November 0, 1D42 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON page nva Breakfast Cancelled At re- cont nioctlim of Votarana of For eln Worn It win decided to can cel thin yenr'a Liberty breakfast, sponsored by the pott, because, of tho necessity of moat pout mam' hers oniwKd In vltnl Induntrle romiilnlnK t their work on Arm istice day. Inatoud Of the Arml tlce breakfast, the post In spon soring an Initiation and slug par ty on Saturday evening, Novem ber 14, nt 8 p, m. In the Moose hnll on Pine strept boweon Tenth find Eleventh'. Thla la open to pout mombora nnd recruits only. All poat members who can poe alhly do ao are asked to gather at the Lclon hall at 10 o'clock on Armistice day to participate In the pomelo and program. Raturna Home Mrs. Wilbur Jonea returned to Klamath Sat urday night from a motor trip to Boise und other pointa In Idaho where aha accompanied her aon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jonea Jr. The younger Jonea were on the last vacation trip of the dura tion as both ara employed In defenso work at Pittsburgh, Calif., leaving for thalr home there curly Sunday morning. Mrs, Jones said the party en countered severe snow storm In the Burns area where the snow wus more thun six Inches lttp beforo they reached Wugontlro. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Wll Hum C. Orton of Butto, Mont., are visiting here for several month at the homo of their dnuKhtar, Mrs. Louis K. Mann, 1437 Pacific Terrace. Louis R. Miinn returned' Saturdny morn lug from a several weeks' trip which took him to Muskegon, Mich., where ho was called by the serious Illness of his mother, Mrs. R. K. Mann, now reported greatly Improved. Mann contin ued from Muskogcn to Washing ton, D. C, where he spent sev eral days on business. To Pueblo Mrs. John White line (Dorothy O'Keefe) will leave by motor Frldoy for Pueblo, Colo., where she will Join her husband who la stntlonad at the army airbnso at Pueblo's new field. Mrs. Whltcllne hus served as secrntnry to Arnold Crnlopp, superintendent of city schools, nnd her place will be filled by Mrs. LnVonno Wntklns. The Whllollno home In Rivervlew ad dition will be occuplod by Mr. and Mrs. William Waggoner. To Portland Michael Dor mody, 2448 Reclamation avenue, left Thursday night for Portland Where ha will take his physical examination following his en listment in the United States navy. Darmody is a Southern Pa cific employe. His wife, Rence, nnd daughter, Shnron, will re main in Klamath Falls until Darmody's assignment. For Camp Whit Residents of tho city who have vases they will donnte for use at the Camp White, Mcdford, hospital, and shrubs, perennials, bulbs or vines for beautlfication of tho camp grounds, are asked to leave them at the American Legion hall Armlstlco morning. Tho gifts will be takon to Medford later. Day of Prayar Armistice day, Wednesday, November li, will bo observed by all women Oof St. Paul's church as a day of prayer starting at 10 a. m. end continuing until 4 p. m. Tho prayer will be led by Hazel Morrison. Women are asked to como for 18-minuto pcrloda for meditation nnd prayer. This ob servance Is planned by churches ' throughout the world. Go to Game Among Klamath people attending the Oregon UCLA game, at Eugene Saturday wore Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Drury, John Houston, Kenneth Moore, J. Royal Shnw and daughter and son, and Malcolm Epley and son. Return Horn Mr. and Mra. Ed Ostondorf and daughter, Jean, returned Sunday night from Salem whore they spent the weekend visiting Mra. Osten dorf's sisters. On Vacation Ernest True love, mechanlo employed at the Oregon State highway depart ment shops, Is spending a week's vacation at his homo on Shasta wny. Ashland Visitor Ben Bekker of Klamath Falls spont the week end In Ashland with his family. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Croomulslon relievos promptly be cause it Roes right to the seat of the trouble to holp looson and expel gorm laden phlegm, and old nature to soothe nnd heal raw, tender, in- gamed bronchial muoous mem ranes. Toll your druggist to sell you a, bottle of Oreomulslon with the un it dorstandlng you must like the way It J quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis From Tlonesta Mr. and Mra. Clarence Crapo spent the week end here from their home at Tlonesta, Mrs. Crapo will re main until Armistice day. In ValleyMrs. Robert Pin son and son, Klamath Fall real, dents, spent the weekend nt the homo of Mra. Plnson'a parents, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Hughs of Ashland, Improving Fred Barth, Kestorson employe who suf fered serious arm and chest In. Juries when he foil against the pinner at tho mill late Thurs day, was reported Improving at Klamath Valley hospital. Unchanged The condition of Mra. Corl Schubert Sr., Spring Lake pioneer matron, waa reported unchanged Mon day. Mra. Schubert haa been critically 111 for several weeks. Leaves Hospital Mrs. Melvln Ensley and Infant daughter left Klamath Volley hospital Mon day for their home In Bonanza. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective June 16, 1842) Train 19 Bouthboundi 0ilS p, m. Train 20 Northboundt 10 a. m. Train 17 Bouthboundi 6i30 a. m. Train 18 Northbound! 4 p. ra. Medford Stage, Westbound, 3)30 p, m Evening Airmail, Women of Moose The Wom en of the Moose will sponsor a card party Wednesday, Novem ber 11, ut 8 p. m. In the Moose hall. This Is the last of a aeries of parties. Tho public la Invited, Meeting Slated Women of the Moose will meet In regular session Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the ' Moose hull. Fannie Mae Thompson, chairman of the col lege of regents, will hold her chapter night program. The col- lege of regents la made up of past senior regents who won iionor by having a successful year while acting In that capac ity, and also were able to show a net gain In membership. There will be initiation of a class of candidates In their honor. Refreshments will fol- VISIT OUR AUTO SHOW And Wheel Toy Event BUY THEM EARLY THIS YEAR .... BE AMONG THE FIRST TO SHOP AND SAVE NOW ON XMAS TOYS A Three Wheeler for Her, Tool Chain Drive Girls' and Boys' VELOCIPEDE Of sturdy steel, painted f I a shlng red with aluminum r nnun trim, guara JjQed chain drive with hall bearing pedals. For chil dren 3 to 10. Boys' " 11.57 Thrills for Both of 'Eml 2 PASSENGER VELOCIPEDE Ball Bearing Wheels Fire chief hell red reflection In buck of the pad ded leather saddle completely stream lined. 20" 11.11 991 mW .v j-.. For Active Two Year Oldsl STREAMLINED VELOCIPEDE Shiny red enam eled frame with Its aluminum fin ish handle bars, wheels and col lar! 20" 8.77 Make Way for the U. S. ARMY TRUCK A good looking truck with siren and khaki cover, streamlined fend ers and bumper, movable tall gate nnd dummy tall-llghta. f 211. 6s3 Above the Cloudsl AIRPLANE He'll thrill to the propeller moving as he peddlea along and to the two dummy ma chine guns and cannon mounted on his motor I Pontlao Auto 1212 Krjulpppfl with now type bumper, wlnrlnhleld, motor, muter, liom ami lent pfifl. Fire Truck 1448 T I r e m n rrd. trimmed with white, two hnnd rutin nnd two lid dara I I, 10 Wooden Wagon 526 yatmal hardwood h 11 il y, cqulppt-d with olllfii 1000 mile Congo be.u. In. i" aolld rtthher tlren. Body M" j tvyt Bule Auto 1567 He'll hoaiit about Its equipment , . windshield, motor meter, horn, front bumper and head-MdMfl k . It 4 Fibre Doll Cart 25" A itrfifimHnert lit tle curt In bead ed flnt fit,, with rerllnlnir bark and window. 