t PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON February (J, 1941! Guild Has ; Exhibit Many Quilts Interest Those Attending Tule ' lake Meeting TULELAKE Beautiful hand-made quilts, most of them of modern design and made In more recent years, with other articles of hand work were on exhibit at the meeting of the Community Guild of the Tulelake Prcs byterlan church Wednesday when more than sixty guests were greeted by Mrs. Merton Brown, president. Among the guests were a number from Klamath Falls. During the business meet ing that preceded the social hour members voted to re finish the interior of the an nex and Mrs. Gilbert Osborne, chairman of the membership committee, appointed two cap tains, Mrs. Otto Haynes and Mrs. Orlie Hodges, , to lead teams in the coming member ship drive. The losing side will entertain the winners. Mrs. G. W. Osborne was in charge of devotionals and Mrs. D. P. Reid read in honor of the exhibit, a poem, "Old Quilts." Two Klamath Falls guests, Mrs. King and Mrs. Denison, entertained with a delightful musical reading, Mrs. King reading "The Mansion" with Mrs. Denison at the piano. Among the number of love ly quilts on display was one presented to Mrs. W. S. Ed wards by her mother, a Lone Star design that merited warm praise. A Crazy quilt of wool and silk made by the mother of Mrs. Tom Kadous also brought a wealth of at tention. Intricacies of quilting were as lovely as any pro duced in the years when quilting was really an art. Each exhibitor gave a bit of history of the exhibit entered. A patriotic note was car ried out in the refreshments served by Mrs. Otto Haynes, Mrs. Albert Larsen, Mrs. John Thurman and Mrs. A. ,E. Ruckman. Election of officers is scheduled for the next meet ing March 3 with Mrs. Mer ton Brown as hostess. Place of the meeting will depend on road conditions. Roll call will be answered with the name "of a good novel or biography and Mrs. Ray Aikens will re ;k 'view, a current book. a " On the refreshment com "mittee are Mrs. Ralph Powell, Mrs. Marvin Thomas and Mrs. Roy Loiselle. NEIGHBORS NAME 1943 OFFICERS On Monday evening. Neigh bors of Woodcraft met in KC hall at eight o'clock. This was election of officers, the follow ing being chosen: guardian neighbor, Susie Smith; past guardian neighbor, Sylvia Brannaii; advisor, ' Alta Clark; banker, Leola' Thompson; clerk, Dicksy Weed; magician, Rose Eberman; attendant, Mar tha Gilcrist; captain of guards, Mildred Smith; flagbearer, Florine Bunderson; outer sen tinal, Mildred Largent; inner sentinal, Ellen Ely; musician, Stella Persell; senior guardian and correspondent, Stella Dry den. Managers, Clarence Dryden, Stella Wells, Evelyn Patter son; physician. Dr. Sarah Smith; installing officer, Stella Persell. These officers, will be in stalled at the first meeting in April. Plans were made for a pub lic card party to be held Feb ruary, the fifteenth, in the KC hall. There will be a short business meeting at seven o'clock, followed by the card party at eight. Pinochle and bridge will be played. The committee in charge will con sist of Leola Thompson, Syl via Brannan, Martha Gilcrist, Effie Redkey, Evelyn Patter son and Stella Dryden. TULELAKE CHAPTER OES HAS PARTY TULELAKE Sweethearts old and sweethearts young . were guests of honor at a ."Sweetheart party" given on Tuesday evening, February second, by members of the Tulelake chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, for hus bands. All the gay trappings of the valentine season added to the enjoyable affair held in the annex of the Tulelake Presbyterian church, . The potluck dinner table was arranged with a huge red valentine in one corner with smaller motifs, red tapers and flowers in keeping with the color note as a central theme. Place cards also carried out the same idea. After the dinner, the Star chapter met in regular ses sion, joining later those not members of the chapter for tameav ' - ; r S J 1 2f WITH MOTHER . Jimmy Dean, two-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barnes of Quartz Moun tain,' is shown here with his "mother. The