HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON To the many friends of B u dwe i s e f It is our privilege and desire to cooperate in the relief of the rail traffic problem on the Pacific Coast. While shipments of Budweiser constitute but a fraction of the total rail traffic load on the Pacific Coast, we have decided to with hold all such shipments until such a time as the present rail traffic emergency is relieved, and we have so informed the War Production Board. This decision applies to all shipments of Budweiser scheduled to leave our plant in St. Louis for California, Oregon and Washing ton, after January 31st We know that all who are identified with Budweiser on the Pacific Coast, wholesalers, retailers, and our many other friends, will consider it a privilege to share in this tempo rary sacrifice to hasten the day of Victory. For over fifty years we have been proud of your selection of Budweiser as a symbol of your famous hospitality, and we join with you in looking forward to the day when this com panion of good taste will again be available. In the busy meantime, we commend to our fHends the many fine beers now being brewed on the Pacific Coast. ANHEUSER-BUSCH SAINT LOUIS nuM'Htm m. . Mf. I 1 February 8, 1948