PAGE SEVEN DeeemDer 4, 1948 HERALD AND HEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON JCI&matU GUubclt AleuAi The Women's Missionary so ciety. Mrs. Theodore Smith. president, is to hold its annual Thank Offering service, at the First Presbyterian church, in special candle-lighted service Sunday afternoon at o o ciock Mrs. N. B. Drew, program chair man Of the society, is to be in charge. The program opens with the organ prelude "Hour of Devo tion" by Ralhbun. This is loi lowed by the invocation. Mrs, W. S. Slough is to read the scripture. Mrs. Hornby will render a violin solo, "The End of a Perfect Day" by Carrie Ja cobs Bond. A vocal duet will be sung by Patty Fleet and Phyllis Collier, "Uesu tsamoi- no" by Yon. Mrs. J. F. King will present the famous "My Mansion" by Henry Van Dyke, The organ offertory is "Chan ion" by Groton. Mrs. William C. Hurn will receive the thank offering and offer the special prayer. The service closes with the benediction and the organ postlude, "March" by Stout. The general public as well as the congregation Is asked to share In this wonderful pro gram. Ijrunanuel Baptist Church The church is located at the corner of North Eleventh and High streets. Pastor, Rev. Wil liam B. Rice, residence, 720 Jef ferson street. Phone 7400. Mu- tie director, C. E. Loggerwell. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m Classes for all ages and a fine taff of adult teachers. We wish to urge the children to attend regularly during the next few weeks, especially as we are plan ning for the Christmas program. Morning worship 11 a. m This being the first Sunday of the month, : we will observe the Lord's Supper at the .morning worship hour. We invite you to come and enjoy fellowship with the Lord and us at his table, The subject of the morning mes sage will be, "Where Do You Walk? Evening gospel hour 7:30 p. m. A half hour of evangelistic singing led by Mr. Loggerwell, special music and a ' short mes sage from the Bible on the sub ject, "What Is a Missionary?' The attendance at this evening hour is increasing. A special in vitation is extended to you Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Pray er and Bible study at the church. Come- and bring your Bible. We are studying the Epistle to the Romans. Saturday, 7:30 p. m.' Young peoples meeting at the home of the pastor, 720 Jefferson street If you wish transportation to and from this service, call 7400 and a ride will be supplied. You are a stranger but once in this friendly, Bible-loving church. , (Affiliated with the Northern Baptist convention.) . . AltamonJ Community Presbyterian Church This church meets in the Al- tamont Junior high school. Mrs. Kenton Knight is director of music, A. C. Olson, superin tendent of the Sunday school. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. Attendance last Sunday, 98 The morning worship begins at 11 o clock with the prelude, "I Love to Tell the Story." The offertory will be a violin solo by Stanley McClellan, the choir anthem, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and the postlude "Home, Sweet Home Sigma Pi and . Junior Chris- tion Endeavor societies meet at 6:30 p. m. . Church of The Nasarene Located at the corner of Gar den avenue and Martin street, .) r-:,J con . ;3 neamcuue, uu moi run street. a Telephone, 4780. Sunday schnnl. fl-45 a. m 1 Morning worshin service at 1 1 lA o'clock. Young peoples' serv ice o:ju p. m. Evangelistic service 7:3U p. m. The pastor will speak at both services. Mid week services are as fol lows: On Monday evening at 7:ao o clock Dr. J. E. Bates of ,.!; ...Ill L . ii t vain., win pe our '.S ' uest speaker. On Wednesday f .A the ladies of the Missionary so- V ! .' !.. ...Ill i t t moy wm nave cnurge oi ine I services. All are cordially in i 4 . vited to attend these services. t First Covenant f I Church - - - .3 823 Walnut avenue. Pastor, ;'. f'R. E. Johnson. l :8,: 10 a, m., Sunday school for all Sales. .' At 11 a. m.. mnrnino wnr, ship, tile pastor speaks. At 7 p. m. young people's meeting. At 7:45 p. m,j evening service, wiin good live singing and a message by the pastor. Wednesday. 