SERIAL STORY THE TERRIBLE EYE BY EDWIN RUTT COPYRISHT. IMS. NBA RVICC. INC. CHAPTER I rpHE living-room In the convert- ed bam was dark, av for art occasional electric-blue upark that crackled along a act of colls. The colls were attached to a large ominous-looking machine standing against the far wall. Only the mere outlines of this machine were visible ,ln the gloom. And the shadowy figures of Jonah Logan and Mahoney, moving restlessly about the room, lent sinister touch. It was as though a couple of the baser conspirators had fore gathered In a chamber of horrors. Jonah Logan stopped prowling to light a cigaret The flare of the match revealed an open, slightly-humorous face, notable for gray eyes and a wide mouth that crinkled at the corners. The sudden Illumination also revealed an ordinary movie screen designed for home use. , "You know, Mahoney," Jonah said, in a kind of awed whisper, "the possibilities of this thing are so vast, so tremendous, that some times it almost scares me." "What's there to be scared of?" Inquired Mahoney, an unimagina tive man. "The very thought of what I could do with it And another thing! Who'd ever have figured that I'd go down in history as a great inventor? Think of it, Ma honey. Alexander Graham Bell, Edison, Marconi and Logan. How's that for a backfield?" "You're travelin' in fast com pany, Chief," Mahoney said. . "I'll say so. I . . ." But, all at once, Jonah stopped and his whole body went rigid. ' Activity had begun in the ominous-looking machine. A faint yel low light glowed behind a huge lens in the front of it The light wavered a moment then deep ened. "Ah," breathed Jonah. "She's beginning to cook, all right" "Think shell work here like she did in New York?" asked Ma honey. ' "Why not? Give her a touch more juice." , 1 Mahoney complied. The blue sparks striking off the coils in creased in number and Intensity. Inside the" machine, light seemed jto'chum around. Then, sudden ly images began to appear on the movie screen. At first they were meaningless tlura, totally unrecognizable. But Jonah Logan stepped over to the ' machine. He took a flashlight from his pocket and the beam ' picked out a small dial. Jonah 'twisted the dial carefully. And, presently,- the indistinct jblurs on the screen resolved them selves into outlines, then shapes. , rPHE scene was a valley. On . either side of it ran a range of low hills, somewhat parallel to each other. On the far slope, there was a building of foreign and an tiquated architecture. Visible, also, were a number of smaller buildings. A little forest of beech trees ringed these establishments. "Looks like that's the farm they (called Hougoumont" Jonah spoke crisply. Jonah knew something about the decisive engagements of history. "Hugo, who?" said Mahoney mystified. Mahoney knew noth ing about the decisive engage ments of history. I Before Jonah could reply myr iads of tiny white puffs started up from the low hills on each side of the valley. And, with startling abruptness, a great company of horsemen, light gleaming off drawn sabers, off epaulets, off the metalwork of bridles, poured down the slope in the foreground. They charged in a swift-moving mass across the uneven terrain of the valley. And from the farm, and the wood