PAGE THREE November 5, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ESS 31 ; VESSEL SINKS N 9Q SECONDS AN EAST COAST POUT, Nov. B (!') Thlrly-ono crowmon por c .lulled whun tliolr Unltocl Stnton -' 'intircliiint iililp mink 110 seconds ", nftnr iiho wns torpedoed off the , north count of South Amorlcn v. Into hi September, 10 survivors i - reported on their nrrlvnl hero " ' Tim navy niinoiincctl tho slnkliiK todiiy. Survivor told nnviil officers thry utlrlhiitocl tho henvy loss of " llfu to tho flirt thnt iillhoiiKli n fiioiieriil nliirni wim sounded fol Mtiwlnu tho nltiick, no order to "' nhundon nhin was Klven. Tho ', , crow wnltcd In orderly fnshlon 1 . for tho order until only n fow ; . moments remained In which they brl loved It Doimiblo to luuneh 'Jf. llfcbonts. Sunk Immediately With the ship llsllntf to port mid water rushing over tho v decks, ths crow found It lmpos - . ll)le to lnunch tho boats. Mirny x men wore believed to hove gone iv down with the vessel. Hor port bulkhcnds blnstcd " pnrt by slnlo torpedo explo- slon, tho ship sunk almost ImmC' " dlnlely lifter sho wns lilt. The sub wns not sighted ond apparently left tho scene Imnie- dlntcly after firing the projec. tile. Passage Obtained it Survivors swmn nbout In the sen until they found four llfo (''rntls which hnd been set ndrlft 4from tho ship. A nnvnl vessel 'rescued them clKht dnys Inter . and Imidrd them nt nn Islnud port. ' While on tho rnfts tho men subsisted on food nnd wnler !. rntlons they hnd mnnnKed to snl "' Vnue before the ship went down ' After some time spent nt tho Islnnd port, the crewmen ob tnlned. pnssnge to this country, '' The slnklnit brouKht to 816 the i' Assoclnted Press totnl of ships announced ns lost In the western ' Atlantic since Penrl llnrbor. A M-v . . if, MYMi.KYr H ", r. a ' ; . La Y ' K"'Z5r'' ' ' -L, . - r-" ..' By MARK BARRON ONEW YORK. Nov. 5 (?) . GcorKO iM. Cohiui, ureutest sonR nnd dance niiin of them nil, died at S n. m today. y Ills dentil ciimo Just ns he would hovo hnd It, for tho only . people around Times Sciuun "" were cither actors on their way homo or policemen nnd air raid wardens on their patrols, Those were tho people ho knew best Cohan, seriously ill for a year died peacefully In his Fifth nvo- ,. , nuo home, close beside the Ccn trnl purk pnlh where ho used to ,. take lonu walks every day. lie was K4 years old, but even -month hko he seemed to be re covcrhiK from his Illness nnd was actively plnnnlng to return Jo tho sIiiko and to servico nil' raid warden. Because of tills liking for long ; walks in Central pnrk Cohan liked people, tho kind who ask ' you for a dime for it cup of cot- A fee, nnd ho liked pigeons, the 'kind which swooped down on ; tho park wiilk for n peanut. So In lfiaa ho produced n play cull i cd "Pigeons and People" which ; flctionlzcd that philosophy, I 'his real llfu he carried It on, for there wore many actors and aC' tresses who remained on his pnyroll long nftcr they had censed appearing in his shows With him when ho died were his wife, Mrs. Agnes Cohan, his daughters, Mrs. George Uonkin nnd Helen and Georgette tColinn, iand his first friend, Gcni Buck Olson Votes in California Election (NtA Itltnholo) Taking no chances, Oovarnor Culbert L. Olson, of Cnllfornlu, crowes his ftngori u he cuu his ballot fur governor ul his Los Aunelc" home pro duct. Btale Allornoy Uonorul Earl Wurrcn oppoct Olson. Klamath Vote on 3 Measures t 30 40 51 SO 65 44 , 40 74 68 48 48 37 20 24 35 20 44 68 78 37 43 41 64 00 57 77 52 54 61 55 14 48 , ...40 06 25 10 U 12 . 13 14 15 10 . 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 - 26 27 28 0 30 31 32 .