Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, July 13, 1942, Page 9, Image 9

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Bv Bid rdr
(Pinch Hilling lor
Hugh Full.rton, Jr.)
NEW YOHK, July 13 (Wide
World) Weather report: Are
those storm cloudn browing
n in o n K the
peaceful Pi
rates of Pitts
burgh? . . . "1'ls
mild several
O Amwrv hnva tpr own
KKiii wny ai
Lopttz wasn't
picked on thn
league's all-star
outfit, , . . And norno of 'oin ara
rootlnu for AI tn bind man
ager's Job wholher lt' In smok
eytown or lomo other plrtce.
, Ray Carlen writes to tell the
boys not to pooh-pooh Hunnery
Armstrong's comeback yet. . , .
ISifcntiso It looks llkn the ham
mer still hn a lot of fights lft
lp him. . . . And Wllllo Gllzen
burg takes pun In hund to Inform
the folks Unit it wasn't hit
welterweight chump, Red Coch
rane, but Challenger fluy Robin
on, who initiated thtilr Sept. 10
fight be nnn-tltle fiiim.
Hudy York got u five-grand
bomiR if he knocks In 100 runs
this year. , . ., lie's on tho 80
mork now. . . . But what tho
boys would like to know Is who
made a fancy fielder of him? . .
The wny lie's Improved, there's
evon hopo for Zeko Bomira. . . ,
Toxus Ben Whltakur reports that
Remiostcd Is nil over his fever
ish ktvco, but he's been taken out
ot training ngnln because of
nnkle trouble. . . . And thece's
no telling when the linro-hltllng
little colt'll come buck to the
races, , . . But Unit doesn't mean
Sunny Jim I'ltr-nlmmons hasn't
got Apache buck to where he 11
give. Shut Out nnd Alxub u rus-
sle for what a left ot tho three
year old championship,,. , . That
J not an nlr-rnld siren you henr
Wining out of Madison, Wis.
those evenings. . . . Hnrry Stuhl
drehcr Just got a look at that
ten-game schedule they've fixed
up for his Badgers this fnll
Are the big leugues getting
ready to welcome Pepper Martin
back as a manager? , . . And
what major race track os much
as told the turf commltteo of
America that It wasn't making
any plans to chip Mnto war
rollef, even though -most of the
big apple plants have kicked in
with 100 Gi apiece. ' -
Californians Win
All Oregon Tennis
Titles; Tacoma Next
TACOMA, July 13 (P) The
B2nd annual Pacific northwest
Jnnls tournament opened today
W the Tacoma Lawn Tennis club
with most players merely mov
ing up here from Portland whero
they competed In the Oregon
state championships last week.
Californians won all the Oregon
Nick Carter, Sun Francisco,
who won the Oregon men s sin
gles title In Portland yesterday,
was seeded No. 1 to defend his
northwest ninnies championship
in tho draw hero last night, Har
ry Bultimer, whom Carter bent
for tho crown, was seded No. 3.
Carter dlsposod of Buttlmer yes
terday in strnlght sets, 6-2, 6-2,
6-2. Buttlmer was seeded sixth
In Oregon.
land, former coach of the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh elevon and
for the past two years headman
of Brooklyn . football Dodgers,
a as sworn In as lieutenant com
andcr In navy Sunday. Mike
Gctto, former Pitt tackle and
line conch under Sutherland,
namod Dodger conch.
c Front Runners
By (hi AMOoiittd Prut
Bttln Mtr, Drookljn, ,aMi Mdwfk,
Brooklyn, .Ma,
Rtirj-Olt, Niw York, 0 Mil, Nw
Vflrk, M.
RottiA HituMlie, Naw YnrV, IAf OH, Now
Vork, unrt Cnnilll, Hrrw-klvit, 1C,
PllcWng rrenrli, Hrooltlvn, 10 0; Wyalt,
wftoklyn, M. (Mnnfd nn tlx rtrcUlom).
HnttinRUllllftiiii, Dimton, M Oordon,
Nfw York. ,m.
Ilmi WMHim, Hon ton, 78 D. Il MnH
Tlnatnit, AS,
Itciinfi riifin lYIIIInmi, Tlniton, lit f York,
Dctrnlt, 14,
Pltfhlng Hornwy, Nw York, 7-1: Outer,
(M. T-fnilf, M, fllnnpri nn nix (f rlnlnnn).
tm. lerloy Co.,llmM'tl,
Pelicans Doubly Drubbed by
Craters, 6-5, 4-3, Shoved
Into Ore-Cal Second Place
Ex-"Fastest Human" Now a Marine
LW. .?-:!:.: VAX
.. . : '.A . i
Charll. Paddock, left, ona of lha "world's faittit human"
of the clnderpath, t now a marln. Ha's shown In San Francisco
as Colonol D. M. Randall swor. him In as captain.
