February 6, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN o CLASSIFIED ADS 1 Meeting Notlcti MiicU1 efliiimtiiilcatloii. KIbiii till lxitf No. TT, A. f. A. tl. Hitunlar "H. M. . IMI. t 7:00 p. in., f!. nk lo M. M. dailM. All " S ....it ..... .A - .I,..,. VlllUif walciMII. Lost end Found LOST 700x17 tiro, number T240622U2. Reward. A. M Olhuon. Korn Hotol. 2 8 4 General Notion MIRACLE SERIES PIANO -Popular, classical. Ph. 3406 2-6 Personals MONUMENTS Kin mntli Fulli Marblo and Gnuilto Works 116 So. llth. Phona 0381. 20 10 Services BLACKSMITHING and welding. Tractor, truck and farm mach' Inery repair, Spoclnl built elovutors, stackers and buck rakes, BROWN EQUIPMENT CO. 1040 So. 0th St. Phona 8247 4-23 CHIMNEY SWEEP. Oil burnor aervlce. Furnaces cloanod J. A. Tufts. Phono 7140. 2-22 INCOME TAX RETURNS ex. pertly prepurcd reasonable charges, wo have Oregon, cai Hornla, Fodcrul forms. C'omo early avoid rush. Bring last year's returns If available. Room 4, Molhase Bldg., 328 Main. Phono 8670. W. B J Bowne. R. F. McLaren. 2-10 PICTURE FRAMING Gooller's 230 Main. 2-14m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs H. M. Allender. 731 Main, Room 219. Phona 7203. 2-1 8m PAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L, Brown. Phone 4220. 2-10m HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict 0848. 20m CROSS CUT AND CIRCULAR SAWS should be repaired now. Bodenhamer Saw and Repair Shop, 3S1 E. Main. 2-20 PAPERHANGERS - PAINTERS available. Gooller's, 230 Main J Phona 0704. 2-24 DRESSMAKING, formal! and alterations, all kinds. Margo, Whytal's balcony. 2-28 BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and patched. People's Waro house Bag Co. , 4082U 1 WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas Hathaway, 120 No. .10th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. 2 28 REFRIGERATOR, washing ma chine, vacuum cleanor parts and service, all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth. 2-28m FLOOR SANDING and refinlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3822. 2-28m )RING those crippled household appliances to us tor first aid. Washers, Ironors, rcfrlgorators and oil healors serviced and repaired, VICTORY SERVICE CO. Ralph Fuller, New Manager 100S Prospect . Phonos B448 or 6173 3-1 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dig. eases, 832 Main. Dial 7215. 2-28m 14 Help Wanted Female WANTED Offlco girl for one oi iviamaiiva jinesi stores. Must do typing, have pleasing personality. Steady position good salary. Nowa-Horald Box 121. 2-6 TOMEN Finn opportunity In tolophono operating, No pre vious experience required, good salary to start with: reou lar increases following. Sco Mrs. Brodic, 8:30 a. m. to 0 p. m., Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., 120 No. 8th. .. .'2-8 WANTED Housekeeper. Phono 4014. 40B5U MIDDLE-AGED woman for maid work. 4 hours a day. Lake Hotol. 2-0 1 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Box factory superin tendent, Must havo full knowl- , edge of box factory opomtion and should have lumbor ex perience. San Francisco Bay district. Glva full Information, past and present experience and age. Box 4073, Herald- New. 2-8 APERHANGER3 WANTED Phona 4837. r 2-8 WANTED. Barber. Steady work, good wages, near air base. Joe'a Barber Shop, Red mond, Ore , . a-11 34 Automotive u'l.rij-juvi.ri.'iri.nrmrii-iri-i- ..................... WHOLESALE CASH PRICES FOR EXPORT CARS WANTED-1 5 Late Model Cars Mostly 6-Cyl. Sedans Must Be in Good Condition With Good Rubber These Cars Will Go to Essential War Workers in the Bay Districts. So If You Have Two and Don't Need But One, See Jim Douglas, Purchasing Agent, to Get Cash for Your Car Right Now! DOUGLAS MOTOR GO. 734 Klamath Ave. ' Packard, Hudson, Willys Dealer All Chrysler Product Service 18 Situations Wantad HOUR WORK Phone 8043. 