Folminry 15, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINK CLASSIFIED !! ADS J Meeting Notices pcflal Qomtrtunl-itlnn, Kliin. Ih Ulf No. A. r. A, M. diturdty iv-Rliif, rili. I, IHI, t 1:00 p. Hi., work In II. M. ilqin, All l,rllir-- lutlliil la llnid, Vllltori wolnintf. H, A.ll.r. W, M. Lost and Found LOST 700x17 tiro, number I T246022112. Reward, A. M. 1 fllhuon, Kern UotH, 2-0 , 4 Oonortl NotloM ; MIRACLE SKRIES PIANO Popular, clusslcnl. rn, 3iw. 2 0 Porionnls MONUMKNT3 Klamnth Fnlli i Mnrbla nnd Crnnlts Works. 1 110 So. 11th. Phono 0381. ) 2-g 10 Borvlcn l n "in m n - - - - - ............ "WILL pump out your bnscmont, itl Pumps for rout. Southern - Oruuon Well Drilling Co. Pliono 0022. 28 BLACKSMITHING nnd welding. i Trnctor, truck nnd farm much i Incry ropuir. Special built olovntors, stackers nnd buck j rnkes. i BROWN EQUIPMENT CO. 1040 So. 0th St. Phono 11247 i 4-23 , .CHIMNEY SWEEP. Oil burner service. Furnuccs clcnncd. ' J. A. Tufts. Phono 7140. 2-22 :! INCOME TAX RETURNS ex !; pertly prepured reiuonnblo N charges. Wo hnve Oregon, Cnl- Oifornln, Federal forma. Come , enrly avoid rush. Bring lnt S yonr'i return If nvnllable. M Boom 4, Melhniio Bldtf., 325 Mnln. Phone 0070. W. B 8 . Bowne, R. F. McLaren. 2-10 PICTURE FRAMING Goeller's, 230 Mnln. Z-14m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttoni nnd Bucklei covered. Alterations on new nnd old clothing. Mrs, H. M. Allender, 731 Mnln, Room 210. Phono 7203. 2-lOm PAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phono 4220. 210m HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 8048. 2-0m CROSS CUT AND CIRCULAR 8AWS should bo repnlred now Bodonhnmer 8nw nnd Repair Shop. 851 E. Mnln. 2-20 l PAPERHANGERS - PAINTERS i nvnllable. Goeller'i, 230 Main. 'J, Phono 8704. 2-24 i; DRESSMAKING, formal! nnd nlterntlom, all kind. Mnrgo, I Whytnl'a balcony. 2-28 BAGS MACHINE CLEANED I and patched. People'i Ware- 3 houie Bag Co. 40S2ti ll WILL OBTAIN your delnyed fi birth cortlflcnto for you. Chns Hathnwny, 120 No. 10th St., 1 Klnmath Falls, Ore. . 2-2B -.REFRIGERATOR, washing ma chine, vacuum cleaner parts I ll 1 H , I, i W-h nir Mnrh Inn SrrvleeHl 1 South Sixth. 2-28m FLOOR SANDING nnd roflnlsh- ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. 2-28m -BRING those crippled household J appliances to us for first aid. I Washers, Ironers, refrigerators 'j and oil heaters serviced and repaired. 3 VICTORY SERVICE CO. Ralph Fuller, Now Mnnngcr I 1008 Prospect 3 Phones B448 or 8173 S-l Hoalth iXn. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic l; clinic, colon nnd roctnl dls ; I , eases. 832 Main, Dial 7218, . 2-28m Help Wantad Famalo WANTED Girl for drug store work between 18 and 38 yenrs. Good wngos. Must be nent, honest and efficient. . Refer ences required. Box 4808 Herald-News. 2 WANTED Office girt for one of Klnmnth's finest stores. Must do typing, have pleasing personality. Steady position, good solnry. Nows-Herald Box 121. , '. 2-0 HOTEL MAIDS WANTED Ap ply housekeeper, Hotel Elk. '2-5 WOMEN Fine opportunity In telephone operating. No pre vious experience required, good salary to start with, rcgu lar Incrcnscs following. Soe Mrs. Brodlc, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m., Pacific Telephonn and Telegraph Co., 120 No. Slli. . 2-8 jj WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 4U14. 4085U WOMAN or girl for housework and care ono child. $60 month. Phono 8188 between 8:30 and 7:30 p, m. 2-8 16 HelD Wantad. Mai. aPAIHTERS WANTED Steady work. Phono 4837, 2-7 34 Automotive 34 injx,wu,Arn,ui-ruyu- -rr'r'JifnJnJi''-r'rnnnnf'11-1-1"1"1 - -- -- --- WHOLESALE CASH PRICES FOR EXPORT CARS WANTED-1 5 Late Model Cars Mostly 6-Cyl. Sedans Must Be in Good Condition With Good Rubber These Cars Will Go to Essential War Workers in the Bay Districts. So If You Have Two and Don't Need But One, See Jim Douglas, Purchasing Agent, to Get Cash for Your Car Right Now! DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. x Packard, Hudson,. Willys Dealer All Chrysler Product Service 16 Help Wanted, Mtla WANTED Box factory superin tendent. Must hnvo full knowl edge of box fnctory oporatlon nnd should have lumber' ex perience. San Francisco Buy district. Give full Information, past nnd proaunl experience and ago. Box 4073, Herald News. 20 CONTRACT LOGGER Perma nent Job for logger with equip ment to handlo 7 to 8 million ft. yearly. Short haul, good ground. Price secondary to man who enn produce. Mill northern California on High way 00. Apply Crag Lumber Co.. CiL-Mln. Calif. 