7:4R n m mid. Week fellowship. . "- ' iriaay, 7:45 p. m., Ladies Aid. A Program has been arrnnooH nf sons and a messnrsn KTre Ait.1 Clawson and Mrs. John Olson will be -hostesses.' - ' St. Paul's Episcopal Church Service of morning prayer at 11 o'clock conducted by the young people and Junior choir, under direction of Hazel Mor rison and H. P. Bosworth. Both boys and girls will make up the choir. Richard Newman will deliver the sermon, Tom Scharfenstcin tlie prayers, Neil Morris, the lesson, and Ruth Rogers will be the organist. Harlan Bosworth will be the crucifer, Billy Rad cliff e, server, and Robert Bos worth and Angus Stewart will take the offering. All members of the church school are to meet at 11 a. m., instead of the usual hour of 9:45. During the service the younger children will go to their regular Sunday school classes. Parents are urged to attend. Community Congregational Located on Garden avenue be tween East Main - and Martin streets. Rev. Eugene V. Haynes is pastor. The pastor's residence is at 2160 Garden avenue and his phone number is 5226. Each Sunday morning during the morning worship service, a nursery is conducted in the par sonage by members of the Jun ior Women's circle for the con venience of parents who wish to attend the service. Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock worship service conduct ed by the pastor, the theme of the sermon will be, "Acquiring a Christian Personality." This is the fifth sermon of the series, " when Lights Burn Low." Church school for all ages meets at 9:45 a. m. Comrades of The Way meet at 6 p. m.; in the community hall for a brief service of wor ship and social hour. Bible Baptist Church " "The Community Church'with ine unimes. Wiard street at 4900 South Sixth, street. City bus stoDS at the corner. Rev G. W. Wheatley is the castor. residence 131 North Second street Telephone 7210. Nadine Ulnnmff in chare nf miicie Frances Smith is superintend ent of Bible school. - - Bible school ooens at 9:45 a. m.. with classes for all a groups. Pastor Wheatley is the leacner ot tne aault Bible class. All children are urged tn he nn hand so that the Christmas nro- gram can eet under wav. Mornine worshin service at 11 o'clock. The minister will speak on the subject: "The Bi ble Is It True or False." This is the third message of a series on facts concerning Salvation Precedine the mnmin? erv. ice is the few minutes together Known as "the nastnr anri the little folks." This time is found most interesting by both young and oid alike. The Lord's SuDoer will be nh. served at the close of the morn ing service, all members of the cnurch are urged to be pres ent. Youth. Fellowshin hour at 7 O ClOCK. to Which all vnnnff nee pie are cordially invited. . oOn2 service at ft n'elnelr sineine the fine nlH r.n.n.i hymns loved bv all. fnllnuseH h Bime study. The subieet 'Friendship With Christ." This friendly church nfferc n the OeODle of the ennth mnil a warm, prayerful fellowship, the uiu-io5nioneo uospel, Bible siuay, ana opportunity of serv ice. Klamath Temple Located at 1007 Pine Rev. Daniel B. Anriersnn -noe- tor.' Phone 3874. Sunday school, :o a. m. Mrs. Robert Mount, superintendent. Classes for all ages. You'll f I n rf a walmm. awaiting you. Mornine worshin 11 , Message by Evangelist Arthur aiaier. his suhieet will he "tu Lord's Supper.", Overcomer's. vnnns nenni 6:30 D. m. Grmin 4 in fheraj Joe Chamberlain, lender Thi. will be a patriotic service in nonor of our boys in service. Come and bring your friends. Evangelistic service. 