t February 'i, 194S HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTVTS o o Word him boon received fruni Earl C. Reynolds, county coonll nntor of clvllluti di'teiise, Unit thii visual nliiH mntvrinl whlcl wns )lnnnc(l (ur una In thu locnl dofonsa p ion nun, will not hn available until February, Ak ii result, O, A, Kriiuso, voniiiiiinilui' ol tho Kluiniilh county council hn directed thnt llio trnliilnu prourinn for Kliimntlt Fulls be postponed until audi tlmo nn tho new film imiturlnls nro secured To Portland The Hov, and Mrg. Carl F. Nltr. nnd thrco chll dren, Patty, Wllford nnd Curl Cinry, left Klnnuitli Fulls by motor wcdnesdny mornintf to moko their homo In Portliuut Rev, Nltz, for tho punt ono nnd ono-hnlt yenn pnittnr of tho local Zlon Lutheran church, linn ac cepted a position in (lcnn nnd u porvlnor of Concordia academy. connected with tho Lutheran church, In Portland, Several nf. fulri were nlven 'or tho family prior to Its departure. No sue cesser linn boon named here. H.turnz Mm. Luno Warren and duuiihter Nancy, linvo re turned to their home on Cnllfor nln nventio from a visit In Port land with her mother, Mm. I.ud win Poternon of Prlnevlllo. for merly of this city. Mrs. Peterson underwent a major operation at St. Vlnconl's honpltul nnd wns moved to tho home of friends Snturdny. Mm. Wnrron nnd dnuithler continued to Seattle for a brief visit with her mints, Mrs. B. UIoukIi, and Mrs. Fred llelnemnnn. Visitor Mrs. Wayne Cutler l a visitor at tho home of Mm Wlnnlfred Glllen, 18.10 Leltoy street. Mrs, Cutler is the former Lucille Bennett and taught at Fremont school during her resl donco hero. Sho has been with her husbnnd In Sun Jose, Calif., and since ho has received nnoth er assignment, Mrs. Culler Is en route to Portland to re.ildo. Bopr.i.ntotlv. Her II. R Wolshoni, field reprcscntntiva for tho Stnlo Unemployment Compensation commission, will bo In Klamath Falls for tho next few dnya to confer with employers hiring four or moro employes subject to tho uncm ployment law. Whllo In this area, Wolshoni may bo reached through tho local USES office. Social Club Tho Eastern Star Social club will moot Friday al 1.43 p, m., In tho Masonic temple ana members nnd visiting mem beri aro Invited to attend. Host' essei will be Mrs. M. C. Sher man, Mrs. I. N. Huls, Mrs. H. H. Listoo and Mrs. R, R. Allison In Iowa Friends have re celved word from Auxiliary Pa trlcla Stebblns. WAAC recruit that sho enjoys her training bi rort Des Moines, la., nnd "wouldn't trnclo It for civilian life," Miss Stebblns left hern In late January after her enlist ment in Portland. Pl.daed Richard Iirt. nnn nr Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Igl of North jnira street, wos among 34 Unl vorslty of OreRon studenti Dlcdied tn Sr-nhhnrri inH ninrln national mllltnrv hnnnrnrv nr.. I cording to word received from r.ugcno. Improving M r i . George Wheatley, still confined to her bed nt the family homo on North Second street, Is showing improvement following a long slego of Influenza, Sho Is not yet permitted to bo about. Dismissed Roger Hill, two and ono-bnlf venr nlri inn nf M and Mrs. Everett Hill of Modoc Point, was dismissed WcdneS' doy evening after receiving treatment for pneumonia nt Klamath Vnlloy hospltnl. Parish Night Members of St Paul's Dnrlsh nrn llivllnrl In nl tend "parisll nllZht" nt the plinrHi tonight at 8 o'clock. Cards will do piayea. Thosa attending nro asKea to oring coffee and sand wichci. Traatmtnt Mrs. Lewis Bo ieni Sr., route 3, box 245, is Improving at Klnmnth Vnlloy hospital where alio Is receiving medical treatment. In Portland Mrs. Harry D. Bolvln Is spending this week In Portland with Bolvln, who Is now with th depnrtmont of Jus tice Visitor Mrs. 0. W. Henvnlln of Medford spent Thursdny vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Henvnlln. GET WONDERFUL RELIEF T lata and Itch at llmpla P-I-LE-S!. Staple pllat Read sal wrae and torlnr rati will, md4iilns Itch, burn and Irrlu. linn. Staart'a Pyramid SuppoiltarlM brlnsf aul,, w.ltomt rtlltr, Thtlr 7-wa madlra. Ikin maatta ml atimrnrt. rtducti atraln, aalpa tlshtan ralaxad mambrantii. santta labrlcataa and auftani. ProlKllvi and anil enaflna. o taiy b una. It'a wundvrrul tu ba fraa ol lilla torlnr. aaaln. 