Atiffiiflt 10, 1042 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTVB The democratic control com mlllix mut In Ihn circuit court room, Klumutli county court limine. Auuimt 0, with u luri at tendance nnd In tho nbsenca of tlio chnlrniiin, Hoboit Gruhnin, vlcu chairman, Mm, AuIjiii Grlf fit lid presided. Mm. Amies Lnlondo wive brief rcnuino of tho procccclliiK lit tha atnto convention with tho ri'nulta of tha olonlluii: State chnlrniiin, Fred Klnku, I.iiiio S o ti II t yi Vlcu t-llllirlliuil, Culiu Cinvln, Tha Dnllun; sucrutiiry, Leu Jimlln of Portland, nnd Treasurer, C, A. Liieiis of Port- Clarmcu Uydo of Kugenn d rlreaacd tho group in behalf of hid candldncy for luhor commis sioner, stiitluU bin Intercut In Ih bor condltlonn bad prompted him to run for the office nnd, If elected ho would conduct thu of fice fairly und linpurllully. Ho alto spoke briefly In behnlf of tho cnndldncy of Wultor Whit beck, democratic cnwlldulo for tho somite. A. F. Condrey nnd Pat Ivury upoko In behnlf of Plurce'i cnn dldncy. With the announcement thut tho next mectluK would bo Sep tember 3, the bullions meetliiK adjourned, Refreshments wcro served. FUNERALS -U'lLLIAM VESTHUS ADAMS Wl''unorul Bervlccj for tho Into Wllllnm Vcdtrun Adnms who pniucd awny In thin city on Frl duy, AukusI 7, 1012, following nn extended Illness were held In tho chnpel of tho F.nrl Whltlock Fuiicrul home, Pino street nt Sixth on Mondny, AuKust 10, 1042 nt 1:30 p. m with tho Rev. Dnnlel 13, Anderson of tha Klnm nth Temple of thin city offl clnlliiK, lntorment Tuesday. JAMES WILLIAM JOHNSTON Funcrnl services for tha Into James Wllllnm Johnston who passed awny In Portlund, Ore., on Snturdny, AuKiwt S, 1042 fol lowing nn extended Illness will bo held In the chnpel of the Knrl Whltlock Funcrnl home, Pino Oert nt Sixth on Tuesdny, An .it 11, 1042 nt 11:00 n. m with tho nev. A. Theo. Smith of the First Presbyterian church of this city officiating. Commitment services nnd Interment fnmlly plot In Llnkvillo cemetery. Friends nro Invited. EVELYN MAE CAPTAIN Tho funeral service for bnby Evelyn Mno Cnplnln, Infant dnuithtar of Myra Cnplnln, who passed nwny nt tha Klnmnth Agency, Ore., on Snturdny, Au gust 8. 1042 took plnca with n gravcslda service In the Wilson cemetery on Mondny August 10, nt 10:30 a. m tho Rev. rtoss Ferguson officiating. Tho Inter ment followed In the fnmlly plot. Ward's Klnmnth Funeral home In charge of the arrangements. Housewives at War By EARL WHITLOCK Few of our local home makers fall to find time, some how, to do their best bit for tho war effort. And tho marvel to me Is that they accomplish their added tasks with little If any Interrup tion of tho rou tine of running tholr households smoothly nnd efficiently. The hours they put In nt USO centers or Red Cross gatherings or on rationing boards must cut heav ily Into already well-filled days, fit tho complicated and do wied job of keeping a home neat nnd clean, of preparing three monls a day, of keeping youngsters and husband healthy nnd happy, doosn't ocm to suf for, In any degree. Ono cynic of my acquain tance declares that this Is be cause housework Isn't , a n y -whero near as exacting as the ladlos have led us to believe and that they've always had plenty of leisure, anyway. But thnt man, I believe, has never had to bntch it for a month or so when his wlfo was away, or he'd know better. No, I think It's because our housewives ' find It possible to rise to almost any emergency. In fact, they have roserves of ability and energy which It takes nn emergency to bring to tho surface. Stop and pause In Memory Garden. Next Monday Mr. Whltlock ft tho Earl Whltlock Funeral Trorne will comment on "Busi ness Rescues Washington." ;';'7"".t M New Daughter A slx-ind-ono-linlf pound bnby girl was born Snturdny, August H, to Mr, and Mrs. Tom E. Willis