! I ! 'I PAGE SIX ADDITIONAL : FARM SIGN-UP , DAYS NAMED ! By C. A. HENDERSON County Agricultural Agent The federal government through the food administration, is asking farmers of the United States to produce more of those things needed in our war pro 0rm. The production of non essential commodities is being eliminated. Throughout the na tion, every farmer is being asked in icn un his farm in this tre mendous program. Agriculture has been designated as a No. 1 war industry, and food as a No. 1 weapon. There are plenty of indications at the present time that assistance will be given op erators to produce those things needed. This assistance will be more labor, more financing, more supplies and equipment, and more fertilizer. It is necessary that this sign up be completed at the earliest possible date in order that food stocks for the year can be de termined. Klamath county is just completing a series of meet ings in tnis regara. miu frnm the Merrill. Malin, and Henlev districts indicate 68.5 per cent sign-up. Many were away during the two day period, and others were unable to atiena me meemiso ii -mis reasons. In order to complete the sign un for this area, Friday and Sat urday of this week, February 5 and 6, have been set aside at the county offices on the second floor of the Federal Duuaing. County and community commit Mmen. as well as representa tives of the various divisions of the DeDartment of Agriculture will be present at the Friday and Saturday meetings to help operators make out the necessary forms. The offices will be open .11 day until 5 o'clock, in the evening. An additional period of two days has been set aside for op erators of the Bonanza district This includes all of Poe Valley, from the Olene gap, Swan Lake, Hildebrand, Dairy, Bonanza, and Laneell Valley. Tuesday and Wednesday, February 8 and 9, nf next week, have been set aside at the county offices for those to come in who were un able to attend tlie meetings at Bonanza. Totals are not avail able of those who signed at Bo nanza, but considerably in ex cess of 100 farms were signed up during the first two days of the meetings. Tne ton ruam- ath meeting was completed Wed nesday, February 3, and a few were unable to be there. A sign up meeting is being held today at the Council Hall, Klamath Aeency for the reservation during the 5th and 6th, assistance will be given at the Extension Office Council Hall, Klamath Agency, for anyone on the res ervation or In the Fort Klamath district. "Gallant King" is the official title of the king of Italy. These grand-ttfsting crackers are so. fulj of flavor they add extra appeal to everything you serve them with I PASS AROUND a flakes and the whole meal's transformed! Family appetites perk right up. Even the simplest soup or salad tastes extra good. That's because snow flakes are baked of the very finest ingredients are always so fresh, so light and flaky. And how that tempt ing salty flavor brings out the best in other foods! Better buy a big red package from your grocer today. He has snow rhAKEB fruh jrom the oven of the nearby Nabisco bakery. Brfm ffiSH! Extra FLAKY! Extra FLAVOR! SET OF DOILIES ARE DAINTY) EASY TO DO by Alice Brooks. Here's a delightful Idea for vour next uarty doilies dain ty as a spider well to fittingly set off your silver and china. They can be crocheted in a jiffy by even a beginner. Use tnem for buffet sets or individual Dieces. too. Pattern 7490 con tains Instructions for making doilies; illustrations of stitches; materials needed. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News. Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send wis picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out ot ine envel ope. Requests tor panems should read, "Sena pattern no. to followed ny your name and address. Spare the Meat You Cook, Says Mrs. W. GWen By WINNIFRED K. GILLEN Home Demonstration Agent When the supply of meat' is limited it . is doubly important that homemakers cook the meat properly so as to get the most from every pound. As a result of years of research in meat cook ery certain basic principles have been developed which apply to all methods of preparation. In general, the tender cuts of meat are cooked by dry heat that is they are cooked in an un covered pan with no water added. ... Braising Chops and steaks of veal and pork are exceptions because they are always cooked by moist heat. The less tender cuts are cook ed by moist heat by braising that is. brown the meat in a heavy kettle then add a tight- fep up tour meas with SNOW HAKES! heapine plate of bnow US FOOD KEEPS RUSSIA IAD S S mm WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 