Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 26, 1942, Page 14, Image 14

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December 29, 1042
Klamath GUutelt Metal
: Sunday afternoon at the
O'clock vesper service, the Sun
day school of the First Presby
terian church Is to present a pag
eant, "God With Us," by Ella
Ehrauger. There will be par
ticipants from every department
of the school.
. Betty Hopkins will be the aiv
Bouncer. Everett C. Vanderpool
will represent the Old Testa'
rnent prophets, George W. Mc
lntyre, the New Testament ful
fillments. Lillie E. Darby, with
her splendid choir, will assist.
Among the children and adults
participating are David Landis,
Richard Swanson, Suzanne Lis
toe, Margaret and Marilyn Ger-
ber, Mary Jane Howard, Marian
Mclntyre, May Lou Case, Sam-
mle Lee Smith, Patsy McMillan,
Clare Ann Landram, Roberta
Lane, James Denison, Frank
Nott, Stephen Stone, Ruth Hen
ry, Mrs. Bert C. Thomas, John
Fletcher and Stanley Hendricks.
v The school has been preparing
this pageant for some tune.
. The program follows:
, Pageant, "God With Us."
Poem, David Landis.
Scene 1 .
- "The Place of Birth." Song,
"O Little Town of Bethlehem,"
by the angels, Marian Mclntyre,
Mary Lou Case, Sammie Lee
Smith, Patsy McMillan, Clare
Ann Landram, Roberta Lane,
Scene 2
"The Adoration of the Magi."
Eong, "Star of the East," soprano
solo by Mrs. Bert C. Thomas.
Recitation, Suzanne Listoe. Song,
"We Three Kings of Orient Are,'
James Denison, Frank Nott, Ste
phen Stone.
Scene 3
; "Flight Into Egypt."
Scene 4
.' "The Massacre of the Inno
cents." Offering.
Scene 5
"The Deity of Christ." Sopra
no solo, "Wonderful Jesus,
Ruth Henry.
Scene 6
"Names of Christ." Song, "All
Hail, Immanuell" choir. Song,
"The Beautiful Name." ;"'
Scene 7
"Review of the Virgin Birth.
6ong, "True Son of the Father,"
choir. Bethlehem scene, scrip
ture reading. "Silent Night."
Richard Swanson. Luther's "Cra
dle Song," Marilyn and Margar
et Gerber. "It Came Upon a
Midnight Clear" and "Harkl
The Herald Angels Sing," choir
(nd angels.
Scene 8
Poem, "The Light," Mary Jane
Howard. Song, "The Light of
the World," choir. Men of the
world on the platform. Song,
"Joy to the World," choir. Scrip
ture. Song, "Thou Didst Leave
Thy Throne," choir. Closing
ong, "Into My Heart," all. Ben-
-vuiuuuu turn uitui pusuuae.
Tint Baptist
Eighth street at Washington.
"The Church With a Message."
Rev. Cecil C. Brown, pastor.
Residence, 414 North Eighth
street. Phone 7439. H. G. Shirey,
music director.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m., with
Interesting classes for every age
group and consecrated teachers
In charge. George O. Welch, su
perintendent ' Morning worship service, 11
O'clock. Sermon by the pastor.
C. R Larson Is general director
of the BTU which meets at 6:30
p. m. each Sunday. There are
six unions adapted to all age
groups from beginners to adults,
and inspiring programs are pre
sented in each union.
-. The pastor will speak again at
the 7:30 o'clock worship service
- Mid-week prayer service Wed
nesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Choir rehearsal Thursday at
.7:30 p. m.
Radio service each Sunday
morning over KFJI from 8:15 to
8:45 a. m.
Latter-Day Saints
Latter-Day Saints meetings
lire held in the city library club
rooms on the corner of Fifth
street and Klamath avenue. E.
E. Burrows, branch, president,
phone 8293 or 6721.
Sunday school meetings are
held at 10 a. m with senara-
tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re
lief society and primary class
es. Sacrament service is held
each Sunday evening at 6
,- Elders working in the Klam
ath district may be reached at
131 North First.
I'll 8:15 P.M, mZyp
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent streets.
L. K. Johnson, pastor, -
Christmas day, 7 a. m., special
candlelight services of carols, an
thems and scripture. Christmas
Day, 11 a. m., festive worship.
December 27, Sunday school.
Bible class and worship hour as
December 27, 5:15 p. m. Fire
side hour. The program will be
furnished by the choir. Follow
ing the Fireside hour, the choir,
assisted by Mrs. Carl Brands
ness, vill render a program of
Christmas music.
