RAptombor 25, 1042 ITERAlD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVM St. Paul's 'I'lio Rov. auorue Bolster i( Trinity Episcopal church, llond, will spend title weekend In Klumutli Falls. Thsrs wll! U Celebration of Hit Holy Eucharist at 8 a. m, Sun diiy Ht 81. Pnul'i clmrch, with iniirnliiK prayor at 11 o'clock. Tho young people will meet In corporate coiniiumlon at 8 a. m. followed by breakfast In tho purlsh house, Mora Kara From notkbura Mr. anil Mn. C'nrl O. Murphy awl thulr two children, Patricia and Mickey, havo moved hers from Hoseburg and hove pur dinned a noma at 2440 White avenue. Murphy wos a member of tho Hoseburg pollco reserves and hui Joined that organlutlon Iter. Ho is associated In business with hla brothor, L. A. "Jack" Murphy. Visit With Qwyns Mr. and Mr. Dick Fryo of Oakland, Calif., visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Cwyn and family, en route home from Portland whero they have been visiting relatives. Mr. Cwyn and Sirs, Frya uro sisters and It was their first visit with each other In 10 years. Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lee left Sunday for their homo In Fairmont, N. D., after visiting In Klamath Falls with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr, and Mrs, II. R. Huddart and fnmlly. The Lees plannod to visit In Blaine and Belling hum, Wash., wltli friends en route. Offices Enlarged With the FSA offices now locuted on the third floor of the county court house, the space they formerly occupied In the Federal building Is being used to expand office pace for AAA and for a mimeo graph and storeroom for county agencies located on the second floor. Fire In Refrigerator A etg arctto tossed Into the Installa tions In back of a refrigerator at 201 East Main street was said to be tho cause of a fire which called out the department at 0:43 p. m. Thursday. Only slight damage was reported. Crash Reported O. L. John son of Modoc Point and Harold Stevens reported an Intersec tion eranlk to police which oc curred Thursday at 7:80 p. m. at Ninth and Main streets. Lit tle damage was done to either car. Moving to Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. John Salyer, 3033 Shasta way, and their three sons are moving to Los Angelea very soon. LEGAL NOTICES CITATON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH, JUVENILE DE PARTMENT. IN THE MATTER OF JANET 811 REEVE and JANICE SHREEVE, alleged dependent children. To BYRD SHREEVE and MYRTLE CLARK SHREEVE, parents of snld children: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKGON: You, and enrh of you, are required to ap pear within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of first pub lication of this citation, which is first published September, 4th, 1U42, and show cause, if any ex ists, why the abovo named minor children, heretofore adjudged de pendent children and temporar ily committed to The Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, should not be permanently com mitted to said The Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon with authority to place said children for adoption and to con sent to such adoption. This citation is published by order of Hon. David R. Vandcn berg. Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered the 1st. dny of September, 1042, directing publication thereof once a week for four (4) con scctittvo weeks In the Hcrnld and News, published In Klamath County, Oregon. WITNESS my hand and the seal of sold court this 1st day of September, 1942. MAE K. SHORT, Clerk of said Court By Dorothy Buchanan, Deputy (SEAL) First Published Sept. 4, 1042. Lust Published Oct.. 2, 1042. S 4 1118-28; O 2 No. 121 Another Service for Our Customer Radio Service DEPARTMENT DAVE COX, Formerlr Dave's Radio Service, In Charge MERIT Washing Machine) Service 811 B. 6th Ph. 8689 Evenly Dlrldad Charge! against persons appearing Fri day before Police Judge Leigh Ackerman wera ovenlv divided between drunkennen and va grancy. Thar wars three of each. Four trafflo law violator paid up. ' Returns to Bahool Patricia Rexton, daughter of Mr. and Mn, Frank Sexton of 238 River Ide, hm left for Corvalllt to en tor her sophomore year at Ore gon State college. Orange Speaker J. R. Mc Cambrldge, assistant county agent, la to be guest apeaker at a meeting of the Hlldebrand grange Saturday night. MAIL CLOBINO TIME (Effective June 16, 1942) Train 20 Northboundi 10 a. m. Train 19 Southboundi 61 1 3 p, m. Train 16 Northboundi 9 p. m, Train 17 Southboundi 9i90 a. ro. C. E. Rummage Sale - The high school Christian Endeavor of the Christian church la pon- soring a rummage sale Saturday, September 26, In the building next door to the Meat center. Door will be open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Dance Postponed Since Art Rawley and hi band are play, Ing at Malln, the regular Mer rill Saturday night dance will not bo held this week. The regular Merrill Saturday night ounces win Da resumed on October 3. E Two