T AiiKimt 28, 1012 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE! TERES "PARENTS ED ! ROOT OF CHILD ; DELINQUENCY Dtillii'iuiwy of piiriiiilK loads , to t he (li'lliKiui'iicy of children, Unvo Iiiiduo, city Juvonllo offi cer, told Klmnutll KiiIIk KIwiiii laus in ii liilk lit tlio Thursday noun liincliuun of tlio club lit the Wlllnrd. lirlduo mild tlmt In tlio vnxt majority of eases Unit coino tu his attention, homo conditions . ro uiiNiiltfif nctory unci often the ' parents uro directly responsible, lie kuvo the Klwanls club n d'rii'li of III or 14 ciiso 1 1 Intorict. which ho mild mo typical of lo cal Juvonllii dolliiciuundes, Poronti at Fault In ono case, ha found a father homo in bed In u druiikcn con dition whllo his noil wn uwny from homo on n robbory expe dition, Ho told of ono finally which Is rcuolvliiK county sup port mid whoso members iiro rc . sponsible for niiiny Inclcli-nti of i thievery mid vandalism. Ho do crlbud several eases which he mild started from tlio children keeping" "Into hours," In some cases whero tlio parents them ii'lvca woro out ruunlnu nround mid did not know of tlio where about of thulr children, ' Drlduen auld tlmt tho 10 p, in. ' curfew luw hero Is helpful In . controllhiK tho Juvenile iltu ' ntlon, nnd ho expects K relit thinits from tho new provision which nmkes parents responsible ' If their children vlolnto tho cur- ; few. Forward Stops "As soon ns this new ordl nance noes Into effect, wo should Set results, lio stntcd. 11c out lined tho efforts innda by Juvc nllo authorities hero to provide wholesoina conditions, and said that Klamath Falls Is recounlzed , for tho iiood work it is clolnK '. alonit this lino. He mentioned tlio clty-wido recreation program , and tho boys club ns two im portant forward steps, In itlvlntf tho enso histories, Brldiio said ho knew that somo of theso would bo shocking to i his audience, but ho said: ' "Tho ndult people of the com- 1 nuinlty noed to know wluit Is ' soliiK on. I am liolng to ijlvo ' you this stralKht from tho shoul der." Brldiio was Introduced by Ki ' wanlmi Vnnco Vuiipel, cluiirmuii of tho day. I'nul Lnudry nnd Klton Dlsher presented a picture on war saving. Attention of aircraft desln. - era is being iilven to n syiilhel. ic rcsln-llned hose for Instru. I ment, oil, hydrnulic and fuel lines. This, product Is nn ndc- t qunts replacement for symbol ', Ic rubber-lined hoso nnd, ns nn - added virtue, It is even Impcr vlous to tho benzol-blend fuels ' used In the Far East. '. The fifth columnists, tho spies : ; and nil those who betray Urn ; zlllnn .Interests nnd who hnvo furnished Information on the J Brazilian ships thai nro sunk . will ko to the interior of the ,' country to work on tho ronds ; with shovel and pick. Presl dant Getullo Vargas of Brazil, Brlll.sh planes may bo super . lor for British purposes, but ! American planes are unexcelled J for American purposes, such us long riuiKC, nccurnlo flying and ' ' high-level, precision, daylight i bombing, (ilenn L, Mnrlin, ! : U. S, piano builder. ML. .kmTOWK TWIRLER Mildred Bryan of Wllmlimton, Del., known for her skill In handling- a Imlim, demnnslrntcs for tho hcnnllt of llcnatr to tho Dancing Masters of America convention In New York City. Hh also nave tlio I teachers a few pointers. !. !). iStoa 'it ;ft- if 'fji 'il I rt'j ; Dazzles Circus Crowds A 5 - Mi'-- Batty fllch, bronlh toklna aoriol star, ona ol tha famous Hich Slitert comlna to Klamath Falls Stars Will Appear Here With Cole Brothers Circus In a startling prcsentnllon of lofty trnpeza exploits, Muryln nich, ono of tho Internationally known nich Sisters, nerlnllsts, Is thrilling audiences of tho Cole Brothers circus this season. Miss Rich Is an outstanding member of the big show's host of entertainers. Whllo retaining