VMHHnnim i mmmv By WEI) QUD12RIAN "IS After discussing th situation thoroughly with our severe! limiting friends, we have decided (hut iliulli or no ihll Hi ten- ron on duck and g a t should be op uncrl a i uiuiil thin full, Pro- ' tlciilly all Mrt- ou huntori are not worried about getting holla to ihoot tha iiimi with Ouderlan thla (all, but lira concarnad ba- 9 cam lomi publicity-patriot Q light get tha Idea tha season hould ba closed and railroad i through a law to that affect. I Nelson Reed, ace Klamath county hunter, . . 'tea with ua In i fact when he ... : "You have asktd for an Inv I partial discussion of whether ; we ihould have a duelc aeaion i next fell, becaute of the short- aoe of ahella. Now We, let'a j 'pet over our boota before daylight', and 'keep them In ; range.' "There la no aueh thing aa .i an Impartial discussion of whether there ahould be a duck aeaion. No duck hunter ' , can dlscuts .that question dlt- I passionately. ' . "My anceitori wera run out .5 of merry old England one Jump ahead of the hangman tor poaching on the Klng'a i domain. Hunting with ua la ; elemental) it'a a biological -urge, If you will. It'a not i aomethlng you give up Juit O becaute of obttaclts prnented by a ahortage of ihellt, or bunch of bureaucrati or a law even. "Let'a not get maudlin about aavlng the ducka for the , boys In the army. We went ', through the ll war and. we i didn'l begrudge anybody at I home hie burning. We were 1 doing, a. lot of 'hunting' our- aelvaa. "Up thare en the Mus near ; Verdun after the Armiatlce we '. went on a couple of weird duck hunta, believe It or not. We borrowed an ancient mutate loader from a 'poilu' acquaint ance, ruttlld a bag oi ahot i and atole tome powder from Uncle Sam. We aneaked down I along the flooded ilought and right there where he ahould have been wet an old 'tongue i tied'' Creenheed and hit Onolty mate, looking u U they had Juit flown In from the Upper Klemath Marth. "And we met tome other 5 duck hunters, too. Not the t 'tome Sunday' kind, you can J bet, for the going in the ice 3 water was plenty tough with r out eny rubber boots. Those J boys were the 'game' we had been hunting e few dayi be- fore. 'Good' German boys, U we may stick our necks out end say to. At leatt they i gained our respect. "They did not let a thortege of shells keep them from hunt i .Ing, not those boys. They 5 were armed with 'potato i .mathera,' those damnable Gtrmen handgrenedes. They would sneak up close enough mm T to a huddle of ducks and tthaAva one and tha destruc- "lion compared favorably with ?4 a ion gauge magnum loaava :3 : 1 1. n . i - u. . u . we ail were lor xrein meei v Choynski Gave Away Tons of Weight and Went in the Ring To Knock or Be Knocked Out i . . First of six artlclos .J H HARRY QRAVHON a t niin etrvici opens bailor k Joseph B. Choynski, who i pu3.ica away in iuicinnHU me j other day, perhaps wa the best 7jj little men among heavyweights i-i in inn nintnrv nr th rinu. Although ha never weighed Oiuro uiun xoo pouncis wnen ne as at his peak, Joe Choynski rt-i .uukiiv biiwii bji iwjiB auu oilinil JS " weight as though It were con fetti. Bob Fltzslmmons weighed no more, but Choynski did not have the advantage of Ruby Robert' freakish build. Choynski became legendary figure largely because of (1) hi 27-round knockout by James J. Corbett on the barge of Benecla, Calif., In 1689, and (3) the feat In the sere and yellow of hi career of knocking out the later to be peerless defensive fighter and world champion, Jack John son, In Galveston in 1001. NEVER A DULL MOMENT "But Choyntkl' memory live because ho was a fearless devest ing punoher who went Into the ring to knock out or ba knocked out. , i wNo warrior could afford to Oormit Choynski to beat him to is draw. Flstlana never had a mora spactr.oular performer. Scaling no more than 182, ha held the 230-pound Jim Jeffrie to a 20-round draw in San Fran cisco In 1807. That perhaps wti , his Unest .accomplishment, al 1 Daddy Mi Br'v;iM:J,te bat. Joe Louis, shown above acting at second for boxers at Fort Riley, Kant., Is