February 8, 1948 (CLASSIFIED ADS 1 Muting Noll oi yiAnriTrii,ii Special nuimonlcalloo Klain alh Mi' No. A. r. A. M. Ud will b- on. vaned t 1:30 p. m. Tliuri. ilar.' Feb. 4. lull, b eomlurt luitaral aervlrre for o"' parted Ilio. J. C. Whllaker. All hrelhian lnllcl H ai de. II. Adl.r. W. H, Loit and Found LOST Green automobile fender skirt. Reward, mono omi aantral Notloaa MIRACLE SERIES PIANO Popular, classical, rn. PanoniiU MONUMENTS Klamath Falli Marble and Granite worm. 118 So. 11th. Phone 0381. 29 10 Services will riumn out your baiiement, PuniDi for rent. Southern Oreuon Woll Drilling Co Plmns 8822. 2-5 fci.ACKSMlTHINO and welding Trarinr. truck and farm roach- Inery repair. Special built ' elevators, stackers and buck rakes. MOWN EQUIPMENT CO. 1040 So. 8th St. Phone 8247 4-23 CHIMNEY SWEEP. Oil burner ...... .I- fnrnacei cleaned. .1 A Tiifo. Phone 7140. 2-22 (MrnMC TAX RETURNS ex pertly prepared reasonable ) charges, we nnvo urcaon, vni lfomla, Federal forms. Come arly avoid ruth. Bring last year'i returns l.r avatiame Room 4, Melhase Bldg., 328 u.ln Phnna 8878. W. B Bowne. R. F. McLaren. 210 fcirniRE FRAMING Goeller's MO Main. 2-14m iiirMSTITr.HINO DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations en new and old clothing. Mrs vr M Allnnder. 731 Main Room 218. Phone 7283. 2 18m f AINTING, KALSOM1N1NO H. L. Brown. Phone 4228, 2-1 0m fiOUSE CLEANING Art Bene rilet. 8848. 2 0m CROSS CUT AND CIRCULAR bawq .hnuM ha rennlred now. k Bodenhamer Saw and Repair I Shoo. 881 E. Main. Z-ZU PAPERHANGERS - PAINTERS available. Goeller'a, 230 Main Phona 8704. 2-24 DRESSMAKING, formals and alterations, all kinds. Mnrgo, Whvtal's balcony. 2-28 BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and patched. People's Ware house Bag Co. 4052tf I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas Hathaway. 120 No. 10th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. 2-28 REFRIGERATOR, washing ma chine, vacuum cleanor parts and service, all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 811 South Sixth. 2-28m I FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh Ing. Clifford Golden, Phone 3022. 2-28m BRING those crippled household appliances to us for first aid Washers, Ironers, refrigerators and oil heaters serviced and repaired. VICTORY SERVICE CO. Ralph Fuller, New Manager 1005 Prospect Phones 844B or 6178 8-1 13 Health DR. M. C, CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. 832 Main. Dial 7215 2-28m 14 Help Wanted Female WANTED Housekeeper. Mo dorn home. Two children. $45 month. Phnna 8740. 2.4 Hrvrtor. MAinti wawtph a ply housekeeper, Hotel Elk. 2-8 IS Help Wanted, Male CONTRACT LOGGER Perma nent Job for logger with equip ment to handle 7 to 8 million ft. yearly. Short haul, good ground. Prico secondary to man who can produce. Mill northern California on High way 80. Apply Crag Lumber Co., Caslclla, Calif. 4924tf WANTED Box factory superin tendent. Must have full knowl edge of box factory operation and should have lumber ex perience, San Francisco Bay fltstrict. Give full Information, past and present experience and oge. Box 4073, Herald News. 2-8 BOY not going to school. Must have bicycle and work permit. Real opportunity, Apply 428 Tcfferson. 2-3 18 Situations Wanted HOUR. WORK WANTED Phone 4874. 2-4 Situation! Wantad BAUYLAND Care of bablna and clilldran. Hour, day or week. 1104 Crescent. Phono 8341 2-4m HOUR WORK Phone, 8043. 2-8 20 Room and Board ROOM BOARD 1841 Main. 2-28 ROOM Board, 82B Jefforton Phone 8337. 2-6 BOARD ROOM 314 Washing ton. 2-8 ROOM i BOARD Gentleman 804 N. 10th. Phone 8814. 