2-8 BEWINQ Any form shirt col lars, cuffs turned. 621 N. 0th Phone 6240. 2-10 CHILDREN TO KEEP In my home, 25c hour daytime, 30c hour nights. 2311 Darrow, Phone 6231. 2-6 EXPERIENCED married itono grapher and bookkeeper wishes part-time work, prefer ably afternoons. Mrs. Mar shall, 323 Commercial St., Apt. No. 3. 2-6 BABYLAND Care of babies and chjldren. Hour, day or weok. 1104 Crescent. Phone 8341. 3-4m 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD 1841 Main. 2-26 ROOM Board, 620 Jefferson Phone 6337, 2-6 BOARD ROOM 814 Washing ton. 2-6 ROOM -BOARD Gentleman 504 N. 10th, Phone 8814. 2-6 22 Rooms For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms $3.50 week up. Tran slent $1. 2-21 NICE ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 2-11 ROOM 020 Lincoln. 4810U CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th " $4.00 woekr All outsido, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new lnnersprlng mat' tresses. Free parking. 2-28m CLEAN, steam heated room 310 So. 5th. 3-1 ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN $3.00 weok. 845 Eldorado. 2-6 ROOM FOR RENT 814 No 10th. 2-12 ROOMS 1034 High. 3-5m 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Rex Arms apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5700. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 2-8m ESPLANADE COURT apart monts. Furnished. Walking . distance. 2-10 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment acconv modatlons with hotel service, ' Complete kitchen and dinette Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 2-1 lm FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 133 N. 10th. 213 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Utilities furnished. 418 No. 10th. 2-16 LIGHT, CLEAN housekeeping room with kltchonctte. 248 Broad. 4048tf RIVERVIEW Four nicely fur nished rooms, with two bed rooms, electric range, rcfrig - orator. Phone 5452. 4847tf FURNISHED 4 -room apartment. Adults. No pets. 825 Lincoln. ' ' ' . 2-6 VACANCY Jacobs Apartments, Pine and Cedar. 108tf THREE-ROOM furnished duplex apartmont. 121 So. 2nd. 110U FURNISHED TWO ROOMS Bath. Two blocks off Main - 5121 High. . .. -- 2-8 VACANCY Hot Springs Court, 221 Spring. 2-11 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartmont, , Gas equipment. . Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. , U7tf WALKING DISTANCE Four rooms, furnished. Lights, wood, water. $28. 138 Mor timer, 2-6 FOR RENT New two-bedroom furnished apartment. 745 Rose. Phone 4220. 2-6 3-ROOM furnished apartment, electrically equipped, close In, ' Couple, No pets, Inquiro 802 Lincoln, 2-6 FURNISHET four-room modern apartmont. Two bedrooms. Bus lino, Convenient to rail roads. Phona 7226. 13611 34 24 Apartments For Rant LARGE 3-room apartment. Part ly furnished. 6686. 2210 So. 6th. 2-12 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 421 Onk. 2-12 28 Homes For Rent FOR RENT Two-room house $12,50. Everything furnished $18.00. 1125 East St. 2-8 TRUCKS 'FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save Vt . Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 2-7m SMALL MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished 2123 Biehn. 4192tf FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Close In. Inquire 814 Lincoln. 4465U CLEAN 3-ROOM HOUSE Utll itlcs furnished. 2000 Blehn. 2-27 3-ROOM DUPLEX New, large, unfurnished or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1133 California. Phone 5658 344tf THREE-ROOM newly decorated house. Bath, woodshed. Cor ner Stukel and Division. In' quire 405 Martin. 2-6 TWO-ROOM furninheri hnuu Adults only. 610 So. 5th. 2-6 BACHELOR CABINS Close In. $10 month. 510 So. 8th. 3-4 FOR RENT Two-bedroom fur nished house, almost new. Hot Springs. Phone 131, Malin. 