Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, August 10, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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Briefs t'M
rullMlon, Jr.. -?Slf-F'Jra
nhw YOUK, Aim. in To
clem' u ii- tineK liir lliu Humble
(iiiiIiim, KiMwvrlt lliiccwny lius
culled ult ItM WcilneKdiiy night
Imnii'SM mccs mid will cinieel till)
Thuiniliiy curd, Inn, IF tliu I)IH
I'lii'o up ut Guillen Is dchiycd u
diiy , . , current flguicH fur lliu
Woi'lil-Telem'iilil Hull) In Olio
luui'iianu'nt tluil sliiiU Iniliiy
dhow I li u I
lliu 1,00(1 or Ml
liiiyd cnlci'eil lo
III I II k I! five
shots I'licli liuvc
iilmu.'.t it ehiitieo
to iniiko onii nee.
... ill leu ycais
III Tointiey hiis jjr.
produced foui:!J
Ill-en In :io,uno
shot M, iiiiiiiiiiu
tlui mills 7,!il5 to 1 nwilimt doing
(lio trlcli. . . . IK) yciir old Anion
Alonzo St nun mill (III ycnr-old
I loli .iijiplui will lt on tlm bench
together lit tlm AII StniH vs. Chi
rill'.u Hems hiolblill giituo lit Chi
fiiKo Auk. 211. . . . Wonder how
iiiiH h younger they'll fi'i'l If they
were buck In tlu HIM Ti-n unci
hud Unit kind of imiti'i'lnl?
, Hit and Error
riillmU-lphlu scribes miy this
nctunlly happened, which prnb
nlily I'Kpliiins tliu i'hll't) position
In 1 1 ict Nntioniil League stand
Iniis. . . . The other dny Manager
lliiini l.nliert flushed lliu lilt-nnd-run
signal to one of Ills players.
The hiiller stepped out of the
box, licikinicd l.olieil over the
couching lino nnd whispered
"Yon liellei' try soiiiclhlng else,
J Inns. In nil the .veins I vo piny
oil hull I never could hit nnd
Slur l'llngcr of the Gardner
Field (Cnllf.) lliisle. KlylnK school
Ik SOyenrold Muster Sergeant
Peter Hemidremi, who once
pitched for the Braves nnd their
Providence, 11. I., farm. Al
though his nrniy background
goes buck to World war one,
he's still ijood enough to win 13
of 17 Koines in-cording to tho hit
est figures on hnnd, . . . Don Heap
ami Johnny Kovnlrh, head conch
nnd assistant lit Illinois Wcslrynn
last fall, will stnitu n coaching
collision Oct. HI when tho town
Henhnwks piny Indinnn. Heap
In -insisting to Helrninn, tho Sen-
hawks coach, nnd Kovnteh Is In
1 1 ii mi end conch, , , . Corp. Joe
Louis Harrow nnd 1 Pvt.-Jackie
ltoblnsnn, former U. C. L. A.
f'-otbiill iiec, ii rn fellow trainees
lit Port Hiley, Kns., envnlry re.
placement center ... or would
you call them stublciiinles?
Dcthmcn Off For
Participation in
-All-Star Grid Gamo
' PORTLAND, Auk. 10 (AP)
' Hob Drtliiiiiin, halllinck on the
Oregon Slate college Itose bowl
footliall team, left last uli;ht
for Chicago where he will play
for the college nil-slurs against
' the Chicago Bears August 28,
George Pelers, who also re
ceived an Invitation Saturday
" to play for the collegians, did
not make the trip because he
will report for army Induction
August 27.
SKATTT.K. Aug. II) Cl'l A
slugging Al lloslak, seeking his
third middleweight busing
crown, will fight the winner of
the Harry Mallhews-Krankic
Giienlhei- scrap scheduled for
August 17.
Twice the N. B. A. litlist, llos
'Ink has been. training three
months for iniuther comeback.
George Adams gives Yalo
cooling buckot shower ai Elia
F;, t"'.1 :i h
iAV , It t"iMN.!i- t -!'