2 8 22 Rooms For Rant MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms $3.50 week up, Tran slant $1. 2-21 ROOMS 1034 High. 2-Sm NICE ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 2-11 ROOM 920 Lincoln. 4810tf ROOM FOR RENT 514 N. 10th 24 CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th $4.00 week. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng mat tresses. Free parking. 2-28m CLEAN, steam heated rooms 310 So. Sth. 8-1 24 Apartments For Rent HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS corn- pletely furnished, $4 and $4.50 week, 41C So. 6th. 2-3 VACANCY Rex Arms apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 6780. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 2-8m ESPLANADE COURT apart ments. Furnished. Walking distance. 2-10 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment acconv modatlons with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 2-1 lm FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 133 N. 10th. 21 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Utilities furnished. 419 No. 10th. 2-10 FURNISHED APARTMENT Winter rates $3.50 and up, 1404 Klamath. 2-3 LIGHT, CLEAN housekeeping room with kitchenette. 248 Broad. 4948U RIVERVIEW Four nicely fur nlshed rooms, with two bed rooms, electric range, refrlg- erator. Phone 6452. 4947tf ATTRACTIVE housekeep ing rooms, $4 and up. 218 Main, Fairfield Apartments 2-4 MODERN four-room furnished apartment. Hot and cold wa ter furnished. 1128 Grant. 2-6 THREE-ROOM modern, furnish ed apartment. $25-month. 754 N. 10th. Phone 8438. 2-3 FOR RENT New two-bedroom furnished apartment. 745 Rose Phone 4229. 2-3 FURNISHED 4-room apartment Adults. No pets. 825 Lincoln 2-6 DUPLEX APARTMENT 212 Lewis. Inquire 313 Main. 2-3 VACANCY Alameda Apart ments, itiuu Esplanade. Adults No pets. 178tf LIGHT housekeeping rooms I'l UBK. 2-5 VACANCY Jacobs Apartments, I'ine and Cedar. 108tf THREE-ROOM furnished duplex aparimcnt. izi so. 2nd. llOtf FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. Gas equipment Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 117tf VACANCY Three rooms and dinette. Electric range, gas heater. 338 Broad. 186U WALKING DISTANCE Four rooms, furnished. Lights wood, water. $25. 138 Mor timer. Houses For Rent TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive: move yourself. nv u Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phona 8304. 2-7m SMALL MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Biehn. 4102tf FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Close in. Inquire 814 Lincoln. 4485tf CLEAN 8-ROOM HOUSE Util ities furnished. 2000 Bichn. 2-27 5-ROOM DUPLEX New, large, unfurnished or with electric slove, refrigerator, furnace 1133 California. Phono 8658. 344U FOR RENT Partly furnished houso. 247 Rogers. Inquire ', 313 Main. 2-3 FOUR-ROOM modern house. Oil floor furnace, $35, 4688 Thompson, 2-4 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. 1200 Pine St. 2-4 THREE-ROOM modern houso. 7151 Uphom, 2-6 18 Houses For Rent UNFURNISHED 7-room house Furnished three-room duplex 2023 Darrow, 2-8 CLEAN, furnished 2-ronm cabin Water, lights. $15 month B AY M Eorvlca Station. Phone 8878. 2-6 FOR RENT B-room modern furnished house, $20 month Inquire Mrs. Ream, Valley Hotel. 2-5 ATTRACTIVE 3 ROOMS and bath, woll furnished, at 2137 Eberloln, $30 monthly. Phone 8401 or 6894. 2-5 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safely and protection. Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. 