Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 05, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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    February B, 1943
fClamatlt Qaantif GJwSich flleuxi
The Kluinutli brunch of tho
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
.Saints In honored to
liavo their mission president,
German K. Ellsworth, In attend
ance ut the muntliigs Sunday In
tho public llhrury.
President Ellsworth la a man
loved II i id respected l)y thou
sands. Ills first missionary ex
perience was In Cnllfornlii In
11IIMI. Luter ho presided over
Ilia Northern Stale mission at
Chicago (or 17 years, roturnlng
In 1020. After Hint he hnenmo
nil offlclnl of the internal leva
line section of the United Stales
treasury department until a
yeiir ago when he became presi
dent of the newly created
Northern California mission.
lie In nmn In whom ninny
vlrtuon ure enjoined which qual
ity him for lib work. Here in a
mini who Is opeiwnludvd and
toleriiut to nil, but with n titronu
conviction for right, Bucked
Willi Iheiie yeiim of servlco and
colorful rxperleuce, hi) In n mini
who speaks wisely, Instructive
ly, freshly, delightfully and
with force which motivate bin
listener to good action and cor
rect thought.
Sunday school, 10 a. in., at
the close of which he will ad
dress tho members.
The general public In Invited
and urged to come and hear
President Ellsworth In tho eve
ning at 0 o'clock when he will
have a special mrssiige for all.
Bible Baptist
(Northern Convention)
The Southend Community
church, Wlard street at South
Sixth. City bus to Idclln'i cor
ner. The pastor may ho reach
ed at all times by calling 7210.
Nadinn Dinning In charge of
nnnlc. Frances Smith is the
superintendent of tho Bible
Morning worship service 10
o'clock. Tho pastor speaks on
tho subject, "Revivals Are
They Scriptural"?
Bible school at 11 o'clock,
with classes for all ago groups,
with Bible trained teachers in
charge. Mr. Wheutley is the
teacher of the adult Blblo class
which meets In tho auditorium.
High school yqung people's
Bible class 0:30 p. m. with Sirs.
Whcatley as tho teacher. Fran
ces and Rose Smith in charge
ot the music. There will be
special musical numbers with
piano and violins.
Evangollsllc song service at
8 o'clock. Moody day will bo
eolcbrated with a special mes
sage by tho pastor, his subject,
"D. L. Moody Still Lives." All
friends and former students of
Moody Blblo Institute, Blblo In
stitute of Lot Angeles, and Mult
nomah School of the Blblo are
cordially Invited to bo present
lor a timo of fellowship.
Wednesday, 1:30 p. m., la
dles' Blblo class, followed by
children's Blblo class In church
room, at 4 p. m.
Wednesday 7:45 p. m. mid
week prayer fellowship at the
home of Mrs. Pearl Smith, 2006
llomcdale road, to which all
are Invited. '
The Bible Baptist church
serves all your church needs In
theso days of curlutlcd travel,
Warm Chrlstlun fellowship, liv
ing Bible messages. Biblo study
and teacher training with op
portunity of service.
Evangelistic Bible conference
conducted by Rev, Roy I,.
Brown Tuesday, February 9 to
14 to which tho general public
Is Invited.
Free Methodist
Corner of South Ninth street
and Plum avonue. W. H. Mc
Cormlck, pastor.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Preaching, 11 a. m, Evening
services: YPM, 7:30 o'clock,
preaching at 8 o'clock. Tho ro
vlval announced in lust week's
Issue under our heading has to
be changed as Rov. Gaines, the
Invited help, has been dotalned
indefinitely. However, we will
have a revival starting Monday
evening, February 8, with Hov.
