Fobninry 8, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINB Hi !' ' n ni Aooicicn CULHOOITILU I ADS k Classified Index Aparlmriiti' for Unit U Auloiniitlre " limine Oiiiiorlunlllrs 4H Educational I3 Financial - Vor Hala or Trade ..... 8 Fual llrnlln Cirnrral Nnlk'fl Health IS llrln Wanted, Kcnial H Help Wmtert, Malt 1" llnuira For Urn! 2d Mwatin-k aiwl Poultry - 41 I.oat anil Kmiml H 3 Mlaecllancniit (or Unit ., IS Mlircllantnus lr Sale HO M Iti'ollaneoui Wanted J I Personals 0 tAltnl Kitale for Sal 80 iWneal Eitale Wanted . 82 Room and Hoard . SO Room for Kent 32 Rerrlcea ,...,....... 10 flllunllnne Wanted Id To Kxchanga 40 Transportation 8 SUBSCRIPTION RATKS Mall Rate) Paynble In Advance By. Mall In Klamath, Lake, Modoc and Siskiyou Counties Three Monthi 2.29 Six Monthi 3.23 One Year 6.00 H Delivered by Carrier In City Sif On Month t .75 N Three Months 2.25 SI One Year ' "... 7.50 Loit and Found V LOST Black and white female . Springer spnniei, o momns oia. - Reward. 2201 Garden. Phono fl 8272. 2 10 4 LOST Brown Icallier wallet a Reward. A. J. Lambert. 531 No. 8th. 20 fi PARTY getting green plaid Ul Mackinaw coat Saturday : : nlaht. January 23rd at Snow Ball donco, phone 8352 alter ' (I n. m. 2-8 Qanaral Notices $ 1 1 WILL NOT bo responsible for V ' ; l r M . . J V. .,,- j Bnx Ulna coilliauiv-u ujr amount, P-J other than mysen alter iou hi ruary 8. 1843. Edward A (. i Roberta. 2-10 Personals MONUMENTS Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works. .... lis So, 11th. Phone 6381 20 Services INCOME TAX RETURNS ex pertly prepared reasonable charges, we nave an lorms Bring last year's returns. Ap nointmenti evenings and Sun days. Suite 4, 323 Main, across from courthouse. Phone 8870 Evenings phone 6579 or 4438, W. B. Bowne, P. F. McLaren, 2-10 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN Phone 8483. 2-13 BLACKSM1THING and welding. Tractor, truck and farm mach Inery repair. Special built elevators, stackers and buck rakes. BROWN EQUIPMENT CO. 1040 So. 6th St. Phone 8247 , 4-23 CHIMNEY SWEEP. Oil burner service. Furnaces cleaned. J, A. Tufts. Phone 7140. 2-22 II PICTURE FRAMING Gooller'e, 230 Main. 2-14m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING,- Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allender, 731 Main, Room 216. Phone 7203. 2-1 6m PAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L. Brown, Phone 4226. 210m y HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict, UOYO, A-lflU CROSS CUT AND CIRCULAR SAWS should bo repaired now, Bodcnhamor Saw and Repair Shop. 351 E. Main. 2-20 i "PAPERHANGERS PAINTERS available. Goellor's, 230 Main. Phone 6704. 2-24 DRESSMAKING, formats and alterations, all kinds. Mnrgo, . Whytal'a balcony. 2-28 BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and patched.' People's Ware, house Bag Co. 4052tf I WILL OBTAIN your dolaycd birth certificate for you. Chas. "Hathaway. 120 No. 10th St., L Klamath Falls, Oro. 2-28 REFRIGERATOR, washing ma chine, vacuum cleaner parts and service, all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth, 2-28m FLOOR SANDING and reflnish Ing, .Clifford Golden. Phono 3D22. 2-28m BRING those crippled household appliances to us for first aid, OWashors, Ironers, refrigerators atld nil hftntnrfl anrvlnitri onrl repaired. VICTORY SERVICE CO. Ralph Fuller, New Manager 1005 Prospect ' Phones 6448 or 6173 3-1 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic cllnio. colon and rectal dis eases. 632, Main. Dial 7213. 2-2Hm 14 Help Wanted Female WANTED First-class steno grapher for busluass firm on Main street, permanent post tlon, excellent salary. This Is not the ad of your present employer. Write Herald-Nows Box 5. 