' September 28, 1042 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THRE9 o EARLY OF MAILING PARCELS TO SOLDIERS ASKED ' ' ' Postal rcuuliitlona and roc ommondatloiia for thn mallliiK of Clirllmu purcoU to muii In the armed forcoa orvlntf out (ld llio euiitlneiitiil United Statca and In Aluiika havo been ' announced by Uni t K. Hawklna, Klamath Falla postmaster. 0 ; All audi parcels und Chrlat fljaa curds must bo iiiiiIIihI Iiu fore Novombnr 1, und tlm curlier th bolter. Special effort will b mado to effect delivery before Chrlstmus of nil Klft packaifrs endorsed "Christinas Parcel." ,'.T Stout Wrappings Aikad , ,1-Lnck of abit)liiif apuco neces altatva Umltutlon of the alze of packages, which should be con fined to the alze of an ordlnury toe box and weigh not mora than alx poundi. It la pointed out that membera of the armed forcea ' have ample food and clothing and people are request ed not to aend auch Hems, The rlgora of ahlpplntf and handling require that pneknges . be stoutly wrapped and able to withstand considerable weight apd pressure, yet the covering .liould be secured so os to per Qmll ready inspection, us nil packages must bo passed by the censor. It la recommended Unit boxes of wood, motul or corru gated cardboard be used. . . Articles which will not be ac cepted for mulling Include any 'thing perishable, Intoxicants, In flammable materials, Including matches and lighter fluids, poi sons and any composition which may kill or Injure another or damage the malls. ' Must Be Prepaid '"Addresses must be legible and should Include the name, address, rank, aerial number, branch of aervlce, orgnnlwillon, mn mur nf the addressee and the post office through which the parcels aro 10 uu Parcels for navy personnel ehould also show the navni uim to which the addressee la os r (Iiu nnmo of his ship. Marine mall should Include In the address the marine corps unit number and be sent in care ' of tho . postmaster, New iVork City or San Francisco, .-,. .. i.,.irnrii.d bv the cor respondent for any unit locatod overseas. ,T Postage must be fully pro- psld, sccordlns to r-J "u " able at the postofflce. Inscrlp- ...-t, .. "Mxrrv Christmas liuna ., - . . n.rmi.uhle on the outside of packages and bo oka may bear almple acaicaiory ac tions not In tho nature oi .1 nnrmnni1(lrnCB. Uii". -vv.-.-a----- - . Mailers are advised to Insure packages of more than ordinary ..nri those small In alze aa first class registered Qmall. ihould be transmitted by money order. alnce they can be ensnca hi iiin'. wiierever located, and are paid In local foreign curren cy at the rote or cxcnnimu effect on the date the orders are presented. STATE NIGHT GETS HEARTY RESPONSE 8HEPPARD FIELD, Texas -n "Dnr 'State of Ore OBb.u. gon Night' plana ore receiving ..v. nhnaiuile resnonse and cooperation from Oregonlnna at home, writea virgu r.. on-'w-.. irumih Fnll "that we are ftassured of an unusually auccess- ful evening." The event, senca tiled lor October 3, will bring the hundreds of khakl-clad Oro gonlans stationed at Shcppard Held, Tex,, togoinor ior an uvu ..i n mufllp. Inalnir. danclnr. Tefrcshmenta and a display of genuine Oregon spirit. nrnonnlnni fire lltorallv brlns lng Oregon to Texas In the many gifts that are being sent to tho Midlers for the occasion. Astor ians are sending cases of Oregon . crab and Iced salmon . , . Ores ham, berries . . , and Mcdford itra, their famous peara. Many cash donations to cover tho Inci dental cxpenso of tho occasion re also being received. The lo cal Wichita Falls, Tex., USO are contributing two tolcphono colls on tho