drlverles car broke loose from their mooring on the Seventh street hill when their brake failed to hold Thursday evening. One crashed into a house at 433 North Sev enth street belonging to R, W Browning, and did considerable damage, according to police who were called to the scene at 6:20 p. m, Their report stated that the two cars were parked in front of 610 North Seventh street. The larger car, belonging to Harvey Walker, 2980 Crest street, took off down the hill, Jumped a curb, knocked over. two trees, crossed the Intersec tion of Seventh and Jefferson street and finally stopped with three feet of the front end of the car Inside the house. The damage sustained by the car was said to be minor, but that done to the house was estlmat ed at $180. The smaller ear, owned by Willie Trevett of 510 North Seventh street, was started down the hill by the other car, police said. It went over an em- bankment, rolled over six times, broke the Iron rail at Seventh and Washington street and dropped about 28 feet, com pletely demolished. Both car were removed by wrecker. Courthouse Records FRIDAY Justice Court Harry Oust Luscher. b-.ink on a public highway. Sentenced to 10 day In the county Jail. The fight goes on (in Belgium) because this I not merely con flict of peoples agalnat people but conflict between two dif ferent Interpretation of world, life and human personality. Paul van Zeeland, former pre mier of Belgium. ANNOUNCEMENT PETE'S LUNCH 910 Main OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SATURDAY SEPT. 26th Tr Short Orders ir Box Lunches a Specialty OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! STATE DEFENSE COUNCIL PLANS HUMOR CLiC SALEM. Sept. 28 (AP Gov ernor Charles A. Spragua said today the state defense council 1 organizing a "rumor clinic" to (pike ugly rumor which ere circulated by enemy source to break down American morale. "Wild tale of all kind will be received, analyzed and chal lenged a a mean of counter acting subversive force en deavoring to undermine the morale of the people," the gov. ernor said in explaining me purpose of the clinic. David Hoblnson, Portland at torney, was appointed a man aging director of the clinic, with headquarter In the Ore- ion building. Portland. The defense council' advisory com mittee on Information win as- slit Robinson. . Turn in Your Rumor Member of the advisory committee are: Dr. John L, Haakin. presldont of the Oregon Mental Hygiene society; Dr. Charle O. Sturdevant, psycht atrlst; Dr. George Bernard Noble and William Griffith, both of Reed college; Jalmer Johnson, city editor of the Port land oregonlon; Tom Humph' rey, editorial writer of the Oregon Journal; H. Quentin Cox, program director of sta tlons KGW and KEX, Portland; Dr. Gerard Haugen, state board of health; and Henry Swart- wood, station KOIN, Portland. The clinic requested that every person hearing a rumor to submit It to the clinic. STEWART HERE TO ASSIST CLOSE-OUT Ira! I. Stewart, owner of Stew art and Smith shoe store here, will be in Klamath Falls all of next week to assist Steve Brodie In closing out the store. Stewart operates ihoe (tore In Oakland, San Francisco and Portland, and stated that the Klamath stock I being liquidat ed in order to concentrate a dwindling personnel In the larger stores. Both Stewart and Brodie will return to the bay area immedi ately upon closing the store here. Stewart expressed his re luctance to quit business In Klamath Falls, but said it waa limply a matter of not being able to get shoe men In these times. VITAL STATISTICS FALK Born at Klamath Valley hospital September 24, 1942, to Mr. and Mr. C. C. Falk, route 3, box 680C, Klam ath Falls, Ore., a boy. Weight 7 pound 1 ounce. OLSEN Born at Klamath Valley hospital September 24, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Olson, Madeline, Calif., a girl. Weight 11 pounds. SLATTER Born at Hillside hospital September 24, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blatter, 2460 Biehn street, Klamath Falls, Ore., girl. Weight 6 pound 18 $4 ounces. OBITUARY PERRIN PETER CASE Perrln Peter Case, a resident for the last 11 years, passed away at his late residence on Thursday evening, September 24, 1942. The deceased wa a native of Mt. Clemens, Mich., and wa aged 73 years, 8 months and 28 day when called. Besides hla wife, Rose May Case of this city, he Is survived by daughter, Violet Standlcy of Camas Valley, Ore.; three sons, Wesley E. and Floyd B. of this city and Clif ford P. bf Marshflold, Ore.; one sister, Julia Irwin of Detroit, Mich. The remains rest at Wards Klamath Funeral home, 923 High street. Funeral ar rangement will be announced later. LOO CABIN REMINDER OF PIONEER DAYS 74051 sril ton ma. moumkx urn. me, by Alice Brooks Embroider this Log Cabin panel and hang it In your home to commemorate pioneer days. The simple stltchery makes, the scene grow quickly. The trees can be in autumn coloring. Pat tern 7405 contains a transfer pattern of a 15 x 10 inch panel