Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 04, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    December 4, 1042
page thk1
0 o
Klmniitli potato fiirnittrs from
bulh llio Oregon unci California
Ides mudo rupri'smitutlons to
, Luwrunco Smith, OI'A of f Iclnl,
liuro tli In wuck In itiibittiiiillutlon
' of their iirgummils Hint thu cur-
" rent OI'A pi'lcii ceilings on pota
toes lire liit'(ullnbly low. The
colling la $2,10 for Novombur
sales by country shippers.
Thu furmers took nolo of a
telegram from Hunuliir MoNnry,
received oiirly In tlio wuck, to
tlio effect Unit un tipping of tlio
colling Ik In prospect, but put ad
clllliiiiiil tin tit In tint record to
strengthen their enso.
OS3.70 Por Aero Lou
They piosontud cunt diitn to
how Unit II easts $1.IIU on tlio
".vcrnuu to put 100-pound sack
; of potatoes on tlio cum hero.
, . On an aero basis, tno local
.rfnrmerii presented figure to
.show that tho total lucouio to n
farmer on tho uvcriiKO In $327.30
(under the existing celling) whllo
tho per acre cn.it Ik $331. Thus,
- the farmers asserted, tho loss U
I3.7U per ncro.
Yank Sentenced
For Spreading
"Scare Stories"
LIVERPOOL, Kngland, Dec. 4
(AP) An American iihlps cook,
Wllllum Edwin Stull, 42, whose
address wiik not given, wok sent-
sliced Thursday to two weeks
nurd labor for spreading scuro
stories about tho North African
An American navnl officer
Testified ho heard Stull tiny Unit
ho had Juxt returned from Orun
nd that "stories about there
bolus no resistance arc boloney.
J iaw 0000 American dend on
the benches."
Tho prosecution said Stull
hnd not been within 2S miles
of Ornn, and Hint there was no
foundation for his stories.
1 Sprague River
Saturday shoppers In Klam
.. ath Fulls were Mr. and Mrs,
I Roy Evans, Mrs, Albert Kcaster,
; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rondo, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. I'remo, Mr. mid
Mrs. Fred Zebull; Mrs. Pearl
Shadley and Mr. and Mrs, Byrd
Tompkins and son Sidney.
; Mr. and Mrs, - Louis Croly
had Thanksgiving dinner with
OMr. and Mrs. Jim Conroy at
Klamath Knlls. They spent the
; evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
; Coffnuin at Modoc Point. Mr.
, mid Mrs. Carlos Scrlght and
; family were guesls nt the Coff-
man home for Thanksgiving.
! Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Williamson
t spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
J and Mrs. Tom Blackford In
; Klamath Fulls.
; Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Ferrari
spent Thnnksglvlng weekend
with relatives In Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kircher
. were Thanksgiving guests at the
" C. D. Ough home; Mr. and Mrs.
Z Jack Nelson nt the Woolford
; home; Mr. and Mrs. Sum Camp-
; bell at the W. II. Tompkins homo
; and Mr. and Mrs. Art Fuller at
; tho C. A. Fuller home.
; Miss Martha Kulin was a
guest of Mrs. Crnco Reynolds
j for ThnnksKlvlng.
' Mr. and Mrs. William George
Wre leaving Sprague River.
WGcorge has been under a doctor's
i care for some time and has been
t advised to movo to a lower al
! llludc.
f Wlltcrd Bnrkcley enlisted. In
. the army Monday.
, Mr. and Mrs. Peto Grob were
Thanksgiving guests at tlio
'. Heidrlch homo.
; There were no prehistoric
giants or pygmies among tho
wonders of America's pnst, nc
r cording to the Smithsonian In
'stttution. CREDIT WITH THE
Are Really Buying Powor
Piirt'liiiao Coupon r ntioUior
roiivriiknt typfl of rroillt .
nvnllnhln to you nt Henri.
Vmi mnkft lino call nt our
Crmlit Office, m-t ft linokfiil
of Coupon, llirn nprml Ilium
Mho rnnli wlim you wnnt to,
TltoiiAnmlA of miinrt wonifn
krvp a hook linnily no tlmy
never in Inn n lmrnlnl Hmall
down pnymrnt, ntnnll month
ly payments, iiouaI currying
MiMand ZmfUsie
Midland Home , Economics
club held Its regular meeting
Tuesday evening at the homo of
Mrs. Leo Sutton. Election of of
ficers was held with' the follow
ing results: president, Anna Sut
ton; vico president, Mrs. August
Andrtcu; secretary, Nclllo Mot
chenbneher, The next meeting
place will bo announced at a
Inter date, ' '
Mr. and Mrs. A, Plnclll spent
tlio weekend ut McCloud, Calif.,
with relatives and friends.
