i .....ii mm ? IM J. 1- ; ) i. i fii SERIAL STORY OF BRIGHTNESS GONE BY HOLLY WATTERSON VANISHED DREAM CHAPTER XXI f ANDACE wai lucky enough to And Dr. Patterson In his office. He piahed forward a chair for her. "How are you. Miss BechT What can I do for you?" She said directly, unwilling to waste any of Ms time, "Dr. Pat terson, I've come to ask you plesse to take me off the Harper case.' He groaned. "Not you too, Miss Bech," he tagged ruefully. "I trusted you to see me through this, even though all the others fell by the wayside. You've managed wofte patients for me before. You really mean you're giving up on this one?" Candace said, "Yes," Brmly. "I'm sorry, Doctor." Dr. Patterson sighed. "You mean It, I see. Whatever Is the matter with all you big strong girls that you can't manage a frail old woman?" She saw that his eyes were twinkling. She said, "I can man age her all right, but there's there's a complication, Dr. Pat terson. That grandson of Mrs. Harper's. He's he's " Indig nation choked her. "He's been sending me things right along to the place where I live, though I dont know how ever he learned where it Is boxes of flowers that I. threw out until I decided that was just wasteful since he wouldn't know whether I'd thrown them out or not, tons of candy; and, lately, clothes. , Inti mate things. I've had the nuisance of sending them back" '"His approach is pretty bad, eh?" Dr. Patterson asked gravely. But he was amused, she saw. r. It wasn't funny. She said with ; distaste, "Yesterday afternoon : when I went off duty the Harper chauffeur was waiting for me. Mrs. Harper sometimes sends me on errands in the car and I thought It was , something like that, something she'd forgotten to mention to me. I started to get In the car. TVhere to?' I asked Jackson. He was grinning. That's up to you, Miss, this yere is your can.' I noticed the initials on the car then, 'C. B.' . Jackson didn't teem to see anything odd about the affair; Mr. Duffy had sent him, he said, and I gathered that sort of thing happens quite often." JJR. PATTERSON threw back his head and laughed. A great hearty bellow that threatened to choice him. . "It's not amusing to me, Dr. Patterson," she protested stiffly. He sobered gradually. "No, I know it isn't," he admitted con tritely. "But I've seen the boy; and the thought cf that pin feathered youth, with the ap proach of an old, roue!" .He threatened to go off again. "You'll admit that part of it's funny, won't your" Candace felt herself relaxing a bit. "I suppose it is, sir." She held out the box to him." "He supped this in my pocket just now. I left word at the house that all packages are to be refused so now he's doing It this way. I wish you'd open it, Dr. Patterson, and then return It to him for me." It was from a jeweler, all right The Jeweled clip winking up at nun from its box made Dr. Pat terson whistle. "You see what I mean," Can dace said. ' "I do indeed." ; "If he'd only use some sense," Candace said, exasperated. "If only he'd pick on a different type oi, gin. ur a younger girl ' "You're how old now?" Dr. Pat terson asked. "Almost 24, sir." 1 Dr. Patterson nodded gravely. "Elderly. Very elderly." He sat back in his chair to consider her, "Man trouble," he said, "the min ute you get out from under the wing of that big cousin of yours. The minute he lets you out of his sight." He chuckled. "He doesn't get much time these days to check on you, docs he? Between his work, and making plans to get Married! Peter planning to be marrled7 Shock and surprise made her feel stupid. She said after a minute, lamely, "I don't see Feter very often. As you say, he's pretty busy." ... ' Dr. Patterson felt from her ex pression that he had unwittingly betrayed a secret. He said, em barrassed, ' "That's right, you wouldn't see hlra often, would you? . Most of the patients he has cun t afford specials. He has a lot of the people from down in the Hollow, I hear. He's a fool. But, a glorious fool. The world would be a finer place if there were more like him." He rose briskly. "I'll talk to tills other young msn. I'll tako care of him. I'll see about taking you off the raso, too. Just ss soon as I cnn find someone to replace you" CHE came away from there " thoughtfully. So Peter was going to be married! She won dered where, in his frantic rush , ing between Clinic and the Hol low, he could have found time to ! ir.1t Jo f aU In Iova Peter , eOPYRIOMT. 