V- I 1 SERIAL STORY, THE EDGE OF COPVHUINT, IIM. ' i .' ' BY WILLI AM. WOODS' .CIIINS FOR ritKKDOM - CHAPl'En XXIt 'CTRNSOAUD thlvorcd with a I vuhuo forolxxllntf, tliouuli )io dlil nut ut flint rsullzo wlmt tlio old 'mun maaiit. "It'll tlmo wo stiirtocl," lio snIU. "You can toll us on tlio :woy." I liut Mnlkon paid no attention. Importantly ho wont to tlio ulcovo door, and than to tlio hull to inulio mo no ono wai lis toning, l"ThouHht our Quisling mlxlit ho hiding In tlio cornor," ho said. I "If you moan my son," tlio dac jtor snnppod niiKrily, "I forhada him tlio iiouiio tlila mornlntf. He's living nttho hotol." "Woll," said Mnlkon, nodding good-naturedly. "I didn't know. My congratulations. As a matter of fact, I mysolf had a visitor from tho hotol this oflmnoon. tilio ; brought mo my nows," I Stontigard lluahod. "Woll, what Inows?" ho cried. "Jn," Mnlkon sold, "Ja, Dr. Stonngard. If you will go to tlio dock tonight batwoon ton und four you will find a soldlor nnmcd Kurl ITlschor. lie's tlio mini you'vo bcon looking for." Tho doctor's faco turned whlto. Ho wot his lips mid nnw Uioy woro nil gating oxpectuntly up nt him. is . . . Is mat so7 ' no slammorod. "You nro suro of tho nnmaT" i , Malkon nodded. (jtoniigurd started up tho stairs, but nt that moment Ouniiur want ovor to him nnd put n hand on his 'shoulder. "Thoro will bo tlmo j later," ho murmured, and than when tho doctor still scorned un I certain, added, "If you wish , . . i wo can go Willi you lutvr ... to tho dock." "Of course," Stonsgard said con Ifusedly. "U might bo bettor. Ho will bo nnned." What ho meant by that no did not know, or what ho would do, what they would bo ex pecting him to do. rpiIE summer homo wns bare, swept by a cold sen wind that cut even tho Inland fjord water into rough crests and valleys. They brought down tho gasoline tins quietly, carefully, and handed them forward onto tho boats. In the dark, Gunnar and Svcrro Trog, tlio other fisherman, primed lha motors, filled tho tanks, nnd stowed two tins under each of tlio stern seal. Then tho doctor camo down, carrying compass, light nnd binoc ulars, and wont ashore ngnln to get tho oars. They wero to row out beyond earshot of tho point before they started tlio motors. Tho bonis 'themselves wero two 18-foot sloops tlint tjlensgnrd had bought years befora for summer sailing. i When everything was ready, equipment checked, and tlio six who wero going had clambered nboard. a slunnl was nrruntfed for 'their return. Lars Malkon, standing In tlio summer houso and wishing with nil his heart that ho could go, was surprised to sea how quickly they got nway. Ono mlnuto they wero mill nshoro; tlio next thoy had cast all and woro lost from sight In tlio darkness. Only Gunnnr's volco carried faintly ovor tho wnlcr, saying, "Wo cntch tho tldo both ;woys. Ought to bo back by 11 o'clock." iTJOTIEM thoy lind rowed about a I " nnnHxp nt in limit Kivn,l Oia - - - " j ...... point Gunnar called for thorn to ship oars In tlio other boat, and at tho snmo tlmo want aft himself to start tho motor. It sacmed to tho doctor that they rodo nt least an hour, though It was only n llttlo