t ptemer 18, 1941 TTERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN lillllilllfPIiH Mtlng Plae Changed Th Klamath Kali Council of Churohwomen executive com mute will meet Friday, Sep tember It, at 10:0 a. m, at tha Community Congregational church on Oarden street. A pa per Buck luncheon will follow. Board member, repreitontnllvet and olhtjr Intorusted women are Invited to attond. The board mooting will convene at 1 p, m at which time committee chair men will be announced. Women representing the varloui church group! aro urged to attend. Leave Road Kenneth Tug gle, 27, 1037 Walnut itreet, re oorted today that hli car left th road and caromed Into a ditch nn Highway 07, thre and one half mile weet of Klamath Fall early Tueiday morning. Tuggl aid ha wai ellghtly Injured. With Quartermaster Corpt Word he been received from Peggy Rakostraw, who left for Oakland last Saturday, that the haa accepted a aecreurlal poii tlon with the army quarter masters corps there. She was employed her by Consolidated Frelghtwaya. Red Cros Sewing Reames Oolf and Country club members will mumi their regular Thurs day afternoon sewing for the Red Cross tomorrow ai in nom of Mre. George H. Merryman, It was announced weunceaay. naturiu From Vacation Pa tricla Wethered of the Klamath rnnntv Public Welfare commis sion has returned from a week's vacation spent with her parents In Eugene. Langell Valley Vincent Hurley, a destroyer pilot, arrived Monday from San Francisco to spond a few days with hi wlfa and thre children. He haa been on active duty In th Paclflo for several months, Mr. and Mr. Hurley spent Mon day evening In Langell valley with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Nork. Sergeant William E. House of Stockton, spent several day last week with hi parent, Mr. and Mr. Elliott House. Mr. and Mr. House, Jean and William, spent the weekend at Ashland visiting his aunt and uncle, the Irwin Houses. Mr. John Horn and ' small eon, loft Wednesday morning for Portland to visit her son uin ton. and relative and friends. Congratulation are, going to Men Clarice on winning no 1100 scholarship to OSC for out landing work In FFA. The Kholnrshlp was given by Sears Roebuck and company. Mr. Mary Dearborn and Mrs Wei Dearborn and children, were 8undny dinner guest of the Le Leavitt. Many Langell valley women attended the bridal ahower In Bonanza, on September 18, In honor of Lol McDonald, who Is soon to be married to Dewey Horn. Mrs. Otto Freeze of Everett, Wash., I spending several week vb tine re at ves In Bonanza and Langell valley. On Sunday Mr. Freeze and Mr. Ruby Brown visited with their mother, Mrs.B. F. Nicholas, who was celebratlns! her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCartl and Mr. Elliott House spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Grnnti Pass, Mr, Hampden and Mis Mor rison of Klamath Falls were Langell Valley visitor on Satur day. Mr. Evelyn Hoyt and Helen Czznowskl of Klamath Fall spent the weekend at the Oscar Cnmpboll ranch. Within a few week after crap steel Is placed In a fur nace, to be melted down Into iew teel, It may help to win a battle In the war, It was elat ed yesterday at the headquar ter of the local scrap alvag campaign. Oh Boy! Another Jollr Tim Dance Merrill Saturday, Sept. 19 Dancing 10 Till 3 BALDY'S BAND "Just Good Dane Muilo" Visit In South Mrs. Gurnet Carey of 1B0S Main street Is pending some time visiting with friend at Santa Rio on the Russian river In California. MAIL CLOBINQ TIME (Effective June It, 1941) Train 17 Bouthboundi Ii30 a, m. Train 20 Northbound) 10 a. m. Train IB Bouthboundi tilS p. n. Train It Northboundi t p. saw Vrw Auxiliary Th next regular meeting will be held In th library club room Thurs day, September 17, at 8 p. m. Member are reminded to bring potluck. Missionary Society Th Mis sionary loclety of th First Bap tist church will meet In th church parlors on Thursday, September 17, at 2 p, m for the regular monthly meeting In which all circles unit. There will be a study period and a so cial hour, under the direction of Mrs, Beckstrom, Congregational Circle T h Senior circle of the Congrega tional Community church la In vlted to th home of Mr. Lee Sutton on the Midland road (United State Highway 07) for their regular mooting, Friday, Soptember 18, at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. L. R. Harvey and Mr. Z. W. Dixon will assist the hostess. Those wishing transportation are asked to meet at the social linll by 1:10 p. m. Sponsor Sal All member of the Past Noble Cranda club ore requested to participate in the white elephant sale to be held by the club following the regular meeting of Prosperity Rebokah lodge Thursdoy eve ning, Proceed from the sole will be used to purchase regalia for the Theta Rho Girls club. Royal Neighbor Regular meeting will be held thl eve ning at 8 o'clock In the IOOF hall. All member are urged to attend. Women of th Moos Th homemaklng committee of the Women of the Moose will meet at the Moose hall Friday, Sep tember 18, at 12:30 p. m. for a potluck luncheon. All member of the lodge are Invited to at tend. Card Party Woman of th Mnnu r to sponsor a card parly Friday, September 18, at 2 o clock in me moose nan, The public Is Invited. Rummage Sal Th Dagree of Honor will hold a rummage sale next door to the Meat Cen ter between Tenth and Eleventh on Main street, Saturday, Sep lember 10. Anyone having rum. mage which they wish to have called for may phone Mr. Cecil Green at 4805, Mrs. Ruby Boll at 4249 or Mrs. Estelle Smith at 8989. Mobilization Ordered in Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. 