materials needed; Illustrations of stitches; color chart. To obtain this pattern (end 11 cents In coin to The Herald and News, Household Art Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the number for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envelope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. ...., to followed by your name and address. FORT DES MOINES, la., Sept 25 (AP) The women's army auxiliary corps will grad uate 117 women to the rank of third officer In the WAAC's third commencement ceremony tomorrow. They raise to 790 the number of officer graduates since the training school was opened July 20. An all-WAAC band will make its first public appearance at the graduation, replacing the men's post band. The gradua tion address will be delivered by Mrs. Herman Bakker, na tional president of the women's overseas service league. She will be Introduced by WAAC Director Oveut Culp Hobby. Academic deficiency prevent ed two candidates from gradu ation tomorrow. Those receiving commissions include: Oregon Ruth Eleanor Henry, Oregon City; Jean Richmond, Woodburn; Thelma Jane Swen nes, Eugene. , FISH PLANTED CRESCENT LAKE A State Gome Commission truck hauled 90,000 rainbow trout, up to five Inches In length and put them in Crescent lake recently. The trout came from the Oakridge hatchery. Read Classified Ads, for Results Lemon-Lime Cake Made from the iulce ond rind of fresh limes ond lemons iced off with a de licious fondant Icing a flavor combina- -tion that is different. 69c Date Nut Drops A drop fruit cookie, chuck full of dates and nuts. Sat Special J9c per Do. Midland Znupite, QUIET ELECTION FnCLuHiLL CITY VOTERS MERRILL Voter of Merrill are faced with electing an en tirely new city official set-up when election time rolls around. Unless somebody files for the office of mayor, councilman, police Judge, and treasurer, those now in office may automatically go on their way with new terms. Deadline for filing I October 2 and any aspirant up to that date may file Intention In the office of T. W. Chatburn. Even the Incumbent have turned thumb down on putting their name on the ballot so far and the city election to date appear to have drifted into the dol- rii-iimi Four-year terms of CT P. Has- kin and Henry Cox, council- men, Mayor Frank E. Trotman, City Treasurer Warren Fruits, City Recorder Uel Dlllard and Police Judge Frank Paygr Sr., all expire, while C. E. "Jerry" Sharp and H. C. Bradbury, ap- pointed by the council to fill the unexpired short terms of Councllmen Charles Card and Roy Hodges,, must also be voted upon. Card and Hodges now re side in Medford, where both are in business. City ballots will be presented with those for the general elec tion and the county election board will be responsible for counting. The possibility of write-ins for all the offices looms, but unless Interest In new city government material is be ing kept in the dark, it is high ly probable that Merrill will con tinue under the guidance of those now in office. Tulelake Robert Lldell and his brother Jack, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lldell, are expected home for brief vacations about October 1. Robert, third year student in the San Francisco school of phar macy, will remain a week while Jack, freshman In the San Fran cisco Junior college, will make a shorter visit. Florence Staunton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Staunton, left Thursday for Stanford uni versity to begin her freshman year. Winema club members will entertain Saturday night, Oc tober 31, at a "pillow case" card party in the Winema school house. It being Hallowe'en, ap propriate prizes of pillow cases are to be given for honors In both pinochle and bridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McNaugh ton, Alameda, for 13 years mis sionaries in Japan, have arrived here to fill a similar mission at the Japanese relocation center. Jack Chapman, Bishop, Calif., has arrived to reside on the ranch of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Barr, where he expects to manage farming operations for Dr. Barr. Mrs. Chapman will join her hus band at an early date. Mrs. Sight Coughs due to colds . . . eased without "dosing". Rub w ir if r: us ft Barr and Chapman are slater and brother. Classes In the high school have elected leaders for the next few months, the seniors choos ing Wilbur Edwards as presi dent; Mary Duggan, vice presi dent; Marge Larson, secretary; Natalie Welsh, treasurer. Class advisors are Marie Chlaraucci and Victor Gorln. Wanda Long will act a yell leader. Thirty three senior are registered. Fanny Adam ha been elect ed president of the junior, with Dorothy Thoma to serve as vice president; Ruth Crowther, secretary-treasurer. La Verne Hem street is faculty advisor. Lester Cushman will serve the sophomores as president; John Bowen, vice president; Patty McVey, secretary; Nancy Mur phy, treasurer. Faculty advisors are Mis Bertiloff and Mr. Streu- ber. Freshman