... - ! SER AL STORY THE EDGE OF liorvitiaMr. 104a, V. . -v ,V BY, WILLIAM WOODS Til 10 HTDHVi A, Mr Hurk rnis rmllrNlr In hU nmitt, vimH a tnr thm html Ihnl nlll cnrrr him lit Mfilrt liU nllrnlhtn In nl framed In Milua A riiSriiitifft, mm Ilia up III tinlli In Ihn holffl whir l'imn lnii Nn nrrUiinril. Tb .biiolitinli.r rvpllra with 4lnnltr In Ihp dilillii of In, ul 4lrr, who lilurk Ilia alrnntfa Itf bullitlii. , TENT DP ANIMALS CIIAJ'TKIl XJV CIXTUS ANDIIKSEN'S knock at tlm cnptnln's door wnii very qulot, Ha hnd to ropunt It before lilt henrd "('omit In," burked from illt otbnr side. Konlg win stanrl liik uproml-li'KKcd with bin buck to thn rnlrimcn, cxiimliiluK n Inrui? limp of Norwny plnnrd on tho wall, "Yos." lie snapped, without turning round. "Clood morning." "Vm." Ho wbi-elrd, hands looked behind bin bnrk. Hlxltis iitood In tlia doorway, small and thin, swept off bin plnin blnck liat wllh Uio hint of a neurlnh, mid nodded very coiirleoinily. Hid pitrr.o, white hair was carefully combed buck. Ill" lean body, looking nlniont pinched In the old blm-k null, ansumnl a pride nnd dignity Unit muds It erpi tnller tlnin It reiilly wen. "Good morning," mild the enp tnln, Utile moro quickly. Slxtus nodded. "My nnmo In Six tun Andresen. 1 nm thn.schoolmait ter of Trollnesn, retired even Jrnrs. Your men came to leo'me on Friday morning. They were lilnd enough to offer m forty right hours to move my thing. Whet little odibi nnd ends I have, ml my bonks, you know." Hixtus ant down. Tils eyes fell nn a box of rlgnrnts on Uii dek. "Do you mlnd7" Ho leaned for ward and took one. "What Willi tho scarcity these days, It has been soma time since I have smoked." "What do you want?" tho cap tain asked. Another moment passed. Then Slxtus said slowly, "I thought It only right, considering that you re da facto commandant of the village, to acquaint you with n de cision I have made." "You can see that T am very busy." Konlg spoke more gruffly than be had Intended, "I know. I hope you will tor sive me. I em being selfish, You . . ." nd Slxtus gazed for a moment, smiling, nt tho gray moke from his clgaret, "you see, I am scholar of tho sclenco of thinking, so to speak, and you . , you are scholar of tho science of var. So wo ro more or less broth ers, and I am sure we will under stand each other." Konlg thought of his plan. This old fellow might have moro sense than showed on the surface. "You datter me," he said, also smiling. "I don't Imagine I have as many books as you, but In my own wuy ... as you aay . . . I . . . I . . . burn the candle at night, If you see what I mean." "And tho candle never goes out?" Tho question came, sharp and Imperative. . Tho captain frowned. "I don't think you understand." "It must bo a very fine light not to go out In en much dark ness," said Slxtus. He spoke slow ly, as If he were thinking of some thing quite different. "Why did you want my house?" he asked, finally, . rpiiE captain started. "Well," he A said. "Well, t linrdly ... Tor a blockhouse, to be sure." He stopped himself and picked up a clgaret. "Hut what was It you wanted to see me about? You still have an hour and a half. I sup pose you came to ask for an ex tension of time. If that's what It If, we may be a little lenient In your