HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTElIrf ClajlHd Advorflilng Roteo On doy run por word ,0 j day run P" word flo 3 day run Pr word Bo day run 8 day run Week run Month run per word lOe Glallijfied ASLteAtiAit(f Sectiaa 20 DISCOUNT for payment In Advance. This dl count glvan to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid in advanca adi only. DISCOUNT POR '. Payment by tha 10th. Thll die count glvan to Iniura prompt payment of ads charged on a monthly bail. ..per word 11c ..... pr word 12o .......par word 32e 1042 CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments (or llonl U Automotive -....84 Bualnesa Opportunities ... 411 Educational 12 rininclal ................... 4 ror Bala or Trade -..311 Oenoral Nottcea - ...... 4 Health J? Help Wanted, Female ...... 14 Help Wanted, Male 1U Houses for nont ..2U Uvmlouk and Poultry 44 Lost and round 2 MUcullunepua For limit 2U Mlacellanaoua For Hule ........30 Mlacelluneous Wunted 42 I'erionuli 1 Heel Eiitiito (or Sale 30 Ileal Estate Wanted 32 nm nnil Himrd ... 211 I Lou end found LOST -Man's purse, Friday Kinder keep money, mull purse to address In purse. K. W. Chichester. Illy. 12-4 HOST Brown pigskin glovea. Reward, NnwslleruWI office. 12-4 l.OHT I'nlr man's gliuwcs be tween Washburn way niul Townr theatre. Howard. News- Herald. 12 3 LOST Dlllfold on Main be tween Bth and 7th streets. Re ward. Phone 4201. 12-3 LOST A imiall coin purse and a pair o( gold-rlmmcd glusscs somewhere between Klamath Union high school end 1812 Portltind street, full 47BII or 1812 Portland street, evenings a(tT p, m, 12-3 Oeneral Moticn rOIl VITALLO SOIL TONIC nee Ray Van Meter of Malln. Mm. J. M. Jones. 1 2-3 Personal! MONUMENTS Klamath Falls .Miirbln nnd Grnnlte Works, 116 So. 11th. Phono 038 1 12-0 10 Service REMODELING Repair Roof ing. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1821 Ar thur St. Phone 3406. 12-22 PLUMHING, HEATING, sheet metal work, furnace vacuum cleaned. P. L. Johnson, 1430 RnrKont Phone S329. 12-22 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 0848. 12-0m KNIVES. scissors, uwi sharp- ened. Welding. Bodcnhamcr Repair Shop, 331 E Muln 12-10 GENERAL REPAIRINO All types (moll gnu engines. Bodil enhamcr Saw Filing, 381 East Main. . . 12-8 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnuco rlennlnir. oil burner service J. A. Tufts. Phone 7149. 1213 PICTURE FRAMING Gocller's, 230 Main. 1214 m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered, Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs H. M. Allcndcr, 731 Main Room 218. Phone 7203. 12-10m EXPERT TAILORING and al teration by Johnson Tailors, 126 So. 8th, Pelican Bldg 12-10 PAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phone 4220. 12-10m PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop. 510 Mnin, 12-24m BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and patched. People's Ware house Bag Co. 310Btf REFRIGERATOR, Woshlng Ma chine, Vacuum Cleaner pnrts and service, nil makes. Merit Washing Mnchlno Service, 011 South Sixth. 12-3 lm FLOOR SANDING nnd rcflnlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. 12-31m I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas, Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klnmath Fulls, Ore. 12-31 12 Educational EDUCATIONAL Hours of training arranged to suit hi dividual. Modernistic Beauty College. MR Klnmnth Ave 3883. 12-22 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. 532 Main. Dial 7315, 12-3lm 14 Help Wanted Female WANTED Middle-need house. keeper for fomlly of two. 228 Lytton. 12-3 JANITOR WANTED Mnn or woman. The El Padre, 12-4 WANTED Woman for house work, $00 for first month, room nnd board. Steady If re liable. Mrs. Stove Takacs Tulelukc. 12-3 WANT OFFICE GIRL (or part time work afternoons only Type no shorthand. Good wogos. Write Box 3931, News- 14 H.lp WnUd Tamil 28 " i.-r-vrP-nj-l,rUjc. WANTED Experienced beauty operator. Houston Bcuuty Shop, 114 No. 8th, 3617tf WASHROOM HELPER. Inside work. Caicade Laundry. 12-6 1 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Tajrkey plckor. i reimportation furnished. Call Dive Llskey, 4470, 3103tf WANTED Three Carry. All scrapers and tractors, light or 12-yard capacity, Hourly or contract basis, Apply In per son or write Keith Morrill, Logging Hupt,, The Red River Lumber Co., Wcstwood, Collf. 