2-6 FOR RENT Good modern fur nished house. Electric range and refrigerator. Ph. 3756. 2-6 FOUR-ROOM house. Inquire 1537 Wllford, afternoons. 2-8 TWO-ROOM house, nartly fur nished. Garage. $12.50. Adults. 1035 Dolores St., Hot Springs. 2-0 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY. Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 2-Um 30 Real Estate For Sale TWO-ROOM HOUSE, 1-3 acre ground, garage, woodshed and chicken house. 2010 Hope. 371tf ST. FRANCIS PARK Seven- room home. All modern, with firerilacB and saraim. Fsnceri. Nice garden spot and fruit trees. $4800. Terms. Chris Huck. Phone 6470. 2-6 HOT SPRINGS HOME Attractive two bedroom home. located in nice nnrt nf Hnt Springs. Fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, full basement, concrete foundation, Venetian blinds, metal weather stripping, etc. Also extra bedroom, fin ished in basement, lawn, trepn. rockery, etc. Full price $5500. J. E. HOSKING 517 Main Phone 3211 2-8 EQUITY in modern four-room house. Venetian blinds. .Good location, 1321 Wllford. 2-6 SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8401. 3-2 POTATO LAND Will accept Diets in the next two weeks for cash rental of 40 acres potato land, or will sell. E. Gray, 118 N. 7th. 2-6 SIX ACRES good level irrigated iana on t,awcview hlway with small house. Price $2500. $500 down. FIFTY ACRES good Irrigated ianci, lour miles from town on old Weed highway. No build ings. $7500. Torms. H. E. Hauger, owner, 1330 Main. 2-10 CHEAP Equity 5-room house. Pavement, near bus and school. 717 Mitcholl. 308tf FOR SALE 0 rooms, on paved street, onk floors, coved cell ing,. Venetian blinds, garage attached to house, nice yard. $3000. Box 438, Herald-News. -8 Automotive 32 Real Estate Wantad WANTED TO RENT Ranch on crop basis or will work on farm with the Idea that I can have and Increase some stock. Write Box 72, Malln, Ore. 2-6 34 Automotive GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 2 -6m WANTED TO BUY 114 -ton late model truck. Lost River Dairy. 351U FOR SALE 1038 Chevrolet c dan. Phone 4558. , 2-6 NEW CARS are still available for immediate delivery. For the largest selection of good used cars and pickups see H. E Hauger, Bulck Garage, 1330 Main. 2-10 FOR SALE Pickup. 1833 Ford, Model B motor. New tires on rear, front tires good. 1103 California. 2-8 38 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full. Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404 2-26m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joy er. 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 2-28 AVON PRODUCTS Dial 6681 2-17 FOR SALE Caterpillar '30, 1938 Fordson. Box 116, Spra gue River. 2-12 FARMERS We have lumber as low as $18 per thousand for your brooder house, barn, garage and other farm buildings. No down pay ment, up to three years to pay. J. W. COPELAND YARDS 66 Main Phone 3187 : 2-11 FOR SALE Electric range. Priced for quick sale. Call 3150. 2-8 FOR SALE Body wood. Box 44, Worden, Ore. 2-6 RUBBER STAMPS, Printed - signs, made-to-order. Commer cial printing, most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4 h. Phone 6632. 2-8 , FULLER BRUSHES -CALL 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. R. V. MORGAN. 2-8m GLASS Mirrors, resllvering, , plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-6m DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. ' . 4851tf FOR SALE 100 tons of alfalfa hay in stacks. Inquire J. R. Taylor, Merrill, state line. 2-0 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5871. 