mora than half llliut tlmo. Ho got wet through with the soas tlint poured In over tho, sldo, and tho snow tlint seemed mora Ilka sleet driven In tho wind, lent nt his eyes until ha hnd to turn loft In order to sco at nil. Just nt that moment ho heard tho motor stop. Ho turned In tlmo to sco Gunnar swing tho tlllor hard nround nnd rlso to ono knee, looking bnck for tho otlicr boat . And then off in tho darkness thoy hoard a loud halloo, and thcro to starboard was Svcrro Trog stand ing In tlio stern of tho second, sloop. H was flvo after 10 by tlio doctor's watch. Whnt happened then camo so quickly that only Svcrro Trog, who was by good fortuno looking In tho right direction, saw all of it. "I wns standing oft," ho told them Iator on shore, "and In a (rolling sen so I could hardly keep my leot, when nil of a sudden I caught sight of It blowing off to tho north, First a lino of whlto breakers nnd somothing Ilka n fish in the middle, and thon all at onco sho was up, not 00 ynrds nwny, with a lot of snllors pouring fust out of tlio hutch, trninlng n light and a deck gun on us. Gunntir 'whipped nround then, and every body yollcd out, and wo heard a ivolco calling ovor 'Doctor . . . 'doctor, nro you thoro?' It wns tlint 'easy. Two minutes Inter wo wero jtlcd up alongsldo and thoy started lllftlng tho boxes down to us." i Buck, In a light brown rnincont, lenned ovor to slinlto hands with 'tlio doctor, nnd when tho boats woro fast, helped him up onto tho narrow, sprnylnshed deck." Stcnsgard hardly heard Ruck talking. "It'll only taka a few min utes," tho man wns snylng. "Thnnk God It's a bnd night. Even bnvo a Wireless sender for you." And moment Inter, "How's Miss Bjarncscn up at tho hotel? Damned clever woman you hnvo there." ' Tho British crew, in sweaters', wool caps and dungarees, wero handing tho brown boxes over tho side, with a quartermaster calling out their contonts. "Four llaht ma- Ichlno guns. Fifteen thousand irounds of BO-cnllbor ammunition. lOno hundred hand gronados. Threo hundred bnyonots." Gunnar und iSvcrro wero standing in tho bonts jnt tho submnrlno's sldo, carrying 'tho boxes over to Oluf nnd tho Ibutcher to bo stowed below decks. "Hero como tho rifles," tho quar termaster called, "Throe hundred, an' don't stop t' count 'em." Thoy Avore In six cases, packed In gronso. I,, "Ha. Gunnar," Sverra called. 3 'V DARKNESS nka nvic, INO. "wo could mnko a llttlo army with tills." Oslorhnlm, behind him, could hardly hldo his disappointment. "Tho old story," ho was thinking bitterly. "Four machlno guns against tho Gorman urmy." Hut ho did not say a word. After all, tboy should bo glad to got that much. "All clear," a man called out bolow. It wus young Oluf, and tho doctor felt bettor to hear the strong Norwegian voice. A fow feet uwny on tho dark, sloping deck, tlio quartorinaster was trying to explain something to Gunnar about tho machlno guns, und Ituck, towering darkly ovor them both, was acting as interpreter. "All clear." . Tho snow hnd already formed n groy patch on tho rolling sldo of tho conning tower. Under It on tho black steel, Stensgurd could read tho numerals "717." So tills