Midland granga will hold a
Joint Installation of officers
with Shasta' grange at the Mid
land grange hall December 0, at
II p. m. All officers are askod
to be present.
J. O. Hooper Is building sev
eral largu granaries on his
ranch for storage.
An announcement has been
received of the birth of a son
to Mr. and Mrs, James Sutton
on October 28 at their residence
In Los Angeles. Tho baby has
been named Jerry Lytic
Fort Klamath
Mr. and Mrs. William Hucklcr
were called to Redding, Calif,,
Inst week to attend funeral serv
ices for Huckler's uncle, the late
A. H. Bculo. They remained for
several days to visit relatives In
Redding before returning home
to Fort Klamath.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Beck
man have moved back to their
homo In Fort Klamath frour Cra
ter Lake park, where Bcckman
Is omployed as maintenance fore
man and Mrs. Bcckman has been
operating tho dining hall at gov
ernment hcudqunrtcrg for some
time. Ucckmnn is awaiting the
call to duty as Sno-Co operator
by tho government while storing
the last of the park equipment.
The park is now closed to travel
and will remain closed during
the winter months.
Mrs. Bcckman visited In Klam
ath Falls last week with her
mother, Mrs. Ina Blackmcr of
Los Angeles, who is visiting at
the homo of her son, daughter-in-law
and grandson, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Blackmer and son
Loren. Blackmer Is reported
Improved following a siege of Ill
ness which has confined him to
bed for tlio past six weeks.
Miss Ruby Smith, cook at the
local Algoma hotel, spent
Thanksgiving day In Klamath
L, M. Strccler Is In Red Bluff,
Calif., where ho went last week
to superintend winter pasturing
of six cars of cattlo which he
shipped recently.
Mm., Grover Copcland and
daughter, Mrs. Pitts, moved
Monday to Ashland, whero they
will spend tho winter months.
Copcland accompanied his fam
ily to Ashland and will be em
ployed clsewhcro for tho winter.
They expect to return In the
spring to Fort Klamath, -where
they havo been living on the
George Denton ranch which they
have leased from Denton.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Vornum
wero In Klamath Falls Monday,
Varnum having been forced to
discontinue work after suffering
a sprained back. He is employed
by the Crater Lake park service,
nnd will be stationed in Fort
Klnmath as caretaker of the park
equipment during tho winter
months. .
Other local people spending
Mondoy In Klamath Falls in
cluded Mrs. Elmer i Zumbrun
nnd son Bllllc, Mrs. Roy Wlmer
and grnnddnughtcr, Diane
Riiegg, Mr. nnd Mrs. Haaiford
Wlllinms and daughter Enid,
Mrs. Tom Dyche, Mrs. Orvllle
Checker-Board Cake
A combination of rich butter layers ond milk
chocolate layers. Iced with a delicate milk
chocolate Icing. i
Walnut Coffee Rihqs
Baked a golden brown and topped with
wnlnutt ; ' . , 1 '
75c each
Spice Fruit Drops
2 doz. 25c
Schroeder, Mrs. Roy Deffonbach
er, Joe White, Harold Wlmer and
Clifford Engle.
Mr. and Mrs. Guns Pugo enter
tulncd at Thanksgiving dinner at
tholr homo here, when covers
were laid for tho following, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hackler, Mr,
and Mrs. William Zumbrun, Win
Brewer, Emll Zumbrun, Mr. and
Mrs. Guss Pago and son, Gene.
Langell Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Johnson
and children of Bly spent
Thanksgiving at tho home of her
mother, Mrs. Ruby Brown. They
left Friday morning to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Brown at Vyu,
Nov,, returning to Bly on Sun
day evening,
Mrs. Emery Johnson spent
Sunday with Mrs. Lester Lcuv
Itt and family.
Mrs. Mlko Dearborn returned
Saturday from Klamath Valley
hospital. She Is spending sev
eral days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Monroe,
Rodney Lee, small son of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Grucll, is ill with
pneumonia. . His father arrived
from Camp White, where he Is
stationed, to bo with him.
David House and Orvllle Huff
man left Fridoy morning for
their army examination.'
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson,
Mrs. Lela Murray, Mrs. Florence
Botklns and L. A. Constant en
joyed Thanksgiving dinner at
tho Harry Frazicr home. '
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mason
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs El
liott House and family, Mrs.