of Los An golea, Ciillf., according to word rncclvod hero Mondny, The Wil lis' li" vii a two nnd oiin-hulf your old son, Hubert Dultnn Wil lis. Mrs. Willis Is tha former Loulnu Diilton, daughter of the K. L, Unltons of Morrill, and sho and her husband visit hero frequently. Delegates Named Delegates of the Kh'.'imla club to tha north west convention to bo held In Ynklinn August 17 and 18 wcro mimed at n bonrd of directors muellng Mondny, They arc: Dr. G, A. Miissey nnd Fred South well, delegates; Dick Mngulro and Oscar Peyton, alternates, It Is expected nil four men will he nblo to attend, Malcolm Kpley, president of the club, Is also an official delegate. Bell Home Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. flnllard hnvo sold their home on II u (to street In Dorrii to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hllnka of Brooklyn, N. Y, For the past nine yearn llllnkn hns boon fore man of a largo machlno ship In New York City, In Portland Hnrlnn Bos worth, division manager of tho California Oregon Power conv puny, went to Portlund on busi ness Sunday night, Mo Is expect ed buck Wednesday, Meet In Park Klamath Kl wants club will meet Thursday noon In Monro park. The meal will bu provided by tho canteen unit of tho Red Cross, Card Party Tho Eagles auxiliary will sponsor the regu lar Tuesday afternoon pinochle parly at tho Eagles' hull nt 2 p.m. Tha public -in Invited. At Lake Mayor John Hous ton returned Mondny morning nftcr spending Sunday nt Lake o' tho Woods. .. wriiour, li I I I ; I II! ;l 1 1 ! Ml. '-j I; !i ! I 1 i rl ' ! 1 1 1": lliir!iiiirh!r "Ijfil ill! !!l piiiiiirfiliiiliiiliiiiiiiiillifii1!:;!!1!! l! ! I MAIL CLOSING TIME lEHoctlv. Jun. 16, 1942) Train 17 Southbound) 6:30 a. m. Train 20 Northbound: 10 a. m. Train 19 Southbound: 6:15 p. m. Train 16 Northboundi 9 p. m, Ladles Aid Klamath Luther an Ladles Aid will meet In the church parlors on August 11 at 2 p, m. Mrs. Jlmmcrson and Mrs. Felland of Algoma will bo tho hostesses. All members are urged to attend. Lodge Mooting There will ba a special meeting of Klamath Lodge No. 77 AF&AM tonight at 7:30, according to nn an nouncement made by J. Fred Flock. S. P. Club Picnic The S. P. club is holding a basket lunch picnic In Moore park Tuesday evening, August 11, at 0 o'clock. Cold drinks and Ice cream will bo furnished by tho club, It was announced, and all Southern Pa cific employes aro welcome to attend. Methodist Church Mrs. E. B. Redman's group, Mrs. C. A. Poole's group nnd Mrs. R. B, M o r g a n's group will meet Thursday nt 1 p. in. at tho home of Mrs. L, K. Phelps, 1057 Au burn, for a picnic. Members are asked to bring their own table service, and to call their chair mnn to find out which covered dish to bring. Mrs. Pennington's group will meet at the homo of Mrs. A. R. Barker, 2737 Altnmont drive, for a 1 o'clock picnic Thursdny, Mrs. Paul Deller's group will meet at 2 p, m. Thursday at the homo of Mrs. O. R. Kluth, 227 Jefferson. Mrs. Chris Iluck will be co-hostess, and tea will be served later In tho afternoon. Civil Air Patrol AH mem bers of Civil Air patrol wishing to take tho examination for radio telephone operator third class on Wednesday , evening at 7:30 at the chamber of com merce, please contact Robert Fulton nt tho Richfield Oil cor poration plant on South Sixth street, phono 3771, or 7202 after 0:30 p. m. Application blanks must be filled out and finger prints, photograph, nnd copy of birth certificate must accompany tho applications. Questions on which the examination Is bnsed will be found In tho CAA bulle tin on navigation. Attention Masons There will be a special mooting of Klamath Lodge No, 77 A.F. and A.M. tonight at 7:30 o'clock, J. F. FLOCK, W.M, ACCIDEIMTS STRIKE AT WAR EFFORT "Casualties on the homo front, through accidents, nro striking hard at tho war effort