310(Uf WANTED Reliable married men with radio or refriger ation service experience or with mechanical experience and willing to learn refrlger tlon. Apply to D. McGrath Montgomery Ward Co., Klam ath Falls. 12-3 WANTED An exoerlenced tub ricatlun man, must also be a snrvlco salesman. Good posi tion (or right party. Apply Bulrk Garnge. 1330 Mnin. 12-9 II Situation Wanted BAUYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week 1104 Crescent. Phone 8341. 12-4m WOMAN wants Janitor work NeWs-llerald Box 3003. 12-3 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN afternoons. Call nt 2137 Or chard or Phone 551)0. 3618U WANTED Job from 7 to 12 mornings. Phone 6247. 1 2-3 20 Room and Board BOARD ROOM 804 N. 10th. Gentleman 12-3 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS 1034 High. 12-5m HEATED ROOMS 825 High, 1215 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms. $3,50 up. - 12-20 CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th All outside, newly decorated modern rooms. All with new lnnersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 12-30m LARGE comfortable room. Sin gle or double, Well heated Close In. Phone 01)00. 12-7 24 Apartments For Rent UPSTAIRS, furnished. Wood, water and lights 120.00. 138 Mortimer. 12-3 FURNISHED APT. 501 Market. 12-3 1-ROOM APARTMENT Nicely furnished. 804 N. 8th. 3372M HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Completely furnished, $4 and $4.50 week. 410 "o. 5th. 12-3 VACANCY Rex Arms Aport mcnts, 224 Broad. Phone 6700, New management. Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 12-8m CASCADE Apartment Hotel Apartment accommodations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day week or month. Throe blocks from city center. 12-llm ESPLANADE COURT Apart ments. Furnished. Day, week or month. Walking distance, 12-Bm NEARLY NEW modern, furnish ed duplex apartment. 1026 Portland. Phone 5400. 12-3 FOR RENT Furnished apart- mcnts, $1 4 - $18, one block south of Pelican school. Zleg Icr npnrtmc ts. 12-4 V A C A N C Y Everything fur nishod, p. Ice reasonable, 1404 Klomath Avo. 12-4 LARGE 2-room steam heated npartmcnt near Ewauna Box Co. ' Phone 8149 or 3025 eve nings. 2420U LIGHT housekeeping room, Close In. 405 No. 3rd. 12-4 THREE-ROOM furnished flat near SP. Inquire 117 N. 8th 3883 tf RIVERVIEW 4 rooms, nicely furnished, garnge. Call 6482. 2417U 4-ROOM HOUSE with stoves, Jnmilro 1537 Wllford. 12-3 TWO-ROOM furnished; also sin olo llffht housekeeping: utll itles furnished. 109 N. Brond, 12-7 VACANCY Hot Springs Court, 221 Soring. 12-8 MODERN, furnished . duplex 424 Division. 12-3 SLEEPING or housekeeping room for gentleman. Close In 423 N. 10th. 3875U VACANCY 900 Owens, 12-9 SB Houses For Rent 9.RF.DROOM. Dartly furnished Convenient to Weyerhaeuser nnd Kcsterson mills, school and Lion's grocery store. $17.50 House For Rent TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; movo yourself, save Stiles Beacon Sorvlco, 1201 Eust Muln, Phono 8304, 12-7m FURNISHED two-room cabins. Hlghley's Market, Summers lnne. Phono 8075. 3757tf TWO-ROOM furnished house. shower, garage, Chelsea addi tion. Inquire 827 Walnut. Ph, 3SP5. 12-3 3 ROOMS, furnished, 5 acres, wood, large chicken house, garage, neor Weyerhaeuser, $15. E. Hnlnes. Inquire Lien's store. 12-3 WINTER HATES Modern cot tages, Plenty fuel. Every thing furnished. 2125 Ulelin. 353lltf FURNISHED two-room house. Close In, adults only. 510 So, Fifth. . 12-3 UNFURNISHED three-bedroom house. 720 Mt. Whitney, 3022tf BACHELOR'S CABINS, $10 month. 610 So. Fifth. FOR RENT 3-room furnbihed apnrtment In duplex. Electric range, washer, Frigidnire. Wa tor, CIoso In. Phono 4253. 014 Lincoln, 3B70tf THREE-ROOM HOUSE $12; two- room house $10. Inquire 3440 Boardman, Cabin 5. 12-5 FOR RENT 3-room house In Altnmont, $13. Call 4051. 