Ladies' Aid Christmas party,
December 29, 1 p. m.
Council meeting, January
8 p. m.
Congregational meeting, Jan
uary 11, 8 p. m.
Klamath Lutheran church
cordially invites the public to
any or all of the services and
programs. If you are seeking a
church home in this city, we sin
cerely invite you to share our
worship and our work with us.
"Masonic Night" will be ob
served here Sunday, December
27, when members of all Ma
sonic bodies of the city will at
tend a service at the First Meth
odist church in an observance
of Saint John's day which comes
on Sunday this year.
The Methodist choir, under
the direction of Andrew Loney
Jr., will sing two anthems,
Cherubim Song," by Bortnian-
sky, and "The Lost Chord," by
bir Arthur Sullivan. Mrs. L. C,
Hornby will play a violin solo,
Cavitina," by Raff. The Rev
Victor Phillips, minister of the
church and chaplain of Klamath
lodge, AF&AM, prelate of Cal
vary Commaridery, and Most Ex
cellent High Priest of the local
Royal Arch Masons, will elve
tne address.. His subject will be,
"The New Challenge to Mason
ry-" The public is also invited
to this service scheduled for
7:30 p. m.
First Methodist
"In the heart of the city." at
North: Tenth and High streets.
Rev. ' Victor Phillips, minister.
Andrew Loney Jr., director of
music: Mrs. E. S. Veatch. accom
panist. Minister's residence,
iuuo men : street, telephone
Morning worship, "11 o'clock.
Prelude "Aria," by Giordani.
Processional, "O Come All Ye
Faithful." Mrs. Sally Lewis will
sing the solo, "O Divine Re
deemer," by Gounod. The offer
tory will be "Serenade." bv
ocnuDert. ine cnoir will sing
we anthem, "He Hath -Borne
Our Griefs," by Antonio Lotti
The minister's sermon theme
will be, "Where Would Christ
Lead -Us?"
Evening service at 7:30
o'clock.-This will be observed
as . "Masonic night." ' All the
members of Masonic bodies of
the city are asked to attend this
service in observance of Saint
John's day. The choir, under the
direction of Andrew Loney Jr.,
will sing "Onward Christian
Soldiers, as a processional.
They will also render two an
thems, Cherubim Song." by
Bortniansky, and "The Lost
Chord," by Sir Arthur Sullivan.
Mrs. L. C. Hornby will play a
violin solo, "Cavitina." by Raff.
Rev. Victor Phillips will - give
me address. Subject: "The New
Challenge to Masonry." The
public is invited to attend this
service. All Masonic bodies will
have places reserved for them
in -the sanctuary. ;
Church Sunday school meets
at 9:45 a. m., with classes for
all age groups. Graded lessons
and competent teachers. You are
invited to come as families.
Methodist Youth - Fellowship
will De. held at 6:30 p. m. All
young people are cordially In
'Fun, Fellowship and Faith.'
A watch-night service will be
held in this church on New
Year's eve from 8 o'clock until
after midnight. All age groups
will find something interesting
and helpful and all are invited.
St. Paul's Episcopal
JMghth and ' Jefferson streets.
The Rev.' F. C. Wissenbach, rec
tor. '
Midnight service. 11 n. m.
Thursday, Christmas eve.
Choral celebration of the Holy
Communion and dedication of
the honor roll with names of
the men of the parish who have
entered the service.
Christmas day, celebration of
Holy Communion, 10 a. m.
Sunday after Christmas, serv
ices as usual. Holy Commun
ion, 8 a. m.; church school, 9:45
a. m.; morning prayer and ser
mon, .11 a. m.
Monday, December 28, Feast
of the Holy Innocents, celebra
tion of Holy Communion, 10
St. " Barnabas church. Laneell
Valley, Sunday, December 27,
8 p. m., service. "Feast of the
Sunday school children of the
First Covenant church, 823 Wal
nut avenue, will present a pro
gram Sunday at 7:30 p. m. In
the church. The public is in
vited, according to Rev. John
son, pastor.
Congregational singing, "O
Come All Ye Faithful" and
"Silent Night"
Scripture reading and prayer,
feter Eastman.
Song, "O Little Town of
Recitation, "Once Again This
Christmas Time," by Rose Claw-
son. ,
Recitation, "What We Can Do
for-Jesus," Mrs. Carlson's class.
Dorothy Heath, Patsy - Heath,
Susie Goeller, Marian Olson,
Elsie Eastman.
Piano solo, Brent Hedberg.
Recitation, "Dad's Present.'
ivennetn jacobson.