around it arose other white puffs, like cotton balls tossed into the air by unseen chil dren. "Gosh," Mahoney exclaimed. "That ain't a bad pitcher, Chief. Lots of action." , "Not a bad picture?" There was annoyance in Jonah's voice. "Why, man, it's super-colossal." "Okay," said Mahoney. "I says it was swell." "Yes, but I detected no sense of the magnitude and er sweeping consequences of this invention. And yet Mahoney, you now enjoy an odd distinction." , "Who, me?" "You," said Jonah solemnly. "You, Mahoney, are one of the two men alive who can see the Battle of Waterloo. Just as It was fought" . 'T'HERE was an Impressive sl- lence. "Well, what do you know?" Ma honey said, at last. Jonah, apparently satisfied, shut off the machine. "No use wast ing power. It's working perfectly. But I sure wish that Henry L. Channing was here tonight" "Look, Chief," said Mahoney. "I'm only your assistant But darn if I can make sense out of us com in' up here to Connecticut, lug gin' nil our junk an' hirin this this shakedown." He swept a dis gusted hand over the converted barn. "I've told you," said Jonah ir ritably, "that wo came because I can't get an interview with Henry L. Channing in New York. I've written him about 25 letters. And all I've gotten in reply are formal notes, from secretaries. I quote from one, typical of all: If ou -will state your reasons for de siring an Interview, Mr. Channing will take the matter under advise ment.' How do you like that?" "Well, why didn't you state your reasons?" Jonah stared at him. "Do you think I'd even hint about such an Invention as mine in a letter to be opened by a secretary? Well, I've tried phoning Channing. Same results. Snippety operators want to know my business and when I won't give it they ring off. I'm fed up. Mahoney. Who does Henry L. Channing think he is?" "Maybe," said Mahoney, "he thinks he's what the newspapers call him: the multi-millionaire camera king of America." "Bah," Jonah said. "How long do you think he'd be the camera king if I were to put the Terrible Eye on the market?" He indicated the big machine. "Honest Chief, I .wouldn't know." Jonah eyed his assistant severe-' ly. "You should know. However, I have no intention of marketing it I merely want to sell the invention to Channing. And since he won't see me in the usual way unless I let down my hair to a lot of secre taries and telephone girls, ;I'ra bearding him in his den." : "Yeah? How do you work that?"" "By going straight to the Chan ning estate," said Jonah decisive ly. "Tomorrow. I know Chan ning is there on vacation because I've made inquiries. Well, we'll barge in and give him a demon stration on the working model. And when he sees what that can do, wild horses couldn't stop him from rushine over here to get a load of the real McCoy. You 1 leave it to me." ! "That" said Mahoney warmly' "Is just what I'm doin'. Leavin' it to you." Jonah Logan planned his foray 1 into the Channin domain care- j fully. Far Into ""the night he plotted, and when he finished, he smiled happily. If Jonah Logan had learned anything in his work as an inventor, he had learned patience. Henry L. Channing was simply' another problem to be solved,' scientifically, painstakingly, caro- fully. Jonah Logan felt sura he