4924tf 18 Situations Wanted uXTLruLnji.ft,iii-iiri i -------------- HOUR WORK Phono 8043. 2-8 SEWING Any form shirt col lars, cuffs turned. 621 N, 9th. rhone 0240. 2-18 CHILDREN TO KEEP In my homo, 25c hour dnytime, 30c hour nights. 2311 DBrrow. Phono 6231. 2-6 EXPERIENCED married steno grapher and bookkeeper wishes part-tlmo work, prefer ably afternoons. Mrs. Mar shall, 323 Commercial St., Apt. No, 3. 2-6 BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 1104 Crescent. Phone 8341. 3-4m 20 Room and Board ROOM -BOARD 1841 Mnln. 2-26 ROOM Board, 629 Jefferson. . Phono 6337. 2-8 BOARD -ROOM 314 Washing ton. 2-6 ROOM -BOARD Gentleman. 804 N. 10th. Phone 8814. 2-6 22 Rooms For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory.' Steam heated rooms $3.50 week up. Tran sient $1. 2-21 ROOMS 1034 High. 2-5m NICE ROOMS 134 N. 3rd, 2-11 ROOM 820 Lincoln. 4810U CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. $4.00 week. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms, All with new lnnersprlng mat tresses. Free parking. 2-28m CLEAN, steam heated rooms. 310 So. 6th. 3-1 ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN $3.00 week. 843 Eldorado. 2-6 FOR RENT Housekeeping room with private bath. 618 N. 8th. Phono 4750, 2-8 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Rox Arms apart ments, 224 Broad. Phono 6760. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 2-8m ESPLANADE COURT apart ments. Furnished. Walking distance. 2-10 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 2-1 lm FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 133 N. 10th. 2-13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Utilities furnished. 419 No. 10th, 2-16 LIGHT, CLEAN housekeeping room with kitchenette. 248 Broad. 4048U R1VERV1EW Four nicely fur. nlshcd rooms, with two bed. rooms, electric range, refrig erator. Phono 8452. 4047U FURNISHED 4-room apartment. Adults. No pets. 828 Lincoln. 2-8 VACANCY Alameda Apart ments, 1800 Esplanade. Adults. No pets. 178tf LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 421 Oak. 2-8 VACANCY Jacobs Apartments, Pine and Cedar, lOBtf THREE-ROOM furnished duplox apartment, 121 So. 2nd. HOtf NEW & USED CARS 1042 Hudson Coupe 1042 Hudson Sedan 1042 Bulck Century Sedan The above are A cars and can be sold now with cer tificates. 1038 Zephyr Sedan 1030 Zephyr Sednn H. E. HAUGER 1330 24 Apartments For Rent FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. Gas equipment. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 117tf WALKING DISTANCE Four rooms, furnished. Lights, wood, water. $25. 138 Mor timer, 'i 2-6 FOR RENT New two-bedroom f u r n Is h e d apartment. 745 Rose. Phone 4229. 2-6 3-ROOM furnished apartment, electrically equipped, close in. Couple. No pets. Inquire 802 Lincoln. 2-6 26 Houses For Rent TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save Vt. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 2-7m SMALL MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2123 Blehn. 4192tf FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Close in. Inquire 814 Lincoln. 4465tf CLEAN 3-ROOM HOUSE Util ities furnished. 2000 Blehn. 2-27 3-ROOM DUPLEX New, large, unfurnished or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1133 California. Phone 8658. 344tf THREE-ROOM newly decorated house. Bath, woodshed. Cor ner Stukel and Division. In quire 408 Martin. 2-6 UNFURNISHED 7-room house. Furnished three-room duplex. 2023 Darrow. 