HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALI-S, OREGON Fobriinry 4, 1943 New Legal Battle Mart Turbulent Boilermakers' Union PORTLAND, Feb. 4 (fl5) A new legal battle marred the al ready turbulent Internal rela tions of the Portland AFL Boil ermakers union today. Russell Duke, member of the local, filed Injunction proceed ings in circuit court to prevent International officers from sell ing local control pending the conclusion of court action start ed by a group of local men who claim they have not been seated as officers despite a legal elec tion, Duke also asked an ac counting of local treasury funds by Tom Ray, secretary-treasurer. Circuit Judge James W. Craw ford yesterday refused to dismiss mandamus petitions by which the newly-elected men hope to force the Incumbents to vacnto their offices. Quota Upped at Pendleton CPT School PENDLETON, Feb. 4 (V) An increase of 20 students In the quota of the Steeu Flyways civilian pilot training school at Pendleton was announced today by school officials, Between BO and 85 pupils will bo diking pri mary, secondary and cross-coun try flight training tlioro by the Riullu City Miwlu hull, New York City, hits a singe ona bto'f wide and nine stories high. end of this month. Rumors that the school would be discontinued because It failed to have college, sponsorship were dispelled by the announcement. Tho electi'lral industry is the. fifth largest In Knglniul. WIDE SELECTIONS! LATEST PATTERNS! NEWEST COLORSI NOW SENSATIONALLY PRICED FOR WARDS GREAT PAGE TWELVE mm February fsS. mm mm .A V- I (PticeCtitl 9x12 SI! Wardoleum Ruas i Rtdoctd for this I'WeonlyfoJJJ,. Even at their regular price an outstanding bargain! NOW at this special sale price an even greater buy! Styles for every room! Choose from our wide assortments of new patterns and colors in florals, textures and tiles. They're stainproof, water-proof and easy to keep clean. So why pay morel 6x9 .... 2.49, 7Mx9 .... 3.39, 9x10 W 4.43 ot&f Don't Miss iff! Wardoleum Yard Gdj. j Get fftese safe tavingt of Worth I Cover your rooms wall-to-wall while you get these extra savings! See our wide selec tions in marbles, florals, textures and tiles. A nation-wide favorite for over 25 years NOW for this Sale only bargain-priced I iRectucetff Marbleized Linoleum on Felt Back Cover a 9x12 Boom for only 10.56 (Material Costs) For subtle beauty' and real economy mod ernize your floors with linoleum on felt back. Select from an array of colors in delicately-grained marbleized designs. Col ors that can't fade and go clear through to the back. So bring in your room measure ments for a free estimate. But COME IN NOW during this greatest of all Ward Floor Covering Sales I EST J nJs m n't - mm Sale! 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