Folmmry A, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OIIEGON PACE TIIKEB AT NEW SCHEDULE GERMAN PEACE MOVE HINTED S o KF ANNOUNCED New arrival mid departure tlmos for piitwoiiHt' Indus nt Kluiniith Fill In, effective Febru ary 15, wore unuminccd Thurs dny by Cliff Hooves, district frolwlit Ulul niisseniicr iixoiil of tho Southern 1'iiclflc. Tlio schedule chniuios wore muda to meet wiirtlmo truffle conditions which Imvo nccessl tutitd loinicr runs between Port land mid Sim friuicUco, Ilia off i clul explained. Here In the new schedule, with nrrlvul ii i ul dcpnrluro times for ench trnln lilvcn, respectively: NORTHBOUND Train No. 24, Thu Cuscurto, with cliulr cum, tourist and tiindurd sleepers 4 a. m, 4:15 a. in. Train No. IB, Tlio Orouonliin with ehulr cum, tourliit und stundiird sleepers 7:40 u. in. 7:55 a. in. Trnln No. 20, Tho Kliimnlli, with cliulr cum, and stundiird sleeper 11:81) a. ni. 12:10 p. m. Truln No. 10, Thu Weill Count with chuir cum, tourist and stundiird sleepers 10:80 p. in. 11:10 p. m. SOUTHBOUND Train No, 23, Tho Cascade, with cliulr cum, tmiilst und itundiird sleepers 2:30 a. in. 3:03 u. m. Train No, 18, Tho West Const, with chair curs, tourist und (tundurd sleepers 8:43 a. in.' Ii:u6 a. m. Truln No. 17, The Oreuonlun, with cliulr cum, tourist und standard sleepers 8:20 a. m. 8:40 a. in. Train No. 18, Tho Kluimith with chair cars, tourist und itundurd sleepers 7:20 p. m. 7:40 p. in. Hello Folkil There's Another Dance Friday, Feb. 5th K.C. Hall Best of Music, Caller, nd Lunch Towniend Meeting t 8 o'clock By ANITA OWYN Br. Robert lluber, professor of speech at the University of OreMon, was Introduced by Wal ter Eschobcck nt Junior-senior ym usscmbly Wed' '"17 I ncsduy after JLMnoon. Harold 21 Rnon David V Wnlte, studont IK of Dr. Hubnr's ut the iinlvcr slty, spoko to tho students on present and post war plans. One of tho younx men named three- questions that should be fnced when problems arlsoi What ore the probloms and how serious aro thoy? What are the best solutions? Which Is the best solution? Several questions wero asked by IiIkIi school stu dents after tho talks wero con eluded, The Lntln-Amerlca exhibit Is now on display In various parts of tho county. Those interested mny seo it at tlio hltih school Tuesday. Call Mrs. Waters at tho hluti school or coma to tho freshman-sophomore library In room 304. Tho drive to raise funds for tho Barbed Wiro Lculon begun Thursday. If you didn't got your tuK, which is 10 cents, be sure und eel It tomorrow. Some of this money muy o to help some of your relatives or friends who huve been captured by the enemy. Bring your old fats and worn nylon and silk to your home room. Do your part In this war effort. Roger Wilkinson Injured While Coasting Wednesday Roger Wilkinson, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wilkinson of Summers lane, suffered a pain ful Injury to his right hand while coasting near the family home Wednesday. Young Wilkinson caught at brush as he slid down tho hill receiving a deep cut Jn the hand He received emergency treat' ment at Klamath Valley hospial BY NEUTRALS By EDWARD D. BALL LONDON, Fob. 4 (A') Tho be lief thut Adolf Hitler muy bo preparing another peuco offen sive was expressed today In ncu trul quarters In London who said action might be Initiated through Spain or Sweden or both. , These sources, which insisted on remulnlng anonymous, said there have been strungo devel opments In Berlin ilnco the Casublunca conference which suggest an impending movo for u negotiated settlement in spite of the unsolicited denials from the Spanish embassies In Brazil and Chile that General Franco bad been designated a go-between, Tho Spanish denial evoked considerable speculation con corning Us motive especially in the absence of any widely cir culated reports that Spain had been chosen as a peacemaker. BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 4 ()- Dlplomutlc quarters cast about toduy for tho reasons which im pelled tho Spanish government to instruct its embassies in Rio do Janeiro and Santiago to deny I last night that Adolf Hitler had I H.lrnrl ("InnArnl EVnnpi in nnf b I I intermediary In a peace proposal. Some observers saw the move as an Indication of apprehension on the part of Spain lest her1 prestige in South America be compromised by suspicions that she was ready to serve as a nazi , catspaw. UNBELIEVERS FARRAGUT, Idaho, (!) Two Bluejackets at the Farragut j naval training station were pen alized for smoking while at work, . They wero painting signs which read: "No Smoking." HELPS PREVENT on nn From Dmloping UUfcWU ...Attheftrstsncee. sniffle or sign of nasal Irritation, put a few drops of Vlcks Va-tro-nol up each nostril, us quicit acuon WYi aids nature's defenses yCKg directions In folder. VATM-HOl : CRAIG'S famous Classic j . i 00 WOOL It's a beautiful suit at wonderful sav ings. Lined jacket with slash pock ets . . . skirt with pleat. Wear it now under your winter coat. Wear it with furs. Wear it any time or any place.. It's just the kind of a suit you'll live in. Sizes 10 to 44. Make Your Selection Now ' U)t Our Convnitnl PL Open Saturday 'til 8:00 617 Main il l! ' -i riNwrt Wi if a-i Tf Wlat i nlMni It's Patriotic io acrve.' DSarP Bedroom Suite SET INCLUDES: Full-Sixe Bed 42-lneh Vanity Large CScit Sale P"ce on,y r- J '1 BIS r A ALSO SOLD ON lt Usu8l Carrying , Modern .- yeneer Birds-s.y .... r- . li mnaein v J , i .wo neu . onwv"-- riChf met"- iW ho"d ruou- 5 ;irror j-- j, R0U nte' drawer flu's' uu" drower co"" Bencn j - Q g5 Night StondJ Stock Up Now! BUY BLANKETS and BEDDING! Genuine INLAID L B . New Patented Back Prevents Splitting B' f f HL"t,' w . ' Water Repellent Surface Is Smootherl U V 1 " M Rich, glowing colors fused right through to the back B C 0 H "jl1 ' " "W- ' ' I of this quality inlaid! Thrift inlaid eliminates the B J jf ff h $ ' " I expense of felt lining ... back cushions your floor. f ) J j!r Ifs I " C . I Easy to keep clean and bright. Km M $ ' ' " i"' sty 'aft'-' square yard JFrj jW'JL Pj Vui I ' '-W ' .tile pottem$?Rkhepot' II f' Fll f B&wt 1 1 HiySI' ot t I . M terns and colors for If ! (AT. I l S Vllv Fi.l 'V'7Pt!ri; ' ifjJ kitchen or bath. Ill BgSi&ti iSLiW ' WtTI' EASY PAYMENT U , fW TT. , cMSl. plan! f 1 ;l 5 Wool BLANKET PLAID PAIRS 70x80" Woven the "core-threod" way with 95 cotton and 5 wool. Sturdy. sateen binding. i Gay Indian Blanket All cotton, softly napped on both sides. Ends over-lock-stitchod for neat finish and longer wear. 70x80 inch size. Gay design with blue on brown predom inant. Plaid Single BLANKET 66x76-INCH SOFT COTTONS OVERLOOK ENDS Tnk the. chill from vour sleeping these winter eves! Napped on both ides. Bonds