3-10 WANTED Olrl or woman for housework In fine home,' three blocks from Moln. Your own nrlvntu nunrtara with radio. etc. Steady Job, good salary, room ond board. Phone 7i. 2-10 WOMEN Flno opportunity in telephone operating. No pre vious experience required good salary to start with, regu lar increases following. See Mrs. Brodle, 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m Paclflo Telephone and Telegraph Co., 120 No, 8th, 2-8 WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 4014. 485tf 18 Help Wanted, Male MAN OR WOMAN to handle good paying Watklns Products rout In nearby rural section, customers established, the J. R. Welkins Company, 4513 Hollls St., Oakland, Calif. 2-10 PAPERH ANGERS WANTED Phone 4037. 2-8 WANTED Barber. Stoady work, good wages, near air base. Joe s Barber Shop, Red mond, Ore, 2-11 18 Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phone 8043. 2-8 SEWING Any form shirt col lars, curia turned. 621 N. 9th. Phone 6240. 2-16 BABYLAND Caro of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 1104 Crescent. Phone 8341. 3-4m 20 Room and Board GENTLEMAN Nice home. 607 High. - 2-14 ROOM BOARD Gentleman. 504 No. 10th. 2-13 ROOM -BOARD 1841 Main. 2-26 22 Rooms For Rant MARS HOTEL 1411 Moln, by tho ormory. Steam heated rooms $3.50 week up. Tran lent $1. 2-21 NICE ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 211 ROOM 920 Lincoln. 4810U CLAREMONT. 228 North 4th. $4.00 week. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Inncrspring mat tresses. Freo parking. 2-28m CLEAN, i steam heated room. 310 So. 5th. . 3-1 ROOM FOR RENT 514 No. 10th. 2-12 ROOMS 1034 High. 3-5m 24 Apartmenta For Rent ONE-ROOM APT. with kitchen. ette and shower, electrically furnished. Corner Pine and Cedar. 2-10 LARGE 3-room apartment. Part ly furnished. 6886. 2219 So. 6th. 2-12 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING., 421 Oak. 2-12 FURNISHED 3-room apartment. Abundance heat. Garage, Ala meda Apt., 1800 Esp. 2-0 VACANCY Rex Armi apart menta, 224 Broad. Phone 5760. Now management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 2-8m ESPLANADE COURT apart menta. Furnished. ' Walking distance. 2-10 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotol service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, wook or month. Three blocks from city center. 2-1 lm FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 133 N. 10th. 2-13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Utilities furnished, 419 No. 10th. 2-16 LIGHT, CLEAN housekeeping room with kitchenette.. 248 Broad. 4048U R1VERVIEW Four nicoly fur nlshcd . rooms, with two bed rooms, olectrio range, refrlg erator. Phone 6452. 4047tf VACANCY Jacobs Apartments, Pino and Cedar. lOOtf THREE-ROOM furnished duplex - apartment. 121 So. 2nd. llOtf FURNISHED TWO ROOMS Bath. Two blocks off Main. ' 0121 High. 2-8 VACANCY Hot Springs Court, nn spring. 2-ii FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. Gas equipment, Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 117tf FURNISHF") four-room modern apartment. Two bedrooms. Bus line. Convenient to rail roads. Phone 7228. 136tf 19 24 Apartments For Rant FOR RENT 3-room furnished anurlment. Electrically equip ped. Close In. Couple. No nets. Inquire 802 Lincoln. Phone 3488. 2-10 TWO ROOM APARTMENT Electrically equipped. Adults No pets. 535 N. 11th. 4 lit! VACANCY Lee Apartments, 303 So. 6th. Phone 0047. 2-13 VACANCY Audley Apts., 8th and Walnut, 3 rooms, furnish ad. Phone 7243. 