case. How much time do you want?" While ho lighted his clg aret, ho kept a shrewd oyo on the old man's face. ' "Oh, but you mistake me. Forty-eight hours was quite ample. For a blockhouse, you say, I have lived Uiero forty yenrs, you know. And now I had forty-eight hours to think things out for myself. I considered the whole matter care fully, and from every angle. My conclusion Is what I have como up to tell you. I cannot let you have my house." The captain stared at him. "You what?" "I must forbid you to enter my house." 1 "You forbid?" For a moment there was dead silence, nnd then all of a sudden Konlg threw back his head nnd began to laugh. Ho laughed nnd lnughcd, rocking vio lently back nnd forth in his chair. But then nil nt once ho stopped, leaned forward over tho desk, nnd examined the old man's face, "Are you Insane?" ho asked slowly. "I could havo you shot." Slxtus acted bb If ho had no Idea of his danger. Ho punched-his clgaret out In tho ashtray bosldo Is chair. "I have seen the waves of light and darkness washing over each other for thousands of years, but always tho individual man ' ,t "Quiet, you fool." Konlg started forward, but the old man backed out of his reach. "The Individual man stood In Uio middle like a rock." , Konlg leaped at htm nnd caught him by the collar. "Will you stop?" "No," Slxtus cried, "If I wore afraid, there might bo bopo for you, but I nm not. What is mine In mine. Do you think you can stop the working of our brains and hearts? Wo are not animate. We are men. That Is tho founda tion of law. You cannot win. Whero are your courts, your Judges nnd your juries? Until you bring tfiem forward, I must forbid you my house." "You madman." Konlg was bo sldo himself, his faco flushed, cheeks trembling with anger. Ho struck tho old man hard on the mouth with the back of Ills hand, " .. . 1 1 : . I DARKNESS " .- . NKA RVICIC. INC. Slxtus closed his eyits nnd fell bnck, "You forbid, do you? You forbid?" Tho cnptiiln forced him across the room, shaking him nil the whllo like n cut, kicked the door open with his boot, dragged him out to tho porch nnd thrust him tumbling nmong tho soldiers. "Ho forbids," ha roared. "This anl mol forbids!" Ho stood straddled In the doorway, hnndii on hips, nnd tho sunlight flickering over his face. "1 glvo you forty-live minutes to clear everything; out of his house. And him too. Clear him out. Wo havo no room for philoso phers. Ho Is to bo cleared out, Tlmt Is an order." And he wheeled back Into tho hotel nnd slummed tho door behind him. filxliw lay where ho had fnllon, Ills mouth n llttlo bloody, end his eyes still closed. rPHE men come toward him slow 1 ly from all sides. The soldier he hnd called a Klav was at tho head of a group that came from llio steps, dark nnd heavy, with n broad mouth and narrow rye. Slxtus turned, an If only half comprehending, nnd wanting to osnipo between them, but some body pushed lilin buck. Thoy for got about tho mnllboiit they had been waiting for. They were nil watching tho one he had called a filav. "You ilon't like us very much, do you?" Uio Slav asked. The old man smiled with hfo bloody lips. "That Is right." The soldier lashed out and struck him In tho face. The blow came like a signal. Their heads nil lifted. One or two winced nnd turned away. The Slav strurk him again. "That's how we treat ani mals like you." he cried, When the old man fell they plunged for ward, nnd dragged him down the THIS CURIOUS WORLD VIENNESE WALTZES OF JOHANN STPAUSS WEPE NOT WRITTEN DUElNG HAPPY, JONOU5 TIMES, BUT WHEN AUSTRIA WAS MELANCHOLY FROM WAR AND A FINANCIAL DEPRESSION. 