Pelicans Trample Dorris In
Pair; Win Saturday, 12-11,
Sunday, l3-9;Maintain Pace
Favors Bathing
Although her huibnnd !
legedly played baiketball on
Fridayi. golf on Saturday!, and
bmobnll on Sunday!. Mn. Batty
Noweli, 18. charged that he
"abiolutely reluied to take a
bath." A Lot Angelei court
awardod her a divorce.
Albany Captures
Oregon Junior
Legion Crown
ALBANY, Aug. 10 OP) Al
bany swept o doublehcndcr here
yesterdny to defeat Portland, 16
to 7 nnd 11 to 8, for the state
Amcricnn Legion Junior base
ball title.
After dropping tho first con
test of n threc-gnmo scries, tho
Albany players recovered bat
tiiiK eyes tu pound out 23 hits In
the double bill.
They took a two-run lend In
the opening Inning of the first
game, and by the fourth frame
held n 8-2 advantage.
The second game was nlp-and-tuck
until the sixth Inning, when
Albnny made threo hits good
for three runs to brenk nn 8-8
PORTLAND, Aug. 10 (AP)
Leonard Gelule, Lincoln high
school conch, will leave tomor
row to enter nctivc duly In the
army ns n first lieutenant. He
was n reserve officer.
- Front Runners
By Th Attoclaltd Prttt ,
HnttihH-H Utr, llrooklyn, ,513; lutnliir
til. Iloat-ll,
1lttn.-oit, New York, 70; IMm, Rnrnk
l.u.. 71.
II r nm Mlir, Nfw York, 19; Ott,
Nrw V-.rV. 4.
fH.hi.it; Vf-nch. Ilc.lln. 111; Wyatt.
Hf.K.kljIl, ViU
Ilnttiiitt -WIIIIhiiii, lloflun, .311; Gordon,
Nrw York. .SI0.
Itini W'lllltiiii, llnitnn, ; IHMbbbIo,
S'-w VtirK, SI.
Ilomn riMn Wllllnm. Itnuton, II; Akt,
Ht, 1mlN, SI.
l'U.ri.ii i- rlmintl.T. New York, IS-S; Ilor
my, Nrw Yurk, m-8.
for Blues
foolbnll cnplnln, Sponcor Mosloy,
iwelter through broiling practice
r " ' 'C
'"'".qf !
11 AV
L: 1 1
Locals Retain Grip
On Pennani Chance
Medford Twice Downs Grants Pass
To Hold Two-Game Circuit Margin
Klamath's second-place Pelicans held their slim grip on a
clianco for tho Oregon-California league pennant over the week
end by twice tripping Dorris' Lumberjacks, 12-11 nnd 18 0, on
the 'Jack field us Medford hung two more beatings on the Grants
Puss occupants of tho loop busement.
But it was only by tliu skin of a seven-run blast In the
seventh and final inning Saturday that the locals were ublc to
keep their collective eyes on the posibHily of b playoff. Going
into the seventh down US, after lied Tolberl's nine had scored
seven In tho bottom of the
sixth, the Klurniiths jumped on
Hurler Clyde Cnrlstrom for
seven hits, including homers by
Marshall Kyestono and Hi Hat'
field, good for seven runs.
Tho burst put them on top
120, und they stuyed there
despite two 'Jack scores in the
final session. Hatfield relieved
Vlrg Huyncs in the last. He
also slummed four fur four dur
ing tho evening, two of which
were, round-trippers,
In Dorris' big inning, t it c
sixth, they assembled four safe
ties, a walk und two Pelican
bobbles for their seven scores
Sunday the Bigullls went to
work on Shipman in the first
inning und scored four runs on
Larson's single, Kycstonc's dou
ble, Crupo's double nnd Hat
field's third homer of the week
Oukci relieved Shipman to
start the second but was ham
mered for 17 hits und 14 runs
during tho game's bnlunee. The
Klnmaths added three in the
second, one in the third, were
held scoreless in the fourth but
broke loose again In the fifth
with six hits und a half-dozen
The Lumberjacks matched it,
however, in their huU when
Ken Banlinin gave up six hits
und two wulks. The Pclicuns
erred twice.
Big gun in the weekend artil
lery department wns Hatfield
who shipped four for four in
the first nnd four for six in the
second. Threo of them were
homers and two doubles. The
powerful ccntcrfielder has lilt
safely 13 times In his lust 17
trips to the plutc.
