PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Fobrunry 8, 1948 E The following men from local draft board number one will leave for Induction In the army on February 11: Atxltriof, March tM M., MidrM. Ilrrry, Lionet 0, Valiet. ilrown, Donald Fred. iMrtliod. . Hurklniham, Roy, Ht, 1, Box ?M Carlton, Milton A., l'hoenU, Aril. Oik, Harry Karltjr Hotel. Oornell, Robert Grant. Portland. Cooky, John tea. 101 Atllte ChrietetiBeii, Karl U, Anrlior Hotel. JUIko, Walter Sigurd, Lot Ancrlf. IrihlRtron. nirgrr K 110 Sotith Fifth. KHrdfc, Riinrl Potter, Valle Fallt Korauoon, Roy Tu, I'anhy. ife, UeorRti K.. v l'lnti. Kay, Jack P Win South Sltth. (lardner, Glen Oliver. Hmttle, Ufiieny, Ray Paul. Uerkrley. JUrkninn, rrrrin inion, San Frantltro. Hawkins, Maynard Omar. San Frunclsoo, inicK, uirn K., jsso t'leatani. Klrtiy, John Wley Jr., Mtdford, Keller, Oall A., Lebanon. Kennrtt Wayne. 8ou there Pacific C lAvtcor. LtmU R., Htirni. Lylle, Hurry Aloyo, Portland, teons, Kay Mav, Sin Franrlico., Uertchel Ureal Korthtra railway. Maddux, Barry W., General DltTtry. Morrla, Rob Lambert, Portland. Mum a. Wilbur K., Jacobs apartment. Martin, Maurice Gerald. Han Diejo. Miller, Rob Clarence. Portland. MrOieinry. Lyn lwU. 127 MorUmef. Olwn. Odell 1., 70S Lincoln. , Pnvlnh, Stanley Seatlle. Patchal, Wilfred lHvtd, Tracayton, Wuh. itlVmiroy, Marlon David, M Ulfh. Rankin, Robert P., Otymnla. llahorn, Lm, White Pint apartment. - Howell, Edward Dean. Klrby. Stride, Vet Martin, 1019 McKlnley. Rtephenaon. Daniel J., Nubleber, 6chadler, Alfrrd, Madera, Callt. Trwner, Onllle J.. H00 Elm. Tavrnner, Jack Dale. 70S fth. , IJUey, Wesley Harold, Ureal Fall, Moat. llrbach, Lester Charlet. S9 Jeffcnoo. Walter. Deo Ira. Medford. . Wiesand. Louli Euiren. Seward. Alaiuu Wall, Henry Dave. El Mont, Calif. " Well, Chriitlan, Spokane. Leaving from board two on the same date are: Black. John Wilfrvd. Quelle, Calif Bergman. Oscar. Lamra'a camp. Brown, Oher Carlton, CryiUl, Or. Bunch, Clifford. TopnenUh, Waab BoroiiKh. Vernon Joho, Portland. Bunch. John H., Bonama. Curomitm. Robert Dale, Portland. Ohlpn. Calvin L. Davidson, Burns! Owe, Spray, Or, i Kvana, Arthur Herman. IH-rtUnd. K I wood, Delbert Warren, Kmmett, Ida, HutehinKw. Silas Edward, Beatty Hall, Delbert Jackaon, Newport, Hendrickton. Everett Leo, Taeoma, Hum. William Clay Jr., Portland. 1 Bawkln. Roy W., Lot Angelee. JackMjn, Ivan, Beatty. McNIea, Jack. Lakehore Gardtnl Xanery. McCot. Edward, Greharn. Naiwelt, Jo-epb liailfy, Ofden. T)tb. Sim.t. Xetwini 0V-y. Dunirnulr. Smith, Ancuttlne Robert Beatty . Bcott Walter LeBoy. Tipton, Wilson Henry. Seattle. Tremaltt. Roland Hall. Oakland. Verooa, Jmes John Jr.. Portland. ME HIGH GRIDES Klamath county students at Southern Oregon College of Edu cation who have made high grades for the first term of the year, were named in a recent report of the college registrar as follows, Robert Collins, Con stance Earheart, Mildred Shultz, Berthiel Nelson and Dolores Trout. Each made a grade-point average of S.S or better. All are enrolled in the teacher-training department of the college, ex cept Miss Trout who is in the junior college department. Robert Collins was recently initiated into Theta Delta Phi, honorary teachers' ' fraternity. Dean . Jones, likewise of Klam ath county, has also been initi ated into Theta Delta Phi. - Mildred Schultz was recently a winner in an essay contest sponsored by the Ashland USO center. ' Berthiel Nelson has been cho een yell leader by tka college group. 1 Allied Subs Believed to Have Sunk Jap Vessels 1 cmTNOKmr: Teh s tm The official Central Daily News said in a disnatoh Tiirsrinv that two . Japanese warships were aamagea and several rice-laden ships sunk January 11 in an at- iacic oy amea submarines about tu mues on Shanghai. The two damaged warships were rorcea to return to Shang hai for repairs, it was reported. Coast Dwellers Are Eating No Fish ' ASTORIA, Feb. S W If there are fish on the coast, they are not In butcher shops. Meat counters were almost bare yesterday and a few smelt were the only fish offered for sale. . The same situation was report ed at Seaside. With horse meat plentiful you should have no trouble getting your filly. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Wttout CtWI-And You'll Jtne Out at Bed io da Merainf Ruin' t. G. Tfc. Ilwr s fcoold pour out about t pint, of tat juke Into your boweU mo dr. II thU bile M not tKiwir.jt trrrly, your food may not dinot. ll may juat decay In the boweU Tbea taa Moata up your stouarh. You it eon eUrateo. You eel aour, eunk and th trarid look punk. . Jt &ke Mea food, old Carter'. little Liver IMIa to ft tbrm I pint, ol bile flow In IreWy to make you trel "up and up. a parkare today. Take aa directed. FferllTe la m.ktni Me rtow freely. Ak tx Cat lata JjlUe Urw Pule, 10 and IK. MEN TO LEAV FEBRUARY 1 JIIIIIIIW By ANITA GWYN Clifford Rowe and the journa lism class have gono to all the trouble of planning a year book for the seniors. The seniors voted to have tile year book but from recent reports it seems as if they aren't doing so well in e iiinjiiiK nidi fi. lTf I lit is necessary N$i. K I to collect the money before publication, so if you want a year book order it from a jour nalism student or in room 316, before or on Friday. Mrs. Waters, director of the Freshman - Sophomore library, made the first semester report of business. On an average, 11 books were signed out to each freshman and sophomore; 72 per cent of the books were fiction and 28 per cent non-fiction; $38.35 in fines was collected not counting the money for lost books. The money is to be used for supplies and equipment. Girls over 17 met in the audi torium Tuesday morning to hear Perry Starr of Western Union. Training in telegraph work was discussed for those who graduate this spring. .... The Hi-Y is starting its part of the high school war program. Thursday morning a drive will start to collect funds for the "Barbed Wire Legion." The YMCA has the job of taking care of religion, recreation and education of those in enemy prison camps. This is a national program and each student is asked to remember his dime for it. May help someone you know. Marshfield has challenged KUHS as to the amount raised, so everyone do his part. Klamath Knights will be sell ing war stamps and bonds to morrow. Listen to Pellcana tonight at 8:15. LOGGING CONFAB KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Feb. 3 (IPh-Problems of the southeast ern Alaska spruce logging pro gram will be up for discussion at a general panhandle logging industry conference here tomor row. Operators, federal officials and representatives of northwest companies now engaged in pro ducing Alaska spruce for air planes are expected to attend. Keep your car up to par with Studebaker service Expert mechanics do the work efficiently, quickly and at moderate cost "B5 Slowe "i" ,,P!l.nTrvaH. ' .hire cluoaHh trnp--- & .r BJl viey" 322 S. 6th St. L SOYS TO AID FIRE PATROL Klamath county high school men will augment the fire pa trol this coming season and may prove the answer to the press ing man power problem in the opinion of John Sarginson, chief ranger in charge of Rogue River National forest. At least SO boys will b used in the Rogue River forest this summer. r Program to Open Classes were under way at Klamath Union high school with an enrollment of 50 boys, un der the direction of Don Nor land of the Klamath Forest Pro tective association office. Classes are also being held at Bonanza and Henley. Charles Ogle of the KFPA offices, is now attending legis lature in Salem and as chair man of the Forest Fire Fighter service will open the 1943 sum mer program upon his return. Sarginson, member of the com mittee, said many new plans have been made, one which will probably include the services of women. , One of the few violations of basic rule cases to come into police court since tire rationing went into effect was heard Tues day morning when Samuel Ram sey, 2061 Wantland avenue, rail road employe, was brought be fore Police Judge Harold Franey. Ramsey was charged by city po lice and received a $20 fine and 10-day sentence, the latter sus pended on payment of fine. The arrest was made on Spring street. Jake Rente, charged with li quor to Indians, was fined $50 and 30 days In jail, the sentence ; suspended on payment of fine with Renie to leave town im mediately. One drunk also ap peared. PENETRO COLDS . HHml.tini. "H.a a V , old fubioned mutton nnt. Grandma', favorite. Gnar ousjar2&, double supply 3&L Demand MainleM Penetro. COUGHING. SNIFFLES. SUSS mote iaxit ore borne" ...... wait onm.. . worm r- o, you, COUNTY ODELL MOTOR Dr. Noble to Speak at Dinner Meeting Saturday Dr. G. Bernard Noble of Reed college, will be tn speaker at a dinner meeting set for Saturday evening, February 6, at 6:30 o'clock at the Willard hotel. Dr, Noble, who Is president of the northwest regional commission to study the organization of peace, will speak on the sub ject, "The Shape of Things to Come." He is an authority on tno problems of