Lefty Larry French
Wins Tenth in Row
Dodger Southpaw Holds Bucs to Three
Hits in 2-1 Victory; Bums Lose 2nd
VV. I,. IVI. W. 1. IVt.
Snv Yntk . A-1 AM St. Lnull 4(1 41 .4
llmlon 4 XS .IV rhlra,., . ,4 4& .4EO
4'tvUntl . 40 M .''(t PhlU'lrlrhlH SA M ,.t31
XltUM IS 41 .!! Wmhlmtnii 4 M
lundiy't nMUM,
rittrliti.l Bi. M Mhlii(tti ! 0. (Fltll fm
10 Ihiilnt).
Clllraio 1.11. rlHUdtlrhl, I I. rlrl fmroe
10 lnnln,i).
Pflrnll tH, Vtw Vnrlt (I. (Smnd tm
hi. I-10, amlnn o.
Assoclalad Press Sports Wrltor
Lefty Larry French, leading pitcher of tho major leagues
and only undefeated hurlcr among all the regular starters, has
turned out to bo one of the biggest bargains since the Indians
turned loose the Island of Monhattan.
,The Brooklyn Dodgers picked up French for the waiver
prlco of $7300 late last season and the 33-ycar-old left-hander
hasn't been beaten since.
! Ho won his
tenth game of
the year yester
day, holding the
Pittsburgh Pi
rates to three
- - n nils in piu:iiiiiK
f I Wv J'f the Dodgers to
L Sl I a 2-1 decision In
I Y I Tho Dodgers
French gnme and watch
ed their National league lead
shrink to eight lengths, but
French reached the halfway
mark in a season that promises
to be his best In tho majors. His
best previous year was 1036,
when he won 18 and lost nine
for tho Chicago Cuba..
The Pirates came from be
hind wltli a four-run rally In
tho eighth Inning to down the
Dodgers, 6-4, In Iho second
Tho St, Louis Cardinals drew
one game closer to the leaders
by whipping the Boston Braves,
9-1 and 0-3, the first on a two
hit pitching job by Harry Gum-
bort, . ,
. In tho American league, the
first placo New York Yankees
also divided a double bill but
boosted their lead to four and
a halt games with the help of
the St, Louis Browns. While the
Yankees were losing to the De
troit Tigers, fl-4, and winning,
3-1 in 13 innings, the Browns
pinned a double defeat on the
second place Boston Red Sox,
1-0 and 10-0.
Johnny Vandor Meer matched
the pitching exploits of French
and Gumbcrt by tossing a threo
hitter at the Philadelphia Phils
as the Cincinnati Reds captured
both ends of a bargain bill.
Vandy struck out 13 men in
winning, 2-0. 1 Elmer Riddle
pitched slx-hlt ball for the reds
rln, IlllnoU
aEW - i.i-
v. rxi
W. UPrl. W. I,. Ptl.
nrnokhn M tl .7 Chk-asa 40 4 .47
si. iiuii i? so ,oio nu.i,urh. s: n ,4i
rilirlimall, 44 S7 .14.1 llu.lon MM .110
N. Votk - II 10 -lit I'hlladrlpllU IIUW
. Sunday', aatulll
Clndnnatl Vhllaaltlil M.
Brooklyn l. 1'IH -t.ureli 1 .
St, IauU H. oitn l .
Xr Vot . Clili-a,ii 1-1.
In the nightcap, with Lonnle
Frey doubling homo the run
that gave them a 2-1 triumph.
At Chicago, Lon Warnekc
made his first appearance since
returning to the Cubs and was
whacked soundly by tho New
York Giants, who captured the
opener, 6-2, but the '. Cubs
bounced back to square ac
counts, 8-3, with Hiram Bithorn
doing the pitching and Lou No
vlkoff pacing the hitting.
The Cleveland Indians took
both ends of their twin bill
from the Washington Senators,
winning the first, 8-7, with a
two-run rally In the tenth in
ning and the second, 5-0, on
Jim Bugby's eight-hit pitching.