11th. 211m 30 Real Estate For Bale TWO-ROOM HOUSE, 1-3 acre ground, garage, woodshed and chicken house, 2010 Hope. 371U ST. FRANCIS PARK Seven room home. All modern, with fireplace and garage. Fenced Nice garden spot and fruit trees. $4800. Terms. Chris Huck. Phone 8470. 2-6 FOR SALE OR RENT Four room place near Mills school Nice shape. Price $2200 or rent $25. E. Gray Real Estate. 118 N. 7th. 2 8 EQUITY In modern four-room house. Venetian blinds. Good location, 1321 Wilford. 2-6 FOR SALE Severn! Bnnri POTATO FARMS In Merrill. Malln district. See M. A. Bow man, Merrill, Ore. 2-4 SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8401. 3.2 34 Automotive GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Ph. 7378 2-6m WANTED TO BUY lVi-ton late model truck. ' Lost River Dairy. 351U FOR SALE 1036 Ford Fordor sedan. Now paint fair tires, new upholstery. Guaranteed mccnanicaily A-l. 2023 Dar row. 2-5 '35 PLYMOUTH COUPE finnri mechanical condition, 5 fairly good tires. 1125 Walnut St 35 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storoge tank full Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404 ' -- 2-2flm 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joy er. 1435 Martin. Phone 5677 2-28 W ATKINS PRODUCTS. Dial 8623 or 2318 Home. 2-4 FOR SALE Boay wood. Box 44, Worden, Ore. 2-6 RUBBER STAMPS, Printed signs, mode-to-ordcr. Commcr. cial printing, most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4:h. Phone 6632. 2-9 FULLER BRUSHES CALL 532 So, Riverside. Phone 3348. R. V. MORGAN. 2-8m GLASS Mirrors, reillverln? plate, window and auto glass, iurnuure lops, snelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Phone 7378. " 2-6m FOR SALE Dry wood. 2159 Arthur. Phone 6870. 2-26 FOR THE BEST BUY IN TOWN in Used Furniture, Stoves and Appliances see Palmer's Bar gain House, 2401 So. 6th St TODAY'S SPECIALS 5 Nice Bedroom suites $35 up 0 Good Dinette Seta tin nn 10 Nice Wood Ranges $15 up 10 Dandy Radios $15 up o ine Davenport Suites I4S nn 100 Heaters and Circu lators, 1 3 un 100 Beds, Springs, Mattresses ana oincr fine bargains. See them today. We give terms. We buy used furniture. 2-3 DRY BODY WOOD Phone U0B. 2-3 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 8817. 4951U FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE genuine u. S. Roekwool in sulation, blown In with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 271tf AVON PRODUCTS Dial 8691. 2-17 FOR SALE Taylorcroft air plane, 2-place dual controls, 65 h.p. motor, dual magnetos, new propeller, all in Al shape, a little over 2 years' old. Has been woll taken enro nf and never cracked up. A bargain at $10B0, Would consider. a late model car, truck or pick up. The plane can be seen at K. F. airport, If Interested write to Art Schneider, Rt. 3, Box 330A, Grants Pass, Ore gon. . - 2-3 RADIOS Sell or trade. First house past Frankford'i, wood yard, Bend highway, 2-8 28 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 3$ Miscellaneous For Bale TYPEWRITER Underwood No. 6 for sale. Perfect condition. 234 No. 8th or phone 8329. 181tf FOR SALE 14 tons baled al falfa hay. R. Kunz, Malln. 2-4 FOR SALE 100 tons of alfalfa hay In stacks, Inquire J. R. Taylor, Merrill, state line. 2-9 FURNITURE At Sunset Horse Ranch. Phone 8758. Nearly new bodroom suite $00; best springs and stained mattress $20; heavy oak library tablo $7.50; medium oil stove $20; large leather rocker $10. 383tf STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 2-28m FOR SALE 1 stack grain hay, $0 per ton; 1 pair rubber bull wheels for old type Fordson tractor. 