was Knglund, their ally. "Good luck," a sailor called down to Gunnar, and tho flshor man turned, laughing and waving his mm back over his head. Gunnar sat at tho tlllor, and they turned nnd mado for land on tho Ingoing tide. Looking back ho saw tho black hull of tho subma rine go dark. In halt a mlnuto mnro It had vanished altogether. Tho journey In wns vory swift, nnd becuuso tho boat', wero heav ily ludon they rodo o good doul moro smoothly. Whon In half an hour they cut the motors nnd come gliding In at tho fjord mouth with tho dark hills rising again around them, young Sverro Trog In tho other boat dropped tho tiller and cheered silently. Then ho put a mutch to Uio oil lump on tho scat bosldo him. And when they saw tlio answer ing light on shoro, swinging al most jubilantly up and down at THIS CURIOUS WORLD A GREAT VOLCANO ONCE BELCHED FOETH STEAM AND LAVA WHERE NOW .STANDS THE DEVIL'S TOWER, IN WYOMING THE TOWER IS THE COLUMN OF LAVA THAT' COOLED AND HARDENED IN ( i ni THE VOLCANO THROAT. mi nv Mr ntffvicr. imo. t. m. nta u m mt When you're oltsrontofyour house, or out back of your, house, you're outside of YOUR HOUSE;' Sift DCTTD lAATTC. UAPTFODrY U.V NKXT: The bombing 'of ATLANTIC Si HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Pusxla a riciurea convoy guard, u. s. Nnvy 6 Merriment. B Hnng in folds. 14 Marine duck. 15 Monkoy. 16 Artist's stnnd. 17 And (Latin). lOPortnl. 20 At whnt time? 22 Part of "be." 23 Jewish month, 24 Kind of poetry 26 Lade water from. 28 Bends downward. 31 Upon. 32 Typo measure. 34 Myself. 35 Exclamation. 36 Toward. 3B Therefore. 30 Us. 41 Militnry Police (nbbr.). 42 Distortion.. 44 Ourselves. 45 Whether. 47 Beverages. 40 Bird's homo. 51 Pnln. 53 Exclamation 55 Bamboolike grass. 57 Presently. 58 Mystic syllabic, 60 Work for. 62 Electrified particle. 64 Chop fine. 66 Introduction. 67 Fondlo. 68 Renown. VERTICAL 1 Insect. 2 Ignited. pfej2 t lie "Tr vsate SDt N A m- BE" SR CE O , . LTSTREfiMSOVM Si p l3s E ml! 25. bia PSBSOLSAiLgRS PROLATEiSYCONyS ABJ A'ROEFQNES "eiAIP?1 IIDIAINlSlST 6 pp? Mnl M,J t 1 I Iril I3S 1 1 5 so WiWlWB SJ- . tiTTsT mzs sri- S9 m (m . isM 60 61 " 42. 63 6t SS the oargo thoy woro bringing In, Uioy drew In tho oars, Every on of them felt suddenly tired, (To lio Continued) HOLD EVERYTHING! "I uld 'mark timoM Well, what's tho Joke?" New Hotpoint . DELUXE ELECTRIC Ranges NOW AT UHLIG'S 1026 Main Phono 5512 By William Ferguson run. 1k AVERAGE .SOLDIER. BATS TWENTTY-FIVE PER CENT MORE FOOD THAN HE DID AS A CIVILIAN. London In World War I. GUARDIAN (nbbr.). 26 It hunts U- (Ph). 27 Any. 29 Perform. . 30 It helps convoy (Pi.). 33 Low, ns a cow. 34 Pile and stow away. 37 All right (colloq.). 38 Deviate. 40 Heathen. 41 Mother. 43 Half an cm. 44 Indian. 46 Winnow. 48 Ells English (nbbr.). 50 Appear. 52 Approach. 53 Snake. : 54 She. 56 Immerse. 57 Emmet. 58 Wood sorrel, 50 Greeted. 61 International language. 63 Whirlwind. 65 North Lntitudo (nbbr.). 3 Fish. 4 Interfere with, 8 East Indian t canoe. 6 Remotely, ' 7 Upwnrd. 8 Novel. 9 Profound. 10 Pertaining to frogs. . 11 Like. 12 Vegetable. 13 Tree. 19 Either. 21 Him. 23 Sloth. 