Fobrnnry 8, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTV8 Anniversary Friends worn ending out'dx to Mr, unci Mm. M. W, Coscbooin, nuw making their liomu In Chino, Calif., fol lowing many yttnra rosldimco In Klamath Full. The pioneer am observing llx'lr 67th wedding un nlvorsary 1 1 1 in week. Tho Coso booms niiulo their homo on Jcf (umon street mid several year ago wont south for Mi's. Cose booin'H liru I til. "Hill" Coaobooni wu wllh tho Oregon Stale high wny commission during tliu hint fuw ycnra of hi residence huru. Return Horn Warren J. Harris, Janitor nt Fremont nchool, hut retiii'imd from a vl.ilt In lierkeley iiikI Uiiklund. I la i XycdViirliiH f rum n fruclurud iirni CVolved Ihl winter when hu fell on Icy pavement, llnrrl ox pcot to resume hln work Feb ruary IB. While naiith, llnrrl hud tho pleasure of visiting Cup tuln Thiiniu J. J. See, miitho mulli.'liin mid ustiunomcr with thu United Stiitoa mi vy, located t Vnllcjo. Gordon Croup T h o (lot meeting of thu ycttr of the Bur den iitudy group, Kluinulh Falls Womun'ii Llhrury club, will be held Monduy, February 22, wllh election of officer. Mr. An drew Collier mid Mrs. It. C. Cirocsbcck will hnva charge o( the meeting. "Kurllest Land scaped Uiirdoin." The group meet In tho uniull llbrury club room. Memorial Tea Tlio minimi niemorlul leu plunned In honor of the deuth of France Willurd. will bo held Tuesday ul 2 p. m. nl the home of Mr. Cieorue A'llo. 027 Jefferson Mreet. All "ember of WCTU nnd Interest td women tiro Invited to ultend. There will bo a program present ed bv the chairman, Mr. Heluno Moliias. Silver tea will follow. Goti North Mr. Wayne Cul ler, the former Lucille Bennett of till city, left for Portland Sat urday after visltinit In Klnmuth Fall a tho guest of Mr. Wlnnl frcd allien of I,cHoy trcot. Dur ing her residence hero, Mr. Cul ler laiwht at Fremont achoul. Her huiiband I crvlng with tho navy, , Return Home Mr. Eldon W. Smith and Infant daughter, l.lndu Ann, left Klumnth Volley hopllal Sunday for their home, 20H3 While avenuo. The lllllo girl wa born February 1 nnd weighed 6 pound It ounce. Anlth I with tho Klamath Fall Vanch of tho Flrt National bank. Return Home Dr. Peter H. Rozendal, Klamath.county health officer, returned Saturday from Portland where he uttended the Oregon Stato Social Hygiene con vention. Dr. Rozcndul reported the attendance slightly under that of lust year although ome 800 attended the all-day esion Friday. Fracture WristMr. W. II. Roark of Modoc Point, well known Klamath county matron, uffcrcd a fractured right wrist when ho fell at Seventh and Main trceU Sunday at 4 p. in. Mr. Roark was given emergency treatment at Klamalh Valley Juispltal and relumed to hor Wmio. In Ploaianton L. L. Lambert, ion of Paul Lambert of South Fourth street, I now working at Pleasunton, Calif., a a steam fitter. Mrs. Lambert and daugh ter, Barbara, are remaining here at their home, 8441 South Sixth street. PEO Mooting Members of chapter AU, PEO Sisterhood, will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m. with Mr. Frank Mills In tho Kenoffel apiirlmenUi. Virginia West will bo tho guest speuker of tho evening and will talk on "Mexico." Ha Flu W. I. Tlnglcy of tho UK rnrliiniiilion offices In tho fcdoral building, lin been con fined to hi homo on Pacific Tor Oco suffering from Influenza for Tlio past ovcrnl days. To Chemult Mrs. Vernon R. Henry and Infant son were dis missed from Klamath Valley hospital and Sunday returned to their homo nl Chemult. Recover Maureen Lyon, 6-year-old daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. L. Lyon of 2221 Madison street, Is recovering from an ap pendectomy nl Klamath Valley hospital. First Aid Tho first aid clas lo be hold Monday nnd Thurs days, conducted by Venlta