the latner of a new baby girl. Jim Coffroth. Boxing Dean, Passes Away SAN DIEGO, Calif., Feb. 8 UP) Jim Coffroth, the man who eased tome of Twentieth Cen tury boxing' early growing point, died over the weekend. Private funeral services for "Sunny" or "Sunshlno Jim" aa ho was known by man from coast to coast who hailed him as the dean of American boxing promoter will be held tomor row afternoon. He will be cre mated. Born James W. Coffroth, he acquired hi nickname, old tlm era said, because the sun Invar iably shone for his champion hip outdoor boxing matches, the mot famous of which prob ably was the 1003 rematch bo tweon Gentleman Jim Corbctt and Jim Jeffries In San Francis co. Jeffrie won. He died at his suburban Lorn a Portal home Saturday afternoon at the age of 70.. Ho suffered a heart attack Janunry 29 and had been In a grave condition since. Whitman Wins From Portland WALLA WALLA, Feb. 8 VP) The Whitman collego Misslowir les won their second straight game from Portland university bn.ikL'tbnll team lion SnUirdny night. 68-42. The Whilmanltcs led 33-19 at the hnlf and were never In danger as their oppon ents never found the range to the baskets. we could even forgive them for ground sluicing. "So I lay. Wet, you can't atop a real duck hunter from hunting duckt juit because there Is a thell shortage. So let's not make him simply break one more law by closing the season." Yes, Mr. Reed hits a Jackpot there. Most hunters we know are not concerned with ammuni tion, only an open season. They pray each night that a wild eyed congress doesn't tako that away from them. And, in the light of a war year with meat shortages, crop damage, fewer hunters and such forth, it seems only the smart thing to do give them a chance to get those ducks and goesol though he wa magnificent In dropping a 20-round decision to Kid McCoy, In holding that re markable sharpshootor oven, and on many other occasions. Choynski gave the 325-pound Ed Dunkhorit, the Human Freight Car, 160 pound and pasting. He exchanged knockouts with Jim Hall, the Australian who In turn swapped them with Fltz Immons. He reversed a knock out at the thumping fists of Peter Maher. THEY REMEMBERED HIM He had Fltx out In match the police stopped In Boston. Jim Jeffries, Jack J o h n o n and numerous other famous fighters oredit him with hitting tham the hardest punches of their careers, Jeff and Johnson relate how he nearly tore their heads off with left hooks, They said Choynski had a gloss Jaw, but when he was knocked out he was knocked out by experts ... of all descriptions, shape and sliet Jim Corbett, Jot Ooddard, Hall, Maher, Mc Coy, Joe Walcott, Tom Sharkey and Kid Carter. Choyntkl wa tuch an out standing fighter that In 18BS he greed to top Tom Sharkey In eight round, and lost because ha failed to do to. Bob FIlMlmmon ald: "Tha bigger thy are tha hrder they ftll." Joe Choynski had the snme Idea. NEXTl Joe Choyntkl' Ufa lent feud with Jim Corbett. Kebrtmry 8, 1043 Pelican Hoopmen Take Bend in Series Sweep Klamaths Win Saturday Night, 50-29; Play Ashland This Weak Klamath' Pelican hoopmen went on (coring, bender to Bond Friday and Saturday, sweeping both game with huge scores. On Saturday night, the Pelicans enme through with a SO to 28 win, following their 80 to ZD victory Friday night. The Klamath started up the ladder a soon as the game opened Saturday, and by half-time hud built up a 27 to 8 lead. Coach Wayne Scott played his second team throughout the lust quarter and used all 10 men against the Bears. Bend's zone defense was weak and the Pelican seeped through constantly to (Ink cripples. Young wa a giant off both backboard In both game, and Klamath usually had the ball after any missed shot. Welch and Bocchl played NEW YORK, Feb. 8 m Bar ring a decision to freeze the bas ketball rules for the duration, tho folks who stepped up the speed of tho game to Its present pace may got around to chang ing the four-fouls-and-out rule this year. . . . There's been a lot of talk about allowing five or even three in each half and two more voices recently