night of tho event. "Ttiero l still time," urges Pvt. Stewart, "to send your gift or message. All should bo ad dressed to the "Stato of Oregon NightV committee, care of tho 4?y ,amar Avenue USO club, Wlchl- tjt.'Fnlln. Texas." & h h h h & h hW OUR MEN IN SERVICE Vtj? ': urn's ai-iiiy, nc- jrtvi?yK'VS' 51 irdlng to word f : , ? ' j jcelved Ill-res'- J lake took j-Jii"iinM n m l HOT FLASHES tyrtla W. Plnklinm's Comwuinrt n (nmoiM to help relieve tllnlrpwi dna towomAD'a functional "mlddlw-ngo' period. Follow labftl dlrentlonB, LVDIA E. PIHKHAM'S SKln J CORPOrtAL. NOW John W U I a k e bus e h a n g e d his every day du ties from work with the Weyer hluMisiir Timber company hero to being a cor poral In Undo Ha cor reee Ill offlcer'a train ing at Camp Davis, N. C. His homo Is at Chlloiiuln, Oro. THIBD STEP UP Arthur L. Urooks la now addressed os cor- nfirtil. fitllnulntr . :! his third promo tlnn since ho en- I Is ted In the United States army on May 1, 1042. Ho la stationed at a proving ground In Illinois at A , ..A prcseiii. t Kiriio- ft1-? v .. 3 II a t e of Hliun- A nth Union high f T, t I school, Corpor- a jg . r ol Urooks Is the4 son of Mr, und Mrs. L, J. Urooks of 1211 Crescent avenue. WAITS PLACEMENT Private First Class Nell I.. Wlrz, U. S. marine corps enlistee, Is now In Sim UU-go, Calif., waiting for placement in an active squadron A graduate KU1IS with class of "41, 1 Wlrz enlisted on January 18, 1042, and after leaving "boot" camp signed up In aviation ord nance, taking h I a technical training In J a c k s o nvlllc, Flo. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wlrz,. former real dents of' Klamath Falls who now mako their home In Tilla mook, Ore. AIR CORPS RADIO MAN Sherman liultencutlcr, "Shcrm" to his friends here but "Rut" In the army, is f stationed at Pnt-P te n O., after having completed h I s training as air corps radio man at Scott Field. III. He enlisted o n November 20, 1041, and was sent to Fort DouRln.i W " t Utah, before be JjBr-v 1 1 lng transferred , fir to Scott Field. His parents aro Mr. and Mrs, Paul Kuttcncuttcr Of 1737 Oak street, who recently enjoyed a visit from him while he was on leave. MIAMI BEACH. Fla. (To tho Editor) I om writing you a short letter hoping you will print somo of It and let my friends In Klamath county know where I am and what I'vn been doing slnco I left Klamnlh Falls two years ago, when I enlisted I enlisted In the medical corps and was stationed at the Presidio at Monterey, Calif, for 10 months. I transferred to thn air corps In July, 1041, and have slnco been stationed at Sacramento, Battle Creek, Florence, South tarollna, and here at OCS where I have been alnce August S. I will gradunto from hero and receive my commission ns second lieu tenant on October 28. I received a furlough on Oc tober 15, 1041, and returned to Klamnlh Falls and married Revotn Sari, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Otto Sari, whom you tutloncd at Pot i ijV, I e t a o n Field EJ f i e a r Dayton. TiX;, - HIGH L 0 TO might know. The 18th of this month Jamea .A. Blckora tho second arrived at the station hospital at Fort Jackson, Co lumbia, S. C. If you attonded tho rodeo In Klamath Folia on July 4, 1040, you might remember me. Re momber when that broluna bull Jumped all over , one fellow that was me. I rode In the Klamath rodoos In 1038, 1030 and 1040. Well, I'll have to algn off and hit the hay. , We lead a hard life while we aro at thla school and really cam our com missions. And don I think they handed Clark Cablo any pres ent when they sent him here. He la making a