BcBttla of Pennsylvania as tho
invited speaker,
Rev, Bcattle Is a splendid Bi
ble student and Is unique In his
manner o delivery. Come and
hear him once and you will
want to come again. Tho preach
ing service Mondny evening
will be preceded by an addross
by Miss Jennie Zornov of Rus
sia. Thin will bo of unusual In
terest. Miss Zornov has boon
In America, some four years but
her contacts In Russia nre suf
ficiently recent, to make her In
formation of vital Interest to us
Gorman tlliworth
First Christian
"Tho Downtown Church,"
Pino street ot Ninth, Arthur
Charles Bates, minister.
The lliblc school meets at
0:43 a. in. Stanley Kendall Is
the superintendent. There Is a
class for every ago group. Now
members are most cordially
Morning worship, 11 o'clock,
Mrs. Mary Hoyden Is the or
ganist and Mrs. Vera Howard
Ik the choir dlroclor. Tho serv
ice begins with tho organ pre
lude, the choir opening "Glory
Be to the Father" and follow
ed by the Invocation by tho
mini.ilcr. The choir rcsponsa is
"Father of Mercy." Opening
congregational hymn, "O Wor
ship tho King." Communion
hymn of meditation is, "Jesus
Keep Me Near the Cross." Tho
Lord's Slipper is observed in
memory of Christ's death und
his' promise to return. Choir
special number, "Christ Llvcth
in Me." Dedication of the tithes
and offerings. Solo by Dean
Stephens. Sermon, "Freedom of
Worship." The third In the ser
ies on "The Freedoms." Invi
tation hymn, "Jesus Is Tenderly
Calling." Benediction and the
response, "Hear Us, Heavenly
Father." Posllude, by the or
ganist. Evening services begin with
the Christian Endeavor meet
ings and the class In church
history at B.:i0 p. m. The study
in church history ..this Sunday
will ba "John Wesley and tho
Evangelistic servlco at 7:30
p. m. Song servlco and the eve
ning communion. Sermon by
the minister.
Yon aro cordially Invited to
worship with tho congregation
of tho First Christian church.
Klamath Hovlvnl
1023 Mitchell street. Rev.
Warren D. Combs, pastor.
Sunday, 10 a. m Sunday
school, Mrs, Warren D. Combs,
superintendent. A real Interest
ing school with classes for all
ages. This Sunday is Mission
ary day,
Sunday, 11 a. m., morning
worship. A special scries of
messages will continue, "The
Manner of Christ's Coming."
Message by the pastor.
Sunday, 6:30 p. m Junior
church. Children from all Sun
day schools are Invited. Ages
fivo through 13,
Sunday, 7:30 p. m., evange
listic service.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., mid
week service.
For needed assistance at any
timo, phono 4920.
First Covenant
823 Walnut avenue. Pastor,
R. E. Johnson.
The Sunday services will be
as follows. Sunday school for
all ages at 10 a. in., morning
worship at 11 o'clock. Tho pus
tor will bring the message, The
evening service at 7:43 o'clock
with good singing and special
numbers and tho pastor speak
ing. The public Is welcome
Wednesday 2 p. m., midweek
fellowship in the church, Dr.
Roy Brown, evangelist, will
On Friday at 7:45 p. m,, the
Ladies Aid will huve a special
birthday party program. The
tables will be decorated for the
various months of the year, A
fine program Is promised,
Weyerhaeuitr Camp 4
Sunday School
Sunduy school at Weyerhaeu
ser Camp 4 has been changed
to mcot at 10 o'clock Sunday
mornings, Tills replaces the for
mer Sunday evening services
and the Monday aflci'iioon class'
for younger children which for
merly met at the Ogle home.
The first half hour will be
devoted to song servlco with
Mrs. Karl Friedrlch at the
piano. Supplies hiivo arrived
lor classes In different age
groups. Dorothy Wilcoxen has
offered to net ns anurctnry, and
Mrs. William A, llarllcrodo and
Mrs. II. H. Oglo as teachers.