VP) Secretary of Agriculture Wick ard told the house foreign af fairs committee today that American food is keeping Russia in the war and contributing to the victories of the soviet army. It is the men Russian men who are winning the all-Im portant battle there," he said. But if the supplies ot American food which are going to these men. fraction though it is of the total supply, were to be cut off tomorrow, they would almost surely have to stop fighting." Most to Russia Wickard, as food administra tor, testified In connection with legislation authorizing continu ance of the lend-lease program for another year. "To me it is highly signifi cant," he said, "that in the last few months our shipments to Russia have been greatly in creased. In December, for the first time, we shipped more to Russia than to Great Britain. Civilian Cut Urging continuance of the lend-lease operations, the secre tary said Russia had not asked for any appreciable help in feed ing her civilian populations. "The civilians rations in Rus sia have been cut to the bone. Black bread is the mainstay, and only the heaviest workers get more than a pound of it a day Meat is no longer thought of as a sugar food, but as an occasional treat. Cereal, fats and sugar are portioned out, depending on the sort of work a civilian is doing, at the minimum rates necessary sustenance. Triple Launching Held Wednesday LONGVIEW, Feb. 4 (fP) In the first triple launching of its kind in the northwest, the Long- view yards of the Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging company sent one drydock and two sec tions of a large drydock into the Columbia river here Wednesday afternoon. fitting lid and add a small amount of liquid if necessary Pork chops should be braised without added liquid. Avoid Overcooking Another moist heat method- cooking in water is used for soups and stews. Cover the meat with water, cover kettle closely and cook at simmering temper ature until tender. Cook all meats at a moderate temperature in order to retain flavor and food values and to prevent excessive . shrinkage. Avoid overcooking for the same reasons. FOR COLDS' COUGHING, MUSCLE ACHES "I WITH THE MUTTON SUET BASE .1 J- VII I i ij HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON American Housewives Will Be Compelled to Do More Cooking After February 20 By IRVING PERLMETER WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 Wi The can opener will yield to the cook book after midnight, tou ruary 20. From that time until iviarcn 1. when rationing starts, there will be no canned fruits or vege tables sold. Frozen fruits and vegetables, dried fruits (not dried vege tables), and canned soups and canned baby boods also are In cluded In the order, issued yes terday by the office of price ad ministration. Mora Cooking With the armed forces and lend-lease taking, in some cate gories, half of the canned foods put up, the government has or dered rationing to assure every one a fair share Fresh fruits and vegetables will not be rationed, and one of the goals of the program will be to compel people to do more real cooking and less can-open ing. Home canning also will be encouraged because such foods will not be counted against ra tion coupons. Restauranta Won't Collect Rationing will be by points, 48 points per person in the month of March, regardless oi age or occupation. Because there still will be so many unrationed foods especially fresh fruits and vegetables there will be no distinction, as there is in Eu rope, between persons who do light work and heavy work Since canned baby foods are also on the list, babies will get the same ration points as their elders. Ill persons requiring spe cial diets will be able to get them on medical certificates Restaurants and other public eating places will be limited on canned goods but under present plans, will not collect ration coupons from their customers leaving all ration points to De spent for home cooking. Examples Given To housewives, one big prob lem will be that of planning a month ahead. For Instance, a 48 points per person, a family of three will have 144 points to spend in March. Each can, bottle or package on the new ration list will have point value" perhaps 10 points for a medium size can of peas, 7 points for a can oi spin ach, 8 points for a nau-poun package of raisins, etc. These figures are only examples. The real list of values won't be made niihHr until after February 20. to prevent anyone from hoard- tag the items which will be most' BUY WAR BONDS BUY WAR BONdSSSuY WAR BONDS ssa-nf BUY WAR BON BUY WAR BOND BUY WAR BONi BUY WAR BOr BUY WAR BOi i ft Y WAR ROf