of this nation and must bo eliminated In tho Interests of the preserva tion of our way of life," accord ing to a statement from tho of flco of the stato traffic safely division today. The statement points to the list of 30,000 American work men killed and 2,1)00,000 wound ed slneo I'enrl Harbor, compared to a total of '14,143 t'tiHuaUlen In tho American armed forces since Pearl Harbor, ns tragic cvldenco of the need for pre venting nccidents In this coun try, Casualties on the bntllefront are a regrettable sacrifice to per petuoto our way of life," said Eorl Snell, secretary of slate, In commenting on these figures which recently were released by Iho National Snfcty council. "Casualties on the homcfront, on the other hand, sabotage our war effort and may eventually nullify some military gains." Drivers were urged to stay under 40 miles per hour, exer cise care In congested areas, and to Vko care of their automotive equipment to prevent excessive wear. OBITUARY JAMES WILLIAM JOHNSTON James Wllllnm Johnston, for tho last 1 1 years a resident of this city, but for tho Inst two and ono half years making bin home In Portland, Ore., passed away in thut city on Saturday, August 8, 1042 at 5:00 a. m., following an illness of one year, He was a nulive of Mucon county, Mo., and at the time of his deoth was nged 74 years 5 months nnd 28 days. Surviving are three sons: George W. Johnston of this city, Ross M. nnd Lcnnnrd L. Johnston of Port land, Ore., and ono daughter, Miss Blnncho E. Johnston of Denver, Colo.; two brothers, Clem Johnston of Missouri and Fred of Nebraska; four sisters, Mrs. Lucy Boggs of Lincoln, Neb., Mrs. Nellie Randnll, Miss Vcdn and Miss Bessie Johnston, nil of Kensington, Kns., nlso two grandchildren. The remains rest In the Enrl Whltlock Funeral home, Pine street nt Sixth, where friends may call. Notice of funeral to be announced in tills Issue of the paper. JOSEPH LINCOLN PAINTER Joseph Lincoln Painter, a resi dent of Ml. Shasta, Calif., for the Inst 40 years and of Klamath Falls, Ore., for tho post 5 days, passed away In this city on Sun day, August 0, at 12:15 p. m. Tho deceased was a native of Myerstown, Pcnn., and was aged 74 years 2 months and 5 days when called. Ho was a member of Slsson Lodge, No. 310, Free and Accepted Masons, of Mt. Shustn, Calif., and a 32nd De gree Mason, Oregon Consistory No, 1, A. & A. S. R.-S. J. of Portland, Ore. Ho is survived by ono son, Joseph R., and one granddaughter, Ednn Joanne Painter, of Tionesta, Calif. The remains rest in Ward's Klamath Funeral home, 025 High street. The notice of the funeral ar rangements will be announced later. VITAL STATISTICS ERICKSON Born nt Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., August 0, 1042, to Mr. and Mrs. Merland Erlckson, 5125 Walton drive, a daughter. Weight 7 pounds 4 ounces. HARD Born at Hillside hos pital, Klamath Falls, Ore., on August 0, 1042, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hard, 1400 Etna street, a son. Weight 3 pounds, 151 ounces. HAYNES Born nt Klamath Falls', Ore., on August 10, 1942, to Mr, and Mrs. V. Haynes, 027 Lincoln street, a daughter. Weight 8 pounds 141 ounces. I want the mnn In industry to know that he has someone on tho other end of the telephone who talks Industry's language. MaJ. Gen. Levin H. Campbell, Jr., chief of ordnance of the Army's Services of Supply. CARD OF THANKS We are gratefully acknow ledging and thanking our friends nnd relatives for your hind ex pression of sympathy on August the first. MRS. ADA L. COURTNEY, THE BALL FAMILY. Sow" SHE SHOPS "CASH AND CARRY" Without Painful Backnch Many auffprcra rallnva tin tain ft backnchi ruiMly. nnro they alucovor that tha rwU ctuiA of thfir (ronblA may 1 tlrad kldnpv. Tim kidimya an) Nairn a ohtf way of tac nit (h6 acids nml wrtata mi tit tha Modi, Tliey liolp molt