Ftlminry '4. 184.1 HERALD 'AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN, kCLASSIFIED ADS j Lost and Found LOST 700x17 tire, mimhi'r T24002211Z. HOWUIU. A. M Gibson. Korn Hotel. 2 (1 4 Oanaral Notices -i- - - - - - MIRACLE 815HIE3 1'IANO Populur, classical. I'll, 341)0. 20 Panonali MONUMENTS Klmmilh Full Mnrhlo mid u rum to worn. 110 So. 11th. I'hona 0;iUl. 20 I Transportation y.n.nirii''iii'. --------"""- ILL SHARE EXPENSES to Wenlwood or Susnnvillo. rn. Bnfllt heforeB p. m. 2-4 J0 Borvlces WILL pump out your busemenl. Pumpt (or rout. Southern Oregon Well Drilling Co. Phone 8822. 2-8 BLACKSMITH1NG and welding. Tractor, truck und farm much Inery rcpnlr. Special built levatori, stackers and buck rakes. BROWN EQUIPMENT CO. 1049 So. Oth St. Phono 8247 4-23 CHIMNEY SWEEP. Oil burnor service, Furnaces clonncd. J. A. Tufts. I'hona 7140. 2-22 Income tax returns ex pertly prepared reasonable charges. We hnve Oregon, Cal ifornia, Fodoral forms. Come early avoid rush. Bring last vear'i returns If available. Onoom 4. Melhase Bldg.. 325 Tl,nnft KR78 W. B Bowrie, R. F. McLaren. 210 PICTURE FRAMING Goeller's 530 Main. 2-Hm 1IKMST1TCHINO DRESSMAKING. Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old doming, r.irs. u M Allender. 731 Main. Room 316. Phone 7263. 2-10m PAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phono 4226. 210m HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 6848. 20m CROSS CUT AND CIRCULAR CAWR ihmiM he rcnnlrcd now. Bodenhamer Snw and Repair Shoo. 381 E. Main. 2-20 PAPERHANGERS PAINTERS available. Goeller'f, 330 Main Phone 6704. ".r :i 2-2 DRESSMAKING, formal and alterations, all kinds. Margo, Whvtal's balcony, i i 2-28 BAGS MACHINE .. CLEANED and Hatched. People' Ware- house Bag Co. 4082tf Z WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas Hathaway. 120 No.-10th St.. Klamath Falls, Ore. 2-28 REFRIGERATOR, washing ma chine, vacuum ctainer parts and service, all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, wu South Sixth. .', 2-2Bm FLOOR SANDING- and reflnlsh Ing. Clifford Goiden. Phone 3022. . 3-28m RING those crippled household appliances to us for first aid. V.'ashers, Ironers, refrigerators and oil hcateri serviced and repaired. " "' VICTORY SERVICE CO. Ralph Fuller, New Manager 1008 Prosnoct Phones 6448 or 6173 3-1 13 Health , DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and; rectal dis eases. 832 Mnln. 'Dial 7218 2-28in ,16 Help Wanted. Mala CONTRACT LOGGER Perma ncnt job for logger with equip ment to handle 7 to 8 million ft. yearly. Short Haul, good ground. Prlco .secondary to a. man who con produce. Mill w northern California en Hign way 60. Apply Crag Lumbor Co., Castella, Calif. 4924tf WANTED Box factory supcrln tendent. Must have full knowl edge of box factory operation and should have lumber ex perienco. San Francisco Bay district. Give full Information past and present experience and age. Box 4073, Herald- News. ; 2 0 PAINTERS WANTED Steady work. Phone 4387. 2-6 14 Help Wantad Female WANTED Girl for dtiif store worx Detwccn is ana so years. Good wages. Must be neat, honest and efficient' Refer ence required. Box 4868. Herald-New. WANTED Office girl lor one of Klamath' finest lltore. QMimI Ho typing, have pleasing personality. Steady tuition. good salary. News-Herald Box 121, r l 1-8 dV--1 HOTEL MAIDS WANTEDV-Ap- Ply housekeeper, Hotel Btk. ,l - 1 - 14 Help Wanted female WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 4014. 4088U WANTED Housokeepor. Mo darn home. Two children. $48 month. Phone 11740. 2-4 Bltuatlom Wantad UAUYLAND Cure of babies and children. Hour, duy or week. 1104 Crescent. Phono 0341 2-4m HOUR WORK Phone 8043. 2-8 HOUR WORK WANTED Phono 4074. 2-4 SEWING Any form shirt col lars, cuffs turned. 021 N, Oth. Phono 0240. 2 16 CHILDREN TO KEEP In my home, 25c hour daytime, 30c hour nights. 2311 Dnrrow. Phnnn (1211 1. 2-fl 20 Room and Board ROOM BOARD 1841 Main. 2-26 ROOM Board, 620 Jefferson. Phone 8337. 