2-8 CLEAN, furnished 2-room cabin, Water, lights. $18 month, B & M Service Station. Phone 6876.. 2.5 FOR RENT 6-room modern, furnished house, $20 month. Inquire Mrs. Ream, Valley Hotel. 2-5 FURNISHED three rooms, bath , and utility porch. Gas floor furnaco, electric water heater, electric range, electric refrig erator, washing machine, laun dry trays, ventilating system and room cooler for summer. Has small tnr front. Pints 1 In. 155 East Main. Phone B537. 2-6 TWO-ROOM furnished house. Adults only. 510 Soi 8th. 2-6 BACHELOR CABINS Close in, $10 month. 810 So. 8th. 3-4 FOR RENT Two-bedroom fur nished house, almost now, Hot Springs. Phono 131, Malin. 2-6 THREE clean, well furnished rooms, glassed porch, garage. Lights and water. $28.60. 2420 Vine. Phone 5904. 2-8 28 Miscellaneous For Rent - - "'v.-wwwi-mu DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY. Safety and protection. Cars aro not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 2.nm 30 Real Estate For Sale TWO-ROOM HOUSE, 1-3 acre ground, Rum He, woodshed and chicken house. 2010 Hope. 1 371tf ST. FRANCIS PARK Seven room homo, All modern, with fireplace and garage. Fenced. Nice garden spot and fruit trees. $4800, Terms. Chris , Huck. Phono 6470. 2-6 Automotive 34 Automotive wwvwwvwwwAWMW 1940 Buick Sedan 1930 Pontine Sedan 1941 Olds Coupe 1938 Pontlac Sedan 1937 Bulck Coupe 1036 Chevrolet Sedan And SO others. We have a good selection and prices are right. MAIN 30 Real Estate For Sale Oregon Avenue Three-bedroom house with basement, newly papered, nice lawn, trees and shrubs, well fenced, good garage. $3,250 $500 down and $35 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 Members Klamath Realty Board 2-5 FOR SALE OR RENT Four room place near Mills school. Nice shape. Price $2200 or rent $25. E. Gray Real Estate, 118 N. 7th. 2-5 EQUITY In modern four-room house. Venetian blinds. Good - location, 1321 Wilford.- 2-6 SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8491. 3-2 POTATO LAND Will accept bids In the next two weeks for cash rental of 40 acres potato land, or will sell. E. Gray. 118 N. 7th. 2-8 SIX ACRES good level irrigated land on Laweview hiway with small house. Price $2500. $500 down. FIFTY ACRES good Irrigated . land, four miles from town on old Weed highway. No build ings. $7500. Terms. H. E. Hauger, owner, 1330 Main. 2-10 CHEAP Equity S-room house. Pavement, near bus and school. 717 Mitchell. 398tf FOR SALE 5 rooms, on paved street, oak floors, coved ceil ing, Venetian blinds, garage attached to house, nice yard. $3000. Box 439, Herald-News. 2-8 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO. RENT Ranch on crop basis or will work on farm with the Idea that I can have and Increase some stock. Write Box 72, Malln, Ore. 2-6 34 Automotive GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut Ph. 7378. 2-6m WANTED TO BUY ltt-ton late model truck. Lost River Dairy. 3Sltf FOR SALE 1936 Ford Fordor sedan. Now paint, fair tires, new upholstery. Guaranteed mechanically A-l. 2023 Dar row. 2-5 FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet se dan. Phone 4558. 2-6 NEW CARS are still available for immediate delivery. For the largest selection of good used cars and pickups see H, E. Hauger, Bulck Garage, 1330 Main. 2-10 WANTED TO BUY for cash from private owner, '41 Chevrolet - pickup or late model coupe. Call 3831 Saturday between 9 and It a. m. 2-5 33 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full. Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404. 2-28m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joy- er. 1435 Martin. Phone 8677. 2-28 AVON PRODUCTS Dial 6601. 2-17 36 Miscellaneous For Salo FOR SALE Body wood. Box 44, Wotdcn, Ore. 2-6 RUBBER STAMPS, Printed signs, madc-to-ordcr. Commer cial printing, most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4'.h. Phone 6632. 2-9 FULLER BRUSHES CALL 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. R. V. MORGAN. 2-8m GLASS Mirrors, resllverlng, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-6m FOR SALE Dry wood. 2159 Arthur. Phone 6870. 