11 mile south of Johns avenue on Homedale-Dlxon road. Rt. 1, Box 832M, Klam ath Falls. C. R. James. 2-3 FOR SALE 7 ft. electric Kel vlnator $128. Long-Bell Board ing House.. 2-3 FOR SALE 12-lnch Craftsman electric saw, 18-inch Delta band saw, 4-wheel farm trailer, 2-cyllnder Nova gas engine, 1 Fairbanks-Morse scale, 1000 lb. capacity. Phone 6371. 2-5 FOR SALE First crop alfalfa hay. W, B. Graham, Merrill, Ore. 2-5 38 For Sale or Trade '38 V-8 SEDAN First-class shape. Call at 506 N. Sth. 2-3 FOR SALE OR TRADE 80-acre improved ranch, on highway 5 miles from center of Klam ath Falls. Address Boxholder 4B70. Hernld-News. 2-9 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Used pianos. Spot cash. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. 2-25 TRAPPERS We are paying top prices for coyote, muskrats, lynx cats. Geo. E. Upton, Raw Fur Dealer, Forest Grove, Ore. 2-7 WANTED 37" top' and 93' fir logs. Telegraph collect price f.o.b. loading point, earliest shipment. Nicdcrmeyer-Mar- ' tin Co., Portland, Ore. 2-3 CASH FOR USED RIFLES 30-30, 25-35, and 32-20's. Pre ferably carbine models and In any condition. Bring them in for appraisal 'to SOUTHERN OREGON HARDWARE at 528 Main St. 4977U WANTED TO RENT On nr two-bedroom modern, furnish er! House or apt. Phone 7385. 2-4 44 Livestcck md Poultry WANTED TO BUY Some more Guernsey cows, and some Guernsey heifer calves, wean. ed. Please give price when you pnone as tires are hard to get. Phone 4943. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St. l-19tf WANTED Cattle, sheep and "uks. 0. u. cecKiey. Phone 7334 evenings. 4953tf FOR SALE OR TRAnr n Drea yearling Whiteface bull, not registered. Phone 8438. 2-3 SEE US BEFORE selling your uvesiocK to so-called shippers. Wo need cattle and hogs here fit home and .it will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3505. 4970tf 48 Financial CASH LOANS . .?JTHnDT DORSKRB ' I WAYS 10 GET A CONSUMER CASH LOAN WONg . WRIT! . COMB IK Tou need no eo-lgneri or andoraer la Sl a eonaumer loan THREE LOAN PLANS KO. 1 1NCOMR IOANS un your not only. Ko tip aiiln. mrnfa. Kn i.klanr. NO. S-KI!RN1TIIRK LOANS Your rlnrnotrr li mora Important than lh lurnltur llitll. NO. S-AWTO LOANS fro to S500 ih oni and wtl. nanclns. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY fM.Mt S!J) Phone 7711 720 Pine St. A beautiful room costs only stag WHEN YOU WE TUB MIRACLE WALL FINISH BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main 8c Spring Phone 3144 EOC Cageri Beat Lewiston in First Of Double-Header LA GRANDE, Feb. 3 OP) Hitting a phenominal number of Its shots, the Eastern Oregon College of Education basketball team trounced Lewiston Normal 63-42 last night in the first of a two-game series. The Moun taineers led from the start and piled up a 30-18 advantage at halftime. Don Andrews, Eastern Oregon forward, led scorers, with 18. . Portland Hoopmen Take Decision From Willamette Squad PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 8 OP) Leading throughout, the Univer sity of Portland basketball team took a 35-28 decision from Wil lamette university last night, af ter weathering a second half rally in which Willamette crept to within one point, at 29-28. With four minutes to go, Del Huntslnger and Paul O'Toole found the range, and the Pilots pulled away. Lewis, Clark Gets Ex-OSC Hoop Star For New Coach PORTLAND, Feb. 3 OP) Ray Graap, onetime Oregon State college basketball star, will suc ceed Don Fabcr as Lewis and Clark college coach. Fabcr, active in the civil air patrol training, will be at the Ontario pre-flight school most of this month. Graap was one of the