Recitation, "How to Serve the
Christ Child," Yvonne Reed.
Song, 'This Little Light of
Mine, primary department.
Recitation. "Mary's Son."
uorouiy uiawson.
Recitation, "The Little Stran
ger," Nancy Fitzgerald.
Recitation, "Christmas Mes
sage, Tommy Good.
Song, "Noel," girls' chorus,
Recitation, "Christ Is Born."
KODert ciawson.
Piano solo, Goldie Olson.
Recitation, "Jewels for His
Crown," Mrs. Johnson's class.
Brent Hedbere. Ronnie Larson.
jonnnie tasiman, Kenneth Jac
obson, Nancy Berg. Lorraine
Recitation. "So May We.'
Harry Clawson.
Song. "Be Careful Little
Hands," primary department.
song, "There's a Beautiful
Star," Sunday school.
- Recitation, "My Gift to
Christ," Carol Eastman.
Song, Nancy Berg.
Recitation, "I Love to Think
Jesus, Harold Dalum.
Song, Kenneth Jacobson and
Brent Hedberg. .
Recitation, "I Wonder." Har
old Clawson.
Recitation, "The Christmas
Visitor," Alice Eastman.
Song, "O Holy Nieht" eirls'
Recitation, 'Xest We Foreet.'
Robert Eastman.
Song "Ara Vare Gud I Hoi-
aen,". string band.
Closing remarks. Rev. R. E
Offertory, piano duet Mrs. R.
jonnson and Uladys Johnson
itecitation. "A Christ mas
Grayer," Nancy Reynolds.
Benediction, Rev. R. Johnson,
First Presbyterian
North Sixth and Pine strpptc
The pastor is the Rev. Theodore
Smith, choir director, Lillie E.
uaioy, and organist, Mrs,
Arthur Hall Denison.
The morning worshin nn
at .11 o'clock with the
prelude, "Triumphal March," by
"" ine processional is
come. All Ye Faithful
Wade's "Cantus Diversl." In re
sponse to the pastoral greeting,
the choir sines "Hnlv Hni
iiviy, ay Aureo K. Uaul. Fol
lowing tne call to worship,
choir and congregation unite in
singing 'The Doxology," and,
after the Lord's Prayer, "The
Gloria Patri." The period of
quiet meditation and prayer for
the men in the
with the choir singing, "Hear
uur r-rayer, u Lord," and closes
wun congregation . anH Mini,.
singing "Our Fathers' God .to
xnee, Autnor of Liberty." The
choir offertory is Schumann's
"We Give Thee But Thine
Own' and the organ offertory
is "Reverie," by Galbraith.
There will be two special musi
cal numbers, a solo hv Mr.
Bert C. Thomas and an anthem
by Hawley, "Silent Night,
Peaceful Night." The pastor will
speak on 'The Significant
Thing." The service closes with
the benediction, the choir dis
missal, "Silent Night, Holy
Night," by Franz Gruber, and
the organ postlude, "Alia Mar
cia," by Kern.
The Sunday schnnl Mr.
Theodore Smith general super-
uiwuuem, ja presenting a pa
geant, "God With Us." t. fh.
candlelight vesper worship per-
- " wwww. A lie puonc IS
cordially Invited. All are r.
guested to be seated, if, possible,
by the opening, so as not to dis
turb the participants.
Sprague River
Friends Church
Evert J. Tuning, pastor.
Sunday services Sundav
school, 10 a. m.; worship serv
ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv
ice, 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, prayer and praise
service, 8 p. m.
If you have no church home
we welcome you to worship
with us. Located In Sprague
Pilgrim Holiness
Located at 2229 Wantland
avenue, Rev. Sherman Moore,
Sunday, 7:30 p. m., the
church will present its annual
Christmas service. The program,
consisting of congregatlo nil
singing, special vocal numbers,
recitations, exercises, acrostics
and a playlet, will lead up to
the pastor's Christmas message.
The beautiful scripture dealing
with the enunciation and nativ
ity will be read for him by one
of the young ladies of the
church. The service will close
with a distribution of Christmas
treats, a song by the congrega
tion and the benediction. All
friends of the church are wel
come. This church will partici
pate in the Christmas service to
be held Friday evening at the
First Baptist church.
Regular services: Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m.; worship, 11
a. m.; Junior league, 6:30 p. m.;
evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday,
7:45 p. m.
Bible Baptist
The South End Community
church, Wiard street at South
Sixth. Take city bus to Idella's
corner. Miss Nndine Dinning in
charge of music. Francis Smith
is superintendent of Bible
school. Rev. G. W. Whcutley
will occupy tho pulpit at both
services of the day.
