Dumber 4. 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIV 1 25llEHS22J?SSa mm Sailing Classes Riulinll(iii (or classes In "Tim J'syohology of Soiling" nnd "The Art of Cilft Wrapping" will bo held Friday, tonight, from H to II In Hoom 214, KUHS. George p. Davis will hold elnsne Mon day, Wednesday nnd Friday evn- nliiK next week. Mrs., Mnry Pnpn will follow up Inn next week with lliu wrapping clnss. CImnhos ii in open to any one Interested mid nrn offered In cooperation with lliu slnlo le. pnrtmtint of voeiillminl edticn-tlon. 8t. Mary's Bnuar A nnedln work sale which will fenltirn nil typos of handwork mid esprriiilly aprons, both of thn purly nnd utility type, will bn held lit the former lonillon of Tim's on North Ninth atrert Kiiturdny tnrtlns lit 0 it. m. nnd rnnllmilnif throughout tho dny. The sale In sponsored by St. Mnry' Altnr oclety of Sncred Henrt church. Lists Arrive Tlio Klnmnlh Lutheran Ladles' Aid him re ceived thn lint of orphan in thu Purkliiud Lutheran child home t Everett, Wnsh. For a num ber of years members of tho Aid hnva fnt Christmas gifts to these children, Those wishing to do no this yenr lire nuked to call Mm. Clifton Ongniuii, 04-10, for Informntlon. Moating Called George My ers, chief of tho medlcnl emer gency services, hns culled on Im portant meeting of nil graduate nurse In thn city whether they are now employed or not. The session In scheduled for Mondny at 7:30 p. m. In the Red Cross rooms, 41B Main street. To Portland Mrs. Russell Brackmun, daughter of tho Inte Frank llumm, is m o v 1 n a to Portlnnd tho first of next week, to make her home with hor mother "until victory." Hriick man Is entering tho United Suites army December 15. To Visit Bon Mrs L. J. Brink. 2241 Orchnrd avenue, left on Frldny morning to visit her son nnd wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Pntchett, in ftoseburg. Sho plans to return enrly next week. ..SERVICE! -J CI HE AT LAKES, III., Dec. 4 Rex Simpson Corter, son of Ed ward G. Carter, Drummond, Wis., has been grnduntcd from recruit training as honor mnn of his company nt the U. b. navnl training station hero. Employed for four yenrs its a., '. lumbermnn foi "-. tho Swnn LuktS , S M Moulding com 'f pnny, Klnmiithg Falls, Ore., Cur ter left his lob ' i v,-"?1 ago to enlist os" a senmau, nrsi;- cioss. mrougn, fA, a series 01 npu y tudo tests given lv fjt tho 130 men of HYfe A2 his compnny, he li-s been se lected to n 1 1 e n d one of the navy's scrvlco schools. The honor mnn wns graduat ed from Ashlnnd high school In 1022. lie ntlended Carroll col lege In Waukesha for two years and tho Wiiusnu Institute of Business Administration for two yenrs. SPRAGUE RIVER Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Young hnvo received word that their son, Wllllnm Floyd Young, Is now n sergeant, stationed nt Gowen Field, Boise, Ida. Young enlisted in tho air corps Juno 23, 1042. Ho received his diploma os ncrinl gunner at Los Vegas, Nov., on September 7, 1042. Me wns then sent to Gowen Flctd, where ho Is gun nor Instructor. Thn Youngs for merly lived In Klnmnth Fulls and Floyd wns n KUHS student In 1040 and 1041. Pvt. Clifford Hnycs, son of Martha Hnycs, Is with tho mili tary police compnny nt Lack bourne nlr base, Columbus, O. Pvt. Walter Shiidlcy Is Inking hits basic training nt Fort Lewis, Wash. Pvt. Theodore Schnlss Is stn tloned nt Scott Flold, 111. Pvt. Lnwrcnco Rhec, former employe of Crnler Lnko Lum ber nnd Box compnny, writes from Cnmp Burkelcy, Tex. He Is In thn demonstration sqund for tho officers cnndldnlo school. WILLOW RANCH Mr. and Mrs. E. Swnnson have received word thnt tholr son, Lt. Wondoll V, Swnnson, has completed his course In slgnnl corps work nt Fort Monmouth. N. .T.. nnd hna been sent to Harvard university lor three months' more trninlng. Vlilts Dnuahtor Mrs. W. S. Newgurd of Devils Luko, N. D., Is vlnltlng nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Douglns, BIO Division slruet. Bho will re main through tho holidays. Move- Mr. S. D. Dorcmus hns moved from 2012 Orchard ftvenun to 1421 Esplanade, npurl ment No. B, friends will bo In terested to lenrn, Sho In con fined to her homo by Illness. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Elloctlv. June 18, 1942) Train 18 Southbound! 6:15 p. m. Train 20 Northbound) 10 a. m. Train 17 Southbound! 8:30 a. m. Train 16 Northbound) 8 p. m. p. m., Evening Airmail. Medford Stage. Westbound, 3:30 Bpoclnl Meeting Thore will he n special meeting of Klnmutli lodge No. 77, AFAcAM, at 7:30 o'clock Friday night In the Mnsonlo lemplo. There will be work In tho EA degroo and all members nnd visiting brclhern arc urged to attend. Dance Slated A benefit dance to bo given Saturday night in tho Moose hull Is for members of LOOM nnd Women of tho Moose nnd their Invited guests, It was announced. Dance at Keno There will be a danco at Keno as usual this Saturday night, according to Ed Gordon of the Oregon Hill Bill ies, who piny for tho offnlrs. The dnnces will continue ot least for tho present, or until gns ration ing makes operation impossible liu said. CANADA ACTS TO GUT FOOD PRICES OTTAWA, Dec. 4 (P) In pro-Christmns gift to case the strain of the high cost ot living on tho consumer's purse, tho Canadian government I Inking direct action to give the nation cheaper coffoo, tun, oranges ond milk. The new assault on the cost of living, to be effected by re ducing duties or taxes or by out i ight subsidies, was announced last night by Finance Minister J. L. Ilsley, who estimated thnt tho cost to the treasury might run up to $40,000,000 a year. Coffee Is to bo reduced four cents a pound, tea 10 cents a pound and milk two cents a quart from current retail prices. Orange prices nre to be put back to nbout tho levels of Sep tember nnd October, 1041. No official figures wore given but In September, 1041, oranges wero being sold for 25 to 35 cents a dozen, Tho coffco and tea reductions are to bo accomplished by gov ernment subsidy or snlo to the trade by tho prices stability cor poration nt reduced prices. Cheaper oranges will bo pro vided by elimination of duties and tnxes. Liberty la truly won only when it is gunrded by the snme watchfulness, the snme cournge, tho same willingness to fight for lt which first secured lt. Secre tary of Stnto Cordoll Hull. Ono nice thing nbout winter n mHn hns four more pockets In n vest In which to stow use less things. Burmoso rlvormcn enlwino tholr leg around the oar when rowing n hont. With The ConvonioiwoofCoih $ A C To SPoml 2& Right Now ONUY $5 DOWN but. It resllr "."own veil Got Your, at Your SEARS Credit Office LIUITl DFWPAPLAN WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 OP) President Roosevelt today or dered complete liquidation of tho work projects relief program. Tho president, In a letter to Mnjor General Philip B, Flem ing, federal work administra tor, suld tho WPA roll had greatly decrensed through the "tremendous Incrense In prlvntc employment, assisted by tho training nnd re-cmploymcnt ef forts of It own organization, to a point where a national work rollef program la no longer necessury." Local Assistance Mr. Roosevelt ordered the closing out of all project opera tions In many state by February 1, 1043, and in other state as soon thereafter s feasible. Mr. Roosevelt said certain groups of workers still on the relief rolls may havo to b.o given assistance by tho states nnd localities: Others would bo able to find work on farms or In In dustry at prevailing rate of pay as prlvute employment continues to increase. "Some of the present certified war projects," he added, "may havo to be token over by other unit of the federal works agency or by other departments of the federal government. State or local projects should be closed out by completing useful units of such project or by arrang ing for the sponsors to carry on tho work." iTl