infant is the grandson of Mrs. Vera A. Real of Quartz Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Marion J. Barnes of Olene, and the great-grandson of ' two well known Klamath pioneers, Mr. ' and Mrs. Wil liam B. Barnes of South Fifth ... '- street. MRS. BRATTAIN .". HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB FORT KLAMATH Mrs. Eldon . Brattain entertained members of her bridge club at her home in Fort Klamath on Wednesday evening, at con tract bridge. At the close of the game, high score was given to Mrs. Fred Zumbrun, and second high to Mrs. Brat tain. ....... Refreshments were served following the play to Mrs. Al fred B. Castel, Mrs. Fred Zum brun, Mrs. Harold Wimer and the hostess. ' Mrs. Wimer will next enter tain the group at her home on the evening of February the tenth. . . ANNUAL DINNER ENJOYED AT . SMITH HOME The Wednesday Pinochle club met Saturday evening, January the twenty-third, for. the annual turkey dinner held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, 330 Pacific Terrace. Attending the buffet were Mr. and Mrs. Don Burke, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Costel, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Gunderson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Foss Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell W. Metzer, Mr. and Mrs. Neale Owens, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.Cody and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith. Prizes for pinochle went to Don Burke, Foss Kramer, Mrs. Lowell Metzer and Mrs. Foss Kramer. BIRTHDAY OBSERVED WEDNESDAY WEYERHAEUSER CAMP 4 Dorothy Wilcoxen was pleasantly surprised Wednes day evening with a party hon oring her sixteenth birthday given by her mother, Mrs. Jess Wilcoxen. Guests were members of the "Shadow Catchers" 4-H club and their leaders. . Favors were lollipop dolls. Birthday cake and ice cream were served. Those attending were Gary Cruikshank, Bill Roberts, Harold and John -Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ogle, Margaret Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wilcoxen and Dor othy Wilcoxen. MISS GILMORE This is Joanne, seven-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilmore, 2124 Vine avenue. ' . ' KenneU-EUis. .. JrS!!p)B,,, J)l, 4" HO JIIMH BPW Club Initiates Emblem Ceremony Used Effectively at Session Monday Eve. The initiation of new mem bers into the Business and Pro fessional Women's club on Monday night was most effec tively carried out. Gertrude Lidberg had charge of the em blem ceremony, and was ably assisted by Clare Ellis, Ingar Freiman, Veneta Hunter, Ha zel Morrison, Ruth Schneider, Mary Stewart, and Edna Al brecht, who is membership chairman. New members included Marion Adkins, Peggy Grif fin, Sally Louis, Nell Locke, Alice Stout and Zenith Pow ell. ; President . Lillie Darby ad dressed the new members. A beautiful array of lighted green and gold candles, yel low daffodils and acacia were on the tables, green and gold, club colors .used effectively. The emblem song was sung by Winnifred Gillcn, with Doris Frederick, accompanying. Mrs. Joanna Gibbons, presi dent of the Klamath county branch of the Oregon State Teachers association, led the discussion of legislative bill number. HB 151. Mrs.. Gib bons teaches school in Bonanza- Miss Alice Stout, chairman of health and recreation, will have charge of the next dinner meeting, February . the fif teenth. Dr. Adler will be the guest speaker of the evening. The. February, book club meetings will be held Monday, February the eighth. Molly Stewart and May Conradi, will have charge of the Edith Cunning book club meeting, with Clara Shaw scheduled to review, "West With the Night," by Markham. The Minerva book club will meet . at - the home of Jean Porter, having postponed the last meeting. The executive board meet ing will be held February the eighth, with. Gertrude Tolle, Dena Backes, Ellen Upp and Alice Stout in charge. . MERRILL CHAPTER HAS TUESDAY; MEET .; Women of the Moose, Mer rill chapter No. 18, met in reg ular session, February the sec