But Larson got six for ten
und took over the top position
in Pelican batting uvcrnges
with .448. Crnpo, who slugged
for ten In the Dorris series,
stands second with .442, and
Hntficld third with .433.
Next week the Pelicans face
Medford in two games here
which will wind up tho regular
Oregon-California league slate.
Two victories for tho locals will
knot the race nnd force a play
off. A split or two defeats will
leave the Craters champions.
(Itinday'i Qami)
:i I
3 I
3 0
lllilmli. 9li
leMnnr, It
t'rapo. Ih
llmlklil. cl .
!im, 3b
limy, rf
lllion, c
lif-tilimii, p
IliitnrliB, II) M
llolilliitr. 31) ...
.Hhliimnii, -lf
Snnvrly, c
KrfiiNluiw, et
Onlti-n, lf-li
!liHIIii, ll
I 0 0 0
as o 12
Klniiinlh Knlli.
llnrrln .
'.Ml IXU! (KKI-- II
lu'u-linmi lliu, Kyi-nlnnr, Crnii 2,
ficlil X, l'rlil. Tlim-linur hit, rriin. Ilimio
rilllfl, K)'rtullf, llntlii'lll. Sto.-li linr,.,
llilioi, CrnHi, lliinhlu iilnyn, l.nroli In
III.-Iiiii In i'rnHi; rrnim tn l.nrM.ii to I'r.v
po. Li'll nn hnr, Klniiinlh Knll 6; DnrrlH
9. SniTirii'l., Ilrnlinill. Ilnr.1 mi IiiiIIn, oil
Onkn I: lli'iiliiiin 7. SlrlW-tnit. I.y Slil
mnn I; Onkrn I llt'iillntn 7. IUI olf stilp
rmn. 4 In 1 liinlnn. 1oIiir nltvlii-r, llnkr.
tSnlurttliy'i Qamo
l.nrnn, nn . . fi
lllnlinp. tli a
Kintunr. It .1
rrnMi, Hi 4
llnllli-lit. Cl-p ... i
Oninn, Jill - 4
(Irny. rl 4
llnyiif. p 3
lli'iihnnl, x .........,......M 1
l-lnnil, xx ... . 0
37 IS IS 9
x llnlti-tl fur llnMici In "Hi.
xx llitu lor llpiiliniii In Till.
II i:
I n
Mnllinll, .111 ..
Iiiirni-lin, Hi ..
rilll. sa .
lli.lilliiir, o
NliliHiinit, If ...
Kri-iiNliitw, cf
Onki'n. tfli
I'hlllina. ft
rarlatmm, p
33 ll is 3
Klniiinlh l-'nlln .
..110 1(12 7 ia
lltirrln nil 0117 11-11
Twn.linni- lilts, Lnrnun, Unlillmr, I'il4il .
Hnlni- riiim. KypRliinn, llntdclil 2, llnlillinr.
lloiililn ,lny, Crlil lo Oiixt-a lo lliirni'hn.
lA'tl on linni-n. Klnmntli Knlln 4; llorii A.
Ilnaen on linlla, off (?nrlnlroin I, llnvtifa 2.
Strllin-niita, rnrlatrnni !, llnym-n a. litl off
Hnynrii, 10 lit o InnllinN. Wlnlilnit iiltchrr,
We're lending into fnll the j
tlmo for hunting big gamo nnd
big game tickets.' " 1
Eugene Adds
To State
League Lead
By The Auociatod Press
Eugene boosted its state base
ball league lead to li games yes
terday by trimming: the Sill
ton lied Sox, 8 to 3, while Bend
was upsetting the Portlnnd Kire
men, 0 to 5.
The lenders had no trouble
with the Red Sox, Jumping into
n 6-0 advantage in the first
three Innings, and holding it as
Red Miller scattered 10 hits ef
fectively. Monroe Dean paced the Eu
gene attack on John Day, col
lecting three hits nnd driving in
four runs.
A pair of doubles by Nehl and
Carlson won Bend its victory in
the ninth inning. The Firemen
used three pitchers in trying to
stop the Loggers.