BILL WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 m Replying to critics of his recom mendation for power to suspend tho tariff and Immigration laws whenever he deems It necessary to support the war effort, Presi dent Roosevelt told reporters to day thnt It was Intended, under the Immigration part, to bring in to this country only two or thrco dozen persons a year. A questioner at his press con. forenco noted that most of the criticism hod been directed ngainst suspending the immlgra. tlon law for fear It would let down tho bnrs to unwanted In, dividual.i. Tho president replied he did not care how tho bill was word ed and said tho few persons the government wanted to let In would be needed to strengthen the wnr effort. He agreed with n questioner thnt thnt was all that the shouting was about at the capltol. Alertness mnv nrevent vnur wlfo from squandering your In surance. Adml. Chester W. Nimitr. to hi men. During the Christmas shop ping season, It Isn't only the ste nographer's who use tho touch system. - He'll ova 'm He'll wear 'em and wear 'em St NCR-EAST Ties They're Non-Crush ALL ONE DOLLAR Our hlf tunr of Wembley Nor East Ties make It rar to chooM the ones he'll enjoy wearing. They're all Nor-Eait Noo-Cnwh fabric to they'll keep their freih, fine appearance. DREW'S Manstore 73i Main WB CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 8 O'CLOCK - ? - : t,mt-imM. V FROM THE STOUE OF SHOP EARLY AND MAIL EARLY We4il Van Raalte "Lovelies" ix For the Preferred Gift & Van Raalte Magnostrype GOWNS 2.98 A iloek gown with soft fitted bodice and slender waist line. Of luxuriou 6atiny rtryps. Tearose and water blue. v'an Raalte Knit Rayon SLIPS and PANTIES A rich, durable rayon fabric she'll love! Daintily trimmed with shirred net lace and banding. White and pink. Slips 3.00 Panties 1.25 Van Raalte BLACK SLIPS - - - 2.98 A magnetic slip, trimmed with net lace, with all-lace rein forced bra. Lace banding at bottom. She'll love it be cause she loves nice things! EXCLUSIVE GIFT SUGGESTIONS BY i ;m y ail ixaati o I BRIEFS and TRUNKS - - 1.85 & 2.00 fl Made of the famous Van Raalte petalskln and stryp that lie smoothly under any garment. Popular pastel shade. FRENCH PANTIES - - - 1.00 & 1.25 Extra leg width and length in sires 6 to 9. Fashioned of the famoua Van Raalte stryp. Tearoe only. 'Sgj HER Newest Elizabeth Arden fragrance In Eau de Toilette and Dusting Powder In satin-covered box. Tray removes ond box can be used for hankies. 10.00 Purse-size flacon of Mffle Flours Perfume In a circle of satin. 5.00 f" " Boloved Blue Grass or Cyclamen Flower Mist . rides astride this Elizabeth Arden feather' decked, ribbon-trimmed rocking horse. 3.50 MapfailuM RAYON ROBES 8.95 Lovely new brushed rayons In plain and modernistic cut patterns. Patent pip ing on sleeve, pocket and necklines. Blue and wine color. Brushed Rayon ROBES - 7.95 A lovely ribbed rayon robe In rich wine and blue. Tailored style with cord trimming. Satin Quilted ROBES - - - - - - - - - - 14.95 Dainty floral patterns on white and pastel grounds. Full swing skirts. Full satin lining. A gorgeous gift for milady. trgdleel Gill Sell lie fl use and use oiven en air of . . -rfCO! luxury ey tofy. Weve many omen, at many prices 3g-?J-''iy:M& all charming. IK rr. sr.-. --iAr .... fw.- -...v-: CmhA Ten Wow. $18$ V yitjOfc t1 'i lm,tmi, QoorM . . . $3 7i " , i "Alr-Jpun"Mok.-UpS.i,$2?5 jtlV -VH1I..I.- Trov.l K. . $3 95 V " I Blue Grass fragrance to present In the holiday spirit ; ; ; In Elizabeth Arden Victorian letter Box containing Flower Mist and gossamer-textured dusting powder. 3.50 McphMtanf Decked with hotly and enclosed In cellophane Is a miniature of Santa' boot. A dram of wonderful. Blue Grass or White Orchid Perfume nestles Inside. 1.75 coX ' 'j tcJCj !) . -r& x i h o r Dainty colors delightful fragrance r Economical, tool 25 Bath Sachets In $ distinctive Gift Box U LI U THt WOMAN'S STODE.imc i