2-10 VACANCY Winter rat es Everything furnished. $3.60 weak up, 1404 Klamath Ave 212 26 Houas For Rant TWO-ROOM partly furnished cabin, $10. Inquire 3440 Board man, Cabin 6. 2-10 TRUCKS FOR RENT .You drive; move yourself, save Vi. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 8-7m FURNISHED HOUSE 5 rooms. Phon 5432. 2-9 GOOD, clean five-room house, hardwood floors, full rock basement, wood rang and furnace. Close In. Adults. Mrs. R, P. Breitensteln, Rt. 3, Box 250, Keno Road. 2-12 4-ROOM house, unfurnished ex cept range. 1548 Martin St. -2-9 FOR RENT Two-room house, $12.50. Everything furnished $18.30. 1125 East St. 2-8 SMALL MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Blehn. 4102tf FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Close in. Inquire 814 Lincoln. 4465U CLEAN 3-ROOM HOUSE Utll Hies furnished. 2000 Biehn. 2-27 3-ROOM DUPLEX New, large unfurnished or with electric stove, refrigerator, ' furnace. 1133 California. Phone 5638. 344tf BACHELOR CABINS Close In. $10 month. 810 So. 5th. . . 3-4 FOUR-ROOM house. Inquire 1537 Wilford, afternoons. 2-8 TWO-ROOM house, partly fur nished. Garage. $12.50. Adults. 1035 Dolores St., Hot Springs. 2-8 28 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT 40 acres good po tato land. Rt. 2, Box 678X, Bradbury Ranch, Henley dis trict. 2-9 FOR LEASE Mike Motschen bacher ranch in Lower Klam ath. 880 acres Irrigated. Priced low for cash. Crop share to re liable party. Arnold Mots chenbacher, 710 No. 11th. 2-12 DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY. Safety and protection. ' Cars are not moved br molested. 231 So. 11th, 2-1 lm 30 Real Estate For Sal Oregon Avenue Three-bedroom house with basement, newly papered, nice lawn, trees and shrubs, well fenced, good garage. $3230 $500 down and $35 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Sine 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 Members Klamath Realty Board 2-8 FOR SALE Restaurant-room, ing house with living quarters. Reasonable. Phone 8205. 2-10 FOR SALE Concrete tile build' ing, 50x100. In Medford. Good income. If Interested write C. G. Peebler, Medford, Ore. 2-11 EQUITY In modern four-room house. Venetian blinds. Good location, 1321 Wilford. 2-13 TWO-ROOM HOUSE, 1-3 acre ground, garage, woodshed and chicken house. 2010 Hope. 371U SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8491. 3-2 SIX ACRES good level Irrigated land on Lawevlew hiway with small house. Price ' $2500. $500 down. FIFTY ACRES good irrigated land, four miles from town on old Weed highway. No build ings. $7500. Terms. H. , E. Hauger, owner, 1330 Main. 2-10 CHEAP Equity 5-room house. Pavement, near bus and school. 717 Mitchell. 399tf FOR SALE 5 rooms, on paved street, oak floors, coved ceil ing, Venetian blinds, garage attached to house, nice yard. $3000. Box 439, Herald-News. -2-8 34 Automotive "i "rryfi.rLf-i.n n..ryijyrxrvxiLruf NEW CARS are still available for immediate delivery, For the largest selection of good , used cars and pickups see H. E. Hauger, Bulck Garage, 1330 . Main. 2-10 FOR SALE Pickup. 1933 Ford, Model B motor. New tires on rear, front tiros good. 1103 California. 2-8 34 Automotive rxnftnniTinr,iini-ini-.-,-ri-i-i i-r"--i-- - -I-,-,-,-,- -,-,--1- i- ' Wholesale Cash Prices For Export Cars Wanted - 15 Late Model Cars - Mostly 6-Cyl. Sedans - Must Be in Good Condi tion With Good Rubber These Cars Will Go to Essential War Workers in the Bay Districts. So If You Have Two and Don't Need But One, See Jim Douglas, Purchasing Agent, to Get Cash for Your Car Right Nowl Douglas Motor Co. I 734 Klamath Ave. Packard, Hudson, Willys Dealer All Chrysler Product Service 34 Automotive SPOT CASH For Your Car or Equity Cy Wallan's Used Car Lot 531 So. 6th Phone 5310 2-12 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut. Phone 7378. 