PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Fobrunry 8, 1043 At Cllnlo Dr. Peter H. Boz ndal. Klamath county health efflcer, left thli week for Port land where he win altcna tne econd Oregon Social Hygiene conference which started Friday at Hotel Portland. The confer ence Is arranged by the Ameri can Social Hygiene association and conducted by the University of Oregon medical school, Ore ion Tuberculosis association and the state board of health. Dr. Donald Erb, University of Ore fon president, will presido and an address by Dr. R. A. Von derlehr, assistant surgeon-general, US public health service, will highlight the program. Dr. Vonderlehr will speak on "Ven ereal Disease Work in War time." Dr. Hozendal will report on the conference after his re turn tills weekend. Newton Visits Sergeant An gus Newton of the army re cruiting service, a Klamath Falls man, is spending 10 days here on a WAAC recruiting assign ment Sergeant Newton said he recently saw Lieutenant Colonel Dewey Powell of Klamath Falls, now at Fort Stevens, and found Colonel Powell looking fine. To San Francisco B e 1 1 e Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Henry, 2204 Garden ave nue, left Tuesday evening for San Francisco, where she will enter the Southern Pacific hos pital for medical treatment. Daughter Born Lt. and Mrs. Thomas Radcllffe are parents of a daughter, Kathleen Diane, born at Wilcox Memorial hos pltal In Portland on Thursday, February 4. This is their first child, and also the first grand child of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hcber Radcliffe of 1420 Pacific Ter race, and Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Steclhammcr of Portland, and the first great-granddaughter of Mrs. W. C. Ball of this city. Lt. Radcliffe is now stationed at Fort Sill, Okla. . Passes Ross Painter of this city received word of the death of his mother, Mary Stafford Painter, 88, who died late Wed nesday at her home in Central Point. Mrs. Painter was born in Springfield, Mo., in 1854 and came to southern Oregon in the fall of 1888. She has lived in Central Point area for more than SO years. Final rites were held Saturday afternoon with interment in the family plot in Phoenix cemetery. Leaves Mrs. John W. Bene- ficl and infant daughter left Klamath Valley hospital Friday for their home in the Hamel apartments at Sixth and Fine streets. In Hospital ' O. E. Murray, health unit janitor, Is receiving treatment at the county isola tion hospital following a sudden attack of Illness while at work this week. He is improving. Medford WAAC Betty Vilm, well known Medford girl and sister of Mrs. Robert Hart, formerly of this city and now living in Korbel, Calif., left Frt day for Portland to enter serv ice in the Women s Army AuX' iliary Corps. Auxiliary Vilm, who has visited here frequently, enlisted at Portland a month ago. At the time of her enlist ment. Miss Vilm was employed by the Rogue River Forest ser vice and the Crater Lake Na tionul park service. She is the daughter of Mrs. E. N. Vilm. From Bonania Mrs. K. I. Bold and Mrs. Cecil Haley were visitors in Klamath Falls Fri day from their homes in Bon anza. Mr. and Mrs. Bold plan to leave next week for Port land where they will attend the wedding of their son, Ivan Har lan Bold, to Clara Elaine Mc- Cormick, planned for February 14. June Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Williams of Medford and formerly of this city, will accompany the Bolds north and will sing at the wedding. To San Francisco Charles Riley left Friday night for San Francisco to visit with Charles, Jr., who is in the air corps and is expected to "ship out" short ly. Returning from San Fran cisco, the elder Riley will spend some time at Richardson Springs, near Chico. House Cleaning Three mem bers of the staff of the Klam ath county health unit were busy this weekend wielding brushes, brooms and mop sticks as they embarked on a spring house cleaning campaign. i The entire clinic was to under go a thorough cleaning at the hands of the employes. Party Planned Klamath post No. 8, American Legion and auxiliary, will sponsor a Valun tine dancing party Saturday eve ning, February 13, In Veterans Memorial hall, Fourth street and Klamath avenue. ' This is one of the scheduled dances to be held each month. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooten, Mr. and Mrs, Julian Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Amil Paul ' are in charge and have issued a cordial invita tion to all veterans, wives and friends. "Old time" dance music will be played as well as the new. Those not wishing to dunce will find tables for cards. Re freshments will bo served. Cock tail hour is from 9 to 10 p. m. Talk Heard Mrs. F. C. Cat- lin spoke at the Thursday after noon meeting of St. Paul's aux iliary held. at the homo. of Mrs. James Swansen. Mrs. Catltn, who visited her cousin, Ameri can consul at Tunis, Africa, dis cussed at length that part of the country, the city and the cus toms. Sho especially stressed the life of the women, political and religious. The group will meet in two weeks at the home of Mrs. Lane Warren on California Dismissed Marvin Bright, US navy man, will be dismissed from the county isolation hos pital this weekend. He and two other sailors, were confined to the hospital following an out break of measles. of a girl born at Emmanuel hospital, Portland, Tuesday, February 2. Good is taking the CPT course In Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Good has been visit ing with her mother, Mrs. Carl McBrayer, In Portland. Services Final rites for Lovls G. Rose, 84, who died hore Tuesday, wore hold In Siskiyou Memorial park, Medford, at 1 p. m. Saturday. Mr. Rose camo to this county from Norway at 20 years of age. Two children, Lewis Rose and Mrs. Clura Bur dette, live in Medford, Clinic Plans aro being made for a child guidance clinic to bo held in Klamath Falls at the Klamath county health unit all day February 18. Drs. Dixon and Finley, psychiatrists, Port land, will be In charge Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs L. D. Good Jr. are the parents Siarts Tomorrow! Last Time Tonight 'THE WAR AGAINST Mrs. Hadey" MEN 4'A i -A OF STEEL! WOMEN OF FIRE! VM M ' & as .r-avv & a , av -a BIO! BRAWNY! BOLD ADVENTURE! Out of the wild decade of bootleg end easy riches ... Conies a fist-lashing drama packed with excitement! A Charles K. Feldman Production MARLENE DIETRICH RANDOLPH SCOn JOHN WAYNE FRANK CRAVEN Louise ALLBRITT0N SHEMP HOWARD THOMAS GOMEZ lUDWIG STOSSEL EXTRA! SPECIAL! "THE MASK OF NIPPON" A Startling Expose Of Japanese Treachery "Community Sing" War Newt -.. 4L se 1 f I juOOliI 1 " i -, S.1T v. -ir Y 7 f" rv In Town French Johnson. Tulelake rancher, was a Klam ath Falls visitor -Friday. No) there Isn't anv ftrai ihmv are going up to Room 203, Odd Fellow Bulldlna to hi. Chit. help them dope out their Income tax. i,ois oi activity ana no ac Cidonti, so far. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective June 16, 1942) Train 19 Southboundi 6ilS p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 10 a. m. Train 17 Bouthboundi 6i30 a. m. Train 18 Northboundi 9 p. m. Medford Stage. Westbound, 9i30 p. mw Evening Airmail, Dance The Eagles auxiliary and drum corps will sponsor the regular Suturday nliiht dance tonight at tho KC hull with Sa tin Klger's orchestra. The pub lic is welcome Insure with Hans Norland and be sural TODAY Gi Brent Pat O'Brien Merle Oberon " r. . . I" "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" ONLYI And "OUTLAWS Of PINE RIDGE" LmW double VJ 3 ACTI0N plus' Jt 'll LJxm The Second Feature! fhe lone Wolf's on the Prowl! 1 ContlnueiM I howl Uturdiy in Sundiy NEW N if TODAY! - . Oontinuout Ihowt Today ' Ul nd Tomorrow 1 'I 7 1 Vv' L" i 1. .1 llh VICTOR M'LAGLEN ALAN BAXTER SIG RUMANN Miniature "Brief Interval" OWL SHmu TONIGHT Com, jjjJJJAliU uiiiaiiHaabJ SiSJtSsiisnaaJ m eM eaimmui f," ',""' NEW TOMORROW.' o 4 Great Stan In The Dramatic Achievement of The Yearl vm 4- V Olivia DeHAVILLAND "IN THIS OUR LIFE" George BRENT Dennis MORGAN Willi a OtRl'S I Moll All A IDT'I A KdUl First Run Companion Feature! Extra BUGS BUNNY Cartoon "Wabblt Twouble News sfp BILLY HALOP . HUNT2 NALl BERNARD PuNSLEY. GABRIEL DELL W KELLY. Grw McDONALD STARTS SUNDAYi 2 TERRIFIC HITSI ' NO. 1 . : . TIMELY AS TODAY'S HEADLINES! ... A Big Time Star Studded Revival! Kr I 1 Hf J 1 1 If THE V" GEORGE BRENT OLIVIA deHAVILLAND JOHN PAYNE McBngh II F...L . I ii sieuK ntaisa k. v a O 'r,rs Klamath Showing AHIOT OF BEAUTY IN A& HURRICANE of LAUGHTER! W ffr Weniti, braiMttM, rdlifldt...jmartii...iwllM, yC V watlM . . . Hallywood' levllt . . . In ttit singing, Z-Jfli - mmmam aanleMeii mm . . . . 'vyyv1-u-tnjTjXnjVAAJU NO. 1 "MOONLIGHT IN HAVANA" HURRYI ENDS TONITE! 2 FIRST-RUN FEATURES! KM WtOUUTIOM Dili IU4 Of 4M7 m K er " H . eV m P all NO. 2 "SADDLE 1 MATES" i-i-.-irui.nnnAi