25 Company vm. imi ft mt onwt, m. t. si m . ii mt. vt. I. -J Ifl VES--W. H. Y OH, BOV.' VOU'LL Y THEM GUVS Y IT'LL KAAKE HImI W PARDOM ME M.V MEMORN FOR. W LETTER 1 WUfxT LETTER ?l' 111 HIMSELF PRETTY NEAP- GIVE ME A MAD, THOUGH i f FACES ls BAlD BUT ivreM'T SOU Ml AvSpf- OH.NES ' S ! m PE ' !Lr ' PROFESSOR ? NOU'WE 6EEr4 WftS A NOTE Of "i J I TO COME 1 ALL OVER. AGIM! THEYDDMT 1WICETH i y 6P0UTISG ABOUT GOIMS TO Jmfy REGRE.T W KteAKTtesm if TEACH FO.RH.AND rRKTmHRSSAMTWEMUM 1 ml(fflcm?DB SMpJSt i "WE MWUKftM , W THAT V -THE SCHOOLS HAVE i ? X nnCATKlX WKV WQU'LLBE AARMWOHP FE fa INTERESTED ME ASKED Yl FISH- W A6ILLV ROLE 6ARRIN6 ! " t V.5knr7LBEM k l2 new because thas leaSo : ,f TrtOT LETTE- B J ? wire. VJ A wam prcm teach- : , V TOMS OM IT -v 'TRADE SCHOOL BOARD, WAS. AM ) f MAIL 7 ATTACKS. OP , ?! 7 fHm -JlZvc-X OFFER-OP A SOB ! jJ Carrier! )( NARCOLEPSV.'-- li By J. R. Williomi SKILLED wtlii,MW,..t.inw.. a-4 J With Major Hopple I Lm.WWVVWj LvSrPiL- ) JRS?r-V-- AND SQUARE-' I BUYi IaNY MORE T ZK 1 CANT FEED Mri-- lV" allthei " r WHJL. OOCTORrTHAfUj ''a TEAM --YES-T FW1LLEn THTCTL BE )f HM-MYESj VOtJOOULDGCT "J THE BEST OF . I DOCTOR AND I AND WET BETTER I FAR AND YOU E EMERGENQES-fSO I I IMAGINE MRS I YOUR MEALS THERE, I TrWT WOULD 1 LUCK.. MY LAD! I POWER TO YOU- I GET TO WORK. EH? J HAD YOUR VERY I TIME TO LOSE -SO 1 SLEET WILL BE I TOO (M SURE- I BE A I BETTER THAN ) YOU AND DR. I NOW, WHAT ABOUT LARGE PRPCT1CE I ILL FIND QUARTERS I GLAD TO PUT KATIE IS AN I WONDERFUL I I HAD. I HOPE-1 CLOVER WILL MAKE I YOUR PRPCTtCE HERE -IT WILL BE I NEAR HERE SO J YOU UP -SHE fl EXCELLENT COOK" 1 ARRANGEMENT-1 J ASWBJLTEAMl I OVER AT FOXVILLE. UP TO US. NOW. i WE CAN ANSWER HAS LOTS OF I I DEPEND ON HER Jf . ij i. (y,.iff 'Jf'V'fy "'y TOy. ALLSTOGETHER-j ROOM- FOR PlUS'J tj I, ' 11 ' J . 1 By LGtl I ; l cond H?Friei" 1 :-e, JVE CHAM6EP MY MIMP ABOUT HAVIM6 HIM UIMCH 1 I THOU6HT HE WA f" """""TMY$?V I W r M Wlimm W!S.'.IE'AN,)WHEME WAKE5 A LIVE WIRE. X ' - ' , fej WmWW J VjP.VOU MAY TELL HIM 50 Ni ' TH0U6HT PERHAPS ' S , f T Cf"S 5Wj T VK, . HE WOULD BE THE ' f-V fcxr--Wll T J V) ( ECTI0M i ONE TO MAKE ME tt jES ' -tT S?? i. fVVX JC OFFICER; FORSET. BUT X PARE- i' ' tZu-tdii Jkw' Wti t ksLjK' "Wosh Tubbi . ' By Crona AND MRS. RAVENSPOTS DRESS IS CAUSMT IW SMITHS i f (JACKET ZIPPER ITS- I CHrSIDLT . FMBAREAqlMG Alley Oop 1 W' jf n THOSE MOCWIAK)SrNWASIOM," THIMK.YOU DOPES, A WE HAOT"l foH.yob ALLVJEVE GOT f' JUST AMCTHEROF ) ' ARE CRA7V MEMjSTARVATIOK), THIMK J WE'REy THS i HAVE.HAVE lTO DO ISSET f WKAT OUR LEADER'S ' SCPSX.. ri OPPRESSION, LIABLE TO GET S WAR WCi I YUH? OKAY, , RID OF ALLEY &X$J ADVISEES... f FEEtV , WHEK) J 1 PraRAGAMDA. KICKED RIGHT J mriLTHAT- CHUM, GIVE.' OOP.'SIMPLE, ? jCcoiMG OUT J FIRST. AS ' I TBS r I Q11 STOPS J OUT OF OUR DUMB OOPAHA.' LJw4v ISSi'T IT? ' A aJPSUAL ; YjjFTVBl (CUT ME LOOSE 1 f AMP MOW. MR. WITTS. I DEMAND WtNV - t T nerriiecr TT-v DC A AM RXAC nUPL r.ATr Up U I 1 ll m AnDiMr. aTac-Froo DRESS THAT WAS RUIMED " mm ,y i I n i zj - - . ma j i-tii- "wii.i.i- u , n s. v SMITH", I'M GOiMG TQ RASE" LJ 4 IO A WEEK SO I CAN TAKE THE PRICE OF THE DRESS OUT OF YOUR. By V. T. Hamlin