12-5 FURNISHED HOME Avnllnblc 4 or 8 weeks, to be culled into military service. Two-bedroom house, basement, furnace, elec tric hot water heater, 2 tons coal, hardwood floors in liv ing room and dining room and hullway. Simmons springs and mattresses, Venetian blinds, recently redecorated. New Wcdgcwood gus range, new General Electric refrigerator new ABC washing machine Everything new in house with In past yenr. References re quired. Prefer couple with no yoUng children. On paving, close to high school. - Write Box 3129, Herald and News 12-5 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE 231 South Eleventh St. 12-llm 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Well furnished 3 room house, Biith, garage Fenced, lawn and trees. $2750. $730 cosh, ' lance like rent. 1310 Lookout.. Inquire 58 Main, Apartment 4. 12-4 FOR SALE OR RENT Two bedroom house with supply of wood. Close In. Phono 3779. 512 Doty. 12-3 80 ACRES, buildings, 291 acres under irrigation. Good sandy soil. Price $3500. Terms. Also 160-ACRE flANCH, all under Ir rigation, near Adams Point. Buildings, two large potato cellars. M. A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. 12-4 SALE OR RENT New, modern five-room house, good location. Fireplace, large closets and utility room, bullt-lns, garage. Owner leaving town. Tele phone 8533. .12-5 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY 40 or 50 acres close to Klamath Falls. Phone 40B7. 12-3 34 Automotive Wrecker Service Call Day 6151 Night 3360 BUICK GARAGE 4 1330 MAIN ' . 12-19 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. " .' 12-flm FOR SALE 1030 Model A Ford Tudor, 000x10 tiros. Fair. Cnll nt 1535 Gnry St.. 12-3 FOR SALE '37 Plymouth coupe.'; Inqulro 1003 Upham. 12-3 FOR SALE 1941 Plymouth De- Luxe coupe. Excellent condi tion. Phone 6923. 12-3 1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN . Excellent tires and motor. Stte- , rlfice for cash, or will nccept trade for equity. 2530 Want- land. ' 12-3 FOR SALE 1B3B Plymouth pickup, good tires. Phone 6622. Ask for Dick. 12-5 FOR SALE '30 International . W-ton' pnncl, 5 good tires. $100 cash. 824 Owens. 12-5 MUST SELL my 1940 Ford De- Luxe sedan. 'This enr has 32,- 000 miles, deep green finish, .with a radio nnd 70. rubber. Cash price $450. 130 Martin St. ,: ' "' . 12-3 WILL TRADE EQUITY '30 Nash ' 4-door for Model , A or cheap 34 Automotive GAS RATIONING 240 miles per month saves a lot of walking and about 80 hours valuable time. Budget your riding so that every mllo counts for efficien cy, Any one of our good used enrar Is a good investment. 1942 Bulck Century Sedan 1941 Olds Sedanetta 2 Good Ford Pickups 1938 Chrysler Coupe 1035 Dodge Coupe 1037 Ford Tudor 2 Model A Fords And Many Others. Also new cars for Immediate delivery with certificate. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main St.' 1034 FORD COUPE, tires fair, beater, spotlight. Phone 7050. 12-4 1040 OLDS DELUXE COUPE Radio, heater, ' new oversize tires, $050, or will trade for equity in small modern home. Rt. 3, Box 82, old Midland road, 12-3 OWNER CALLED TO ARMY Late 1040 1-ton truck, 4-speed transmission, heavy duty equipment, all around mechan ically perfect. $800. During day Bolslger Garage, evenings 230 Nevada. 12-5 FOR SALE '30 Chev. coach Good tires, good running con dition. $35. 1778 Etna. 12-3 FOR SALE Model A coach, Five good tires, good top, good paint, good mechanical condi tion. This car must be sold not later than Sunday evening, December 6. Will accept best offer. See car at 3110 Sum mers lone. 12-4 35 Fuel HeLtlng UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404 12-31m 36 Miscellaneous For Sal AVON PRODUCTS. Anna Funk Phone 3450 after 5. 12-6 MIRRORS Resilvering, plate and - window glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. Phone 7378. 12-6m RED FRYERS Crystal's, Mer- rill-Lakevicw junction. 12-4 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joycr, 1435 Martin. Phone 3077. 12-24 TODAY'S SPECIALS In Used Furniture, Stoves and Appliances: 10 Nice Dinette Sets $10 up 10 Fine Refrigerators $30 up 100 New and Used Heaters $3 up 10 Nice Bedroom Suites $30 up 5 Nice Davenport Suites $23 up Also a nice line of new Floor Lamps and Hassocks for Xmas. Buy Here and Save We Give Terms PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 So. 0th St. . Phone 8409 12-3 W ATKINS PRODUCTS Dial 6623 or 2318 Home. 12-30 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 3106U CITY MAPS Pocket size, up-to-the-minute, Including subur ban sections. Block numbers indicated, Index keyed to map, Price 20c. For sale at Cham ber of Commerce, Everbody'; Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug, Louie Polin s, Postoffice now stand, Carmichaels news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, Herald and News, Vie s Signal Service, 3104tf AVON PRODUCTS 4981. 