16 P) President Getullo Varras ordered general mobilization to day throughout Brazil, Brazil declared war against Germany and Italy last August 22 after Incurring heavy losse from axl attack on her merch ant (hipping. Since then Brazilian sea and air force have been helping the allies combat the enemy sea men ace, The general mobilization ex tendi step already taken by th Brazlllnn government which hna put the nation on a military basis. Brazil could "place 350, 000 trained infantrymen In tho field. Logging Operators Must Pay U. S. PORTLAND, Sept. 18 jr The federal government was awarded $21,272.52 from two logging operators, W. J. Conrad nnd Guy Bell, by Federal Judge Claudo McColloch yesterday, ' The government charged the defendants with removing 1,055, 376 feet of timber from federal land In Coos county In 1037-38. Conrad and Bell failed to ap pear to contest tho action. When two young people get their head together they do wonder with the latest donee steps, HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) Himii (Rupture'), Fissure or Fistula (tiieta dliertUri Impair TW ba1tklliclBeTr9 power. For 30 T we tteoeHlallr fretted tbmi ends el people ' mete en teente. No ko.ptlil opera Hoa. No eenitaeaoot. No iBieoMin frostwork. Cell ot esenlnatloB or eend lot j 'Rig deeotlptlT Booklet. Open tvnfngi, Mon.,Wi.,M.,?'ofti30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Phylcltn antf Surn H, f. Cor. X. BmnlltU tarl Grind At. T.LrA Ail 3818, PortUnd, Ot.joii IHlii WASH NGTQN HELD PUTTING By D. HAROLD OLIVER WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 UP) Clurnnco Budlngton Kelland, ex ecutive director and publicity chief of the republican national committee, declared In advance of a western speaking trip to day that the administration ap peared to be putting off a full war effort until after the elec tions lest th attendant sacrifice have adverse political conse quence. "There seems to be a disposi tion on th part of the power mar be," he said In an inter view, "to postpone an all-out war effort, with tha sacrifice It en tall by tha public until after the election. There seem to bo apprehension lest tha asking of nocessary sacrifice now have a political effect and lot of voles." Safeguards Gone Calling for an "Independent" congress In tha November elec tions as did Frank E. Gannett, newspaper publisher, In accept ing the assistant chairmanship of uio u. o. p. national commute yesterday, Kelland described the United State a the "greatest company in tho world" with every citizen an Investor and with age-old check upon IU operation to prevent iU-advlted action. "In the last nine yean," he asserted, "lliese salcguard have disappeared. The operation management of the company has taken full control. A any In telligent person knows, the uc- cess of any company depend upon the excellence of It man agement. The management must rely very greatly upon lta board of director. "The congress of tha United State I the board of director of the American people. For nine year It ha not been an Independent board of director but ha acted upon the order of the operating department which I the executive." EDITORIALS ON NEWS Continued from Pago One) tion with Europe. Is about to lake ilmultaneou action toward realization of the new world or der. TOZS he mean Siberia? Doe he mean India? Or I he TALKING THROUGH HIS HAT to throw u off the scent and make It pos slble for the Japs to apply max' Imum force at their selected point In the Solomons? You never can tell In war, where surprise, resulting In catching the other fellow off balance, Is all-important, "N the home front, Edward O'Neal, president of the American Farm Bureau Federa tion, tells the senate banking committee, which is considering the Inflation check which the President ha told congress it must provide or he will: "We (tha farmers) believe ris ing labor costs must bo taken in to consideration (In checking in flation) because If they are not considered It will be simply Im possible for farmers to compote with other employers in the labor market for the help they must have to maintain production." There, in a nutshell. Is tha farmer's position in this farm-prlty-cost-oMlvlng ruckus. It must be conceded by every fair-minded thinker that the farmer' position has lta points. An Ohio man who imashed a Juke box wa claimed insane. A lot ot folks have been on the verge of insanity. Instead of trying to keep up with the family next door these days, wa try to keep down with them. It's ORE TONITE CA1-ORE e11 TAVCRkl aS M 10 H WAV 47 SOUTH OFF WAR uRiVE APPLIQUE DESIGN TOR QUILT OR PILLOW till "'vWJ by Alice Brook A patch for her dress, another for her bonnet, one lor her para. sol and you have this girl of crinoline days put together. Make each block In different scraps of material. This would be an ideal friendship quiltl Pat tern 7371 contains accurate pat tern pieces; diagram ot