July 20. 1042 f AGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Soldiers Lampoon the WAAC journed Tuesday without the induing of ii new president for Oregon. State college to fill a vacancy existing since last Sep tember. President Willard L. Marks declined following the meeting to comment on the sltuatiort fur ther than to say that progress is being made, Asked whether a special meeting would be called, ho declined to add further to ht first statement. It was apparent thut the board members had hold one or more discussions on tlie matter this time, but wheth er any tentative agreement had been reached was not revealed There has been no announce ment of the names of candidates. The position has been vacant since the resignation hint Sep tember of Frank L. Hnllard whose health broke several months lifter he took over the presidency in July 1040. Dr. F. A. Cillflllnn, dean of the school of science, served din ing President Ballard's Illness us head of an administrative com mittee and was appointed acting president last September on President Mallard's 1'e.ilnniillon. FRIENDLY BOMBINCI NKVADA, Mo. (!') A woman telephoned Iho fire department and wild a dynamite bomb had been left at her linme. Chief Leslie K. Hunt Inveitl. gated, found a browu paper par eel that looked and felt like (Ivnamlte sticks. Cautiously he unwrapped It. There were three ears of sweet corn, STILL MID L PORTLAND, July '29 OP) The last scheduled meeting of the stalo board of hlglu-r educa tion before Si'pliMiibcr ft was ad AUGUST B Sell it through the wunt-ndit, DRAFTEES TO III - Names of men in the first group of Board 1 draftees to leave here in August were re leased today by selective service officials. The men have been ordered to report to the draft office In the basement of the Klamath county courthouse at 7 p. m. on August 6 for final instructions prior to departure for the Port land induction station that night. A group of Board 2 men will leave here August 2 for Port land. Board 1 men Sallow: )lu t.by( Talbot Harold, MM Walnut itrU Borji, Oulllermo, cSati Francisco. Buaby, George Thorn ai, u?e Walnut itmt, BrooliU, John D., Boi SSI. Borch, Rlclird John. Mtdford. ColpltU. Robert Willard, Rrntou. Wath. Dueulin, Martin A San Francisco. Dolau, Fnrl Eugene, blii Miller &voue. Evwnf, Mite, SAcramento. Grutl, Wilbert Joseph. Klamath FalU. Gallagher. John, 823 Grant. Holland, Wendell rhllip, Twl, Vtah. Howell. Fiord Arthur. Knob. Calif. Hamilton. Hilton Le, 110 South SUth trtrt. Hlllli, Thornton William, Oreat Northern Ketfdever. Edgar Herbert, fc8 Walnut tret. Keana, Dennia John. SIS North Third treet, Peteraoo. Kennlt LeRoy, Rout 3 Box 1105. Potter. Derwood Ernest, Baldwin hotel. Rallsh, Hurry Joseph, SS14 North Kiev nth street. . Rouchea, Peter Meltlathes, Box 61. Roncy, Clayton George. Lake boU-l. Snelra, James Glenn, 631 .Main street. Surlea, Harry James, Fargo, N. D. Sullivan, Michael M., 7i Walnut atreet, Sinrud, Leslie Marvin. Arcade hotel. Tweet, Tarkle Olafson. Corralll. Thiel. Gustave A del ph. Salt Lake CTx. Tavcnner, William Mcflufre, 70S North Ninth street. , Vallelos, Antonio T.. WIManT hotel. Ward. Joseph Tattle. MS South Fifth street. Emilie Nof ke, 22, Burns to Death In Plane Crash MILES CITY, Mont., July 29 VP) Trapped in the wreckage of a plane which crashed in Grave yard creek valley, Emilie Nofke, 22, of Tacoma, Wash., burned to death yesterday. The plane, one of six small privately-owned craft being flown from Tacoma to Aberdeen, S. D., smashed against a steep hill when Miss Nofke made a forced landing. Miss Nofke was a widely known Tacoma aviatrix. She had been a ground school in structor in the CAA program at Pasco and Yakima, Wash., and had operated an aviation ground school at Boeing field, Seattle More recently, she worked as a mechanic at McChord field near Tacoma. r 1 1 - r 1 vi 1 . The much publicised question of girdles for the WAAC draws fire in "Park Your