February 8, 1943 JTERALT) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEWEtt E SET QIVEB "LIFT" TO OLD FURNITURE r IISIYB LENGTHENS News of the Commandos SWITCHED PUBLIC GARS Switching of tiros miiong nas- (PiiKr calk operated by fmhuul, slutm loctil or fornlun uovcrn ment agency, li permitted by n amciidiuuiil lu tlio tlrs ru tlunlnil regulations, which was InuoU toilny by th( office of ' price administration. An a result, pollca Mini other Kovcrnmunt-owucri cum, which do not hnve spines asslKiH'l tu thorn specifically, cnn draw Urns from a common pool when they neitd spurca or replace fciiii'iilii. This continues ii prnc tVuco which makes a relatively few poul tiros serve Inrgn number of automobiles, May Be Teited In ordor to avoid coufunion, these enrn arc excused from the requirements thnl thn serial numbers of (ho tirci entered on thnlr tiro Inspection records mint mulch tha aerial numliera of the tires mounted on the cur. A further provision of toduy'i amendment permit! the mount ing of tires on any automobile for tenting purpoari where the use of the tirea for that pur 'poaa hna previously been given governmental approval. In inch caiica, the local board, which Issued the tire Inspection record muat be notified within aeven daya. The new provisions, which be come effective February B, mo contained in amendment No. U to ration order No, lA-tlrea, tubra, recapping and camelbuck. mm immm. major f. d. sip Another air hero, Major Frank Douglaa Sharp, 28, Salem, hua band of Enid Wlnnlngham, a former Klamath Kails girl, re turned to Oregon Tueaday to spend a brief leave with hia wife and duughter, Enld'PatrlcIa, now In Salem at the home of the flyer'a parents, Mr. and Mra. F. D. Sharp. Sharp, who bombed Rangoon on July 20 and escaped after a fight with 23 Jupune.ic Zero Hunters, hna 135 hours 6f com bat flying to hla credit. In the Rangoon raid the Flying Fortrcaa i he piloted ahot down four Jafit, ' but one of hla gunners waa kilted, four other crew membera Injured and the ahlp badly dam aged. Sharp finally got back to friendly territory and ordered the crew to ball out. The co pilot atayed with him, however, and they brought the ahlp to a craah-lnnding In the Jungle. Thla la Major Sharp'! first visit with hla wife and three-year-old daughter in mote than 13 months. Mra. Sharp la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Mylus P. Wlnnlngham, now of Port land, Tho family resided on Painter atreet during the yenra they lived In Klamath Folia. The allle.i must discredit tho German military cllaue In thla war because tho German peoplo after world War I did not even know that their armies were de feated. Oborlln College aenlor who lived In Germany until 1037. 7430 by Alice Brooke, Turn old furnlturo into new with this really beautiful filet crochet aet for chuir or couch 11 gives a lucy, drcssedup nolo, and it also makes a fine hide away" for shabby apots. The at tractive love-bird motif is easy to do; so Is thn graceful plno apple border. Pattern 7430 coa tu i i is charts mid instructions for set; stitches; mnterlala needed To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to Tho Herald and News, Household Aria Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send thla picture, but keep It and the num ber for reference Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of tho envel ope. Requests for patterns should rend, "Send pattern No , to followod by your namo and address. Van Dyke Expected Thursday to Assume Seat in Legislature MEDFOP.D, Feb. 3 (TP) Frank J. Van D y k o of Ashland la scheduled to arrive In Stilom by alrplana Thursday to assume hia seat In the state legislature as Jackson county represents live. . . - He will be discharged Wcdncs day from tho army at Camp Robert, Calif., whero ho is In tho volunteer officer candidate school. Van Dyke was elected In No vembcr. Ho will be discharged for physical disability, a bad knee, his wife disclosed. Van Dyke automatically be cornea a member of tho house upon his discharge. Ho replaces Fred E. Homes of Ashland, ap pointed by the Jackson county court to serve in his place. PIGGY BACK