SERIAL STORY PLAY BY PLAY BY PAUL DAVID PRESTON COPYHtOHT, 1(41. NKA SEtlVICI, INC, CIIAPTKK XXVll piIE mow of U1I5 November nft 1 ernoon wan aplced with bit of Blent, much fin 11 lind bean Hint night weeks ago when Nicy Halo's enr cranhed Into (ho Lincoln football team. Nnncy win think ing of thnt when iho run out of Pop's offlco thin Wednesday at 4. Rim wished sho could atay and help Pop, but Illy was hero, nnd Nancy herself hod nn extremely anient pteco of business planned. "Bcoolor'a out at your homo with your Mom," sho told Uly hurriedly. "But I wnnt him for dinner when Dutmo nnd Norman ro there." Nancy hndn't gon directly out to tho Millers . after Scooter, though, Sho had nnother Appoint ment, prearranged. She filled Hint appointment. It took hardly quarter hour. When (he did set to the Miller residence, Mom wns knitting ficooter a new cup, Alio, ho hnd Wnked him a whole doien glngor brend men, One leg was stuck (ruesomely Into his mouth now, nd the mnn's torso hnd been nnenred all over his hnnds end fare, nut Scooter wns having himself it tlmot "This Is Oie nicest bnby, Nnncy," Mrs. Miller said, "t declare, you ought to be very proud of lilml" "I am. But, Mm. Miller will you excuse us If we rush now? I I've got nn awfully Important something to do this evening. I guess I I wnnt to leave Scooter In Top's office a llttlo while, then maybe I can " "Of course, dear. I haven't for got that you Invited the boys to dinner, you knowl Do you want to borrow my linen set?" "Oh . . . no, Mrs. Miller. No, thanks. I don't need It, and any way I can never repay you for what you and Bly and Pop have done for me already. Never!" She said It so emphatically thnt Mrs. Miller looked surprised. "Donl feel It that way, Nancy dear. We lovo to help our friends.' Are you you aren't distressed about anything, are you?" ; "No. I'm Just In a kind of hurry, I guess. Come on. Scoots." CHE knew her nervousness must be starting to show now, and he almost wished she hnd left Scooter there for the evening. Hut then "I want him close to met In case anything hnppcnsl" She could leave him In Pop's office, sho knew. The men would be' delighted to have him there, and anyway It wouldn't bo more than an hour, Sho was llttlo frantlo when tho trolley seemed to crawl. Tho time was getting en toward 81 And thnt wns a crucial hour. Pop's office, however, delayed her again. f, "Tber-r-r-ro sho 1st" ' Nona other than Abo Ixromann himself snw Nnncy and recognized tier tho moment she eamo In. Ho boomed out, loud. "T. J., grab her quick! That's Nnncy Hnlo and her bnby! Get thnt contract out nnd sill It In right now! Miss Ilnlo, you're working for World Fen Itures. I'm buying you from Conch Miller. You nnd your son. (You're America's new Sweothenrt lof the Air. Tho Cndot's Dream Tho