officer are Dick Maxwell, president; Bernice Hartley, vice president; Bernice N e b 1 k e r, secretary-treasurer. Vera Clark and Mr. Clypoole are class advisor. Ruth Crowther will guide the Tulelake division of White and Gold, joint publication repre senting the nine high schools In the union district, as editor-in- chief, with Natalie Welsh to as sist her. Patty Gentry will serve as business manager and Phyliss Sutton a general assistant. The annual will be published at the end of the school year. Stewart-Lenox Mr. and Mrs. Jack Himmel- bright and children were called to Roseburg by the serious Ill ness of Himmelbrlght's father. Those attending the football gams in Klamath, Falls Friday night from the addition were: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Homer and son, Martha Uhrlne, Verla Ex treme, Alma Mae Farrel, Mrs. D. M. Chandler and daughter Norma Dlone, and Barbara Homer. Mrs. Warren Miller and Mr. Francis Walters and children spent Friday shopping in Klam ath Falls. Mr. and Mr. C. T. Williams have as their guest Mrs. Wil liam' father, V. C. Hall of Mi ami, Okla. Hall made an ex tended visit in Wyoming before coming here. Mrs. Petls Homer is quite ill at her home. Percy Cook is home after an extended stay in Idaho. Mrs. Louise Schleferstein is visiting relatives In Eugene this week. Martha Uhrlne is ill at her home. 1 HOW Factory worker are accurate, fast work. . Don't let YOUR light be responsible for costly eyes examined nowl At Columbian Optical Company you will find the best of service. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST NO COST OR OBLIGATION FOR EXAMINATION LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS NO CARRYING CHARGE OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Under the personal supervision of DR. G. F. GLASCOE Optometrist 15 year of experience as a refractive specialist. I . 1111111 Q3&i - Aecai di mi nnnnn.wi ruui rnuunflivi TULELAKE Plans for filling the pulpit of the Tulelake Com munity Presbyterian church were made at a recent meeting of Interested residents in the community and members of the church, who conferred with Rev. Hugh L. Bronson, former pastor here. Rev. Bronson, now pastor of the Altamont Presbyterian church in Klamath Falls, hopes to work out a program for filling both his home pulpit and the pastorate here. No definite action I to be taken until after October 1, but tentative plan call for a service here each Sunday morning at 9:30 o clock. Bronson with Mrs. Bronson served his first pastor ate here, leaving about three years ago for eastern Oregon for mission service. He later re turned to Klamath Falls. Bonanza Lottie Belle McDonald, daugh ter of Mrs. Lola McDonald, has returned to Oregon State col lege. Miss McDonald, graduate of the Bonanza high school class of '40, Is majoring In Journalism and is a member of the sopho more class. During the past year she took active part in dra matics and campus radio work. This year she will serve as assis tant cheer leader for the Orange and Black. Mrs. Owen Pepple and Mrs. William Bechdoldt spent Tues day in Klamath Falls on busi ness. They were accompanied by Ted Pepple, who is recover ing nicely from a recent major operation. Marilee Glvan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Glvan and a graduate of Bonanza high class of '40, is returning to Modesto, Calif., where she will 'attend junior college for the second year. Miss ' Givan Is a speech major and during the past year was a member of the college deputation team. This year she will serve on the student coun cil. She is a member of the "Blue Dozen" pep team and will act as cheer leader for the "Mo desto Pirates." J. J. Brown of Gleneden Beach, Ore., spent several days with his son, F.'W. Brown and family. ' Brown was returning home after spending two weeks with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Thur man, and young grandson Wayne, ABOUT His SlghT" 1 is right for his job . , 7 Is your sight right for front line fighter, They need' at their home In Richmond, Calif. Brown lived In KlmU Falls and also In the Merrill and Malln country several year ajo and i well known her. Mr. and Mrs. Ed D Bolt of Santa Maria, Calif., stopped for a few day with Mr. De Bolt' sister, Mrs. Ada Sparreton. They were on their way to Portland io visit uieir aaugnter, Maria Loiflse De Bolt, who 1 In nurse' training at the Emmanuel hoe. pltat. Mr. and Mr. Frank Pool anel sons, Robert and Walter, anel daughter Mrs. Jane Mrere. spent Wednesday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mr. Wil liam Bechdoldt. Robert, who If In the army, 1 at present en ten-day furlough. . style tip oi we Nunn-Bush Oxfou. X ou Ret sdded mile of style I in a Nunn-Bush - at urdy brogue. Ankle-p Fashioning, a Nona- ? -3ush development, pn longs original good looks. Try pair and see. MANSTORE 733 Mate . YOU? yours? fighting light for mistake Have your "Wear a lj M Ffct J IWRIWITIt mk ) $".50 mis f DREW'S