1 Phone 12-7 FOR SALE Trash burner. Phone 7608 or call at 903 Wal nut evenings. .12- STOVES REPAIRED All parts ' stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. P h o n 5671. 12-31m FOR SALE Potatoes an , onions. Jack Grafton Cellar, 4 miles from Klamath Falls on Merrill road. 1- USED PUMPS, pressure, cen . trifngal; 1-1 1-Inch pipe. South em Oregon Well Drilling Co 630 So. 6th. Phone 6622. 12 DODGE 1J-TON TRUCK, good dual tires; 4-room home, hot water hent, extra lot. Phone 6022. 12-8 IF CHRISTMAS TREES over 8 ft. high are desired, place or der at Ernie's Richfield Ser- . vice Station, 9th and Pine, be fore Sunday, December 6. Ph 5726 or 5407. i 12 PROTECT the refrigerator you now own by having It re- enameled at Kohen's Enamel Shop. Phone 5442 for estl- , mate. l-2m It Miscellaneous Tot Bala TURKEYS FOR SALE Live weight 35c lb, Mrs. Tom Calmes, Keno. 12-8 ELECTRIC MOTOR, 1-3 h.p., $16. Power belt 12 ft. long, 4 In. wide. Pressure pump, no motor, some pipe and fittings, $20. Potatoes, Is and 2s, farm prices. 728 N. 2nd St. 12-5 3$ Tot Sal or Trad HONEST PRICES and weights guaranteed on all livestock. PAULEY Packing Co., Sum mers lane. Phone 6323 or 3506. 3107tf 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE 1941 Pontlac five- passenger club coupe. Best of condition, good rubber on 2 bedroom house close to school. Would like basement. News Herald, box 3623. 12-4 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Unfurnished apart ment or duplex suitable for three. Phone 4808 after 5:30. 12-5 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: Jersey-Durham cow. fresh 3 days. $90 for cow and heifer calf delivered. Phone 4943. 5102 So. 6th St. 12-3 FOR SALE or trade for heifer, young Holstoin bull. Phone 4907. 12-3 FOR SALE 24 high test dairy cows, Jersey and Guernsey. Unas. Dyer, Tulelake, Calif. 12-9 46 Financial See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simole Credit Reaulrement Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Sieners Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-273 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 lJIlm LOANS Established 8 Years In Klamath County Furniture Loans Signature Loans Livestock Loans ; $25 to $300 Rogers Finance Co - S-189 412 Main Dial 5113 li-Sln CASH LOANS WITHOUT KNDOR8ERS . S WATS TO OET A rONSCMBR CASH LOAN rHO.NB . WRITE . COME TS Ton need bo eo-ilRntri or endorser! to get ooneoroer loan THREE LOAN PLANS SO. 1-1KCOMB tOAVS On jour note only. Jto' lrit u- iguturau. no cu-ugnerc. HO. FURNlTtJHIt tOAXS Tour character It more Important nn uii luroiiure lum NO. t ATTO LOANS o to m caih loaoi and rttl aancing. . CONSUMERSCREDIT COMPANY (MSJ 720 Pine St. S-U9) Phone 7711 It-SIm 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Complete restau rant and bar equipment. 330 So. 6th. - 12-4 New Trial Denied Jehovah Witnesses PORTLAND, Dec. 3. (P) Motions for new trials for David W. Hoyt, Corvallis, and Robert Slaughter, Lane county, Jehov ah's Witnesses, found guilty of selective service violations, were denied yesterday by Federal Judge Claude McColloch. ' Hoyt Is under a two-year senterjee, Slaughter 3 4-year. Alaska' yas purchased from Russia by the United States at a cost of about 2 cents an acre, BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main and Sprlns Phone JH4 m M&ikeU mm DOWN AFTER By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, Dec. 3 m Stocks turned a trifle Irregular in today's market after a morn ing push led by rails and favored industrials. Selective advancing tenden cies were in evidence at the start and, at the best, gains ranged from fractions to more than a point. But while plus marks were well distributed in the final hour, declines were plentiful. Transfers for the full stretch were around 600,000 shares. Closing quotations: American Can . 711 Am Car & Fdy 231 Am Tel tc Tel 1285 Anaconda ....... 251 371 i 291 411 20i 71 58i 271 16! 