0l aanulna liaarl'a Pyramid Suppoiltnrlia at your drti alora without dalajr ena and 1 1. JO on satkw'e monar-tack oiaraniaa. Leaving Hro Mr. and Mrs. Fni nk KnfKoii mid daughter Peg gy, 4(1111 lloiirdinnii avenue, aro leaving Klitmiith Fulls for Grand Forks, N. I) wIhto Rafson him been tin imf cried as division storekeeper wllli the Greiit Northern. Tliu move Is u promo tion for Itafnon, resident of this city for tho past night und one half years. lit) left Thursday of liuit week lit take over his new duties and Mrs, Itiifson and daughter will Join him ns soon as they dispose of their proper ty, lie has held tho position of GN storekeeper hero. Curl Jack son of St. Cloud, Minn., has ar rived to tako Itafson's position. Returns From Kansas Lu cille Will, has returned to Klnm nth Fulls from Kills, Kim,, where she spent the pant several months caring for her mother during 111 liens. Miss Wnl, has now re sumed her position at Houston's beauty shop. Roturni Horn Mrs. Ruth Ware, 1127 Kldorntlo, returned Wednesday from Ontario, Ore., where sho wns culled by tho serious Illness of her sister, Mn. Mllford Miikln. Park Board Thcro will bo no meeting of the city purk bourd umu Riurcli. Usunl dalo of board sessions falls on tho first Tuesday of tho. mouth. To Alaska Jumes Qulbull, 2222 Gitrdun, left this week for Alaska, whero he will be em. ployed as a government carpen ter. Go Homo Mm. E. W. Nldo vcr nnd infunl sou left Klamnth Vulley hospltnl Wcdnesdny eve ning for their homo, 73B Plum nvcnuo Visit Mr. and Mrs. Collier und Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Henvnlln spent Saturday evening at the Home of J. W. Adkins. Card Party Thctu Rho girls will sponsor a card party Sat urday, February 8, in lOOF hall at 8 p. m. Tho public Is invited. Vliltor Mrs. Leo Sagchorn of Tuleluko wns shopping In Klum uth Falls Wcdnesdny. VITAL STATISTICS LAKE Horn at Klamath Val ley hospltnl, Klamath Fulls, Ore., February 3, 1043, to Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Luke, Sprague River, Ore., a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 131 ounces. SEHOHN Born nt Hlllsldo hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore, Februnry 3, 1043, to Mr. nnd Mrs, J. N, Schorn, 8201 Miller avenue, a girl. Weight: S pounds 4i ounces. MAURER Born nt Hill.Mr. nospiini, Klnmnth Fulls, Ore, February 4, 1043, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miiurer, 1530 Cnllfor. nln nvenue, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds S ounces. CARD OF THANKS We Wish to tlllink ntlr frlnnrta for their many nets of kindness nnd lovely floral offerings ex tended during our berenvement, the loss of our beloved daugh ter nnd sister. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnyno Funk SonJn Funk Mr. and Mrs. George Funk nnd family. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank our frinnrla for tho bcnutlful floral offerings nnd for their expressions of sympathy, extended- us in our rcceni oerenvement. Mrs. Eliznbcth M. Kelllson Lou, Wllllnm and Howard Kelllson Gcorgln Hooper, Wlnnlfred Bnltz nnd Mno Ronrk Walter nnd Roblcy Kelllson nnd families. GIVE CHILD this cold-relief tiled when QUINTUPLETS CATCH COLD whonovop Mm Quintuplet! cnteh cold their chenta, thronUi and hnckti urn lm WPdintHy rubhcvl with Miwtorotn. Rt MuMrmfo must bo Itint nbout tho BEST cold relief you cun buy! Muntoroio clvoa such wondorftil mill, bocnuno It'a MORE than junt an ordinary "nnlvo". It'a whnt ao many Doctora and Nunwa call amndorn counter irritant. It helps bronknp local conRontfon In upper bronnhtnl tract, makoa broath Inft oanler, promptly rollnvoa couRhinit nnd tiftht. nnro, aching cUont numclos duo to coldn (lot Muslrroto tndayl IN B STIUCNGTHS: Chltarcn's Mild, KoRuIar nnd Kxlra Strong til. ltiW.te'1i A damage suit against the Southern 1'uclflc company was filed by John Hruco Wednesday, arising from Injuries allegedly received In a collision last Juno, tiruco was a passenger In a truck driven by Andrew Hem rich, Merrill, when It was struck by a Southern Pacific train at tho crossing near Wocus, Hem rich was killed instantly. llruco alleges that tho train was traveling at an excessive speed, that It did not give a warn ing slgnul, nnd thut tho crossing was Improperly maintained. He asks for $19,000 general dam ages and $2900 costs. U. S. Bill entlno nnd W. Lumur Townsend aro attorneys for tho plaintiff. Jon Houston Recovering From Coasting Injury Jon Houston, 4-ycnr-old son of Mnyor nnd Mrs. John H. Hous ton, 1242 Pacific Terrace, Is re covering at tho family homo fol lowing a courting accident Sun day in which Jon suffered a broken left arm Just nbovo the olbow. Young Jon was a member of a tobogganing party enjoying tho snow on the hills nbovo Pacific Terrace. Ho Is doing nicely. Ladies' Spring Coats Tom Boy Styles I Fitted Stylev 12" Wonderful xvesrnltle coats for now through Spring I They'll top your suits so smnrtly ensemhlo beautifully with all your dresses. Plrerex, p 1 a I tl s, herringbones, 100 Tlrgln Shetlalltls. Girls' SLACK SUITS SnnforUrd denim. Pin in l I i e k i and striped blouse. Hose, blue and pink with bnnuontxtng striped blouse. Sturdy nnd smnrtl Sixes 3 to H. I98 CASUAL JACKETS Great to wenr to work or Just lounging It's roomy and comfort- m a able. In two tone hnrd finish materjals. Tans, greys browns. MEN'S SPORT SLACKS Herringbones, dlngonnls In soft weaves, f AA gnbnrdlnrst 0.7U Practical Styles! Boys' Sturdy SWEATERS 3.98 Two-tone, solid colors In. all wool cont styles I Ittiggeil ly nmtle for rugged w e n f I Sites 8 to 10. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effoctlvo Juns 16, 1942) Train IB Southboundi 6:15 p, m. Train 20 Northboundi 10 a. m. Train 17 Southbound! 6)30 a. m. Train 16 Northboundi B p. m. Madford Stag, Wattbound, 3i30 p. m Evtning Airmail, Towniand Club Thar will bo a Townsend meeting and dance nt tho KC hall this Friday evening. The business meeting will be at 8 o'clock, with the dunce to follQ.w. Auxiliary Th Eagles auxili ary will hold a regular meeting Thursday at 8 p. m,, in tho Knglcs hall, . Card Party Midland grang will hold a card party at the homo of Mrs. Phil Motschen bneher on February 20, at 8 p. m. Members are asked to bring sandwiches. Friends are wel come. DR. OHO W. WESTUNO Hot Moved to 212-14 I.O.O.F. Bldg. FOP.VICT0RV BUY r,i. WA R .IOHDS JERSEY DRESSES '90 In Your Favorit Btylol Gurgcous splnsliy Jersey prints a muat have for Spring. Delightful to wear under your fur coat now! See our Interesting collection. Sites 9 to Hi alio half sizes. O Ladies' Blouses Long steered blouses In. white and pastels. Perfectly tailored 1 Sites 31 to 40. 