Everyone In tho community
Is Invited to Bttond this Sunday
school, which Is held In the com
munity hall, and oilier classes
will he arranged if attendance
ft "I
II ' i'i - iiiniiniiilii'l
Tho Rov. G. W, Royull, Tor
onto, Canada, who has Just re
turned from Occupied China,
will bo guest speaker In a spe
cial missionary rally at tho First
Church of tho Nuzurcne, corner
Garden avenuo and Martin
street, Sunday, at 7:30 p. m., It
was announced by tho pastor,
Rev. H. L. Russell.
Tho Church of the Nazarcne
in Chuo-Cheiig, Shantung prov
ince in China, where Rev.
Royall and his family spent the
past five years, was one of
more than a hundred American
church properties destroyed by
Japanese bombs. Tho Rev. Mr.
Royull has a sliver from a fivo
hundred pound Japanese bomb
that destroyed the church of
which he was pastor.
At the outbreak of hostilities
in tho fur east, the missionary
was mistaken by Japuncse mili
tary leaders as a Russian spy.
On another occasion, ho was
held a prisoner for 19 days on
a British coastal steamer outside
the port of Tientsin, when a
cholera quarantine was enforced
by tho Japanese
Rev. Royall is the author of
several books, Including "Ene
mies of tho Middle Kingdom,"
"Missionary Missiles," and
"Thinking Yellow,"
Rov. Royall's contact with the
missionary forces of Japan,
with Chinese government offi
cials, and with the red army
will add interest to the address
to be hoard In this city. He Is
one of the few Occidentals to
have ever successfully composed
Chinese poetry.
The public is cordially In
vited to attend the rally.
First Church of Christ,
Tenth and Washington streets.
This church, a branch of The
Mother church, tho First Church
of Christ, Scientist in Boston,
Mass., holds services each Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock.
"Spirit" will be the subject
of the Lesson-Sermon in all
Churches of Christ, Scientist,
on Sunday, February 7.
The Golden Text will be
"Not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit, salth the Lord
of hosts" (Zcch. 4:6).
Among the citations which
will compromise the Lesson
Sermon will be the following
from the Bible: "God is a Spir
it, and they that worship Him
must worship Him in spirit and
truth" (John 4:24).
The Lesson-Sermon also will
include the following correla
tive passages from the Chris
tian Science textbook, "Science
and Health with Key to the
Scriptures" by Mary Baker Ed
dy: "Tho Scriptures also declare
that God is Spirit ... He is
all-inclusive, and Is reflected
by all that is real and eternal
end by nothing else. He fills
all space, and it is impossible
to conceive of such omnipres
ence and Individuality except
as infinite Spirit of Mind.
Honce all Is Spirit and spirit
ual" (p.331).
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m,
A meeting which includes tes
timonies of Christian Science
healing Is held every Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock.
A free Christian Science read
ing room is located at 1023
Main street, where the Bible,
writings by Mary Bakor Eddy,
and authorized Christian Science
literature may be read, borrow
ed or purchased.
All are cordially invited to at
tond the services and use the
reading room.
Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15
p, m. each Monday under the
direction of committee on pub
lication for Oregon.
First Church
Of God
Located at the corner ot Al
tamont drive and Delaware
street. Sunday school convenes
at 9:45 a. m., Mrs, J. D. Ker
nutt, superintendent. Morning
devotions, 11 o'clock. Pre-serv-ice
prayer meeting at 7 p. m.
Preaching service, 7:30 p, m.
Prayer and praise service,
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
A cordial invitation is ex
tended to the public to attend
all of these services. Rev. J. D.
Kernutt, pastor.
Church of Christ
All members and friends are
extended a special and cordial
Invitation to attend the down
town Church of Christ Sunday
morning services: song service
10 a, m.; Bible study, classes,
10:19 a. m.; sermon and wor
ship, 11 a. m.i communion, 11:45
a. m.j evening services, 7:30
o'clock. Located In the KC hall
over the Rainbow theatre.