7r4S r m. Rev. Arthur Slater speak ing. Subject, "Modern Prodi gals." The revival meeting is still in progress and a good in terest is being manifested. The evangelist's subject tonight will be, "The Fire nf the Wni Ghost." Klamath Temple ex tends to all a cordial invitation to attend the services in our beautiful tern nip. Meetina. be ginning each week night at 7:30 p. m. Radio ' broadcast. SatiirnW 6:30 p. m., KFJI. Church of Christ - The loval onnrsreeatlnn n the Church of Christ meets regu larly at Shasta school. Bible classes convene at 10 a. m, The regular Lord's day service is at 11 a. m., with the evening serv ice at 7:30 o'clock Tom hnnr bus service is availahle tn the school on Sundays. This con gregation snouid not be con fused with any other; ' " Pilgrim Holiness Church Located at 2229 Wantland avenue. Pastor, Rev. Serman Moore. In the absence of Rev, Moore, who is conducting a re vival campaign in Medford, his pulpit will be filled for both services Sunday by the Rev. O. D. Weaver. For many years resident of this city and for mer pastor of the church, Rev Weaver has many friends who greatly appreciate his fine Chris tian character and straight for ward message. These services are sure to be helpful ones. Regular services: S u n d a school, 9:45 a. m.; worship a 11 a. m.; Pilgrim league, 6:30 p. m.; evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wedncs- ady at 7:45 p. m. First Christian Church "The Downtown Church." Pine street at Ninth. Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Pas tor's study is in the church and can be reached from the Ninth street entrance. Phone 5432, He is anxious to be of service. Do not hesitate to call him The Bible school meets at the hour of 9:45 a. m. C. S Robertson is the general super intendent. There is a class for every age group. You are in vited to join one of these groups. The worship hour is 11 o clock. This Sunday is "Worn an's Day." A special service is prepared for the occasion. The Women's Council, the mission ary circle, and the Builders will occupy a section of reserved seats together. Women of the council will have parts in the service. Mrs. Mary Haydcn is the organist and plays the pre lude. Mrs. Frank Fortna will read the scripture and Mrs. H. L. Wickersham will offer the prayer of dedication. The ser mon will be, "In Our Hands," by the minister. A special en velope Will be provided for the offering. Invitation hymn, "Je sus Calls Us. The evening services begin w i t h the Christian Endeavor meetings at 6:30 o'clock. Evan gelistic service at 7:30 p. m, Song service, congregational singing will be led by Robert Coen. There is an opportunity for all who cannot attend the morning service to observe the Lord's Supper.' The minister will have as his sermon, "The Great Commission." This is the second of a series. The First Christian church in vites you to worship and thus help build security for our na tion in this world struggle. . Sacred Heart Catholic Church Corner of Eighth and High streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pas tor. Sunday masses are at 7 a. m.. e a. m. :au a. m., and 11 a. m Holy days at 7 a. m., 8 a. m and 9:30 a. m. Confessions every Saturday and the eves of Holy days and first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Daily mass at 8 a. m. Religious instruction classes are held every Saturday at 9:30 m. for Catholic children in public grade schools except dur ing vacation; High school dis cussion club meets every Sun day after 9:30 a. m. Mass ex cept during vacation. Assembly of God 746 Oak street. Rev. A. Har old Persing, pastor. Residence, 844 Eldorado street. Phone 5735. Services for Sunday: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m with Mrs. Al Kennerly in charge. We urge you to attend. Morning worship beginning al 11 a. m. Communion and Mis sionary offering. Young people will meet at 6:30 p. m. with Jim Kennerly in charge. Evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Services for the week: Wednesday at 10 o'clock the Ladies' Missionary society will meet at Mrs. Maxwell's home on 426 South Seventh street. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Devo tional and preaching. Apostolic Faith The Apostolic Faith church, 228 North Eighth street, extends to all a cordial invitation to at tend the services in our beautiful stone chapel. Services are as follows: Sunday school, 9:30 a. morning worship, 11 a. m.. evening evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m., Tuesday and Friday. 