ifilaCoEia giyMcGILLICUDDY BIHPZ - Mr. Frank Glanelli, who seems to work overtime recogniz ing disputants to Klamath's claim on the state gridiron cham pionship, said in his Oregonian column Sunday that the Van couver defeat "sort of gums up the Pelicans' rosy record as Ore gon's outstanding team and gives Newbcrg the chance it has been hollering for." Newbcrg as claimant for the state title, said Brother Gianclli, "has just as good reason to shout as has Klam ath Falls ... for Newbcrg bopped off Woodburn, Beaverton, Tigard, Hlllsboro, Forest Grove, McMinnvillc and West Linn." GianoUl is haywire when he says Newbcrg s Oregon record Is as good as Klamath's. Strange bs it may seem, we've never seen the Klamath record pub lished in Gianelli's column. The Klamath and Newberg teams have played in entirely different class of competition, as everybody knows. While Newberg was defeating such teams as Tigard, West Linn and Forest Grove, Klamath was smacking Grant of Portland, Eugcnt, Mcdford, Bend, Ash land and Grants Pass. Klamath's record against Ore gon opponents is 178 to 6. New berg's is 121 to 18. Mr. Gianelli wouldn't want to cover a game between the Pelicans and Newberg, but if one is arranged he ought to have to be there with his adding machine. . On the subject of the Van couver game, Gianelli says:' "Losing a game 6 to 0 or 7 to 6 isn't so bad, but 20 to 6 comes under the head of a thumping." Yep, that's right. That's 14 points difference. But a while back Grant, which was de feated IS to 0 by Klamath Falls IS points difference got a plug from Gianelli as a state champion contender. Getting technical, wasn't that a thumping? Klamath's claim to the state title is as clear as anybody can make It, under the existing set up which calls for no formal method of determining the ti tlist. So far as we have learned, there has been no formal chal lenge from Newberg, what is known here being confined to what appeared in various papers. Marshfield, which is tied but undefeated, is now hankering for a game with Klamath. - Marshfield has not been de feated, but it was tied once. That was with Grants Pass, and you know what the Peli cans did to Grants Pass. Cor- ; tainly Klamath doesn't have to play Marshfield to clear any blemish on its state title record. On October 29, the day be fore Klamath played Grants Pass, Matt Kramer of the As- sociated Press started his! . ' statewide story: "Klamath Falls' powerful Pel icans can win southern Oregon championship tomorrow and virtually clinch a claim on the state title." After that, Klamath defeat ed Grants Pass and Bend, concluding its regular Oregon competition. That's about all that could be expected. Big Doug McKay had just a moment for glory in the Van couver game, but he made the most of it. Doug got in on two plays in the last quarter after Klamath was too far behind to catch up. On the first play, he ran S3 yards on a honey of a pass from Hank Schortgen, for the long est gain of the evening for eith er team. On the second play, he smashed nine yards for the longest rushing gain Klamath was able to make in the game. Those two plays, plus a short smash by Schortgen, brought the lone Pelican touchdown. . Would McKay and Schort gen have made a difference in the outcome of the game if they had started way back there when it became appar ent the first stringers just Fullback Buck Fawcett picked up eight yards, going to California's 25-yardlIne and a first down on this first period play in the "big game" at Berkeley between Stanford and California. While a Stanford blocker takes out two California players. Jack Herrero (32), California guard, eomei in from behind Fawcett. Stanford won. 26 to 7. Sixteen Schools Hang-Up All Win Season Records NEW YORK, Nov. 23 (IP) Sixteen of the nation's college football teams have finished the season . with all-victorious rec ords, leaving only three others Tulsa, Georgia Tech and Bos ton college with chances to complete their . schedules un beaten and untied. The select group lost two of its members Saturday when Georgia, winner of its nine pre vious starts, was bounced by Au burn 27-13, and Hardin-Sim-mons, a seven-game winner, was held to a scoreless tie by Texas Tech. Tulsa and Georgia Tech are the only teams in the unbeaten, untied ranks with as many as nine victories. Tulsa is the scor ing leader with 387 points but now has yielded 25 points to op ponents. Boston college, with eight triumphs, winds up its sea son this week as do both Tulsa and Georgia Tech. McGovern Gains Score Honors As Rivals Checked NEW YORK, Nov". 