added to the clamor are those . of Ed Diddle, western Kentucky coach, and Dave Tobey, veteran New York official... . . Tokcy points out that the original rule al lowed one personal foul In each quarter but since then the game has been changed to add from five to eight minutes of playing time, giving a player more chances to commit fouls. GOING TO THE DOGS The war dog fund, which Is collecting money to linsnce the "dogs for defense" move ment, has worked out a plan of awarding honorary mili tary titles to' civilian oanine contributors. , . . For $1 yeur pooch can get a membership tag and a certificate designat ing him as a private) Si makes him a sergeant, etc. ... So far, .there's no provision for enlisting the family pet, femi nine gtndo ', as a WAAC or WAVE. MONDAY MATINEE The Baltimore Orioles are considering a 10 p. m. curfew for night brnieball games because after that time street cars will have to go down town to haul war workers... . . Since he won tho bantamweight title last Au gust, Manuel Ortiz has done all right as one of the solid pillars of El Ccntro, Calif. He owns a 160-acre ranch, three trucks, a billiard parlor and is backer of a Softball team. . , . And, speaking of El Ceutro, the Pirates traveled 8S03 miles last spring to train there and got back for the start of tho season. This year, training at Muncle, Ind., and opening at Chicago, their whole trip will be only about 800 miles. SERVICE DEPT. After Marine. Major Bob Galer, former University of Washington basketballer who has shot down 13 Jap planes at Guadalcanal, was brought down himself for the third time, he reported to his com manding offlceri "Sorry, sin if I keep this up I'll be Jape, nese ace." , , . Benny Santiago, Pacific coast middleweight now stationed at Qelgor field. Wash., may ba matchtc' with Al Hottak for bout at Beat tie. . , . Norfolk naval train Ing station baseball fan arc wondering how they'll get Phil R I a a u t o and Peowea Reese into their Infield this year and how to divide the pltohln- ehore between recently-arrived Hugh Casey and Walt Mastarson, . May be they'll have to farm out a few player to Great Lake. ' Husky Skien Beat Cougars SPOKANE, Fob. 8 MP)-Unl-verslty of Washington skiers edged out a team from Washing ton Stnta 1584.9 to 184B.BS In a threo day ski meat on Mount Spokano officials who were un able to reach telephone because of heavy mows, t" closed her last night. First places were evenly di vided. 'For Washington Strom took the Jumping event and Smith the cross-country, N, Lavlgna won tha slalom and-0, Lavigne the, downhill for Washington State. -. I yfH Sport$ r.; ! yj Briefs I Jfr r Fullerton, Jr. PAGE SEVEN their usual good garnet, and Foster thone Saturday night. The Pelicans, home Monday, began work-out for a series with Ashland the coming week' end. They defeated the Griz zlies twice her and are favored to take the series. On February 16, the Klam ath will Journey to Lakevlew for a second game with the Honkers. Saturday Bend: KF Welch (8) night summary at Pos. ...f ...t ...e ..-g- Band Prince (5) Glllis Cronln (4) Weber (3) Wood (6) Haupt (6) Worte (1) Conroy (3) .... Young (6) .... Bocchi (15) .. Foster (3) .... Bollottl (6) .. Cox (6) , Bigger (4) ... Smith Pope (8) , a Play-offs In H. S. Hoop Races Slated KF To Ploy Winner of South Oregon Loop; ' March Date Set By MATT KRAMER Associated Press Staff Writer Plan for the revitalized dis trict high school playoffs, larger versions of tho old district Jousts, were taking form today as Oregon teams entered the last month of play before the title tournaments. The playoffs, resulting . from Die re-zoning plan that cuts the number ot state tournament en trants from 16 to 8, are sched ulcd for the first week in March. In effect combining the old district playoffs with the first round, of the tourney at Salem, they will give towns throughout Oregon a look at a brand of basketball usually seon only in the tournament. No longer will such tourna ment perennials as Astoria, Klamath Falls and Eugene have easy entry. Thoy will have to go through stiff