Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 15, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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bcembr 15, 1942
j . ...
" WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 (&)
Senator Vandenberg, Michigan's
f 'avorlte son for the republican
presidential nomination In 1936
ind 1040, announced Monday he
vould not be a candidate In the
4944 convention and expressed
belief "the events of the next
98 monlha will dictate our ap
propriate nominee,"
T "In my expectation, ha will
St found amid the new timber
vhich is richly available for
Villa leadership and which will
become more so as the war pro
gresses," Vandenberg said. "As
s non-candidale mvself I may
'hope to have far greater influ
ence In choosing the right can
didate. That is all that mat
ers." -: ' .
f Vandenberg was the second
UB40 aspirant to withdraw from
M944 republican consideration.
Previously Senator Taft of Ohio
Announced he would support
fohn W, Brlcker, three-term
Ohio governor, for the nomina
tion. :
I In addition Thomas E. Dewey,
governor-elect of New York, has
Counced he expected to serve
full four-year term, which
Would mean he would continue
b the governorship through
; MILWAUKEE, Dee. 15 (VP)
Kidnaping charges were on file
Sere today against two young
Portlanders accused of forcing
i woman cab driver to accom
pany them to Roseburg.
District Attorney Fred Mil
ter identified the pair as Virgil
Ray Kaufman, 18, and Rosalee
Margaret Mayo, 17, who, he
nld, also are charged with as
sault and robbery with a dang
rous weapon.
Kaufman and Miss Mayo were
wrested at Roseburg yesterday.
Miller said they had Mary
Jean George, 24, cab driver,
lake them from Portland to Mil-
ivaukie, then forced her out of
Jie driver's seat at gun point
ind continued on to Roseburg,
where police stopped the cab
secause it lacked a public util
ties commission permit.
PORTLAND, Dec. 15 (JP)
K three-year prison sentence
vas imposed yesterday on Frank
MayO, 18, brother of Rosalee
rlargaret Mayo, 17, charged
vitb abducting a woman cab
Convicted of a burglary
2 Who' Escaped Transport
pinning i en Experience
two engineroom men who. got
kway in the last lifeboat to leave
the 21,000-ton liner President
Coolldge, told Saturday of their
scape and of her loss.
The navy announced at Wash-
ngton that the once-palatial ves
el, serving as a transport, sunk
n the South Pacific after hitting
mine, only four of the more
han 4000 aboard were lost.
Charles Ross, a fireman, and
f ohn Paton, both of this city,
irst assistant engineer, told of
Lhe experience.
I was on duty in the fire-
oom," Ross related, "when the
irst explosion came. All I re-
liember is a blast, then every-
nlng went black. When I came
I all the lights were out and the
ater was rising rapidly. I was
lone and the explosion had
nocked down all the ladders.
I yelled for help, but got no
SesDonse. so I figured I had hpt.
' fri-I"1" get out of the water a qulck
8,1 could 1 climbed to the
LlrjSratings, but the water got there
.ItgiJIlmost as soon I did. I climbed
jif lf he top of the boilers. I ex
fleeted them to let go any minute,
wJ0 tried to 6et down. The water
'VXsPvas so deep, I didn't have a
W'Mftjhance. I was trapped.
"Suddenly the ship rolled to
E'iier side and 1 saw a Smer of
y f sht directly overhead. I real
. f ; ied I was beneath a ventilator
The World's News
The Christian Science Monitor
An International Daily Newspaper
One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts
is Trmhful Constructive Unbiased Free from Sensational
inn Editorlalt Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily
Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make
;the Monitor en Ideal Newspaper for the Home.
: i Price 12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month.
Saturday Issue, including Magarine Section, $Z-60 Year.
: Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issue Z 5 Cents.
.Obtainable at!
1023 Main St.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
2 R
!W Sit
by Alice Brooks
Express your devotion by em
broidering this Sacred Heart pic
ture and the Divine Praise. Both
being the same size, they make a
suitable group or can be used
framed as one picture. Pattern
7455 contains a transfer pattern
of 2 pictures 6 by 8 inches; stitch
es; materials needed; color
To obtain this pattern send
11 cents in coin to The Herald
and News, Household Arts
Dept.. Klamath Falls. Do not
send this picture, but keep it and
the number for reference. Be
sure to wrap coin securely, as a
loose coin often slips out of the
envelope. Requests for patterns
should read, Send pattern No.
to followed by
your name and address.