-. Algomn North Altnniont , South Altumont Beatly 18 Bly 82 Bonnnza 65 Chciuult - 14 South Chlloquln 10 Knst Chlloquin 30 West Chlloquin 28 Crescent Lake 11 Gilchrist 34 Klamath Lnko 6 North Enterprise 33 South Enterprise .. 17 Mlldcbrnnd 13 North Honicdule 78 South Homcdnlo 58 Langell Vnllcy 36 Enst Malin 40 West Malin 72 East Merrill 50 West Merrill 62 Midland 42 Lenox 40 Shcvlln 14 Stewart 40 Modoc 20 Mt. Lokl 71 Odcll 17 Orindalo 41 Pelican Bay 52 Pine Grove ...73 Plevna 55 Poo Volley 30 Sprague River 54 Enst Shasta 58 West Shnstn 38 South Shnsta 62 North Shasta 35 Wood River 60 Wordcn 5 Ynmsny 22 TOTAL .....3331 : Blima llltor' Uj II'Mit Net Wh linn CO CO CO to CO o o CO o Oh n , n "i 0 8 8 1 ! ! ! 32 10 64 27 47 33 34 41 27 43 51 41 70 32 04 47 57 52 30 06 44 40 53 20 70 42 40 54 32 50 58 44 50 30 03 58 83 50 50 84 30 43 40 27 63 33, 21 51) 35 41 28 41 36 27 40 20 32 28 10 30 23 18 27 10 24 5 20 15 10 17 16 21 34 17 34 22 32 28 21 40 15 28 33 28 32 29 30 61 20 67 35 43 73 29 73 16 31 28 10 30 24 27 44 21 53 24 20 ' 41 20 35 40 '45 -63 45 83 65 67 67 40 70 46 44 60 37 57 05 70 01 68 86 38 ' 30 60 32 47 20 35 34 28 52 22 35 51 32 40 37 38 62 32 68 25 20 43 14 52 33 " 40 40 23 08 21 20 44 31 49 30 , , 47 57 26 72 , 27 20 24 . 14 1 . - 37 9 10 11 8 19 17 47 44 28 54 30 41 65 17 76 7 10 11 0 10 11 13 ' 18 8 23 28 43 32 22 44 16 30 22 10 34 7 15 6 9 13 12 34 16 27 .18 7 8 5 4 8 12 10 23 4 37 13 13 12 8 22 12 7 18 5 17 38 58 55 26 02 37 48 43 23 07 24 25 30 15 47 32 40 40 37 34 37 45 52 33 56 26 40 41 16 60 93 41 58 38 63 23 30 34 14 54 27 37 35. 15 58 4 13 7 6 14 20 22 40 17 47 18 21 20 12 22 39 51 63 25 83 7 13 14 0 22 34 32 45 29 49 37 35 51 22 73 44 56 49 20 83 24 40 40 22 58 5 13 21 5 28 13 43 20 24 25 24 30 44 10 59 10 20 24 15 31 , 23 45 41 31 56 12 24 25 12 30 33 46 61 25 64 3 2 7 3 4 2 22 5 2 22 2025 2530 2050 1701 3553 U. S. Senate 24 25 26 27 K 70 62 06 109 00 90 103 126 89 69 67 51 35 31 26 46 57 71 89 50 48 . 54 08 . 122 . 101 . 167 . 84 . 81 . 80 . 84 . 52 . 56 . 63 . 79 . 38 Legislature No Contest Two Elected 28 , 29 10 31 32 Algoma North Altamont . South Altamont . Bcntty 32 Bly 86 Bonanza 95 Chemult 14 South Chlloquin 25 East Chlloquin 58 West Chlloquin 47 Crescent Lake .......... 15 Dairy 22 Gilchrist 40 Klnmath Lake 12 North Enterprise .... 35 South Enterprise .. 16 Hildebrand 21 North Homcdule . 98 South Homedale 86 Langell Valley 58 East Malin 73 West Malin 101 East Merrill 87 Wast Merrill 101 Midland 64 Lenox 57 Shcvlln 17 Stewart 44 Modoc 38 Mt. Lakl 103 Odell 14 Orindalo 71 Pelican Bay ... 79 Pino Grove 117 Plevna . 70 Poo Valley 37 Sprague River . 48 East Shasta ... 64 West Shasta 37 South Shasta 70 North Shasta . 40 Wood River 88 Worden 8 Yamsay 13 8 16 26 I 10 21 8 21 36 21 10 17 18 15 12 27 25 20 35 38 18 30 30 20 18 17 17 ...20 15 16 34 31 40 27 34 20 5 30 23 8 12 28 15 11 3 19 4 17 17 10 37 19 18 26 26 26 23 12 25 13 28 13 29 17 22 30 15 22 7 24 32 . 14 28 16 37 3 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 Algoma North Altamont . 51 60 95 91 70 78 79 102 74 69 59 57 32 32 38 59 45 78 92 49 51 , 67 86 103 77 127 . 71 . 64 . 69 . 93 . 60 . 72 . 63 , 87 South Altamont . ... 47 , Beatty 24 Bly . 70 Bonanza 88 Chemult 13 South Chlloquin 24 East Chlloquin 58 West Chlloquin 47 Crescent Lake 20 Dairy 16 Gilchrist 43 Klamath Lake 10 North Enterprise 41 South Enterprise ...... 25 Hildebrand 20 North Homedale 99 South Homedale 65 Langell Valley 58 East Malin 64 West Malin 77 East Merrill 83 West Merrill .... . 99 Midland . 55 Lenox 64 Shevlin 19 Stewart 53 Modoc . . 31 Mt. Lakl 103 Odcll ..... . 21 Orindale .. 63 Pelican Bay 84 Pine Grove 83 Plevna 61 Poe Valley 32 Sprague River 52 East Shasta 73 West Shasta .. 32 South Shasta 69 North Shasta 38 Wood River . 