playoits. Here Is tho situation: District 2 Sub-district play offs are tentatively planned with Mllton-Freewater, H e rm 1 s ton and Pendleton competing for the right to meet the win ner of a Hood River-The Dalles series. The ultimate winner would play Prhmville, which defeated Redmond, 39-35, last weekend, to win the old sua district 3 title. District 3 A three-game ser ies is tentatively scheduled March 1, 3 and 5 between the winner of old district 9, and the winner In the former district 14. District. An eight-team tournament is planned for Ore gon City. District 8 Astoria' Fisher men, defending state champions who downed Salem twice last weekend, 25-21 and 26-27 to ex tend their string of victories to 10, strongly favored. Seaside and Tillamook of old district 10 alio in the running with for mer district 8 teams of Amity, McMlnnvllle, Newberg, snen dan and Wlllamln. District 6 Play-off plan un announced, but Eugene, favored in louthern part of diitrlct; Al bany, favored in northern part, which include Corvallis, Leb anon, Sweet Home and Toledo. District 7 Triple playoff planned end perhaps will be the mot closely contested of all. Madford uptat Rotaburg twice latt weekend. 30-28 and 88-33, to move Into a tl with Rotaburg for saeond place In the eld district 4. Grant Pat la a tep ahead. The eventual winner will meet Klamath Fall and the winner oi the eld diitrlct tourney. chd tiled at North Band Tab. 21 and 7. North Bend I ttrong ly favored In thl latter tour nament, which In elude Marthflald, Myrtle Point and Coqutll. . . Diitrlct 8 Salom, tha host team. ' TRUCKS TOR RBNT You Drive Move Younelf Save H Long end Short Trip STILES' IIACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1301 Cut Main A Natural Under the Basket - a r. WW u Eight and three are 11, and 7-foot-ll Sid Often I natural un der basket for Bowling Green O., university. Better on defense than offense, towering center simply bat out would-be goals. Teammates are Joe Slegfertb, left, and Capt, Mike Kith. . Roosevelt's B Hold Lead in Roosevelt's B basketeer stlll- hold their lead In the grade school loop today after week end play. - Tho Teddies swamped Pelican, 22 to 5, on the high school floor Saturday. They led 16 to 3 at the half. Jerry Smith, Gary Smith and Jim Carter, all of Roosevelt, led the scoring with six points apiece. Fremont B defeated Conger, 11 to 8, in a hardf ought game. At the half, Conger had a 3 to 4 edge. Danny Darah of Fre mont kept his team ahead in second half scoring, making five points. He was high point man for the game with seven points. Guyer of Conger made 4. Roosevelt C won from Pelican C, 8 to 5. The Roosevelts had Tight Race Continues In North No Sure Guess Yet On ; Division Loop Winner; Vital Game This Week . Xorttteni dliltlnn standings: W. U 1M. For Asnt .715 sio Washington . Oregon Orrgon Stnt ldhe s .e ' 8 si; 4 -wo S2i sor J00 - M9 STO I .lit tit SSI By The Associated Press ' . Indications were today that the Northern division basketball race would come right down to the stretch before the eventual winner could be predicted with any finalty. The most important series of the current season, the Washing ton-Washington State clashes, now is In the record books and the battling Is tighter than ever. Washington State remains on top of the heap, with only a half game cushion between them and the challenging Huskies. The Cougars took their Friday contest here 41-37 and Washing ton supporters were downcast. But Saturday the Huskies show ed a startling reversal of form, winning 72-34 In a fashion which filled Cougar partisans with for boding when the thought of the next two Husky-Cougar meet ings in Pullman next Friday and Saturday. Oregon and Oregon State again are tied for third place. Oregon State, defending coast conference tltleholder, kept In the race by taking two from Ida ho over the weekend, 48-32 and 57-51. Oregon was idle over the weekend but meets Idaho in games tonight end Tuesday nights at Eugene. Friday and Saturday the two Oregon teams meet, the first game at Corvallis, the second at