Spirit of. Aviation. The " ; "What In tho world do you snenn!" Nnnry's pretty forohend wns puckered In astonishment. "I'm mnklng It SI200 a week to wtart, we wnntn get some atmos phere shots tomorrow morning irlght hero at Lincoln Field, nnd Isomo nt tho gnmo In tho afternoon. Mako It combined nvlntlon nnd ifootbnll. Thnt's It, T. J.I Surel iA girl fulls In lovo with a flying cadet, seo. IIo's a mnn from Eng- Unnd over hero working with tho Ynnks. She's n typical American .girl. Ho lenrns to piny football end she " Tlcnsel" Nancy domnnded, looking around nt all tho men. Elmor Summers of tho Journnl took Scooter from her nrms. "It's n hnrmless sort of spasm, Miss Halo," he snld gently. "But It's rent enough. All you do Is say yes. And suy It In a hurry, whllo we all enn bo witnesses. You'ro n movie stnr. Get It?" "I don't know whnt you'ro talk ing nboutl" sho told them. "And I enn't tnlk now nnywny. Pop, Dlcnso keep Scooter n llttlo while, Or Mr. Summers, you help him! I I'm In a tcrrlblo hurry. I really ml" She wns Bone, lust like thntl Loumann wns ranting nt his assoclnto, T. J. Nntwlck, to get tho contract forms nil filled In nnd irendv lor RtunalurcR. And nverv ibody around them seemed ngnln no be talking nt tho snmo time. flVTANCY literally rnn to her r1 atnlrwny, Tho clonk Jn Pop's loiuce Unci snld 14 to B. She tripped liipHtnlrs and hnlfway up heard Ivolcesl "Oh . . . Oh!" She paused there !ln alarm. "It must hnvo happened already. And I wasn't there! Tha Uicy snld I'd hnvo to to glvo them tho evidence tlioy necdedl" Her heart wns thumping furi ously ns she climbed slowly on, .Then In fresh astonishment sho recognized tho voices na Blytho miners ana uuano's. Quickly sho wont in. L "Nnncy!" Blytho gosned out. t ..Mrs. Halo, for heaven's snko tell your mil" what's going onl" Tho mnn cm lied rA pleaded Hint, grinning and nursing a bruiscu chin. After five minutes of bilking It null WJinn't clear. Kvcryono hero, ns In Pop's ofllco, seemed to be talking at once. Tho two detectives. Hlytho. Nnncy. Even big Dunne, who grow moro nnd mnt'o Indignant as ho begun to understand things, Wo were Jiinl trying lo got tho alralglil of It, Nnncy," lllyllio snld, rather desperately. "Wo hnd such flghtl lis a wonder somebody wasn't " "Sho thought wo wns the gnm- blersl" "No, no not" Nnncy took over firmly now. "You nuint listen to mo. I oh, I nopo uiuro in aim time. If we" Dunne spoke loudly. "Whnt IS tho genre here? What nbout tho gambler deal?" "I.ook, son," a delectlvo put In. "Mrs. Ilnlo wns propositioned by tho crooks. Tnoy offered nor thousand dollars If sho'd drug you nnd your pnl Dnna, so you couldn't play tomorrow, see. They was to hlclu up hero ind wnlcli nor cirug you at dinner ionium. Only sho Just played 'em nlong nnd set n tnip, That's where we como In. But where this other scrnppy llttlo dnmo comes In, wo ain't qulle " "I overheard Nnncy make tho doul with the gamblers!" Blytho erlcd out. "I thouitht sho mennt III I've been nearly crazy. 