8 p. m. Special music by our orches tra and singing by the various groups are a feature of each service. All are welcome. A collection is never taken. Rev. C. R. Lambert, pastor. 228 North Eighth street, tele phone 5429. Sunday- First Presbyterian Church . . North Sixth and Pine streets. The pastor Is the Rev. Theodore smuu, 430 North Second street. Telephone at the residence, 5477. and at the phnreh 7.111 Lillie Darby is the director of cnoir ana Mrs. Arthur nail Denison is. the organist. Morning worshiu. 11 o'clock. opens with the organ prelude "Aiieuiuia-Allcleulia by Arm strong. The choir response to the nasloral oreetinir is "Hnlv. Holy, Lord God of Hosts." Choir ana congregation unite in sing ing the "Doxology," following the rail tn wnr.hit . mid "The Gloria Patria" after the Lord's prayer. The period of quiet mediation opens with the choir's can to prayer, "Hear Our Pray er, O Lord." The coneriiation unites' in singing, "Our Father's God to Thee, Author ot Liber- try.". The choir offertoy is "We Give Thee But Thine Own,,'1 and the organ offertoy is "Idvlle" hv Overhnlt There will be two special numbers, a iromoone duet, "Hear Me ' by Bellini, nlaved bv Stnnhen Stime and Kenneth Borough; and the morning anthem "Praise the Lord, All Ye His People,": by Andrews. The pastor, will nreach. The servlre rlnsec with the benediction, the choir re sponse, "Threefold Amen," and the organ nostlude. "A Jovous Postlude" by Mallard. Instead of the evenine wor ship, a special vesper service will be held at 5 n. m. This opens with the organ prelude, "Hour of Devotion" by Rathbun This is followed by the invoca tion and by a violin solo by Mrs. Hornby. The scripture reading will, be by Mrs. W. S Slough. Patty Fleet and Phyl lis Collier will sine "Gcsu Bam bino" by Yon. Mrs. J. F. King wm give reading of Henry Van Dvkc's "Mv Mnnsinn." . companicd on the organ by Mrs. Denison. The offertory . is 'Chanson" by Groton. Mrs. Wil liam C. Hurn is tn receive the offerine and eive the thanlr nf. iering prayer, ine service closes witn the benediction and the or gan postlude, 'March" by Stout .Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Pre ceding, this at. 9:30 a. m. a pre- prayer group meets in the pas tor's study to ask a blessinc on the Sunday, school. In the vari ous departments is a class for you and for. every member of your family. There will be a special Bible day program In the main school. The three Christian Endeav. or societies meet at 6:30 p. m. The intermediates or the upper grade school age meet with Mrs R. S. Henry. The seninrs nr the high school age m e e t in the - nristian i.ndea vor - room. The young people . proper meet in the main dinine room nf the church. Zion. Lutheran Church , . , 1025 H i e h street. Carl . V Nitz. pastor. Telenhnnn R70..1 Sunday school is rnndnetei) every Sunday morning at 9:45 o ciock. The iilmslides will pre sent the story of "King Nebu chadnezzar." Divine worshin with Hnl communion at li a m Tn nh. servance of Universal Bible Sun day, .the pastor will sneak -on me xopic, "Uur Bible." There will be an . imnnrtant meetine of the ennerecntinn im mediately . following the morn ing service. The Fellowshin eltih will m,.i at 8 o'clock at the hnme nf Mr and Mrs. H. Eberlein, 2427 Gar den avenue. Discussinn tnnie "The Source of Christian fine! trine." Members and frienrf. nf the congregation are Invited to auena tnis meeting. ine children's confirmation class meets on Saturday at 2 p. m. : ..--'...., This is the church nf the T.n. theran , Hour. - First Church - Of God . Located at the corner ot Al. tamont drive and Delaware street. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a. m Mrs. J. D. Ker- nutt, superintendent. Morning devotions, li. o'clock. Prerservr ice prayer meeting at 7 p. m. Preaching service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer . and praise service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the mibllc to attend all of these services. Rev. j. D. Kernutt, pastor. Latter-Day Saints Latter-Da v Saints 'meetings are held in the city library club rooms on the enrnor nf Tflflh street and Klamath avenue. E. E. Burrows, branch president, phone 8293 -or 6721. Sunday school meetines are held at 10 a. m., with separa tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re lief society and primary class es. Sacrament service is held each Sunday evening at . 6 o'clock.. . ' Elders worklne in the TClnm. atn district may be reached at 131 North First. Whan in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe aha Anna Eaflaf Proprietors - First Methodist Church 'In the Heart of the City." at North Tenth and Hlah streets. Rev. Victor Phillips, minister. Andrew Loney Jr., di rector of mus I o. Mrs K s Veatch, accompanist. Parsonage m iuuo xiign street, telephone dOBB. Morning worship at 11 o clock., The sanctuary choir will sing the processional, "Fair est .Lord Jesus," after the play ing ot the ureludo. "Larso." hv Handel. The offertory will be, "nautilus," by MncDowell. Won dell B. Smith will sing a bari tone solo, "Green Pastures," by Wilfrid Sanderson. The choir will sing the anthem, "The Lost Chord." bv Sir Arthur Sullivan The-minister will preach on the subject, "Reasoning With God." A nursery is maintained in the lower auditorium for the pnn. vehiencc of narenta wlshina tn auena mo morning service. ine 1 church Sunday school meets at 9:45 a m. Don R Drury is the general superln lenacnt and Dr. Peter H. Kozen- dal. -assistant aunerintendent Classes for all ace erouns with graded lessons and efficient teachers. Relieioui eduratinn vital. Methodist Youth fellowshin nieeia at e:30 p. m. Dorothy iaurenson is the president and Mrs. C. H. BarmUauln is the counselor. All young people are coroiauy invited to attend these meetings oi Christian study, dls Cllssloil. wor.lhlu. and fellmvshin The pastor conducts a service of worship at the Bly Methodist cnurcn at a p. m. to which the people of the Bly community re cordially invited. First Baptist Church ' The Rev. L. B. Stale of the First Baptist church of Longview, Wash., will supply the pulpit Sunday at the First Methodist church, Eighth and Washincton Streets. arenrrliiif. to an announcement from TJ.... C. C. Brown who is conducting revival services at Bond. The Rev. Mr Stale I. mcr pastor of the local church and hlS Visit. Will he a hnrr... coming to the many friends in Klamath Falls, Mr. Brown said. The nastor states the he the members and friends to make a very special effort to be with the Rev. Sigle in all of the Sunday services. He will have charge of the radio pro gram and all affairs of the, church over the weekend. First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth and Washington streets. This church, a'hrnivh nf The Mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass.. holds services each Sun. day morning at 11 o'clock. aunoay scnool at 9:30 a. m. "God the Only Pause and Creator" will be the subject of the . Lesson Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Dec. 6. The Golden Text will be, "All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee. O Lord: and shall elnrifv thy name. For thou are great, ana 1 doest- wondrous things: thou are God alone" (Ps. 86.9). Amone the ritatinns whirh will - comprise the Lesson-Ser mon is ine louowing trom tne Bible: "Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeem er, the Lord nf hnstsr I am the first, and I am the last; and be side me there is no God, I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I com. manded" (Isa. 44:6, 45:12). The Lesson -Sermon atsn will include the following correla tive Dassaecs from the Chris. turn Science textbook, "Science and Health - with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Ed dy: "There is but one creator and one creation. This creation consists of the unfolding of spir itual ideas and their identles. which are embraced in the in finite Mind and forever reflect ed" (p. 502). A meetine whirh tnelndas tea. timontes of . Christian Science healing is -held every Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. ' A free Christian Science read ing room is located, at 1023 Main street, where . the Bible, writings by Mary Baker Eddy, and authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrow ed or purchased All are cordially invited tn at. tend the services and use the reading room. Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15 n.' m. each . Monday, under the direction ot committee on pub lication for Oregon. . Free Methodist Church Corner of South Ninth street and Plum avenue. W. H. Mc- Cormlck, pastor. Sunday serv ices, Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. Evening servlee. YPMS. 7f30 n. m preaching, 8 p. m. prayer meet ing, xnursoay, 7:40 p. m. TUNS IN KPJI-1U0 KlloeyolM SUNDAYS Thi Pilgrim' Hour 11 m to ItiOO Noon Old 'Mhlonad Ktvlvil Hour ' 9r00 to 7iM a. ni. Undir . DlrMtlon . ot Ohirta s. Pulltr Klamath Lutheran Church ' Cross and Crescent street, L. K. Johnson, ptistor, 1175 Cics cum mrtci. r none a-tan. bundny school, 9:45 a. m. Classes and touchers for chil dren of nil hum. Bible and pust conflriiumda cinss, u:io a. m. Worshin hour. 11 a. m. Men's Club, Tuesiliiy. Docnnv bcr 8, 8 p. m. Hosts, Klimu Solle, Frank Subject and Hans Mariana. Choir rehearsal Wednesday, v:au p. m. Director, Riv. John son and accompanist Mrs. C. nrnnasnc.ts. Tho children's Christmas ro- hoarsul at tho church on Sun day afternoon ot i o in Dedication of the church Do cembor 13. Dedication services at 2 p. m. Organ dedication nt o p. in. Thure Is murh m-oi-l. in l. done at tho church, those who uuve a iow nours to spare plcaso come to tho church and much uso can bo maria of them. If vim aro a atrntiL'er In the ehv .milk ing a cnurcn homo, wo sincerely invito you to worship und work wun us, a The Salvation Army 400 KInmalh avenue Major und Mrs. Currv will be m charge of tho rcgulnr serv ices this rnmiiiL Similiiv nnrt they Invito you to any or all of ma (allowing: Slinduv. 10 a. m. Sunday school und Bihlo classes. 11 a. m. Holiness. Subleet. "Uharlly." 6:30 p. m. You lie ncoulc's service. 8 D. m. Evunct'listic servire. Subject, "Eternity." Saturdays. Tuosduvs. Thnrs days, public services. 8 n. m. A hourtv welcome awaits vnu at all of these gatherings. Come and sing the elorlous Giisnel songs that refresh and strength. en. Come and meditate and pray so that you may bo able to luce tho tremendous nrnhlenw nf life these troublous days with faith and Christian fortitude. a Sprague River Friends Church Evert J. Tuning, -pastor. Sunday services Sundnv school, 10 a. m.; worship serv ice, ll a. in.: evanscllst c serv ice. 7:30 p m. Wednesday, brayor and Dinise service, 8 p. m. If you have no church home we welcome you to worshin with us. Located in Sprouuc River. First Baptist . Church Eighth street at Washington. "Tho Church With a Message." Rev. Cecil C. Brown, pastor. Residence, 414 North Eighth street. Phone 7439. H. G. Slilrcy. music director. Biblo school, 9:45 a. m with Interesting classes for every ago group and consecrated touchers In charge. Georgo O. Welch, su perintendent. Morning worship service, 11. o'clock. Sermon by the pastor. C. R Larson Is general director of tho BTU which meets at 6:30 p. m. each Sunday. Thero are six unions adapted to all ago groups from beginners to adults, and inspiring programs are pre sented in each union. The pastor will speak again at tho 7:30 o'clock worship service Mid-week prayer service Wed nesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Choir rehearsal Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Radio service each Sunday morning over KFJI from 8:15 to 8:45 a. m. Please note change in time. Church of Christ (Downtown) All members and friends are extended a special and cordial Invitation to attend the down town Church of Christ Sunday morning services: song service 10 a. m.; Bible study, classes, 10:15 a. m.; sermon and wor ship, 