2-26 DRIVEWAY CINDERS 6817. Phone 4851U FOR SALE 100 tons of alfalfa hay in stacks. Inquire J. R. Taylor, Merrill, state line. 2-9 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 2-28m FOR SALE 12-lnch Craftsman electric saw, 18-inch Delta band saw, 4-wheel farm trailer, 2-cylinder Nova gas engine, 1 Fairbanks-Morse scale, 1000 lb. capacity. Phone 6371. 2-5 FOR SALE First crop alfalfa hay. W. B. Graham, Merrill, Ore. 2-5 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 271tf RADIOS Sell or trade. First house past Frankford's wood yard, Bend highway. 2-6 RIFLE AND SHOTGUN AMMU NITION Is now being made available to FARMERS, CAT TLEMEN, and SHEEPMEN for the killing of PREDATORS or RODENTS. This is an OF FICIAL WAR PRODUCTION BOARD set-up and you can place your orders at SOUTH , ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO., 528 MAIN ST., KLAM ATH FALLS. FOR SALE Refrigerator, bed room suite, innerspring mat tress and coll spring, dinette set, miscellaneous items. 3351 Crest. .. 2-5 FOR SALE Young Guernsey cow and 10 bales of hay for $90. R. C. Prudhomme, 8102 So. 6th, near Idella's. 2-6 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 60-acre Improved ranch, on highway 5 miles from center of Klam ath Falls. Address Boxholder 4979, Herald-News. 2-9 FOR SALE OR TRADE for Eu gene property, 6-room subur ban home, i acre ground, out buildings. Write W. A. War- field, Eugene, Ore., Rt. 3. 2-6 FOR SALE OR TRADE Pups household pets. 838 Oak St, 2-5 WANTED TO RENT 40-80 acres potato land. Cash rent. Alfalfa or clover preferred. O. L, Hodges, Tulclake, Calif. Phone 7312. 2-6 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Used pianos. Spot cash. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. 2-25 TRAPPERS We are paying top prices for coyote, muskrats, lynx cats. Geo. E. Upton, Raw Fur Dealer, Forest Grove, Ore, . 2-7 CASH FOR USED RIFLES 30-30, 25-35, and 32-20's. Pre ferably carbine models and in any condition. Bring them in for appraisal to SOUTHERN OREGON HARDWARE at 528 Mnln St. 4977tf 4B Business Opportunities WELL ESTABLISHED Tavern- Beer, wine, billiards. Doing good business. 630 So. 6th St., Grants Pass, Ore. 2-5 Matketl and v fyl CUTT ALLOCATION TO BE CONTROLLED WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 VP) T. H, Brundage, western log and lumber administrator, was di rected by the war production board today to take active con trol over the cutting of Douglas fir lumber and to allocate logs wherever necessary, in order to speed production of war-essential types of Pacific coast lum ber. Production of certain construction-type lumber, such as dimensions, uppers and siding, will have to be curtailed, WPB said, to increase the supply of ship decking and planking, pon toon and aircraft lumber and aircraft lumber and structural stress timbers. The directive was Issued be cause bad weather in the Pacific northwest had reduced the an ticipated output of logs and lum ber, WPB explained. There is "no intention to disrupt existing arrangements" in the industry, it was stated, but in some cases it may be necessary to divert Doug las fir logs from the regular channels. "The situation is so critical that available logs and sawmill capacity producing Douglas fir lumber must be directed to the most essential military and civ ilian uses if minimum require ments are to be met," WPB said. The directive did not give Brun dage any new powers, but in structed him to make active use of the authority conferred on him last September. 44 Livestock and Poultry SEE US BEFORE selling your livestock to so-called shippers. We need cattle and hogs here at home and it will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3505. 4970U WANTED TO BUY Some more Guernsey cows, and some Guernsey heifer calves, wean ed. Please give price when yOU Dhone as tirpx am hnrrl to get. .Phone 4943. R. C. iruanomme, sioz So. 6th St. l-19tf WANTED Cattle, sheep and hogs. J. D. Beckley. Phone 7334 evenings. 4953tf FOR SALE Saddle horses, well broke. Phone 4138. 