; "-- ft1
Rev. O. W. Royall
First Presbyterian
The First Presbyterian church,
located ot the city center, North
Sixth and Pine streets, holds
morning worship at 11 o'clock
and evening worship at 7:30
o'clock. The pastor is the Rev.
Theodore Smith, residence end
telephone 433 North Second
street, 3477 and church tele
phone 7311. Llllie E. Darby is
tho director of the choir and
Mrs. Arthur Hall Dcnison is the
Morning worship opens with
the organ prelude, "Unto tho
Hills" by Bixby. The proces
sional Is Wesley's "The Church's
One Foundation." The choir rc-
sponce to the pastoral greeting
is Clcnahans "Grace and
Peace." After the call to wor
ship, congregation and choir
unite In singing "Tho Doxol
ogy," and, after the Lord's pray
er, "Tho Glorio Potri." The
choir call to prayer is "Hear
Our Prayer, O Lord," which in
troduces the period of quiet
meditation, when all unite in
prayer for our armed forces
and in singing "Our Fathers'
God to Thee, Author of Lib
erty." The choir offertory is
Schumann's "We Give Thee But
Thine Own," and the organ of
fertory Is "Saviour, Again to
Thy Dear Name, We Raise, by
Thompson There will be two
special numbers, an anthem,
"Behold, Praise Ye the Lord
by Pruttlng and a duct by Mrs.
Walter F. Bethunc and Mrs. At
fred Petcrstciner, "I Gave My
Life for Thee" by Bliss. The
pastor will speak on "Contend
ing for tho Faith." The service
closes with the benediction, the
choir dismissal, "Threefold
Amen," ond the organ postlude,
"Postlude" by Stark.
The evening worship opens
with the organ prelude, "Spirit
of God, Descend" by Lorenz.
The offertory is "Coll to Wor
ship" by Rand, ond the post
lude Is "Postlude" by Martin.
The pastor will speak on "The
Temptation of the Good."
The Bible school is held at
9:45 a. m Immediately preced
ing this a prayer group of earn
est teachers meet in the pastor's
study. To this all caring enough
to pray for a blessing on the
services of the day are invited
at 9:30 a. m.
The three Christian Endeavor
societies meet at 6:30 p. m. To
these meetings those of the
proper age are invited to their
own age group.
Church of the
Located at the corner of Gar
den avenue and Martin street.
Rev, H. L. Russell, pastor. Resi
dence, 620 Martin street. Tele
phone, 4870.
The Sunday school meets at
9:43 a. m. Morning worship,
11 o'clock. The pastor will de
liver the message. The subject,
"Stewardship of Time and
Mind." Young peoples' service,
6:20 p. m. The Rev. Royall
will conduct a Chinese service.
This should be very interesting.
Evening .service, 7:30 o'clock,
will be a missionary service.
The Rev. G. W. Royall, Toronto,
Canada, who has just returned
from occupied China, will be
guest speaker. Tho public is
cordially Invited to attend these
Community Congregational
"Outline for a New Order In
Asia" is the subject to be dis
cussed by Rev. Eugene V.
Hsyncs, pastor, as he speaks at
the 11 a. m. service of worship
next Sunday morning. The
choir, under tho direction of
Mrs. Henry W. Mooro, will as
slst with the ministry of music.
The subject for the morning
service Is suggested by an eve
ning's discussion on the same
theme and led by Dr. George
Shepherd, spoken of by John
Gunther in the book "Inside
Asia" as "A Close Friend of
Generalissimo Chiang Kai
Shek." This mooting took place
at Nelscott beach this past week,
Church school meets at 9:45
a. in.
Comrades of tho Way, 8 p. m.
The Church of Youth monthly
party will be held Tuesday, Feb
ruary 9, from 7 to 9 p. m. In
the community hall.
M -
Im hi nmn muM mtv rniair Tnsmm
A patriotic service has been
planned for Sunday night, Feb
ruary 7, at the First Baptist
church, Eighth and Washington
streets, according to the pastor,
tho Rev, C. C Brown.
