of hcutlln inHlnnn As a historian, well versed In Klamath county and southern Oregon hlstorv. Mr. Stenrni wm regarded as probably the most amncmic source during his lire time. Services for Mrs. Stearns will be held in Ashland with inter ment In the mausoleum at the aide of her husband. She Is sur- vivca oy one son, Krnel, Ash land, two ston-dnuuhtcra. Mr George Ager of tho Kono road and Mrs. Carl O. Worlcy of this city, one brother and two sisters, Charles Sherman and Mrs. Alice Roberta of Vlsollo, Calif., and Mrs. Hcmlrlck Goddard of Tal ent, Fred Ciodilnrrl. fnrmr Klnmuth county Judge, now of vuigncr crecK, Is a nephew. Wood Pulp Output Hits Record in 1942, Report SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 0 M) Wood pulp production hit a rec ord or 10,1 12,000 tons in 1042, going some 13.'!, 000 tons above tho previous record set In 1041. Fred G. Stovenot, president or Pugct Sound Pulp and Timber company, sulci consumption out run production and also set a record at around 10,02:1,000 tons. That was somo 70,000 tons more than In 1041. The excess of consumption over production was accounted for by imports. TOKYO TO TOKYO PORTLAND, Feb. 0 VP) From Tokyo to Tokyo is the hope of Raymond L. Coiner of Willamina, Ore., who entered the navy hero recently. H0 wus born In Tokyo, N. D. A laughing hyeno escaped from a circus. You may find him Just behind you in a movie theatre, , SV OUR I m Ja men V cnuir.F csna t a wj j graduated W1 MUSICIAN Corporal Frank M Uergluiid, sou of Mra. Mary llerglund, BHD Walnut street, has been awarded a six months' scholarship In music at Whitman college, Wallu Walla. Ho will study bund Instruments and oili er advanced work, Corporal Rerglund from KU11S In 1037, and enlist ed as an avia tion inochiinlc TJTJ in Dec, 1041. titf no i nil nod oi Shnupard field, Tex., until Juno, 1042, when ho was sent to Sun Diego to study construction of U24 bombers. Ho then went to Suit Luko City and then to tha army air buso at '- Walla Wolla. Ho &t?&&icU wns transferred to tho bond which was being formed In No vember. Frank ployed In Miss Llllic Darby's first grudo school band for thrco years, and under Roy Coopcy at tho high school. He also played a baritone in the Sons of the Legion drum corps, and In the Eagles drum corps. John Schnobc), son of Mrs. Roso Schnobol of this city, Is working hard on second class exams in the United Slates navy, according to word received here. Young Schnobel is located at the novo! air station, Norfolk, Va. Mrs, Schnobel has a second son, George, now serving with tho army engineers. Both boys oro graduates or Sacred Heart acad emy and were former Herald and Nows carrier boys. Ray Darby, machinist mate first class, serving overseas with the Soabccs. Is now somewhere In tha Pacific, according to word received by Mra. Ray Darby of this city. Darby enlisted In Oc tober and ook his two months' basic training at Camp Kndicott near uavisvllle. K I. Ho is a former Copco employe. MERRILL Staff Sornivmt Glenn E. Chfkftf whn un, Inrinnl. cd into the service lust Juno, has mushed his basic training ns an aerial engineer at Blvthe. Calif.. and has received his silver wings. Ho concentrates his ef forts on kcenina a B-17 In trim Chase for 13 ycors was employed bv W. E. Hnnimnnrl nnH hi. .ill.. er, E, M. Hammond, and is well known In the Merrill community. A recent item from nn nmw SOUrt'fl Slated that All nn Kulv Jr., attended tha University of Oregon, This was an error. Ho uoiutca Oregon Stale college MERRILL Word has been re ceived here thot Earl (Junior) Hcaton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ilea" ton, former residents of Merrill, hns been hospitalized at Douglas, Ariz., where ho Is training us an air corns me