1 oh-h-h-hl" "Good Jumping grief!" mur mured Dunne llogtin. Nnnry had looked out a window toward the street. "Hush, everybody!" she com manded, tense. "Wo can finish explaining Inter. They're coming, thiiso giimblersl They're hero nowl Wu'vo got to go on ns wo planned!" (To lie Continued) LING INWARDLV ri AT NOUR. CRUDE? n ATTEMPTS TO 1 M.Y PEATHERS.1 -ebao rr is only WITH THE GREhT- J est difficulty -a THAT X AM. ABLE 11 TO STIFLE A HEARTY ZLAUQHy i I ua. rurnVTuran, I "" 0U SAY THERE5 V VAIS -- fio TO N 1 WiiA. . . . . . tr. lW ... tl w MSSB' : Mnnc.lnrc, . . VCIT 6NtN &6T HELL BE 1 VfU-gS5i -C v- sT i ( CHIC&O BEARS' &b JLVoT COrAB I RUFFLE rai-.W .ir K .sBh . f'A. HlS AbJlrAALS MIED X ' n nl y Hi., a -"wr; . sjlt ii i "bwhuh'mii. -. r"..,.m i ,. ' .i ' t. i iM'r ira t,i raccarzu-r- . it r" it 11 t nw-AmtJki mmmm vjymxm ,ukmm jf "Itemember how sho kont our . W" f WW 'Sl& F r-T'fcPY, UMu, dK G&T WSMem MM 1 fcm? nl Contrary to L " he .BRUSH EATERS ffjm LFUMG Iggtt'tt I ltM'Mlt Illlinorfl I f ( -teU'RJZ. BlOCKlrV THE "N , l'rKVStio tiKD, ) fviHERED YOU COME yOH,Y5 IT DOES.' THERE'S 1 ij W " W j i -N m,' PU ftiNSVOER. A . THE FLW W ? r?I TlE IN VOITH THE VRDNG 102BM..n DUI8512 IC.JfY IZmMMWlf I 7 1 Rod Ryder ' I IP -. J.ifW l'" mm1r WWIf 'AtjEji I "-Zf Vg-1 v Fred Harmon ii i i -n T IaIPII Tsnr VMIl if WHY I 1 T IrtOK MPRP SON -(VP 1 t RtlPPOSf: 1 I PSHOIaI rVN I flTl' TJi! LOOK. 1 IfD UKF T RF OUT W AVP-- l & I ,.,,, 1 DIO A GREAT JOB. 1 VJOULDKT 1 I GOT MONEY-- WHY, I YQUVE SAVED SAVING UVES IS I SHANGHAI -VOtfRE I THERE, TOO THE I UNDERS TUIC PI I P IOI WHRI n By William I patchinc; up my old accept a 1 1 was ul stove n! a few lives. stxiR business 1 1 doing more than I army turned me as hne a I nia V.UMVMJ TTWP.'-' Ferguson I HULK'. I'M fit for CENT from I I DONE for -you saved) in your time? AND I MIGHT I MANY ARE TO J DOWN --butt maybe. SAWBONES J SEA AGAIN "HOW 1 YOU. I I MY LIFE SHALL J I SUPPOSE YjQU ADD. VOO KNOW I HELP WIN THIS i EVEN HERE. IN SOME I AS YOU ARE, " MUCH DO I SHANGHAI-- I WE SAY FIVE M ALWflrS CHARGED YOUR BUSINESS- R WAR FOR ALL M WPY, fLL BE ABLE TO I YOU'RE A b- t. . .-ja---i;ags . OWE YOU? fffC A Y THOUSAND? 0'M A FEE? , HERE fl OF US- B FEEL fM HELPING J BETTER fuds- 1 An OLOCiOAT who T PMfijM IMKW" 1 LETTER. FROM JILTED ME ONCE MY HEART GOES PITTY-PAT TCI BE NAY OLD "AGE PENSION QkS'S f I l" f V l(k TSteL S MU-,e ? 1 BUT 1 THINK. HE'S WHEW YOU ARE? NEAR. X iilrmiui, mm t, j i - rT VLgL I i sT'lQlr hwt r of heart . in rAY arms ne sure- . Kl IKm T fcrj ESJ I w Z ' .J, !-1r0ai S. fiSOL''V- 1 "rr& PiGHTNow. 