nil her delightful fcmlnino charms, this youthful aerinlist neverthe less displays prodigious strength nnd amazing endurance that liny ninn would envy. You gnzo Into the uppermost peak of tho big top, nnd there silhouetted ngninst tho sky-blue ceiling, is a mito of n girl suspended In mid air by ono arm. There nro no nets beneath should sho la lie n tumble, but sho is unafraid. Suddenly, sho throws her body Into tho nlr, literally over her own shoulder, the one-arm somersault, Flvo times, twenty times, sixty times, how can humnn enduranco withstand such punishment? If you should nsk Mnryln, who Is one of the outstanding features this season with Colo Brothers circus, coming to Klamnth Falls September 12 for afternoon nnd night performances at South Sixth nnd Division streets, she Stan lh ownar'i ptadg of Truck Coniarvatlon at your Chovrolel dealor't. Dliplay Ihli official m. bltm of Truck Conierva lion on your truckt. TURNER 410 S. 6th St. ..' I . iatSI8wWllllt i - s iL2L f0jl& 1 Pl.dg.4 iK-'t I US. TRUCK WJ ft COIISERVHION CORPS A with Cola Brothors circus. would probably shrug her shoul ders and tell you that It's nil in a day's work. However, she hns never reached tho extent of her endurance, although sho hns gono ns high ns 100 consecutive somersaults. ' To seek tho ultl mnte of endurnnco would be far ton perilous, sinco one little slip or ono over-tired muscle might send her plunging to earth fnr below. A total of more than 350 men nnd women nrcnlc slnrs nppenr on the glgnnlic program this yenr. Whole families nnd troupes of foreign artists, new to this country, ore presented In nets nnd fentures never before seen hi America. Among these, the Six Walla bies from Australia, greatest of all acrobatic chnmplons; Herbert Castle, famed tlght-wiro wizard; tho DcMnro Troupe from Eng Jnnd, trnmpollno stars: Miss Lucy nnd Ernestine Chirk, solo equestriennes, nnd scores of oth ers, space forbidding mention. The performances nt 2 nnd 8 p, m. open with n gorgeous new super-spectacle, "Snpa-Incn," in which hundreds of people nnd nnlmnl.s tnke pnrt. It is conced ed to bo tho most magnificent "Keep 'Em Fit To Keep 'Em Rolling" Your truck is a work weapon for America. . . . Keep it in the best possible running order by joining the U. S. Truck Conservation Corps and by going to your Chevrolet dealer for skilled, truck-saving service at regular intervals! . . . Better see your Chevrolet dealer today. 'oudVnYiMS.. "TRUCK CONSERVATION PLAN" CHEVROLET CO, GRATER LAKE TO CLOSE LIBOR M No overnight accommodations will be nvuilublo at Crater lako after Labor (lay, when tho Gubiiiji will bo closed for the sea son, uccordlntf to E. P, Leavltt, superintendent of tho park who wan In Klamnth Fulls Friday to meet Owen A. Tomlinson, park service director of Hegion 4, with headquarters in Sun Fran cisco, here on routine inspection Friday nod Saturday. Li-utjll ttdid 11, ill llitj tabiiia were being closed earlier than usual this year because of the lack of truvel und because Charles Fyock, mnnagcr, had re ceived a call to the service. The lodge and enfetcrin closed on July 27, with meals available only In the government dining room, This service, Leavltt sold, will continue until tho end of September, nnd tho pnrk will be open ns usual. Tho boat house on Wizard Is land Is being moved and re built, ho said, the project being necessitated by snow damage to the old building and by the low level of water In tho lukc which prevented tho boats from being taken in nnd out nt the previous location. Tho new site is being moved nearer the landing dock. Tho motor In the government Inunch is also being replaced, ho said, PHOFIT AND LOSS NEW BRITAIN, Conn., (ZD Director Frank Schnde of the New Britain fresh air camp an nounced proudly that 175 chil dren gained n total of about 800 pounds during the camp season. Then he checked up on him self. He d lost six pounds. I view with keen anxiety a tendency to place too much em phasis upon the honor attached to the rank of a general and too little upon the grave responsi bllitics involved in such a posi tion. Gen. George C. Marshall U. S. chief of staff. pngcont ever produced under canvas, featuring among innum rrnhln hiebllehLs. the silverv voice of Florence Tennyson, the opera star, and a ballet of 60 beautiful dnnclng girls from South America. 