chanic. Mrs. Hcaton. who with Mr. Hcaton Is now living In Val- icjo, recently visited Eurl who, QUICK, HAPPY RELIEF for Excess Stomach Acid Distress! faaoni STUART TABLETS contain tha vry Inrjitidtsntt e(ln uitxl by doctor to bring qulok, wloora rllal (ton tolcMrtdlaoiIioa dlitrM, oauiad hy atomaoh acidity altar attn.Q or di Ink lag. Dalloloui taatingj aiytolaka. No bolt la j no mixing, For won tUiful, blanad rolut from ? aotd aullar no. try tamoaa STUART TARGETS with on! dalay. "At all drag atoroa 2 So, 6O0 and $1,30 adar makat'a raonay-baok guaruUt," We Can Keep It Running for the Duration With YOUR Help! There IS a shortago of trained" mechanics, but here's 'how YOU can help. When you need work done on your car, telephone us a day or two ahead. Make an appointment just like you. would with your doctor or dentist. That will allow us to plan our work, ond save YOU loss of time and Inconvenience. Just phone 5103. A motor tune-up will give you more milci par gallon! Specialized Service UNITED MOTORS SERVICE when training became, rigorous found ho wus suffering from a leg and fool Injury contracted somo tlmo ago when ho played football on tho Merrill lilgh school teuin. llo Is reported to bo recovering satisfactorily and when able to truvel will have a SO-duy sick lcavo to visit his parents. Homer Hcaton Is employed us a machinist in a defense plant ut Vullejo and Mrs. Heiilon writes that men employed in tho plants PAGE THREE in the buy region arc really doing u fine Job In rushing work, Mrs. Hcaton Is employed In the Vul lejo postofflco but atutcs that they miss old friends at Morrill. Tho murlno corps received its first group of men, all former collcgo students, under tho war manpower commission's appor tionment Induction program yes terday, the Associated Press re ported Tuesday. Among them, inducted us a private and trans ferred to Sun Diego for trulning, Is William P. Reagan. 18, Lake view, Oregon State college fresh man football player last full. U. S. NAVAL TRAINING SCHOOL, Tucson, Ariz. Ensign Adolph Zamsky Jr., 27, of 429 North Second street, Klamath Falls, Ore., is among 478 naval reserve officers scheduled to graduate from this Indoctrina tion school, February 11. The son of Mrs. Charles J. Cizck, of 730 North Ninth street, Klamath Falls, Ensign Zamsky was an auditor with the city of Klamath Falls prior to entering the naval service. After attending Klamath Un ion high school, he matriculated to the University of Oregon at Eugene, graduating In 1040 with a degree in business administra tion and accounting. Phono The Herald and News, 3124, to place a classified ad. Cold Weather, Drunks Seem to Go Together The boys at the police depart ment say that cold weather brings li .he drunk; A lata reading of Monday's thermometer and the arrival of 10 drunks, one drunk and dis orderly and one vag, proved this theory, according to oificers. All appeared In police :our Tuesday; morning. Eight traffic tickets" were paid. . I Farmer Hera Jack Marshall, well known farmer of tho Olnna district, was a buslnesi visitor here Tuesday. WHEN COLD MISERIES STRIKE GotPonetroforooldt' I ACtfAit' ' ailHoa, coushs. Tha mmmJtmmm bUIoIomiaI vain mutton iutbM.2&-36o : a mm (Or Way i ''fian-fieadif." CLEANED and DRAWN SAFEWAY Sells 'em ! O Oranges California Sunklst Lb, OC Grapefruit Texas Pinks Lb. OC Lb.7c California Marsh Stedlen Lemons Sunklst Lb. llC TW .1 You ' don't have to " wait you se lect the chicken you want and it ready to go ready to cook! You don't pay for feet, head or "innards"! And each Bird is U. S. Graded and Inspected your guarantee of excellent flavor and delicious tenderness. FOWL FRYERS ROASTERS BROILERS Fresh Trotted J Colored Fryeri ; and Roasters j Young Chickens