name for him self as a good soldier hero at this school. Youra alnccroly, JAMES BICKERS. PROMOTED Corporal Robert F. Laurenson assumed hla new ronk on graduation" August 21 from the offlcer'a training school at Camp ,. Davla, N. C. the same day that he was marlcd. C o r porol Lauren son has remain ed at the achool a a Instructor n d wrote hla mother, Mrs. Lola Laurenson of .718 Califor nia avenue, that "once 10 min utes was a long time for me. to talk, but now I'm lecturing for three and four hours a diiy." Laurenson entered the army last summer. He was formerly agent for the Pacific Finance corporation. , AT MATHER Private First Class Joseph F. r-nlhnnn U nlr. lng his flight) training at Ma ther Field, fe-i Calif., getting 1J0 7 crack at ' the E via Palhntin I who enlisted loL:; .' j August of 1041, la the son of t Mr. and Mrs. ? VT Thomas E. Col- faK. houn of . 4078 Shasta way. ;i i WAR EFFORT WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 (IF) Creation nf a war-lnaplrcd "High School Victory corpa," open to all of the 6,800,000 student In the nation's 28.000 public and privato secondary schools, waa unnounccd today by War Man power Chief Paul V. McNutt. Established to give "every high school student In the Unit ed Slates the opportunity to tuko a definite plocc In the na tlonal war effort through a vol untury enrollment plan," tho corps will bo heoded by Copt Eddie Rickenbockcr, aviation leader and flying ace of the first world war. . Manual Sent Simultaneously with the an nouncement here, state - school superintendents throughout the country were asked to call on school boards and officials to luunch the program locally, aa soon aa possible. . A niauuul recommending methods of organization was sent to all school superintendents and high school principals along with this statement from the na tional policy committee for the corps, composed of army, navy, education and civilian aviation men: "A realistic appraisal of our need for trained manpower, both in the armed forces and in war production, makes it evident that the high school can't go on doing business as usual." Two aims of the corps were set forth as: "First, immediate, ac celerated and special training of youth for that war service they will be expected to perform after leaving school; second, ac tive participation of youth while still in school In the commun ity's war effort." , SOMEWHERE IN PACIFIC John George MacMUlon, sea man first class,. Is understood to, be "some where In the Pacific" aboard an aircraft car rier. He h a a been with the U. ,S. navy alnce August 18, 1941, having graduated' with honors from the aviation ' radio school In San Diego In May, 1042. MacMillan, waa employed for several years by the Peli can Bay Lumber company and la the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. MacMillan of 1003 Upham street. Jack Walts, storekeeper sec ond class m uncle Sam s navy. Is spending a seven-day leave here visiting with his -parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Walt- of West Klamath, and with friends. He expects to return to duty next Tuesday. Walts has been serv ing In the navy supply depot In In Oakland, Calif., for the post threo weeks, prior to which he wai stationed at Moffctt field Sunnyvale, Calif. He has ap plied for flight training and ex pects to be tranrcrrcd soon after his return. Mors Illuminated highways and fewer Illuminated drivers would do a lot to cut down ac cidents. Art Rowley and hla anlaitT I'r'l mil Orchestra with Penny Nichols Saturday Sept. 26th. .". Broadway Hall MALI N All-City School Band to