3-8m WANTED TO BUY H4-ton late model truck. Lost River Dairy. 351tf 33 Fuel Hasting UNION BURNER OILS We keep your, storage tank full. Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404. 2-26m 38 Miscellaneous For Sal ,:, . Auction . Sale - Saturday Feb. 13, 1943, at 938 Upham street. Watch for complete list Thursday issue this paper. FOR THE BEST BUY IN TOWN in High-Grade Used Furniture, Stoves and Appliances try PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE, 2401 South Bth St., Klamath's Bargain Center. To day's hot special: 5 dandy ra dios. 5 fine davenport suites, with ateel spring construction. 10 fine bedroom suites. 20 nice wood ranges. 5 dandy electric ranges. 10 nice dinette sets. 10 wood heaters and cir culators. 8 nice dressers. 5 oc casional chairs. 20 fine floor lamps. 20 fine mirrors. 20 nice hassocks. 100 radio and coffee tables. , 100 nice steel beds. 50 nice steel springs 100 good mattresses. 2 large oil . storage tanks, 200 odd tools and shovels. 300 odd dishes and pans. We buy Used Merchandise. We. trade We Give Terms. Remember the place PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE, 2401 South 6th St phone 8469. 2-13 ELECTRIC RANGE, bed springs, mattress. Cheap. 3rd house west of Moore. Park. 2-9 GLASS Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim. ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Phone 7378. ... 3-6m FOR SALE One Postal Tele graph electric clock; one 36 in. Fluorescent light; one com bination desk set, one perfec tion oil heater; one 6-in. elec tric fan; one bassinette crib. Call at 221 Eldorado. 2-9 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joy er. 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 2-28 AVON PRODUCTS Dial 6691. 2-17 FOR SALE Caterpillar '30, 1938 Fordson. Box 116, Spra- gue River. 2-12 FARMERS We have lumber as low as $18 per thousand for your brooder house, barn, garage and other farm buildings. No down pay ment,' up to three years to pay. J. W. COPELAND YARDS 66 Main Phone 3197 . 2-11 FOR SALE Electric range. Priced for quick sale. Call 3159. 2-8 RUBBER STAMPS, Printed signs, made-to-order.' Commer cial printing, most reasonable prices. Goo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4;h. Phone 6632. 2-9 FULLER BRUSHES CALL 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. R. V. MORGAN. 2-8m DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 4951U FOR SALE 100 tons of alfalfa hay in stacks. , Inquire J. R. Taylor, Merrill, state line. 2-9 RADIOS Sell or trade. First house past Frankford'a wood yard, Bend highway. 2-6 36 Miscellaneous For Sal STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 2-28m FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown In with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month, SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 271U RIFLE AND SHOTGUN AMMU NITION Is now being made available to FARMERS, CAT TLEMEN, and SHEEPMEN for the killing of PREDATORS or RODENTS. This is an OF FICIAL WAR PRODUCTION BOARD set-up and you can place your orders at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO., 528 MAIN ST., KLAM ATH FALLS. FOR SALE 1000 lbs. Michael grass seed, $10.00 per hundred. K. C. Wilson, Malin, Ore. Phone 160. 2-12 38 For Sal or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 0-acre Improved ranch, on highway 5 miles from center of Klam ath Falls. Address Boxholder 4B79. Herald-News. 2-8 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Five-room house in good school district, Frank Clanton, Pacific Truit , 2-10 WILL PAY CASH for a pressure cooker, prefer 12 to 18-quart size. Phone 3291. 