Novwrnbar fl, 1042 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Classified Advartlilng Raton On day run .......per word So 2 day run per word Do 3. day run ........... per word 8o 4 Uuy run ...per word 100 6 day run por word llo Weak run ,... per word 12a Month run per word 32o 20 DISCOUNT for payment tn Advance. Tbli dl count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid In advance ads only. 5 DISCOUNT FOR Payment by the 10th. This die count given to Insure prompt payment of ads charged on monthly basis. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartmonli (or ilonl 24 Automotive .34 Business Opportunities 40 Educational .............. .12 Financial 40 For Sale or Trade ....-. 38 General Noticoi ............... 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, Fomale ............14 Help Wantod, Mule 10 Houiei For flout .-...20 Livestock and Poultry 44 Lost and Found ..... 2 Mlicellanooui For Rent 2U Miscellaneous For Bale HI! Mlicallaneoui Wanted ..........42 Personal - 0 Real Eilate (or Solo 30 Real Estate Wanted 32 Room and . Board - ....20 Rooms For Kent 22 2 Lost and Found PABTV THAT TOOK 300 8nv mam nnH 2B..1A Winchester cur- blne out of Chevrolet sednn on October 23 In front 01 i'a Bray's ploce In Bonama the party It known. Return Hn Bray or Phone 8331, Klamath Talli. and no nucstlons nsked 11-12 LOST 13 luck billfold contain Ing driver's licuiuw, Stumlnrd Oil credit curd uiul noma cukIi. Reward for return. Finder re turn to lloyd M. Adonis at of fice of Idn M. Odoll, 110 N. 8th. 11 General Notices ) MIRACLE SERIES PIANO Popular, closlcl. For ap pointment call 3400. iU-11 INSULATE Willi Masonlto Callu Blanket, We have It at a price worth Investigating. F. R. Hauger. 818 Market. Phone 7221. 12-Z AVON CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Phono 4081. 11-12 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by any one but myself after Novem ber 8, 1042. Signed by FRANK LE1BLEIN. 11-11 Personals MONUMENTS Klamath Fnlls Marble and Granite Works, 116 So 11th Phone 0381 11 0 Transportation ARMY officer's mother wishes rldo to southern California with reliable driver, sharo ex penses. Telephono BBIU. 11-10 10 Services Insurance Service This office Is well equipped to take care of your Insurance needs. Strong stock companies Fair adjustments Prompt service Convenient location , CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1000 111 N. Oth Phono 4864 m-th-tf GENERAL repairing all types small gas engines. Uorton hamer Saw Filing. 381 East Main. 11-8 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 6848. 11 0m PICTURE FRAMING Goellor's 230 Main. ll-14m HEMSTITCHING nnESSMAKING. Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations nn new and old clothing. Mrs H. M. Allenclcr, 731 Mnln. Room 218. Phono 7203. 11-lOm PAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phono 4228 11-lOm PLUMBING, HEATING, sheet metal work, furnaces vacuum cleaned. P. L. Johnson, 1430 Sargent. Phono 6320. 11-22 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 810 Main. ll-24m I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you, Clius, Hathaway. 120 No. 10th St Klamath Falls. Ore. 11-30 FLOOR SANDING and rcflnlsh Ing. - Clifford Golden. Phone 3022.' ll-30m REFRIGERATOR, washing ma. chine, vacuum cleaner parts and service, oil makes. Merit Washing Mocliino Sorvicc, Oil South Sixth. ll-30m BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and notched. Peoples warn' house Bag Co. 2824tf 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic - clinic, colon and roctol dis eases. 632 Main. Dial 7218. ll-30m 14 Help Wantod, Femalo WANTED Woman or girl for nour or, day worn or ooiira and room and salary. Full or part time. Phono 4210. 2878U WANTED Dependable woman ' to take care of home of flvo, Call after 8 p. m. 4820 So. Sixth near Idolla's store. 11-10 WANTED Experienced man or woman cook In modern grain . camp. Good wages. Phone 7380. 