f- BUY WAR B0 BUY WAR BOI BUY WAR BOSI BUY WAR Bolli p I- tomato BUY WAR Belli iCATSUPi BUY WAR BOI Uj BUY WAR BOI "How go Meatless "fa-gta.ay - f I L . a.. .T. &aaa l.TT" METHOD! Boil macaroni In salted water until tender. Drain. Run cold water over. Mix C-H-B Catsup and the VA cupt hot water, tttr In mushrooms, mushroom uice, and olives. Pour this sauce over maca roni, then place the prepared macaroni in layers In buttered casse role, with grated cheese on each layer. Top with mixture of chees end cracker crumbs. Bake in 400 degree oven about 20 minutes. expensive In point values. Take An Inventory When she learns these values, the housewife will be advised to figure out how she wanta to spend her 144 points for the family of three, for instance. If canned peaches were 14 points nor can, she could buy lu cans of peaches but would have only 4 points left for all other wings, Just as she shops for economi cal foods on a money basis, she will be expected to spend her points so that they go farthest in satisfying both tho nutrition and taste needs of her family. The first tosK" of all house holders will be to Inventory their pantries as of midnight, February 20. Do It This Way OPA advised this procedure: empty the cupboards onto a table. Put away the unrationed foods, such as macaroni, olives canned milk, chili, home-canned ennds. etc, Then nut away the rationed cans or packages which contain less than 8 ounces each. These are mostly small cans of baby food. Then nut away five cans or packages for every member of the family, paying no atten tion to the size or contents of the food. The number of cans or packages left on the table must be reported to we cierK who will issue the ration books during the six days beginning February 22. Deductions There will be 1,500.000 of these clerks stationed in schools churches and other public places. One adult will register for the whole family, iirst no will have to show (but keep) his family's sugar-coffee ration books. Coffee stamps will be de ducted from books of persons who report that they had more than one pound per adult in the family last November 28. The clerk will then ask about the number of cans that were left on the table after the Sun day pantry inventory. If there were any left, the clerk will then tear out one 8-polnt stamp for each one. The books will contain both red and blue stamps. The blue ones are for canned goods, the red ones will be used about month later for meat rationing May Be Changed Each stamp will bear both letter and a number. The letter will Indicate when the stamp can "bi "used A, B and C will be for March. The figures represent point values, and will be In denomln- BUY WAR BONDS Y WAR BONDS Y WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS wv mierf f.J AM for this Casserole!" C-H-l MACARONI-VICTORY STYU 3 cupa cookad macaroni Vi cup C-H't Coliup lit cupt walar 1 can button muihrooma izrlpwollvaiioplionai) K cud flralad Amarlcan chaait CrHp crackar crumbi ' Soltlotoila Red Cross Notes By ROSE POOLE Publicity Chairman The course for first aid In structors has been completed and the following became au thorized Instructors on January 28: Elizabeth Babcock, Qulnton Babcock, Dorothea Berkwlth, Delia Dlnwiddio, Howard Din widdle, Mona Dixon. Vonlta Larson, Carl Murphy, Roy Premo, Ehba M. Reno, Fred achrelter, Freda Ustick. Three new claiaei In first aid have already been started. If you are interested in taking either a standard or advanced first aid course, call Red Cross headquarters, as other classes are about to start, Red Cross Goal Hero's an Interesting fact: so popular has first aid instruction become all over the nation that sales of the Red Cross first aid textbook top the Bible, formerly the "best seller." The Red Cross goal is to have all porsons engaged in industry or In farming trained, and to nave a first alder In every home in America. A. L. Schnfcr, Pacific area manager of the American Red Cross, says: "The five and one- half million new first alders trained during 1042 is one tre mendous contribution to Amer ica's war effort. Industrial lead ers and workers alike know that first aid training not only is important in case of accident, but it actually prevents acci dents. A first aider la alert he is a better worker." atlona of 1, 2, 5 and 8. A can that "costs" 10 points, for in stance, could be "paid" for with two 5's, a 2 and an 8, or ten l's. Most grocers will mark the point values on the cans or counters right along with- the money prices. Point values may be changed from month to month, but, In general, will be raised and low ered along the same lines as money prices more points for bigger cans or scarcer commodi ties. There are 10 times more acci dents in which people are dta abled than there are fires. Ekbs of reptiles have soft shells resembling parchment SUPER MARKET STORE NO. 0th and Pine Ph. 9117 1331 Or. Ave. Ph. 4714 Ma lb Swl" Premium. 