89 Worden ... 8 Yamsay .. . 17 " Chipmunk Escape Artist Is Behind Bars, Temporarily PORTLAND, Nov. 5 (IP) chipmunk escape nrtlst is behind -Jbnrs at the 7.00 todny at least temporarily. 1 The rodent proved his prowess ion arrival at the homo of R. P, Weaver, zoo enretnker, The chipmunk chewed his way .!'oui of u cardboard box. Prompt ly Jy", chased by Mrs. Weaver, ho fcjulnpfcd for the first open door fc jwhlch proved to bo 011 a rcfrlgor ,n(6r. s.v, Ho tried to oscapo from there, J and ' tho liliirmed house-wife I' "culled police to get him out of "tho motor comportment where, ' 'she sold, ho "wns chewing up the works." Mercury Shows Coldest- Snap Since May 1 It wns only yesterday, Wednesday's ' chill winds but bit through ear muffs and topcoats as tho mercury registered 26 de grees, new low for the season. The temperature, six below the freezing mark, wns coldest since last May 1 when tho thermom eter registered 24 degrees. Total 4844 1556 IN IDAHO BLAZE BONNERS FERRY, Ida., Nov. 5 (Pj The wife of a school teacher and their six-year-old son, who came to north Idaho in September from Osceola, Neb., burned to death early today when fire destroyed their home. The dead were Mrs.. Sarah Cox, 32, and her son, 6. The futher, W. K. Cox, manual training and orchestra instructor at the Bonners Ferry high school, was severely burned. Cox said that he was awak ened by the barking of the fam ily dog about 4 a. m., and dashed out to try to check the flames, He was unable either to stop the fire or later to break back into the bedroom where his wife and son were trapped. cause ol the fire was un known. Astronomical figures show that Halley's comet will return about 1985. a o D 68 60 88 91 95 81 95 95 77 61 66 49 31 28 34 52 61 74 79 45 83 58 90 123 94 154 76 70 71 93 50 70 58 78 41 24 78 86 14 29 58 36 12 17 43 13 34 21 21 106 77 50 76 117 90 93 61 72 12 46 38 .123 12 74 79 115 67 35 44 57 35 61 36 89 IS. BALDWIN DIES SUDDENLY ON WEDNESDAY Mabel Jacobs Baldwin, 54, wife of Will W. Baldwin of Mer rill ' and formerly of Klamath Falls, died suddenly at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Baldwin had lived In this city and near Merrill for the past 33 years and took an active part in the civic development of the community. Mrs. Baldwin was born in Butte, Mont., June 20, 1888, daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Ben jamin E. Jacobs. The family moved to Klamath Falls in 1906, and Mr. Jacobs drove the recla mation canal tunnel under sub contract for Mason-Davis com pany. He now resides in Baker, Ore. Mrs. Jacobs died some years ago. Will W. Baldwin and Mabel Jacobs were married in Baker on March 1, 1909. They had one son, George H. Baldwin, now of Merrill. , , During the years the Baldwin family lived In Klamath Falls, Mrs. Baldwin was active in all civic enterprises and gave untir ingly of her time and efforts in the interests of the city. She Total ... 4538 4649 TURN ABOUT MARLIN, Tex. VP) Jack Brothers, who heads Marlin'; sugar rationing board, was sor ry he had to turn down his old friend, Brown Bratton. Bratton needed extra sugar for his soda fountain. - Now Brothers knows he won' have much luck getting extra gasoline. Bratton is head of the gas rationing board. served as president of women of Reames Golf and Country club and was also active In Library club. Since moving to Merrill In 1936, Mrs. Baldwin has been prominent in valley affairs and especially in the Merrill Library club. Mr. Baldwin operated the Baldwin Hardware company on Main between Fourth and Fifth streets for a good many years. Mrs. Baldwin is survived by her husband, Will W., and her son, George H., both of near Merrill; her