PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON GRANGE BACKS E NDIIITO F PARITY BASIS WENATCHEE, Nov. 23 (AP) A lS-polnt program, embracing demands lor immediate amend' ment of the parity formula, subscribing to universal service as a means toward winning the war. and touching upon numer ous other problems of American life, has been drawn by the executive committee of the na tional grange as agriculture's 1943 platform. The committee consisted of Chairman Ray W. Gill, Port land. Ore.; Eugene A. Eckert, Mascoutah. 111., secretary, and Kenzie S. Bagshaw, Holiday burg, Pa. Extend Deferment . Included in the platform were the following statements: "Universal service is favored if it is necessary to winning the war, provided it includes pro perty, all branches of industry, capital and labor and is termin ated when hostilities cease. "Selective service's plan to defer essential farm workers on dairy, . livestock and . poultry farms is a step in the right di rection, but it should be ex tended to other types of farm ing. V ' Parity Formula "Continuing loss of farm workers to industry, because farmers cannot pay wages high enough to compete with indus try, emphasizes that farm : in come is too low. Asking farmers to work long hours while work ers in industry receive higher pay for shorter hours, invites a food shortage. Fair- prices to producers, stimulating produc tion are a safeguard against in flation and a protection to con sumers. "The president's definition of parity has been the goal of the grange for 20 years. Toward achieving it, the grange asks immediate amendment of the parity formula to: , Price Ceilings A. Include all farm labor in cost of production. . B. Make use of current price levels, instead of those of 30 years ago." A demand was made for more flexible price ceilings and sub sidies were termed "wrong in principle because they are "used to hold down the general price level to consumers while the impression prevails they are payments to farmers." A floor under farm prices was seen as necessary to pre vent another post-war depres sion ana development of a definite- rubber program, including manufacture of synthetic rub ber, was proposed. : . 23 Awarded . Purple Hearts GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. Southwest Pacific Area . (As sociated Press Special Corres pondence) Lieut. Gen. George C. Kenney, commander of- al lied air forces in this area, has announced award of 23 purple hearts for those wounded in ac tion. Included was: First Lieut. Thomas L. Hayes Jr., route 1, box 176, Brooks, Ore., wounded near Sourabaya, Java, February JmEai POPS PERFECTLY JtNTtR)r Thanksgiving Dance Thursday Evening, Nov. 26 th Broadway Hall Maiin Musle By Baldy's Band Dancing 9:00 'Till 1:00 ' Adm. Gents $1.10 (Tax Included) ' Men In Uniform SOe Ladles Free Moose Bond Rally Flouts Quota, Reaches $77,500 An original goal of $5000 was sideswiped by the Merrill Loyal Order of Moore and Merrill Women of the Moose at their big bond rally at Broadway hall in Malin Saturday night, and pur chases reached $11,500 in one of the most enthusiastic war sav ings sales held this year. More than 500 persons gath ered in the hall and dancing fol lowed the program. Ray S. Van Meter, Malin, deputy regional director and membership chair man, LOOM, was master of cere monies. Of the $11,500, only $50 worth of stamps were purchased, the visitors going out for bigger "game" including one purchase of $5000 worth of bonds by Mrs. Marie . Zump of Malin. Mrs. Zump, as largest individual pur chaser, was given hand embroid ered pillow cases on which the American flag was worked. ' An auction sale was held with Jim Reeder of Merrill In charge. Mrs. Zump paid $1000 for a pig, $1000 for four quarts