soft meat- fl( d, fender; guaranteed, lb. 0 - Fresh Frosted-Fowl I Colored Hens 62c ! Perfect Stewing Hens Fine Flavor ': Fresh Fronted Fowl Leghorn Hens n, ! Fine for Stewing or Frlcossei ( SHOP EARLY IN THE WEEK ..47-os. Can ..8-Os. Can 35c - oir The FAMILY CIRCLE ?, - FREE) Snr, A' Toe$. e otvft,1Y ,,,, r WAR STAMPS 000' ANP B0NDS luniaiu vuitc Llbbr's... Ovaltine Chocoi.t. .. Pr T Pak orange Pop. 32-Oi. Bottles ' 8c Canada Dry Sparkling Water 9n Bottla .. UC Brown Derby Beer 32,x. Botti, 26c Gold Brer Rabbit Molasses ,Q .12-Os. Class ...... Peanut Butter B, T)aast 2-Lh. Jar 49c Cider Vinegar 0id mui ... Duchess Salad Dressing Kraft Miracle Whip Mayonnaise Kraft i6.0l. Botu. 32c Phil. Cream or Pirn. Cheese ,? Regular Pkg - Bluhill Cheese SU. 14c Schil lings Spices tcL 2 lor 1 1 c Mustard. Q 23c Salt 8c 5c 25c 2-Lb. Jar i g.l 39c 24c 41c 6-Oi. Jar ' ...16 0x. Jar acco P'rSnc, Alberl, veit. i6 o. can 73c , Dog Food Maximum plain or lodisad... 28-ei. Pkg. A & H Soda. ........ M-Lb. Pkg. Troco Ma rganne pjtg. Shortening Jew,L . 3,Lb. eta. 61c Royal Satin Shortening 3.Lb. ci,,, 64c Sperry Vheathearts. 2j.0. pkg. 24c Shredded Ralston 12)I. Pkg, 13c Krumbles KeuogVs. 9-os. Pkg 2for23c Grape Nuts pkg. 2lor27c N.B.C. Shredded Wheat ? 9, Package : . forC PeaSGardenside. No. 2 can ..2ior25c TomatoeS Gard.nside. No. 2H can.. JC BeetS BIu, Tag Diced. No. 2 can IOC Beets Ulu. To Whola. No. i can ; I4c Pard Dehydrated. 8-01. Pks.2 for25c Save your WASTE FATS to make explosives! 1. Don'l'tlirow oway o single drop of used cook, jing fot bocon greose, meot drippings, frying jfots every kind you use. fAftcr you've got oil the cooking good from them, pour them through o (kitchen ' strainer into a clean, wide-mouthed can. Keep in a cool, dork plocc. Please don't use glass containers or paper bags. 2. Take Them to" your j meat dealer when you've saved a pound or more. He is co-operating patri-' otically. He will pay you for your waste fots and got them started on their, way to the war indus tries. It will help him if, you con deliver your fats early in the week. '3. The Need li Urgent War in the Pacific has greatly reduced our sup. ply of vegetoble fats from the Far East. - Fats make glycerine. And glycerine mokes explo. sives for us and our a 1 1 1 e s explosives to 'down Axis planes, stop their tanks, sink their ships. We need millions of pounds of glycerine. Quaker Oats Reg. Quick Large 24c Pskmg!u 12c Toilet Lava soap Soap The hand soop that Jorgcns really cleans medium Bar , bar ' 3 for 5c 20c DALE WOOD MARGARINE With Vitamin A Added Soap Su-Purb Unit Eggs, Chips 6ranu,0'ed Starch Grade Soap Moke, a A Lge. Crystal ,, . thin milky . .. whit 24-ox.pkg. ftujdwheh DoZt f on penetrates - Z0C the fabric 45C ' S-Lb. Pkg. 50-or. pkg. Bu,r, 42c 39c 10c j lTs'4 Lifebuoy Soap B. 3lor20c Duz Soap Powder i25 oi. pkg. 25c Ivory Snow 12M.0l Pkg. 23c Ivory Soap Flakes ......i254;oi. Pk3. 23c Vano .. ......;; Qut29c Clorox . ............:...32 0i. bohu 15c Brooms Brown Beauty Each 89c White Magic Bleach ...... Qt, Bolll, 10c Drano ia.o.."c2lc Idaho Red Beans .....5.Lb. Krait Big 45c Small White Beans 5-Lb. pkg. 45c Oleomargarine p.xkayi.Lb: pkg. 25c Baby Foods Gith-t . ....:.:..4h-os. ;c.n. 7c Cake Flour Swansdown l. Pk. 23c Matches Scot Tissue Swansdown Lge. Pkg. Favorite -...Carton 23c .. . Rolls 3 for 24C Softweve Tissue .:soo Sh..t Ron. 8c Facial Tissues at. ;.2oo;s 10c COFFEE that's Roaster Fresh Ground Fresh lb. bag EDWARDS Coffee ,b b.. 26c Ground to order- Extra rich, huh klAH aaa a mm riUU fllLL LOTTe?i9 cofre- oround Airway Coffee COFFEE STAMP NOW EFFECTIVE or (resit whsn you buy IU lb. D9 W i-Lb. Pkg. 21c SUGAR STAMP No. 11 Ooo4 far 3 Pm4 Pit Pttum W 1434 Main F. 1 Thru Marifi II Phone 5103.