The pastor may be reached
at all times by calling 7310.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m.,
classes for all age groups. Mr.
Wheatley is the teacher of the
adult class which meets in the
auditorium. There are classes
for all age groups.
Chimes, 10:50 a. m.
At 11 o'clock, the pastor
speaks to the little folks.
Morning sermon subject: "The
Christ of the Cross."
Youth Fellowship hour, 7
p. m.
Evangelistic song service at
8 o'clock. Sermon subject, 'The
Secret Things."
Ladies Bible study class on
Wednesday, 1:30 p. m., in the
church parlor, Mrs. Wheatley is
the teacher.
Praise and prayer fellowshlD
Wednesday evening 7:45 p. m.
at the home, of Mrs. Smith.
Homedale road.
Regular monthly meetlne
Monday, December 28th, at
The Bible Baptist church of
fers to the people of the south
end a warm fellowship, the old
fashioned Gospel. Bible study
and teacher training with op
portunity of service.
This church will join in the
union Christmas service Christ
mas evening at 7:30 p. m. at
the First Baptist church. Rev.
R. E. Johnson will be the speak
er. Let us prayerfully give part
of this day to the Lord, and
'enter Into His courts with
Zion Lutheran
1025 High street. Carl F. Nitz,
pastor. Telephone 6793.
A special service will be con
ducted on Christmas day at 11
m. The pastor will speak on
the topic, "The Wonderful One."
The Birth of the Christchild"
will be the story portrayed in
filmslldes on Sunday in the
church school, beginning at 9:45
Divine worship will be con
ducted at 11 o'clock. The ser
mon topic will be. "The Founda-
tion of the Church."
The Lutheran Hour will be
heard at 1 p. m. Sunday over
tne Mutual network. .
The annual Christmas nartv
oi tne Laaies Aid will be held
at the home of Mrs. H. Leltzke.
in Fairhaven Heights, beginning
at i o ciock Sunday afternoon.
Those who desire transDortatlnn
should be at the church by 1:40
p. m.
A special New Year's day ser
vice will be conducted January
1 at 11 a. m.
. .
Sacred Heart ....
Catholic Church
Corner of Eighth and Hleh
streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pas
tor. Sunday masses are at 7 a. m..
8 a. m. 9:30 a. m., and 11 a. m.
Holy days at 7 a. m.. 8 a. m.
and 9:30 a. m.
Confessions every Saturday
and the eves of Holy days and
first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m..
and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m.
Daily mass at 8 a. m.
Religious instruction classes
are held every Saturday at 9:30
m. for Catholic children, in
public grade schools except dur
ing vacation. High school dis
cussion club meets every Sun
day after 9:30 a. m. Mass ex
cept during vacation,
Apostolic Faith
The Apostolic Faith church.
228 North Eighth street, extends
to all a cordial invitation to at
tend the services in our beautiful
stone chapel. Services are ' as
follows: Sunday school, 9:30 a.
m.; morning worshin, 11 a. m..
evening evangelistic service,
7:45 p. m, Tuesday and Friday
8 p. m.
Special music by our orches
tra and singing by the various
groups are a - feature of each
All are welcome. A collection
Is never taken.
Rev. C. R. Lambert, castor.
228 North Eighth street, tele
phone 5429. .
Children Preseni Impressive
Candlelight Service Tuesday
An Impressive service was
presented by candlelight by the
children of the Community Con
gregational church, of which the
Rev. Eugene Hayncs Is pastor,
in the church on Tuesday eve
ning. The following is the im
pression derived by one of the
audience who deeply appreci
ated the efforts of Miss Eckstein
and Mrs. Elliott in giving to the
public such a service.
"As God loved children, so
did the many .gathered listeners
at the Community Congrega
tional church Tuesday evening
at eight o'clock.
Tho dimly lighted church,
decorated with Christmas
greens, with twenty beautiful,
small voices, softly filling tho
air, hearts almost stood still at
the beauty and I know every
listener was very close to God
at that time through these chil
dren." The choir was made up en
tirely of second and third grad
ers dressed in their black and
white choir robes. With hands
folded, these little- boys and
girls sang their beautiful Christ
mas carols in perfect tone.
A great deal of work and
practice was required to get the
choir together and credit goes
to Mary Eckstein and Mrs. R.