of wine, and $1000 for a sack of flour. Among the other articles auc tioned was a rooster for which Andrew Collier, Klimintli county war savings chairman and prin cipal speaker of the evening, paid $880. A cake bnked by Mis. Van Meter brought $400 in bonds, Harry Wilson purchasing the confection which was Imme diately consumed. Donntlona to the sale were made by business men and farmers, Uel Dlllard of Merrill, man ager of the bank there, was in charge of bond and stamp sales. During a musical program spe cial numbers wore aung by "Rose and Barbara." Army experts found more perfect flying weather In Ari zona than nnywhore else In the United States. Swea Swanson to Head Sorority Salvage Campaign UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Nov, 23 (Special) Swaa Swanson, Klamath Falls, has been, appointed salvage chair man of Gamma Phi Beta, wom en's living organization, accord ing to Bill Lilly,, co-chairman of the campus salvage department. ALL STORES CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY (November 26,1942) Shop ooWy In fru wWr crnrf mtv a. J J- A. - ft J You can enjoy Your Thanksgiving Dinner You will have greater enjoyment from your Thanksgiving dinner if you have been able to prepare it with a few quick twists of the wrist instead of making yourself a holiday slave to the kitchen. Simply use a dough blanket over your turkey no basting no watching. Result a beautiful golden browned bird with no trouble at all! - Method Brush the cleaned, stuffed and trussed bird with shortening; place securely, breast up in a large flat pan. Prepare stiff dough, us ing 6 to 8 cups of flour depending on the fowl's sire. Add just enough water to form mixture thatxan be rolled. Knead mixture well; roll out H to J inch thick and large enough to form a blanket that w ill drop clear down on either side of the bird. Place over bird (no tucking under, mind you). Be sure to let it hang free and be sure that. it covers the bird! Pour 1 cup of water in pan; place immedi ately in hoi oven 050' F.) for 15 minutes to allow blanket to set. This is absolutely necessary. And don't let the turkey stand with the dough blanket on. If blanket should stretch thin at legs or thigh, take, it off and re-roll it. !When blanket is set, reduce heat to 350 F. and continue cooking. So, no basting is necessary, but water must be replenished in pan as needed, keeping about 1 cup in the pan all the time. Remove blanket by cracking with a small hammer about t hour before roasting period is through. Be careful not to break skin when removing blanket. Brown un covered if adeeper color is desired. S. . For Roasting Tims . Turkey generally takes 15 to SJ minutes per pound depending on the way the bird has been fed. The smaller the bird, the longer . the time per pound required for roasting. Cook at SiV-'&hQ' F. CANADIAN DISHES Julia tee Wright's favorite Can adian dishes are given in this week's Family Circle magazine FREE every Thursday. MZ Safeway Homemakers' Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Director Compare Our Thanksgiving Values and Save! f CORN, Country Home Cream style, No. 2 eons, 2 for 29e TOMATO SOUP, Campbell's New Formula ....10-ot. cans, 2 for 19c POPCORN, White '. 2-lb. pkg. 19c RITZ CRACKERS Mb. pkg. 22c COTTAGE CHEESE, Kraft Pint carton 21e CHEESE, Crater Lake .. .....Lb. 3Se KRAFT OLD ENGLISH CHEESE Vi-lb. pkg. 25e KRAFT CHEESE, Swiss or Pimento 2-lb. loof 74e HEINZ. CUCUMBER PICKLES, . 