Lake view Rotary
Club to Honor
Hay at Dinner
LAKEVIEW Honoring A. D
Hay, recently appointed member
of the state supreme court, the
Lakeview Rotary club will en
tertain at a dinner at the Hotel
Lakeview on Thursday evening
at 7 o'clock. Rotary President
Dave DeArmond says that the
Rotary ladies are also invited.
Mrs. Hay will also be a guest of
The regular luncheon of the
club will not be held on Wed
charge with two other youths.
Mayo was sentenced to the peni
tentiary by Circuit Judge Mar
tin w. Watkins.
and might have a chance to get
He tried to climb out but the
only handhold was six feet above
his head. "I thought my goose
was coked," he related. He de
cided to yell. He heard an
answering voice. It was Paton's.
"Paton threw a rope down the
ventilator," Ross said, "but the
ship was listing so much the
rope swung away from me. Then
he climbed down into the venti
lator to direct the rope to me,
but when I got it I was too weak
to hold on. I found out after
I was rescued that my hands
were so badly burned I couldn't
hold the rope.
"Paton climbed down, secured
the rope around me, and he and
the chief engineer pulled me
Change of Address
A. A. Soule, M.D.
o Portland General Hospital
and Ollnlo
1I 8, E. Harnal St.
Portland, Oregon
Horn Address
Mrs. A. A. Soule'
184S Main St., Klamath Fall
Until Victory In Sellwood Dletrlet,
Portland, lust north of new government
war olty. Turn wett on Taooma Ave. at
atop light on Paolflo Hwy. E.
Seen Through
ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Dec.
IS OP) The Anchorage Times
said In an editorial today that the
reason the Japanese still are at
Klska is because they cannot get
off the island.
Reviewing events since the
Japanese occupied the Aleutian
island, the newspaper said that
all Japanese aircraft titer and
more than 20 vessels have been
destroyed and many shore bat
teries silenced.
The editorial added facetiously
that if it is desirable to have the
Japs leave the island, transporta
tion might be permitted them,
and they would evacuate in a
Reporters Wayne Barr and Dick
j-rsn or me rouaaeipma Record
received notices to report for
army induction, a sheet of copy
paper oearing two typewritten
notes went up on the Record's
bulletin board. The notes said:
"Anyone wishing to contribute
to a soins-awav fnnri far nieir
Larsh, please see me Wayne
"Anyone wishing to contribute
to a eninp.jiu.nv f,mi4 Ia. w.n
Barr, please see me D'ick
MRS. S. I used to aor shopping.
But not soy morel The gas tod time
it tajcea the shoe leather and tbe
trouble to get what yon wtot
MRS. JONES. And trea't tbsac Sat
urday crowds terrible !
FOR ever t crearter of centnry, emr advertising has been teffiog
housewives about Del Monte Products and Del Monte Quality.
We felt that this was die biggest service we, as a company, coold
give consnmers that the opportunity to buy a wide variety of
fruits, vegetables, juices, dried fruits, coffee and other foods, all
under one dependable label, meant greater satisfaction for all
with less guesswork, less waste, less lost time for everybody.
Today, you can't choose as freely as you have in the past. Many
of these foods are going to the army and navy.
Bat we feel that Del Monte advertising can be of even greatts
service today to you, to your grocer, to die whole coon try.
To win the war we most all work together. We must under
stand each other's problems. We must all cooperate intelligently.
Most grocers are doing their level best to serve yon well under
very difficult conditions. They are the same men who, after this
war is over, will again want to give you tbe widest possible selection
of Del Monte' many quality foods. Help them and you help
Every School
Get Souvenir
Every school child, boy or girl,
in Klamath county will have an
opportunity to secure a souvenir
from the famous old battleship,
"Oregon," in the Battleship Ore
gon Souvenir War Bond program
It was announced Monday by
Andrew Collier, county war sav
ings chairman,
tn order to qualify for the
memento, a child must complete
a stamp book or purchase a bond
of any denomination through
the schools. Collier stated. The
drive continues from December
18 to January 30.