1(11. N1A IRVICK. INO. wouldn't have sense enough to marry a girl whb would help him with money or connections, he'd love some hard-working nurse probably, someone as poor as him self. What was It Dr. Patterson had called him? "A glorious fool." That described him exactly. They'd marry, her thoughts ran on, and his wife would scrimp and scrape while Peter slaved down in the Hollow and oilier less able men walked off with the plums of easy, well-paying cases; but they'd be happy working together, they'd be in love She felt suddenly hollow, with a sick, empty loneliness. She felt a wistful jealousy of the Unknown who would live out with Peter the lovely dream she had once dreamed with someone else. Her footsteps grew hurried, as though she were trying to keep ahead of her own thoughts. When she went back into the room after Duffy finally had left, she found Mrs. Harper looking smug. "So I was right," she said. "So Duffy has been making a bit of a nuisance of himself. Why didn't you tell me?" "You were supposed to be sick," Candace said lightly, "remember? And we spare our patients all bother whenever possible." Mrs. Harper said surprisingly, "'I'm rather pleased, on the whole. This is the first time the boy has shown a glimmering of sense about the sort of girl he falls in love with. She saw Candace s eyebrows climb. "Oh, I'll concede he's been in and out of love fairly HEADS U. S. EUROPEAN PILOTS HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured commander of : U. S. flyers ' in Europe. 10 Any. 12 Beverage. 13 Ponderer. 14 Symbol for iron. 16 Tear. 18 Afternoon -1 (abbr.). . 19 Native metals. 20 Vehicle. 21 Exclamation of sorrow., 23 Exudes. 25 Forsaken. Answer to Previous Punlo EiRIOIDjE SlilNMJMIEJk iHlilOl ONI PETMiUiPl life MM ttWjTWL BiEjSjeiTplUOILILMTjAll L AiRlPfc&SR I MAIL SKfeTO SNI CKEifiiEIDI OiPjEpS SiEIC!ReTiA'RiYI lYIElAiSIT 39 Music note. 41 East (Fr.). 42 Card game. 44 Sweet potato. 26 Edge. 27 Cloth measure 46 Canvas (pi.). . shelter. 28 Enthusiast 49 Hostelry, (slang). 50 Price of trans- 29 Wager. portation. 31 Shakespeare- 53 Part of "be." an heiress. 55 Drone bee. 34 Blackbird of 56 Ells English cuckoo family. (abbr.). 35 His bomber's 57 Sot ' are Ger- 58 Pillar. man Indus- 60 Railway . trial centers. (abbr.). " 36 Soak hemp. 61 Fondle. 38 Farts of plays. 62 Short jacket I 2. 34, s c 7 a . 9 !! - Hi 16 iS1" p 18 '9 Six! 20" ;j5 1 Sli II ST" P23 2 . 35 g gSsy; 1 8J p3 3r nB'l gp33 ' ftp- A np III I I I I I I i) THIS CURIOUS WORLD FLORENCE leS "V f NIGHTINGALE,!!! '-U BY PROMPT AND 1 1 ri 11 HYGIENIC METHODS, J ft W III REDUCED THE DEATH jj I J ' s RATE OF WOUNDED 1 I . , SOLDIERS IN THE V . .J CRIMEAN WAR FROM VtL 1 If 11,13 "OeV PER CENT k. jr I ' VvJ TO TWO PER CENT. &V lA '-'! JT VJ--. ; vA CROW, y 1 TT 7iV&i , BANDED AND LIBERATED 1 Ijfjfi't i v IN FORT COLUhlS, COLORADO, fmkt I WAS FOUND IS MONTHS i. lUkZLfiM LATERL IN ALBERTA, S-3vi arW 1 CANADA... ISOOMILE5 tf 3L- Jj$Z AWAY, AS 7V-S C&OVS 40 PtfVHO FIRST BASE CY ' JA FOR THE NBVYOI7KYAMKEE3V' . IN THE 1841 WORLD SERIES I Y.jmPj ANSWER: Johnny Sturi, frequently, but this time" She looked thoughtful. "Of course your background would have to be looked into and so on, but I must admit 1 wouldn't be too displeased if this proved to be the real thing with Duffy" For a minute Candace was speechless with annoyance. Then she sHid deliberately, "My dear Mrs. Harper, it's you who are really impertinent Our only pos sible interest in each other can be as hetween patient and nurse; and even that won't be for much longer, since IVe already asked to be taken off the case." (To Be Continued) Arabs do not drink during I their meals, but satisfy their thirst after the mea' is over. John Deer's first steel plow, made in 1837, was forged from saw blade. Improve Your Radio Reception With New Aerial All Types, Including the New Vertical Antenna UHLiG'S 24 Myself. 