2-6 BOARD. ROOM 314 Washing ton. 2-0 ROOM BOARD Gentleman. 804 N. mill. Phone 0HI4. 2-6 22 Rooms For Rant MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms $3.80 week up. Tran sient f 1. 2-21 ROOMS 1034 High. 2-Sm NICK ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 2-11 ROOM 020 Lincoln. 4810tf ROOM FOR RENT 814 N. 10th. 2-4 CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. 14.00 week. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new lnnersprlng mat tresses. Free parking. 2-28m CLEAN, steam heated room. 310 So. 8th. 3-1 ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN $3 00 week. 845 Eldorado. 2-6 24 Apartmants For Rant VACANCY Rex Arms apart, ments, 324 Broad. Phone 8760. Now management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 2-8m ESPLANADE COURT apart ment. Furnished. Walking distance. 2-10 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 2-1 lm FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 133 N. 10th. 213 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Utilities furnished. 410 No 10th. 2-16 LIGHT, CLEAN housekeeping room with kitchenette. 248 Broad. 4948U RIVERVIEW Four nicely fur nlshed rooms, with two bed rooms, electric range, refrig erator. Phone 8482. 4947U ATTRACTIVE housekecp Ing rooms, $4 and up. 216 Main, Fairfield Apartments. 2-4 FURNISHED 4-room apartment Adult. No pets. 825 Lincoln. 2-6 VACANCY Alameda Apart ments, 1600 Esplanade. Adults No pets. 178tf LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 421 Oak. 2-3 VACANCY Jacobs Apartment Pine and Cedar, 108tf THREE-ROOM furnished duplex apartment. 121 So. 2nd. HOtf FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. Gas equipment. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 117tf VACANCY Three rooms and dinette. Electric range, gas heater. 336 Broad. 186tf WALKING DISTANCE Four rooms, furnished. Lights, wood, water. $23. 138 Mor timer. 2 6 VACANCY Couple only. No pets. Ideal Apartments, 323 Commercial. , 2-10 FOR RENT New two-bedroom f u r n 1 s h e d apartment. 745 Rose. Phone 4220. 2-6 26 Housts For Rant TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save tt. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 2-7m SMALL MODERN furnished home. Everything furnished 3123 Biehn. 4192tf FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Close in. Inquire 814 Lincoln. 446Stf CLEAN 3-ROOM HOUSE Util ities furnished. 2000 Biehn. 2-27 3-ROOM DUPLEX New. large, unfurnished or with electric itve. refriierator. furnace. 1133 California. Phone 3658, 344U THREE-ROOM rtewty decorated tKnise. Bath, woodshed. Cor ner Stuket ant Division. In quire 404 Martin. 3 8 26 Houses For Rant FOUR-ROOM modern house, Oil floor furnace. 138. 4088 Thompson. 2-4 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. 1200 Pine St. 2-4 UNFURNISHED 7-room house. Furnished three-room duplex. 2023 Durrow. 2-5 CLEAN, furnished 2-room cobln. Water, lights. $15 montn. B It M Service Station, Phone 6876. 2-8 FOR RENT 5-room modorn, furnished house, $20 month. Inqulro Mrs. Ream, Vulley Hotel. 2-6 ATTRACTIVE 3 ROOMS and bath, well furnished, at ZJ.17 Ebcrloln, $30 monthly. Phone 0401 or 6UU4. 2-5 FURNISHED three rooms, bath and utility porch. Gas floor furnace, electric water heater, electric rongo, electric refrig erator, washing machine, laun dry troys, ventilating system and room cooler for summer. Hos small store front. Close In. 158 East Main. Phone 8537. 2-6 THREE-ROOM modern, furnish ed house. 7161 Upham. 2-6 26 Miscellaneous For Rant DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY. Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 2-llm 30 Real Estate For Sale TWO-ROOM HOUSE, 1-3 acre ground, garago, woodshed and chicken house. 2010 Hope. 371tf ST. FRANCIS PARK Seven . room home. All modorn, with fireplace and garage. Fenced. Nice garden spot and fruit trees. $4800. Terms. Chris Huck. Phone 6470. 