23 (P) Although his season was com pleted 10 days ago, Eddie Mc Govern of Rose Poly, gained a tighter grasp on the national football scoring honors last Sat urday when Bob Steuber of Mis souri, Frank Sinkwich of Geor gia, and Gene Fekete of Ohio State, were held in check by rivals. . McGovern, fourth of a year ago with 104 to the 134 collected by Billy Dudley of Virginia, fin ished his six-game 1942 cam paign with 165. . . James- Secrest of .Rochester university, whose season also Is history, is second with 133. Bob Kennedy, WCS. fullback, leads the Pacific Coast confer ence with 69 points. DAYTON CLAIMS TITLE , DAYTON, Nov. 23 (Unde feated Dayton claimed the state football title for class B high schools today. ... The claim was advanced after a 20-13 victory Friday over Heppner, claimant to'the central Oregon B championship. weren't clicking? That's any body's guess, but we have a feeling that big Doug would have softened up that Trapper line - with those smashes the Eugene team is still talking about. . Klamath hasn't had to punt much this year, but Don Mast did a swell job with his boots in the Trapper game. A blocked punt spoiled his aver age, but he made most of his kicks effective by keeping them away from the dangerous- Al linger, who . was in the Trapper safety position. Out of six kicks that got away, AUinger 'got a chance to return only two of them. One of Mast's- kicks lay down on the 10-yard line at the side as nicely as if he had walk ed up and placed it'there. We're glad Don. played It smart that way,: but we admit seeing AUinger take a kicked ball, bounding full tilt, was one of the prettiest things we have seen in football in many years. Fawcett Gains 8 for Stanford UCLANS Halt Huskie Bid for Victory f X a yV Sam Robinson (4), Washington halfback, makes a first down against stiff resistance by the UCLA team at Los Angeles. Neat blocking by Teammate Pete Susick (7), who Is taking out Milt Smith (48), UCLA end. Victory went to UCLA. 14 to 10. PAGE SIX Help Wanted Cowhands Needed to Help Camilli SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 23 (IP) A first class farmer and cow hand if the Dodgers can find one-;-may mean the differ ence between an also-ran posi tion and a pennant for the Brook lyn baseball club next season. - It's not that the denizens of Flatbush need someone to look after the cows. But Adolph Ca milli does. 'Camilli, the Dodgers' first baseman and most valuable player in the National league last year, has declared his intention not to return to the Brooklyn' club next year. He found it too much of a burden, he said, to try to operate his 2800-acre ranch near Laytonville, Calif., and to maintain a home in the east too for his wife and five children. Battery ' SINKWICH HIT POSCUNEH WITH TWO TWCUbOWN PASSES IN LAST QUARTER TO SINK ALABAMA Denmark has the most highly organized agricultural industry in the world. November 23, 1942 But maybe if he could find competent help to run his big northern California ranch well, he still likes to play ball. That was the report delivereed here personally by Ted McGrew, chief scout for the Dodgers, who passed through San Francisco en route to Brooklyn after a visit to Camilli's ranch. - "When I saw Camilli," Mc Grew said, "he was breaking in a pony so that he could round up his cattle, and I don't mind tell ing you that he was feeling pret ty downcast. "The work is more than he can handle, but he told me that try as he has, he hasn't been able to get help and that doesn't hold out much hope of getting the kind of help that he needs." Partner Coast Guardsman Lew Jenkins, Armstrong To Fight Ten Rounds PORTLAND, Nov. 23 CP) Coast Guardsman Lew Jenkins and Henry Armstrong, former lightweight kings, will meet here in a 10-round fight Decem ber 4, Matchmaker Joe Wateman said. Jenkins has arrived here to start training. He will not be called to active duty until later. BEAVERS TO MICHIGAN CORVALLIS, Nov. 23 .,() The Oregon State Beavers left today for East Lansing, Mich., ! and a game against the Michi. gan State football team Satur day. PHOTO ALBUMS All Siias, All Kinds 50c to $6 VAN'S CAMERA SHOP 727 Main Phone 3618 Rose Bowl Go, Conference Title At Stake For WSC In Washington Civil War Bears To Make New Grid Tale Redskin Victory Will Give Bears Six Straight Title By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN CHICAGO, Nov. 23 (IP) The Chicago Bears will become the only team in major professional football history to win six na tional championships if they beat the Washington Redskins in the nation's capital December 13. But if you think that's an in centive, what about the one the Redskins have? That 73-0 de luge the Bears poured on them two years ago never can be for gotten, but it can be revenged. And that's the stimulant which may make this playoff the tough est the National Football league has seen. Washington already has had one shot at the Bears this season in an early exhibi tion, but lost 38 to 14. The Bruins won the western division title yesterday by giv ing the Detroit Lions their 10th straight defeat, 42 to 0 worst blanking of the season while the New York Giants and Green Bay tied 21-all, removing any mathematical chance the Pack ers cherished of catching up. Washington moved in by dunk ing the Dodgers of Brooklyn 23 to 3 and will close its regular schedule at Detroit this Sunday. Unbeaten in 22 consecutive games and averaging more than 34 points in each of nine straight league triumphs this fall, the Bears