.PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND. NEWS,-KLAMATH FAIXS. OREGON Soptomber 80, 1042 Midland Hfube Veto. LARGE BARLEY SALE REPORTED AT TULELAKE : TULELAKE The largest sin gle sale of barley ever recorded here was completed between Henzel brothers, LIskey broth' era, owners of the Tulana Farms, and Ray Welsh, representative of the Anhauser Busch company 'of St. Louis, following opening of bids on this year's crop of the Hannchen variety. , Welsh bought 105,000 sacks at an un named figure. Barley Just prior to comple tion of the sale was selling at $2 per hundredweight. The huge crop was raised on 4000 acres and harvesting was .'completed under difficulties with about SO per cent of the normal crew.' Sixty men are usually employed. Yields averaged around 70 bushels. Others growers In the basin, . several of whom sold on earlier markets, were Schuck brothers. Lewis Kandra and the Copic Bay company. Luther and Com- .son were the buyers. A total of 13,851 acres of bar- .ley were harvested this season on lease lands. Tulelake v. - Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. FenS' -ler have received word of the birth of a daughter to their son, 'Captain Robert W. Fensler and ' Mrs. Fensler at Kansas City, Mo. The little girl, first grandchild of Mr.y and Mrs. Fensler, has been named Barbara, for her ma ternal grandmother. , Born on -'September 21, she weighed seven pounds. Captain Fensler is sta tioned at Tuscon, Ariz. 1 Mrs., Roy S. Campbell left 'Tuesday afternoon for Yakima, -Wash, where she will spend 'some time with her mother. Maxine Buell, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Cecil Buell, has en--'rolled in the Glad Tiding Bible "school of San Francisco where "her sister, Mrs. Paul V. Brown, a September bride, is also a stu dent. Miss Buell plans to take a nurse's training course. -' : Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown, Seattle, are guests for two weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Merton Brown, parents of Brown, who is helping with the harvest while here. They ar . rived shortly before the Campbell-Wilson wedding. ' Mrs. Wil : son,. the former Bette Campbell, and Brown are cousins . They will return to Seattle at the end . of their vacation, . where Brown will resume his work in the Boe , teg air plant. ' ' Mrs. Ival Wolfe has returned from Eugene and DePoe Bay, . Ore. She accompanied Dean Callas to the University of Ore gon, where he will study for an architectural career. At DePoe . Bay she visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Foland. her ' daughter and son-in-law.. , Tulelake chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet in regular session in the church an- , Bex, October 6. D. W. Turnbaugh, local dalry- man. accompanied by Lee Holli ' day of the Keno road, will attend a meeting in Portland this week i relative to the increase in the , price of milk. Pomona Grangers Talk Weed Control, Rubber Situation TULELAKE The rubber sit uation and control of noxious weeds occupied attention of Sis kiyou county Pamona grangers who met here recently. Rodney Gregg, as chairman, directed the meeting held in the annex of the Tulelake Presbyterian church. Granges of Mt. BoUver, Green- horn, DorrU, Tulelake and' Mer rill were represented. The local grange was host at luncheon to 25 guests with a number of others arriving for the afternoon meeting. Mrs. Car rigans, Hornbrook, Pamona sec retary, was also present. : . - , ; Spring Lake Mr. and Mrs. F. ' Farrel of Klamath Falls, were Sunday visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Low.. The schools here have closed for- a few weeks so the cider boys and girls can help in the potato harvest. . Mrs. Haley and Mrs. Lamb from Klamath Falls, visited at the home of Mrs. George Lambi on Wednesday. The grain harvest Is about over, and most of the farmers re port a heavy yield. Some have not finished their second cutting of hay, while others are stacking their third cutting. - Potato growers are , mending their machinery and cleaning out their cellars in preparation for the big potato harvest that-is about to begin. Midland grange Is holding its annual Booster night at the grange hall Wednesday, Septem ber 30. Grange members and friends are invited. A potluck supper will be served at 7:30 p. m. Grange members are re quested to bring a covered dish. There will be a program. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schreiner from' Grants Pass, spent last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Schreiner. Willa Buxton, Ronald ' Guss and Kenneth- Albert spent Sun day afternoon with Betty Lou and Barbara Lea Bunnell. - - Eddie Young, who is working at the airport in Lakeview, spent Friday afternoon at the home of his parents. In the evening he and Charles Daugherty of Olene, attended .the football game at Modoc field. . : Friends of . Tommle Jackson will be glad to know that he has returned home from the-hospi tal, and is able to be around again. : , ; Jackson was Injured a few weeks ago - when a team ran away, throwing him to the ground. Several of his ribs were broken in the accident and he was badly bruised. . The grand . champion dairy heifer belonging to Buddie Mack, has had her first calf. She was the grand champion at the 1941 4-H livestock show., -. . All women of the community are urged to bundle up old mag azines and papers, old rubber dolls and toys, every little bit of scrap metal, .and either donate them to. some worthy cause or sell them to the junkman. Uncle Sam needs scrap to'win the war. IL SERVICE . MERRILL Mall schedules to and from Merrill have been changed within the last week to include air mail service leaving here for Medford at 3 p. m. daily, it was announced this week by Postmaster Alonzo Hodges. Three incoming mail arrivals al so serve Merrill, Tulelake and Newell, war relocation project. The first distribution is at 10 a. m., the second at 2 p. m., and the last arrival is at 6:30 p. m. Before inauguration of the new schedule, morning delivery fre quently missed the arrival in Klamath Falls of mail' from the north, since train schedules are running late and this accumulat ed mail now is picked up for the early afternoon delivery. Local residents are informed that air mail going out at 3 p. m goes to any point from Medford, Hodges stated. Malm Chiloquln Donald Smith, graduate of Chiloquin high school with the class of 42, left Friday night ; to attend school at Oregon State college. Mrs. A. C. Gienger has been - Ill and confined to her home for uitipk weth, . . . . t Miriam Allen left Sunday for Oregon State college, where she will start her sophomore year. - Gene Duffy, who enlisted in , the navy a few weeks ago, is now k-attoned at Pearl Harbor. -: John Monks, graduate of Chil oquin high school, is now attend ing. Santa Clara university at Santa Clara, Calif. John was alutatorlan of the class of '42. Gene Cunial, who formerly was a clerk for Safeway at Chil oquin, visited friends here Sun-. ,day. Norman Pohll, who Is an In structor In the army air corps at Chlco, Calif., was married Sun day. Normnn is a graduate of Chiloquln high school. ' Martin Swanson, representa tive for the New York Life In surance company, was in Chilo quln Friday on business. "Jock!" Giacomelll and Fath er Ahearne were among those from Chiloquln who attended the Klamath Falls-Redding football game, Friday. Mrs. James Ottoman w host ess September 23 to members of the Jolly Nine Pinochle club, first prize going to Mrs. Chester Stonecypher, second high to Mrs. Emil Tofell and the traveling prize to Mrs. William Rajnus. Guests included Mrs. Everett Jones, Mrs. Jerry Rajnus, Mrs. William Rajnus, Mrs. Chester 5tonecypher,-Mrs." P.G.' Wilson, mrs. frank Victorine and Mrs. Emil Tofell. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paygr en tertained at dinner recently for Mr.-and -Mrs.-Mervyne - Wilde, Mr. and Mi. Edwin Petrasek and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tofell. "Anna Dolezal, teacher in the Malin high school,- spent last weekend at her home in Albany, Ore. A. E. Street, principal of the high school, has returned from Grants Pass, where he attended a two-day . meeting . on i defense tactics. Olene ' Wealthy Callfornlan left his fortune to a woman who reject ed him. An expression of gratitude? Buy it thsougn the want-ads. Mrs. Adah Brown and" Mrs. Ida Grimes entertained "The Old Schoolmates'' club at-the home of Mrs. Grimes on Portland ave nue in. Klamath Falls on Friday, September 25.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry - Grimes motored to . Portland the last of the week and were accompanied home by Mrs. Faith Grimes and little diiEh!r,'Sue Ann. Mrs. Curtis Gabhardt return ed from Portland Monday eve ning by train. Mrs. Gebhardt drove to Portland with Mrs. Rose Laux, who expects to make her home in the northern. city. .Mrs. Marion Barnes is spend ing Monday and Tuesday visit ing her son and daughter-in-law, the Jimmie Barnes,, at Quartz mountain. i Altamont Mr. and Mrs. Zurburg and daughter have motored to Brem erton, Wash.,- to visit their son. Clifford, now In the navy. The Suprenant family Is now living at 342S Cannon avenue, after losing their former home by fire.. The Altamont extension unit met - at the home of Mrs. Wes Harsey. Installation of officers was held. Twenty members were present. ' Ed Steinerson and , family have moved to Bremerton, Wash. .Their former home was on Bisbee street. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Darby and son,, have moved back to Klam ath Falls from North Bend. He is -waiting for ' his call to - the navy. "Mrs. Fred Crapo and ' two small tons visited with her lis ter on Friday, September 25. Sprague River ' - Mrs. Ruby Steever and sons of - southern ' Oklahoma, visited her brother, Clifford 'Moon, last week. The Moons recently moved here from Oklahoma C. E. Mehaney is recovering from a tonsllectomy. Airs, jack Williamson ' Is re covering from a major oper ation performed last week. Mrs. Walter Ambroaetti and infant daughter have returned home from the Hillside hospital. Mrs. Melba Darjielson will spend some time here with her sister, Mrs. Ambrogetti. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atchinson and Mr. and Mrs: Raoul Hen rionetti' of Klamath Falls were looking up old friends here Mon day. They are former residents of Sprague - River. Atchinson was here in -the capacity of lum ber ' grader inspector. Fatty Ludwick is. taking, a post-graduate course at the Klamath Union high school, pre paratory to taking a nurse's course. - - i- P-F.C, Pat LInzi of Ocean Park spent some time- here last week with his mother and sis ter. Pat is with the marines. Pvt. Gino Rosterolll of Port Angeles, Wash., is spending-a 10-day furlough with his father, John Rosterolll. r William Heidrlch ' went to Portland Friday to Join up with the ordnance corps. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Heidrlch have received word that-their son, P.F.C. Curtis. Heidrlch, has lanaea safely somewhere over seas. . ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thrasher of -Prineville were" called" here this week by the serious illness of her father, .William.George, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ough entertained Ough's mother and sister--from - Sacramento- this Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Miller and C. Ough went to Hart moun tain Wednesday and were suc cessful In -getting an - antelope before the closing of the season. Mrs. Roberta Webb, teacher in the Klamath Union high school. and Charlotte Rumelhart, Mike Short and. Fonzl - Parrish,- stu dents, spent the weekend . in Sprague River. , Cy Pool is building an "addi tion to his house. The Feaster and Judge Phillips' homes have received a coat of paint. The Ropers have put an addition on their home ; Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Short are entertaining their daughter, and child from Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Greene have as house guests, their son and family from Cody.-Wyo. ! On Wednesday, September 30, Dr.- Peter. Rozendal, county health off leer, and Elsie Stout, public health nurse, were at the school to immunize children against smallpox and diphtheria. ,A well-child conference will be held the first Friday after noon of every month by Dr. Rozendal. Any pre-school -hild may attend by appointment. Im munizations ' for 1 smallpox and diphtheria will be given. -'- The enrollment at the local school is reported to be 80S; the largest to be recorded to the, present date,- Following are the teachers by grades: first, Mrs Emma - Stevenson of Ashland; second, Mrs. Ethel Pankey Sprague River; third, Mrs. Inez Ludwick of Sprague River fourth, Mrs. Edith Kemp Sprague River; fifth and sixth Mrs. Jean Woolfolk of Ashland seventh and eighth, Mrs. Peter uowbrough - of - Sprague River; high school teachers are: prin cipal, Clifton James, Mrs.- Don na James and Florence Stone, of, Corvallis. The janitor Is Wil- nam Fhagon. Austin Haddock, who worked In the woods this summer, has returned to Corvallis,, where he will be principal of one of the scnoois. - Fort Klamath - Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Beck- man have moved to government headquarters in ' Crater Lake park, where Mrs. Bcckman has taken charge of the dining room following the departure of R. P. Berry, former manager, who with his wife has moved to. bis home in Medford., Regu lar meals will be served, to the public at the-park headquarters as in the past. . " Mr.-and Mrs. Millard Briscoe and son Jimmy have moved to Weed, Calif., to m a k e their home. Briscoe is employed mere on a dairy ranch, owned by Joe. Hessig; f o r m e r Fort Klamath resident. Private Delbert Denton of the U. S. marine corps left by plane irons - Mediord on - Wednesday tor camp Elliott, Calif., follow ing a 15-day furlough, men here with his parents and aunt, Mr.