Beaver luminaries under Coach Bob Hager in. the heyday of the percentage basketball sys tem. COMMUNICATION TROUBLE GOLDSBORO, N. C, OP) Jt had been a long time since Pvt. John Hann of Flemington, N. J., stationed at Seymour field here, has seen his wife and small son, so, instead of writing his usual weekly letter, he obtained a five-day furlough and started home for a surprise visit. About the time he arrived in Flemington, Mrs. Hann arrived here. They got together after John came back. . . I admit there is a chm-tair . farm labor, but the shortage is noi so serious that it cannot be overcome. To begin with, the men who are on the farms al ready could go to work. An Ohio farmer. 46 Financial ' : See , " Dinty Moore . For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy ' 12 Months to Pav Quick Service No Co-Signers Locallv Ownprl Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 . 2-28m First Federal Has Plenty of Money a . . Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms -:- Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 6195 2-28m : LOANS Established 8 Years in Klamath County Furniture Loans Signature Loans Livestock Loans $25 to $300 Rogers Finance Co. S-189 412 Main Dial 5113 2-28m WANTED TO LOAN Private money on farm land. Must be well, secured. News-Herald Box 74. ' 2-3 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap pointed . Administrator of the Estato of Edgar L. Green, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon, and any person or persons having any claim or claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the said Ad ministrator with proper vouch ers duly sworn to and acknowl edged, at the office of Wm. F. B. Chase, 203, Odd Fellows Building, Klamath Falls, . Ore gon, my pluce of business for this estate, within six months of the date of this notice. LEROY R. GREEN, Administrator of the . Estate of Edgar L. Green, Deceased, Dated February 3, 1943 F. 3-10-17-24; M. 3. No. 183 MaxJzetl and fyincuuUed LOWER LEVEL RULES TODAY'S STOCK MARKET Br VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, Feb. 3 OP) Lower tendencies ruled through most of the stock market today although a few recovery moves succeeded in replacing minus signs with small advances. Rails, steels and motors at times showed losses of major fractions to around a point, oth er groups taking similar line. Transfers totaled about 900, 000 shares. Stocks backward most of the day included Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Southern Railway, Beth lehem, Chrysler, General Motors, Goodyear, U. S. Rubber, J. I. Case, Oliver Farm, Western Union, Anaconda, American Smelting,. Westinghouse, Gener al Electric and Standard OH (NJ). Resistant were" American Telephone, Sears Roebuck, East man, United Aircraft and Owens Illinois. Under water on an Irregular curb were Cities Service, Elec tric Bond tc Share, Phoenix Se curities and Pantepec Oil. Bonds retreated under the leadership of secondary rails. Closing quotations: American Can 791 Am. Car tt Fdy . 281 Am Tel & Tel 132 Anaconda 261 Calif Packing 24 i Cat Tractor . 43J Comm'nw'lth & Sou 1532 General Electric ..... 331 General Motors .. 46 i Gt Nor Ry pfd : 241 Illinois Central 8i Int Harvester 59 Kennecott . 301 Lockheed .. 19 Long-Bell "A" 61 Montgomery Ward . 37 s N Y Central 12i Northern Pacific 81 Pac Gas & El 25 i Packard Motor .. 3i Penna R R .. . 25 Republic Steel 151 Richfield Oil 81 Safeway Stores 36 Sears Roebuck . 63 i Southern Pacific .. 174 Standard Brands ........... 51 Sunshine Mining ................. 41 Trans-America .. ...... 