The church has adopted the
plan of remembering the men
in the service once a month In
a special service of dedication
and prayer. The names of all
tho men from all the church
families will be called and
someone will volunteer to take
a name as his prayer burden for
the month until every name has
a prayer sponsor.
Special music and songs ap
propriate to the occasion will
be planned and the pastor will
speak on the subject, "The
Christian and His Country."
The services will begin at
7:30 p. m. ' and the public is
cordially invited to attend.
Altamont Community
Meeting in the junior high
school, South Sixth and Sum
mers lane. Rev. Hugh T. Mitch
clmore, minister.
Christian Endeavor day serv
ice at 11 o'clock. Theme, "Free
dom's Sure Foundation, Chris
tianity in Action." Instrumental
prelude, "A Mighty Fortress Is
Our God," Martin Luther. Call
to worship by the choir, "The
Lord Is in His Holy Temple."
Responsive reading, "The Lord
Our Keeper," by Harold Peyton,
president of Christian Endeavor.
Hymn, "My Faith Looks Up to
Thee." Scripture reading by
John McClcllan. Reading of
names of missionaries listed for
prayer. Silent prayer and united
prayer by the pastor. Special
music, "Loyalty to Christ," Cas-
tell. Mrs. Kenton Knight, direc
tor. Junior sermon, "Controlled
Power." Talk, "Christian En
deavor Faces Forward," by Mar
garet McClellan. Talk, "Chris-
tian Endeavor In Military Serv
ice," David Patterson.
Worship through our offer
ings. Offertory, "Our God Our
Help," Croft. Dedicatory pray
er. Talk, "Christian Endeavor's
Task in Our Community," Joyce
Landrum. Talk,- "Christ in Our
Lives," by the pastor. Hymn, "I
Would Be True," Peek. Bene
diction. Postlude, "Follow the
Gleam." Douglas.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m., A. C.
Olson general superintendent, A
large Sunday school. Every de
partment studies the Bible in
work graded for that depart
ment. Bring the children and
come If you are not connected
with any other church. Senior
Young People's Christian En
deavor at 6:30 p. m. meets with
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Olson, spon
sors. Junior-Intermediate Chris
tian Endeavor, 4 o'clock at the
manse, 4431 South Sixth street.
Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchelmore, su
perintendent. Sacred Heart
Catholic Church
Corner of Eighth and High
streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pas
tor. Sunday masses are at 7 a. m.,
8 a. m. 9:30 a. m., and 11 a. m.
Holy days at 7 a. m., 8 a. m.
and 8:30 a. m.
Confessions every Saturday
and the eves of Holy days and
first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m.,
and 7:30 to 8:S0 p. m.
Daily mass at 8 a. m.
Religious instruction classes
are held every Saturday at 9:30
a. m. for Catholic children in
public grade schools except dur
ing vacation. High school dis
cussion club meets every Sun
day after 9:30 a. m. Mass ex
cept during vacation.
Sprague River
Friends Church
Evert J. Tuning, pastor.
Sunday services Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; worship serv
ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv
ice, 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, prayer and praise
service, 8 p. m.
If you have no church home
we welcome you to worship
with us. Located in Sprague
Church of
The loyal congregation of the
Church of Christ meets regu
larly at Shasta school. Bible
classes convene at 10 a. m. The
regular Lord's day service Is at
11 a. m., with the evening serv
ice at 7:30 o'clock. Two hour
bus service is available to the
school on Sundays. This con
gregation ' should not be con
fused with any other,
M, Lloyd S m 1 1 n of Grants
Pass began regular work with
this congregation December 8
and will preach each Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock ond 7:30
p. m. He is a faithful Gospel
preacher and you are Invited to
coma hear him at Shasta school
Immanual Baptist
The church Is located at the
corner of North Eleventh and
High streets. Rev. William B.