Mary Lcidy and Mildred Tcarc
were Thanksgiving ' guests
at the R. M. Tea re home.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Brown
and Mrs. Lulu Brown are spend
ing somo time In Idaho with
Bud Brown, their son and bro
ther. Thanksgiving day guests at
tho Lcavltt home included Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Dearborn and
family, Mrs. Mary Dearborn,
Mrs. Albert Dearborn and fam
ily, Mlko Dearborn, Mrs. Char
les Partridge, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dearborn and Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Johnson and Allan.
Mrs. Mary Dearborn spent
Sunday with her son and fam
ily, the Al Dearborns.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown
entertained Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Nicholas, Mrs. Ruby Brown and
Vernon Ncclcy at dinner on
Mrs. Edith Ebaugh of Oak
land,' Calif., is visiting her neph
ew and family, the Lloyd Gifts.
"Mr. and Mrs. Owci, cpple
and sons were guests of his par
ents ond brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Popple and Bob on
E. L. Thompson has been
called to the army. He is now
stationed at San Prriro rHi
Mrs. Thompson wiil leave Che-
muii 10 Do with him at San
Pedro. v - " ...
Fay Thompson of Chemult
cafe spent a week with her sis
ters, Mrs. Don Bertram and Mrs.
E. S. Hawkins.
Mrs. Damon was a business
visitor in Bend last week.
Let's put everything to work)
Sell the articles you don't use
through a classified ad.
For Raw Muskrat Skins
Phone 6425
11S So. 7th .
Mrs. M. H. Parsons left Sat
urday for Cour d'Alene, Idaho
to visit for soma time. Parsons
is In defense work there.
Mrs. J. F. Prltchard has re
turned from Pomona, Calif.,
whero she visited relatives. Her
daughter, Patricia returned home
with her,
B. E. and Earl Kerns have
had their cattle Inoculated prior
to shipping them south for the
Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Sharpc
and Miss Ednn Bloom of Keno
nnd Mr. nnd Mrs". M. M. Donel
son nnd Malcolm Epley of Klnm
ath Falls, were entertained at an
oyster supper, at the homo of
Mr. ond Mrs. A, T. Hoffman, of
tho Bend highway.
Francis Ramsey, son of Leon
ard Ramsey, left for the nrmy
last Tuesday.
Joseph Giroux, who has been
teaching in ' the Athal school
near Coucr d'Alene, Idaho, has
taken tho place of science and
mathematics teacher left vacant
when Mrs. Terry returned to
Oklahoma. Mrs. Clarence Hum
ble substituted for a week after
Mrs. Terry left.
John Znroslnski, who has been
working in Portland for somo
time, has returned to Keno and
has entered school. '
June Matchctt and Barbara
Moore are working in town on
Bessie Puckctt is In Klamath
Falls taking names for the city
The tcacherage at Keno has
been completely renovated and
has new linoleum on the floors.
Miss Bloom and Miss Lytic are
living there.
Art Cooper is the new bus
driver for Weyerhaeuser dis
trict. Keno basketball teams will
meet Sacred Heart Academy
tenmg In Klamath Falls on Mon
day evening.
Mr. Seelcy and Mrs. Stout
called at the school Wednesday
on routine business.
H. C. Sharpc has received
word that his brother has gone
to the army.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McAllister
and family went to San Fran
" """"" ' o'lS I
oM8 f&i
HE'S A BOMBARDIER. He's the business man of this B-17B
bomber crew. His office is the "greenhouse" of transparent
plastic in the nose of the ship. And he works there on split
second time. But when those busy "office hours" are over
well, just look below and watch him enjoying a Camel
the favorite cigarette on land, on sea, and in the air.
rigb ... .. .
( A PACK op c6 I PIS? : :
I , THE: -jf-ZO N E ' f-T t
I lify where cigarettes J for Taste, VY j,
i rf TheT.XONr'-TastcandThroat-isthe V fS fCj&i '
M 1 J provInggroundforcigamtes.Onlry9r N V CAMELS : 4 I i V-J JflJ ' -NT
SCT- taste and throat can decide which ciga- ' . WvESsHVX tilM&P? ? '
m " ' -i . hkz, -truys m,w?a i ' ! 1 -t ? fr
p rastc ana mroat are aosoiuteiy maividual to you. i V T JTSNSltmA 'fr
1:1 Based on the exnerienr of millinnc nt mr,lrr. . l,.i:. M ' - " va l"r 'v
Kt Cnm will vmip T.mili'i ,nr h nM..A : . w .' J K v:. .
cisco to attend the funeral of
McAllister's brother on Wed
nesdny. Mrs. Ross Simmers went to
Klamath Falls on business Tues
day evening.
Tho seniors hove received
their memory books, a gift from
the engravers, and are busily
filling them In with autographs
nnd data.
The new milk program at
school by which tho children
may buy a bottle for 1 cent has
gone over in a big way.