Lar son, Iiiih been Indefinitely post poned, it was announced, In Ahland Genovlevo Mc Geo, Klnmuth Falls lonelier, aponl the weekend In Ashland visiting her pnrenls, Mr, nnd JJrs, A. O. McQcc. Son Born Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gal logo of Cascade Summit are parents nf n son born nt Sacred Heart general hospital In Eugene on February 2. Pnllc Court Four drunks. nuo drunk uud disorderly, ono disorderly conduct, one traffic violation and six traffic tickets madn up the Sulurduy morning polico court report, Other than this, polico reported nn excep tionally quiet day. Not even a bloyelu was reported stolen. Seven drunk and one drunk una lU.,rlr.,.t nna vnu. mm truffle violation and tlx traffic tickets were reported nt Monduy i court. To Loulilana Mr. and Mr. Claude II. Davis received word Saturday thut their son, Rex, wn graduated from officer can. dldiilo school at Fort Knox, Ky., and received the rating of second lieutenant In tho mechanized cuvulry, LI. and Mr. Davis and their young son, Rodney, plun lo leuve Tuesday for Camp Polk, Leevllle, La., where Lt. Davis will be stalloiiud. They have Hindu their homo In Louisville. To Ran Frmctico Mr. Ilarrv I.. Mrown left Sunday for Sun Francisco to receive medical lrmilimwit. While south. Mrs lirnum will vImIL ut the home of her son, Sherd W. Baker, at Fort Cronkhlte, who wu recently iirnmnti-d to the rank of muster sergeant uud on January 20 ru- eeived appointment from tile war depurtment ut Washington, u. u., as warrant oinccr. Unit Mooting The Bonanza home extension unit will havo an all-day meeting Tuesday starting at 10:110 a. m. at tho home of Mr. Ben Dixon. Mrs. Wlnnlfrcd Ulllon, Klamath county homo demonstriillon agent, will dem (instrale "War Emergency Buf. fet Meals" uud will prepare ot tracllvo foods at tho meeting. To Co South Lt. and Mr George Marlon Epperson plan to leave the first of the week for California to make their home. Young Epperson nnd his bride havo visited hero for tho past several dnys with his par ents, Mr. and Mr. A. B. Epper son of North First street. From Ashland Walter John son and Jesse Thomas, both of Ashland, were business visitors hero thi past weok. tortuln Tuesday it 2 o'clock for members of the Huppy Hour club. Delphian Mr. Floyd Ran ker of 212 North Second street, will bo hostess to Dulphiun, Delia Gumma chapter, at 0:48 u. in. Tuesday. Mrs. R. C, Wood ruff will bo tho leader, the top ic, "The Kinesthetic Arts." Alohl O E 8 Members ot Aloha chapter, OES will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m, In the Ma sonic temple at which time "ob ligation night" will bo observed, All member of Ealern Star und visiting mointrtr are Invit ed by Mr. Claronco A. Hum bio, worthy matron, and L. K. Phelps, worthy patron. Three R. Club Mrs. W. J. Steimiietz, 017 Walnut avenue, will be hostess to the Thrco R club at her home Tuesday aft ernoon at 1:30 o'clock when dessert will be served. Card Party The Suburban league will hold the regular pi noclilo party on Tuesday, Feb ruary 0, In the banquet room of the KC hall. Luncheon at 1:30 p. m. and card at 2 o'clock. Thi I the fifth in a series to which the public Is invited. VITAL STATISTICS SHUKLE Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore,, Februnry 7, 1043, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shuklc, Algoma, Ore., a girl. Woight: 8 pounds 14 ounce. To Portland Mrs. Kenneth Larsen of the Marlon apart ments, left this weekend for Portland to visit her mother. In Portland Mr. and Mr. Wesley Guderlan nre spending several days In Portlnnd on business. mam ilnforuationlii MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective June IB, 1842) Train 19 Southboundi 6:18 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 10 