Lewiston Captures
Fourth Straight
Legion Championship
LEWISTON, Idaho, Aug. 10
(AP) The fourth consecutive
Idaho state championship was
won last night by Lewiston's
American Legion Junior base
ball team with a 5-3 victory
over Hurley, southern Idano
contenders. - 1
The Burley squad rallied for
three runs in the eighth inning
but a tightening defense cut off
their hopes of winning the
game, which was called in the
first of the ninth because of
the 10:45 curfew. Southpaw
Hal Tusehoff pitched one-hit
ball for Lewiston although he
was handicapped by a crushed
right hand.
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Aug.
10 (AP) A second son was
born Inst night to Mrs. Max
Baer, wife of the former heavy
weight boxing champion.
Max, whose other son is four
years old, now is making pic
tures in Hollywood.
After receiving assurances
from physicians that his wife
nnd baby were in good condi
tion, Baer left on a trip to the
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 10 (!')
Big Six football teams this fall
will play games with seven serv
ice tennis, including threo con
tests witli Bcrnio Bicrmnn's
Iowa City prc-flight naval train
ing eleven. The Iowa Senhawks
have game s carded witli Mis
souri, Nebraska and Kansas.
In 25 other non-conference
tills Big Six schools play five
games each with Big Ten and
Missouri Valley teams, threo
each with southwest nnd Rocky
mountain' conference club.-!, and
nine with independent schools.
DENVER, (A) A thief stole
the trunk, weighing 150 pounds,
from tho motor car of John W.
Meredith of Sacramento, Calif.
In It were a wedding ring, the
neatly folded clothes of a pro
spective bridegroom nnd $289
in cash.
"He's got all the equipment to
be my best man," commented
Meredith who plans to bo mar
ried Jhis week.
PADUCAH, Ky., P) E. N.
Smith, tom-lst camp operator,
found crumbs on tho lawn al
most ns good ns bread on the
water. Ho hnd been feeding
crumbs to n certain robin dully,
ho reported, and one dny the
robin showed up nt Smith's back
door with a dollnr bill in its
benk, dropped tho bill nnd flut
tered off ngnin.
Asthma and Hay Fever
Sufferers Secure Immedinte
relict with VAPO El-'RIN
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Ask tor Demonstration
3SaU.JS.tUh St. ..,JPhon. 43!tl
Plus Hockey Stick
I "v$
tW vU
Harold (Mush) March poses
with full sat of clubs after fir
ing 69 in Tarn O'Shanter Open
in Chicago, and 'he well might
add hockey stick which he uses
so expertly as star of Chicago
Boilermakers Leave
For Semi-Pro Ball
Tourney in Kansas
PORTLAND, Aug. 10 (AP)
The Portland Boilermakers left
here today to compete as Ore
gon representative in the na
tional semi-pro baseball tourna
mcnt in Wichita, Kas.
The winner of the state
tournament will play its first
game August 15 against an un
announced opponent.
Manager Vern Reynolds
signed several additional play
ers before leaving.
JOPLIN, Mo., Aug. 10 (AP)
Roy (Tex) Sanncr, 21-year-old
Topeka lefthander, pitched a
no-hit-no run game last night lo
defeat Joplin, 9 to 0, in the
second game of a Western Asso
ciation doublchcader.
Only two runners reached
first base, one on a walk and
the other through an error.
Sanncr 6truck out eight batters.
PRINCETON, N. J., Aug. 10
M1) Lieut. Commander John
Bain Sutherland of the U. S.
Navy, spent a one-day furlough
watching the Brooklyn Dodgers
of the National . Professional
Football League romp through
their first drill of the season.
1 Last year, ns Jock Sutherland,
he coached the club,
Know This Man?
It's Joe Cronin, manager of
Red Sox, scanning sky from ob
servation post in Boston area.
He loads group of his players,
which alternates with National
League Braves, as volunteere in
aircraft warning sorvlce.
You Drive Move Yourself
Save M Long and
Short Trips
Phone -8304 J.20I-ast Main
r v
Bevos Turn
On Seattle,
Capture Two
Sehubel Slams Homer ai
Cortland Wins, 3-4, 5-2;
Angelt, $ac Lose Series
W I. I'rt. w f. IV,
! Anf-ltt ;w :4I .r.le Kan Fran .rtl a.', ,va
HarrniiM-nU, 71 ..'.HI u-ililiinil . r,l ; .ha;
H-aHli- 70 fill I.,IIwm,i 6 74 ,m
Sail Plfgo .X7 C5 JAM I'oitlafiil .. a .Wt
lunday'a neaulla
San Ffanrlm-i, ai. I.,llw.l 1-3,
C'lftlitinl a-2, S,-atlk 1.1.
lia Armcll-a fiO, Oaklnml f-2.