The old battleship is being dis
mantled and its motal melted to
make new war weapons.
Deadline On
Ration Book 1
Extended Two Days
Local rationing boards have
been Instructed to fill applica
tions for the sugar-coltee book
war ration Book 1 through De
cember 17, the state office of
price administration announced
today. Some local boards re
ported a heavy last-minute rush
which they were unable to
handle; other boards ran out of
the books. The additional time
was allowed, the OPA stated, to
offset the two days when boards
were closed to catch up on hand
ling of mileage rationing applica
YOUR GROCER started this war or did he?
He sank the ships that carried your coffee or did he?
He took the cans away from the canners, the labor
way from the farmers, the tires away from the draymen
-or did he?
And he hasn't a worry in the world except
except trying to satisfy you with a smaller variety
at foods than you're used to
except trying to serve you with less help, less goods,
less gasoline
MRS. 5. Maybe we ought to try this
Del Monte "Buy -for -a-Week" plan
they're talking about here.
MRS. J. How does anybody know
what she wants, that far (head?
Child Can
of "Oregon"
Every teacher in the county
has been made an agent to assist
In tha new war bond buying pro
gram and will certify students
eligible for a souvenir from Ore
gon's historic shrine, tha old bat
tleship which made record run
around Cape Horn and reached
Cuban waters in time to help
destroy the Spanish fleet. For
this act she was known ai "the
bulldog of the navy."
All teachers are urged to re
mind their pupils that those con
verting their war savings stamps
into bonds will receive one of
these historic mementoes made
from a piece of wood from the
goats are matters of the frontal
assault and aren't confined to
attacks from the rear. Patrol
man Lawrence O'Connell says
He was sent to aid 11 defense
workers who complained that
every time they tried to get on
a street car Mrs. George Der
mane's goat would bow his neck
and charge. By the time they'd
get up, the street car would be
O'Connell took charge strode
firmly toward the animal. It
knocked him down twice before
Mrs. Dermanes came along and
got her goat.
...in ed
MRS. 1 Talcs a look at this Del
Meet Wartime Meal Planner. There's
tbe forernrnaot nutrition chart here'
a whole list of everyday foods to choota
from. Aad bate's a practical form tot
working eat a whole week's metro.
Plan for a Week
Buy for a Week
Cooperating In the national
drive to salvage silk, rayon or
nylon garments, Sears Roebuck
and company have established a
salvage bin on the main floor.
Silk, rayon and nylon are uied
to make powder bags for use In
the big guns. These matorialt
are ideal for the purpose as they
burn completely and leave no
Any garment of these mate
rials or in combination with oth
er materials such as cotton, can
be used, according to Ron Fisch
er of Sears, who Is handling the
salvage drive at the store. Cus
tomers are asked to wash the
garments and turn them in at
Scars, where they will be baled
and sent to reconditioning
plants. Old stockings aro espec
ially wanted because of the pur
ity of tha materials used In their
SIDELL, 111., Pl Gas ration
ing doesn't prevent Mrs. Fannie
Parker, 77, from making her
usual trips around town.
She rides in a cart pulled by
her nephew's team of goats.
Our future depends on their
gooa weuare. ur. Alice v.
Kellher, New Vork health official.
except trying to keep his business going with higher
expenses, less profits, fewer products, and more taxes
except wondering why he doesn't shut up his Mora
and take a good job elsewhere that will pay him mors
money and let him sleep at night.
Even soyour grocer isn't crying for sympathy.
He knows you have your own problem's, too. But
he is saying, if you will cooperate with him he can maks
life easier for you-
For instance well, let Mrs. Smith give you a few tips!
MRS. J. I rnt itt Ami then yea buy
ss much of what you need for a weak
as you can all at once. On trip to tbe,
tore doe mot of tbe work.
MRS. S. That makes goer! aerraa
during time like these.