2-13 WANTED 8 mm electric pro- lector. Phone 6552. 2-10 WANTED Used pianos. Spot cash. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. 2-25 TRAPPERS We are paying top prices for coyote, musk rats, lynx cats. Geo. E. Upton, Raw Fur Dealer, Forest Grove, Ore 2-7 CASH FOR USED RIFLES 30-30, 25-35, and 32-20's. Pre ferably carbine models and in any condition. Bring them In for appraisal to SOUTHERN OREGON HARDWARE at 528 Main St. 4977tf WANTED TO RENT Cash or crop basis Olene. 44 ' Llvstock and Poultry FOR SALE OR TRADE-One 2-year-old registered Poland China boar. Also boar pies 20 tons 2nd cutting alfalfa hay. Bob Adams, Tulelake, Calif. 2-9 FOR SALE OR TRADE Guern sey heifer. Freshen March. Rt. 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 2-9 FOR SALE One young Guern sey cow, will freshen soon. Phone 5361 or 3426 evenings. 2-9 SEE US BEFORE selling your livestock to so-called shippers. we need- cattle and hogs here at home and it will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3503. 4970tf WANTED Cattle, sheep and hogs. J. D.' Beck ley. Phone 7334 evenings. 4953tf FOR SALE Saddle horses, well broke. Phone 4138. 2-8 a a e 3 so a i bo 48 Financial aiVa1aata See. Dinty Moore For . AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy . 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 ' 28m Farm . Box 35, 2-9 AfanJz&U and tyUtancial PROFIT TAKING CHIPS GAINS By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, Feb. 8 VP) Further profit cashing today chipped fractions off most stock market leaders without doing a great deal of damage to the list as a whole. Bonds were nar row. The direction was slightly up ward at the opening but plus signs soon were erased in many cases. While scattered spots of quiet strength persisted, minor declines predominated in the fi nal hour. Transfers approxi mated 800,000 shares. Sears Roebuck made a new high for more than a year in the forenoon, then backed Into losing territory. Western Un ion and General Motors also touched best levels for 1942-43. Ahead at intervals were Ameri can Telephone, Chesapeake tt Ohio, Goodrich, Deere, U. S. Steel, Johns-Manville, Interna tional Nickel and Westlnghouse. Closing quotations: American Can 781 Am Car & Fdy 29 Am Tel & Tel 1311 Anaconda 261 Cat Tractor 431 Comm'nw'lth & Sou ....716 General Electric 33 General Motors ... . .. 47 Gt Nor Ry pfd 231 Illinois Central . 81 Int Harvester .... 531 Kennecott . ... 31 Lockheed ; 181 Long-Bell "A" 61 Montgomery Ward ..... 37 Nash-Kelv . 6i N Y Central 121 Northern Pacific . . ... 81 Pac Gas & El 26 Packard Motor 31 Penna R R 251 Republic Steel 131 Richfield Oil 81 Safeway Stores . 361 Sears Roebuck 63 Southern Pacific . 16i Standard Brands SI Sunshine Mining ; 41 Trans-America 61 Union Oil Calif 171 Union Pacific 841 U S Steel ...... 501 Warner Pictures 9 BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Feb. 8 (AP-USDA) Purchases of early shorn lamb's wool were reported from New Mexico at an FOB grease price of 37 to 40 cents. Estimated shrink was 58 per cent. Fed wools from the middle west were offered at grease prices of JB to 42 cents, delivced. Aver age weekly consumption of ap parel wools for December on a scoured basis was 11,364,000 pounds, compared to 11,097,000 pounds lor November. American soldiers,' equipped with the best equipment the World can produce and led by men who have proven them selves in battle, shall be vie- torius. President Roosevelt. 