13. For School SHEAFFER'S Pens $1 - up VAN'S CAMERA SHOP 727 Main Phono 3618 Phone 4113 It's the Old i " ' rd " A Jh . -3" .L WtT 1 Comrndcs npply "hot foot," favorite sport of Army pranksters, to sleeping buddy. Discipline is relaxed when U. S. Army travels. It takes 50,000 man-hours oflcr as against only 200 for an work to build a medium bomb - Girls lloofors! Itovorslblos! ( Tr&MJ llovs t'oatK! Single and " 'AvwVT' V llo'ultlo ifras(d Mvlcs! , t 'yifefeUHl U Clear, gay fall shades -m 1B0 .MHxvAPY: IkI In plaids, patterns and fJ IV - -m'S J.V ikYM Xit 4 B plain colors. Casual l.-l ft ' :. WJ C VSf f I styles that are warmly :,fl 1 jl w-w aStST l"lf- lined and Interlined I I 1 f , V I UFV'jfyt h against winter winds, f 1 5 f j aill , , ' jjLi If, ( m WZt f J, . VcrsaUlo classics in ; Jr k , ,-',dl& , K ' ' Ckv ' ' I JL Zostfu'l new sport styles in autumn 1 r'V yKI fa I l leaf shades. Face flattering shadow .- . S. t A l ' t3s V Vi I '11 brims, deep scoop brims, bonnet I , ' f ft T :- Z r , , Vf;L7 3 shapes. Trimmed with handsom. A i rf ZZjt L'l i3 ' '' i glove stitching, ribbons, feathers. . y' -W f t liMT" w Ti f '4' S Vv,, "eyj 'ill yifin lhr. SUITS Newest riwel Oorcd corrtiroy , nklrt with mfttchlnft wnrkot, (vest Jorkln with notcbook lpncll flttwl pockPt! Cotn pinto with vayon crepe ahlrt VfhXfU 8-10. Purchase Anything Totaling $10 or More on Sears Easy Pay Plan Army Game ' w ;zk -J 1 auto. PrlRht ctnn plnlds, pav flor nts. protty plains! Made with full flnrhifr fiklrtfi nnd wide pert j!iKhci Wnslmtile cot tonn tlmt mothers like, toot 7-H. ! I ii' 1 Cut eoffona I f or youfnfuJ H fcuhion El faddhft SHEET WIETAL CLASS Tlio War Production Training school today again reiterated a plea for women to sign up for aviation sheet metal training In ciuascs currently being held in Klamath 'Union high school quarters. Officials said that only four women from the Klamath area could be sent to the Boeing Air craft corporation when tho firm recently called for more than 40. They pointed out that women must be between the agca of 10 and 35, weigh between 110 and 140 pounds and pass a physical examination. There are at pres ent openings for 14 women in the class, they said. Openings also exist for eight men in the 11 p. m. to 3 a. m. welding class, they said. Bead Classified Ads for Results "1 Tha $2 or $2.25 WINGS SHIRT hl a collar thai It GUARANTEED TO OUTLIVE THE IMInT. Whltl and colors. Oct one today at DREW'S MANST0RE 711 Main DRESSES Double duty Htyles that tnke nn active pnrt in busy Uveal One- and two-plccera ma.ln with newly allm skirts, novel button trims, InteieatliiR tiuw detnlls. In vetveteenK, rayon oropii, (nllles, corduroys. 12-20, i MOUTHFUL r KENT, Conn., OP) No, M highway department marker greeting what tourists thero ar left on the Ethan Allen highway Isn't a transplanted Russian signpost. - v It reads "Nnromlyocknowho sunkatankshunk Brook," and It's an Indian word meaning "water from the great hills." I find that tho real siiustlon In India Is completely misunder stood in America, Sirdar J. J. Singh, president, India Leagu of America. BLOUS ES 1.19 to 1.9 Orcaay and tailored atytes. 14-40.' SKIIITS um to 3.fi Plnnnols and cropes. New all. ahadea. BUY WAB STAMPS AND BONDS