Rico, pastor. Residence, 720
Jefferson street. Phone 7400.
Director of music, C. E. Log
gerwell. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. A
class for every age and a staff
of teachers who are interested
in your children. Our motto is,
bvery Child in Sunday School
Every Sunday." Mrs. J. D.
O'Ncil Is the superintendent.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
Experience has shown that it
pays to draw aside from the
cares of life to worship the Lord
on Sunday morning. The pas
tor speaks to the saints at this
worship hour. Come and enjoy
fellowship with the Lord and
with His children.
Evening Gospel hour, 7:30
p. m. Thirty minutes of con
gregational singing and special
music, then a short evangelistic
message from the word of God.
Invite your friends to come to
church with you this Sunday
night. We are sure they will
enjoy this hour.
Orchestra practice Sunday
evening, 6:45 to 7:15 o'clock at
the church. Bring your instru
ment and help in this depart
ment of our work.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer
and Bible study at the church.
Continuing our study in the
epistle to the Romans.
Young people's meeting Satur
day, 7:30 p. m., at the home of
the pastor. If you desire trans
portation to and from this meet
ing, call 7400.
Yes sir, you are right. This
is the church where you are al
ways welcome. If you are a
stranger in the city or don't
have a regular church home, we
invite you to come and be at
home in this friendly Bible-lov
ing church.
The pastor's subject for the
11 o'clock hour is, 'The Im
portance and Value ' of Bible
Study." The theme of the eve
ning message is, "Ye Must Be
Born Again, How and Why"?
First Methodist
"In the Heart of the City," at
North Tenth and High streets,
Rev. Victor Phillips, minister.
Residence, 1005 High street,
telephone'3688. Director of mu
sic, Andrew Loney Jr., accom
panist, Mrs. E. S. Veatch.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
The prelude will be, "Medita
tion," by Massenet "Holy, Holy,
Holy, Lord God Almighty," will
be sung as a processional to be
followed by the call to worship
by the pastor, response by the
congregation, and the singing
of 'The Lord is in His Holy
Temple," by the choir. The con-'
gregation will join in the invoca
tion and The Lord's Prayer and
a congregational hymn to be
followed by the pastoral pray
er with response by the choir.
The ladies' ensemble will sing,
"Lift Thine Eyes," by Mendels
sohn. Next will come the read
ing of The Psalter and the sing
ing of the Gloria Patri. The of
fertory will be, "Poeme," by
Fibich, to be followed by the
presentation of tithes and offer
ings and the singing by the
choir and congregation of "We"
Bring Thee But Thine Own."
The choir will sing the anthem
"God Is a Spirit," by Kopyloff.
The minister will preach on the
subject, "Christianity and the
Modern World." The service
will close with a congregational
hymn, the pastoral benediction,
the choral benediction, and the
The church Sunday school
will meet at 9:45 a. m. Don R.
Drury is the general superin
tendent and Dr. Peter H. Rozen
dal is the acting superintendent.
Classes for all age groups and
graded lessons. The minister's
men's class will meet in the as
sembly room at 10 a. m.
The Methodist Youth fellow
ship will meet at 6:30 p. m. in
the league room. All young peo
ple are cordially invited. Doro
thy Laurenson, president.
The public is cordially Invited
to all our services of worship
and fellowship. Week of dedi
cation, February 28 to March 7.
Zlon Lutheran
1025 High street. Sunday
school is conducted every Sun
day at 9:43 a. m., featuring
filmslides on stories from the
Bible. Rufus Buser will be In
charge of the Sunday school
during the vacancy in the pas
torate. Divine worship will be con
ducted next Sunday at 11 a. m.
Prof. E. H. Brandt of Con.
cordia academy, Portland, will
be the speaker.
This is the church of the
Lutheran Hour.