ond, with Esther Sevey, senior regent, presiding. There were twenty-nine members present and two visitors from the Klamath Falls chapter, Mar garet Johnson and Dora Buch anan. - One new member was initiated, Evelyn - Brown, of Merrill. The Women of the Moose are to assist in the roll ing of bandages for the Red Cross, which work is soon to start in Merrill, under the di rection of Mrs. Madge Cary. Lillian Thomas will lead the galloping tea to the home of Dora Myers in Malin, on the evening of February the thirteenth. The women are asked to bring their husbands, the evening to be spent play ing pinochle. At the close of the chapter session, the ladies adjourned to the hall of the Lyal Order of Moose, for entertainment and refreshments. The enter tainment was under the direc tion of the recorder, Rose Van Meter.' The refreshments were served by the past governors of the Loyal Order of Moose. -.' SHOWER FOR GUEST IN ARIZONA ' A shower to be given here this evening, Saturday, is unique in that the guest of honor is in Arizona. Mrs. Rob ert Hough . and Mrs. Lowell Dunn have issued invitations to a stork shower to be given at Mrs. Hough's home, 1021 McKinley street, in honor of ' Mrs. Milton McAulcy (Maxine Laurenson) and the gifts will later be wrapped and sent to Mrs. McAuley at Mesa, Art. zona. Those invited for the eve ning are Irma Badger, Flor ence Terwilliger, Mattio Barn stable, Fern Yadon, Alpha Phelps, Dorothy Gaster, Mrs. Ray Baxter, Lulu Hutchens, ; Dorothy Morris, Lavcrno Jo hanson, Dorothy Baxter, Willa Lynch, Bethel Schneebeck, Florence Walker, Ardis Lan den, Maude Witherspoon, Dor othy and Lela Laurenson. A potluck dinner at half post six o'clock will precede the monthly .meeting of the auxiliary of Canton Crater to be held Thursday evening, February the eleventh, at the IOOF hall. Recently installed officers will preside, Members of the Happy Hour club have been invited to meet Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Maude Hosley on High street. ; FRIENDS HONOR YOUNG ' MATRON A surprise birthday party was given by Mrs. J. N. Sc horn for Mrs. Ray Bramwell (Brownie Orr) at the home of the latter on Wiard street Wednesday afternoon, Febru ary tho third. Attending were Mrs. V. C. Phillips, Mrs. C. C. Crowson, Mrs. M. L. Bratton, Mrs. J. N. Young, Mrs. Floyd Blankcnship, Mrs. J. W. Ful ler. Mrs. W. L. Fuller, Mrs. J. N. Smith, Mrs. L. D. Good, Mrs. Mary Martin and Mrs, J. N. Schorn. Pinochle was played during the afternoon, high score be ing held by Mrs. J. N. Smith, second' by Mrs. Floyd Blan kcnship, guest to Mrs. C: C. Crowson and pinochle to Mrs. J. N. Young. INDEPENDENT STUDY CLUB AT BROWN'S The Independent Study club met at the homo of Mrs. H. C. Brown, 918 Owens street, Thursday afternoon, for a one o'clock luncheon served by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Kathcr ine Williams. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Estelle Smith. It was voted to go to Mills school on the next meeting day, February the eighteenth, to work on Red Cross dress ings. On Tuesday, February the ninth, members will meet at the home of Mrs. H. S. Stone, 2204 Darrow avenue, at one o'clock, each bringing a paper sack lunch, and dur ing the afternoon they will tie a quilt for one of tho members. Eight were present, includ ing Pearl Marin, Lizzie Little, Lillian Downs, Katherine Wil liams, Iplia Brown, Nona Hall, Arbhur Stone, Fannie God dard, Estelle Smith, and two guests, Ruth Berry and Lillian , Downs. DINNERS GIVEN IN LANGELL LANGELL. VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frazier enter tained at their home with a six o'clock dinner party on Thursday evening in honor of Corporal Claude Murray, who has been home on- furlough. Following dinner, guests play ed pinochle and those present were Corporal and Mrs. Claude Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Johnson, Mrs. Florence Botkins, Mrs. Mary Dearborn, Mrs. James Beck and the hosts. Mrs. Mike Dearborn enter tained at dinner on Saturday evening in honor of the birth day of Mrs. Wesley Dearborn. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Dearborn and children, Catherine, Bill and Henry, Mrs. Mary Dearborn and the hosts. THIMBLE CLUB ELECTS HEADS FOR 1943 The Thimble, club of the Neighbors of Woodcraft met at the home of Mrs. C. O. Dry den, 610 North Eleventh street, Wednesday evening, February the third. Willan Floetke assisted Mrs. Dryden. Pinochle and whist were play ed during the evening, and Ida Mochettaz held high score for pinochle, Mrs. Bock, low, and the men's prize went to Guy Brannan. In whist, high score went to Mildred Smith and low to Dicksy Weed. There were twelve present. At the short business meeting, election of officers were held, Stella Dryden being chosen president; Sylvia Brannan, vice president; Dicksy Weed, secretary, and Ellen Ely, treasurer. Members of t h e finance committee are Willan Floetke, Ida Mochettaz and Mildred Smith. The next meeting will also be. at the Dryden home, Feb ruary the seventeenth with Dicksy Weed and Mildred Smith as hostesses. MIDLAND CLUB HAS SHOWER FOR HOSTESS MIDLAND The Midland Home Economics club met at the home of Mrs. S. L. Bur nctt, Tuesday afternoon, A handkerchief shower was given for the hostess and Mrs, Gertie Huff, and games were arranged by the president of the club, Mrs. Lee Sutton. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Burnett and there will be a handker chief shower for the hostess. Present were Amy Crapo, Irene Wllkerson, Mary Hcava lln, Fanny Gravclle, Angelica Malina, Catharine Stewart, Nellie Motschcnbacher, Anna Hickman, Pearl Burnett, Eliz abeth Young, Emma Lamb, Anna Sutton, Pauline Stewart, Ellen Ely, Gertie Huff, Mil-, dred Largent, Catherine Bur , nett and Rosa Burnett. Social Calendar Monday, February 6 Mrs. Naomi Preston to speak beforo Klumuth Falls Woman's Library club, 2 P. m., main auditorium public library. Lioness club poll ick supper In library club rooms. Catholic Duughters of Amor lea will meet in the parish hall, 8 p, m. for the regular business meeting and election of officers. Winnifred Gillcn will discuss point rationing. Tussday, February 9 Happy Hour club to meet with Mrs. Maude Hosley at 2 p. m. Mrs. W. J, StoinmcU to en tertain Three R club at 1:30 dessert. Delphian with Mrs. Floyd Ranker, 212 North Second. Leader, Mrs. R. C. Woodruff. Topic, "The Kinesthetic Arts." Annual meeting Klamnth chapter, American Red Cross, Pelican party room, 7 p. m, Buffet supper, election of offi cers. A. L. Gralapp, speaker. For reservations, phone 5208. "Obligation" night to be ob served by Aloha chapter, OES, Masonic hall. Wdntday, February 10 Sojourners club at Willard, 1:45 p. m. . Thursday, February 11 Auxiliary of Canton Crater to hold 8:30 o'clock potluck dinner and monthly meeting at IOOF hall. Saturday, February 13 Annual St. Valentine's dancing party given by Elks in the Elks temple. Shasta PTA to sponsor benefit card party at school. Monday, February 15 BPW dinner meeting, Wil lard hotel, 6:3a p. m. Wednesday, February 17 ANW club with Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall, California ave nue. ' Saturday, February 20 George Washington dance sponsored by Commandos, Klamath Falls armory. Public invited, Monday, February 22 First meeting of year of Garden club at 2 p. m., library rooms. "Earliest Landscaped Gardens," by Mrs. Andrew Collier and Mrs. R. C. Groes beck. Edith Cunning book section, BPW. Clara Shaw to review "West With the Night." Minerva book section, BPW, home of Jean Porter, 115 Pine street. Friday, February 26 Past Matrons club, OES, Masonic temple. ' . Monday, March 1 Regular meeting of the Klamath County League of Women Voters at 2 o'clock In the small club room of the city library. Topic, "Inter state Trade Barriers," with Mrs. W. P. McMillan In charge. Friday, March S Helen J e p o n, soprano, Pelican theatre, sponsored by Klamath Community Concert association. Monday, April 28 . Easter Monday bridge tea sponsored by the Guild of St. Paul's. . MISS LINDER HOSTESS AT RECENT SHOWER On Wednesday evening, February the third, a shower was given by Miss Ethel Lln dcr at 432 Owens street, for Mrs. Mary Linder Anning. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. LUcile Pence and Mrs. Leonard Anderson. Those honoring Mrs. An ning were Mrs. Ralph Bell, Mrs. John Jannscn, Mrs. Leo Morlensen, Frances Miller, Mrs. Loretta Barr, Mrs. Flor ence Anderson, Mrs. Lois Ab bey, Mrs. A. B, Hadley, Mrs. Dorothy Hadley, Mrs.'H. Ry scr, Mrs. Beulah McVay, Mrs. Helen . Coughman, Juliette Costillo, Otila Costillo, Mrs.. Charles McMurdo, Mrs. Reyn olds Morgan, Virginia Gentry, Mrs. Luetic Doyle, Thalah Crutchf icld, Greta , Pinncy, Mrs. Beatrice Shults, Mrs. Lu cile Pence, Mrs.. Leonard, An-' dcrson, Mrs, Nancy Linder, Mrs. Frances Owens, Mrs. Shirley Mayhew, Mrs. Lea Goddard, Mrs. . Andy Call, Mrs. Vorn Murphy, Mrs. C, O. Putnam, Shirley Redlfcr, Eileen Vitas, Mildred Fry mire, Mrs, Vivian Lawson, Mrs. Pearl Gentry and Mrs, Edith Green. OES SOCIAL CLUB ; HOLDS FEBRUARY MEETING FRIDAY . . . Valentine decorations made a . colorful setting for the February meeting of the Eastern Star Social club Fri day afternoon at the Masonic temple when six tables of bridge' were In play. The pro gram committee included Mrs. Morris Sherman, Mrs; Howard Llstqe, Mrs. R. R. Allison and Mrs. Leo N, Huls. Honors In cards at the close of play were received by Mri. E. M. Chllcote, Mrs. Sam Roberts ' and Mrs.' Walter Brown. NEWS OF THE THEATRES r-..:. . , :l ' J The enemy wanti Johnny, but so does Fllll Gaoroe Montgom ery and Lynn Bar), who with Gone Tierney, come to the Pelican today In "China Girl." , - ..? 'if:'-' I 1 ' "V. Bette Davit tak on on the chin from Dennis Morgan In "In This Our Life" tomorrow at the Pine Troe. A lint run co-hit, "Mug Town," features the Dead End Kids and the Little Tough Guys. Jean Rogers with Richard Nov, the romantic leads in the now M.G.M. tuccenor to that picture entitled, "The War Against Mti. Hadley." Fay Balntor. Edward Arnold and Van Johnson hare strong parts in the current drama at the Esquire theatre. r" i ii-Y "Rhythm Parade," a musical first Klamath Falls showing at the Tower theatre Sunday. In the cast are Gal Strom, Robert Lowery, the Mills brothors, Ted Flo Rlto and his orchestra and several now scrn personalities. The companion feature, "Wings of the Olivia de HaviUand and John LODGE GROUP MEETS AT MERRILL HOME. , The Women of the Moose, Merrill Chapter No. 18, wero entertained at tho home of Lil lian Thomas of Merrill, Janu ary tho twenty-eighth, Lunch eon was served by the hostess followed by cards, flvo tables of pinochle being played. High score went to Evelyn Carson, low to Carolyn Lofgrcen, and traveling to Patricia Van Meter. The candles on a birth day cake wero lighted for Louisa Iccnbicc, Tho following guests wero present, Audrey Rcecc, Patri cia Van Meter, Cathcrino Campbell, Nora Shuck, Lctn Stolt, Doris Wlnobargor, Es ther Johnson, Esther Sevey, Louisa Iccnbicc, Roso Van Meter, Vlaska Petrik, Dora Meyers, Mary Lou Nino, Mar garet Hadley, Bessie Aubry, Dovle Recdcr, Mario Vacknltz, Carolyn Lofgrcen, Elno Noel and Evelyn Carson. An executive meeting: was held at the close of the meet ing. : 1 ' Mi fi of "Mrs. Miniver" fame, have rlol of girls and gaiety has Its Navy," features Goorge Brent, Payne. . MRS. STEINMETZ TO BE HOSTESS TO THREE R CLUB Mrs. J. W. Stclnmetz will entertain members of the Three R club on Tuesday af ternoon, February tho ninth, at her homo on Walnut street at a half past ono o'clock dessert. , Mrs. O. E, Harris was hos tess nt tho club's last meeting when dessert was followed by cards with Mrs. Kate Hoguo receiving high, Mrs, Ella Dor tin, second, Mrs. Koylor, the consolation, and Mrs, Stevens, tho special award. Thursday Contract club met nt tho home of Wlllo Bark on the afternoon of February tho fourth for dessert at two o'clock. Contract was played with high score hold by Pearl Yorkland, second b y Clnra McPhcrrln, and travelling to Fannie Thompson, The next meeting will bo Fnbrunry elghtcenthi nt tho homo of Mrs, C, O. Dryden, 610 North Eleventh street. 9 The Amorlcnn Legion auxlIU nry will sponsor a public moot, lug at the Legion Memorial hell on Tuesday, February 0, at 8 p. in. Representatives of nit the women's orgiiiilziitlons of Klum uth Falls will bo presont to ar rungo a ciincoi'tvd recruiting program to increuse enrollment In the Woman's Army Auxiliary corps, Among tho organizations rnp rcsunlud will bo American As soclatlon of University Women, liula Sigma I'M, Business and Profeiuiioiinl Women' club, Ciimp Fire Girls Guardian assoc iation, Catholic Daughters of America, Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, Duughters (I) the British Empire, Duughters or the Nllo, Friendship club, Gar. dun club, League of Women Voters, Library club, Lioness club, Daughters of Italy, Duiigli. li'iK of Job, K ii ulcs lUixlllury, Ln dies of tho Moose, Order of the Eastern Star, Oregon Women's Ambulance corps, Commandos, Culinary Alliance, I'KO HUlor liooil, Chapters AU and U, So jouriu'i's, SoroptlmlNts, Venture club, Votoruns of Foreign Wars auxiliary, 'and tho Daughters of tho Legion. Sgt. Angus W. Newton, post commumlvr of Klamath post, American Legion, now assigned to rocrultlug and induction head quarters In Portland, will speak on tho national WAAC procure ment program. Sgt. Frank J. lluhln, commander of tho local army recruiting office, will pre sent motion pictures of army ac tivities. The meeting will bo open to the general public and all ure Irw vited to attend, especially thoifV women considering enlistment In tho Women's Army auxiliary. Penny in Lighter Shorts Wiring rn Balentine Auto A penny placed In the cigar ette lighter shorted 'the wiring In U. S. Balcntlne's car while It was parked at Eleventh and Pino streets Friday at 2 p. m. and called out the city fire de partment. Slight damage was done to Die attorney's machine. Firemen had another "smok ing In bed" alarm when they were called at 2:05 a. in. Satur day to tho Tourist hotel at 618 Vi Main street to extinguish a mat tress flro. James Klrkpatrick was occupant of the room. Sev eral calls of this type have beuew received recently, dcpurtmcrUr omployes said. Strife Persists In Boilermakers' Portland Union PORTLAND, Feb. 8 (P) Strife persisted In the Portland Boilermakers' union today de spite Circuit Judgo James W. Crawford's advice to opposing factions to settle tholr dlffor onccs out of court, A group In tho huge union has flicd suit to oust Incumbont officers so that others, elected in December, may bo seated. Crawford said he wanted the factions to attempt to reach an agreement before ho rules odl mandamus , etltlons. Q Shortly after this advice, Rus sell W. Duko, union member, charged In a scparato suit that Incumbont officers wore black listing him from employment be cause ho had voiced opposition to them. OUTDOOR WARMTH SCOTTSBLUFF. Neb. UP) Silver, cat owned by J. H. March, has solved tho problem of how to keep warm on cold winter days nnd still enjoy the great outdoors. Silver hugs the clilmnoy top on tho March home onch tlmo tho mercury starts to drop. SAILOR IS HONOR GUEST DURING LEAVE Q Mr. and Mrs, Henry T. Cole were honored with n dinner on Sunday, January tho thirty first, when Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Blako cntortnlncd at their homo on Crescont avenue. Mr. Cole, machinist mato first class, United Slates navy,, is homo on lenvo for a brief visit with his wlfo nnd pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs, A. J, Harris of Mor rill. Dinner guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Colo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnschnll Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Blnko nnd Kny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Vcrn Bloomberg, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnx Hnrtlorodo, Vlvlnn Hnrtlorodo nnd tho hosts. Twenty-one members of Girl Scout troop 2, accompan ied by their lender, Mrs. Ar thur Skinner, mndo a tour of tho Lost River dairy Friday nfternoon Jnnunry the twenty ninth, They wero show." through tho various depart ments by Philip L. Whlto, of fice manager, and found It both Interesting nnd Instruc tive, , As they left, each was presented with a Dixie cup.