a. m. Train 17 Southboundi 6:30 a. m. Train 18 Northboundi 9 p. m. Medford Stage, Weitbound, 3:30 p. m Evening Airmail, Towniend The auxiliary' of the Townsend club will meet at tho homo of Mrs. J. M. Gray, 2435 Union avenue, Wednesday, February 10, for a potluck luncheon and. buslnes meeting at 1:30 p. m. Catholic Daughter The meeting place of the Catholic Daughters of Amerlc ha been changed from tho parish hall to tho auditorium of the Sacred Heart academy, where member will meet Monday (tonight). Card Parly The Shasta PTA Is sponsoring a benefit card party Saturday, February 13, at 8 p. in. in the school and all mombers of the community are Invited to attend. Bridge, pin ochlo and Chinese checker will bo played. Mill PTA Member of Mill PTA will hold a regular meet ing Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. in the school auditorium. Mothers aro Invited to visit school from 1 to 2:30 o'clock. The next de fense stamp sale will be held Februnry 18. Ladles Aid The Klamath Lu theran Lndlc Aid will meet Ttiesdny at 2 p. m. In tho church at Cross nnd Crescent streets. Mrs. L. K. Johnson will havo charge of program and music; hostesses will bo Mr. Jack feebler and Mrs. Chris Ster land. Election -Catholic Daughters of America, Court Klamath, will meet tonight at 8 o'clock hi the pnrlsh hall for election ot officers. Mrs, Wlnnlfrcd Dil lon, Klamnth county home dem onstration ngent, will discuss rationing. Club to Moot Mrs, Maude Hosloy of High street, will en- CHILD A C RUB ON Rollova misery dlrsrt -without "doitngr COON Born at Hillside ho. nl tn I . Klamnth Fall, Ore., Feb ruary 7, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Coon, 2007 Arthur street, a girl. Weight: 8 pounds 2V4 ounce. Police Captain Talks Strikers Back to Work NEW YORK, Feb. 8 OP) After bidding his youngest son furcwoll a he left to bo Induct ed Into tho army, Polico Captain John Collin reported for duty at his Bronx police station, There wus a sitdown strike, he was told, at the Acme Labora tory Equipment company, which manufactures medical supplies for the army. Collins went to the plant, He talked to the idlo employes. He .-.poke of young Americans fight ing in Africa, in the lalunda of the Pacific, In plane over China, over Europe. Ho spoke of men still to be wounded In action, men whose live might be avcd by doctors using Acme equipment If the equipment was delivered. He promised that he, person ally, would ask tho war labor board for speedy action on the workers' complaints about wages und working conditions. After flvo minutes, the em ploye began to eye one an other. They marched to their benches and began to make medical equipment again. Mrs. Clara Harmon Passes Friday in Stockton, Calif. Mrs. Clara Harmon, mother of Blanche Harmon of Klamath Falls, passed away in Stockton, Calif., on Friday. Mrs. Harmon had spent con siderable time with her daugh ters here. Another daughter, Mary, (Mrs. Hubert Totton) formerly lived here but now is living at Olympla, Wash. Mrs. Harmon' home was at Stockton. Game Committee Asks Summer Lake Land for Reserve SALEM, Fob. 8 (IP) The house game committee intro duced a bill today to compel the state land board to turn over be tween 3000 and 8000 acres of Summer lake In Lake county to the state game commission (or use a a wild fowl reserve. The exact figure would bo de termined by negotiations be tween the board and the com. mission, and the deal must be completed within three years. The commission would have to pay $2.60 an acre, tho proceed to go Into the common school fund. Always read tho classified ads. COTTONS ARE AMERICAN! Crskh rnnn cottons r grown ond manufactured ; in America . have a quol- ily (hot i characteristically American. They're eosy to keep looking new with very little