2-28m FUEL RAT'ONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. ' SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 271tf RADIOS Sell or trade. First hnllKA nast Frunkfm-ri'a wnnrl yard, Bend highway, 2-6 RIFLE AND SHOTGUN AMMU NITION is now being mado available to FARMERS, CAT TLEMEN, and SHEEPMEN 1 for the killing of PREDATORS or RODENTS. This is an OF- 'FICIAL WAR PRODUCTION BOARD set-up and you can place your orders at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO., 828 MAIN ST., KLAM ATH FALLS. FOR SALE Young Guernsey cow and 10 bales of hay for $00, R. C. Prudhomme, 6102 So. 6th, near Idella's, 2-6 FOR SALE 1000 lbs. Michael grass seed, $10.00 per hundred. K. C. Wilson, Malln, Ore. Phone 160. 2-12 34 Automotive 38 For Bale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 60-acre improved ranch, on highway 5 miles from center of Klam ath Falls. Address Boxholder 4070, Herald-News. 2-0 FOR SALE OR TRADE for Eu gene property, 6-room subur ban home, 1 acre ground, out buildings. Write W. A. War field, Eugene, Ore., Rt. 3. 2-8 WANTED TO RENT 40-60 acres potato land. Cash rent. Alfalfa or . clover preferred. O. L. Hodges, Tulelake, Calif. Phone 7312. 2-6 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Used pianos. Spot cash. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4518 or 7175. 2-25 TRAPPERS We are paying top prices for coyote, muskrats, lynx cats. Geo. E. Upton, Raw Fur Dealer, Forest Grove, Ore. 2-7 CASH FOR USED RIFLES 30-30, 25-35, and 32-20's. Pre ferably carbine models and in any condition. Bring them in for appraisal to SOUTHERN OREGON HARDWARE at 528 Main St. . 4877U WANTED TO RENT Farm Cash or crop basis. Box 35, Olene. 2-0 44 Livestock and Poultry SEE US BEFORE selling your livestock to so-called shippers. We need cattle and hogs here at home and it will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3505. 4970tf WANTED TO BUY Some more Guernsey cows, and some Guernsey heifer calves, wean ed. Please give price when you phone as tires are hard to get. ' Phone 4043. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St. l-10tf WANTED Cattle, sheep and hogs. J..D. Beckley. , Phone 7334 evenings. , .. 4053U FOR SALE Saddle horses, well broke. Phone 4138. '2-8 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT RNDOSPFSS . WAYS TO GET A CONSUMER CASH 10AM . rnONE . WHITE . COME IK Tou ntad no eo-algoera or andoraen to get ft cooaumer loan ' THREE LOAN PLANS NO. l-INCOMB LOANS "" ' On your not. only. No wap win- menti. No co-llgnera. . J0. FURNITURE LOANS , Your tharacttr la mort Important l than tha furolturo Itielf. NO. a-AUTO LOANS 20 to um caib toana and rati- nandng. ' CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY miss 720 Pine St. SIM) Phone 7711 t-Um Seo Dinty Moore . For ' AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simnle Credit Rpmiirnmpntx Complcto Privacy w 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers - Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3328 2-28m First Federal Has ' Plenty of Money ' Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms : Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5105 2-2 8m MaiheU and tyinoHcial PROFIT MING STALLSMARKET GAINS TOQAY NEW YORK, Feb. 6 (P) The tendency to pocket profits stalled recovery for many stocks in today's market although Indi vidual spots of strength devel oped. The list was irregularly Im proved at the start but early plua marks were trimmed or erased later and, near the close, losses running to a point or so were scattered over the ticker tape. Transfers for the two hours were around 800,000 shares. Distilling company stocks stumbled over the proposal to sharply curtail public liquor consumption. General Motors and Continen tal Motors registered best marks for more than a year. Montgom ery Ward, Sears Roebuck and Standard Oil (NJ) established the 1942-43 tops. I Bonds were narrow and com modities mixed. Closing quotations: American Can . 78 i Am Car & Fdy 20 Am Tel & Tel , ......1311 Anaconda 26 1 Cat Tractor 431 Commonwealth 8c Sou 1532 General Electric . 