B. Elliott and to the following
children, James Erdmnnn, Don
ald Day, Sue Ann Scsslcr, Bet
ty Jean Haynes, Darpne Woods,
Sharon Glcnger, Betty Lou
Shaw, Donald Colson, Sally
Searcy, Claudctte Oaks, Arlcne
Kielsmeler, Marilyn Hardin, Jan
ice Pex, Anita Pence, Nancy El
Values to
Values to Values to Values to
$12.95 $16.95 $24.95
liott, Imogens Shaw, Gloria
Jackson, Monta Johnson, Clara
Ann Shaw and Bobby Stivers.
Church of the Nasaren
Located at the corner of Gar
den and Martin streets.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Classes for all groups. Mrs.
Em II Hearth, superintendent
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
Young Pooplo's service, 8:30
p. m. Evaugolistlo services, 7:30
p. m. The pastor, Rev. H. L.
Russell, will bo speaker ut both
services.. Our mid-week service
will be a watch-night service
Thursday evening. The Sunday
school, young people's society
and missionary society will
have churgo of this service,
You are invited to como and
worship with us.
Church of .
The loval conarcsntlnn nf tli
Church of Christ meets regu
larly at Shasta school, nihln
classes conveno at 10 a. m. Tho
regular Lord s duy scrvlco Is at
11 a. m., with tho evening scrv
lco at 7:30 o'clock. Two hour
bus service is available to tho
school on Sunclnvs. This run.
grcgatlon should not bo con
tused wun any other.
' M. Llovd Smith of drnnl
Pass began regular work with
this congregation December 6
and will preach each Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock and 7:30
p. m. He Is a faithful Gosncl
preacher and you ore Invited to
come hear him at Shasta school
All Winter Apparel Must Go
Prices Slashed As Never Before!
Values to
Values to
7 $9
$98 $198 $c!98
- .
First Church oi Chrlitt .
Tenth and Washington streets.
This church, a branch of The
Mother church, the First Church
of Christ, Scientist In Boston,
Mass,, holds services each Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock.
Sunday school at 0:30 a. m,
"Christian Science" will be
tho subject of tho Losson-Sormon
In all Churches of Christ Scien
tist, on Sunday, December 27.
The Golden Text will be "If
ye love me, koop my command
monts. And I will pray the Fath
er, and ho shall give you another
Comforter, that ho may abide
with you for over; even the
Spirit of Truth" (John 14: 15-17.)
Among the citations which
will comprlso tho Losson-Sor-mon
is tho following from the
Bible: "But whon tho Comforter
U como, whom I will send unto
you from tho Father, ovon the
Spirit of truth, which proceedcth
from tho Father, he shall testify
of me" (John 15:26.)
Tho LtKson-Sormon also will
includo tho following correlative
passages from tho Christian Sci
ence textbook, "Sclonco and
Health with Key to tho Scrip
tures" by Mary Baker Eddy:
"Our Muster sold, "But the Com
forter .... shall teach ybu all
things." When the Science of
Christianity appears, It will load
you Into all truth. The Sermon
on tho Mount Is the essence of
this Science, and the eternal life,
not tho death uf Jcius, Is its out
come" (p. 271.)
A meeting which Includes tes
timonies of Christian Science
healing Is held every Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock.
A free Christian Science read
ing room is located at 1023
Muln street, where tho Bible,
writings by Mary Baker Eddy.
Values to
Values to
3 Great Groups
'2 3. $4
and authorized Christian Science
lltcraturo may ho read, borrow
ed or purchased.
All are cordially Invited to at
tend tho services and use the
reading room.
Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15
p. m, each Monday under the
direction of committee on pub
lication for Oregon.
The Salvation Army
400 Klamath avenue.
Major and Mrs. Curry will ba
In chargo of tho regular serv
ices this coming Sunday, and
thoy Invito you to any or all of
tho following:
Sunday, 10 a. ni. Sunday
school and Blblo clusses.
11 a. m. Holiness. Subject,
"Purse Strings."
6:30 p. m, Young pooplo's
7:30 p. m. Evangel Istlo serv
ice. Subject, "Last Things."
Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thurs
days, public services, 8 p. m.
A hearty welcome awaits you
at all of these gatherings. Coma
and sing tho glorious Gospel
songs that refresh and strength
en. Come and modltuto Nd pray
so that you may bo able to face
tho tremendous problems of Ufa
thcita troublous days with faith
and Christian fortitude.
Church of Christ
All members and friends aro
extended a apuclul and cordial
Invitation to ottond the down
town Church of Christ Sunday
morning services: song scrvlco
10 a. m.; Bible study, classes,
10:15 a. m.; sermon and wor
ship, 11a. m.; communion, 11:4.1
a. m.; ovenlng services, 7:30
Values t