The day's best pitching per
formance in the American
league wos turned In by Jake
Wado, who held the Philadel
phia Athletics to three hits and
contributed three blows him
self as the Chicago White Sox
tobk the second game, 11-1. Rog-
Klamath Sportsmen Get Oregon
Recognition With Win Pledge
SALEM, July 13 (Special)
Statewide recognition of the
Klamath Sportsman's association
in their victory pledge came this
week with the announcement
that the Keep Oregon Green pro
gram would make use of the out
doors pine scene, background ot
the pledge, In a new fire pre
vention poster soon to be de
signed and distributed.
B. C. Kuehncr, secretary of
the Keep Oregon Green associ
ation, writing to E. . L, Myers,
president, to the local sports
man's group Indicated that the
general . layout of the poster
would bo 'with the characteristic
green tree and Ihe local out
door picture In tho middle as
the main reason why we should
keop Oregon Green, He added
that the association i would be
only too glad to give credit to
tho club for their cooperation.-
Earlier permission for public
ity use of tho sportsmen's vic
tory pledge by the Keep Oregon
Green association was given by
the group following a request by
Walter Wiesendangcr, local
chairman to the fire prevention
program. In voicing tho approval
Twin Whipping Gives
Craters Leadership
Klamath's first place Pelicans of Saturday are Klamath's
second-place Pelicans of today.
Briefly, Benham was no Bonham and the lads dropped two
one-run decisions to tho Medford Craters over the weekend on
the opposition's field. Saturday It was 8-B and Sunday 4-3.
The defeats gave the Craters a one-game lead as the Oregon
California loop swung Into Its second half play. Both of them
were incurred in the payoff half
of tho payoff Inning the last
portion of the nlnlh.
On Saturday the Pelicans
were down, B-4, going into the
final frame.'- They tied up In
ohiooh . oALiroaNiA lsaoui
w t. Ivt. IV. 1.. Pet
MMIdtif - 10 4 .714 Dorrla T , 7 . JMI
Xlaio. fall! Ml OranU Hail 3 12
Waakamf Raaulll
Millord l. Klarnalh Knlli i t.
rinrrli, P.7, Oranla Pa 11-8.
their half but allowed a Med
ford to cross the patter In the
last period for the ballgamo. .
Sunday it was the same story.
Caps Climb
With Double;
Tigers Split
. By. The Associated Press .
The Vancouver C a p 1 1 a n o a
edged up a bit on the league
leading Tacoma Tigers in West
ern International Baseball league
standings yesterday with a double-barreled
-.win over Spokane
while the Tigers were splitting
thclKdoublcheader with Salem.
Tho Caps won the first tilt,
5-2, behind fheYive hit pltcblng
of Pete Jonas'' whife they capi
tallzedron 10 safeties allowed by
Hub Kittle.'"; :- : .
In the 'second game' both
squads went wild and treated
Spokane fans to as free-hlttihg'a
game as they Tiad seen In many
a month. Tho Caps hit safely
23 limes and piled up 18 runs
while Spokane -connected . with
14 for 11 runs, six In the final
inning in a belated rally, .
': At Tacom'af the SalenV' Sena
tors scratched-out an 8-7 victory
in the openor.'barely heading off
a Tiger rally: in the ninth' that
netted three runs. The Tacomans
hit safely 14 times. Salem 13.
. Lefty Al Lien tied up the Sol
ons in the nightcap with a four
hitter .while his mates pounded
two Salem Jiurlcrs for 13 bingles
and a 9-1 victory. ...
Jerry Ambler
Second in
Calgary Show
CALGAnY, Altai.' July 13 (JP)
Doff Aber, Woly, Wyo., cowboy,
won the North American buck
ing horse riding contests con
cluded hero Saturday, with Jer
ry Ambler, Klamath Falls, Ore:,
Johnny Tubbs, Spokane, and
Cecil Redford, Weiser, Idaho,
runners-up In that order.