11-10 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Girl for sales work In local drug storo. Export onco not necessary but prefer red. Congenial working con ditions. This is not your preHcnt employer and nil re plies will bo held strictly con fldontlnl. Wrltn Box 2031, Nows-Hornkl. 1 1-0 WOMAN with somo nursing ex perience to earn for elderly gentleman nlHhts. 413 High St. Phone 4200. . U-11 WANTED Girls for fountuln work. Phil's Candylond. 11-10 WANTED Woman for light housework and care of child. Phone BI47. 11-11 IB Help Wanted, Male ruJ-u-IJ-ljni-irrw''i-'viii'ii " " LARGE OUT OF TOWN route. Excellent earnings for steady, efficient worker, Cosh bond re quired. State age, draft status, previous experience, referenc es, etc. News Herald Box 2620. 11-18 WANTED Registered pharma cist, Good opportunity with excellent poy. Inquire Wei- green Drug Co, iuudu WANTED Fir timber fullers. Phone 7180. 2823tf WANTED Three Curry-All st-roncrs and tractors, light or 12-yurd capacity, Hourly i or contract basis. Apply In per son or wrlto Keith Merrill, Logging 8upt The Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, cair, 2827tf WANTED Experienced mon and wife to work on ranch. Good co6k. Good wages and permanent Job. News-Horald, Box 2370. 11-10 WANTED Man and wife on ranch. Good wages, steady Job for both If rellablo. Phono or wrte Steve Takacs, Tule lake, Cailf. 11-11 WANTED Checker and whoU sale man Interested in steady employment. Lost River Dairy 11.0 JUNIOR EMPLOYMENT OFFI CERS needed in 22 Oregon cit ies; starting pay $140 a month; career opportunities; applica tions from U. S. employment offices or Prof. Willliim Grif fith, Supervisor of Examina lions, 701 Spalding Bldg.. Portland, Last dote for filing November B. 11-0 18 Situations Wanted CHILDREN CARED FOR In prl vate home by day or hour. Phone 7378. 11-10 BABYLAND Caro of babies and children. Hour, day or week 1104 Crescent. Phone B341 12-4m MAN wishes 4 hours work eve nings ond all day Saturday 1818 Gary. 11-9 MAN AND WIFE Contract or wages. Cookhouse up to 30 men. Rlvcrviow Apt. No. 3. 11-12 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, steam heat. 723 Klnm oth. 11-20 ROOM-BOARD- -1841 Main 11-11 22 Rooms For Rent NICE ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 11-12 ROOMS 828 High. 11-18 ROOM FOR RENT Woman only. 814 Walnut. 11-20 ROOMS Garage. 833 Eldorado. 11-22 CONVENIENT ROOMS For comfortable, modem, economl colly-prlced rooms, go to Hotel Holly. Main and So. 11th. bpeciai rotes by week or month, 11-28 CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th All outflldo, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Inncrsprlng mattresses. Free parking. . ll-30m ROOMS 1034 High. ' 12-Bm 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Rex Arms apart ments, 224 Broad. Phono 6769. Now management. Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 11 -8m ESPLANADE COURT apart ments.. Furnished. Day, week or month. Walking distance. H-9mt( FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities. Low rates. 410 No. 10th. ll-24m HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $4 week ond up. 133 N. 10th -.'..'. 11-29 GET CLOSE IN for winter, Apt. cottage, two blocks from Main on 11th, gnragc, $23. Also apt. close In, Onk street. $18. Not more than two peo pic. Call 4272 daytime. , 2568U CASCADE Apartment Hotol Apartment accommodations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 11-llm 24 Apartments Por Rent HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Completely furnished. $4 and 4,B0 week. 410 3o. Bth. 12-3 FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed apartment, corner N. 8tl) and Doty. Phone 7233. 2230tf 2-ROOM APT. Completely fur- nished, Wood, wator, lights. $20. 438 Hillside. 11-0 VAC ANCY Everything fur nished. 13.80 week and up 1404 Klamath. 11-13 FOR RENT 2 and 3 room opts., furnished. '311 heat, electric equipped. Adults, no pets. In quire 802 Lincoln. 