Eugene. Fan talk throughout the con ference now, however, centers on the impending Washington Washington State series which can virtually settle the race once and for all. The Cougars had the Washington fire alarm game slowed down to a trot Friday night and Saturday night found themselves literally run off the floor. This startling contrast In suc cessive night's play ha expert' eyes rolling wildly and few but the warmest partisan will ven ture any predictions. SONS LOSE ASHLAND, Feb. 8 (P) Hum boldt State college ot Areata, Calif., edged the Southern Ore gon College of Education basket ball team here Saturday night, 88-85. When In Madford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anne Barley. Proprietor ? 5-7' ova-A- i". 14 u u u Basketeers Grade Loop a 6 to 0 lead In the half, but In the second half the Pelican found themselves and outscored their opponents. Dave Hamilton of Roosevelt led the scoring with six points. Lcignt standings! A Uagua CP Won Lost Prt. Ttlrritw t I 0 l.MO Itoosertlt ' 0 I WO Fremont 0 1 .000 Mills 0 0 0 Jfl Rltarslda 0 0 0 .000 B Lmcim GP Won lost Pet. s t 0 LOO0 Roosevelt Riverside Mills Fremont . Falrvlew I 1 I 1 S 1 S 2 LOOO xa sm MO Conger relican 0 Luiua OP Woo lost Pet. t 0 1.000 i i o 1.000 S .It J00 S 0 S .000 Falrrlew . Mills Roosevelt Pelican - Fremont J 0 .000 This week's games: Conger B vs. Falrvlew at Fairview on Wednesday. Riverside A and B vs. Mills at Riverside on' Wednesday. Pelican B and C vs.. Fremont at high school gym on Saturday. Riverside A and B vs. Roose velt at high school on Saturday. Willamette, ; v Beats P. U. r PULLMAN, Feb. 8 . VP) Ar thur B. (Buck) Bailey, complet ed 17 years of service in 'the Washington State college ath letic department Sunday when he boarded a train for the navy pre-flight training school at Cha pel Hill, N. C. Bailey, assistant football and baseball coach for the Cougars, will be commissioned a lieuten ant In the navy's physical educa tion staff. Notice of Sale of Foreclosed Property (Continued From Page 6) K. F.--Second Lot 1, Block 23 ...$75.00 Lot 2, Block 23 m...$50.00 Lot 3, Block 23 . $50.00 K. F. Second Lot 5, Block 23 $50.00 Lot 6, Block 23 $30.00 K. F. Second Lot 21, Block 23 $125.00 Lot 22, Block 23 ..$125.00 Lot 23, Block 23 $123,00 Lot 24, Block 23 .. $125.00 K. F. Second Lot 3, Block 28 ..$75.00 Lot 4, Block 28 ... $75.00 Lot 5, Block 28 $75.00 K. F. Second Lot 4, Block 31 . $75.00 K. F. Second Lot 13, Block 31 $25.00 K. F. Second Lot 13, Block 31 ....$75.00 Lot 14, Block 31 . $75.00 Lot 15, Block 31 $75.00 Lot 18, Block 31 $75.00 K. F. Second Lot 17, Block 31 $50.00 Lot 18, Block 31 $50.00 Lot 18, Block 31 $25.00 Lot 20, Block 31 . $25.00 K. P. Second Lot 31, Block 31 $25.00 Lot 22, Block 33 $25.00 Lot 23, Block 81 $25.00 Lot 24, Block 81 ..,...,...$25.00 K. F. -Second-Lot 5, Block 35 $78.00 Lot 8, Block 35 ...... $75.00 K. F. Second Lot 8, Block 37 ........$600.00 K. F. Second Lot 3, Block 38 ......,...$178.00 Lot 4, Block 38 $175.00 K. F. 6th St, Addn. SH Lot 17, Block S, and Lot 18, Block 8 $225.00 K. F. 6th St. Addn. Lot 12, Block 4 $1500.00 K, F. The Terraces- Lot 8, Block 4 $375.00 K. F. The Terraces- Lot 7, Block 4 $375.00 Fairfield Lot 4tt. Block,! $50.00 Fairfield tot IS, Block t , 8100.00 1 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 10, Block 1 ...75.Q0 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 11, Block I .-.....78.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 12, Block 1 $75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 13, Block 1 ......75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 14, Block 1 ...8125.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 10. Block 8 ...........650.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 31, Block 3 878.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 23, Block 8 875.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 35, Block 8 .......$76.00 K. F, Rivervlew Lot 27, Block 3 ....$78,00 K. F Rivervlew Lot 2D. Block 3 .......