pflopl pM ftboui JJ pints a, day. When dUortlcr of VlAwy function ntrmlti twaonoua nmtter to remain in your Mood, it piny rntiM nnRRlttK nrtoknclift, rhoumrttin pnina, IPir nninx. lou of non ami nnrrrrv. ttHtie un Ctahla, Rwollinfti pufllnowi under tho oven, endnrhoa and dliinn, Frequent or ionoly naaaagaa wiih aniftTtltiK and hurnioa ecune- tlmpN ahrtm tliirn ia rtrtii hlo trmn with Don't valtt Mk your rlmpaUt fof Ttoan'a rllld, iipwl MirctMfuIly by million for over 40 yf IVy rlvo happy Tf ll( nnd III hHn oua wasto from your blood. $tt Dean a Pill. M itar gam Mb i. J. o. rmuMgr co., inc. AHR" .. ..... t..d O flood ou" by now thot or.. There or, .. Uu where yo" Pln " .nh.' V' if v.. , r every I III '.ho . air,. I WhJ V V f ti. fcW 1V3 U I ri.,,.1 In. Wurl Wllb Fur n. Han,nl,l. T.lnl-.l If- jrf 4. . ,1 I HI 'V -mVPlnmK tailored coats smart fall coats " -$W 1 i mMnm 1090 , w lA ' 1 1?V '"iV 4 Af ' Yu WCBr ours wry won . . and This collection gives you real choice at Jfvff ' & f"t.? 'fift' 1 H j s ..I ' 1 t,V again in the spring! Choose a joft fleece a moderate' price! Fleece or gay plaids, i f? 1 S & I ' :& Jr'TtaT boyish type coat in the popular carnel Cavalry twill and nubby tweeds. Some ' -: J. J Malta Sum Rhu I Warml GIRLS' COATS Gav, novelty tweeds, soft fleeces or . attractive pi olds I Double or single brrnstrd . , with velvet or matching trim ming. Sixes 3 to 0. Girls' Coats. 7 to 14, 8.90 Doubl, or single brrnntrd . . . Krt K JL l I tfTOU t "f'f t- W ii 1 1 s 6e0 TJsMtell10 I -pi. Ida. .mart . i Vfl ' J t f ff ' Wtll Wkl 1 I am! tweeds with self ' if - fff SZA'k fclS BtlZi- Li'.it I or velvet, trimming. Sites 7-1. I ! I &.$ f jtf h I - ' t - 1 V" f Buy the winter cents for I II Ik3 ... If 8 l'''V tit" t B ' 1 ft your family on Pcnney's J i tl . lS-W II W I r j rS'r C'" A J-""" . mv a little Hown'.H - t W 11 ! jT fr I ? il ID 5 I 7lf .1 Expressly designed and styiaa iot VSKj'7t,,M S7 3 DBPRRMivpn I 'fashioned to make you Falll pilW? J I . !&rTfl I feel like the pampered Styled o j? U A. PtTk darling this fall. Lovely Pleasel VJ-r ' CfPtAW3 I J ..M and new plaids. Gored Wll QH V,3' U THr I ill skirts 12-20. H JLm Wmkt'S ff' 1 ' i t I'tej M W i : rhit MAN TAILORED 11 MK M ? f ' f IVA rWiri pinstripe u wn R": )1 7 SUITS ' NEW IN HATS.. j p I rnrzslK to Top Your il'V-WM TVf I s ' ZlSr - -1 : Man tailored pin stripe suits, beau- I S!s I t&M tJPtWr i tiful browns, blues and blackl Gored I V'bkl 'I sklrts-12-44 I 1 mf f'M f Jnur rv save I 4i- W!'f l&ilm vsl tow nsl . and deal - ... , not i""- price . mai in . moon"'" . prlCeo O WOT" MUni PBn.ey". to mm-- .v, mean Smart Stylet for Your Futural FUR TRIMMED COATS ll5 ) teru Outatnnding for style And pr!c, thfso couts in gay plaids, soft fleeces, and dis tinctive t weed a and needlepoints in Hie eatonV new fall colorings and black. ressy and swagger styles collars of soft fur. 12 Casual Stylet for General Wearl TAILORED COATS A - shnde. or a amart tweed cut on militarv with fur. others with removable linings! i . . Jk M 1 Y,s' lines! Kach nicely lined in rayon twilL Grand values for price, style and com- W''hrm.Ll-: Sites 12 to 20. fort! Sizes 12 to 20. ff& v x YJi I j THIS OUTSTANDING COAT EVENT NOW IN PROGRESS ON OUR second floor f ft A i n ll & I at i .... ..... hvh mr ih f3 - PLOOR .HOSTS' FLOOR I AaaiJ rniT yo of hop- . j IS... -7' . . . with huge to 20, 38 to 44. vra . ' i ' X E ' IV' ' i. : drW I 0075 li,': M I It'i Your Duty to Be Beautiful! Dark Romalna j$i$SK jacket frock with fjTl4&$J A " AUSTELLE FALL FASHIONS W"d wmming. WV minima 1 -I 1 T -a r..7..-.--t 2sBk. DASHING ,7,: fir. -a v Exciting new styles Including pompadours! All new fall shades! Match one with your new suit this falll 4 'Z;jmM. 'At a. n) rJ l.r- II ,1 W 1 JYA4 I 11 ... WW II f 1 ) iiL'r'.o; uM diu .t r m " ' v si' i , h WW NEW FALL HATS 293