Khaki," musical revue being given at Fort Devens, Mass., by camp talent. George Petrocy of Nor- walk. Conn., is laced into his corset by John Whicher of Am herst. Mass., in one of show's skits about the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. NO GIRDLE? TRY THIS KANSAS CITY (P) The Hef lin twins, Clarence and Law rence, puffed into the naval aviation cadet selection office, rushed to the scales and weighed in at 171 pounds each one pound under the limit. They'd tried 10 days ago but each weighed 185 pounds. "We haven't had a real meal since, just fruit juice," said Lawrence. The last seven of the excess pounds disappeared from each twin in a six-mile run on the final day. BURIED TREASURE CAMP BUTNER, N. C. (P) The army's finance department never will be able to tell just how much money is in the post finance office here. ' A group of workmen, pleased with the novelty of building a bank vault, "folded in" a fair amount of silver In the concrete walls of the structure. TAXI SERVICE PHILADELPHIA VP) Shunk street citizens may be riding downtown daily now in Mayor Bernard Samuel's official car, chauffeur and everything. The mayor placed a national car-sharing sticker on his sedan and announced: "If there is anyone In my neighborhood going my way at at the time I do, I welcome him into my car. For the neighbors' benefit, newspapers immediately point ed out his address, telephone number and the time he usually leaves for city hall. Buy it througn the want-ads. , 1 For Play or Work . . . Button " tFl TOWN HOP suaaesrs SPORTSWEAR Visit VICTORY HOUSE Fridoy and ' Saturday Continuous entertain ment afternoons and evenings dancing at night. 8th St. - Main to Pine 1 ) $1 ' rre, - -g Wear or Slack Suits You'll' always find a complete selection of slacks and slack suits at the Town Shop ... In every popular style and material. $2.98 to $12.95 and Play Dresses Cool, comfortable and flattering to the figure. All sizes, styles and colors, many with matching play shoes. $1.98 to $10.95 RIDING CLOTHES $5.95 to $16.95 BATHING SUITS Catalina and Gantne" $1.98 to $9.95 TOWN BH til P Main at Fifth -mm at. m mm 1 IS limiiii Miin-iiiw imimimwiiiii i-iiim.iiiiii imm 1 iiimiiiiim iiimii rMm7m e n . . rv ra n rvi rm guff" MID-SO aieam!sa! PiTfTiB CTfiD fiTR iWWiirV'ff. f 1 Ti'iWiiiltiiMlrfjr 1 'Whitlow WyaH' Ptnotnl Modl GLOVK R 2.89 Roll-itylt binding m Full ltilh; llntd Ooldon tin loatbsr fioldor'a glove at a tre mendous saving. Ilss hand- fonnod, greAse-sot pooket. SPORTING GOODS 6.95 Walter Hagen 'Champion' Woodt. 5.95 Walter Hagen 'Champion' Ironi. 1.19 Official Size Wllion 'Deluxe' Softball. 2.29 3-ply Fireitone 'Star' Tennli Racquet with Lesthor Grip and White Enamel Frame 6.49 Complete Badminton Set for 2 players , S.9S Deuble.thies, 14-elub Waterproof Duct Solf Bag. 1.59 Set of 3 Poplin Solf Club Coven 25s Pig. of 35 Plattie Teat 2.49 Charlie Keller, Junior, Batemen't Mitt 1.19 Official League Cork and Rubber Canter Baieball. M l II I'll Will mw w m 1 ,.SS mmw I y 1 88 1 sa;--: i 1 1.88 1.08 .19 1.8!) .88 FISHING TACKLE FLY ROD Special FLY ROD Special Reg. 3.39 2.88 Reg. 5.45 Li9 Casting Rod Reg. 3.98 Special 3.IJJ Casting Rod Reg. 6.45 Special 5..5 Snelled Hooks Reg 6 for 19c Special .... 6 for 1,'; MtSCEUANEOUS Trash Burners Reg. 1.49 Clearance Ijl?) Spark Plugs Reg. 65c Clearance ."59 Steering Wheel Covers Reg , 49e Clearance 39c SLIGHTLY DAMAGED, RECONDITIONED AND FLOOR SAMPLES 1 Only Woman's Overnight Case Reg. 17.95 Natural Rawhide Cover Special 12.95 2 Only Men's Two-Suiter Cases Reg. 24.95 Special 21.93 lit :'- tL2 ' Lit Smvm Momeg! Smtie Voair Car J SareYour tlttthett LONG WEARING, WOOD-PULP FIBER 'COOIIltE9 SEAT COVIillS Smart-locking palltmi f jrfra Aeovy, dvrobe fib O) Coo Aof-weoMer driving twnhtt neof, fnvfl lit foaJfy tinned with damp conS Protect your clotaes and apholatery. Bare money. Invest In a new eet of touffh, long-wearing rirostone "Ooolslre" covers. Reg.