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS . t WAYS TO OET A CONSUMER CASH LOAN VBOVS WR1H . COMB llf Toil oied oo oo-iDr or aodonert to st a coniumw Joan THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1 INCOME LOANS Od your not only. Ho wift iitfa. merit. No co-ilenert. , NO. 1 FURNITURE LOANS Your character It morn tmpoitut than the furnltur HitU. NO. -AUTO MANS 20 to 9&00 uh loftni tnd nil niacin j. CONSUMERS CREDIT ' COMPANY StJ) Phone 7711 ttsm 720 Pine St. First Federal Has Plenty of Money a Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms :- Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ond LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main ' Phone 5195 2-28m LOANS Established 8 Years in . Klamath County Furniture Loans Signature Loans Livestock Loans $25 to $300 Rogers Finance Co. S-189 412 Main Dial 5113 2-28m WANTED TO LOAN Private money on farm acreage. Must be well secured, Box 74, News Herald. 2-10 FROM MARKET LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 8 fAP-USDA) CATTLE: Salable 950, total 1050; calves salable and total 80; market active, strong to 25 higher, bulls 25-50 up; medium to good fed steers $13.75-815.50; few common steers $10.50-$12.50; medium to good heifers $12.25-114.00; com mon heifers 9.00-$ 11. 00; canner and cutter cows 6.50-$8.25; medi um to good beef cows $10.00 $12.00, young cows up to $12.50; medium to good bulla mostly $12.00-$13.25, odd head $13.25 50; good to choice vealers $14.50- $15.50, extreme top $16.00. HOGS: Salable and total 1000; market steady with Friday or 50 below week ago; good to choice 180-230 lbs. largely 15.50; few trucking down to $15.25: 235-310 lbs. $14.50-$15.00; light lights mostly $14.50-75; good ' sows $13.75-$14.00; heavy feeder pigs $14.25-75; choice lightweight quotable to 15.50. SHEEP: Salable and total 830; market steady; good to choice fed wooled lambs $15.00; strictly good to choice carload quotable to $15.50; fed shorn lambs with No. 1 pelts $15.00; medium to good lambs $13.50-$ 14.50; cull to common lambs $8.75-$11.50; good ewes up to $11.00, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 8 (AP-FSMN) Cattle: sal able 200. Steers absent, medium to good, quoted $14.50-15.50; mostly nearby she-stock run, canners to common cows strong, few 1290 lb. $10.25, package common range cows $10.00, about load 947 lb. cutters $9.00, few canners $7.50-8.25; good bulls absent, quoted $12.00 12.50, common kind $10.25 10.75. Calves: 10. Steady; 157 lb. vealers $15.00. Hogs: salable 200. Steady to 10c lower; few packages good 185-235 lb. barrows and wilts $16.00; about one-third feeder pigs; good sows $14.25 down. Sheep; salable 4p0. undertone fully steady; good to choice lambs quoted $15.00-75; medium to choice ewes $8.25-9.25. ' WHEAT CHICAGO, Feb. 8 VP) Hedge selling which apparently came from the southwest caused a minor decline in wheat prices to day. Other grains mainly fol lowed the bread cereal lower. Traders said reports from southwestern markets Indicated holders of "free" wheat were of fering it more readily. It was also considered likely that more wheat under government loan was being redeemed and offered in the open market. Some grain men felt produc ers would be giving more atten tion, from this point on, to clean ing out their farm storage. This was particularly true, it was said, because it appeared the new wheat crop was coming through the winter in satisfac tory condition. Wheat closed on the lows, off i-i. May $1.39 1-1, July $1,391 1, corn was 1-1 lower, May 971-1 oats dropped , 1-1 cent, rye lost 1-11 and May soybeans were off 2 cents. Auction sales originated in Italy. The allied forces are go ing to see to it that they keep right on howling. KLAMATH Carload Potato Shipments (Figures from State-Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey) " Day of ' ' Month Season 1942-43 Season 1941-42 Feb. Feb. to Season Feb. to Season Dally Date to Date Daily Date to Data T 21 21 5407 T T 5085 . 