Sail Illr-!, S-l, Saclai;iMiU, 2-7.
By The Asiociated Press
Last place Portland, 32!
games behind the leaders In the
Pacific Coast League baseball
pennant race, turned unexpect
edly yesterday on third place
Seattlo and swept the double
header 8 to 4 and 5 to 2. This
gave the Oregon team three vic
tories in the last 15 games.
The war-crippled Beavers
were outhit 16 to 10 in the first
game, but Pitcher Bill Sehubel,
who gave up 15 bingles, hit a
homo run in the second inning
and this with another hit and
three Seattle errors gave the
winners four tallies in that
Portland lost Saturday's game
3 to S.
Both league leading Los An
geles and runnerup Sacramento
lost their series despite two of
one brca!:3 over the weekend.
Oakland, the only team to
win a series this year from the
Angels on the iatler's home
ground made it twice, this time
4 to 3. The Oaks won the Sun
day nightcap 2 to 0, but Los An
geles won the opener 5 to 2 and
Saturday's tilt. 12 to 1.
San Diego had to fight hard
for the 4 to 3 scries win over
Sacramento, clinching it only
after 10 gruelling innings in
Sunday's opener 3 to 2, giving
Southpaw Al Olsen his 16th vic
tory of the season on the strength
of a last inning relief job. Catch
er Ray Mueller's homer with the
bases loaded gave the Solons the
nightcap 7 to 4. Sacramento
won Saturday's game 4 to 0.
San Francisco swept yester
day's doubleheader from Holly
wood 8 to 4, 8 to 3 and the series
4 to 3. The Stars won out Sat
urday 4 to 2.
War Contracts
In Oregon Over
$10 Million
PORTLAND, Aug. 10 (P)
War contracts in Oregon exceed
ed $10,000,000 in July for the
second consecutive month, the
state war production board of
fice announced Saturday.
They totaled $10,137,648, of
which $8,894,397 were in prime
army contracts and $246,765 in
army subcontracts. Navy prime
contracts were $428,600 and sub
contracts $34,086.
The office also facilitated sale
of $25,000,000 worth of lumber
and $1,000,000 of flour.
Don't Worry About
Holding Aleutians
PORTLAND, Aug. 10 (JP)
The United States does not need
to worry about holding the Aleu
tian islands, Colton D. Harper,
McMinnville,' said Saturday on
his return from Dutch Harbor
where he was a construction
' "As long as we have boys like
we have up there, we are not in
any danger," he said in an in
terview. At the time of the Japanese
raid, he said, "the townspeople
neas-ly went crazy but the sol
diers and sailors and most of the
construction workers took it on
the chin like men."
Elenaore Coolidgo Walton, head
of the city's film censor board,
ordered deletion of 30 feet of
film in a movie which showed
native girls doing an energetic
hula dance.
The theater manager called
her and protested, "Mrs. Walton
those hula dancers only shake a
"That's right," was her laconic
reply. "They shake a little too
masher grabbed a 34-year-old
woman s arm, then staring down
the muzzle of a pistol, heard her
"I'll blow your head off."
Ho hollered for help. The po
lice arrested him for assault and
battery; her for carrying a pis
tol without a permit even though
there weren't any bullets in it.
AiiKihit 10, 1942
Biff Joins
Cuts' .
f, - -s-tl ii'
1 k
.aft".-. - . f
Biff Hoffman ilefi;, former Stanford football captain and
discus thrower, joined the U. S. Marine corps as a private in
San Francisco. Hoffman ployed football for Stanford in 1926.
1927 and wac captain of the 1923 eleven. Hoffman I shown
with Marine corps staff sergeant, Carl Billnitzer.
Cubs Go 18
New Record Set as 12 Pitchers See
Action; Cincy Takes Second, 2-1
Associated Press Sports Writer
Most baseball teams will go to great lengths to win their
games but few of them have had to go as far as the Chicago
Cubs, who needed 18 innings yesterday to trip the Cincinnati
Reds in the opener of a doubleheader.