33 i General Motors Gt Nor Ry pfd ... Illinois Central Int Harvester : Kennecott Lockheed 461 ...... 231 ... 81 581 31 .. 10 i Long-Bell "A" 6! Montgomery Ward ,... Zli Nash-Kelv ...... 7 N Y Central .... .... 121 .. 81 .... 26 . 31 .... 26 J .. 151 .. 81 641 17 5J .. 4J 61 .... 174 .... 841 .. 501 Northern Pacific ... Pac Gas & El Packard Motor Penna R R '. Republic Steel ......... Richfield Oil Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Brands Sunshine Mining Trans-America ... Union Oil Calif Union Pacific U S Steel Warner. Pictures : Party invitations used to in clude, "Bring your own liquor." Is that going to change to "Drive your own horse?" . LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Directors of School District No. 1, Klamath Falls, Oregon, will accept bids on 100 cords of wood to be de livered at the Riverside School. Body wood, cut in 4-foot lengths out of live fir trees, is preferred, but alternate bits will be ac cepted on 4-foot fir slabs or 2 foot veneer core centers, and on a limited amount of 4-foot pine slabs. Delivery must be completed and wood tiered on the grounds of the Riverside School no later than August 1, 1843. Send bids to J. P. Wells, Dis trict Clerk, at Klamath Union High School, not later than Fet ruary 20, 1043. J. P. WELLS, . District Clerk. F 4-5-6 No. 184 a Day of 48 Financial Month Season 1042-43 Season 1941-42- I A KIC- Fab. Feb. to Season Feb. to Season LJAnJO Daily Date to Date Daily Date to Date Established 8 Years in . - 21 MoT 7 1 5085 Klamath County . , . Furniture Loans 2 28 47 5433 . 24 25 5100 Signature Loans : . - ., -Livestock Loans " ' 3 30 77 5463 21 ' 82 5136 $25 to $300 - 4 16 93 8479 21 73 : 5157 Rogers Finance Co. j ii .125 5511 -' ie if Hif 412 Main' S'189 Dial 5113 Z ZZ 17 8 2-28m 7 21 , 127 5211 REFINANCING JL J2 """" If you want to refinance your 9 21 150 8234 mortgage, ask us about the Equitable Plan 10 - 23 173 2T . prmPncreate8 k zz zz 6 CHILCOTE & SMITH " . 6300 Since 1009 13 ie 232 8316 111 N. 9th Phone 4564 - 14 18 250 8334 A beautiful room I 18 ZZ ZZ ZiZ COSts only ffok JL i5 2.B5 Jilt- , fJSf ' 17 22 . . 287 '8371 V MHO 18 , . ' 21 308 , 8302 V.KJ5Et1'- 18' - ' ' . . v 13 " 32f 8405 . nLrllVJ'' r ' 13 3377 8418 21 ZZ ' 10 344 ' 8428 " J&''frr'' """li ' ' 0 344 8428 m miracu rftLi nmsN 23 -- ' ZZ ,;380 ,.., 8434 T big bas: ; bs. CO. -JO- J!4!- A MahV : 8prlng 25 14 378 8462 ' i"4 26 " " Ib m 1472" KErc airmcEI f : " 403 8487 f " , 2i " : ' 12" 419 8489 Potatoes CHICAGO, Feb. 6 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: arrivals 112; on track 255; total US shipments 825; old stock, supplies - moderate, trading very light; market steady on best stock, weak for ordinary; new, stock: supplies moderate, demand very slow, market dull; no track sales re ported, too few sales to estab lish a market on street sales. Idaho Russet Burbanks US No. 1, $3.23; Colorado Red Mc Clures US No. 1, $2.75; Nebras ka and Wyoming Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.03-3.05; Minnesota and North Dakota Cobblers commercials $2.28-30. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 8 (AP-USDA) CATTLE: For week; salable 2080; calves 150; compared week ago, market strong, instances 25 higher on fed steers canner and cutter cows closed weaker. Vealers strong; load good to choice ex perimentally fed steers $15.75; medium to good $13.25-$15.25; one load $15.50; medium fed heifers $13.00-75; few good to $14.25; common heifers $8.00-. $11.00; cutters down to $7.50; canner and cutter cows $6.50 $8.25; medium to good beef cows $10.00-$12.00; odd - head $12.25; medium ' to good bulls $11.00-$12.75; good and choice vealers $14.50-$15.50; few $16.00. HOGS: For week salable 1860; compared week ago, mar ket steady after losing early 25 50 