2 28 47 5433 24 2S 8109 3 30 77 5463 27 52 8138 4 18 93 5479 21 ' 73 8157 5 32 125 5511 18 89 V5173- 6 35 160 17 106 8190. 5546 . 7 0 160 21 127 8211 I- J ' 2 129 8213 9 21 150 -8234 lb- - - 237 173 8257 11 - 23 196 ' 6280 12 20 216 8300 13 ' 18 232 ' 6316 14 liT 230 6334 15 ' 0 250 f 6334 16 15 268 , 6340 " - - : 22 ' 287 6371. 13 , . 21 308 '6392 19 13 ,321 5408 20 13 334 i 8418 21 - ' 10 344 ' 6428 22 T 344 0428 . . fl 390 8434 24 . ; 14 ' 364 6448 28 " " 14 '. 378 ' 8462 " 26 10 ' 388" "6472 27 . 18 "403T , 6487 " 28 ' ' T . 12 . . 415 " fc, 6499 " CANYON CITY, Feb. 8 (ZD Severe winter weather and an acute hay shortage threatens considerable portion of Grant county's livestock, cattlemen and sheep raisers said today., Early winter feeding' was necessary this year because stock came in from the range in poor condition, they said. Heavy snow and extreme cold during January further depleted hay supplies. ' Most ranchers are' feeding from their last haystacks and attempts to obtain quantities of hay from nearby counties have been unsuccessful. Deer, forced down to lower levels than usual, have eaten much hay from ranch stacks. - .. 1 Sheepmen fear that lambing, due this month, will result in considerable losses unless spring breaks soon. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ort., Feb. S (AP)-BDT. TKR Print. A undt, tl!4 lb. la pareh Di.nt wraojKM, H'Ac to cartoni; B grid., ila In parchment wrappen, 62o la cartoni. BUTTERPAT Klr.t quality, maximum of of 1 per cent acidity delivered in Port land. K-i2J,io lb.; premium quality mil Imum of Ji of 1 per cent acidity, M-Mo lb. i talley route and country polnta, la leaa than flrat or AOo; aecond quality at Portland So under tint or K-M'Ac. CHEESE-gelllns price to Portland n tallera: Tillamook triplet,, Sle lb. : loaf, 32c lb.; triplet, to wholeaalara, IM lb. loaf. 90c r.O.B. Tillamook. EGGS Nominal price to retallera: A targe. 40c; B large, )c; A medium, iOe; ' B medium. SSc: A amall, SZc LIVE POULTRY Buying prtoea: Xs. 1 grade Leghorn broilera. 1U to lb., 3Sc: colored fryer, under V$ Iba., SSc; do 14 to a lbs., 28c: colored roaitert,- over i lbt 29c; Leghorn hen, under SU lb.. SOel over 3I3 lb., SSc; colored hen, I to S lb.; S!4c; over S Iba., SSc; No, grad htna, 5c le; No. S srada, lOc-le; rooaUr, IDc lb. DRESSED TCRKETS Selling price 1 Country dreeled hena, s5c; packera1 atoeka hen. No. 1, 3eo eaah-carry; larga ton, over 20 lbi ste'eavh-carry. . RABBITS Average country killed. IcMOa. ONIONS Green, S1.10 dot. bunches; Ore gon dry. 11.74; Idaho larga, 11.80; Yakima, 1.74 SO-lb. bag. COUNTRY MEATS Selling prlea to! f taller: Country killed bog, beat butchers, . 120-149 lb.. 24c; vealera, fancy, 23o .lb.; good, heavy, 16-lse fb.t eanner-cuttar oa (new celling), lsiio lb.; bulla (new ceiling). I7c; lb.; lamb. t7c lb.; rwe., good, 1M lb.: ewe, poor, 10c. . ' HAY Buying price on cars: Alfalfa; -Tfo. I. SM.00; No. 2. S32.00-SS.OO ton; oat-vetch, SM.OO ton. valley point: timothy (valley). -S30.00; do Eastern Oregon, SS5.0Q, ton f clover. S3O.0O too. Gossips have a habit of going at it hammer and tongues; A beautiful. room costs only THE MIRACIK WALL fTNtSfl BIG BASIN LBR. CtV Mala fc Spring -fe Phone 3144 " BASIN Ml iv.. .,ma