$75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 8, Block 4 $75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 10, Block 4 ......$75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 12, Block 4 $75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 14, Block 4 $75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 16, Block 4 $200.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 17, Block 4 . $75.00 K. F.- Rivervlew Lot 18, Block 4 . i $75.00 K. 7. Rivervlew Lot IB, Block 4 .... $75.00 K. T. Rivervlew Lot 20, Block 4 ...$78.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 22, Block 4 . $78.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 21, Block 4 ,.. $75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 23, Block 4 ....$118.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 11, Block 8 .. K. F. Rivervlew Lot 12. Block 8 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 13, Block 5 K. F. Riverview Lot 14, Block 5 $75.00 K. F. Riverview Lot 16, Block 8 $7C.OO K. F. Riverview Lot 17, Block 5 $78.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 18, Block 6 . $75X0 K. F. Riverview Lot 19, Block 5 $75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 20, Block 8 $75.00 K. F. Riverview Lot 22, Block 8 $168.00 K. F. Riverview Lot 1, Block 6 $200.00 K. F. Rivervlew . . , Lot 2, Block 8 $78X0 K. F. Riverview Lot 3, Block 6 $75.00 K. F. Riverview Lot 11, Block 6 $75.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 2, Block 7 ...$115.00 K. F. Rivervlew Lot 3, Block 7 $115.00 K, F. Riverview Lot 4, Block 7 $115.00 K. F. Riverview Lot 5j Block 7 . -.$115.00 ...$115.00 $115.00 K. F. Riverview Lot 7, Block 7 .. K. F. Riverview Lot 15, Block 7 K. F. Riverview Lot 20, Block 7 $75.00 Lenox Lot 13, Block 2 ,.,.$115.00 Stewart Lot 20, Block 1 $75.00 Stewart Lot 22, Block I ...$75.00 Stewart Lot 9, Block 3 .$115.00 Stewart Lot 9, Block 14 -..$75.00 Terminal City Lot 8, Block 18 $15.00 Lot 6, Block 18 $15.00 Terminal City Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 19 ... . $60.00 Terminal City Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 19 . $60.00 Terminal City Lota 1, 3, 3, 4, Block 24 $60.00 Terminal City Lot 3, 6, 7, 8. Block 24 . :.$60.00 Terminal City Lot 1, 2, 7, 8, Block 25 ...$60.00 Bly Not Flatted Frac. Lot 2, dese. deed vol, 08, pg. 324 In Sec. 3, T37, SR14EWM $320.00 Bonanza First Lot 11, Block 14 $40.00 Bonanza First Beg. at SW cor. Lot 7, Blk. 20 1st Addn.; th. Sly. along Market St. 35'; th. Ely. at ra to Market St. 140 ft.; th. NEly. par. to Mar ket St. to SE cor. Lt. 7; th. Wly along S. line Lt. 7 to beg Bonanza First Lot 1, Block 21 Lot 2, Block 21 Lot 3, Block 21 ...$80.00 ....$25.00 ..$35.00 o nn Bonanza Bowne Lot 1, Block 47 Lot 3, Block 47 Bonanza Bowne Lot 6, Block 47 Lot 7. Block 47 ..$40.00 ..$75.00 ,..$48.00 $48.00 $45.00 Lot 8, Block 47 Bonanza Bowne . Lot 8, Block 49 Lot 9, Block 49 Bonanza Bowne ..$25.00 ..$25.00 Lot 1, Block 67 Lot 2, Block 87 $18.00 .$15.00 Bonanza Bowne Lot 11, Block 78 .,..$18.00 Lot 12, Block 76 $18.00 Bonanza Orandvlaw Lot 1, 3, 3, 4, Block 89 $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lots 8, 6, 7, 8, Block 29 $50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot, 9 10, 11, 12, Block 39 ,.,$50,00 Bonanza Grandvlew lot 1 3, 3, 4, Block 30 $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 6, 8, T, 8, Block 30 $50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 9 nd 10, Block 80 .......$25.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 1, 2, Block 32 $23.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 3, 4, 6. Block 32 $40.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 32 ....... $50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 1, Block 41 - $12.50 $125.00 $115.00 . $115.00 Bonanza Orandvlaw Lot 1, 3. 4. 5, Block 41 ...$50.00 Bonanza Orandvlaw Lot 8, 9, 10, Block 41; Lot 1, Block 43 $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 2, 3, 4, 8, Block 43 $50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lota 6, 7, 8, 9, Block 43 $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 10, Block 42; Lot 1, 3, 3, Block 43 $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 4, 8, 8, 7, Block 43 $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 8, 8, 10, Block 43; Lot 1, Block 44 $80.