Meet Saturday Morning The all-city achool band, com posed of studonts up tu and in cluding the tenth grade, will meet for their first rehearsal under the direction of Andrew Loney, director of music edu cation In tho public schools, at Kiamath Union high school Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. This band la organized for the purpose of giving advanced training on instruments and to be available for community functions and concerts. Instru mentalists for tho all-city band will be selected on the basis of their . ability. This organiza tion will meet every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. It Is expected that the band will number about 100 players when organization is fully underway. SO SORRY SAN DIEGO, Calif. (IP) John Arvin, federal rent director, left both this landlord and tenant un happy. The tenant complained his rent wasn't high enough. He had signed his lease before the rent ceilings became effective, but by the time the regulations were in force the landlord had reduced the rent $10 a month. 'It isn t fair, he insisted. "I agreed to pay it and the place is worth every cent called for in the lease." The' law, Arvin stated firmly. prohibited the increase, Elmer TlavU says the Juke box is a v.tal necessity of war and is popular among soldiers, sailors and marines. We don't mind if ihey send all of them to the camps. OF THEFTS FROM CARS TOLD A run o'f thefts from automo biles seems to have struck the city this week, with several re ported to police earlier and two more Thursday. T. J. Bush of San Francisco said that when ne returned to his car after it had been parked all night in front of 1022 Main street, he found the windshield completely broken out and a number of articles of clothing taken. Also missing were an electric razor, school books, a fountain pen and other Items. A $2S war savings bond, a draft - registration card and re ceipts, all in a box, were re ported by Ralph Walters of Bly to havo been taken from his car when it was parked on Klamath avenuo near Eighth street. He said tho doors were not locked Men must prepare themselves In spirit against repeating the same blunders which havo pre cipitated the tragic" situation in which wo now find ourselves. Rabbi Milton Steinberg of New York City. Sell it through the want-ads. ' Br- 0 'DWCI0V8 AlBCRS OATS IS A RICH SOURCE OF PEP-UP VITAMIN Bit taoytheiMW Imoreved ft aver nf Albert 0ts either Quick or Old Fuhioa ft). It cooks up flaky, full-bodied, creamy- . colored ef mujhyt Thrifty to serre, too. You1l love 1hi$ swell fasting hot cereal!" Hot cereal iMndbr for jccnerations, Albers Ota hrincs you tho body building, energy-gmng nourishment of pure. WDoie grain. "Eat the right foods every dayr The best aaa-niioarce of pep-up Viumia Bi, this lype of food is among those recommended in Uncle Sim's Nutrition Food Rules to mike America strong, Serve It it ottenl IN ORDERED TO REPDRTOGT. 2 Klamath County Hoard 1 of the selective service system to day released the names of men ordered to report Friday, Octo ber 2, for entraining to Portland and Induction into the army. The list follows: Akin, MtIi J.m-i. SIJ Hirtln SlrMt. Anrirrwjn, ArfH, Vmntff, Vlt. AnMaftir, Kclwitril. HI. Paul, Minn. Ara.f, H.l l. JlfrrHI. Howf-r, tievtt II., 4tf Mark't Street, llxwrr. IU,I 0,, Kllx-r l-alie. Illarlf, rljarl-i U.. Vfl Orant. llaMvtn, Hiirtnn V'., Salt Uka City. Helton, Nl.l Kirk, Urt flak. Ilrrker, t:l'4ft !., Klamath Fall!. I'olllna, Forrt I)., Delaware. Carmlcliarl. Uwrrnre Y.. M2 I'ltim. Tone, Luther Intliua, Oregon r.lty. r.'harfee, Juriaon