61 Union Oil Calif ; 171 U S Steel 501 Warner Pictures 81 BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Feb. 3 (AP-USDA) Inquiries were received on fine wools as a result of the request for bids on 41,675,000 pairs of 50 per cent wool socks. Sales on carpet wools were reported in good volume. Second clip fleece wools at 36s to 40s were sold on a clean basis price around 30 cents. Sales of India and scoured stained wools were also made for carpet making purposes. ORDER BLANK Tear out this blank to mall in your "want-ad." Send the cash (stamps are OK) and save 20. In figuring the amount, count each word that appears. Include Your Name, Name Address RATES: One day run 8 day run S day run 4 day run 5 day run taaaa a a aa aat aa Week run Month run WHEAT CHICAGO, Feb. 3 OP) Grain prices declined today under the leadership of rye as buying in terest dwindled. News of naval activity In the Southwest Pacific made traders cautious, and it was the absence of demand, as much as any other factor, which caused prices to slump. A little hedging pressure came Into the wheat pit, but was not considered excessive. Offerings of rye came from commission houses and local traders and, grain men said, reflected dimin ished hopes of nearby exports of that grain. Wheat closed Mc lower, May $1,391-1, July $1.39, corn was 1 Ic lower, May 971-Ic, oats slumped 1-lc, rye dropped 1-lJc and soybeans held inactive. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 3 (AP USDA) CATTLE: Salable 100, total 125; calves, salable and to tal 25; market rather slow but mostly steady; odd good heavy steers $14.50 common to medium grades $11.00-13.25; good fed steers quotable to $15.50; few common heifers $10.00-75; good fed heifers quotable to $14.25; canner and cutter cows $8.50 to $8.25; heavy Holstein cows up to $9.50; medium beef cows $10 11.00; good cows quotable at $12.00; medium to good bulls $11.50-12.75; good to choice veal ers scarce, salable $14.50-15.50; or above. ... HOGS: Salable and total 400; market generally steady, de mand limited and late undertone weaker; most sales good to choice 180-220 lbs., $15.75;. few sales including 228 lb. weight down to $15.50; 240-310 lbs. $14.75-15.00; light lights largely $15.00; good sows 360-630 lbs. $13.50-14.00; few good to choice feeder pigs $15.00. . SHEEP: Salable and tnfal n- market steady but mostly nom inal; few good to choice 111 lb. lambs $15.00; carload lots lighter weights quotable to $15.50; com mon lambs down to $10.00; good ewes held above $7.75. . SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Feb.. 3 (AP-FSMN) CATTLE: salable 50; fully steady; 'steers absent, quoted $14.50-15.50; me dium to good heifers and range cows scarce, largely nearby she stock run, few common cows, $10.00-50, bulk canners and cut ters $7.00-9.00; odd common bulls $10.50 calves, none; nomt- uau; gooa to cnoice vealers quot ed $14.00-15.00. HOGS: Salable 200; fully steady; two loads good barrows and gilts 200-240 lb. $16.65; odd good sows $14.65. SHEEP: Salable 50; fully steady; good to choice wooled lambs quoted $14.50-15.75; pack age canner ewes $7.00, good to choice quoted, to $9.25. There isn't any problem that can't be licked. But the impor tant thing is that we have rec ognized them and profited by them in our effort to get maxi mum production of war goods. WPB Chairman Donald M. Nelson. Classified Ad Phone or Address Here As You Want It In Ad, (This Not to Appear in Ad) Run Ad.........Day$ Enclosed Find......, SEND CASH and SAVE 20 ,...per word 3s Figure the amount from these ratf a, 6a then