25 He command ed France's air train ing school in World War I. 28 He commands the U. S. Air it O.RiRiEi-SiTtAjL. NE VR!T H L! ElDE He Europe. 29 Stripe. 30 Compass point 31 Dance step. 32 Native of (suffix). 33 Onager. 37 He was one'oi first American to go overseas in World War I. 40 Rough lava. 42 Falsehood. , 43 Unit 45 Man. 47 Neither, v. 48 Attempt 50 Not against 51 Mimic. 52 Legal point 54 Entangle. 57 Symbol for tantalum. 59 Toward. VERTICAL 2 Near. 3 Corded fabric. 4 Crippled. 5 Pampers. 6 Harbors. 7 God of war. 8 Bronze. 9 Transpose (abbr.). 10 Constellation. 11 Indigo dye. 14 Distant 15 Sea eagle. 17 Separation. 20 Satisfied. 22 Symbol for silicon. By William Ferguson now with the armed force. J FCXJK? BUT IP n TAKE t WITH IDVV Little Orphan Annie I M H -JtV?'' t 'XK THET DF.131 3N1MK ItR t Vr- F? ' Wy'Vv OFF V WEU-FVEV L. I rTA'Vlv.M:''.M t: ..m ! I i 1 MP ' 1 Cff.-i.V, It- rtl f AMGRN MOO with rao mf mkjm m mw-wik nzzmtj&m mmj: (immmm' ikj aim I w.i c. i , r" i ' i r-rt ,w- ii'.-' na . v I 11 11 1 i twit 1 'jr'nwtkv i-Ni.k-TT m i it .1 i-( r r-r- r it'- 1 1 !..rvn.THETH SHARPER , UNIFORM . ,. f YIPEE' VIE- V ( THERE HE W! ) ' YOL) MEAN "HERE I sEHpRser - ), r CO'-v'' RDPEVfr?. rWSTUR.TbU() 6T jfP- vTS J ' 1 . Red Rvdcr , Bv frod Hormon f X.M V-EGCTICHA m WELL SHOW f YE OH? LET ll CXH TO W " YUH 1 VjfM' Vl! I I wax.? 5:1 THtg time! yuh what we 1 SOCK 'er II gang me. eh? , yuh B tv' J DONTl fvlL I WrvrreoN B:.jL, think o-thS her" have k! just RtrME r! I domt. K '.TiEta. rrr jv-Tl 1 YOUR -jf WELL CURE 1 JUNIOR By- 4 IT! 1 WHEN YUH TACKLE 9 WHAT? E - - 1 mind? somethK 6:1 o TRYiN- commandos-,R belt a U COMMANDO. 1 I' OVER ajBS'l ULK! i frv I THffrWONT jt;A nt) WE J HER EARSnTyg1 YUH EITHER CQ rerJSSi $rjs& IT! Sr MI04' V KEEP? Jl ORDERS TO US' JfmTXSJP? 0RYWWT- ?-l-JSZ4 tyi? .f-J r T? Look, June an ARMY FLYER ! LETS GIVE HIM A LIFT ISNT HE JUST ' LifcVASIAIINto Freckles and tij i from. t4 t wet wmc. tie. t. M.u.'f: 0Trr?iBw bImw Jl f I A. HOL.V SV0E '.TWLOlO II 1 BVS?MSVt I I'M MOIP' f Of AU.Wc. onvmjsjo Boot and Her Buddiei(:ALLL , -jLHjrj) U? t ..ii.'hl ...it,. J'J Ugajafrw-i By Mortl'li P3 V B,G DOPE fALLClGHT,EEMy'T. T ( I ...IF YOU'RE KAAM J ' -ph : (OW SCHEDULE.' GO BACKTPVOUR tSAIDIVVAS V EWOUGH.' JCWA fZr?& fJX Alley Onp LISTEM, ICK- MiSlAH CURLY, SOU CAME ME OUK DOLLUWO.' rjOUJUHS, ) GOIM' VVIP rOOlSOCV WHO VOU LL HA.D SACTV HANA VJEa BCENKF-OS AK1 VOU TO- P.2tOK.V5 A SAUTV HAsNA IT-UCA.V.6ArONlCH BOY, SxVXAii.: isz?ss LtZM c-tivn llWlllt WWW t:5U-. Ti-IAKJK YOL1. GfeLSf I'M GOING TO "WE DUNHAM HOTEL, AND I JUST MISSED THE" at ic .J 1 1 I I T li icr mcccr Ti icr I I u - ii at i o i i i . 1 1 mm SOIA. OIT VO' AH HMUT FOH DEM TA1ES RATI AH WMMT MITK TIME HE. ' WATFD .' v.v.'.v.v.vi r.i DO VOU GOT THAT IT A MILITARY SECRET ? EGAD,"VW&GG.' THIS DOORMfVM'S UNIFOB.NV 6MlT HNtP BO, BUT WfcN I ALWM& DlO WEN NS CLOTWE& - VER. VleLLf -v IT'6 A CR,VIMa 6(4AME THKV A F1RE-6IA0MEL QOtS TIE SOB, INSTEAD OF TUB IMPOSING 6M0RD OF A V-IELU zcy-y,--, might com.iof.k. ntn.-ir n. MIND TELLING US HOW YOU MEDAL, CAPTAIN, OR IS 1 J S IT ISN'T OFFER ANV LONGER, MPkOOR : SOO HOG -TIED BUT Jl ,.- THE SWORD IDEP I S 5MW?T TI4INKINO i MlGWT COM6 IN HANDY TO STNO OFP TH5- AN6RN MOB NITH CHILLV RADIATORS? By Harold Gray I MAD A SPOT ON MV UNIFORM, AND I PINNED ON TUP MEDAL SO THET SFOT WOULDN'T SHOW By V. T. Hamllrf