Mt. Lakl Presbyterian
Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore,
Writ-shin flervioe. 9:43 a. nv.
junior sermon, "In the Strength
ot tne Lord, senior suc-jeci, a
Vision of God Big Enough for
Sunday school, 10:45 a. m,
Bible Baptist Church to
Inaugurate Service Change
The Bible Baptist church, lo
cated on Wiard street at South
Sixth, will Inaugurate a change
of service beginning Sunday,
February 7. The "Unified
Church Service" plan will re
place the regular form of serv
ice used by most churches to
In the new "Unified Service"
the morning worship service
will be at 10 o'clock, with chil
dren and adults attending. Dur
ing this hour the junior church
will be in progress for the little
Bible school classes will be
from 11 to 12 o'clock. During
this hour of class study, the lit
tle folks will have guided work,
activity, lunch and rest, while
the parents attend, their Bible
The new plan will enable the
entire family to be present at
the worship service as well as
the Bible school. The little chil
dren will be cared for during
St Paul's Episcopal
Located at Eighth and Jeffer
son streets. Rev. Frederick C.
Wissenbach, rector.
Sunday, February 7. Holy
Communion, 8 a. m. Church
school, 9:45 a. m. Celebration
of Holy Communion and second
confirmation instruction, 11
a. m.
Monday, 4:30 p. m meeting
of Girls' Friendly society.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., choir
Pilgrim Holiness
Located at 2229 Wantland
avenue. Rev. Sherman Moore,
pastor. .
Rev. Moore will use for his
sermon topic Sunday morning,
"Consecration." He will speak
in the .evening on the subject,
"Christian Perfection What Is
Regular services: Sunday
school, 9:43 a. m.; worship, 11
a. m.; Junior league, 6:30 p. m.;
evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting will be held
Friday evening at the home of
Asahel Weaver, 337 Martin
Located at 1007 Pine street,
Daniel B. Anderson, pastor.
Phone 3874.
Dr. J. O. Kinnaman will lec
ture at the Klamath Temple
beginning Thursday, February
4, and continuing one week.
Services open at 7:45 o'clock
each evening. Dr. J. O. Kinna
man was a member of the Earl
of Carnarvon's party which
opened King Tutankhamen's
tomb. He has spent over 40
years in excavating in Bible
lands and proves the Bible by
the science of archeology. Don't
miss this are opportunity of
hearing this man of wide ex
perience and versatile mind.
Sunday school, 9:43- a. m.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
Young people's service, 6:30
p. m. Evangelistic service, 7:45
p. m.
A good choir and orchestra,
come and enjoy these services.
Elderly women's missionary
society meets every Wednesday
at 10 a. m. at the church. Pot-
luck lunch is served.
The Salvation Army
400 Klamath avenue.
Major and Mrs. Curry will be
in charge of the regular serv
ices this coming Sunday, and
they invite you to any or all of
the following:
Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday
school and Bible classes.
11 a. m. Holiness. "A Glor
ious Doxology."
6:30 p. m. Young people's
7:30 p. m. Evangelistic serv
ice. "The Darkness Deepens."
Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thurs
days, public services, 8 p. m.
A hearty welcome awaitj you
at all of these gatherings. Come
and sing the glorious Gospel
songs that refresh and strength
en. Come and meditate and pray
so that you may be able to face
the tremendous problems of life
these troublous days with faith
and Christian fortitude.
The Pelican City interdenom
inational Sunday school, Sun
day 2 p. m.
Latter-Day Saints
Latter-Day Saints meetings
are held in the city library club
rooms on the corner of Fifth
street and Klamath avenue. E.
E. Burrows, branch president,
phone 8293 or 6721.
Sunday school meetings are
held at 10 a. m., with separa
tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re
lief society and primary class
es. Sacrament service is held
each Sunday evening at 6
o clock.
Elders working in the Klanv
ath district may be reached at
131 North First.
the entire time church and '
school are In session. The new
schedule will make the start-
ing time at 10 a. m. and enable .
the Bible school to be dismissed .
at 12 o'clock, making a saving
of time of a half hour.