6 34 6 111 71 221 2t 221 Cat Tractor Comm'nw'Hh & Sou General Electric .. General Motors Gt Nor Ry. pfd -.. Illinois Central Int Harvester Kennecott . . Lockheed ... Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv N Y Central Northern Pacific . Pac Gas & El Packard Motor . Penna R R Republic Steel 14 71 381 60 151 41 3i 51 141 78 471 61 Richfield Oil Safeway Stores . Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Brands .. Sunshine Mining .... Trans-America .. Union Oil Calif Union Pacific U S Steel Warner Pictures WHEAT By FRANKLIN MULLIN CHICAGO, Dee. 3 (VP) Profit taking sales lowered grain prices fractions to more than a cent a bushel at times today but the market recovered much of the loss before the close as a result of mill buying and hedge lifting reflecting flour and cash corn sales. House passage on legislation to Include farm labor costs on com puting parity prices stimulated some short covering. Wheat closed 1-1 cent lower than yesterday, December $1,261, May $1.31-1.301; corn ic lower to 1c higher, December 863c, May 801-ic; oats 1c down rye 1-lc lower; soybeans Ic off to ic up. Night club Fire Will Cost U. S. Half a Million BOSTON, Dec. 3 (ff) The Co coanut Grove night club fire in which nearly 500 patrons and employes met death, may cost the United States government as much as half a million dollars in life insurance benefits for more than 50 members of the armed service were among those who perished. . All were eligible for govern' ment inrurance policies, insuring their lives for as much as $10 000 each during the period of their service. Algoma The Happy Go Lucky club met at the home of Helen Freeman November 20. Members present were Sadie Barrow, Peggy Fol sum, Eleanor Ambers, Mabel Weber, Elayne Lloyd, Lilly Mae Pugh, Eloise Logan and Helen Freeman.. Games were played and high scores went to Elayne Lloyd and Mabel Weber; low to Lilly Mae Pugh and Peggy Fol- sum. Guest for the evening was Mrs. Joe Brown. ; Bridge club met at the home of Blanche Graves November 18 Members present were Eleanor Ambers, Elayne Lloyd, Erie Henry, Mrs. Lenaers, Eloise Lo gan and Blanche Graves. Guest for the afternoon was Mrs Sowell of Klamath Falls. High score went to Mrs. Lenaers and second to Mrs. Erie Henry. Mrs. Archie O'Brien and Mrs, Clarence O'Brien have been ill for the past week. A writer tells of a man who had the same umbrella 18 years, Isn't It about time he's return ing it? Law forbids the use of col ored casings for hot dogs in MORNING PUSH Utah. and QiHancial LIVESTOCK S. r. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Dec, 3 (AP-USDA Cattle: sal able 25; nominal; steers absent, medium quoted $12.50-13.23, good young range cows quoted $10.00-25, aged medium cows mostly $8.73-9.50, package 1086 lb. dairy cows $8,00, odd cutters $7.00, canners $6.00; medium bulls $9.60-10.00. Calves: none; yesterday package 350 lb. calves $12.75 to country. Hogs: salable 330; around 5c higher; bulk 185-233 lb. barrows and gilts $14,30-40,. latter ex treme top; odd good, sows $13.30. Sheep: salable 160; fully steady; good to choice wool lambs quoted $13.50-14.23, one deck medium 63 lb, lambs $13.00; medium to choice ewes quoted $4.50-5.50. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 3 (AP USDA) CATTLE: Salable and total 250; calves salable 25, total 50. Supplies include three loads stocker steers; market active and strong on killer classes; odd com mon to low medium steers $10- 11.25; common beef heifers held above $9.00; cutters down to $6.50; canner and cutter cows mostly $4.50-6.00; shelly kinds down to $4.00; fat dairy type to $7.00; medium-good beet cows $8.25-10.00; odd head $10.50; good beef bulls up to $11.25; good vealers $14.00-50; choice quotable to $15.00; common cows $9.00. HOGS: Salable 500, total 600; market active, fully . 15 cents above early Wednesday; sows 25 cents up; good-choice 170-220 lb. mostly $13.65; few medium lots $13.50 down; 230-300 lb. $12.75-13.25; few light lights, $12.50-13.00; good 300-525 lb. Humane Society Notes ? Interesting Stories About Klamath Animals and Efforts in Their Behalf . , By Ida Momyer Odeft By IDA M. ODELL About six o'clock one morning last week, a car drove up to the Animal Shelter, turned around and within a few minutes .drove away again. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, caretak ers at the shelter, thought notbr ing of it as people frequently drive down that road to turn around for the trip back to town. However, within a few minutes they heard Pard barking. Pard is the efficient canine helper at the shelter and does the work of a man and with a man's in telligence. Mr. Nelson looked out to see -what was causing Pard to make the disturbance and saw him gently herding a black and white cocker spaniel toward the office. The Nelsons picked the little dog up and took her into the office where she was warmed and fed. It was apparent that the stork was not far away. Examination of her collar showed that she was a licensed resident of our commun ity and search of the files re vealed her to be registered as belonging to Hobert Rawlins. It was not long before, she was restored to her home restored to her home but not to her master as he is now with Uncle Sam's army. While her master is serving his country Lady has been stay ing with his brother. She was a happy little dog to find her folks again and they were over joyed to get her back. . She has been taken out to a fine country home where she will stay until her babies are born. . Lady will be happy on the ranch where she can romp and roam to her FUNNY eon, "Somebody gave the slide fv$ St T' iy ea -r r y Bf n . CHICAGO, Dec. 3 Wl Secre tary Wickard declared today "I lor one have no intention and no wish to fasten government con trols in perpetuity upon the food Industry," . On the other hand, those who have the responsibility for the) government's wartime food pro gram snould be prepared to take prompt action whenever action is necessary,'1 the secretary of agriculture declared in ' an ad dress prepared for a regional meeting on 1943 food goals, Wickard said extreme cara should be taken that the govern ment's food policies are sound and in the public Interest. War time, he asserted, "la not tha time to carry out the pet theor ies of any group or class, nor to institute reforms for reforWa sake." , There is some fear, he contin ued, that government power over food would mean radical changes in distribution and mar keting. He added: . "By and large I think tha food Industry is well organized and efficient and, for these reasons, it should be interfered with as little as possible In the execution of a wartime-food program." . sows, $11.73-12.00. SHEEP: Salable 150, total 300; markot steady; good wooled lambs mostly $12.75; good-cholea kinds quotable above $13.00; few lots feeding lambs $8.00 to $10.00, including shorn kinds at $9.00; range feeders quotable to $10.50; good ewes $4,00; com mon down to $2.00. ; : ' heart's content Whether she strayed or wa stolen we will never know. Her chain looked is if it had been cut, but it may "have been broken. Anyway, our thanks to the people who took her to true shelter and. allowed ua to re store her to those who loved and wanted her. ' Pard is a grand helper. He has taken his duties seriously ever since he has become a part of the Humane Society. No on has ever seen Pard hurt a dog or a person, but neither human or canine may take liberties with him. Pard had to -be disciplined last week. The reserve supply of meat for the kennels had been put up on top of the refrigerator while it was being cut up, and stored. Pard is so tall it " was just about the same thing as be ing on the floor to hlm; any way he pretended it was on the floor and had a little extra breakfast. Clarence called the little matter to Pard's attention asking him where rations would be if everyone acted like that. Then Pard was treated coldly for a couple of days. He wasn't any one's pal at all. Clarence work ed and Pard worked but there were ' no . pleasant - little ex changes pi badinage. , Within a few hours Pard began to hang his head and look sideways out of his eyes at Clarance. Finally Mrs. Nelson intervened and sug gested that the matter could well be dropped, so Clarence called Pard to him in the old familiar manner and the usual happy re lations were restored. Pard waa so happy he forgot to be dig-, nified. BUSINESS 4r - 6S6 mi bt MtA navici, inc. t. m. ae. u. a, w, tr. pole (o the scrap collection V Herald. 12-8 mnnth. Phone 606B. U-B car. 1833 Derby. 12-