98 GIRLS' SWEATERS iMose knit Cardigan style all wool with long or short sleeves. Warm and pretty. Sites 2 to 8. Maybe the Animal Had a Complex REDMOND, Feb. 4 (P) May be the animal developed a ground-hog complex and got mad because ho saw his shadow. Anyhow, County Agricultural Agent Gus Hogglund revealed today a large muskrat attacked him on ground-hog day, first trying to blto his foot, then mak ing a leap for his throat. Roy Carpenter, manager of the Redmond bonk, witnessed part of the attack. Let's put everything to workl Sell tho articles you don't use through a classified ad. LET'S PLAY THl GAME Making o little go a long way is o fascinating gome. Many Penney customer ore adept al it. They'd been playing it long be fore it became a patriotic duty Penney's whole plon has always been to help people get what they need for what they have to spend Now o new feature has been added It is making what you hove and whal you get lost for o long time This means you repair and mend anything that can be kept in use You consider before you buy anything, going only to stores which give value and wearing quality. Penney's depend ability and insistence on high standards are mak ing it the favorite of more ond more thrifty Amen-, cans Drtttf ration c r p . Lin gtrit bowtm Sparkling New- Spring DRESSES Sport Styles Casual Types Dr.ny Models Whatever your activities this spring , . , you'll need at least two smart new frocksl Select yours from this cpllection that gives you such a range of good-looking colors and styles! Novelty rayon f abrlcsl . ' In sizes 1 to 20. w VV Some Pretty With Lacel 'i rT vV tm t cCk Vv. cl""fc Tailored Stylesl f (. 1 V&VWt Smooth Rayon Crapl , , lySlhiA . f I f . V. Lustrous Hayon Satinl III if K.J V. Slips to please the most fas- - f 'KVV tidious mint Straight cut,! f taUored styles with four gores I J f I ;L ... or lace trimmed types, 'i f f w I ' Jftk. cot on the blast Petal-soit !vA J 1 . I . Cfk'X Feminine Gifts for ValentWi Day I II H-lf RAYON SATIN GOWNS Brother Held In Portland Slaying PORTLAND, Feb. 4 UP) Mar vln Chamberlain, 40, Portland, jsjs flwi. ' The Nlc,,t Gltt You CouW Thnk oi' 'Jfr$ RAYON HOSIERY . WikrlrK "" ' TO . 'Si Closest to Your Haartl J 1 -m ' Hj, Yoa ean b '"reyou're giving her V k Ik neW ''nd ' Ta'enUne wnen you ' , bK' 'V glTe h" r,yon and of wear- I L , ' '' ' , Sak , 'f We quality, tool Beautifully shaped 1 :yT, ' "V kfVV ' X. because they're full-fashioned I 1- i ' V thread, reinforced feet. Sizes 8'i X Length '' t. HOSE V J 1 Trim fitting knit A Thoughtful Gift) j fl, hose so popular rVkTUA, CI IBC SUT, V wn the younger vimilin a7.iry ff ' jT5 I III s fe l-V''Vi xcwaon rayon aaun gowns, au I li IS I & M l Prettle uo w"n 'ace embroidery, J ' ' I 1 PV:S JkHif I beadings and shirring I Cut on the bmm I II . 'J I V' Fl bi to ' to perfection. Sizes 198 I Ill a ll jfsSPk. Wom.n's Finely TaUor I 111 tf . r'if. Aaonno.- I i I II J ? V Or Trimmed Pert And Pretty For Girlsl COTTON PAJAMAS 29 Breezy butcher boy styles that girls love lots of boyish tailored types, tool AU In nov elty easy - to -wash cottons. 6 to 16. Miss Prop' PANTIES ) 29c Fine quality rayon for long er wear. Sizes 2-14. Girls' RAYON SLIPS Lovely crepe or sntln in tailored or trim med styles. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. 59 pi Latfc FT' A I. . wounded In the chest by a gun shot, was in serious condition at a hospital here today. State Police Officer Cliff Boss said his brother, James Earl Chamberlain, 47, was held with Stack Ifp at SavUufl! BRILLIANT ARRAY OF TIES! Ties turn una Sanforized Knllvcn dnrk winter suits with these colored shirts. Ncnt fitting collars, top quality material, A No. 1 buy I Sizes UU to 17. AU Whit . . i.es out charge in Washington court ' ty Jail following tho shooting yesterday at Metzger. ' Alexander the Great la said to have been left-handed. PANTIES 59e Beautifully cut to fit smoothly un der your slimmest dresses. Several styles to choose from. Lace trimmed, . embroidered or plain. Regular women's sizes. the trick when your wardrobe's somber. Boost your morale with a bright pattern, figured, striped or plain. 49 HANDSOME NEW SHIRTS Styled by Towneraft 93