Ambler also won the wild
steer riding' event. .
crs Wolff pitched five-hit ball
in winning the first game, for
the A's, 3-2; but snapped a 1-1
tie by walking in a run In : the
tenth inning and needed a walk',
a triple by Elmer Valo and a
single by Dick Siebert for two
runs In the last half of the ex
tra frame. 1 .
of the sportsmen's group, Myers
wrote the secretary the follow
ing: :
"We are most happy to extend
to you this permission,, and we
consider It an honor to have our
pledge receive . recognition by
the Keep Oregon Green organ
ization, The picture In Its en
tirety was taken in Klamath
county and represents a most
unique setting of an unmolested
forest scene. The pledge Itself
happily combines not only good
sportsmanship but good citizen
ship as well, and no true lover
ot Oregon outdoors will find In
It any place a single restriction
upon his liberties." ,
Already the subject of a re
cent Oregonlan editorial, the
victory pledge of the Klamath
Sportsmen wtll have cqmplete
recognition with the issuing of
the fire prevention poster.. .The
out-of-doors code, pledged In the
Interest bf civilian defense, for
est protection, conservation and
good sportsmanship, "is. held; as
a modtjl creed for. the , forest
visitors during tho.present emer
gency fire period. ' v.
With offices In the State for
estry building, Salem, the Kt?p
Down, 3-1, at the end of the
seventh, the Pelicans staged a
ono-run sally in the eighth and
another in the ninth to level
the match.
. But the Craters pushed over
the winning score while the
game was still in regulation pe
riods. Kenny Benham rushed In on
Saturday In an effort to save
V 1 r g Haynes' ball game but
missed by just a run. He went
the distance, hurling excellent
ball, on Sunday.
Private Joe Dickinson and
Manager Dutch Lieber were the
winning twirlers for the Med
fords. Meanwhile at Dorris, the
Lumberjacks were splitting a
weekend brace with the last
place Grants Pass Merchants.
The valley nine copped the first
on Saturday, 11-9, but Dorris
evened it up with a 7-3 Sunday
victory. . - .
Saturday, Qama)
..: AB. R. H.
Larann, It
IMitiop. lb u
Hampton, zb
Crapo. ct
HatrifM. If
KyMlona, rf
Oroaa, Kb
Ooririard. 0 .
Maynai, p
H.nltam, p
- i
. '':
M i 10 't
Batlfd for Hayni-f In ninth. ' '- " .'
Sararyk. aa - 4 ' 1 I'll
" ortlilf -, o 6 , . i
w ray, c i
llol.rd. rf .
I.l'brr. lb
Oltrm, eb
Wait. If
Ka-acatt. sb
piekrnaon. p
KlamaUi .TaFlla 301 000 002 s 10 S
.Mrjfnrd (II 0O0 Oil It J
Struck out Br Dlcklnion 7,-br Baron 7;
haira on halli, off Bana. I, Benham 1.
nirklnwn S.
Double plajr laraon to Hampton to
Blihop (J); Ilaynej to Hampton to Btehop.
(Sunday', Qama)
ab. x: n. k.
Larion. aa
Ruliop. lb
Hampton, tb
Crapo. cf
Hatfield. If .
liyeitone. rt .
Oroaa. Sb
niton, e
Oenhatn, . p
.alt 0
,..-' J uy i
AB. s. h.":
1 I. I
Swaryk, ib-ai .
Worthley, e
Wrar, ct
Iloffard. rt
Campbell, aa .
Gllirn, lb' ,
Waltc If .
Fawcett, Sb
Llrbrr, p ,, ..
Madden. If
t 0
0 0
0 0
1 . 0
I "l
Totala J
Batted for Camphel In 6th.
Klamath lalla 001 0O0 Olt-S 1 I
Medford . ; i 100 100 101-4 4
Baiek on hala, off Benham 6; atrnek ont
by Benham 4, by Lieber 1.
; BOSTON . Mrs. William R.
Fleming's Loveday won Hannah
Dustin handicap at Suffolk
Downs for second time Sunday,
going mile and one-sixteenth in
1:44 4-5. Officials donated yes
terday's proceeds, approximate
ly $65,000, to war relief and
also announced purchase of
$100,000 in war bonds.
Oregon Green association Is con
ducting a complete program of
fire prevention not only in the
forests but In the fields and
farms of the state, The Klam
ath poster is an example of the
education means used in reach
ing the public. Because in past
years fully 75 per. cent ot the
fires have been caused by the
forest visitors, because fire losses
in rural Oregon total more than
one million dollars annually and
because timber for shelter and
farm products for food are need
ed by the armed forces,, total
public cooperation is asked in
cooperating for a Green Oregon,
Klamath county as all .other
Oregon counties has Us county
chairman to carry out the
"Green" drive. Serving as chair
man, Wlesendanger will enlist all
adult citizens in seeking cooper
ation. He will also ask boys and
girls to enroll In the Green
Guard, a fire prevention activity
which gives Its enrollees a badge,
membership and card and fire
manual. The activity Is frets of
charge and any boy or girl ..lay
enroll by writing the Keep Ore-,
gon Green association, State For
estry building,. Salem, ,
Beavers Win
Double Bill
From Seattle
Surprise, They Captura
Both, 3-2; Soe, L. A.