27" 5.93 Deluxe Scooter 372 1000 mite Congo bearing, and an' ensy to lino foot brake that will ftton blm on a dot! low the meeting and games will be played. All members are asked to bring sandwiches. Chairmen of the membership, hospital guild, war relief, pub licity, social service, homcmak- ing, alumni and college of re gents are to make their reports. Committee to Meet The ex ecutive committee of the Fair haver) PTA will meet Wednes day, November 11, at 1:30 p. m. at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. Harold Schicfcrsteln, Stewart addition. There will be no PTA meeting Friday due to gas registration at the school on that day and-teachers and PTA members are assisting with this work. The next PTA meeting will be held Friday, November 20. Drill OWAC drill will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. at the KUHS girls' gym instead of at the armory. Members of the Oregon Werners Ambul ance corps are asked to use the Mon Claire street entrance. This la a practice for the Arm istice day parade. Aloha OES There will be a regular meeting of Aloha chap ter, Order of the Eastern Star, ut 8 p. m. Tuesday In the Ma sonic temple. Mrs. Charlotte Martin, worthy matron, invites all visiting members to attend. Altamont PTA The regular meeting of Altamont PTA will be held Tuesday, November 10, at 2:30 p. m. All members and friends are asked to come early and visit home rooms. The speaker of the day wllj be Mrs. Sarah Wertz, home management supervisor of the farm security administration. Frank Lowell Signs With Navy Frank Lowell, operator of the Klamath Packing company whose plant recently burned here, has Joined the navy as a boatswain's mate, first class, in the "Sea Bees," A brother, Kenneth, enlisted In the Sea Bees a month ago and another brother, Fern, Is In the marine corps. Weather Cancels Trip for Scrap At Fort Klamath Weather conditions over the weekend cancelled the trip to the D. E. Alexander place at Rock Creek and the 70 tons of scrap will be brought down at a later date, according to C. C. Jenkins, 4-H club agent. All scrap left In the Fort Klamath district is being brought down by ranchers of that area assisted by H. E. O'Hara, ex tension agent for the Klamath Indian reservation stationed at Klamath Agency. Buy it througn the want-ads. Rooms Entered Dr. E. D. Lamb, Medical-Dental building, reported to city police that a desk drawer had been opened In his office and that several dol lars were taken from the money box and a number of stamps from the stamp drawer. The entry took place lote Friday, The coastline of Alaska la greater than the distance around the earth. PIMPLED SKIN una BnntiRAptto LA t ion, ramiii merikriretl powder bnse, so helpful to ptmpled urltAfed flkln, when to external can das. You'll love It, Promote Bklnbeauty 8k 1 near. Thre- flattering; complexion ahadea. Fleah, Brunette. Cream. 10c, 60c SANTISEPTIC LOTION 5 Years in Klamath Falls r u u v v aft a . . JaUA 1 al M fMMf y CO., I M rpnn mm , a mmm GUARDIAN OF YOUR WINTER COMFORT It looks as though 'It might be a hard winter. ThereTor short ages of many cold weather needs. Wool and leather must go Into clolhei for our toldien. We hear of fuel-oil shortages. It looks as though it might not be easy to keep warm this winter. But Penney's It equal to all emergencies. We know markets . . . values . . . qualities. We know how and where to get the things our cuitomers muil have to keep them comfortable. Yet even at Penney's thoie winter things you've bought from us for forty years, are not ns plentiful ai In other years, and we ask you all to buy only what you really need, I that none may have to do without. But there's still another reason for limiting your buying to necessaries. That is the