The pastor, G. W. Wheatley, ;
feels that this change will help
solve the problem of transports-'
tlon. In many cases one trip
with the family car will car
for both services of the morn
ing. The church feels that in these
days when everything round .
about us is changing to fit into
the fast moving machinery of
war defense work, many com
munities find that even the old
accustomed habits of home Ufa .
have been drastically changed
and Klamath Falls is no excep-;
tion. We feel our responsibilities .
keenly, and believe the time has
come when, as a progressive
church, we must take a step
forward to meet this situation..
First Baptist
Eighth ant Washington streets,,
'The Church With a Message.",
Cecil C. Brown, pastor. Resi
dence 414 North Eighth street.
Phone 7439.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m., with
interestingly helpful classes for
all ages, and competent teachers
for all classes. Morning worship,
11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The
Flesh and the Spirit."
The BTU meets at 6:30 p. m.,
under the direction of Rodney
Larsen. This organization is
graded with a union for every
age group, beginners through,
adults. Bring the whole family
and invite all your friends to
the training service.
In the evening at 7:30 o'clock,
with songs conducted by- H. G.1
Shirey, the men in the service
will be honored In a special "Pa
triotic Service-." This service is
being conducted monthly by the
church. Every name of those in
the service from the families of
the church, will be called, and a
prayer sponsor will be. secured
for every name . The pastor will
speak on the subject, "The Chris
tian and His Country ." . Every
relative of the service men is
urged to be present and the pub
lic is welcome to attend. ' '!
The prayer service is conduct
ed each week on Wednesday at
7:30 p. m. , The choir meets for
rehearsal each Wednesday' at
8:30 p. m. . ;
There will be a meeting of all
church- officers Wednesday
night. Potluck dinner will be
served by the WMC at 6 o'clock;
and the conference will follow.
All officers of all departments '
are urged to attend.
Klamath Lutheran 7
Cross and Crescent Street. L.'
K. Johnson, pastor. 1175 Cres
cent avenue. Phone 3452. '
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Bible class, 9:45 a. m.
Worship hour, 11 a. m.; Adult
Bible class, 3:30 to 5 p. m. Com
munion services Sunday, Febru
ary 7, at 7:30 p. m.
Ladies Aid, Tuesday, 3 p. m.
Hostesses will be announced la
ter. Men's club, Tuesday, February
9, at 8 p. m.
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday,
7:30 p. m.
If you are a stranger In the
city seeking a church home, we
sincerely invite you to worship
with us. If there is any service
the pastor can render you, pleas
do not hesitate in colling him.
Apostolic Faith
The Apostolic Faith church.
228 North Eighth street, extends
to all a cordial invitation to at
tend the services in our beautiful
stone chapel. Services are -J
follows: Sunday school, 9:30 a,
m,; morning worship, 11 a. m.j
evening evangelistic service,
7:45 p. m., Tuesday and Friday.
8 p. m.
Special music by our orches
tra and singing by the various
groups ere feature of each
All are welcome. A collection
is never taken.
Rev. C. R. Lambert, pastor,
228 North Eighth street, tele
phone 5429.
Assembly of God
; Located at 748 Oak avenue.
The Rev. A. Harold Persing,
pastor. Residence, 844 Eldorado
street. Phone 5735.
Sunday school, 8:45 a. m.,
Mrs. Al Kennerley, supertnten.
dent, : i
: Morning worship, 11 o'clock,.
Evening service, Young People's
meeting, 6:30 o'clock; evangelis
tic service, 7:30 o'clock,
Mid-week services: Ladles
Missionary society, Wednesday,.
10 a, m., home of Mrs. Maxwell,
428 South Seventh street Devo
tional service, Thursday, 7:30 p.
m., at the church.
Natives still practice a ty
hH nxchanEfl of wives In
Tahiti, largest of tha French
Society Islands.