core They wear like anythingl And they cost little All of these are reasons why Penney cus-, romers hove always val ued cottons. Thots why were bringing them so strongly to your attention as suitable wartime wear when we haven't time to (uss with fussy clothes or money to spend on expen sive clothes. Wear cottons ond savel You'll need to save to keep on buying more and more War Bondsl They're Rofrehlngly Prettyl BEDSPREADS Quaint OQ Colonial y TO Patternl . Simple sll-orer dttiipis In while wllh richly colored back grounds ... on the other side, white backgrounds with neat colurrd patterns. Woven of sturdy cotton . . . don't miss this grand Investment In wear and beauty t Women's Galoshes Low Heel Just received! Ladies' low hoel 2-snnp galoshesl Men's Rubbers Men's Dress Medium weight, medium toe, men' dress rub-borsl Men's Work Heavy weight, wide width men's work rub-borsl Misses' Galoshes For young misses sizes 12 '.4 to 3 2-snnp goloshes! Children's Galoshes 1.29 Boys' Rubbers Boys' heavy weight rub' bora for long wear! JUL (J J. G. PKNMKY CO. INC. Ik) As fine an assortment Vvfel ' 'ail " ' i ' I of intriguing styles as Wear cotton, and sovel $ JSyfaW4w7 I YOb!l7ed0,aVe,dmore r-J W jj Pjffi JA f ' ts rt 11 U SlA' Bright Cotton or Hayons for Informal Wearl 1 M 1 Wy BRENTWOOD DRESSES SBLStSI faJV. ' VlAV. Seersucker or Shirting Stripe R QQ i l?Vfa,3l5yQrMaaWN ?TrA8 $1 -? fillMuW-W Plaia 01 Spun Rayon 70 WT?S.gTN f 1 I f I! 11 f f Chambray. or Novelty Print. Q rvWmSjjV lf Pl MX f JhWV Sf g3P Smooth, Colorful Rayon Crepe ' 'ir:fyW3S4l fmi fat ftfl m$mWk " lt'n&L U you'n doing your housewOTk between hours at . 'ArW0tVn' f WlWiX iVKl PIUlI'iV? mt . ilfTh the Red Cross- and t the canteen, you'll V- VffiXfW I -WlHtwX rtn" JL-h ,,;HUU SJ8b ?) want plenty of these smart, informal frocks! Easy- VVWi!5!hjy ' I lrBft , UtJtJ W VmSW" -1 to-slip-into button front styles, classic shirtwaist 'AYWilS'lJs'?. 1 I Bl-Mnm. -fT ZL' "- ii&8. mf. tyoes. slimming beltless models. A: wealth, of Ballv- - WjaPZ-M R ?mW4-m!t--- tr7T7 w4f"- Tffilmgk coterful 'tripe d the new noveltr cot- ' LP lA. - - value, 4. . . - 129 coats and iV WKur" lliF r.fc2?SW ' 1 SPRING SUITS t T?U f 1 SAtLV ,cl "T"" I irj:rrtK girls' dresses A 5? 'ZTL n ; I2? . spring! Select yours from till Delightful frocks that wilf charm "D.S , and classic wS S'ine' Sn"rt bull B ft collection of smart wool- .... . SfMiVMTi ' c ,hlrtlst st-f o.V ,u''0l"-fp" K tweeds, wool fleece,, and nor- ny young girl! Crisp Basque, tall- ff SIIes J2 , w gj eltv fabrics. Newest inrlnr red or princess styles In colorful , , ; nmum It 12 ylr- Sll ,3 10 2- I cottons. Ml. Beg. U. S. Pat. Off. " ff gyi V.-5 Ksts " m J u r ch"m an1 Comiort in one Lovely Glltl MT'tti. JVi (s WOMEN'S CHENILLE ROBES.' tSp,I i' vl ertfS. The perfect valentine gift for any lady on your list! aa 'tvl-t? 1 ' l ' iff I VfcVMk A A Soft and warm . . . the thick chenille tufting makes MA fK ' IV m I fwW'SMflk iiit A it cozy without being heavy! Smartly nipped-in waist, aJL ?f;fc ' . " kriiaii ey.vlal iiJiiSa; A and Braeeful skirt. Skirt desiirn is reneated on the iKJI ;,.V PJ 1 29 oSWiyi vVa slcevcsl Bnght PMlch In S1ZCS 12 10 40- I' ic Dainty Pocket Poile To Keep You Noatl Tailored Shortle. ' A jf I HANDKERCHIEFS TEA APRONS Bright 'SinJng Colon SPRING G L 0 V ES Iff I it U 'tfil 23e 49c .AVA" one WAW llMKl Wisps of sheer cotton Dainty styles of organdy 137 'ff MliH fl 1 Iii'ii with dainty floral de- with bright trimming-, or MfAJA i I I I I f 1 tr 1 , signs. Plain white or candy striped novelty Smart novelty styles for Smart for suit and l.'ft ' tinted barkgrounds. Gen- cotton! Smart new col- sporl, iasual anil dressy spring coats I Serviceable 'r' 1 ' erous slse! or. wear. Simulaled leathers! cotton. Many styles I ' ;