Word has been received from
Marvin Barrett that he has re
covered from an appendicitis
operation at Corpus Christ), Tex,
and has returned to his ship.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Calmcs ond
daughter Monnletto and son
Barney went to Alturas for a
weekend visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Spicer.
The Girls' league sponsored
the bond and stamp sale for
Women at War week. Proceeds
were $66.35 In comparison with
an average sale of between $15
and $30 a week.
Willow Ranch
Several women met at the
Bishop homo last Friday for Red
Cross sewing. Mrs. Bishop has
received material from the Al
turas chapter and It is hoped
there will be plenty of workers.
The work will be continued as
long as materials may be se
The Willow Ranch PTA met
Tuesday night with Mrs. Mary
Jones, president, presiding. It
was decided to have a card party
and pic social January 2. Speak
ers were from the forest service.
including Mr. Bacon of Alturas
Slide pictures of logging oper
ations at Adin were shown. The
guests were shown the work
room which includes a 20 foot
work bench built by the older
boys; a large assortment of tools
has been bought and a neat job
of work has been done.
News reached here of the
death November 24 of Albert
Fleming at a hospital in San
Francisco. Mr. Fleming was one
of the old timers of this com
munity, he and his brother Wal
ter being extensive property
holders here. Funeral arrange-:
ments arc unknown here. I
"Snooky" Bishop, who is tak-i
ing flight training at Bend,
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bishop.
SALEM, Dec. 4 (P) The Ore- j
gon civilian defense council re- j
ceived a big shipment, charges I
collect, of pamphlets to encour-1
age all persons to limit their
meat consumption to 2 'A pounds
ot meat per week. Tho charges
on the shipment were $6.60, and
tho pamphlets were sent out by
tho national civilian defense ;
headquarters. !
The state council refused to
accept the shipment. It said it
was silly to ask Oregon resi
dents to obey the 2 lk pound
limit when there isn't even a
pound per person per week
The northwest sector office
of civilian defense, after several
state and county defense coun
cils refused to accept the collect
shipment, asked the councils to :
accept it but not to pay for it,
asserting that the government
would pay the bill. The ship
ments should have been sent
Band Concert to j
Feature Fremont
Carnival Tonight !
An outstanding feature of the
Fremont carnival Friday eve
ning, (tonight), is the concert to
bo presented by the Junior high
school band including 14 mem-1
bers of the "B" band of Klamath
Union high school. The band j
members are students of Andrew ;
Loney Jr., director of music edu-'.
cation in the city school system, j
The performance will start at
7:30 p. m., and the public is in
vited. The band will play six
or seven numbers during the eve
ning. .
SEATTLE W) Found: A man
who didn't want the gasoline ;
he was allotted.
Fred G. Lee called at the of
Shasta Way busses leave
downtown on the hour and
take you to our door. For the
return trip tha bus comes by
at 20 minutes past the hour.
The favorite cigarette with men in
the Amy, Navy, Marines, and Coast
Guard is Camel. (Based on actual
ales records In Post Exchanges,
' Sales Commissaries, Ship's Service
Stores, Ship's Stores, and Canteens.)
rL"u" i , . y r jfe
fice of defense transportation to
report he didn't want the 198
gallons allowed him for opera
For fuller figures, a grana
brassiere of soft cotton
lace with lastex side gores.
Wide 5 - inch diaphragm
band. Nude.
. Sizes 32 to 42
Split-Second Time
"i 'St - . i
A IX America's living at split-second time today . . . from the bom
A bardier at his bombsighr to the men who make the bombs like
Jerry Lorigan below. You ... and you . . . and everybody!
So it's only natural that most everybody's smok
ing more these days. Only natural, too, that taste and -throat
the'T-Zonc" are more important than ever
to cigarette smokers now.
But... take no one's word for it when it comes to
yourownsmoking. Make the "T-Zone" test described
at the left, below. And let your taste and your throat
decide for themselves.
1ERRV LORIGAN, who forges bombs on a split-second
schedule, is just as partial to Camels as the man who lays
those bombs on the target. "I've smoked Camels for years,"
says Jerry. "They don't get my throat, and they don't tire
my taste. They're topsl"
tion of his truck, Ho had been
handling wholesale foods. Now
he's working in a shipyard.
Scientific Support
The Gale d o '
1H 1
cicnlic -r"-flalire i
aid in corrr - - .
dcfeCtS' rXt - operative '
The thign .-- ,
ture, the Bides
tic Insoris . '
S? acUsatthc bacH, ,
are features usually
. . . . --.nl! HLrUU " " I
found only ' J";.
striped coui....
Sizes 26-4"
133 So. 8th
ti 'i