' :;: $ W$h m xrm - s - a, , 0 :8 mM Reception Given At Epperson's Lieutenant and Bride Honored at Affairs Follow ing Arrival Here Thursday Morning Mr. and Mr. A. B. Epperson of North First street enter tained this afternoon from two to four o'clock, and cucsts are alio Invited for this evening from eight to ten o'clock, In hon or of their son and his bride. Lieutenant and Mrs. George Marlon Epperson, who arrived Thursday morning from the south. Mrs. Epperson Is tho former Phyllis Loretta Otto, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Otto of Glcndalc, California, and her marrlago was an event of December thirty-first In Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania. Tho ceremony was read at eight o'clock In tho evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Robinson with Major Robert S. Spencer officiating In tho presence of a few close friends. The bride, given In mar riage by Mr. William L. Corn well, wore a California gold suit trimmed with squirrel. Her ' flowers wore orchids. Mrs. John E, Nllson, matron of honor, and Lieutenant Fred H. Nelson, tho best man, wero the young couple's attend ants. , Both Llcutonant Epporson and his bride aro Oregon State college students, sho a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, he of Theta Chi. They will leavo tho first of tho week to mBko their homo in California. Lieutenant Epper son Is connected with the United States army air corps as an Intelligence officer. Quests who called during the aftornoon wero greeted by the young couple. Tho brldo's table was centered with a wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom which Mrs. A. B. Epperson had made for her mother's golden wedding cake. Pouring during tho after noon hours wore Mrs. C. E. Dennis, Mrs. II. G. Worllcy, Mrs. J. Y. Tipton, and Mrs. Calvin Hunt. This evening Mrs. Andrew Kronorl and Mrs, Gomer Jones havo been asked to pour. Mrs. Leo N. Huls served the wedding enko during the aftornoon hours, Miss Betty Jones to presldo this evening. Mrs. Oscar Pey ton was In chnrgo of tho guest book. ; - The bride visited hero at the Epporson homo In Juno . of last year and mado many friends during her brief slay. Board Hears Party Report Doernbecher Benefit Bridge Tea Success Last Saturday Members of tho Klamuth Falls Woman's Library club board, In session Thursday morning, hoard gratifying re ports on tho Doernbecher ben efit brldgo tea given last Sat urday In tho Wlllard hotel. Mrs. Matthew Rauw, chair man of bridge, announced that forty-fivo tables wero In play, bringing in i mo COO, and do nations totaled $44.30, with still moro to be contributed by those who wish to add to the fund. It Li hoped that $150 will bo reached boforo tho check Is sent to Doernbecher hospital for children In Port land. Mrs. Rauw announced that thoso wishing to pay their con tribution may do so at tho reg ular Monday aftornoon meet ing of Library club in tho main auditorium of tho li brary, Defense stamps wero given . as awards d-.u'lng tho aftor noon playing and these were donated by I.Ir. Guy Harmon of the Missouri-Pacific Rail road comp. ny. The club also wishes to thank Sw.m Lnko Moulding company, and J. C, Penney company for their do nations of dncorntli...8. High r re in contract went to Mrs. C. P. Van D .'on, sec ond to "Irs, William Spangler, third to Mrs. Tony Molntoro, fourth to Mrs, R, D. Rake straw, and guest award wns received by Mrs. George D, Tucker. In pinochlo, high scoro went ' to Mrs. C. Pctorso ., second toV - M. W. P.ayncr. MRS. WARREN HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Lane Warren enter tained at her home, 746 Cali fornia avenue, Friday evening honoring Mrs. Charles Bailey, tho former Patricia Woodruff. Bridge was played with sup per served later to Mrs, Roy Whitlatch, Mrs. Robert P. EUlngson Jr., Mrs. Lloyd Froom, Mrs. George Flltcraft, Mrs. Paul Crapo, Mrs. Robert O'Sulllvan, Mrs. Don Vannlce, Miss Dorothy Buchanan, Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, Mrs. K. A. cV01 ,u" C. If' f Ix ,.., vj I t : .... ... 