9A47 IV) I IK T,i j Tina - Caae Peaches Hrorrc.':.b .Ho:.m29c Grapefruit Juice 9- No. 3 Tin. Extra Special 2 Cana WC 12 Tins 1.4S Catsup c.h.b ioT.14c Peanut Butter 8 j 49c Formay Shortening 3t,bn 69c Snowflake Crackers 2-Lb. Box ' Sub Cafe VS 17c Flour Northern. Brand 49-Lb. Bag .... 7 Swansdown 49-Lb. Bag .. 2 Oxydol rX. P&GSoapSiV! 4 or 19c Apricots Kim..- 28c Eiatc "or1 CIub 3Ra Tig Tall Tin 2 forC Peaches g- 2Hi'-Tnln 25c Raisins 48rbdX ;, 48c MEATS Jones Colored Fryers Ready for the Pan -None Better. We Have a Large Supply This Week Beef Roast Lb. 28c FUR DISTRIBUTION OF MEAT PREDICTED WASHINGTON. Feb. 4 (P) Fairer distribution of meat among stores within a few weeks was predlctod today by offiolula of the office of price acuminata tlon. They expressed confidence that this would result from the nromulMt on of their new stnnci ardlzed retail meat prices. Tho first of these, on pork, will be Issued In two weeks, and subse quent rules on beef, veal, lamb and mutton are scheduled to fol low botween that date and the beginning of meat rationing, op proximately April 1. The new prices are expected to cure some Inequities among Individual stores. At present r tall meat prices must not bo higher than each Individual store charged for similar cuts In March, 1942. This hos "squeel ed" those stores whose March 1942, retail prices weren't high enough to cover 'present whole sale costs. Undor the new rules, every, slor-a of the same type In tho sami community will have tho samu prices. T'jcoma Man Wounds Wife, Shoots Self TACOMA, Feb. 4 (P) Adolph Kublsta, 35, Tacoma clork, shot his former wife, Mabel, 36, and then killed himself with a revol ver during a qiialrrel In the worn an's restaurant here last night according to police reports. The woman a condition Is critical, Flrat home of European civ ilization ia aaid lo be the island of Crete in the Mediterranean sea. GRAY HAIR? GET GRAYVITA! TWe mircl nlitny Half vtumln. Cileium rentoiht nata. haa won wtna popu Umy m lh mull 'u town in a ka'lln national nuctttne. Thta rannft M vmIM that M of panona (Unc al a tiliirn of ha . GHAYVITA Calcium PanuxSanata I'LUSI A GRAYVITA laNal ta mtm nf CjWuaa PanlotlKnal. PLUS aiO U 1 1'. of Vita mln R and tha other uvful a Cmyir Ha. num. Taktn Initnutly. GRAYVITA franuamly aupelwa natural o pimtnl Ihrouiti Iha haU roou aa ttua rtlamln ofcney m Ihj SMy la npl.MIM Onto GRAYV rA nn.1 OJy SI Mk .IMay aopjJr. MOOIew ttaauo tar. (Pormarty SJ.O0 and COO.) Phona all euaaiN-a ron onuoi Right Reserved to Limit Quantities FRUITS - 63c I Apricots Orange Blended Tomato Blended Peas Libby'a, No. 2 Tin DaM. Roiedale, Vina No. DAMH. Meco Brand, oeans No. 2 Ti AiaH Meco Brand, worn h. 303 ti .... February f, 1948 Autopsy Scheduled n Death ot Farmer At Hillsboro, Ore. HILLSBORO, Fob. 4 (P) Washington county authorities today awaited the arrival of Dr. Joseph Beeman, state police crime laboratory director, before beginning an autopsy In tho dentil of E. E. Olbbona, Hills boro area farmer. Coroner F. J. Sowell said Mrs. Gibbons told him that Gibbons died yesterday after drinking coffee he believed was poisoned. Mrs. Glbbniia was detained In the county Jnll as a material wit ness, Sewell un Id. MwaaW Saaf of Appmtl or Anwfcan Valarfnarv Ndttl ana AiWmaf NoajWtaf Aaaaafalfana Mad for dogs of all ages, oro-pup In tho new pieal form gets Indorsement from food experta, cheera from owner and happy ylp- from peta. Made from the same famoua formula used for oro-pup in ribbon form, It prnvldea every mineral and vitamin noeded for a dog'a growth and vigor. Eco nomical, tool Fed aa directed, 2 boxea la all you need buy to taat an average 15-pound dog a full week. Get oro pup at your grocer'a todmyt Maoa ay KaaWx1! SatOa Oraak STORE NO. 1 aa00 S. 8th Ph. I87S AND VEGETABLES slSrMY(HSHf MV MEAL FORM y J Oranges W..k!,,:D.. 53c Grapefruit '."."o": 25c Tangerines Lb.l5c Apple Cidr(65c AppleS ?IneJ0pk .... 4 Lba. 29C Da. Klamath I MSUIMSJ Netted Cema, Q- U. S. No. 1 -.. 10 Lbs. Rhubarb Hot Hauil . Lh. 19c White Rose Bleach 19c Salmon Bextsnt Brand No. 1 22c Tall Tin Meeo, 25c 34c 33c 24c No. 2)4 Tin Juice 4MBo8,. Tm Juice Juice K V Juice 11c Cake Flour 8L;d0P 25c . 15c 12c ; 15C 12c 303 Tin 1D 3 Tomatoesr 14c Sirloin Steak j.Lb.35c Kraut Qut Jir 19c Spinach SrVt 17c Pumpkin rTin 2for23c J i u' v.: xv i n )x .to: Beef Short Ribs Lb 22c Swiss Steak Lb. 39c V -OWE -Wt. n w