2-8 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS . I WAYS TO GET A CONSUMER CASH LOAN PHONE - WRITE . COME 1ST You need do eo-ilgneri or endorser to set coniumer loan THREE LOAN PLANS NO. I-INCOMB LOANS On your note only. No wag aulfo menta. No co-staneri. NO. J FURNITURE LOANS Your character la mora Important than the furniture ltitll. NO. S-AUTO LOANS l-D to 1500 eaih loana and refl nandng. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY (H'SU 720 Pine St. SIM) Phone 7711 t ssm See ' Dinty Moore . For - AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Loce-My Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest ' ' M-273 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 2-28m First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms : Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 8198 2-28m LOANS Established 8 Years in Klamath County Furniture Loanf Signature Loans Livestock Loans $23 to $300 Rog ers Finance Co, S-189 : t - 412 Main Dial 5113 . 2-28m WHEAT CHICAGO, Feb. 5 (VP) Mill buying gave some support to the wheat market today but prices were unable to extend the ad vance scored In the previous session. Despite reports that govern ment agencies are in the market for 500,000 barrels of flour and chain bakers are seeking an ad ditional 200,000, wheat encount ered considerable commission house and local selling when the May contract moved above $1.40. A slump In rye, which carried contracts In that grain down about a cent or more at times, served to weaken wheat and other grains. Traders said sev eral leading houses with elevator connections were on the selling side of rye. Wheat closed unchanged to ic lower, May $1.39i-1.40, July $1. 30 i, corn was 1c lower to ic higher. May 97 ic, oats declined Ic, rye dropped l-Jc and soy beans were not traded. PINE PRODUCTION PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 5 (P) The Western Pine association re ported today that pine lumber production and shipments for the week ending January 30 showed good gains over the pre vious week. Orders, however, were slightly behind, and all three remained considerably below figures of a year ago. Comparative figures: Production 37,758,000 board feet week ending January 30; 33,155,000 previous week; 49, 226,000 corresponding week last year. Shipments -54,642,000: 48,- 482,000; 76,694,000. Orders 55,478,000; 55,929,- 000; 90,042,000. , ' " LIVESTOCK; SO. 8. F. LIVESTOCK SO. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 5 () (Federal-Suite Market News) CATTLE, salable none; Nominal. For week, medium to good steers quoted $14.50-15.50; good range cows $12.00-50; bulk -receipts' largely common cows $9.50-10.00, steady, cutters $8.50- 9.00, canners widening out $7.00 8.50. Calves, none; nominal. HOGS, salable 100; around 20c lower; about load and half choice 266 lb. barrows and gilts $16.00 16.10; quotable top sows $14.25. SHEEP, salable none; under tone fully steady; good to choice wooled lambs quoted $15.00-75; wooled ewes sharply higher, quoted $8.25-9.25. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 5 (AP-USDA) Cattle: salable, 25, total 600; calves 10 and 25;'sup ply mostly cows; few sales steady; canner-cutter cows $6.50 7.75; fat dairy type cows $9.00; other classes nominally steady; week's extreme top fed steers $15.75; odd fed heifers to $14.25; good beef cows $12.00; medium good bulls $11.00-12.75; vealers stronger today, few good-choice $15.00-16.00; mediums $12.50. Hogs: salable 25, total 600; few salable steady; one lot good choice 227 lb. weights $15.50; 235-275 weights $14.50-75; heavy sows $13.50; choice light feeder pigs quotable $15.50. Sheep: salable 25, total 50; market nominal; good-choice fed wooled lambs salable $15.00-50; common grades $10.00; good ewes calable up to $7.75 and above. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON. Feb. 5 (AP-USDA) An auction of 3334 bales of Aus tralian and 426 bales of cape wools totaling 1,175,622 pounds, was held in Boston. Practically all sales of greasy lots were made at ceiling prices, purchaser being determined by drawing of cards. Scoured and carbonized lots sold at prices averaging four cents below ceiling, No generation is wholly free from specimens who justify the charge that it is soft or spoiled, but the present generation is far more free than most. President Everett Case of Colgate univer sity. A beautiful room costs only 0Q$ WHS! THE MIRACLE WALL FINISH BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main & Spring Phone 3144 I ItUZHCUL SPECIALTIES, TACK ON GAINS By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, Fob.. 8 (P) Steels, motors and specialties overrode a lot of skepticism in today's stock market and tacked on recoveries of fractions to n point or so. Transfers wera around 900,000 shares. Bonds were uneven. ' Scarcity of urgent selling on the technical correction which got under way Tuesday encour aged buyers to some extent al though others continued to hold aloof on the theory the reaction could be extended. -Closing quotations; American Can 791 Am Car & Fdy 28s Am Tel & Tel ......131 Anaconda 264 Calif Packing 251 Cat Tractor 43i Comm'nw'lth & Sou ........1532 General Electric ... 332 General Motors 461 . Gt Nor Ry pfd . 23 i Int Harvester 581 iKennecott 31 Lockheed . 191 Long-Bell. "A" . 6i Montgomery Ward ...... 371 Nash-Kelv ..: 7 N Y Central .. 12 J Northern Pacific ...... 81 Pac Gas & El .. , 26 .Packard Motor ... ............ 31 Penna R R 251 Republic Steel 151 Richfield Oil ' 01 Safeway Stores , 381 Sears. Roebuck 631 Southern Pacific 171 Standard Brands 51 Sunshine Mining 4i Trans-America .............. 6 Union Oil Calif . 17, Union Pacific . 841 U S. Steel 511 Warner Pictures 8i Tire Man Charged With Selling Recaps Without Certificate , SPOKANE,. Feb. 8 (flV-Car-roll -Hawley, former tiro, com pany operator, , charged with selling recapped tires without requiring rationing - certificates, of recaooing without, certificates and of selling tires at prices in excess :of the ceiling;' pleaded guilty to a 10-count indictment in federal court yesterday..' He testified he obtained, rub ber of high quality from- Port land firm and was told .by the firm the rubber might-be used for recapping 'without- rationing certificates. . "It was used by many firms on the coast," Hawley added. Heppner Sawmill Destroyed by Fire HEPPNER, Ore., Feb.. I (P) The Heppner Lumber company's sawmill was destroyed by fira early this morning but consider able stacked lumber as well as the planing plant and other ma chinery were saved. The mill, of approximate 50, 000 board foot dally capacity, was insured. It takes a year to train an army air force man for over seas duty. The AAF is gradu ating pilots at the rate of 40,000 annually. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby glven that the undersigned has been ap pointed Administratrix of tho estate of Georgle Bryant, de ceased. All persons having claims against. said estate or are. interested therein are directed to present their claims properly verified to me at the office of my attorney Thomas W. Chat burn, First National Bank Build ing, Merrill, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of this notice. Dated and first published Jan. 8, 1943. , BESSIE GREENMYER. ' Administratrix J 8-13-22-29; F 8 No. 168 "NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Directors of Srhnnl District No. 1. Klamath Falls, Oregon, will Bccept bids i on 100 cords of wood to be de ! livered at the Riverside School. ! Body wood, cut in 4-foot lengths ! out of live fir trees, Is preferred, ; but alternate bits will be ac : cepted on 4-foot fir slabs or 2- foot veneer core centers, and on ! a limited amount of 4-foot pino 1 slabs. . i Delivery must bo completed ' anA ui-nt Tlirri nn the ffrounds of the Riverside School not later than August 1, 1943. Send bid to J. P. Wells, Dis trict Clerk, at Klamath Union High School, not later than Feb ruary 20, 1943. J. P. WELLS, Dlstriot Clerk, r-4-5-B No. 184. V MOTORS.STEELS