1 I . ft I , a BRIDE-ELECT OF ENSIGN N. W. FREES, United States navy air corps, is attractive Mary Louise Loney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Loney Jr., of this city. The news was told at the Pi . Beta Phi sorority in Eugene last Sunday. Moore and the honor guest, Mrs. Bailey, Delphian, ' Delta Gamma chapter, will meet Tuesday at a quarter to ten o'clock at the homo of Mrs. Floyd Ranker, 212 North Second street. Lead er will be Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, the topic, "The'. Kinesthetic Arts." ' ' ,; Mrs. W. R, Boyd of Auburn street left Tuesday for Los Angeles where she plans to spend several weeks as the guest of her brother. v. v Mrs. Douglas Sharp, Miss Helen Lois Wlnnlngham and Enid Patricia Sharp, of Port land, arrived in the capital Thursday aftornoon to bo guests of Mr, and Mrs. F. D. Sharp. Miss Wlnnlngham re- -turned to Portland Friday evening, but Mrs. Sharp and her daughter will spend tho coming week visiting friends in Salem. Capitol Journal. Mrs. Marshall Cornett has spent most of this past week In Salem with Senator Cor nett, attending legislature. INITIATE FOUR INTO '. SORORITIES Four University of Oregon women from Klamath Falls were recently initiated into na ' tlonal social sororities, after having completed the last term as pledges, and having a grade point of 2.00 or better. Initiates from Klamath Falls wc,re Virginia Howard, Delta Gamma; Mary Corrigan, Sig ma Kappa; and Adcle Zam sky and Swca Swanson, Gam ma Phi Beta. OerU.'iy. G,.'cr. Mary Louise Loney " : Will Wed Ensign ' No Date Set for Ceremony as Friends In Eugena 2 Learn of Klamath Girl's Betrothal . Romance and St. Valentine favors went hand In hand this week when the betrothal of. Mary Louise Loney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Loney Jr., of Klamath Falls, was told at the Pi Beta Phi sorority house on the University of Oregon campus, Eugene, at one o'clock dinner Sunday, January tha thirty-first. Miss Loney announced her engagement to Ensign - : Luncheon On Friday Mrs. Carl Huson Hon ors Mother at Infor mal Party A delightful affair of Fri day at one o'clock was the luncheon given in the Pelican party room when Mrs. Carl Huson entertained in honor of her mother, Mrs. D. L. Mc Quarrio of Missoula, Mon tana. The large table was cen tered with a cluster of red carnations and the St. Val entine motif added a colorful note. Following luncheon bridge was played. Greeting Mrs. McQuarrle who has been here since the holidays were Mrs. Robert A. Thompson, Mrs. Don R. Drury, Mrs. Carleton W. Hornibrook, Mrs. C. S. Elliot, Mrs. Frederick W. Hamilton, Mrs. Guy Harmon, Mrs. J. F. King, Mrs. E. D. Hamacher, Mrs. Ray Coulam, Mrs. Carl Steinseifer, Mrs. Harry Wayne, Mrs. Charles V. Rugh, Mrs. E. M. Raymond, Mrs. H. M. Shapleigh, Mrs. Elmer Kinderdick, Mrs. Harold Hil ton and her mother, Mrs. Gary, Mrs. Robert Sproat Sr., Mrs. Martin Swanson, Mrs. Bernard Costello, Mrs, Charles Kempter and Mrs. Boyd Sprague. A guest gift was presented Mrs. McQuarrle and. a fare well gift was given to Mrs. J. F. King, prominent Klam ath Falls matron who is say ing goodbye to friends here. Jon, the mayor's four-year-old, has his left arm in a cast - as the result of a rip-snortln' trip on a toboggan last Sun day down a Pacific Terrace hill. Jon still thinks it was fun while it lasted! JlenaUt and Auul February 6, 1043. f, N. W. Frees, United States navy air corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frees of Salem. The large table was cen tered with a huge bowl of red and white carnations! with each place marked With a small white candle on fe mirror. Wide red ribbon made the table gay and St. Valentine favors completed the decor. Assisting about the rooms were three of Miss Loney's sorority sisters, Miss Phyllis Foster of Klamath Falls, Miss Mary Gene Bohenkatnp of La Grande, and Miss Elizabeth Schafer of Eugene. Places at tables were marked for forty. No date has been set for the wedding, according to Mrs. Loney who attended the an nouncement party. Also pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Frees. Ensign Frees is now sta tioned at Alameda, California. He and his parents are for mer La Grande residents and he attended Southern Oregon College of Education prior to enlisting in the navy air corps. ' The bride-elect Is an attrac tive Klamath Falls girl and now in her senior year at the university. She is a member of Alpha Chi and Phi Lambda Theta, national educational honorarles and has been ac tive during the past four years in various campus af fairs. 1 ' Friends of Miss Maxlne Cameron, who has made her home here for the past sev eral years, will be interested to learn she is leaving soon for Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she will reside. Miss Cameron has served as sec retary to Mr. Mitchell Tlllot son of tho First National bank. Friends are happy to sea Mrs. George J. Walton about, following a month's ilinesi which confined her to her home on Homedale road. ,1