11 a. m.; communion, 11:45 a. m.; evening 'services, 7:30 o'clock. Hager Mrs. Velma Kohlor returned to her homo at Bangor, Wash., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pavltt Ncwnham spent the weekend with relatives ai sprague River. Pvt. Pavitt Newnham leaves Tuesday mornine fnr the nrmv Camp at Columbus, Ohio after a two week's furlough here. Mr. and Mrs. Fnreot H, went to Lakevicw nn Thnni. giving. Mrs. L. Baldwin nailed nn friends here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Klein shoppers in Klamath Falls Sat- uraay. Mrs. Helen Hess and M,. Smith of Klamath Falls, were callers hero Sunday. , ucorge Kohlcr returned from the north Sunday, after snenrfino a few days with relatives. '. P I L E S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN NO HOSPITALIZATION No Loao of Timt Ptrmantnl Rnuilil DR. E. M. MARSHA Ohlropraollo Phyilolan lit No, ith Eiqulra Thaatra Blai. Phona 7008 BASKET CROCHET FOR CHAIR OR BUFFET Jllpll 7153 by Alice llrnok Your chairs anil buffet can be transformed by a , bit of crisp f lift crochet, Do this pretty bas ket uct in mercerized string Unit works up quickly. The larger piece repeated makes a handsome- pair of scarf etuis, too. Pat tern 7453 contains charts and di rections for set; inulerluls need ed; ill. of stitches. To ooiniii tins pattern send 11 cents In coin to Tho Herald and News, Hoiisolfold Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not scud this picture, but keep It and tho number for referenco. Bo sii ro to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of tha envelope. Requests for patterns should read. "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. Section Foreman . Moves to Dunsmuir CH1LOQUIN Mr. Gluconic!- li and fumllv have recently moved to Dmistmilr, Calif. Gloc omelll I) lis been section foreman and resident of Chlloquin for the past 17 yen,rs. He has accepted similar position In Dunsmuir. JCSUS Suncerln has temnnrnr. ily succeeded Glacomclll as sec tion lorcman. Bonanza Mrs. Murv M a 1 o n e tins re turned homo from Klamuth rolls, where she was under med leal care. wlllium Holloway and Frano Williams nr Jlknu , were ti a. ltors Saturday at tho homo of F. W. Brown anrl fumllv Wllllnnia an agriculture student nt the' Lakevicw hlah schnnl. nnrrh,.,.H some registered Hampshire sheep from Martin Brown. Holloway was agricultural instructor at the Bonanza hiuh sehnnl fnr seu. oral years and Js well known hore.- .... Monduy. visitors to Klamuth Falls wero Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dixon,. Mrs. Wllllom Bechdoldt and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pcpplc. Tom Bray left for Colorado this week, where ho will Join his wile. Mr. tlr.H -.. Hann Cnhmn, entertained friends ut dinner on j nanKsgiving day. Covers were laid fnr fifteen Mr nnrl Mr, c. win Schnnz and daughter Char lotte, Mr. and j'tra. Richard Hoefler anrl Hniirrhter r.apli.iirla and sons Paul and Joe, Mr. and rars, e. w. Brown and son Mar tin, Mrs. Clay Combcst and Bob by Schmor: Tlianksirlvlnn rllnner onecta nf Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bramwcll were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Eyers and children,- Donald Dixon, Nellie Barclay, Billy Irwin and Earl Locke. Don Rlilnh and family, whn havo lived near Bonanza fnr nu. oral years, have mnnari tn iu Truax ranch, where he is em ployed as manager. . Mr. and Mrs. Ravmnnrl Rvntt havo leased tho ranch owned and formerly -nnennleH hv Me and Mrs. Horbert Longton. Kenneth Hartley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hartley, has re turned from a Klamath' Falls hosnllul. Where he nnrl major operation. Peace will oncn for nnr vminn men and women unparalleled op portunities in all fields of hu man endeavor for a venture. soino, rcsponsiblo and creative life. President Everett Case of Colgate Univo.slly. ' ' Friendly Helpfulness To Every " ' 1 Creed and Purse - Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs.- A. A. Ward, Owners i - Wlllard Ward, Mgr. UZ5 High Phone 3334 Woods, Mill Closo at Tionesta TIONKSTA The woods closed down lust week and tho mill closed im Sutiiiiluy, Novem ber 211, Tho miiolilnoi'y und log ging u(Ulment were brought In on SuUiiiluy for repairs und overhauling. Tho machinery In tho mill Is also being repaired, Several fuinllles moved from cninp after the mill iiiui woods closed down, Annum those, mov ing wero tho Fred Johnson fam ily, tho tleorgo Johnson and tho Mudder family. Tho Tlnsley finally moved on Wednesday lu their new homo In A Hum. .CiiiiHtnictlciu of the new stoiu building Is progressing rapidly und II Is hoped to bo reudy for business iiftulu between Christ mas und New Year's. Mrs, Wnndu Moore und chil dren returned to their homo In Burney, C'ullf,, over the week end, nfler spending (he lust week ut the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Motiltou In Tl oucstii. Mr, and Mis. llnrvey Moon and children of Klamuth Falls, spent Thanksgiving day nt tha llomo nf her parents, Mr. und Mrs. Thomas Mnulton. Mr. and Mrs. Buss Ilurrliicton visited with friends unci relatives hero over Thanksgiving. Corporal Friinltlo llulper visit eel in Tiuneslii Thursday und was a Thunksglviiig dinner guest ut the Paul Urown home. Ho re turned on Friday to Colorado, whero ho Is stationed, Mr. .and Mrs. Charles Denn and children, spent Thanksgiv ing clay at the Ed Smith linmo. Mr. and Mrs. Homer James spent the weekend In Medford and Ashland at the Keith Jnmcs' and Eldo Burgess' homes. Tho Friday afternoon Pinochle club met at tho homo of Fay Shadle. Those present were Jeun DeVorc, l.lunlu Harris, Juiiiiltii Juines, Dnrotlm Brown, Jennie Brown, Mildred Starr, Mrs. Staubs and the hostess. High score for the afternoon was won by Mrs. Sturr and low went to Mrs. Harris. The eight weeks grand prteo was awarded to Fay Shuttle, Chiloquin Has Run on Coffee CHILOQUIN Willi th. lifiinn of the coffeo freer.e Monday and Ihe beginning of rationed sales, relieved Chiloquin coffee con sumers rushed to the stores to ol- lain their ration while coffee u-n to ha had. The rush brntntht a from storckcencrs to buv enff.. only when 11 is necessary, in or- acr to avert a shortage. Chiloquin Bud Gllos, who is serving Willi tho marines, wus In Chilo quin on a furlough recently. Donald Potter, navy man, was in Chiloquin visiting his parents lust Saturday, . Wllla Giles was In Klumnth Falls Monday. Ray Glongcr returned from elk hunting in northeastern Ore gon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtice Daniols of Linn m's camp wero shopping In Chiloquin Tuesday. Norman Rohll, avlulor, was In Chlloquin with his wife lust weekend visiting his pnrents. Ho Is stationed ut Cliico, Calif. Lurry Gruves, fonnur clerk ot Glongcr grocery, has recent ly joined tho coast guard. Miss Margaret Molatoro has recently relumed to Chlloquin to resume teaching In tho high school. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson were shopping In KInmalh Falls Tuesday. Many residents of Chlloquin Journeyed to Jtlumuth Falls for tho last time beforo rationing over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Swufford of Klumnth Falls were shopping in, Chlloquin last Saturday. GInn Mlnuto, S. P. clerk, has been confined to her bed this week as a result of a tooth ex traction. The Cnmpflro Clrls hnva started a campaign for tho col lection of old rngs. Relieve Distress Time-Tested Way A" , PENETRATES . tn linnrti. hrnnnt. tubus with soothing medicinal vapors. stimiii arrs V ehnsfc nnrl hanlr a,i- iBcosiiicoawBrm- ',' ng poultice. "lr(reMOU MIlUONs OF MOTHERS roliovo dis tress ot colds tills doubla.srjtlon way becmiso It's so offeotlvo-so eaayl Just rub throat, chest, end back with good old Vlcks VspoRub at bcdtlmo. Instantly VapoRub goes to work ? once, as illustrated above-to relieve ooughlng spaams, help clear congestion In upper bronchial tubes, and Invite - comforting sleep. Often by morn ine most of tlio misery of the cold Is gone; When a cold strikes, try tlmo-tested Vloks VapoBub, Cofjfjfjijjfj o 9 v