13 ATTAIN GREAT HEIGHTS, ONE MUST STAY ON THE LEVEL," iiyi MARJORIE STEWARTiON, Vew ytr, A. X - COtt- 1Mt IV Nil MVKC. IMC. I f M &' V. sV FAT. Ott. EGYPTIAN KING HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured ruler of Egypt, King 1L Answer to Previous Tuzile m i 7 Plug. 10 Became larger 14 ftcglon of tho dead (Egypt). J 5 Lion. 16 Small part 17 Not resh. 18 Friend. 10 Anger. 20 Mine. 21 Compensation. 22 hvory. 23 Paid notice. 24 Twice. 28 Has concealed. 27 Writing fluid. 28 Erbium ; (symbol). ,20 Article. 30 Winnow. 41 Upwardv 42 Endearment, term. 43 Golf device. 44 Upon. 45 Merriment. 48 Exist. 47 Symbol for ' . acetyl. 48 Animal. 51 Speed competition.' 31 Skill. 32 Monster. 34Sonk flax. 3S Print measure. 36 Chlncso weight. . 37 Great Lnko. SO Beforo (prefix). 40 Private , (abbr.). 53 Collection of facts. 54 Makes amends 57Vchlcloon runners. 58 Hostelry. 50 Browns bread. (.RADiE CV: LEVEE uJ-i OP v' f Wit T SN E EH P.rs KIANO 7ApM p- S C;. SO (vwcur it P ;:: Dp RErjA SfsTTsllTTL E F? EMS u 5 E 0 s F A,R E. I L f N0 S A R KiR f? EAT A irNir EiNisiriFiTtcTTtTrl5iN 1 x a a s 7 6 9 77" ' u-11 " 73 7tT " "ZllIZ8" j V- :? stp; iiiii 44 47 , I E-MfeffifS ' sa I I I ' I - I I I I I I I I 2S steps, i They closed In with kicks and blows, like nnlmiils long pent up, nnd drove him In front of them, his arms bent up to shield bin head. Ills beard Jabbered up and down niennlnglessly. The red leaves stirred gently in the autumn wind. (To lie Continued) ANCIENT GIFTS VAN NUYS, Cullf. W) A lOO-yriir-old Cliliitisu bruss low or vim, u honvy brass Incense burner, a piilr of dynusty bowls ami tin undent Chinese gong wero among gifts to tho metnl drlvi-. Mrs. fir ii ce On ten Mitchell, wIhhiii son dli'd wliilo flying for Uio HAK, gave Iiit collection Hint Included bruss noils from tlm American revolutionary pe riod, old andirons nnd century old candlesticks from a Russian calliiiilnil. lMiiick-.it gift: a full dress hel met of thu 1'russlun gunrd. ft By William Forguson CHEYENNE, WYOMING IS CREDITED WITH MORE HAC THAN ANY OTHER U.S. CITY. . , 21 Metallic, fastener. 22 Emmet. 23 Come. 24 Make bread. 25 Within. Oil T-fnnrl mvnr. PIEJ27 Iridium (symbol). 28 Ho is ruler of tho . 30 Tip. 31 Native of ' America. 33 Groftcd (her.) 34 Tear. 35 Age. 38 Move swmly. 39 Writing tooL 42 Inevitable. 44 Rowing Implements. 45 Short for Frederick. VERTICAL 1 Roman religious law. 2 Amount ' (abbr.). 3 500 sheets (pl.). 4 Solely. 5 Indian. 46 High card, 6 Kings (abbr.). 47 Girl's name. 7 sport. 49 Fondle. 8 Long fish. 80 Essences ' 0 Proceed. (abbr.). 10 Young woman. 52 Morindin dyo, 11 Fish eggs. 53 Sloth, J 2 And (Latin). 54 Near. 13 Rod. 55 Toward. 18 Tablet. . 