father, Benjamin Jacobs of Baker, a sister, Mrs. George J. Merritt of Ontario, Ore., and a nephew and niece. She leaves many friends to mourn her passing. Funeral services will be held from Ward's at 2:30 p. m, Saturday The oil refining capacity of the United States is 4,700,000 barrel dally. Cantalupo, Italy, li the birth place of the cantaloupe. Ladies' Specials at Mary's Beauty Shop OIL PERMANENT $3.50 . That Are bolt and Curly . ui Main HrHt PtKM 4111 Umtalra Ovtr sniff Pumlturt Store To the Voters oS Klamath County me and helped me win. Tftotnlrc ho, ' 7u who voted for ft IIUIIIllI Thanks 1 the rest of you for making a good race. I shall exert every effort to run the office of County Assessor on a businesslike and impartial basis and to be worthy of the confidence shown In me at the polls Tuesday. ' NEWT NELSON Pd. Adr. by N. B. Klson ' "I find Raymond Clapper a most stimulating war commentatcr . . . Hi radio audience detcrvea coo gratulationt." AJmxmndtr tie Smvmrtky Raymond Uapper yAnalyxes the News TONIGHT 7PMKFJI SPONSORED BY WHITE OWL CIOAKS Relief for Miseries of 1 !.-' HEAD COLDS Put S.purposo Vn-tro-nol up each ) nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen mem branes, (2) sootlios Irritation, and (3) helps clear cold-clog- vN-flV .Bod nasal pnssnRcs, vieut V P Follow complete dl- Jr rectlons in folder. VA TRO NOL VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS P re-Armistice Wings for Victory DANCE Klamath Falls Armory November 7, 1942 BENEFIT VFW TRAINER PLANE FUND IS Trainer Planes have already beon glvon to the Army by the Vetorans of Foroign Wa. 'Lei's Keep 'Em Flying Tickets $1 Including Tax MUSIC BY BALDY EVANS1 BAND Sorvice Men in Uniform Half Price Dancing ,;. 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. NOW Deafened Enjoy 3-Dimcnsional Hearing with the New Radio-Amplified ACOUSTICON NEW P0WSR-CIM UNDERSTANDABIUTY OF SPEECH-NEW TONE QUALITY I 1 I An entirely new and different type of hearing aid based on the gigantic deaf ness survey made by the United States Government. Tone areas in which you netrl htIn ran nnnr h rirfiniff'ltr timn. llated without the confusinn of aunnlvintr mnra snunrl f than is needed for other tones which do not require as mucn ampiincation. Easily controlled volume thrilling distance hearing due to three new vacuum tubes each instrument idea lineally matched to your individual needs. . SPECIAL SPECIAL Mr. S. C, Mitchell, representing Acousticon Institute ef Portland, will conduct a 2-day Hearing Aid Clinic In Klamath Falls this , Friday-Saturday, Nov. 6-7 at Elk Hotel , This is your opportunity to arrange for FREE Comparator iitting showing your specific tone loss and to tee how the new Symphonic Acousticon can detinitely overcome this loss. No obligation No charge Just ask for Mr. S. C. : Mitcholl, Elk Hotel, this Friday-Saturday,. Nov. 6-7. , For Thrift, It's CRAIG'S i f I I mW Fur 1995 Heart-Lifting Shades White . . . Superb Pastels Bright Maple Leaf Tones Figure-Flattering Styles Wool Mixed Fabrics ' Crepes ... Velvets Twills ..; Velveteensl Sixes: 9 to 17 10 to 20 18 1 to 24 4 38 to 44 Coats ALL-WOOL TWEEDS WARM FLEECES All-wool tweed coafs many with zip-out chamoisette linings. Un excelled at this low price I BUY MORE VICTORY BONDS . IV 35 I tyYcX ,10 to 26 Li t VAi 1 1 38 to 44 Coats 4500 18950 Minlc-Dyed Coney . s . Skunk-Dyed Opposum ... Caracul ... Sable and Mink-Dyed Mmkrat. Rich Furs ON DISTINCTIVE COATS 00 Platinum Wolf, London-Dyed Squirrel or Kit! Fox lavishly applied to needlepoint fabrics. Slsest, Sportswear Buys! Sweaters 2.49 to 3.89 Skirts 1.99 to 3.99 Blouses .1.49 to 2.99 Jackets 4.95 to 7.95 OPEN UNTIL 8:00 SATURDAYS . , : - -.