II., Relink, Alaaka. .'ro,l,y, Lewla P., Portland. Ciinnlnaliam, Oeori J Portola, Calif. Ilavla, lllrhanl O'.Mel. rVatlle, Wa,h. DrltOill. llehael, .,) Hotel. Olion. Oeorge II., Ai& Preieott. Itepuy, Kite. Vernon, tt'eatuoe, Calif. Ileot, K.licar II., Portland. Prye, Harry (j.. fll llend. Calif. Oifford, Doreat H ft-t Plain, tjerl.lno, John, Klatnath Palla. tirllfln. Prank K I'aero, H'aali. Hall, Allan A., Crater Hotel. Illmelwrllht. Houert V., Hollywood, Calif. Keyea, Jauiea Herbert, mi North Alnth. Kllllli, Hetnard V... fl Main. Klni, Kdward Paul. St. Joaeph, Ho. taveil, Adrian 5fiel,aei, Oaweao, Ore. TjilMe, Villtnrn Antone, Klamath Palla. llartln. Clair 51.. r.-UO Wantland. Mrllonald, Kolo-rt A., Sill White. MrKlnney, fjrnrxej G., 41a Market. Me. Frank Edward. IMS Kaplanadt, Nardl, P.rnrat, UM plum. OTonnor. Charlea T., 1705 Mata. Prraler, Uoyd II., Merrill. Peteraon, Hani 0 703 D'lat. 'Poelker, Bobert H., Oreat Northern Rail road. P. lty. Jamea William, Boi 174. Klamath Palla. Powell, feallej Clifford. 90S South Fifth. Rlel.llni, Charlea R , lost Uinta. Klallne. Tyrna C, UlS Harlan. Ileen. TlmothT John, l Karlt. Iloarla, Joe II.. 201 South Kleventh. Khoulderi. Kalph D lin Upham. Spenrer. fAwrenca C. 1503 Donald. Hnead. Benamln T., Cory Hotel. Sehmldt, llnc.ln A.. Klamath Palla. Watti, teater Jamaa, Crater tlutal, Wasnar, Albert, Dayton. Waah. Ybarrl, tdward, lim Oak. No longer productive aro the old diamond mines of India. Firm Control With Day Long ComfortI At f I rr Belted Foundation 1 '4 Firm control with day Ion g comfort ... yours with Nu-Back, the founda tion that "will not ride up"l The well boned cotton coutil and elastic inner belt and reinforced front panel give definite abdom inal support. Pre - shrunk brocaded batiste. Jersey bust. Tearose. Sizea 34 to 54. GERDA PERSSON Sears' graduate corsctiere, is always In attendance to help, you with your figure problems. Consult herl SEARS-ROEBUCK AND CO. Keeps km qotnq Hi! noon I . V;-- - -50" :- - : Ipono or Forhani TOOTH 40t PASTE WTfC ...... 50e; : H Woodbury Creams 37c Soc Slie LISTERINE 39c SARAKA 98c Colgate ?.f.g. 21c 60c Wernet's 47c 200 Face rB 25c l.OOLavoris 79c 50c Vicksrrp.39c 60c Neet .49c 60c Sal H'epatlca .. 49c Castoriar.:h" 31c 75c Doans Kldnjr 59c 60c Eve Gene 53c Petrolagar$llJ 89c Alcohol Robbing.. 49c NUJOL 79c By $1.00 IRONIZED YEAST TABLETS 79c 35c LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM 27c 75e PITCH SHAMPOO 59c ' Kremel Hair Tonic $1.19 50c Jergens ix,39c Caroid?,1.r.98c 25c Feenamint23c I.OOMar-o-Oil 79c 50cBarbasol 37c H 11 DR. WEsrs Witir-prtifii Tiitkbrisl CALOX 47e Tilth fiwlir 43c jj :. 65c ' 'JSMg MISTOL 25c Carters.! 21 c 35C BrOmOQalnlne 27 83c Lady 69c 50c DuartSTnk39c 50c Russian ?PL)49c Tek TL' 12 Sanitary N,P,22c 60c Drene 49c 100BisodolT 39c Tampax 31c Lifebuoy gST 27r $1 Hinds tou,. 49c 65c Ponds ere. 39c 60c Italian ,,, 49c $1.00 . Lucky Tiger cr Vitali 79c 50c Dr. Lyon' Tooth Powder 50c Pepsodent Tooth Past .... 33c 39c Lysol (Biedium) 47c 65c Bisodol .49c 75cTakara .59c Absorbine 89c 1.00 Zonite. 79c Dextri-r!2:u'69c 75c Ovaitine, 61c Aspirin Zr.:59c Pepsodent-TsV: 59c Super D-SS&2.55 50c Pablum 39c 75e VAPEX 59c 50e MOLLE, WILLIAMS orMENNEN SHAVE 'IQr CREAM OTrC CIGARETTES Old Colli. Camels. IUfkr Strikes, Chesterfields, ftalelgha Per Pkg. 13c, 2-25c $1.23 Per Carton TOBACCOS I5e Half and Half, Vehret, Prince Albert 2 for 21c 1 1.H. ... I4c 1 LB. GRANGER ... 69c W Ui 'DRUG CO. NINTH AND MAIN STS. Ifcaj MWtf . 4eWJ0.-. SOAPS Palm- ollva 6c 3 for 17o . Lux or Lifebuoy 3 for 19c H II H' N I aJ I ti lim.V'ilj4ajanaLv