deduct 20 as your ti- per word ...per word 8a count for sending cash with the ad. per word 10a This discount ..per word Ha able to do ...per word 12a and billing per word 32c paid-in-advance -BUY WAR STAMPS AND PAGE ELEVEN LABOR LEADERS L WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 OP)-' Organized labor leaders protest ed to President Roosevelt today against what they called the rise in the cost of living while wages remained stationary, : They urged as a remedy uni versal price ceilings on all civil ian goods and universal and equitable rationing of all essen tial civilian commodities. , "Little Steel" Formula . William Green, president of the American Federation of La bor, and Philip Murray, presi dent of the CIO, told reporters they complained particularly against the war labor board's "Little Steel Formula" for grant ing wage increases. They de scribed it as being too rigid.' .." Under this formula-the board generally considers that workers are entitled to a 15 per cent In crease in wages to meet higher living costs from January' 1, 1941, to May, 1942. Provision was made for increases in excess of 15 per cent to eliminate in equities." ' The labor leaders, who were accompanied by Mrs. Anna Ro senberg, New York regional: d! rector of the war manpower commission and a presidential advisor on labor,, said.:. Mr. Roosevelt made no commitments but manifested a lively interest in their discussion. PORTLAXD. Ore., Fab. S ,(P)-BBT-TER Print.' A trad.. llMe lb. In Tpareh ment wrappra, 58Ko i carton : B pad, 51c In parchment wrapper, gle in cartona. BUTTERPATFirit quality, mailmoni'of . of I per cent addltj daUrared In. Tort- ' land. 5-fi24c lb.; premium quality, mat iraum of .36 of I per cent acidity, 63-630 b.; ralley routa and country polnta. la t'L.11." or ""a" I ""d quality at Portland. Jc under flrat or 6O-80Ue. - . CBBKSE-Selllns prlca to PorUand rata era: Tillamook trlpleta. Sle lb.; loaf. Me lb.; trlpleta to wholeaalera, 29a lb.; loaf, 30c P.O.B. Tillamook. ' EGGS Nominal price to ratallani A lare t2c; B large 41c; A medium tier medhrm 3erA- email JJc Kointnal pHea to produce!: A large 4Ze; B large sac; A medium 39n:'B 'medium 33c doa, ' - .tlVE POULTRY-Buylng ptlcea: ITo. 1 grade Eeghorn brollera, 1U to !bi Hcl colored (ryera, under Ibl., JSC. do H. 4 lba.. 39c; colored roaatera, orar 4 tba sac; leghorn bene; unde. H lb.. We; &tm Iba., 3.1c; colored hen, over S Ibe.,-Sla lb.; No. t grade hena,' 3c leea; Ko.'S srade, lOe leas : rooaters. 10c lb, - . . .. DRESSED TURKEYS- Selling prieaat country dreised hen, 84-3Sc; packer atoeka hena. No. .1, 3ie cash-carry; tars tome, over to the 84c eaah-carry. RABBITS Average country lilted, M-4fta ONIONS Green. So-OOc do, bunebea: Ore iron dry. 31.74; Idaho . large, 3140; Yaktmn, 31.74 30-lb. bag. COUNTRY SiEATS-SeHIng price to ra. tailera: country kilted hog, beat butcbera. 1!0-I49 Iba.. !4c: vealera, fancy, lie lb.; good, heavy. I0.20eb.; rough, heavy.-14.iao: canner-cuttar cowa (new celling). UUc lb.; bulla (near celling). 170 lb.; larabi, 37a tb.; ewea,- good, lKctb.; evea,- poor. lOc- HAY Buying price on care: Alfalfa. Ko. 1. 335.00: No. t. 333.00-33.00 ton: oat-vetch. 330.00 ton. valley polnta r- tlmcthy (valley) asu.uu; ao Eastern uregon, 335.00 ton; clover. 330.00 ton. -. MM P CEILING Portland Produce ; Initials count as one word and each group of figures counts as one word. : Write your name, address or phone, at f you want it to appear, with the ad copy! , 'I DISCOUNT: is given when we are away With bookkeeping expenses . . . on actual ads only, . BONDS -