Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 09, 1942, Page 10, Image 10

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November 9, 1043
Interest in price ceilings on
potatoes continues to be great,
consequently the following quo
tation, taken from the USDA ag
ricultural marketing administra
tion report from Idaho Falls,
dated November 8, Is of interest
to everyone in the potato busi
ness Washington, D. C: "Potatoes
and onions may not be sold or
delivered at a price higher than
the highest price charged by a
seller during the period Septem
er 28, 1842, to October 2, 1942,
inclusive. We realize fully that
any such temporary freeze must.
In itself, produce some inequities,
and our immediate effort is be
ing directed toward reducing
those inequities through the
terms of a permanent regulation.
We have already held meetings
with representatives of the pota
to and onion industry, at which
growers, shippers, and distribut
ors were present.
Careful Consideration
Their immediate problems un
der price control, as well as their
suggestions for, future control,
are being given careful consider
ation and will be reflected in our
permanent regulation. This regu
lation or an adjustment of the
temporary freeze will appear in
the immediate future and will
reflect a consideration of all rele
vant factors. In other words, the
problems of storage, shrinkage,
grades, trade practices, etc., will
be weighed carefully, (signed)
At the meeting mentioned
above, G. J. Hilyard of Klamath
Falls attended from this district
to submit information and dis
cuss this question. All informa
tion presented at this meeting
was recorded and will be used in
establishing permanent potato
price ceilings..
Jay S.' O. Haynes, pioneer
farmer of the Langell valley
district, died November 7 in Ash
land, according to word received
here. Mr. Haynes was about 80
years of age at the time of his
passing. He was a member of
the Haynes family which moved
from Oregon City to Langell val
ley In the early 1880s.
Mr. Haynes spent the major
portion of his life In Klamath
county and was an active mem
ber of the First Baptist church.
His wife, Sadie Haynes, was
killed last year in Ashland in a
railroad crossing crash. A sister,
Mrs. Grace Griffith of Klamath
Falls, survives. ' ;
Funeral services will be held
from 5 the- Litweiller Funeral
home in Ashland Tuesday after
noon. ' ',- j -
Two Injured in
Saturday Crash ,
Everett Looper and J. D. Phil
lips, both employed by Crater
Lake Lumber and Box company
at Sprague River, were given
medical treatment at . Klamath
Valley hospital late Saturday ,
, Looper and Phillips were oc
cupants of a car which skidded
: on loose gravel and overturned.
Looner suffered cuts on the head
which required stitches,- and.
Phillips received a back injury.
If only we can raise the bid
and get more American air pow
er, we can stretch the Hun's
force beyond its limit. British
radio commentator. , .
Eighty per cent of all .'trips
made by trucks are less "than
20 miles.
Citizen Brent
:? CI":
. '1 -'V-1
' A' I--
Qualifying for citizenship pa
pers, Russian-born film actress
Linda Brent now proudly calls,
the American flag her own.
Twice Torpedoed
;l t. r in cvH 1
ij N itf 111 rfr"--
Ljf jk-y mil
aWMMMiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiriiiiitniitW( . - s, ..aifeAii tnwin.n i.iih mil
A recent visitor in Klamath Falls was Jakob van Kralingen. brother of Mrs. Howard F. Dunn
of 4748 South Sixth street, and a veteran of two torpedoing in the Atlantic. A Dutch seaman.
Van Kralingen was first forced to abandon ship in June, 1941, nine days out of Liverpool, when
two "fish" struck hit vessel. He spent 10 days in an open lifeboat before he was picked up by a
Finnish steamer, the Hammarlent. In August, 1942, while serving aboard a Dutch tanker. Van
Kralingen was again forced to jump, this time off Cuba. He was picked up by a destroyer convoy
ing several other vessels. Two other ships in the convoy were sunk. The stocky, red-haired Hol
lander is back for more, however, and by this time is presumably ready to again ship out.
Looks Like ike Men in
War Planis Are Necrected
- - - 1 ...... v-
ShnulH snm,nriv nut in n wnrrl
for the men who still work in
we nation s war plants?
Does anvbodv desien clamour
pants for them?
Does anvbodv tearh them fa
tigue exercises so they won't eet
a stiff neck?
Does anvhortv arnrrv nVinnt
the color scheme in their rest
rooms? .
On wearv whrkpr t TaH
shipyards says, it's getting so ev
erybody thinks plamnnr crirlc An
all the war work that's done,
and the several million men still
hanging around the nlant are en
much excess baggage. -
I don t say I want a pair of
Hollywood glamour pants like
u. true woua suiLc sue got a
defense loh." this
plaintively. "I'm satisfied to keep
on- wearing thp nvprallc T'vo
worn for the last 10 years. But
ix iney re going to have cosmetic
Dars lor tne girls, the way they
ao nere, i can t see why they
shouldn't have barber shops for
men. Yes. a manieiirist tnn TW-o-
Wife's alwav.s at ma nnnnt mv-
oiny iingernaiis.
ine glamour band wagon goes
rolling on, with plants all over
the country vying with each oth
er on new tricks to keep the girls
' The latest twist is profession
ally supervised beauty exercises
for the girls, not the men.
The Snerrv fivrnennno rv.
hag engaged Ann Delafield of
ruin avenue to conduct classes
in "fatigue exercises." She teach
es the girls how to twist their
heads, even as they sit at their
work benches, to avoid stiff
neck, and other motions designed
for beauty as well as health.
. The glamour pants cute blue
and Whit rherlc nvArall nrnrn
with white blouses started at
from which it came. Senator
Alben Barkley of Kentucky.