24-oi. jar 23e MUSTARD, Crescent 32-o. boHlo 15e SAGE, Schilling's 4-oi. can 29e PELLACO OYSTERS No. 1 can 21e FLAKED FISH, Davit t..7-o. can 23e TOMATOES, Gardenside, Standard No. 2Vt can 14c WALNUT MEATS . Vi-lb. pkg. 31e r CtAJlANTgElhFRBSH FRODUCe . -. .. - - - i-.vw.v.,-, -.v. i;.,,vi . It's rushed from the nttdi to Sft wty daily. All your money bacli U you're not entirely pleated. Delicious Apples " 5c f I Large Coast Cranberries -23c Sweet Potatoes 3 -25c Onions 8w,,t p,nuh Lb,5c Wl GUARANTEE YOU. A GRAND -TA STI NO TURKEY A lurkey that will roesl golden brown Under end delicious. Every bird It carefully selected end prepared. Every Sefewey lurkey It tender-metted guaranteed to please you in every way or all your money back, TURKEYS U.S. No. 1 Hens U. S. No. 1 Toms Lb. 45c Lb. 43c OYSTERS Grade "A" Pint 49c EVISCERATED POULTRY Leghorn Fowl Lb 45c Colored Fowl Lb. 47c Colored Fryers Lb. 59c FISH Sliced Halibut, lb. 35c Sliced Salmon, lb. 35c Fillet of Sole, lb. 35c Ling Cod, by the piece, lb. 25c BEEF Roasts, blade cuts, lb. 30c Boiling Beef, brisket cut, lb. 17c Sirloin Steaks, lb. 37c Ground Round Steak lb. 35e WESSON on Tot Salads and All Cooking or. size 53c Concentrated Super Suds 24-OZ. pkg. 23c In the Bint Package SU-PURB GRAN. SOAP S4-o. Pkg. 20c DUZ GRAN. SOAP 2C Pkg. IVORY SOAP K-num Sin-Ban . Lga. SUe Barf 4 25c 10c P. and G. Naphtha Soap 10 45c Medium Slie Ban OA lA(ACffS 8G DA T r tSLJL' I f SI WHIN we 6tT Off THIS W I Afternoon ift'j 00 OUK I SHOPPING MFOW WE 60 HOW! A ' I I All FIV OF US CAN SAVf 7!Jr6 I i eouiD Hutoiy watt UNTIL THf WMISTU? 6UW! WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT SAVINO AVWtr ON OUR. . FOOD SHOPPING t r. FLOUR, Kitchen Croft FLOUR, Drifted Snow hiucs a FtAM.oitiS'WHy don't Wl STOP At that jahwav on thi way KOMI ANO AU 00 OUR SHOPPING AT OHCI T I KNOW ITS HMt IN THI WlfK MIT THAT ' WONT MAW ANY 0lfFIN AT SAFttYAY THtV MAKE THIlR JPfOM, AOVWttfO PSJ GOOD tARiy IN TH6 WfK- IW TO OATLLE 49-lb. sk. 1.75 24'j-lb. tk. 95a ,.24'i-lb. sk. 1.09 49-lb. sk. 1.98 FLOUR, Harvest Blossom 49-lb. sk. 1.57 24'j-lb. sk. 83e GOLD MEDAL CAKE FLOUR ... Ige. pkg. 25e SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR ....Ige. pkg. 23c OATS, Quaker, Regular or Quick, Ige. pkg. 24a SHREDDED RALSTON 12-oz. pkg. 13c MIXED SOUP STOCK 2-lb. bag 23c PABLUM ....18-or. pkg. 39c CAMAY SOAP Regular bars, 3 for 20e PALMOLIVE SOAP Regular bars, 3 for 20c O K SOAP ....I.. .....,......Regular bar 5e CLOROX 32-ox. bottle 15c WHITE MAGIC BLEACH Quart bottle 10c TOILET PAPER, Comfort Tissue 4 rolls 23e All prices subject to market changes end supplies 1UY BONOS MINUTE WOMEN WEEK! NOVEMBER 22-28 TOP THAT 10 BY NIW YEAR'S Women ot war are like modem Minute Men, do-. ing their best in every woy to help win the wo r. They're oil out for . the greatest Wor.' Bond' ond Stamp Week since Pearl Harbor! ' v I rw nwuir '1 uni ij.e - r Wia-THAT I0IA 0$ SIlllNfl pnooua sy ihi pound hhpj vw minrtfT ton me. mil CAN PICK OUT ) JUST THI IXACT QUANTITY Of FRUITS THIRt'S NO WAST! THAT WAY, ANO WU rlAVI THfm FRISH AU. iff.S THI TIMI. Ida knows Safeway's Idea laftway sells produce by M pound to fae sure you jet your money s worth. When yott buy produce by weight, the only accurate way to measure value in the things Nature grows, you always get full value, SAFEWAY , . .November 28, 1942 Is""ri"( vi'i !io cli'i'n pit ! !iV wV! lV?i" boitmi Novrmhi- '' !'" I by' the university war council primarily lur i waste fiiln. but nil other salvage mntrrlnln Hint are nvnllnble wul also bo collccloel. nationally advertised ESQJIIRE HOSE FOR MEN AT WARDS FOR OtllY A PAIR 3 Pairs MO 9 Foncy seeks An. quality mixture, ot eetlen oca nsr . , ) Cosunl hois In msresrlw", to..on yarns, sturdy part wools. Wlih tops, ! ,0" , .,l.dondrlnfo.esdforwiflf. Ev.ry pair kn extra lull greater comfort, smoother M.( -.J.iinlitl 6x3 rtbsl Argyiesi v...... - In rich, dark solids ond handsome color ; eontrosts. Sim 10 to 13 In regu lar or short IsngthsA 0 Give him po'', lnafancybol W 8th and Pine Pbon. ,