A Cinch! Four easy steps to HELP
Mo two metis the same, oo oee
dish too often! That's the treat
adraotaga of planninc ahead. To
help you do it, we've prepared a bandy little folder
The Del Moot Wartime Meal Planner.'' GiVe
you s simple form for writing oat whole week'
menus. See if your own grocer can't give yen a
copy. If not, use coupon below.
That way, pen make one trip do
' th work of several. And when
you shoe, buy a many of tbe food
you need for week a you can in on grocery '
order. Not hut canned food but other groceries,
too! Seres you time, tire and gas. Saves your
grocer work, or extra deliveriea. A help from
r) toll's tag!.
Qt thi helpful Wartlm. Mal Planner
On of th simplest meal-planning help you could
hav, th war days. Writ Dept. S8, California Packing
Otrporatioe, San Francisco, Calif,
O siot
t'Too bsven't yoef eopplrof "Mai Hsen
Grade School
Carol Service
The traditional Christmas car
ol service given by grade school
children will be presented Sun
day, December 20, at 3:30 p, m.
In the First Methodist church, It
was announced this week,
The pageant of the nativity
will be presented by the entire
soventh grade of Fremont school
with choruses made up of the
other six schools In the'clty sys
tem. Grade school musle students
are anticipating a busy pre-holl-day
season, On Friday of this
week they will present the Rot
ary program at tha Wlllard hotel
with first graders playing the
role of Santa Clauses. There will
be a program of unusual carols
and numbers by the Junior high
school choir.
Carolers will be guests of th
Business and Professional Wom
en's club at the regular dinner
meeting Monday night, Decem
ber 31, at the Wlllard hotel.
Read Classified Aat lor Result
For Raw Muskrat Skins
Phone 1424
US Bo. 7th
xy3 9?Ztd. foA ffmiHi,
Shop Early
u faced witu a rati aborts ga of labor many of all claries
are new. Whan you shop early la tbe week tod during
th let bury hour, vou bar a dune to oak better
selection, you get waited on quicker, and tou aita't both
ered by th crowd.
Switch and Swap
wide variety i so important If b' out of Del Meow
Peach, h may have Del Mont Pears, PinesppU ar
soma other Dl Moat Trait. If be hasn't Dl Moot Cora,
be may have Del Moot Peas, As para go or oom ethar '
Del Moat Vegetable. No question about outlier, ajcbai,
CHICAGO, (AV-Col. John W.
Whseior, army engineer tn
charge of construction on the
new Alcan (Alaskan-Canada)
highway says that Alaska's se
vere cold isn't too bad. In fact,
he says, walking down Chicago'
Michigan avenue, blasted by bit
ing winds from the northwest,
Is much more uncomfortable.
TO QUtOnY tola 14 th fTT TMKTUL
I) titf nuUt trt 44 UwU, Miff
tooth Attic u.4 M Wiitt UilmM I
Unly mw uyl Hmlr KVrTT plat
. fitf In tmewik- H) hMt ! t4, h mti
. JlvitfM pUM Mutjly to tkr M m
uik. Mitaf tfff N (Mm f He
( poWtT yu to fplf & 4r
HUNT Wij iHittliai itUto . . . hM, to
Um- ttwwlow. uivttl pink la tof. Hrr to lM
Mi Malum irnttftlrf Jlji4 to khmimii
ye renew vUiee II km ! Meaty, net
UMHtery Hativre. Oee plkeaea lute let
eieeiae. v4' win! l eeley rtt meutii eeaeert
en. . HUT IT Mer- MOKIY SACt aaa
lilt So. etb Dial 4111
GIOCUL Good aeoM, all riant!
But it's mot than that Tbe war things
an foieg, thi Dal Moat "Buy-foe.
a.Wek" plan 1 a life-saver far ma.
Hale at grva a lot better aarriea.
I wufa mora woroea would try It
atk-ead shopping eaves
was BOv picnic. And it's
won today. Your grocw
ft fa op ao all el tjt an euW
tn food our gronr baa,
Tbsf t why Dal Moot1
uwnw rutins orporsuoB a
sa above.