2-6 FOR SALE OR RENT Four room place near Mill school. Nice shape. Price $2200 or rent $25. E. Gray Real Estate, 118 N. 7th. 2-5 EQUITY in modern four-room house. Venotian blinds. Good location, 1321 Wilford. 2-8 FOR SALE Several good POTATO FARMS In Merrill, Matin district. See M. A. Bow man, Merrill, Ore. 2-4 SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8401. 3-2 POTATO LAND Will accept bids in the next two weeks fof cash rental of 40 acres pottfto land, or will sell. E Gray, 118 N. 7th. 2-6 SIX ACRES good level Irrigated land on Laweview hiway with small house. Price $2300 $500 down. FIFTY- ACRES good irrigated land, four miles from town on old Weed highway. No build ings. $7500. Terms. H. E. Hauger, owner, 1330 Main 2-10 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO RENT Ranch on crop basis or will work on farm with, the idea that I can have and Increase some stock. Write Box 72, Malln, Ore. 2-8 34 Automotive GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut Ph. 7378. 2-6m WANTED TO BUY ltt-ton late model truck. Lost River Dairy. 331tf FOR SALE 1936 Ford Fordor sedan. New paint, fair tires, new upholstery. Guaranteed mechanically A-l. 2023 Dar row. - 2-3 FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet se dan. Phone 4558. 2-6 NEW CARS are still avaUable for Immediate delivery. For the largest selection of good used cars and pickups see H. E. Hauger, Bulck Garage, 1330 Main. 2-10 35 Fual Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404. 2-26m 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joy er. 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 2-28 W ATKINS PRODUCTS. Dial 6623 or 2318 Home. 2-4 FOR' SALE Body wood. Box 44, Worden, Ore. 2-6 RUBBER STAMPS, Printed signs, madc-to-ordcr. Commer cial printing, most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4.h. Phone 6632. 2-9 FULLER BRUSHES CALL 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. R. V. MORGAN. 2-8m GLASS Mirrors, rcsilvcring, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelve. Kim ball' Glass Shop, 337 Walnut. Phone 7378. 3-6m FOR SALE Dry wood. 2139 Arthur. Phone 6870. 2-26 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 4951U AVON PRODUCTS Dial 6691. I 3-17 38 Miscellaneous Fo? Bale TYPEWRITER Underwood No. 0 for sale. Terfect condition. 234 No. 8th or phone 8329. lSltf FOR BALE 14 tons baled al falfa hay. R. Kunz, Malln. 2-4 FOR SALE 100 tons of olfnlfa hay In stacks. Inquire J. R. Tuylor, Merrill, stato line. 2-9 FURNITURE At Sunset Horse Ranch. Phone 8788. Nearly new bedroom suite $60; best springs and stained mattress $20; heavy onk library table $7.60; medium oil stove $20; largo leather rocker $10. 383tf STOVES REPAIRED All ports stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hund Store, 820 Klumath. Phone 8871. 2-28m FOR SALE 12-inch Craftsman electric saw, 18-Inch Delta bond saw, 4-whcel farm trailer, 2-cytinder Nova gas engine, 1 Fairbanks-Morse scale, 1000 lb. capacity. Phone 6371. 2-5 FOR SALE First crop alfalfa hay. W. B. Graham, Merrill, Ore. 2-8 FUEL RAT'ONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 271tf RADIOS Sell or trade. First house past Frankford wood yard, Bend highway. 2-6 RIFLE AND SHOTGUN AMMU NITION Is now being made available to FARMERS, CAT TLEMEN, and SHEEPMEN for the killing of PREDATORS or RODENTS. This is an OF FICIAL WAR PRODUCTION BOARD set-up and you can place your orders at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO., 528 MAIN ST., KLAM ATH FALLS. FOR SALE Refrigerator, bed room suite, innerspring mat tress and coll spring, dinette set, miscellaneous items. 3351 Crest. 2-5 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 60-acre Improved ranch, on highway S miles from center of Klam ath Falls. Address Boxholder 4979. Herald-News. 2-9 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Used pianos. Spot cash. Louis R. Mann, tuner, .Derby's, 120. N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. 