Twelve pitchers, the most ever used in a major league game,
paraded to the mound in the struggle, longest in the majors this
season and the seventh extra-winning affair for these two clubs
in 13 meetings. '
Three times the Cubs figured
they had it in the bag, but each
time the Reds
tied it up. Fin
ally Hiram Bit
horn, last of six
Chicago hurl
ers, blanked
the Reds for six
straight innings
and the Cubs
sandwiched the
18th inning "gft"
lows oi o i a d .
Hack and Dom .
Dallessandro be-
tween a walk Stanley Hack
and an outfield fly for two runs
and a 10-8 decision.
The game itself lasted five
hours and was interrupted for
another hour by weather in the
13th frame. That left only an
hour of daylight for the second
W h 1.1. w I Tel.
w York- :i : .157(1 lli-tr.,lt M no .e;9
nost.itl .19 IT ..Vi7 Chii-HRO l.S 53 .4iV
C'levHanil .W1 43 ..Mil Wnsh"l.m 43 61 .413
St. Lullis 54 56 .500 I'liU.phm -43 70 .fol
Sunday-a Rcfults
Detroit 5-3. St. Louia 1-2.
(Only gamca)
W I. IVI. W I. .Pi t.
Rrooklyn 74 33 .632 l-itt.hursh 4S 53 .466
St. Iiilis .6S 40 .613 Chicago 50 61 .4W
einrlnnatl -57 50 ..Wl Itoston 45 65 .400
Xco- York -58 51 .502 l'l.ila'phia 31 73 .2i
Sunday's Reaulta
New York 3-2. riiil.i:l.-.'..:ia 2-0 (1st game
10 innings).
Sunday's Results
St. Louis 4-2. I'ittsliurgh 3-1 (2nd game
3 inning-).
Chicago 101. Cincinnati S-2 (1st game 18
innings. 2nii 5).
game, which the Reds won, 2-1,
in four and a half innings, with
Bithorn the starting and losing
A total of 37 players partici
pated in the first game throe
short of the record held by the
Pittsburgh Pirates and Boston
W- J-...- ...SEATTLE. wASHiMaioN . . .
J? ' rnali W. Hall, Maflt D4mH
the Marines
'jfo. i.
i .-J7 1
aiiHa1r,iat teaat
Braves. The previous record of
11 pitchers in a single garni
was set September 6, 1924,
when the Philadelphia Phillies
used six against the New York
Giants, who used five.
By squaring accounts in the
nightcap, . . the Reds - preserved
third place - in the National
league by a lone percentage
point - over the New York
Giants, who swept a double
header from the Philadelphia ,
Phils. : v. ;.- '
Meanwhile, the St. Louis
Cardinals squeezed past the
Pittsburgh Pirates, 4-3 'and 2-1,
to rim Brooklyn's' lead to eight
lengths. The Dodgers bumped
into a postponement at Boston.
At Philadelphia, the Giants
tripped- the Phils, 3-2 in the
first game when Mel Ott laid
down a 10th inning bunt with
the bases loaded, but Bill Mc
Gee made things easier in the
second game, pitching a five
hit shutout as the Giants won,
2-o. .-
In the American league, the
New York Yankees increased
their lead to a dozen games
and the Boston Red Sox moved
into . second place, although
neither team lifted a bat..
It all came about when the
Chicago White Sox clipped the
Cleveland Indians, 11-1 and 3-2,
stretching their winning streak
to eight games' and dropping
the Tribe half a game behind
the Red Sox.
The Detroit Tigers had the
help of 11 St. Louis errors as
they downed the- Browns, 9-3
and 3-1.
Doubleheaders between the
Yanks and. Philadelphia Ath
letics and the-Red Sox and
Washington Senators were post
poned until today.
fW 1 rTrlv- "' 0 'ot lo" P,n,l, ,non yu
kjpS"--1 think -(Roomi with bath from
$3.50)1 So on your next visit to
Seattle stay at this World-famous hotel.
Exquisite food, club-like hospitality. Espe
cially convenient location for Army, Navy,
and business executives! '? , .
csmti or SEATTLE