had reached a solution. He reck-l oned, however, without Cupid,' who at that innocent moment In. Logan's lite was hard at vorkou; a big surprise. (To Be Continued) li'-i; M luys ONI WARM ARMV I LAN KIT One warm blanket might avoid a fatal case of pneu monia! War Stamps buy warm blankets. Some unused things around the house that you've forgot ten all about will buy extra War Stamps. I'm a Herald ' and News Want Ad, and I'm enlisted for the duration. Phone me at 3124 and I'll turn YOUR forgotten things into warm blankets for sol diers! Herald and News Want-Ads Get Results if. i ' r ui I 1 1 J 1 ij. WILLIAM HENRY, WHO I ATEB n. . KING WILUAM IV OF EN&LAND, THE FIRST MEMBfb EUROPEAN ROYALTY J EVER TO 74? A TCAV7K: rw VISIT AMERICA. ' . i rAT. ctt. NAME BEET" COMES FROM THE FACT THAT, WHEN THE SEED PODS OF THIS VEGETABLE BEGIN TO SWELL, THEY RESEMBLE THE I f I -CHINA'S SORROW," THE UNCONQUERABLE," AND "SCOUC&e OF THE SONS OF HAN ARE NAMES GIVEN TO Z-6 ANSWER: The Yellow river. EXT: Short-lived poeta long-lived poetrr. AIRPLANE INSIGNE HORIZONTAL 1,7 Depicted is insigne of 14, U. S. Naval Air Force. 12 Musteline mammals. 16 Bearing. 17 Street (abbr.). 18 Babylonian deity. 19 Opus (abbr.). 20 Symbol for erbium. 21 Acquired. 22 Full dress (colloq.). 24 Russian village. . 28 Biblical pronoun. 28 Right (abbr.). 29 Fish eggs. 30 Helped. 32 Implement. 34 Lease. 36 Immerse partly. 38 Regret 39 Disguises. 41 Snatches. 43 Sty. 44 Long fljsh. Answer to Previous Puzzle LIO.UII ISLJbIR O MjFII IE LD I N T I Op' iT R! A iD ENEAP NicNN O R Ab OR E S TIP K.ElYI N UlNp R I DjP EP l E S ,-.M DiflSlT i 3 A . Unsn'aP R E ...EiR IfflllS NOlR! NEI6 AT E m:. NOV ElL z3okmr MflDagAz: iTBTB-. I N I STlP NJATjEVE R -1PIL IOT AN I 46 Leo. 17 Mechcanical man. 49 Gazelle. 53 Diminutive of Theodore. 54 Left-hand page. 56 Exclamation. 58 Compass point 59 Irish (abbr.). 60 Symbol for tantalum. 61 Hazard. 63 Implement for 10 Breezy. sowing. 11 Doctor of 65 Number (pi.). Theology 66 European vipers. 13 Fragrant 14 Irritate. 19 Leave out , 23 Hawaiian hawk. 25 Crimson. 27 And (Latin). 30 Genus of geese. 31 Finger or toe. 33 Sphere. 35 Piece out.. 37 Golf teacher. 39 Myself. 40 Any. 42 Enraged. 45 Land parcei. 46 Mineral " deposit .48 Brinks. 50 Either. 51 Flower. 52 It is the fuselage insignia for this naval air group. 34 Contended. VERTICAL 1 Mail. 2 Rose oil. 3 Size of shot 4 Staggerers. 5 English moneys of account. 6 Lone Scout (abbr.). 7 Palatable. 8 Quart (abbr.). 55 Boat paddles. of 9 Indian. (abbr.). 12 Floor cover. 57 Hasten. 62 Symbol for tin. 63 South Amer ica (abbr.). 64 From. '13 4 5 6 IT" To- " TTTTTS" J - - ; r- H-wM : - n Hr r- .111 I I 1 I xm I I ' r J IIP H!$ " ;p5 k J si tS ""l w " S - , S OH, TH VANKS HAVE 'captured a jap town well, whut this yank holdin a jap upside cown "V FEKf THAT LOOKS Lll CRUELTY. WELL . LOOK VVHUT KIDS PER VEABS.' THAT YANK'S CAUGHT A JAP THAT MADE PISGY BANKS AN' IS SHAKIN' SOME O' TH' RICE OUTA HIM ill j-rsrir f. Ill 'Xii:S',4 1 SWEET REVENGE Our Our Way By J. R. Williams 2-6 LOOK I6KVT TH W OUR. . HERO WO LVoD TO FKOLIC AROUMD INi 1UE 6N0Vi-CAPPED HlMANK'o IN SHIMMING SUIT ? "TVA6 OLD 80V6 ?lAftKlNiS LIKS A CRIPSHOOTec'S WRIST.' SIRS.'