- and - Mrs. Frank Denton and Mrs. Clara Beall. His moth er .and aunt accompanied Den ton w Medford to bid him aood bye, returning i, the following day after staying overnight with relatives' in the -valley city. Aoyal, Heath of. the U. S navy. Is home on a nine-day furlough from San' Diego. Calif. uuring his stay he has visited relatives and friends in Eugene also. He is the son 'of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Heath,. and recently enlisted for service in the navy Mrs. WUJiam Zumbrun is. en joying a few days' visit in Spiy sane, wasn., wnn ner brother. Mr. and Mrs. James Van Wor- mer have moved to Sand Creek, wnere he is employed on the Sand Creek- patrol' of the Ore gon state highway commission. Mr. and -Mrs.- Fred Zumbrun had as their-; weekend , house guests her brother-in-law, sis ter: and their infant son. Mr. and ' Mrs. Irving, Weston - and Larry, pf Klamath Falls. Miss-Avara Hudson left Wed nesday night by train for Port land- for- her -physical examina tion for entrance Into the Worn- ens Auxiliary: Army corns. .' Curtis Crum was- here . on a 10-day -leave before being In auciea into tne U. S.' army "on September 29.-He was visiting old' friends here during his stay, and" had been working in West- wood, 'Calif, -prior' to - receiving the call to serve In the army Delmar" ""Blister"" K ri p x a ar rived here Thursday for a 10- day,.. furlough j-from the- U. S. army at Fort Lewis, Wash., and will visit with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs.: R0y -wimer, - during his-leave of absence.1- Word ' has-been received'- by Mr.- and Mrs. ' Fred Bishop; from their son Leon,- telling -' them mat ne naa been, appointed in structor to a class of navy en isle n men , ai rasco, - wasn, Young -Bishop - recently enlisted In the navy- for -service, -having previously served' fouryears 'in the naval branch of theservtce, following his ;graduatlorl 'from the local - h 1 St h" school -several years-ago. - - .. nets visitor In this vicinity Fri day. Rowe and Donna Kinney of Olene were callers here Sun day. R. H. Anderson Is now em ployed at the Mnllory grocery store. t Martin Snyder and Douglas Kohler were In Klamath Falls on Saturday evening. Sunday, Martin and Larry Snyder and Doug Kohler vis ited Charles Snyder In Klamath Falls. The grand old American flag sets a grand old example it has colors that don't run. Mt. Loki Miss Barbura Ncose will leave Monday for Sm-rumvnto to visit with hor aunt for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Manning have received word that llmlr son, Ponald, has left for over seas service. Tliu community Is extending conxriitulntluiis tu Mr. and Mis. John WiiIIIm on tholr recent mai-rlngo. Mrs. Wullln will be rcmcmheri'd n Miss Sybil Syl via, Mrs, Richard Fleming sub mitted to mi (lpcrullnn at the Hillside hoKpllul Monday morning. Hager "Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lelblng are having their .threshing- done this week. . . . ! ' - " Zukerman and Swartz are hav ing potatos weighed -every 'day now at the Klien scales Fred and Ernest Kohler were here from Klamath Falls Mon day. ' Forest. Hess crew-Is busy bal- Ing hay. ' Mrs. J. Stayscalr and 1 son of Malin visited at the Hess home the first of. the week, - Mrs.'L. Baldwin was a bus! TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUBON WICKS :VyapoRub P '. Christmas ' Cards "-'for Service Men Rmtmbr , they must-be mailed by the end of October. VAN'S CAMERA SHOP 727 Main ' " ' Phone S61S MONTGOMERY WARD so am at 4 9 0 ft J -It V Sff .JIM AN EXTRAORDINARY CROUP OF FURS . . . The most popular stylet of the toaion at this low prlcel plus Federal Tax "Impoulble!" Thai's what cuilomen lay when we show Ihem these coali at $77. Thay're proof again of Wardi sensational fur values! Tho wonderful Seal-dyed Cdnoys thai look too lovely lo be prac tical . , , and yet are among the most durable furl you can buyl Young, flattering Caracul lamb Pawi In your choice of black or grey. Whichever you choose, you're buying a fur lhat will keep you warm end lovely for seasons, a fur you'll wear with pride i . . everywhere! Sizes 12 to 20, 38 lo U. SABLE-BLENDED MUSKRAT looking for a fur that will stand out In any gathering? One thai will stand up under hard wear, too? Here's your fur coatl It's long wearing Muskrat. blended to ln rich Anfe tones of Sable! Some lovely Sable-dyed Marmots Included. Sizes 12 to 20, stilt Mml Ta FINE SABLE-DYED CONEY Full, prime pelts blended by experts, the -''extra" quality skim usually found at $59 and morel Brocaded rayon talln linings; piped edges, even wlndbreaker cuffs In the sleevesl Compare that "luxury" with the price we're asking ; i . then hurryl Sizes 1 2 to 44. 1 stilt Mml USE WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN All It requires Is a small amount down plus regular monthly payments . ; , and you can start wearing your new fur coa) today I mm Corner 9th and Pine Sri. L Telephone 3188