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 2, 3. 4, 8, Block 44 $80.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 6, 7, 8 ,9, Block 44 $80.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lota 10, 11, 12,Block 44 . .....$40.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lota 1, ' 2, 3, 4, Block 48 $80.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 8, 6, 7, 8, Block 45 ..,..$80.00 Bonanza Orandvlaw Lot 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 43 ....$80.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 17, 18, 19, 20, Block 45 ....$50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 31, 22, 23, 24, Block 48 ....$50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 47 ...$60.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 8, 6, 7, 8,'Block 47 $60.00 Bonanza Grandvlevr Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 47 ....$60.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 47 ... $60.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lota 17, and 18, Block 47 ...$30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 1, and 2, Block 48 $23.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lota 3, 4, 8, 8, Block 48 . ....$50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lots 7, 8, 9, IB, Block 48 $50.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 11, 12, 13, 14, Block 48 . ..$30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 15, IB, 17, 18 Slock 48 ....$50.00 Bonanza Orandvlaw Lot : 17; 18, Block 81 $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 52 ...$80.00 Bonanza1 Grandvlew Lot 5, 8, 7, 8, Block 52 $60.00, Bonanza Grandvlew Lota 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 53 ..... S80.0O Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 19,? 20, 21, 22, Block 52 ....$120.00ti Bonanza Grandvlew Lots 23, 24, Block 63 .. . $30.00 Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 84 .....$100.0O Bonanza Grandvlew Lot 8, Block 84 $23.00 Chlloquln - Lot 21, Block 2 $350.00 Lot 22, Block 2 $425.00 Chlloquln - Lot 20, Block 4 - 4350.00 Chlloquln Lot 12, Block 8 ..$230.00 Lot 13, Block 5 $200.00 Chiloquin First ' Nly. 80' Lot 3,'Blk. 9..$328.00 Chiloquin Second " " Lot 5, Block 1 $75.00 Chiloquin Second Lot 6, Slock 1 ...,... .$75.00 Lot 7, Block t il $118.00 Chiloquin Second--' Lot 7, Block .2 ,;,....,4.$135.0tT Lot 8, Block 2-. $628.0O Chiloquin Second? Lot 9, Block 2 . .$128.09 Lot 10, Block 2 $200.00 Chiloquin Second- Lot 1, Block S .$115.00 ..$328.00 ..$250.00 -..$50.00 Chlloquln Second Lot 4, Block 8 Chiloquin -Second-Lot 8, Block 8 S. Chiloquin Lot 3, Block 4 S. Chlloquln Lot 4, Block 6 Lot 5, Block 6 Chll-Chll.- Drive- ..$75.00 -$140.00 -..$50.00 Lot 1, Block 10 Lot 2, Block 10 Lot 3, Block 10 Lot 4, Block 10 West Chiloquin Lot 1, Block 4 West Chiloquin Lot 3, Block 9 West Chlloquln Lot 8, Block 13 .$25.00 ...$25.00 ...$25.00 .$115.00 ,-.$78.00 ..$120.00 Doten Lot 11, Block 8 $50.00 Idlerest Lot 2. Block 1 ..$25.00 Lot 3, Block 1 $25.00 Lot 4, Block 1 $25.00 Idlerest Lot 11, Block 2 $25.00 Idlerest Lot 15, Block 2 ... $29.00 Idlerest Lot 17, Block 2 ,..$29.00 Idlerest . Lot 19, Block 2 ... $25.00 Malin Lot 1, Block 28 $119.00 Malin Lot 5, Block 81 ..$225.00 Lot 6, Block 61 .,$178.00 Lot 7, Block 61 .....$200.00 Midland Lot 28, Block 4. .$15.00 Lot 27, Block 4 ..$18.00 Midland Less por. desc. deed vol. 108, pg. 663, Lot 11, Blk. 5, $15.00 Mildand . Lot 91, Block 8 ..$18,00 Lot 22, Block 8 ..... $18.00 Worden Lot 11, Plock 10 .,...$18,00 Worden Lot 4, Block 88 .,,,..,$18.00 Worden . Lot 20, Block 38 ,$18,00 Lot 21, Block 38 $13.00 Worden Lot 4. Block 39 ...,$15.00 West Lake Park Lot 1, Block 1 .$15.00 Wet Lake Park Lot 6, Block P .$15.00 Lot 1, Block 10 .. $18.09 Dated thl 3 2d day of January, 1943. L. L. LOW Sheriff of Klamath County. Oregon. By Dor Ooddard, 1 Deputy. Jan 35; T 1-8-18. No, IV.