the war and the pcaco to follow. His appearance here is spon sored by the Klamath County League of Women Voters, the American Association of Univer sity Women and the Klamath Falls Business and Professional Women's club. The meeting, originally scheduled for noon, has been changed for Dr. Noble's convenience, Snccial invitations have hon extouded to member nf Klnm. ath Falls service clubs, and all others interested in Dr. Noble's topic are cordially Invited to at tend the dinner meeting. Reser vations may be made by calling the Willard hotel not later than Thursday evening, February 4. New Deal Revealed In WPB-Army-Navy Lumber Program Consolidation of some of the functions of the army-navy mu nitions board lumber committee with the war production board was announced today by Ferdi nand Ebcrstadt, war production board program vice chairman. Hereafter, the lumber and lum ber products division will han dle functions other - than pro curement which have previously been performed by the ANMB lumber committee. With the consolidation, J. Philip Boyd, chairman, of the Dance Saturday, February 6th Armory Musis bj Baldy's Band Regular Prices Dancing 9 Till 1 STUDEBAKERdealersarefullr mobilized to give first class maintenance care to the vital motor cars and trucks in their communities. Drive in frequently and have your car ins pected,no matterwhat make it is. There is no charge for car im spections unless disassembly ot other mechanical work is re quired. Official tire inspections of course must be paid for at the rates set by the government. If adjustments or repairs on your car seem necessary, you'll be given a check list of what needs to be done and, usually, the Studebaker dealer can provide you with an exact cost estimate in advance. Studebaker dealers' mechanics; like all other automobile repair men with the necessary skill and experience, have been classified as essential war workers. Don't wait until your car starts giving you trouble. Have it checked regularly. You may b eligible for a brand new Studebakar Thousands of motorist. whoM driving ii considered ewenti.l can apply for brand new 8rude bakerChampioni.Comm.rKiert and President Eights built be fore car production waa sus pended. You may be eligible. CO Pbone 4149 ANMB lumber committee be comes director of the WPB lum ber and lumbor products divi sion, Arthur T. Upson, who has been director of the division, has resigned. lO95 1 A5 a50 i 6.00-1' I M 6.00-1' Kg VA 4.00-1 Q 1 j .io'V or !Tv0a Jccfi' tt ! V .lrnlteSv. iW'.iiS 3C;ion'i4 1 atJw,,,.i 1 1 caW..f.rovja.WV I aft"1 ...hp. REBUILT MOTOR roRroRD'33.'3675(95 Inioy rww-car ptp, economy at Wordi low prlcal Price with lrad In motor good for rebu'lding. WARDS READY-LINED BRAKE SHOES 1.98 Ford '35-'36, long-wearing Su preme Quollty... ready lined for eoiy Initallotkm. Exchang. price' USE YOUR CREDIT... Any purchases totaling 1 0 or more will open a monthly payment account SII OUR CATALOGS ... Come fo our catalog department fol thousands of values not In store itocJu, Motorist May Have To Take Own Advice WILMINGTON, Del., Fob. 3 W1) A motorist who yelled "got fapaa kaja Ui' KWIK START BATTERY 6.66' With eld ketlery GUARANTEED 24 MONTHS! 43 heavy-duty plates, 1 00 omp. hr. capacity. Equals or exceeds moit original equipment batteries! Kwlk-Srart Long Type. ..7.75 Commander(Ouar.l2 mo.) 3.95 "STANDARD" SPARK PLUG REDUCED J4 Get n.ry feature ef nollonoll. . famoui plugs ; i . but pay fan at Wardi. Install a full lei now I SAVE ON REBUILT CARBURETORS 3,9 U,K Tot Ford ,34-36. Completely re built Ilk new by factory .xpertil Oth.ri modeli alio low priced. BUY Ninth ond Pine Ss. a horse" to a crowd waiting for a streot enr may have to tako his own advice. One of the group reported the license number to tho man's ra tioning board which ruled ho MOTOR OIL SALE ft HigfVttf Qualify Coatfaf Oiff Dewoxe4 defeedf Reefuced for 4 days onyf MOTOR GUARD will lubricate your engine ai well ai many oils selling up to 25c qt. elsewhere I MOTOR GUARD gives your engine the kind of protec tion it needs to make It fasf , . , and at low cost! Refined from best California ParnfTine Base Crudes . . . free-flowing, tough, retains ' full body throughout wide temperature range.. Come in to Wards today, stock up at this low aale orice and SAVE! Bring'your containers. WAR STAMPSI ON SALE was "cruising" and ordered the siirremlur of all but on of hla current "A" coupons. (p) Phone The Herald and News, 3124, to pluue a classified ad. GUARD Plus Mo Fed. Tax AT i2qt Phone 3188