PAGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fobninry B, 1948 NEWS OF THE WEEK IN PICTURES 5 -.1' J' -V ,r. nwe?s"v tv. t y "' Vx' -f. i.HiJ'.to ' COMPETES IN $20,300 TO U R N E YFrd Bu- I Jack of Detroit rolls one down the alley In the Peterson Individual 1 Bowline Classic at Chicago. lie's bowline in the first shift of the $20,300 tournament, the sport's richest, --r f.: af t V"4 v f ..-,cf lav;.?. y j 1 t s ? - . - TRIM TUMBLER S Mary Sparks (top) and Betty Hoke of the Los Angeles Athletic club rehearse a diflicull cymnaslin alunt in preparation for club competition. Their acrobatics require - both trace and physical toughness.. I '1 'M ' ' A , .1 K . !1 I E II I, JIBEL-.... - Vc-ju..-. JkAmMVMXM if I. NO SISSY'CAME One of 'the rough aspects of basketball appears here as Michigan Statc'i John Cawood (16) holds ball he grabbed from rebound In game at. Chicago against 1)0 fauU SHIP PAINTER Gladys Connelly, former hairdresser and 'now one of 300 women work Ing at a shipyard at an East ern Canadian port, wields a paint brush on a 5.000-lun cargo vessel, i f r telly) l,. . Wa. J t ju , : 4 . t v f4' ' V 111 ' ' i LET IT RAI N Actress Call RiimHI' heads for a mnvle set In Southern California fully outlined to cope with rain. ' COLF LEADER George W. Blossom, Jr. (above), pres ident of the V. S. Golf Associa tion, told the reporters that golf will face a "trying time" In the coming year.. LEARNINC TO PIERCE MINE FIELD S Prime defense weapon In World War II Is the land mine. Here British troops in England practice using a mine detecting device. ; S'fV lh i M REX MEANS B US I N ESS At a command from Trlvale John Kavanaugh, Rex, one of the dog sentries bring trained to help guard the Panama Canal, lunges at Hie cameraman. Luckily. the leash was strong, POET-Mrs. Louis R. Henrlch (above) of Williams Bay, Wis., won the two annual awards of the Poetry Society of America, i It's first time anyone has lake? hAth awards. FLIERS' CHOICE-Jor Hodges (above), an actress, was chosen by V. 8. fliers In Aleu tians as girl they'd like best (o meet on returning from bombing miulnn., DERBY WINNER ? Trainer J. Tom Taylor sars Count ! ,ahovl Innki Ilka 1013 Kentucky Derby Winner... A -f 5 X t ...... 4 n 'I twiilia'iatiiiiiMi ROYAL NAVY OFF AFRIC A A big factor In making the Allied North African land ty lnga success wag the British Royal Navy.. A covering force Is ahown her off the African coast j fcjy,,,,,il.,j,.,7,i ,m mi if i t 1 - -- - "'fAyf 'i WEDS YANK IN E N C L A N D Actress Carole Lantlla i glands beside CapL.Thoma Wallace at their London wedding,' REPORT S-Back from Guad. aleanal where he commanded. marine natlallon, Puller (above) 4,000 Jans remain 1 k Army supplanted Marine., lie commanded, n, LI, Col. Lewi' says less than 1 In on that island. J nted Marine,, J r it if t Ml 1 ..r ? 5 i 'RICK' CREETS AIRPLANE WORKER S rur- i'?!,M!.rJ!.Jl"!"'011 h!'t V1- K1,,l l"kfnheker (topi to greet tome women war workers, Kd.lle told of life on the v war Iron, snd u,ged , grMlor eort 0 inome front." f) 0)