SPOKANE, P) Lumberman Lcs Farrlsh hua figured out way to obtain an extra 175,000 miles a year for his truck flcot, and tho office of defense trans portntlon agrees hia tire savings will total that much. Eight trucks loaded with lum ber travel 65 miles to Spokane but on the return trip It's four trucks loaded with four trucks a c ' fcv : V WT 4 nit jS0 m (m Behind the quillljr of M-D Tissue Is 54 years .experience of paper miking. M-D research and this experience Jure developed M-D, a toilet ilssue of extremely hygienic quality. . . soft, life, absorbent. rolls for 22 cents. , For real security, unitary napkin must absorb quickly and surely. Scientifically designed for thla very purpose, M-D Sanitary Napkini are Kilt right, Their tapered ends add greatly to their convenience and Invisibility. 2 packages (24) for S9 cents. I ""si ThU 1j Bgt, Ann Kulm, our top kick, Although she's not very big, only about five feet high, she's worth her weight In gold and really gets things ac complished. Bgt. Ann la In charge of therJ noraonnel at the service center. It Is up to her to see that the girls are at the room at the right time and when they are most ncoded; whenever there Is a special emergency It is imp Hutv in that the glrlsJ are piaveu whore they will be of tho. most service and It's not eBsy to kcop track of 30 Commandos In your spare time. Sgt. Ann has a brother who Is a radio operator in tne army lank corps somewhere in Ha waii. Also, our top kick has a vital Intoreat in the army air corps. The ono who tops her list Is taking basic training at Randolph field. Plans at this tlmo are getting under way for the Washington Birthday bnll, February 20, which the Commandos are spon soring for the purpose of getting some of those soldiers back on their feet who are lying in our hospitals recuperating from ac tive duty more montully tired than physically. We know that with tho cooperation of tho peo ple of Klamath our efforts will not be in vain. Weekends still see a flurry of activity at the Commando ser vice center with the boys from Camp White who novor get tired of singing tha praises of Klam ath Falls and its "swell" poople. Believe it or not, we'ro still re ceiving thank you notes and let ters for the hospitality that was ahown at Christmas time. Earl Reynolds Expected Sunday From Eastern Tour Earl Reynolds, secretary of tho chamber of commerce, is ex pected back Sunday night from a trip to Washington D. C, and other eaatern as well aa mid western centers. Reynolds was In Omaha Tues day, Ha spent Monday In De troit, after leaving the national capital on Saturday. In Wash. Ington, ho attended a" meeting of me board of directors of the Na tional Association of Commer cial Secretaries. The Klamath man will arrive In LaGrando Thursday, and will remain there until Saturday visiting relatives. He will be back at his desk hero Monday. If the automobile Industry re tools after the war to manufac ture a completely new and radl col automobile, it will require from 18 to 24 months for the first new model to reach the market. SCHEDULES OP COAST TRAINS Effective February 15, South ern Pacific will lengthen the schedulea of practically all Im portant passenger trains on the Shasta, Overland and San Joa quin valley routes, because the preferred handling of mounting war traffic has made It Impossi ble to maintain present running times, It was announced today. Departure times of most trains on the three routes will be earli er than at preaent, and arrival I times later, according to J. A. Ormundy, general passenger ogonl, Portland, rrom ono to three hours will be added to the running time of San Fran- cisco-Portland trains, valley i line trains ' between San Fran-1 cIsco and Los Angeles, and San Francisco-Chicago trains with ' tho exception of the streamliner ' "City of San Francisco," which will continue as at preaent. More Time Lengthening of the Shasta, Overland and San Joaquin val ley schedules is In line with : similar changea made recently : on Southern Pacific's Coast, Golden State and Sunset routes, to provide improved on-time performance under wartime con ditions, Ormandy stated. "Wo have tried our