'pours our mss Wm -( &$zL i. 14 yT7T-.5, U6JV lyfVSi Freckles and His Friendi ' ' By Blossef 'Wil.,, sChcSlldr ri'1?JWCTRB?g THEY HAVE fglii f uuui '$ f NOT AS MUCH HEAP 6TARX AS I'D HOPED FOR,' PCilU . W. 1 : ' I lT' IgSlf FOUMD THE TRAIL. ,S2S!i I FELLA AMD tOOI....RMAN50LPIERS; ALLEMANDf . X? U O'i 20 jfVWiEi THERE IS NO ML-.' "STEM! M SOLDATSTHEY'RE DROPPING 'EM OFF THE ff S&SSP ' WMINUTES, ''JGCIVCTXWSWIS V J ""STmaDS, H0PIKJ6 TOCUTOFFOUR ESCAPE! J ,x zji escape: rS3r7,WWWVJn V vHlii HF" ife ANSWEn: In 1770, Jacob Priestly noticed thai wiM rutTorrt I ,'-hu.l1:.. Yf$?t ..XZ . -- vWiff;immmW:M pencil markn. and named It rubber. Xk I ' CT ' 'Jill ' " Y' t VMlfIS I GENERAL'S S0N ilfl. Anmver to rrcviom Pum1 12 Marked with 'hnll Jst' 1 IJffsM ' ! uPj,ha(?8 i riFEYiysk 25Crowd" 4S ,S : y ffl f " ' J CYgS A EISldEllA 26 Volcanic tuff. gafT -WS SdTSS . ifIsl 1 -V -.W W-'-wiaSfiii Mifeif PffiF lZIZ Wkmt, fef KjBEaCTj P?KESs26imkl Bib.). . Wosh Tubbf - 1 . ' . .T... eSpdEplyIIIM 33P'",i,lvect rvoVL, A6Wc Ab wsa. set I f fcocrcs. fiviT mto, i i a , . - I il P Ia J; 40MoretoaUld. ' 2 Vf I lcn I TM X Z;J . . I I vl 7 . - "k 1 UORIZONTAIi 1 Pictured son of a famous U. S. Rcncrnl, Warren , . 14 Artificial language. IB Counterparts. 1 8 Onward. , 17 Decay. 10 Small child. 20 Ballad. 21 Stationary (abbr.). 22 Central American tree. 30 Downy. 24 Nominated, 40 Nuisance. 20 Melt. 27 CoaRillatcs, 28 NeRatlvo prefix. 20 Putrefies. 30 Rushed. 33 Thin. 35 Pertaining to nodes. . 30 Annlyzo a sentence. 37 Air raid alarm device. 41 Child's Rome. 43 Social Insects. 44 Slopes, as of hills. 40 Fairy fort (Irish nntiq.). 47 Insect egg. 4B Born. ha Cloth measure. 8 Girl's name. 51 Form of lltur- 0 Peruse. gical prayer 10 Foxy. (pi.). II High school 63 Lustrous. (abbr.). VERTICAL 1 Liberates. 2 Brigand. 3 Notary nubile 41 Tha sun (abbr.). personified. 4 House pet. 42 A jinn. 5 Metal. 44 Spot 6 Archfiend. 45 Observed. 7 Placo (abbr.). 47 Nothing. 40 East (Fr.. 61 Long primer (abbr.). 62 North Dakota (abbr.). I i 3 t 6 7 . S 9 10 II 12 13 " "Zll"" 111 -p rf JiziipLi;iTrL, ' wi 46 'W 1 til Boots and Her Buddies MOOVIAMS WE'VE GOT T'FIOHT...vVOR SWEAT.' 'MOT VP77IB LvJ'-,::'1 rAKI ur in lirvic, BUI ffl.u int 1 imt.v int. VnEWEEAL NPRiCt Ol- UUK KKfcitM I ruttuum 13 ci ocru LAST WIOHTS HIT AMP RUN RAID COST MEN I 'A VIGILASJCE...TO SAY NOTHIUG OF OUR AVOWEL? lAbKUr KLAJIIMO 9l OUT THI5 DESPOT WHO HAS SAY.' WHASSA MATTER. MU kUSfiTHIS GUY CAJM'TCHAHEEP LH5RL MEW ORDER. S OKAY AM' THAT WE'RE A BUNCH OP TlOPPCl I'M TALKIM' IP . By Martin IMffVwpfifWATO -T7-An Ik. A Ol ID SrfTWACTERMElOlAj- PROPAGAKiPA, eiiH acfiflR! THATS WHAT.' Vs miiil FREEPOM,rAY filMg fi' eye all we te&m&mw fl r. . .,-...1,- piil- ml AU. in iirflc..xyiM1 USX. I. REO. U. . PAT. Off, ft"1. .0 V V By V, t. Hamlin