2-28 TRAPPERS We are paying top prices for coyote, muskrat, lynx cats. Geo. E. Upton, Row Fur Dealer, Forest Grove, Ore. 2-7 CASH FOR USED RIFLES 30-30, 25-35, and 32-20'. Pre ferably carbine model and in any condition. Bring them In for appraisal to SOUTHERN OREGON HARDWARE at 528 Mam St. 4977U WANTED TO RENT One or two-bedroom modern, furnish' ed house or apt Phone 7385 2-4 44 ' Livestock md Poultry WANTED TO BUY Some more Guernsey cows, and tome Guernsey heifer calves, wean ed. Please give price when you phone as tires are hard to get. Phone 4943. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St. 1-1 9 tf WANTED Cattle, sheep and hogs. J. D. Beckley. Phone 7334 evenings. 4953tf SEE US BEFORE selling your livestock to so-called shippers. We need cattle and hogs here at home and it will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3503. 4970tf JERSEY COW FOR SALE Five year old. $75. 4349 Winter Ave., off Summers lane. Phone 5031. Call after 5 p. m. 2-6 48 Businesi Opportunities WELL ESTABLISHED Tavern Beer, wine, billiards. Doing good business. 630 So. 6th St., ' Grants Pass, Ore. 2-5 The Red army' midwinter of fensive 1 being powered with increasing amount of American farm product. Lend-lease re port that we are now sending more food to Russia than to Britain. A beautiful room COStS only turn THE MIRACLE WALL FINISH BIG BASIN LBR. CO. . Main k Spring 2? Phone 3144 -fKlJiMiuTe: IN OREGON DROPS SALEM, Feb. 4 (P) Unem ploymcnt compensation benefits paid In Oregon during January totaled $31,912, compared with $226,071 In January 1942, the unemployment compensation commission said today, Benefits paid In 1042 totaled $1,700,210, against $2,485,554 in 1041 and $4,000,025 In 1040. Benefits decreased in every section of the state except In the Baker and Ontario district. Benefit in the Portland area dropped from $076,431 In 1941 to $527,760 In 1942. The 1942 payments for other districts: Eugene $115,725, Salem $92, 963, Klamath Falls $86,497. Baker $06,193, Pendleton $40,- 167, Hood River $31,673, Rose burg $30,505, The Dalles $18,529, Corvallis $17,933. Srjoln has such Inno -h. games that sometimes players leave the continuance of the games to their sons in their wills. Foggy weather occurs 1 e frequently In the St. Lawrence river than at New York har bor. 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS I WAYS TO GET A CONSUME. CASH M AX rHO.VE . WRITE . COME IK Tuu seed no a-lfneri or interim to St coaiujner loa THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-INCOSIB LOAJC8 On our not only. No vij utiga- mtntt. No co-iitne. NO. t-flR.VlTURE LOANS Vour character It mar UnporttBt than lit furoltur itielf. NO. t AttTO LOANS 120 to U0 C4ib to to i an 4 rtfl nanclng. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY ram 720 Pine St. S-U9) Phone 7711 turn See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 2-28m First Federal Has Plenty of Mone Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home - Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms -: Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 8193 2-28m LOANS Established 8 Years In Klamath County Furniture Loan Signature Loans Livestock Loan $25 to $300 Rogers Finance Co. S-189 412 Main Dial 5113 2-28m LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap pointed administrator of the estate of Willard. E. Jackson, de ceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to pre sent the same to me with proper vouchers at the office of L. Orth Siscmore, Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from January 21. 1943. JAMES W. JACKSON, Administrator. J 21-28; F 4-11-18 No. 178. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Director of School District No. 1, Klamath Falls, Oregon, will accept bids on 100 cords of wood to be de livered at the Riverside School. Body wood, cut In 4-foot lengths out of live fir trees, is preferred, but alternate bits will be ac cepted on 4-foot fir slabs or 2 foot veneer core centers, and on a limited amount of 4-foot pine slabs. Delivery must be completed and wood tiered on the grounds of the Riverside School not later than August 1, 1943. Send bid to J. P. Well. Di trict Clerk, at Klamath Union High School, not later than Feb ruary 20, 1943. J. P. WELLS, District Clerk, r 4 5-fl No. 184. Masiketl and tyiHoncial MILD RECOVERY LIFTS MARKET LATE TODAY By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, Feb. 4 UP) Mild recoveries crept into the stock market today after most leaders had spent the greater part of the session at slightly lower levels. Bonds were uneven. Transfers were around 800,000 shares. Wall street generally main tained a bullish attitude but, here and there, customers stood aside pending more definite news from the Solomons. Among a handful of stocks touching new 1942-43 tops were Ohio Oil, Pullman, Budd Mfg., Warner Bros., and Omnibus corporation. Occasional resist ance was displayed by Western Union, Great Northern, Stand ard Oil (NJ) and American Smelting. Backward at Interval were US Steel, Santa Fe, Ameri can Telephone, Montgomery Ward, Douglas Aircraft, Du Pont, Woolworth, Dow Chemical and International Harvester. Closing quotations: American Can 791 Am Car Sc Fdy ... 28i Am Tel tt Tel .. 1311 Anaconda 261 Cat Tractor 43 Comm'nw'lth tt Sou 1532 General Electric 335 General Motors 461 Gt Nor Ry pfd 241 Illinois Central 8J Int Harvester .... 881 Kennecott .. 301 Lockheed 191 Long-Bell "A" 61 Montgomery Ward .... 36 i Nash-Kelv 7 N Y Central 12J Northern Pacific 8i Pac Gas Sc El .......... 26 Packard Motor 81 Penna R R 28 i Republic Steel ......... . 181 Richfield Oil 8 Sears Roebuck ... ........... 63 Standard Brand . 81 Sunshine Mining 5 Trans-America . 81 Union Oil CalU 171 Union Pacific 84J U S Steel 501 Warner Picture 9 BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Feb. 4 (AP-USDA) South Dakota lambs' wool was sold today at a grease price of 40 cents, delivered mill. There were many inquiries received for spot fine foreign wools suitable for army xocks. Sales of New Zealand eight -to -ten -months wools were made at celling prices. Some buying of mohair wag reported from Texas at 60 cents for adult and 70 cents for kid mohair. Georges Clemenceau, the 'Tiger of France" and World war I premier, once taught French in a Connecticut girls' school. ORDER BLANK Tear out thus blank to mall in your "want-ad." Send th cash (stamps are OK) and save 30. In figuring the amount, count each word that appears. Include Your Name, Name Address RATES: One day run . 3 day run 3 day run 4 day run 6 day run Week run Month run LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Feo. 4 (AP-lf'SMNj CATTLE: Salable 25. Medium to good steers, heifers, and range oows quoted fully steady; half car good 1100 lb. steers $13.50: low er grade she-stock uneven, up per strata weighty common cows $10.0U-10,50, cutters widen ed down to $8.00-9.00, yesterduy shelly canner late freely $7.00 SO, possibly SO cent lower than Munday's high time; medium sausage bull $12.00-12.60. Calves: None; nominal, HOGS: Salable 400. Mostly 30-40 cents lower; five cais me dium to good 204-200 lb. barrows and gilts $16.20-30, latter late top; odd good sows quotable, $14.30. SHEEP: Salable 300. Under tone fully steady; good to choice wooled lambs quoted $15.00-75: medium to choice ewes $8.25- 9.25. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Feb. 4 (AP- USDA) Cattle: salable 100, to tal 125; calvea: salable and total 25; market rather slow, mostly steady, some canner and cutter cows weak; few common to me dium steers $11.00-12.50; good fed steers quotable up to $15.50; common to medium heifers $10.00-13.50, cutters down to $8.00; canner and cutter cows $8.50-8.00; fat Tlairy type cows to $0.00; good beef cows $11.50- 12.50; medium to good bulls $10.50-12.75, cutters down to $9.00; good to choice vealers $14.50-15.50, common grades down to $9.00. Hogs: salable .680, total 1000; market mostly 25c lower, some cleanup sales off more and few head early steady; good to choice 180-220 lb. mostly $15.50, negligible lot early $15.75, cleanup sales down to $15.00; 230-300 lb. $14.30-15.00; light lights $14.50-18.00; good 325- 600 lb. sows steady at $13.50 14.00; good to choice feeder pigs $14.50-15.50. Sheep: salable and total 250; scattered sales steady; odd me dium to good lambs $13.00- 14.80, good to choice grade quotable $15.00-30; feeder lambs in various flesh condition $11.00-13.00; good ewes salable up to $7.75 and above. WHEAT CHICAGO, Feb. 4 W) A per sistcnt demand for wheat from houses which usually buy for mill pushed contracts up about a cent today. ' The strength in the bread cer eal was reflected In other grains, where small gains were regis tered. Bye, which had sold off early, came back to go ahead of the preceding session's close. There were reports of a bet ter demand for flour and it was said that a large chain baker had bought 200,000 or more bar rels. Wheat closed 1-1 cent higher, May $1,401-1.40, July $1,391, corn was i-ic higher, May 971 98c, oats advanced 1c, rye was unchanged to 1c up and soy beans were not traded. Classified Ad- Initial tount as one word and each group of figures counts as one word. Write your name, address or phone, as you want it to appear, with the ad copy Phone or Address Here A You (This Not to Appear in Ad; Run Ad......Day Enclosed Find....... SEND CASH and SAVE 20 DISCOUNT: .pcr word 38 Figure the amount from these raff, per word 6a then deduct 20 a your A per word So count for sending cash -with th ad. .per word 108 Thi discount i given when we are per word lie able to do away with bookkeeping .per word 12e and billing expense ... on actual per word 32c paid-in-advance ad only. BUY WAR STAMPS AND mm t BUI o STATE PROGRAM SALEM. Feb. 4 IIP Th. house taxation and revenue eom. mlttee began drafting its tax program today, hoping to Intro duce it'next week. Here's what It contains: A 20 or 28 Per cent lnenma tax reduction. Elimination of th. 2 n.r .nt surtax on unearned Income. Clarification of the lnltltH law giving surplus income taxss to scnoois. Quarterly oavment of Inrnma taxes, which already has passed in each house. Reverse Snell If the legislature innrnvn the program, it would moan re jection of Governor Snell's pro gram. He advised against reduc ing the income tax. whlla ih committee apparently has re jected nis plan to create a re serve fund for post-war use, and his recommendation that th - cise tax be applied to utilities in order to increase old age pen sions. . Proposals to collect ' incoma taxes by deducting them from salary ' checks were given no chance, the committee having decided that collection coat would be too great. . It was believed possible that the legislature miaht elva the people a chance to vote in No vember, 1944, on bills to levy a sale tax and a constitutional amendment to limit property taxe. ' You can go to. almost any lit tle crossroads store any time of day and find three or tour farm ers . sitting around growling about a - labor shortage. , Any sale will draw two or three hun dred farmers who have driven from 300 yards to 15 miles In order just to see who is there and to growl about gasoline ra tioning. Ohio Farmer. The arsenal of democracy 1 making good. At this critical period of the war we should confine ourselves to larger ob jectives and not ' get bogged down in argument over method and detail. President Roose velt. :' n There are still a lot of refine ment to be made, but we're getting, there. We're on the road and we've solved most of the ma jor problem of production. WPB Chairman Donald M. Nelson. " ' - "' . Early traveler called It jackass rabbit, but we've con tracted the name of this long eared animal to jackrabblt. - A hamster Is a small rodent of northern Europe. Want It In Ad. I BONDS - - rHf n