5G On account 10 Kind. (abbr.). t? i i m r.:i r I'LL BE WITH yOU SOON AS I FINISH LOOKING OVER THE NEWS... GUADALCANAL IS RIGHT OVER. THERE, AND THAT SPANISH SO WE'LL SEE WHAT IT MEANS-AND HAND ME THAT ENCYCLOPEDIA TILL I LOOK k ITS PEOPLE AND HISTORY THIS LITTLE CAR OF BLUNTS --HE SAID "TO USE IT-WELL. I WILL" f LL GO OUT INTO THE COUNTRY-1 CAN DRIVE WITH ONE HAND- Alley Ood . W L. f. VWB TEACHER, PASTE, ft 5 EXPORTS OILATES, 4 7 'O flrl!i Ui tt v- ' fNOUCOULO J ( rAVSELF.' tn -VV- BARLEY, Zt'''' ' iDul Our WflJ' bur Boaririg HousS d i!lf' L ""iW.Zr.-.'n.r THfe PROMT PAG&. By J. R. Williami With Major Hoople ffOfJ Wl R mmM O0 " LiHla Orohon Amiia. . " 1 1 m ByatoU Gray ' ' Well , whats: ) If you'll give- me- yhI ( Hmm now vouter in a position tivm -71 ON YOUR. ALLEGED I THE LETTER. MB. EEP T SENT" ME CCOKIN' ON "WE FRONT To GIVE YOU HALF AeJD YOU'D jl I MIND, WITWIT? . J 3R.UBBLE Wf50TE"i TALK- I OVER. BURNER. WHATS OF HIS LATE UNCLES BETTER GIVtT - L . ' - I'LL MAKE A DEAL. fl ING.' HERE T& THE DEAL? JlC ESTATE ME THAT LETTER' &bMO N . C WITH YOU hJZy TALK ' IllffrmnnnmTnmllh.iiiiimi, i S IMhnS . : ' JTFM BEFORE X fllWrK V -7 TwP Ill'i'll1 iif TERMS WITH " Hffl CHANGE POSITipMSj yB. ME WORRIEO, X i THAMK ;-'0i f BUT T VERY TRUE. V S MA Kiy ANOTHER JOB, J05TAS DARIKSa AND MAJtl SiT.cA ; "t ( WCOLOWEL W Mm PLEASE nO ONE INDIVID- DIFFICULT, LIES AHEAt). MOT ALL W1LSUCCEED, J?!?JXlf0lS:K V HARPER J-m-'i 2EMEM- UAL DESERVES BUT IF EACH ONE RECEIVES THE SAME CAREFUL SLoSiAaH21U 4 f 7 BER I Ml THE CREDIT. ( PLANNING, (NTELLlENT EXECUTION, AMD UM' oTK&cux? A'ffi Tl' mt WN'T THIS JOB WAS V SELFISH COOPERATION OF ALL CONCERWEO,. BR0U6HT HIMTO EM6LAND.' vtlhr. - -wyiS POIT PONE BV THE THEN I KNOW WHICH SIDE IS GOIMdr TO . COMSRATUL ATIONI S TV 0 A jfim t ALONE, AMERICAN AlR C . WW THE WAftl AN-w,60SH,j OV,'aOT.-01tNR 1 f ?El00yTWfcviE AT WfS0 ( W&6 VVN'S. t S T9EE2.WG i ff I vOVbW Wt & & SMiMTt ' CNR XQ.tCb NV TWt b.'s J ' J Boats and Her Buddies , By Martin f HEY, YOUR. VYAHHA.'TH' DOPES ARE OETTIM- : J ? LOOK AT JHEM VrrX -$lv . ''j?StE MlGHTIMESSl EEACr V LAUKiCH THEIR ICA0M.0O JEEPERS, NAOOZY MUGS r 7SShL TLt TH' MOOVIAMsVvARSHIPHOT DAVNGTHlS ASTER.'I WOULDN'T-- OVER OM THVTHEy WOERXVIhTYO. MAirf ARE CBOWDIKk;) IS- WHAT I BEEN) WAITIM'V KAISS THIS FOE A 1 OTHER --VWHAT WE'RE roCNDy'vS PmaKEA UP OM THEIR -(FOKLfCALLMEKAY V FORTUNEL7 SIDE'rdrx?IN3TH' Ucwi IAspH'J y 4 c- DO vou thinkV YOU LL LAST TH ,WAR OUTTYOU SOUNDS I TAKE MORN IN1 AN' EVENiN PAPERS, DON'T UP YOU? BLUNT! HE5 A FINE LAD-A DOCTOR. TOO "SURGEON? AOEOUATE - HELL NEVER BE GRBCT SURGEON HE LACKS SOMETHING - PERHAPS ITS IMAGINATION- BUT HELL GET ALONG I HAPDA TAKE A 1 Z. ..Z. VZ M "'-'jr 'i IISWN, MJW.rvBRlf 1 1 FURLOUGH PROM I V J-.r"1t- 'nt''l' Hew,oi0)ooo wuari I TH' FRONT PAGE-- W WT W rvLBS-POPULA,TlONi,l5,055,ll5 -CAPtTAU J WHY, YESTERDAY n 6WON TEHERAM PRODOCTSIL, CARPETS, GUMS, 1 RUSSIAN, A TURKISH, K IRKQ.' X MESOPOTAMIA- AO'Kfi. - Sl THREE JAP AN' TWO TUOU&AT J ry lao.onrt ftni Ie saii ce! JL. I CHINESE NAMES.' I U rAMBt IP- V X TW006HT POPULATl0.3.670.0CO-CAi;rTkvLl 7T ION- j GOOD BOUND TO LOSE SOME CASES BLUNT WONT LOSE TOO MANY-HELL ALWAYS DO HtS BEST- BUT NOW AND THEN THERELL COME AN OPERATION ONE OF THOSE PHOTO-FINISH AFFAIPS- WELL. A REOLLX FINE - PB- II AND OA. KNOW BUT I WONT II or yc3i c tyt ri y "t-ljim DC i-mm t. SAV A THING EVER HM-M HERE IVE Nit rTTTFNTIfTN ujhv nut K COMING rvTO FOXVILLE w M 1 nu TO UK . BEEN DRMNQ--FWING By V. T. Hamlin