Also Cop Pair Sunday
w. h. en. w. I.. Pet.
Sanramento M 7 .Ktit Seattle 4k 91 AVt
Lot Angelea 10 to .404 Oakland 44 61 .444
Han Diego . 44 4V .424 Hollywood. 44 40 . 423
Sao Pran.. 49 47 .601 Portland 80 00 A1&
Sunday' Raaulta
Saerameolo 7-4, Han Diego M.
San Franelaco 1-0, Hollywood 0-1.
T,i Angelea Oakland M.
Seattle , Portland 31. (Pint tame 11
By The Associated Press
Double victories were the rule
In coast league baseball games
Sunday. Sacramento, Los Ange
les and Portland each won both
ends of twin bills. Hollywood
and San Francisco divided
Portland spilled Seattle twice
by the same score, 3 to 2. It took
the Beavers 11 innings to do it in
the first game. In the nightcap,
Portland scored Its three runs In
the first inning.
Dick Barrett, of Seattle,.- al
lowed only seven hits until the
eleventh inning of the opener at
Portland. Then Marvin Owen
singled, advanced to second on
an infield out and scored on Lar
ry Barton' single. In the second
game Portland scored three runs
off Carl Fischer In the first three
innings and held the lead
Sacramento retained its grip
on the league leadership with
7 to 2 and 6 to 2 victories over
San Diego. San Diego won only
one game In the seven-game
At Oakland, Los Angeles de
feated the Oaks 3 to 2 and 3 to 1
and also captured the series, six
games to one. In both games
Oakland took on early lead. In
the first they held their advant
age until the ninth when Los An
geles pounded Pitcher Ralph
Buxton for. all three of their
: San Francisco shut out Holly,
wood 1 to 0 in a first-game pitch
ing duel between Sam Gibson
andl'Charley Root. The Stars
connected ' for a pair-'of l home
runs in the ninth inningVof the
second game for an 8 to. 8 vic
tory. Sacramento's double victory
came on five-run rallies in both
games. In the opener, Averett
Thompson started the rally in
the sixth with a single. Singles
by Jack Sturdy and Steve Mes
ner, a double by Debs Garms
and a three-bagger by Kay jnuei
ler accounted for the scores. The
Solons' scoring spree in the sec
ond game . came In the fifth
Ducks Card
St. Mary's
For Opener
EUGENE, July 13 Of) The
University of Oregon will open
thel "football season next fall
against the St. Mary's navy
training school team Sept. 28 In
The Oregon schedule:
: Coach for the navy team will
be Gerald A. "Tex" Oliver, for
mer Oregon head mentor, now a
lleutenantt commander In the
, -The Oregon schedule:
. Sept. 26 Oregon-St. Mary's
(navy) at Portland.
Oct. 3 Washington State at
Pullman. .
Oct, 10 Washington at Port
land. Oct. 24 Idaho at Eugene. '
Oct. 31 California at Berke
Nov. 7 UCLA at Eugene.
Nov. 14 USC at Los Angeles
Nov. 21 Oregon State at Cor
vallls. Chattnan Victor in
British Columbia
Mile at Longacres ; ;
SEATTLE, July IS (P) Chatt
nan, ' a - consistent winner the
past three Sundays, romped
home to victory tn the $1205 an
nual British Columbia mile
handicap at Longacres yester
day. The horse paid $9, $3.40 and
$2.50. Real Article placed, pay
ing $3.10 and $2.40. Profile took
the show spot at $2.70.
. Saturday's feature was won
by Veiled Orb with Foxster sec
ond and Brilliant Light third.
NEW YORK William Wood
ward's .Apache, idle since Preak-
ncss wltli bad leg, established
Empire City track record with
clocking of 1:56 for mile and
three-sixteenths In winning $25,
000 Empire City handicap Sat
urday. Shutout was scratched
because of track's condition and
LochinVar was second and Col.
Teddy third.