-3r9 COUPES 8.95 Sedan or Coach Coven 8.9.1 tore. J"I5" WW Trent. Flannel PollnhlntJ LOTH II" High eualtr llanntl Woi-frMlea la obur6 dint rtne for fnmltnre or or cleaning. Will not ecrstch or leave ltnt. Buy nereral for the home. Carry one In the ear. I LUGGAGE I (J&ic(l AUTO SUPPLIES lt.e. CU.renee MEN'S Mc. Prle. Zipper Sportsmen's Bag 1.98 1.69 Two Suiter Black Sharkgrain 19.95 17.93 ft. Two Suiter Smooth Russet 24.95 22.9.1' Gladstone Bag 9.95 8.93 Black Shark Grain Overnight Case 10.95 9.95 WOMEN'S Overnite Deluxe Case 8.95 7.95 Hat and Shoe Deluxe Case 14.95 Hl.ftS Wardrobe Deluxe 14.95 13.95 Wardrobe Standard Cas 11.95 10.95 ce GARDEN TOOLS Supreme Lawn Mower 14.95 Master Lawn Mower 11.95 Level Head Rake 98 Hedge Shears 1.89 Supreme Sprinklor 3.29 Grass Sheers 98 Socket Type Hoe 1.19 Bow Rake 1.29 Round Point Shovel 1.69 Broom Rake 1.19 Spading Fork 1.49 13.98 10.95 .79 1.59 2.98 .89 .98 1.09 1.49 .98 1.29 5-Tub;3-Woy PORTABLE RADIO i&b 15.95 LewVeelclyTerm Operates en AC, DC or ioHery Poy 40 50 horn ee batttry Tor travel, camping or picnics. Small aa a camera. 6 tnboa. PlasMo caae. An . exceptional buy. Reo. 37.95 oTite Portable can n HA IHO Jj&.TfeJ Tfce Big Wofer Sprinkling Season It Still Ahtodl ROTARY SPRINKLER 1.19 Worh wMIe you re it Coven area of SO' crte Idoal tpraf for owns The novelty sprinkling sen aatlon of the year. Domical to w a t 0 h . Thorongh and amusing. He It. rt.ft.t 'Ssiprcnsf-' Twin Trampet Hwraiei Top quality blant type horn. Doep tone. Extra long m D k tnimpeta. rit all cam. M. IP DeflflctR exhaust fumes. Praventa thetr itatntng roar chrome parte. Beg. 80c. .6. itoK. 2.2 O" wtmtter Lcnit Fucllf(h( Pre-focused. A quality light at an extremely low 1 AA price, Black enamel shell. , JleiWIP HciJ. 5.05 Whlto Sll-wall Wheel IIm Olve your car the smart appearance of white lidevall ni tires. Xasy to keep clean and install. slM Reg. W lilte Tire ConllnK Easy to use. Renew- white itlitewalla, Rubber bi will not crack or peel. Dries quickly. .4 ltf. 4.25 Iieluxe Nettled llennt Va Light Baa special amber prlsmatlo lens which cuts down 1 A glare. Carpet of light la concentrated on roadway eJ.lf 4" x " Vanity tr Mirror. Heg. 4le OUps on sun vlaor. Has apace record of oar servicing and mileage. .37 4-ftoce BIim and Whit WAFFLE SET R.3r9a- 3.29 Includes batter and syrnp pitchers, powdered sugar shaker and large service platter. Summer-flmely Values for Car Owners R.e. CUarsne frlee- ,Mee k Coil Ineerspring Saa Breeie Soat Pad 2.J9 l,i9 White Sidowall Tire Cloaner Kit 49 V Chrome-Plated Tri-Rail Grille, Guard 4.98 3.89 Marble-plastie Gearshift Knob ... .29 .2,1 -k Ivory Tenite Steering Whool Spinner 59 I'i-Ton Hydraulic Jack 4.50 k Deluxe Chrome Door Mirror 1.98 1 .19 3-Sodlon Cowl Antenna 2.49 1.98 k 4-Pieee Tubular License Frame 1. 19 .89 Heavy Rubber Pedal Pads, pr 79 JS9 k 2-03. Gasket Shellac,.. , , .10 .07 sTeBttflmsamiliaieW'saiHiSia ss,amti.i.Hdncluwn IHIWglll IIMMIttlMsllllll'llliilltllill Hoatpnol, Coldpnof nEFItlGEIIATOR SET 2.79 Tlgbt-flttlng covers preserve food freshness. Includes water pitcher and three covered bowls. Custom-Fit, Pantl-Controlltd tt-TlTIB12 AUTO II A III O EASY TERMS o-'r Easy terms ean.be arranged en things you NEED new. Low weekly payment. "e- 2t93 22.95 D011 tonlroh to notch your tor Fin; homo radio performance Got all the news In your car wherever yon are. 0 powerful tubes. Unequalled selectivity and sensitivity. Monomatle tuning. Lew Wsttly Terms Res, 49.95 8-Tuee Snprorae' Ant Ilndio 3H.95 I "GET IN THE SCRAP "-GIVE YOUR OLD METAL AND RUBBER NOW! STORE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY , 9:00 to 6:00 P. M. SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M CLOSED SUNDAY THIS FIRESTONE STORE IS AN OFFICIAL COLLECTION STATION! PsCr XTalillir IMionn .129 1 LUtn to Lh Vote of Firattsm with RUfuird Crunk, Margaret tipmitt and Ik WWtUn 8ympko9 OrMmtrM, undr tkt irtiUem of Alfred WaUsntUin, Movavtynctttvt1, 1