block; yardage chart: diagram ot quilt, To obtain this pattern send 11 cents In coin to The Herald and News, Household Art Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not sand this picture, but keep it and the number for reference. Ba sure to wrap coin securely, a loose coin often slips out of the envelope. Requests for pattern should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name ana address. Norman Osborne Gets Commission As Naval Ensign Norman TUden Osborne of Tulelake has received hi com mission as ensign in the U. S navy civil engineers corps, it was announced Wednesday by Chief Gunners Mate F. R. Dun. can of the. local recruiting ta. tion. Ha will ba stationed at Norfolk, Va for duty in the construction battalion known a the "SeeBees." Alio announced by the re cruiting station were two new enlistments, Phillip Champion Sergent ot route 3, and James Bassctt Gwlnn, 142 South Riv erside, both of Klamath Falls. Stories of Japanese atrocities are not Just talk, but tor me to relate specific Incidents would endanger lives of thousands of more Americans still In Shang hai and hoping to get home. Other travelers who returned with me told me far more than I can safely tell. Miss Mary E. Walther, missionary to Chi- Most folks who make tha best of what they have, have very lit tle. there's health APLENTY IN EVERY SPOONFUL OF DELICIOUS , ALBERSOATSf) Injoy tha nrw Improved flavor of Albers Oats either Quick or Old Fashioned. It cooks up fUky, rull-bodied, aemy-colored ml mushyl Thrifty to scire, too. Albers Oits brings yon the body building, energy-giving nour. ishment of pure whole grain, Is the best natural source of pep-up Vitamin Bi. I Help mala AMAmerka strwy J Thl type of food is among those recommended in Uncle Sam' Nutrition Food Rules to make America strong 1 Keeps em qofnq till noon! sw f Boycott fhTMALSERS cm ) MENUS SLATED Two meeting of Importance to Klamath county farmer and livestock grower are scheduled for this week at th .office of County Agent C. A. Hendncon. The board of director Of the KlamatR County Woolgrower association are to meet Thurs day at 2 p. m.. and Henry Se- mon, president of tha Klamath County Potato Growers associ ation has called a meeting of the board of directors of that group on Friday at 2 p. m. It Is " understood that parity legislation and labor for har vesting the potato crop will be chief topics for discussion by the potato growers. MERRILL -E. A. Roberts, 89. died suddenly early this morn ing at his home at Bloody point In Modoc county, Calif., it was reported today. The county cor oner attributed death to a heart attack. Mr. Roberts, a native of Okla homa, had been employed by the U. S. Reclamation service tor the past five years. He return ed home last night from attend ing a welding class In Klamath Falls complaining of feeling ill and died a short time later. Mr. Roberts Is survived by his wife, Oma, and a mother in Eugene. Whalebone, once so valuable in commerce, has lost most of its value, due to manufactured substitutes. MR. ROBERTS DIES AT HOME III HOC )- AV i ! ' ; .: New Middle mmm. . ij' 1 T rT TT 1 I I I l " ' " I T CI ) m li I II i H I nj lM ill ) i - In m XJeut.-Gen. Bernard L. Montgomery, described by Wendell Wlllkls as "a fighting general," outline tactic tor his staff after assuming command of Britain' Eighth Army in tha Middle East and pinning back Nazi Marshal Erwin Rommel' ears in battle. (Passed by censor.) Brookings Area Air Raid Supervisor Is Klamath Man Lieut. J. T. Runyan, area su pervisor of the air raid warning system who was quoted In an AP dispatch from San Francis co Tuesday regarding effective ness of the system In spotting the Jap plane which dropped a bomb near Brookings, is a former Klamath Falls man. He is stationed at Boseburg at present, having entered the service on September 10 ot last year. He was associated here with the California Oregon I695 9300 CHOOSE FROM ROTHMOOR BRITTANY COLUMBIA ROSENBLUM AND OTHER NATIONALLY ADVERTISE BRANDS. East Commander Planning Strategy Power company and Mrs. Run yan Is employed in the police judge's office in the city hall. Courthouse Records WEDNESDAY Decrms Edgar L. Richards versus El len Richards. Plaintiff award ed divorce by default. Edward B. Ashurst, attorney for plain tiff. Jean Elizabeth Leverich ver sus Juel Charles Leverich. Plaintiff awarded divorce, rati fication of property settlement and return of former name, Jean Elizabeth Johnson. U. S. We Have FALL COAT Luxuriously furred or un trimmed flatteringly fem inine or man tailored, for dress, for sport, for col lege ... we have your coat! In the newest Fall silhouette, the outstand ing new Fall colors and fabrics. Make your selec tion early! ' 't iU vmm Balentlne, attorney for plain tiff. J. C. O'Neill, attorney fo defendant Leonard M. Cherry versus Elrey Lavera Cherry. PlalntUl awarded divorce by default. Edward B. Ashurst, attorney tor plaintiff. Justice Court Samuel- Weldon Petty. N operator's license. Fined $3.80. Warren S. Miller. Failure to stop at stop sign. Fined $5.80. A financial failure doesn't hurt so much after you become accustomed to your new friends. Let's put everything to work! Sell the articles you don't use through a classified ad. S 4 4 Your t4f t . ifiiit (in im