The local' training school for
defense workers has just re
ceived notice that Columbia Air
craft in Portland, will' need
some 500 additional women avi
ation sheet metal workers in
the next few months. A new
class in aviation sheet metal is
starting immediately, 8 a. m.
to 3 p. m. Definite placement
can be obtained' for graduates,
it was announced.
For the first time, women
will be allowed to train in tho
general sheet metal field. Some
4000 will be needed by April
1, 1043, . A now class will start
in this field for both men and
women. This class will bo held
at night between the hours of
6 p. m. and 12 p. m.
A few enrolloes are needed
in machine shop classes, cither
the day or evening shifts.
Anyone Interested in the
above courses, is asked to call
Klamath Union high school,
7595, A. H. Fitch, coordinator.
RENA, Nev. 9 CP) Marriage
licenses Issued here Saturday In
cluded: Al H. Burgoync, 22, and
Frances M. Howell, 19, both Mer
rill; John A. Jackson, 19, and
Rose M. Lang, 18, both Chllo
quln; Elmer Chamberlain, 38,
and Dorenc Atkins, 28, both
Klamath Falls; Thcodoro R.
Jackson, 38, and Vena L. Ball,
22, both Sprague River; Paul
Phelps, 21, and Betty Frakcs,
18, both Klamath Falls; Everett
j-" urr to 5ind '""N.
,A 0NM y I I jB
(6 Victory Tax on il
Income over $12 wmKIi
amount to 4 ol lotail
Jncort)e. Pot-wr credit
U not ddiictett here.)
TAX , l 1
(On ISOOOtienu)!
Daaaui el hlclter
priaee youf dollar
tuvs Utt then In
normal tlnvei. Wegt
olfnt thlt Iom
There'll only be a little more than half of your dollar left next
year after taxes are taken out, war bonds are bought and depreci
ation because of the high cost of living is figured. New tnxes
voted by Congress aro taking a blRiior chunk than ever beforo
out of the average man's earnings. Chart shows what will happen
to 42 per cent of each dollar earned by a married man, with two
children, making $3000 a year.
L. Robertson, 21, and Ruth
Thcxton, 18. both Klamath
Falls; Ted Wlndlielm, 21, Ane
Vera Strunk, 22, both Spring
field. Personally I think women
would do better to keep clean
and neat and skip glamor. You
can put mo down an a soup and
water advocate. Jcunotto Mac
Donald, singing star.
Nearly 7,000,00 tons of stoel
wero used in manufacturing au
tomobllcs during 1940.
Electricians, Car
penters Needed
For "Seabees"
In order to build naval bnnns
for the preparation of a second
front tho navy ntiads electricians,
carpentors, pipefitters, welders.
bulldozers as well us 50 or more
other trades. A. R. Trlplott, Y2o
and volunteer navy recruiter,
states that men with trades can
enlist In the navy's seabees as
petty officer with pay ranging
from $78 tn $12(1 per month, with
liberal allowances for dapen
dents. Iluro is nn opportunity for
men to servo tholr country
whero tliey nro needed and still
continuo with tholr trade. Men
who nra expected to be called
Into military scrvlco through the
selective service system can still
choose their Jol), by enlisting In
the navy, A. It. Trlplott will In
terview men, who, it enlisted,
will receive their petty officer
nitliiK.i November 23,( through! )
November 27, In the navy's ea
bees. Ills offico Is located at tin
corner of 8th and Klamath, and
open evenings from 7 to 0.
A psychologist says charactel
Is Indicated by the ears. A don
key has a right to "hee-haw," I
Tho Bible was printed In 1051
languages during 1940.
Chest Colds
Ta Relieve Misery d(C
,nuu vim 1MB. VVAPORUB
Douglas Aircraft, in California.
Now Hollywood stars are steal
ing the style.
"But it's no new clothes for
me," said the man at Todd. "It'll
keep me broke dressing my wife
in the style to which war work
has accustomed her."
Applications for enlistment in
the Civil Air patrol will be ac
cepted at a meeting slated for
7:30 o'clock Friday evening in
the chamber of commerce offi
ces, it was announced today.
At the same time, it was point
ed out that the CAP has now
been recognized by the United
States army, and that opportun
ities in the group include regular
commissions, plus draft defer
ment' when on active duty.
Girl Scouts Asked
To Join Parade
Klamath Post No. 8 of the
American Legion has asked the
Girl Scouts to participate in- the
Armistice day parade, which
will form at the Legion hall at
10:30 a. m. Wednesday, Novem
ber 11. The girls are to appear
in uniform and to bring the
American flag and the troop
All troops are asked to partic
ipate. , -
You can be sure that when
the second front does come it
will send the enemy reeling
back Into the war hatchery
U. "1 liked threuf of the coflaf and then,
when I started wearing my Van Heusea
shirt, and discovered how gooff that collar
felt and how its freshness lasted indefinitely . . ,
I became a Van Heusen fanall right I like
the body'ofthe shirt," too it gives me plenty -
of shoulder swing and fits smooth across the
chestl", Van Heusen shirts are approved by
American Institute olLaunderini and
" Sanforized-shrunk..
6th and Main
Mil Fl PFR
JZK new federal cigarette
i- f f vp?? a . , JL S ' 1 ! ''
V r iJV" " ' nill ''J
' m u wMiiAfv ' ir It I I -:
You get the benefit-as we
pay tlie new cigarette tax for you!
&k . . -. j j: -
You gel this finer-tasting cigarette ..... More smoking pleasureTWS thla
scientifically proved far less irritating real smokiag-protectionf
ior your nose andjthroat.. . . safer for CALL FOR PHILIP MORRIS I
you to smoke J
- v - t