best to maintain pcrformonce according to our published time tables, but so muny extra war trains, ; passenger and freight, are mov-' ing over our 1 1 n c a that we haven't been able to get regu lar trains through on time, he continued. "The new schedules will give these trains more time to make their runs and a bet ter opportunity to reach desti nations on time." Announcement of the new ar rival and departure times of trains at the Klamath Fails sta tion is expected shortly from the office of Cliff Reeves, district freight and passenger agent. When once the knot Is tied a fellow doesn't have near as much rope. 11 ttgM You Women Who Suffer From HOT FLASHES ,. CIIIUY FEELINGS If you Ulce ao many women between the Kftee of 38 and S3 suffer from hot QuhM, weak, dlcxy, nervous feel Infra, dutrese of "IrregularltlM", are blue at tiroes due to the functional middle age period In a woman's life try talcing tydla E. Plnlcham'a Vege table Compound at once. It'a the bat known medicine you can buy tbat's made especially or women. pinxham a uompouna is omoui uj : relieve such distress. Taken regularly j It helps build up resistance against euch annoying symptoms. It also Is a I line etomachlo tonic I Thousands upon thousands of women rich and poor alike have ' reported beneOta. Time and again Lydla Plnkbam's Compound has proved some women's happiest daya i oftim can be durlne their "40's". JtoUow label directions. Worth fryine . . . The finest quality that Can be produced under war time limitations. k - Service : I-' men. STORE YOUR CLOTHES With Us! Either da It or have It done, but you'll need these "civvies" when you get back. Your woolen suits, overcoats, slacks, etc., should be stored ts keep them sale from moths and other damage, and our moth-proof, fire-proof vault la the place. Every garment fully insured against ALL damage, and ready to wear when you want Itl The charge la rea sonable. Guaranteed Mothproof Tr Insured Reasonable Rates IT'S NOT TOO EAHLY TO THINK ABOUT FUR STORAGE Your furs are protected against all damage, heat, ' moths, ilrel Fully Insured. JUST PHONE 4471 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1453 Esplanade Phone 4471 ILLUMINATE THE NEW SPRING ENSEMBLE HERE'S YOUR COAT For Spring 1943 Choose your favorite silhouette in daring colors or a dressy type in black or navy it doesn't matter they're all full of charming style detail and 'ines. CHESTERFIELDS TUXEDOS PILOT COATS DRESS COATS Tweeds, checks, Herringbones, Twills in furred ond unfurred $14.95 to $98.00 CLARION COLOR PRINTED Dresses for Springtime There'f an Oriental richness In these new multi-colored and monoton print for spring! Shirtwaist rhythmic skirts and peg-top charm it th keynote of these exclusive creations for the new 1943 season! A good assortment of early spring modes to select from. Sizes 12 to 20 $12.95 to $14.95 . Doris Dodson Junior Line Dresses for Spring Fashion "finds" for Spring these classic Junior mode in one- and two-piece frocks. Rayons and wool mix tures in prints and solid featured for date or fur lough. Sizes 9 o 17 $7.95 to $14.95 o New Spring L'AIglon resses ' f I J 1 Di Sizes 12 to 44 Gorgeous new prints and pastel solids In dressy or casual modes. Flower-fresh prints you'll underscore for dates lovely solids you'll love for business or cas ual. You'll see rayons in all their loveliness in these new charmers for Spring! $6.50 to $12.95 NEW SPRING CASUAL AN D DRESSY SUITS For Busy Living! The "busier than ever" American woman will wear suits more than ever this spring. In this new array will be found the lovely styles she'll be look ing for! 3-piece suits with contrasting coat 2-plece with contrasting skirt and mannish suits in stripes or solids. CHECKS WOOL FLANNELS HERRINGBONES AND MANNISH FABRICS $19.95 to $39.50 Pi NEW SPRING HAT MAGIC They're magic for your wardrobe these new season fashion hits. FLOWER BLOOMING CALOTS SAUCY LITTLE SAILORS DASH ING DERBIES HIGH TOPPERS. See this grand collection of super-, charged color and style! $3.95 to $I5.0C ' ALSO A LOVELY ASSORTMENT OF NEW SPRING HALF-SIZE DRESSES IN PRINTS AND BLACK & NAVY. u THE WOMAN'S STOBE.ihcV