Asthma and Hay Fever
Sufferers Secure Immediate
relief with VAPO EFR1N.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. :
Ask for Demonstration
2J1J S. 6th 8t - Phone 4321
July 13, 1942
at Abbott Captures
West Amateur Golf
Corporal Trounces Bruce McCormick,
7 and 6 in Finals at Manifo. Sunday
SPOKANE, July 13 Ml Buell Patrick Abbott of the. TTrtltp4
States army Is the new western
he is Just about a champion of
jne sum enlisted man from Los Angeles and Lowry field,
Denver, captured the title and the big cup that goes with it in
a runaway race yesterday in
mick, Los Angeles, 7 and 6 in
Big time tournament golf is
nothing new to Abbott he held I
the national public links crown
In 1936 but in winning the
western he was the lone sur
vivor of one of the best fields
assembled in a long time.
Included - in . it and victims
somewhere along the line were
the national amateur and de
fending champion, Corp. 'Mar
vin "BudV Ward; the present
national public links top man,
Bill Welch of; Houston; former
Walker cup star Harry Givan;
McCormick,- who succeeded Ab
bott as national public links ti
tlist In 1937, and numerous city
and sectional camps.
The lustre hadn't even worn
off Abbott's victory before he
was risking prestige in a match
with his most formidable rival,
Corporal Ward. The two pre
pared to match shots in an 18
hole exhibition here late today,
the proceeds to go to the army
emergency relief fund.
It will be a renewal of a long
rivalry last fought out last year
at Omaha where Ward defeated
Abbott 4 and 3 to win the na
tional amateur title. The stage
had seemed to have been -set
for them to meet in the finals
of the western, just concluded.
They were the pre-tournament
favorites. : - -
Ward, however, failed to hold
up his end Of-jt. He was elim
inated In the ' quarter-finals' by
PublicXinks Boss Welch, 2 up.
Abbott, meanwhile, played
the best golf, in the tournament
to win all six matches by sub
stantial margins. He was 10 un
der par for 118 holes, which- is
fair golf for one who had been
practically a weekend player
since last November.
Corp. Joe Tries -Golf,
Cards on .
First Kansas Leave
KANSAS CITY, July 13 (P)
Heavyweight Champion- Joe
Louis Barrowr on his first leave
from Fort Riley, Kas., tried out
his golf game,- and played cards
with other soldiers at the negro
service men's club.
He was just a shade over par
figures in a 27-hole golf game
but was a consistent loser at
"All : I'm interested in right
now Is being a good soldier,"
answered Joe in reply to ques
tions concerning the possibility
of a fall scrap with Billy Conn.
SEATTLE, July 13 (P) '
Wayne Sabin, Portland, one of
the nation's top-ranking tennis
players before he turned pro
fessional, will become the Seat
tle Tennis club's pro Wednes
kenburg, 16-year-old Hollywood
high school star, upset Frank
Wiuett of Anniston, Ala., Sun
day for national Interscholastic
net title, 3-6, 6-0, 6-3, 6-3.
.Wonder if the crime confer
ence held in Illinois got down to
brass knucks. '
The Rialto .,
Th. Waldorf
amateur golf, champion. In foct,
champions. , - . ,"-
which he swamord Bruce McCor
the 38-hole finals.
" .
Buddy Moo, 13, (above) so
of a Spokane, Wash'., golf pro
and nephew of ex-Walker Clip
per Don Moo, was the youngest
qualifier in the western ama
teur golf tournament at Spo
kane. - '.
Silverton Remains
In Running for
State Semi Title .
SILVERTON," July 13 (IP)
Silverton's defending : Oregon
semi-pro baseball champions rK
mamed in the running for the
1942 crown last; night with a 7-1
win over McElroy's of Portland..
The losers bowed from the
tourney with their second de
feat. .They were at the mercy
of Roy Helser who limited them
to five hits while his mates gar'
nered 19 and until the final, in
ning of the seven-stanza night
cap they were scoreless. .
ORANGE, N. J. Franclico
Seguar of Ecuador, took only 45
minutes Sunday to beat Ladlslav
Hecht, former Czechoslovaks
Davis Cupper, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0, for
the New. Jersey state men's ten
nis title.
Talbert of Cincinnati rnntnnarl
Atlantic coast net crown by' de
feating Harris Everett of Jack
sonville, Fla., 6-1, 6-2, 8"-l, Sun
day. The argument against divina;
into a strange stream Is built on
a rock foundation. ' ." , :
Drive Move Yoursoll
Save H Long and
Short Trips
Phono 8304 1201 East Main
. Phon. 8777
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Phon. 1BU
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