gain, early top $16.00; closing sales good and choice around 180-225 lbs. $15.50 down, heav ier and lighter . weights penal ized 50 and more; good sows steady at $13.50-$14.00; good to choice feeder pigs $14.50-$15.50. SHEEP: For week salable 1700; compared week . ago, fat lambs and ewes 25 higher, low er grades steady; good to choice wooled lambs $15.00-50; medi um to good $13.00-$14.50; com mon down to $10.00; culls down to $8.00 and under; feeder and shearer lambs $11.00-$14.50; mostly $12.50 down; good ewes $7.25-75; deck good to choice fed ewes $8.25; common down to $4.00. .SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 6 (AP-Fed.-State Market News) CATTLE: For five days 350. -Compared week ago: Gen erally firm, she-stock 50 to $1.00 higher; actual top, half-load 1105 lb. good steers $15.50, load medi um steers $14.85 to feed-lots; heifers absent, . quoted $13.50 $14.50; half-load good 1153 lb. range cows $12.50, load 1000 lb. Oregons $11.75, few common weighty cows $10.50, bulk $9.50 $10.00, cutters $8.50-$9.090, can ners $7.50-$8.25; odd good bulls $12.50, medium $11.00-$12.00. CALVES:. Receipts 10. Nomi nal; choice quotable $15.00 and below. HOGS: -For five days 1800. Compared week ago: Around 10 20 lower, or 40-50 lower than mid-week; closing bulk good to choice 240-270 lb. hogs $16.00 10; closing good sows $14.25 down. SHEEP: For five days 2500. Compared week ago: Wcoled KLAMATH BASIN Carload Potato Shipments (Figures from State-Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey) SHAWLUMBER BUYS THE IN CANBY AREA Shaw Lumber company of Klamath Falls and Tionesta has completed a deal with the forest service for purchase by ex change of 70,500,000 feet of lum ber in the vicinity of Canby, to be cut later at a mill to be built at Alturas, it was learned Satur day from J. Royal Shaw, head of . the company. The newly acquired timber Is In addition to 28,000,000 feet bought some weeks ago in the same area, making a total of a little more than 100,000,000 feet. Exchange Made The timber is in what Is known as the first unit of a for est management plan for forest service timber in the Alturas working circle. The mill at Al turas, expected to be established within five years, will cut 15, 000,000 feet a year on the new ' unit. . ' ' In acquiring the timber, tha Shaw lumber company makes an exchange of timber it has pur chased in Yuba, Butte and Plu mas counties valued at $210,000. This Is to be turned over to- the government in payment for the Canby timber. Camp Expected Shaw stated that the opera tion of the company's plant at Tionesta will continue on the present basis for the time being, producing lumber on war or ders.' :. V" It ' is expected the , company will establish a logging camp at the Hackamore CCC camp to harvest the newly acquired timber. WHEAT CHICAGO, Feb. 6 m Inter est in the grain market was at a -low level in today's short session ' and prices were little changed from yesterdt. . Wheat opened lower but then rallied on buying credited to el vator interests. When May touch-.-r ed $1,401, however, fairly M - . , al selling entered ttifi. pit a ,4': prices soon dropped back. Ku , Wheat closed s-lc higher,, y, $1,401, July $1,391, com w unchanged to 1c higher, May - , ' 973c, oats ?re unchanged to ie higher, rye was v .changed to 1c higher, and soybeans were not traded. The basic concept of a "master race" is nothing more or less than the instinct of a carnivor ous animal or of a savage tribe to impose its own power by force over the area in which it can hold sway. The whole history of the Third German Reich has exemplified this brute instinct. Undersecretary of State Sum ner Welles. . lambs fully steady; packaged wooled. 87 lb. lambs $15.75; package choice 125 lb. wooled ewes $9.25, culls $7.00, around $1.00 higher.