return to Wrigley field to meet the Cleveland Hams, wind ing up the following week against the Chicago Cardinals, In walloping the Lions, the Bears piled up their biggest vic tory margin of the campaign on three touchdown tosses by Char ley O'Rourke and two by Sid Luckman in an aerial sideshow which followed Harry Clark's 26 yard sprint for the first score. The rampage raised the cham pions' total offensive record through nine games to 3131 yards, an average of 347 as com pared with 388 last season. St. Mary's Navy Pref light Still Undefeated Team SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23 IP) A 13-6 win over the Uni versity of Santa Clara yesterday left the St. Mary's Navy Pre Flight football team among the nation's undefeated elevens. Passes from Vic Bottari. form er University of California back field star, to Ed Manske, one time Northwestern end, an nounced for both Navy touch downs. Frankie Albert, twice All American quarterback from Stanford, placekicked the con version point for the star-studded Pre-Flight team. Santa Clara scored In the fin al period after several, second half scoring threats. Left Half back Jessie Freitas, who harried the Navy team with his passes, went over from the four-yard line. In a preliminary game In the Kezar stadium double-bill foot ball program, the University of San Francisco Dons walloped the U. S. Coast Guard team of Ala meda, 44-6, , . Seattle Shipmen Win Independent Football Title in Washington SEATTLE, Nov. 23 CP) A sec ond championship, . that of the Washington Independent football league, has been added to the laurels of the Seattle Shipbuild ers, northwest defense industry league titlists. The Shipbuilders completed one pass . and intercepted an other yesterday for two scores to defeat the Bremerton Red Raid ers, 14-0. Annual Police Benefit Ball Wednesday. Nov. 25, 1942 Klamath Falls Armory Music By BALDY EVANS BAND Admission Per Couple, 90c, Tax 9c Ladlos 10c Proceeds for Police Dept. and Police Reserve Sports Briefs NEW YORK, Nov. 23 (If) Adding to utter confusion: Somo names mentioned In recent sports items havo been Gil Dodds, tho runner; Glenn Dobbs. the Tulsa U. pass-tosscr; Bobby Dodd, acting coach, and Bobby Dodd, halfback at Georgia Tech; Bobby Dobbs,. Glenn's brother, also a Tulsa back and, of course, tho Dodzagcrs. . . . The American Bowling congress not only admits but boasts thnt it has sanctioned a league in a for eign country and doesn't even know what country. . . . Seems a former bowler asked and re ceived sanction, for a 24-tcam army lcaguo and tho only ad dress he could glvo was APO 806, care postmaster, New York, N. Y. which Isn't a local ad dress by any means. MONDAY MATINEE Lou D 1 a m o n d, the honest brakeman who has been more of a brokeman since Gus Lesncvich Joined the coast guard, will be come matchmaker for Marty Burke, In New Orleans. . . . George Slsler has disposed of his sporting goods interests In St. Louis to devote moro time to his job as commissioner of semi-pro baseball. . . . When tho Camp Lee (Ya.) basketball team plays the Grumman Wildcats at Mad ison Square Garden tonight, Paul Makl, ex-Minnesota, and Irv Tor goff, ex-Long Island U., will take up a rivalry that began when Maki led Minnesota tq a victory over LIU four years ago. Neither has played in the Gar den since their college days. The Wyoming -Colorado grid game this year was so rough that Kayo Lam, Colorado's graduate manager, claimed films of It couldn't be stown until they, were passed by the state boxing commission. SERVICE DEPT. Lieut. Rolland J. Lund, physi cal training officer at Gcigcr field, Wash., and his assistant, PFC Sam Scodron, former co manager of Bob Ol In and other good fighters, are organizing an army golden gloves tournament for boxers from various outfits around Spokane. They say it will be as big as most of the estab lished mitt tourneys. . . . Kccs Icr field. Miss., which had to give up big-time football, now has more than SO bowling teams en gaged in squadron competition on the field's 12 new alleys. . . . Navy Lieut. Jack Mlley, former New York sports scribe, has been assigned to tho New London, Conn., base to do public rela tions work and he hopes the conning towers on those buds arc big enough for him. Basketball Season Starts With Bruno, U of O Game Friday EUGENE, Nov. 23 (IP) The basketball season will open here Friday night with the University of ' Oregon meeting the Bruno studio team of Portland. The Portlanders have signed most of the players who won the state AAU title last year. The Vancouver Ramblers, composed of a number of ex northern division stars, will play Oregon Saturday night. Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Secure Immediate relief with VAPO EFRIN Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ask for Demonstration LEE HENDRICKS DRUG 2212 S. 8th St. Phone 4321 ! f' CZk&5 Hugh , ' jjfyf Fulltrlon, Jr Washington Clinch VSC UCLA Still Two Games Away From Rose Bowl Game Claim; May Get Nod if Tie Bv RUSSELL NEWLAND ' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23 (!) Pigskin review: Football'! lone coast conference encounter this weekend pits Washington.. Stato against University of Washington, at Si'tittlo, si? Tho meeting of these bitter rivals annually Is a gunrantra of action (capital letters Mr. Printer) but this year far more Jm portance will ride on the outcome. There Is a possible Rose Bowl nomination for Washington State In the offing if It wins handi ly, the more so tho better. By winning this ono Washington State can clinch Itself noth- Ing less than a tie for tho conference chnnipionsmp. lonscquem ly It will havo solid clulms to offer when tho ton moniucrs vote for their Rose Bowl representative. There is nothing more con- vlnclng than tho homo run play and Washington State is up to bat. It will wind up league com petition for the two teams. Wash ington Is out of tho race and would like to lock tho brakes on Its homo state rival. Tho win would fix the final WSC standing at six victories and one loss. Another defeat would knock the northern Cou gar out of contention. If Washington Stato comes through, the burden shifts to tho University of California at Los Angeles Bruins, also defeated once. They must still play Ida ho, no fears there, Dccomber 8, and Southern California, great cause for alarm there, December 12, and win both games to even lie with WSC. This season's schedule failed to match up WSC and UCLA, as if the conference voting heads haven't stowed over this problem already. In case the two teams tied for the title, how ever, there Is no doubt UCLA would get tho Rose Bowl nod, merely by having beaten Southern California, a feat which it stands a good chance not to accomplish, Southern California Inflicted the only conference de feat on Washington Stato, 26-12. Perhaps Southern California itself moy wind up in the Rose Bowl, New Yeor's doy. The Tl'rojans still have an excellent cnance, wun only one ueicai ana a tie against them. Southern California's newly acquired scoring power will be tested against Notre Damo Sat urday In Los Angeles. Notre Damo is neither the best nor the worst team In the country but it swamped Stanford 27-0 early In the season and Stanford holds a 14-6 win over Southern Cali fornia. However Stanford has come a long way since October 10 and If it isn't the strongest team in the conference today it is within a Jump of being so. Stanford gave its oldest rival, California, a 26-7 beating, Saturday, and meets the St. Mary's Navy Pre Flight eleven this weekend. After barely getting by Wash ington by a 14-10 count last week (Washington fumbled away the winning touchdown when it was on the one-yard lino and had four downs to make It), the UCLA Bruins take a rest this week, , Oregon State travels to East Lansing for a game with Mich igan State after crushing Uni versity of Oregon, 30-2, last week. The University of Idaho also broke Into the winner's cir cle Saturday, with a 20-14 win over University of Portlond and at the same time Washington State played the Second Air Fore eleven to a 6-6 jle. Three games provided Sunday Thanksgiving Dance Ved., Nov. 25 FROM 9:30 TO 1:30 Feast in the Basement at 1:30. You Can't Miss on an Elk Dance Especially the Annual Thanksgiving Party Wives of Elk who are now In the armed 1 1 services ore especially invited! Aemember the Semi-Formal Defeat Will Title Tie entertainment. At San Fran cisco, the University of San Vrnnrlcrn Mwnmnrrt (lift PnnHt Guard, 44 to 6, In the first hilt " of a double-header. St. Mary's Prc-Fllght team, unbeaten this unison, defeated a strong Sanlii Clara eleven, 13 to 6, In the other half. At Hollywood, the University nf Va.i, Mnvli., T n Ki mil f.nv. olu of Los Angeles played to a -14 to 14 tlo. This week's precision picks; Thanksgiving Day: Utah over Idaho (Utes get early lead). -A Fresno State over Sn Jot" (better pass attack). Saturday: WSC over Washington (all or nothing try). USC over Noire Dame (Tro jan speed upsets), Stanford over St. Mary's Pre Pllvlit (liiHIiin T.nnrtv). Oregon State over Michigan Stato (by air lanes). Sundny: St. Mary's over Coast Guard (gallop for Gaols). ' San Francisco over Albuquer que AU Corps (easily). Robert Abel Again Elected President Western Baseball fate of the Western International baseball league for the next yeaf has been left to another meeting but league directors have re elected Robert B. Abel, Tacorn attorney, president and treas urer for tho coming year. Directors who decided to defer the question of whether the league will play next year were Mrs. George Walters, Salem; Boh Brown, Vancouver, B. C; Bill Ulrlch. Snokane. and Rocer W. " Peck, Tacomo. All are team own ers In their respective cities. RAESE COACHES CADETS CHAPEL HILL Basketball practice, under Lieut. (Jg) R. A. (Dyke) Racse, Is being held at the Navy Prc-Fllght school here dally. Attention MASONS Past Masters' night. Mon day, Nor. 23, Dinner at 6:4$, meeting at 8 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. J. r. FLOCK, W. M. Date and Hour Adm. S.1.10 3