11-10 28 Houses For Rent For Rent Two bedroom furnished house, 2846 Applegate Ave., at $37.80 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors 111 N. Oth Phone 4864 10-0 BACHELOR CABINS $10.00. Close In. 810 So. 8th. 11-28 B ROOM HOUSE, new furnace, 888 Eldorado. Owner, E. Mon crlef, 1040 Euclid, Berkeley, Calif. 463tf SMALL FURNISHED modern house. Utilities furnished. 3-128 Blehn. 282 ltf FURNISHED two-room cabins. Highloy's Market, Summers lone. Phone 8078. 2828U FOUR-ROOM HOUSE In Lenox. Five-room furnished close in. Inquire 116 N. Bth. 11-8 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, $10. Inquire 3440 Boardman, Cabin . 11-9 HOUSE FOR RENT 1704 John- son. Partly furnished, suit able for small family. Call at 1811 Carlyle St.. 11-9 TWO bedroom house, stoves and electric water heater. Inquire 1969 Harrimon after 5 p. m., or Saturdoy, 11-10 FOR RENT Largo house close In. Clean, suitable for room ers. Phono 8413. 11-10 10 ROOM furnished house. Built- Ins, frlgldairc, bath, shower. References. 741 Walnut. 11-13 FURNISHED DUPLEX Con venient for railway man. 822 E. Main. Phono . 7818 after 8:30 p. m. - 11-10 FOR RENT - Portly furnished house, $18. coin. Inquire 814 Lin- 2002U NEW S-ROOM HOUSE, attached garage, oak floors, Venetian blinds, fireplace, oil heat, Ben dix laundry. Rent or leaso to permanent tenants, $48. 1703 Eldorado. Phone 8441. 11-11 2B Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE 231 11-llm South Eleventh St. FOR RENT 37 acres old alfalfa land for potatoes for 1943. Dan McAuliffc, Malln, Ore. 11-12 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save tt. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 12-7m 30 Real Estate For Sale Oregon Avenue Three bedroom house with basement, newly papered, nice lawn,- trees and shrubs, well fenced, - good garage. $3250. $800 down and $38 per month CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 Members Klamath Realty Board - 10-9 FOR SALE OR RENT Two-bed room house. Oil furnace, fire place, hot water; also firewood and coal. 4644 Thompson ave nuo. 1J-9 COMPLETELY REDECORATED four-room house. Call ot 1621 Arthur. 11-8 FOR SALE BY OWNER Small modern house, close In, Easy terms. Phone 5418. 11-10 4-ROOM house, 2452 Pershing way, $1050.00. Torms. $300 down, $18 month. Cash $800 wrlto 1210 N. 17th St., Salem . Ore. - 11-10 $4500 CASH 10 acres peaches and apples In Ashland. 7-room . plostered house, city water, electricity, irrigation. Net liv come . $1700. So . for, apples . not sold. G. M. Frost, Ash land. Ore. 11-14 34 Automotive VULCANIZING TIRES AND TUBES Is not rationed. One- : doy service.. K. F. Tire Co. 1945 So. 6th. 12-1 1937 PONTIAC Al condition, Good tires. 1 $400.' See Ware at Rlckys or call 6417 after 7 p. m. 10-11 FOR SALIWJ-ton 1941 Chevro let chassis, like new. Includes four excellent 600x16 tires, $400 cash. Call 7260. 11-9 34 Automotive PRIVATE PARTY will pay cash for late model car using 16x000 or 16x080 tires. Phono 7013 days, 4210 nights. 11-23 FOR SALE Polnter-Wlllam- etto 1040 logging trailer, dual axle, good tires. M. J, Ortls, Chlloquin. 11-12 HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A CAR rebuilt like new? 1938 Ford DeLuxe sedan. Radio, heater. Completely recondi tioned motor, with clutch, generator, carburetor, fuel pump, oil filter and oil bath cleaner over carburetor, shocks, seat covers, paint all new, and run less than 300 miles. Radiator cleaned, test ed, filled with new Prcstone. Practically brand new 8-ply tires. $648. Phone 8200. 11-9 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled st Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Wolnut. Phone 7378. 126m FOR SALE Bulck roadster or trade for washing machine or wood. Good running order 000 Broad between 2 and 8 p. m. 11-10 FOR SALE '36 Chevrolet, panel body truck. Dial 6557. 11-10 '41 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupes, o gooa tires, rnone ond. 11-14 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR YOUR BUILDING, repair ing and maintenance needs All sizes rough lumber, 2x4 to 2x12 $20; 1x6 to 1x12 shlplap $25; 1x6 to 1x12 boards $18 thousand. Roof big $1.15 roll. Insulation, wallboard. Shingles 75c bunch. 6-inch siding $32.50; 4-inch fir flooring $38 thousand. No down payment, up to 3 years to pay. Payments as low as $5 month. J. W. Copeland Yards, 66 Main. Phone 3197. 11-14 LAWN DIRT, fill dirt and fer tilizer. Phone 6817. Roy Schmeck. 11-9 KEM-TONE, the new miracle wall finish. Beautiful colors and washable. Covers with one coat and dries in one hour Anyone can apply. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 1223 tf OFFICIAL SERVICE MEN'S GIFTS 30c up. Rudy's Men's Shop, 6th and Main. 11-26 RED FRYERS Crystal's, Mer rill-Lake view Junction. 11-20 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1435 Martin. Phone 6677. 11-23 W ATKINS PRODUCTS 2318 Home or Dial 6623. 11-28 ALL HAIRCUTS 3Scl Where on Keno road, next to Lien's Grocery store. Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 11-28 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. ll-30m DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 2820U HOME INSULATION NEWS Nothing down, payments low as $5.00 per month, 3 years to pay. Genuine U. S. Rockwool blown in with our modern equipment. Most efficient method available. Govern mcnt"statlstics say your saving in fuel costs will make your payments. Let us also esti mate your roofing, painting and remodeling jobs. SubuM ban Lumber Co. Phone 3301 2825U CITY MAPS Pocket size, up-to- the-minute, Including subur ban sections. Block numbers indicated, index keyed to map. Price 20c. For sale at Cham- . ber of Commerce, Everbody's Drug, Lee Hendrick s Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Carmichael s news stand, Robinson's Food store Show Stationery, Herold and News, Vic s Signal Service. 2826tf FULLER BRUSHES Call R. V Morgan, 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. 11-30 KEM-TONE. Goeller's Wallpa per & Paint Store. 230 Main. 11-30 SOIL SULPHUR, any quantity. People's Warehouse. 11-28 GET COWBOY OVERSHOES at Charlie Read Saddlery. Mail orders filled. Only 100 pairs. 2829U FOR SALE Almost new oil , heater, large size. 2834 Kane St. 11-11 FOR SALE 274 tons of second cutting alfalfa hay, not a , weed in It. $22 a ton in the stack. But must buy the whole stack. 41 miles south of town. R. C. Prudhomme, 6102 So. 6th. Phone 4943. 11-8 MIRRORS Resllverlng, plate and window glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. Phone 7378. 126m 38 Miscellaneous! For Sale FOR SALE Potatoes, field run, $1.80 per cwt. 1007 Kane. 11-8 FOR SALE Cheap. S-room cir culating oil heater. Call 6767 after. 6 o'clock. 2390tf FOR SALE Frlgldalre. 421 Oak, Cabin 2. 11-8 FOR SALE Piano. Phone 11-9 5864 after 6 p. m. ANTIQUE SIDEBOARD and rubber shoes. 741 Walnut. 11-12 TRAILER HOUSE Altamont Auto Camp. 11-11 FOR SALE Brand new model 12 shotgun. 1103 California. 11-10 COLDSPOT, 6i cu. ft., late 1941 model, $150. Electric range, four-burner and oven flat top, $28. Box 2864, Herald-News. 11-0 AVON PRODUCTS. Anna Funk. Phone 3450 after 5. 12-6 LANDSCAPING Now Is a good time to plant our large size fruit trees, flowering shade trees, evergreens, flowering shrubs, roses, tulips, and nar cissus. We guarantee our trees and shrubs to grow. Lakcshore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 11-21 38 For Bale or Trade WILL TAKE GOOD CAR as . down payment on furnished house. Phone 3511. 2963tf 40 To Exchange TO TRADE 160 acres for small er acreage in Altamont dis trict. 2235 Union. 11-12 FOR TRADE Portable type writer for standard. Call 6472. 11-9 42 Miscellaneous - Wanted WANTED TO BUY Caterpillar or T-20. Phone 0612 Merrill or Box 154, Merrill. 11-11 WANTED to Buy Treadle sewing macmne. rnone bhby eve nings. 10-31 WANTED Used bicycle. 7468. Call 11-12 WANTED TO RENT Furnished small house. . 2134 White. - 11-15 WANTED TO RENT Partly furnished two bedroom house. Walking ' distance to high school. Phone 3812, Tulelake. 11-10 WANTED Two-wheel trailer with 16-lnch wheels without tires. Phone 8590. 11-9 WANTED 4 tons hay. Phone 5975. 11-9 WANTED TO BUY Spinet typewriter. Phone 6624. 11-10 WANTED TO BUY -, Two used kitchen sinks. Dial 6537. 11-10 WANTED TO BUY Gas heat er for 3 rooms. Phone 852C 11-1 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 1 . registered Bel gian stallion, 6 years old; 5 Hereford bulls, 5 Hereford bull calves, 2 Duroc boars, 1 China boar. Tom Calmes Keno. 2126U FOR SALE Milk cows coming fresh in December; also young stock, 20 head. . L. L. Renn Malln. 11-9 HONEST PRICES and weights guaranteed on all livestock. PAULEY Packing Co., Sum mers lane. Phone 5323 or 3505. 2822U FOR SALE 150 feeder hogs Leo Sogehorn, Tulelake, Calif. 11-10 FOR SALE 1 saddle mare $80; 1 bay gelding, 1600 lbs., $90; 12 head Guernsey and. Jersey heifers, ages 8 to 8 months, $30 to $40 apiece. Coleman Dairy, Old Fort Road. FOR SALE Holstein and Guernsey cows. Coming fresh Joe Keller, Hager, Ore. 11-11 FOR SALE 2 heifers, will freshen first part of March, $75, or $40 if you take one, Also 2 family cows, $60 each, will freshen in the spring, Phone 4943. 5102 So. 6th St, 11-11 46 Financial See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers -; '' Locally Owned Motor Investment Co Klamath's Oldest V M-275 . S-241 114 N. 7th Phone- 3325 Breakfast at Eight i vv. ',' j. 0 V, ,5. , TV A V i -jS (1) "Bring on tWe foodl I'm nungryll" squeaks Victoria, 6-pound, 6-week-old San Francisco Zoo chlLinaiizee irom her trundle bed. (2) But urst, Victoria must suomit to a qiucs; cnange which t3) is wonh the rcwaid breaWast in bed. (4) And now, "Bring on the Japsil" Victoria Is ready to lick the -jrorkl. Her guardian la llrs. William Wills, wife of the Zoo monkey keeper. Requiring all the care of a human baby, Victoria is sojourn ing in the Wills home until she gets her Jungle legs. Germany's Big rirsi ingiisn cuy to leel tne might ol the German Luftwaffe since the Battle of Britain was Canter bury, attacked by 50 Nazi bombers, of which 13 were shot down. Soldiers and firemen set about clear " tag away the rubble as soon as the all-clear sounded. financial LOANS Established B Years In Klamath County ' Furniture Loans Signature Loans qj ., LiV$25Cto $300 Month Season 1942-43 " Season 1941-42 Rnnprc. Plriflnro Po Nov- I Nov. to Season Nov. to Season IOger5 rinance 0. Daar Date to Date Daily Data oData S-189 i .. ,, . 412 Main Dial 5113 1 1457 32 ' 1780 : ' . " l21 2 24 24 1481 2 34 1792 SIGNATURE m 38 1495 34 68 eT LOANS 24 62 1519 49 117 ,1875 (WITHOUT co-sioners) S 19 81 1538 46 163 1921 ' BUSINESS GIRLS -- -JL. J2!L J1 Vou K4 X. co-tlsier or - 7 35 153 .1610 . 46 ,258 2018 Endorser to Get a Consumer ' . ? , t - Loan Whether You Are Mar. 8 0 153 1610 43 301 2059 rled or Single Whether You - - . Work to a Shop or OHlce. ' 301 . 2fl59 Totil Monthly raynwnts to Tit ' 1 - m TT r T0r8" 10 42 343 so ' Ills s.oj 11 14 357 2115 I 100 18.6 11.74 10.0S 1 200 it.M SS.15 80.00 1 0 39 396 9114 I S00 , S5.S8 85.17 J0.U 1A ' ' 410 A. Amounts $30 to $300 13 v 34 430 2188 B. No Co-signers - 21 451 2209 C. Strictly Confidential 14 : . . n 15 11 462 2220 ,. Consumers Credit jg 464 ."iiST"', 70 Pine Street Phono 7T11 - -- nr. No. m-bw " S-sso 19 . 483 2241 - 48 Business Opportunities : " ! r , 14 497 2258 FOR SALE Cafe or beer parlor r- 19 ' 516 . 2274 in Chemult, Joe Bellavance. " J .. . . ; . . 11-9 2lT" 0 816 ,2274 BEER, FOUNTAIN, LUNCH in 2l ' ' 11 ' 627 Medford, Ore. Priced to sell. '..... . 542 2100 J. D. Moad, 1012 E. Main St. 22 ' ' ; j " - . Phone 3924, Medford. 11-12 4 546 2304 There's always a bright sidel " ' ; ' " 21 567 ' 2325 At least you won't be taxed on - rrr ; what you think you're worth. 25 ' 16 683 2341 , 1 7ZT 19 '602 2360 Father's education Is begin- i0 . Ing all over again. Junior has 27 12 614 . 2372 home workl - 18 630 ,2388 When a single girl looks her1 p" ' " .. . .14 644 . 2402 best she ha the best chance : .. - ' "l1. of finding the man sh.e Is after. 30 0 644 2402 Starts Victoria's Day y ' Aft Bombers Come Back to Canterbury KLAMATH BASIN Carload Potato Shipments (Figures from State-Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey.) "SK--' ." 'if " ' ' ' " ' A- If 4