SERIAL STORY PLAY BY PLAY BY PAUL DAVID PRESTON COPYfttOHT, iBiX. . NEA 6ERVICE, INC. SIGN LANGUAGE CHAPTER XXX rpHAT Wednesday night Nanoy and Scooter Hale were guests In the Miller home. When the widow and little ion arrived, Nancy'l eyes seemed lovelier than ever. ;''. . "You don't look as If you'd had a terrible strain, darling," Bly greeted her. "You look grand." Nancy was lull of a new and exalting thing. "Bly'l ... Oh, Bly! I want to talk to you. I feel grand, too. I have so much to tell." "Come on In. Of course well talk. X expect we'll talk until morning." They almost literally did that For one thing, Mom herself had to be told all the exciting details of what had happened. In answer to her flood of breathless ques tions, the girls relived much of their harrowing adventure. , "It's Just like something out of book," Nancy thrilled, "and it's even got a happy ending." Blythe considered that Yes, In a way it did have, of course. It meant a very real happiness for . Blythe herself, just knowing that Nancy hadn't been disloyal and mean. It meant a deeper, richer understanding all around. The telephone Interrupted their - conversation. It was a call for Nancy. : "No, Mr. Loumann, I cant talk tonight" she was saying. "No, I can't sign any contract tonight and probably not at alt . . . What? ... Yes, I do understand, and . I think you're very generous, but you see, I Intend to leave all busi ness matters now to my husband. ... Yes, thaf s right . . . But tomorrow night Mr. Loumann, I'm marrying the most wonderful man In the world!" . Blythe gasped at hearing that Nancy had hung up instantly, and sow she came back In beaming. , "I was going to tell you, this very evening. I couldn't think how to start Blythe, after all that that I had said, and done. .1 mean asking you to help me .with well, sometimes a person Just doesn't know her own mind. YouH have to put me down .as wishy-washy. And please love me : forever, Just the same.; I need a sister like you, and I know Nor mar thinks you are grand. ' Bly dear, it's Norman Tm going to marry!" ' JJLYTHE MILLER told herself ' some days ' later that she would never quite remember those hours between Wednesday eve ning and Thursday noon. ' She just went through a con tinuous mental whirling. . Sleep? Not that night! She and Nancy Hale lay abed together and talked girl talk Into the scandalous hours. Baby Scooter slept in Pop's room, and once they got up to go cover : him' and found Link the puppy curled on the pillow right at his ear. All Thursday morning Blythe nd Nancy held down Pop's office for him. He stayed away with bis football players, quiet in a hotel. But the girls had excite ment every moment Literally hundreds of people called. Both of them had to be photographed l dozen times. The newsreel pic tures wanted more shots, and Abe Loumann of World Features tried to entice Nancy with a contract at double his former offer. In the , end he sat there mopping his brow, determined, waiting. Interest quickened at 1 p. m. when everybody left to go to the stadium. It would seat 60,000 fans, and every seat would be taken for this State U. , game. Blythe and Nancy and Scooter of course would be sitting on the Lincoln bench. Blythe didn't go directly inside tfie stadium, however. Nancy went on ahead because Scooter was anxious to get near the two big bands that were already play ing. . Half the stadium seats were filled by now. Blythe waited near the players' entrance. "At a quar-' ter of 2, a .bus rolled up with Pop and his "lads" already In uniform. "HI, Blyl . , . Hello-o-o!" "" "Bly, Blyl . . . Yea-a-a-a, yoo- . boo! Hi!" The players were yelling their greetings, piling out of the bus. . She saw Duane., She saw Norman Dana. She saw . Heavy Under wood, somber of face because he Wouldn't be able to play. She saw fcU the other eager cadets, football men for one more game. She felt Pop near her and kissed him when he held her a moment and then all at once the others were stream ing In and she was alone with Duane. "Listen, Bly, listen! . . . Listen!" ' He kept repeating It, nervously. "I been thinking all night All day. I finally got up courage enough to ask it That question I told you about Bly, I been Wanting to ask it for more than year.I got to ask it now or Til go crazy! Blythe, sweetheart could you possibly marry mo? I love you so. Could you? , . . Could you?" "Snatch him out of it gang!" Suddenly they were swamped! His own teammates, seeing him linger, had returned In force and now they ran onto the field with lum while the stands began a vic tory roaring. "YICTORY roaring? " Exactly that People said, later, that no team on earth could have stopped the Lincolns that day, Dana and Hogan, -the two great backs, were greater than ever. By fourth quarter they had Suite u. in a daze. And it was in this fourth quar ter, too, that another odd little drama was recorded for posterity. There was a time out alter Lin coln's third touchdown. Duano Hogan had dropped back to kick the goal, and in the dramatic mo ment of waiting he turned to face the Lincoln bench. Sixty thou sand spectators saw him begin making strange hand signs. Instantly, Blythe Miller jumped up from the bench and 'made queer gestures of her own. The referee's shrill wliistle cut the air. He ran toward Dunne. "They're coaching from the sidelines!" yelled the State U. cap tain angrily. "Against the rules!" "Did you get a message from the Lincoln bench?" the referee demanded. Duane was smiling. "Yes, sir." "Penalty, then!" the official snapped. "What was the mes sage?" Big Duane Hogan grinned even broader. "I was just doing a little j Indian sign talk. I said to the j coach's daughter, 'What's the an swer to my question?' And she j sign-talked back. Her answer was Yes!' " THE END HOLD EVERYTHING! f f NINETY- FIVE ONE ( DOLLMt) I Hlr KNOWS HER X?Mt 3RHW CAE-oAR, ) ''-( DON'T TELL. ME VOL) ARFIsl'T f 1 CENTS WHOn.L Y DOLLAR) VPIVE.V BOX, "BY TH' RIBBON ' MARTHA WHAT N&l EN3ONIN0 MW ELK-TOOTH v r-il I GO ONG DOLLAR? T V v -y -LETS RUN HIM ; 2$ KlNO OP GASTRONOMIC V BOUILLON- MASS YOU'D O OlbjJ . WHO'LL TAKE Jr si UP TILL HE GITS 'JEST IS THIS SOUP ? PREFER SRa-BURSER.'JV jZ 17)THIS VOUNO ) CAREFUL! HK"S WHITE IN TH' FACE -MV WORD.' THE Jr5y LISTENER STUFWNSWELUTHlS 1 fl -Jfe- nf. LAPY JO tefSJl JEALOUS-BUT teTID OF RED-- ft FLAVOR SMACKS tr IS A PREVJIEW OF WHAT SOU'REr J, JfeL' f3& J,' SUPPER DON'T KNOW THEN LET HIM, , iirf OF BARBERRY GOING TO GET - AND LlKSW ) ;i value on used merchandise. Cash . , Mf ' f M If jB ' i " I 'Vll By J. R.r Wilirqm THIRTY VEAgg TOO SOON j VM-5K, OP Rft9NEED'3, wlIiitt flfrillllsl I ( V)E CAN'f OUT-RUN A ( NO.' BUT VOEU EET THAT 'l VIE tKE-UMV-VEH' AND THOSENl (viflAT (NBlW5TT?ENT"tCRHIM, " M 1 1 S 'j 1 1 E VTMOSE HOR5E5, MINS' ) I RED HEAD AGAIN LOOKS - PLENTY GOOD BULLETS WE PASSED 1HAT kED HEAD 5CtvUB.' (WBE &$M$$mMr -I UKE TX3NNELLTS HIRED HME , RED A BE CATCHlN' 1 HAD THE 4 NCU1 D BETTER &32 ijlf P iiiiiiIM.niiTlJ f RUT MPt W6RBUCKS I KNOW" I OF COURSE THERE HWE WAraTli I mm . re'Ai AY I THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson ACCORDING TO . ANNUAL. PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OP SOAP, IS THE OF ALL THE MAJOR , NATIONS SOAP rT 'p ALTHOUGH maw towns IN THE UNITED STATES ARE NAMED FOH ABRAHAM lincoln, onlv lincoln, ZjOVCVCT, was naaaed FOR HIM BEFORE HIS DEATH. The black spotof a black out ISA BRIGHT SPOT'J&ys MURRAY GOLDSTEIN, U. S. NAVAL OFFICIAL HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured U. S. Naval official. 11 Peels. 12 Beginnings. 14 Morindin dye. 15 Erbium (symbol). 16 Finish. 17 Chews upon. 19 Bright color. 21 PerU. 24 Grasp. 25 Black, viscous fluid. 26 Javelins. 46 Arranged 27 Half (prefix), -(abbr.). 28 Biblical 47 Exclamation, pronoun. 48 International 30 Print measure, language. 31 Tensile .49 South African strength village. (abbr.). 51 Dine. 32 Jumbled type. 53 Foot (abbr.), Answer to Previous Puzzle JSOiUTH,CI!ROiLI I !NIAL BMR S W0iRW..O EgiL JAdEPt" MU Rfjteffe mbWav (MM DSriB'U LS- AND n"0" ' :--lTTd T AHA Pi TtA V jF L E dTJ OA 0 S AG E 5BP R j .HG P E D ML H T 'SPE WplG I L A BE TAiESlEL JT UG n1Tc"mp:c7ieh1od1e "PUIl MlEmTjolsiTMTlEp 35 Long for. 37 Music note. 40 Male deer. 42 Right Worthy (abbr.). 44 Also. 55 Myself. 56,He holds the rank of , 58 Pocketbook. 60 Fortune. 61 Operatic solo. VERTICAL 1 Judge Advocate (abbr.). 2 Mineral rock. 3 Droves. 4 Nova Scotia (abbr.). 5 Two-wheeled cart of India. 6 Command. 7 West Indies (abbr.). 8 Hen's product. 59 Symbol for 9 Member of samarium. ring (colloq.). 10 Traps. 11 Entreaty. 13 To move in water. 14 Skills. 16 Foe. 18 Twirl. 20 Arid. ' 22 Animal. 23 Recording secretary (abbr.).. 29 Witty thoughts 33 Within. 34 Like. 35 Pompous show 36 Age. 38 Auricle. 39 Paid notice. 41 Book palm, 43 Grain. 45 Alaskan city. 50 Ignited. 52 Beverage. 53 Animal skin. 54 Three (prefix) 57 Sun god. 58 Parent. I 2 3 T" S 6 T 8" 9 rt - 1 (I""! P16 " a Ztyi7vI5Z 1 5 tft 3T .;3r 'itm . ' 1 w-ry pri Us - BUT MR. W6RBUCKS STLL BE AUVE1 TVIffr W BULLETIN WOSONiy A RUMOR AND FROM ENEMY SOURCES -VOU KNOW HOW THEY UE I KNOW BUT COMIN' RK5HT AFTER (P GOT HIS LETTER-I'M AFRAID rtS TRUETHg r - i r ( OF COURSE THERE HttE BEEN OTHER TIMES, WHEN IT SEEMED HE MUST BE DEAD- It 1 lit l.HVlb BHUv"" BUT THIS TIME EVEN HE TlGvScKfcD Hb HAD ONLY BOUT ONE CHANCE IN A THOUSAND - STARTlKOUTON WHAT MIGHT BE HIS GREATEST ADVENTURE. HE SAID IN TH LETTER BUT AS HE SAD. HIS WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN PRETTY MUCH JUST ONE BKJ ADVENTURE- PUNJAB AND TH ASP' AND CHUCK WERE WITH HIM --THE RADIO FLP6H SAID HE AND HIS WHOLE KILLED IN WTTION-GpNEl ALL mONE" FOREVER I , ni rs i in ANNIEl IF HE IS GONF. HE WGNT THE WW fighting! C m IMSOLP 6RA'I" Bv Harold Gray Fop grubblet IS CONFERRING WITH A LAWYER, AMD v YOU'RE? NOT GONG- To TELL ME UNCLE JASPER. DIDWT MAME ME IM HIS Wli-U.L hope; I DOMT REPRESENT YQUR. LATE UNCLE" JASPER. II REPRESENT A WOMAN NAMED It ii I irr kkf -V till Ifr- r r (VHL-UtC (ViVUIf VVMUDC HEART MOUVe BI5QKEM Freckles and His Friends 'SEMERAL VON 5CHMELT I PLIES FROfA PARIS yl - IVUUMC. H WHAT DO YOU MEAN 2 Your. writtesI proposal of marriage was ACCEPTED, MR. 5 RUBBLE. AND NOW VtDU PRETEND INNOCENCE PROPOSAL? MARRIAGE ? VJWAT ARP ViOU TALKING ABOUT? IM TALKING- ABOUT SETTLING THIS OUT OF COURT OlIIPTLV akid FINANCIALLY, "M no. u. . Pr.o?rW:. .7ii. tM J Bv 0 humph' probably! THEyAOTA RIDE IM SOME VEHICLE. BUT WHAT or THE SENTRIES POSTED AT ALL PRINCIPAL. ROAD INTERSECTIONS? HAVE THEy WOT FOUND THEM? NO Blnssor 1 1 a. I Miit--ii iir-rLi 1 iive.l W rLiie ei .it-hic abb utrtiLl tL Tin inciN vcftj 1 n & ru)wiiivb9rnb nivinw t WEARBy. AT DAYBREAK I, PERSONALLY. WILL DIRECT THE SEARCH OF EVER' HOUSE AND BUSH l THE PROVINCE 3P.0OO TROOPS ARE AT MY DISPOSAL. THIS OLIUANT MVST. . KtLCI UKCUl IN UnwB HE ran l IHCHC VVIUU SOME SKULLS CRACKED, I ASSURE YOU 1 .11.. i. 'WM.X. 4 icj, y W eENERAL.l mm( 'I TWELL THAT BL0ODH0UND5 1 l iV -n WHAT I TRAILED THE ESCAPED I 2c;a V NEWS' PRISONERS TO A ROAD, la Pf-f:: K-t-X THERE THE TRAIL, J&j l-fe&l iOTV WAS LOST jM ' rf ,f R Pry Crano ' VV ;l W SO FAR OUR. PATROLS"' WAlW WHEN WE GET THIS tXSrTTVl f MEAKILE,ONTHEOTHER! aith all moo mow under have turned back I that1sour 7MJJ new secret weapon S4ykH,V'P,DETHeeoR0ER-w!. THE HEEL OF EENY, THE DIC- EVERY ENEMY THRUST ( DAMGER. POINT, fU LAUNCHED, WE'LL .SIP; J THE NEW ORDER PREVAILS..,: tator,andherarmyop , exceptcwebywaterVlwght,' LJ,ll"TrVEGaTAN X LEMIAN HOODLUMS. KIMG LREPELUN3 AWATErI BUT... H KWE AINfTTSS"1 GUZ AMD HIS CHIEF-OF ! BORNE INVASION !) 1 ' ff I ' Vr J( V MAKIM MUC IMTHAT STAFF, GENERAL OOR Ik MIGHT BE 4i i KT IotmS HENAV (wcSvVam ' CARRY OSJ THE REFUGEE tTOUGHr v ' . "; L UVs?n fmlI S AGjNf THEM ) DESERTER '' MOOVIAN GOVERNMEKJT v i ' jMli C LJVfLl i ( TOUGH Sgf?ER ' ! Sj By V. T. Hamlin