importance of Investing .all you con in War Bonds. It is your War Bonds that will keep you warm in winters to come . . . that will buy you your winter needfuls . . . and all the other things that spell American security. So wt urge you lo buy only what you need. Buy it thriftily at Penney's. And turn your savings Into Wor Bonds.'' Grand Values for Every Woman! Real Comfort Against Winter Chilli TUCKSTITCH PANTS AND VESTS Smart while being sensible ... warm without being; heavy . . . Nicely cut vests and pants that ara snng enough to fit under your slimmest rock I Pants with reinforced crotch. 329 7 i A ' BXSSSi I Aff JLf JB? At 4 Laci ri'lil" Cotton Frocks I HCl.-.T:tUl moo Ld "- Vlffrl - Shirtwaist, Jong-torso ana 11 I I flared skirt styles. Prints, , I 1 checks, stripes In poplin. a . ' i nDcceee 1 1 1 rsVTVx c znrwuuu iaa4a ii Cynthia Slips 1.29 Qeverly tailor ed or trimmed with fine lace Smooth rayon crepe that will not poll out at the seams I m nayon Knit PANTIES 35c Smoothly cot to fit under slim frocks. "Easily jwnhci . . . need no fron InK. Dainty, tea j rose. CHENILLE HOUSECOATS 198 4 YonH want a pretty - robe to veir this winter while yon read, relax and rest I Choose ene that Is smartly styled . . rich with thick, fluf fy chenille In attrac tive snnbarst design 1 Slim cut waist with fnll, swirling skirt I Soft, dainty pastels to match yonr room! Sites 13 to 20. GLEN ROW FROCK Clever little dresses that will go everywhere, at tVA onr birthday sav- 70 ings price I " Mm Delightful frocks that ara suitable for home or street wear! Striped plane or nov elty prints tn cotton and spun rayon t Siies 13 to U. Part Wool Beauties! Blankets 590 35 Warm Wool t) Trimly Bound 72"x90" else Fine blankets youH b e proud of for years to cornel Firmly woven with a deep, springy nap that holds the warmth I Rayon satin bonnd. 1 Blgl Absorbent I TERRY TOWELS 45' Grand buys! Soft, thick terry In snowy white with eolored borders. For Your Dining Rooml LACE TABLE CLOTHS 98 Girls' 'Miss Prep' Panties ..... Tuckstitch Vest, Panties, Each 29c 29c Underwear For Winter! Winter- UNION c 11 1 i . 1.32 Just right for work Indoors and out! Snug fitting! Shirts, Shorts and Briefs 29c ea. Boys' Winter Weight Undershirta .40c Boys' Winter Weight Srawera .... 48e Comfortable In Cold Weather! Vecwi 'of FAITHFUL ERVICE U.S.MRRINES (Inmuwmu Nov. 10 4 398 Jean Nedra Stylesl DRESSES Novelties! Rayonsl Corduroys! Fall-Into-winter styles that will win your heart! Select a smart spun rayon In a casual style for your business life! Choose . a dressy rayon for dates to be remembered 1 Buy sport frock with an air for your outdoor activities I One and two-piece types that will flatter every figure! A smart new selection of warm fall colors for your special choice! Sizes 13 to 20. Snap brim sport styles t new molded berets 1 clever casual types for town; off-the-faee types for dress! Gay trim mings of feathers and veils t Creamy lace cloths lovely to look at ... . prac tical to u s e I Launder easily. Standard she. Attractively Embroidered PILLOW CASEl Smart "Mr. and Mrs.", "His and Hers" designs. - b-iii. .111 us ; - iB?sr 7S?&f II , ir -x. I ivs sr . Pla A Half Sosen In Each Siaal 18-Pc. Tumbler Set 1 00 Six milt juices, tlx table tumblers, and six tall tum blers, all lor this tiny prlcel Strong, beautiful Safedge glass, with needle-etched de sign! A truly delightful gift! 86 iairtps 8 1 nes.- vd. " IT n. OBttnJ vu. imtmitmmmmtmmm F0J.VICT0RYI . T? jtia jit BSSti!ft!!S.W Swagger and Smart for Fall! COATS 10" Your fall coat Is the most Important purchase you will make for the entire season . . , you'll want It to be just right 1 See this lovely group of smart new sport and casual styles! Gay plaids, soft fleeces, and rugged tweeds. 13 to 20.