-VOWEhJ IThROVO OFF- rHOAMDCARRMlMS A rESAJ COAT-Or-ARNV-b, . TU6 WcfT AJATER. BCfttLE'wTHW HKE&THl& ACCURSED A VOhVTE V0IS AMD W6ibUKW SIT AT A SPINNING VAKEEL.' n TO SEEK REDRESS 'it . Uur DOardmg hOUtO'rr m tMn,wiMiwtt t.-mnmm, Jl UI--. -i .- LJ l. . ...i Mlia ' .imiiiiiJ mrn mgur noupia YOU'RE JAIL W ( 'D-A.'D rAEtJ DON't TALK .' JH Jfi SI THE WRONG fAtf , I TH' BANKER UH 5HOT J lf J ftfL t?T SHERIFF .' I'VE I tIED- EUT YUH'LL (5lT. SahdUM fl BEEIO FRAMEt), I J A fAIR TRIAL IF AH lK.7li,V0l BUT THE EANKER KA) KEP W FOLKS 4WfJ tC VJILL TELL YOL) Vf ,V FROM WAN(?N' WW fZfM. ,"4?IHl r NOT THE OUTLAW, j --"HRSff PKpifa'WmP' Red Ryder MVI X. t. t JF "t"IT",Fj BFrd Harmon ' i cm.i uamc Liiirrv GO THROUGH TH MAIN GATE - BUT TH KIDS CLAIM HE OtDCTT CROSS TK DRPWBRTOGE--HM-M- DakK here at night- two UTTLE ROOMS- ) Little OtDhon Anni EMPTY. CS COURSE -OUST PL ACES POR SENTRIES TO KEEP OUT O TH COLD IF TK CASTLE HAD SENTRIES" SURE BEATS ME" NEXT TIME, Oi. WATCH MY END A UTTLE CLOSER- mm m Kt1 I ;tnl( J 3 mmm f AH. YES- II ( OH, 1 WAS V I INTCRESTtNG II just lookin" cotawMftNce- HOW TH' DRAWBRIDGE f. BUT ITS 1 IS MADE --ITS TK J CHILLY HORE WRST ONe I 18 BETTER COME EVER SAW- jpffl IN OUT OP THE i ml J. ; on Lorre-WHEN THAT- SHUT. WHOEVtRS TM OUTSIDE TimKW I RE ..'I (IRS HE'S A SECOND HOUWNt eH? OH QUITE so" ho m TUB THINGS YOU THINK OF- ; . i ii i S Mm Well, They wamteo me to lie that's part of mr initiation so i LIED I AND IF I HAVE TO UE.I MA1 AS WELL HELP MY OWN AU56 h --rU 1 " Freckles and Hit Friendt I GOTTA KEEP THIUGS STRAKSHT. THOUGH. LETS SEE NOW, X IOLD JERRY THAT FRECK'S FATHER WAS A SAFE -CRACKER IJllTTV M A'flAMAPIWK JUVENILE CRIMINAL" A ir tIB I A ir l-M rABWT OF AUTHE OTHER GUYS EJkCcrr PUD WANGLE WW W2 i - reer f By Horold Gray AND MAYBE MUCH. JERRY Jp I GET KNIFED IN THE BACK.TBLLTHrr POLICE X SUS PECTED A KID NAMED DUD , wangle! . : t nca cvict. imp, r mo By Blouor L 1 OH. SURE. A FEW 6ERMAN SOLDIERS HAVE PASSED, BUT I THIS OUTFIT THcY MISTOOK ME FOR ONE ! THE REGULAR GUARPS YriY s "vr2l?nv f ."- ' JJti Itf- V 8c LEAVING fHSl I f 157-1 WUPJ LOOVC out; here COMES AM OFFICER . m i i f4i C 1 Wash Tubbi m'. w .m?wnmm ,tw Kl Y WAS WOUNUCI IN. .;( -"f- OBW.rMr.wT WALK VERY FAR. POt';-" I CARE TO COMB Jl yoUMINPIFlSTOP t V IHS10B? y HERB AND REST Amm 7S-T I Via iMADTPOFrt JUST ACROSS THE STREET, ILL STOP AND LIGHT A CIGARET... THAT 15, IF 1 P1PMT LEAVE TUBU AT THE UOPBRAU HERCi K. J HAVE OWE OF MINE i SIR T By Crane iiopc. ? 1 I TTJ i.r.. H V" Boot! and Her Buddiei esssjn fiAoii v . i f OOP'S MO EiROTHER.) ( THERE'S AM X-""-TaTvTO OTHER OF MOTHER.... Jy-eS AK1SVJER TO VOTE THIS MATTERS WE ! MOB. OF POP'S, THEM X THIS YET, MEETIMS WE ) MOW TURM i FOR AMOTHER TOMT I AlKi'T V ADJOURK) " s . SEE HOW IFIGGERED Mm YEH.FOR " I ( OUR UMCLE I HOW TO fg&m, EjCITEMEUT V HE CAM A GET A X TX . , By Martin WELL, VOL) sUMPIM OLD, V-" WE'LL. FIMD)' , TWO, WHAT V I SUGGEST.., THEM X 7l SOME -v. TO rio THEM WE'RE KMOW WHATVOv DUMB AMD Om ' SUMPIM OLOl SURET'DO BE JUST RIGHT,,, HICK f HIWl RIGHT) . 1 OR 9UMPIM V- IT E.EST A WE'LL. LOOK US 7, LA QUICK . j , MEW? X UP A MICE 7-V f V GOOD FIGHT r- Kf WE'LL. S VAT V y If PLAY OUR 1 TT VOL' TRICK l X )) : L.C0PH, 1.4) ay MA EBVICt. T. M, BEQ. Ufl, PAT, tlfy. J . F"1" ""'. j. ')?(, , Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin