July IB, 1042 Clonlflod Advertising Raton One Uny run pur word 3o 3 duy run per word Oo 8 day run par word Bo HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 4 duy run , 9 duy run . Week run ', Month run ...... pur word 100 ...per word 11a ...... por word 12a pur word 32o Qlaidljjied Adueittiinf Sectian 20 DISCOUNT for payment In Advince. Thti die count given to de awey with book work and billing ... on actual paid In advance adi only. 5 DISCOUNT FOR Payment by the 10th. Thli dl count given to lniure prompt payment of adji charged on a monthly basil. CLASSIFIED. INDEX Apartment For Hunt 24 Automotive ,U4 Buelneu Opportunities ...4li Educational 12 rinanclnl ...40 For Sale or Trade ,.- ail General Notlcee 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, female 14 Help Wanted, Male 10 Houses For Kent ..2U Uveitock and Poultry 44 Lost and Found .- 2 Miscellaneous For Hunt -... 211 Miscoilnnuout For Sula ....... 3D Miscellaneous Wnntcd ..... 4 Real Kstute For Sale ,.UU Real Kttato Wanted .. .32 Room and Board 21) Bltuntlmis WBntcd 1U Read CUiillled Adi lor Reiulti Head ClMiilied Adi lor RetulU 2 Loit and found LOST Brown billfold confin ing vnlunbia pnper and some money. Hoturn Hlg Unsln nlti-r 6:30 p. m. Reward, 7-13 t.OST 1)00x20 truck tire and wheel, Liberal reward. J. L. Jacob. 1'liono 327, Mnlln, Ore. 7-13 LOST 700x20 llru on ittito lino road. Howard. Joseph Driir.ll, Mnlln, Ore., Ht. 1, llox 20(1. 7-1 P 4 Central Notice! MY OFFICE now et my homo 1320 i'lcaiant. Chrli lluek. Dlnl IH70. 7-14 10 Bervtcei HOUSK CLEANING Art Uelio diet, 0048. flUinlf l.AWN MOWERS, Kiiinll gus en ginei repaired. Dodcnhumrr's, 391 E. Main. 8 0 REFRIGERATOR, washing ma chine, vncuum clenner purls and service, nil mnke, Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth. 7-31mtf 1 WILL OUTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Clim. Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Fnlli, Ore. 7-31 FLOOR HANDING and rrflnliih Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. 7-31mtf BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and patched. Pcoplo'i Warehouse Bag Co. 2771tf PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, DID Muln. 7-24mtf HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Bucklei covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allendor, 731 Main, Room 316. Phone 7203. . ' 7-18mtf PAINT1NO. KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phone 4228 7 10 PICTURE FRAMING Gocllcr's, 230 Main. 7-14mtf VOUR PAY ROLL TAXES are your friends. They snve and make you VICTORY DOL LARS. How? Consult a spec. lallst. Chns. Hathaway, 120 N. 10th. Phono .1473. 8-10 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, Chiropractic Clinic, colfon nnd rectal dis eases. 632 Mnln. Dial 7215. 7-3lmtf 14 Help Wantod. Femnle WANTED Prnctlcal nurse. Telephone" 64S8. 1147 Enst street. 7-14 WANTED Experienced hoime , keeper, 18 to 40. Phone 3517. 3240tf WANTED Housekeeper for two ndults. Rt. 2, Box 405, near Lakevlew Junction. 7-13 WANTED Elderly lady for light housework from 7:30 a. m. lo 4:30 p. ni. Steady work, good wnites. Saturday and Simdny off. Box 3374, Hcrnld-Nows. . 7-17 WANTED Girl over 10 to stay Willi z children nlnhts and help with housework morn ings. Call 721 Eldorado. 8U7tf YOUNG GIRL to help with housework, need not bo exper ienced but nent and willing to work. Phone 8551 before . 9:30 a. m. 7-13 WAITRESS' WANTED. Buffalo Lunch. 7-14 RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to care for small child in own home. Phone 6804 evonlnRs, 7-15 WANTED Man or woman to work for weather bureau at airport. Permanent position. Must have menns of transpor tation. Call 3407 between 4 p. m. and 8 a. m. 7-14 WANTED Experienced benuly operator. Good salary guaran tee. Hastings Salon of Beauty, Phono 4307. 7-18 WANTED Mltldlo-agcd lady to help with general housework. Stay nights. Good wages. Ph. 5584. 7-18 16 Holp Wantod, Male WANTED Someone to bind 400 acrea of grain. Phone 6971. 7-12 16 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Garage and service fhi t Ion manager, btntn quali fications and references, also draft status. News Herald Hox 31104. 7-15 WANTED - Rmicli blacksmith who UMderntnnds farm ma ehlnery. Box 203U, Herald Nuws. 7-14 WANTED Men to hire, both skilled nnd common labor, for nnllnnal defense work In Hn wallan Islands. Contact D. K. Unrulier, U. 8. Employment Office during day or Hotel Hall evenings. 7-13 OLDER MAN with some knowl edge of bookkeeping for cleri cal work and Inside selling. Steady work for right party. Box 3300, Herald-News. 7-13 WANTED Farm hand, lngle, experienced. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 1002tr WANTED 3 sets experienced fallers and huckorsi $1.39. Long logs, good timber, 28 miles from Medford. Write or phone Scgessman, Troll, Ore. 718 IS Situations Wnnted EX-TEACHER, 45, boys 11 and 13. broke, wants t permanent housekeeping or nursing at once. Mrs. M. Pennoy, Uma tilla, Ore. 7-13 WANTED Work lor drag line or shovel. Call 4748 after 7 o'clock. 8-30 BABYLAND Cure of bubles and children. Hour, day or week. 1104 Crescent Phone 83-11. 7-12mtf WANTED Job with a future. Ht. 3, Box 301, Knno road. 713 CHILDREN given mother's core by hour or day. Nice yard Hear of 2011 1 E, Main. Phono 4723. 8-10 WOMAN wants work on ranch. Phono 35110. . 7-15 EXPERIENCED wnnts work. Apt. 1. woman cook 830 Prospect 7-15 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Close In. Phone 4705. 1028 Jefferson. 8-5 BOARD AND ROOM. 514 Wal nut. 7-24 22 Rooms For Rent NICE ROOM Close in 827 Walnut. Phone 3375. 7-13 PLEASANT ROOM with twin beds. 1112 Fulton. 7-15 NICE ROOM 134 N. 3rd. 8-6 ROOMS 1034 High. 8-5mtf CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new lnncrsprlng mattresses. Free parking. 7-31mtf FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1304 Wordon, cor ner 11th. 7-25 ROOMS 1034 High. 7-5mtf NICE ROOMS for gentlemen. 6244. 823 High. 7-19 COMFORTABLE 'room, twin beds. Closo In. 1020 Jeffer son. Phono 0834. 7-27 MARS HOTEL, 1411 Main. Out side rooms $4 to $3 week. Transient $1 night. 8-12 24 Apartments For Rent LARGE. COOL housekeeping room, suitable for two. Every thing furnished. 216 Main, Fairfield Apartments. 7-16 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 820 Grnnt. 7-13 VACANCY Hex Arms Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5760. New management. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lovelace. 8-0nitf APARTMENTS Everything fur nished. 53 and $4 week. No. 2 Mnln. 7-18 TWO-ROOM furnished .apart ment. Furnished cnblns, Rates by week. Altnmont Auto Cnmp. ' 7-18 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 7-15 AUDLEY APARTMENTS Two rooms, furnished. 8th and Walnut. Phone 4619. 7-14 STEAM HEATED, air 'cooled apt. Corner pine and Cedar. 1514tf CLEAN, doslrnblo housekeeping room. Utilities furnished. $4. "248 Broad. 7-28 RIVERVIEW Four rooms, fur nished, Modern. Phone 5227. 7-28 FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 rooms nnd nook, Wnter fur nished. Close In. $25. Phone 3284. 3140U THREE-ROOM APARTMENT Inquire rear door 413 Ala meda. 7-18 FURNISHED 8-rnnm modern apt. Close In. Electric range, washer, refrigerator, garage. Phone 4253 or 914 Lincoln. 3133U 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Two rooms, bath. 325 Commercial. 3824U GLEMCOURT APARTMENTS- Two and three rooms, furnish ed, electrically equipped Wey erhaeuser district. Phone 5084. 80 FURNISHED APARTMENT 303 So. Fifth. 7-23 3 ROOM APARTMENT Cou ple. Villa Marquise, 1,120 Oak, 27421 FURNISHED APARTMENT 710 Main. 2773tf 3-ROOM DUPLEX Phone 0850. 270011 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities. Low rates. 410 N. 10th. 7-24mtf EXCEPTIONALLY clean, pleas ant housekeeping rooms, $4 and up. Sleeping rooms $2. 410 So. Fifth. 7-17 TWO ROOMS, furnished. Re frigerator. 405 N. 3rd. 7-13 NICELY FURNISHED APT. In private home. Closo In. Adults. 632 No. 10th. 2800tf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 7-31mtf HOUSEKEEPING ROOM Rea sonable. Clean. Single, dou ble 133 N. 10th. 7-20 COMPLETELY furnished, air conditioned upstairs apt. Cou ple only. One block from bus line. 1213 Owens. 3232tf TWO ROOM apartments. 812 Oak. Inquire 806 Oak. 3118U TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. 1803 Main. 7-18 3-KOOM furnished apartment. Inquire 117 N. 8th. 337111 VACANCY 000 Owens. 7-17 FOR RENT Three-room apf. 2 bedrooms. Clean. Close In. $15.00 per month; thrcc-room apt., one block to Main. Large rooms. Overstuffed furni ture, modern. Car parking. $25.00 per mo. 518 Klamath Ave. 7-15 FURNISHED APTS. 10th. 433 No. 3242tf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con '.. vcnlcnt hotel service. Day week or month. 8-llmtf 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT Large house suit ' able for one or two families. Two bathrooms, two kitchens, utility room and wood fur nace; or will sell cheap. Terms. Also business location. Harry Bcardslcy, 2760 Derby. Phone 8226. 7-13 SMALL HOUSE on H acre. 1766 Gary. Inquire in rear. 7-13 THREE-ROOM house, acre land. Inquire 3440 Boardman, cabin 8. 7-14 TWO ROOM well furnished house, 1919 Portland. Dial 4333. After 3. 7308. 3091U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save V4. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Ph. 8304. 8-7mtf 3-ROOMS modern partly fur nished. Cheap. Phone 7807 7-14 SMALL, MODERN furnished . house. Utilities furnished. 2125 Blchn. ' 1507tf MODERN 4-room unfurnished house, garage, shade trees. 125 Sheldon. 7-14 FOR RENT 5-room modern un furnished house. Fenced yard. Inquire 1759 Summers Lane. Dial 3978. 7-13 FURNISHED two-room cabins, Hlghloy's Market, Summers lane. Phone 8075. 7-25 BACHELOR CABINS Close In. $10 month. 510 Fifth. 8-1 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage Building. Cars, ( trucks, machinery, vhnt have you? Call at all hours. Phone 6118. 8-llmtf 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT 23.40 acre farm on Summers lane, known aa the Will Humphrey Inrm. Farm has seven-room dwelling, barn, chicken nouses, inrge raspberry patch, growing crop of wheat and pasture, ' and is under irrlga; tlon. Price nnd terms rcason- nblc. Inquire Butte Vnllcy Slate Bank, Dorrls, Califor nia, or Will Humphrey, 219 Alameda Street, Klamath Falls, Ore. 717 FOR SALE 80-acre dairy ranch, Improved, equipped for sell ing milk. Price $3500. $2500 cash, balance terms. Route 1 Box 006, Klomnth Falls. 7-16 FOR SALE Four-room house. sleeping porch. All newly dec orated. Nice lawn, fenced Full price $1600, $500 down, balance $20 month. Phone 8331. ' 7-13 30 Real Estate For Rale Fine Investment East side location, near East Main. All liens paid, present rental $30.00. Only $2250, some terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th Ph. 4964 7-13 MODEHN 3-rm. furnished house with sleeping porch. Corner lot, fence and lawn, General Electric refrigerator, water healer and 3-burncr stove. Automatic Superlex oil heater and Maytag" washer. All assess ments paid. One block from bus line. 2204 Ebcrleln. $2000 or $1500 unfurnished. 7-14 FOR SALE CHEAP 3-room house, lot 50 by 100 ft. Block south Pollcon school. W. C. Hose. 7-12 NEVADA STOCK RANCH for sale. 1720 acres that can be developed Into a wonderful livestock ranch. Large reser voir. Individually owned. Partly cultivated. For partic ulars write C. G. Sevier, Vya, Nevada, via Cedarvllle, Calif. 7-16 STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH 652 acres, 300 In cultivation. an lencca and cross-lcnced. Modern 6-room house, Flamo gas. Barn, 2 brooder, 4 chick en houses, other outbuildings. Windmill, plenty water tor stock. $7500, hall cash, bal ance terms. Write M. K-, Gen eral Delivery, Lakcview, Ore. 7-22 30 ACRES with 4-room house, barn, hog and chicken houses. alfalfa, oats, vetch. Inquire corner Miller Island, Dorrls highway or phone 5940. 7-17 FOR SALE BY OWNER Small house. Close in. Easy terms. Phone 5415. 7-14 MODERN 3-rm. furnished house with sleeping porch. Corner lot, fence and lawn. General Electric refrigerator, water heater and 3-burncr . stove. Automatic Supcrfex oil heater and Maytag washer. All assess mcnts paid. One block from bus line. 2204 Eberlein. $2000. or $1500 unfurnished. 7-18 RIVERVIEW ADDITION New 2-bcdroom home. Call 5873 eveninRs. 7-15 32 Real Estate Wanted HAVE BUYERS for small places. List yours with CHRIS HUCK, 1320 Pleasant. Dial 6470. 7-15 34 Automotive 1941 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR sedan, automatic overdrive, radio, heater, 18,000 miles, perfect condition throughout. See Vern Moore, Balsiger Motor Co. 7-13 FOR SALE Equity '38 Chev rolet coupe, 3 good tires, two 50. E. Dorst, Lake Hotel. 7-13 WILL PAY good cash price for Model A Tudor In first-class condition with good rubber. Phone 4272 days; 8130 eve nings. 3099 HIGHEST CASH PRICES will be paid for good used pickups and 1934-3-6-7 passenger . cars in excellent condition. See Vern Moore at Balsiger Motor Co. 7-31 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 8-6mtf TIRES. VULCANIZING, section work. One-day service. K. F. Tire Co., 1945 So. 6th. Phone 4449. 6-2 FOR SALE 1040 Master De ' luxe Chevrolet coupe. Good tires, low mileage. $650 cash. 835 Mitchell. 7-14 FUNNY mm 4 srimsmm 'l'V,ll,,lllll.,,lnn'1ll'''ll,ll,".,,..ll - J4 -eSSSSS- I I "' to.t.trNimvietiHtfttrinu.inT.w. 1-1 "It's our new tandem club to belp conserve the fiol ball supply I" 38 Miscellaneous Tot Bale Auction Saturday, July 18, beginning at 1:00 o'clock, on South 6th street at yard next to feed store, oppo site Tower theatre For the convenience of buyers will move my stock to this loca tion from my ranch on Upper Klamath lake. HOGS 78 head of hogs Wcuner pigs Feeder pigs Bred sows One black boar CATTLE 4 cows, 5 calves 1 3-year-old saddle horse 1 good work team 7-year-old, 1700-lb. black geld ing a real horse Wallace Mull will also bring from his ranch at Weyerhaeuser the following: 2 milch cows 1 2-year-old Guernsey heifer 2 yearling heifers 2 heifer calves 1 Jersey bull 20 months old. Terms of sale cash Lunch available during sale Paul Swlgart, Owner Col. Swigart, Auctioneer 34 Automotive WILL PAY CASH for late model 4-yard dump truck. Phone 5419. 7-14 36 Miscellaneous For Sale TODAY'S SPECIALS In Used Furniture Good electric range $20, nice dresser $5, va cuum cleaner $5, beds $3, springs $3, davenport suite $20, lawnmower $4, range $10. We have 300 dozen Mason Jars cheap. For the best buy in town see PALMER'S BAR GAIN HOUSE, 2401 So. 6th. Phone 8469. 7-13 CITY MAPS Pocket size, up-to-the-minute. Including subur ban sections. Block numbers indicated, index keyed to map Price 20c. For sale at Cham ber of Commerce, Everbody's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Carmlchael's news stand, Robinson's Food store Shaw Stationery, Herald and News, Vic's Signal Service. 2770U HIGHEST CASH PRICES will be paid for good tires and tubes, also tire carcasses for retreading. See Ross Johnson or Rod Smith at Balsiger Mo tor Co. 7-31 FINISH YOUR HOME New floors, siding, inside trim, wallboard and insulation at re duced prices. No down payment. As low as $5 a month. Cope- land Yards, 66 Main, phone 3197. 7-15 MIRRORS and Furniture Tops to order. Ve resllver old mir rors. Kimball's Glass Shop, Phone 7378. 8-6mti CASH FOR USED TIRES and tubes, any size, any condition. K. F. Tire Co., 1943 So. 6th, 8-2 14-FOOT factory built trailer house, good condition, good tires. $395, terms. See Pete Anderson at Peterson-Johnson mill store, or phone Duns- muir, 546. 7-14 SACKS FOR SALE 600 used burlap sacks, good condition. Priced for quick sale. Lewis Poultry Farms. Phone 4580. 7-14 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820. Klamath. Phone 5671. 7-31mtf FOR SALE 2000-gallon heavy gauge tank, or trade for 1000 gallon tank. Phone 4471. 7-15 BUSINESS 38 Miscellaneous For Bale Auction Sunday, July 19, at my ranch 1 mile due west of Klamath Pack ing Plant on the old Bray ranch, 3 miles south of Klamath Falls on old Midland road. Starting at 1:00 o clock. CATTLE 65 head dairy and stock cattle 20 milch cows 24 weaner calves 10 yearlings partly Hereford) 1 Ayershire bull 3 years qld This stock Is In fine condition. HOGS 7 weaner pigs 50 yearling White Leghorn hens 25 Pekln ducks '39 Chevrolet truck, good rub ber '37 Ford V-8 deluxe sedan Terms of sale cash Lunch available during sale Rusty Griffith, owner Col. Swigart, Auctioneer 38 Miscellaneous For Bale FOR SALE Boston bull, age IS mos. Phone 723S. (-13 CHERRIES Anne, Binga and pie cherries, 3c to 6c. You pick them. C. R. Chapman, Valley View, Ashland, Rt. 2, Box 61. 7-16 FRED KELLEY'S SHOE SHOP at Charlie Read Saddlery still has a complete stock of rubber soles and heels. 7-31 ONE NO. 8 BIRDSELL Clover Huller with extension feeder, in excellent condition, run only six seasons. Mrs. A. C Heston, Powell Butte, Ore. 7-14 INSULATE YOUR HOME With fire-proof U. S. Rock wool, blown In with our modern equipment Most efficient In sulation method available. No down payment, easy terms Let us also estimate your roofing, painting or remodeling jobs. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 1635U LUMBER For your garage or repair job. 2x4 $25. Ship- lap $23. Shingles 80c bun dle. Ask us about e-uy pay- menta. Suburban Lumber Co 1970tf USED CLOTHING for the en tire family. The Bargain Store, 54 Main. 7-18 FOR SALE Maytag washer $35.00. 4007 Altamont drive. 7-14 NEW Browning automatic 12 gauge, new Savage 30-06 and candid camera, 36 mm. with Prontor F29 lens with leather case. All for $135 or will sell separately. Call 6690. . 7-15 FOR SALE A-l upright piano and bench, also piano box. one new coll bed springs. 1335 Crescent St. Phone 7787. 7-14 FOR SALE Refrigerator and oil stove. Phone 5350 after 7 p. m. 7-16 WANTED Binoculars and re volver, Colts preferred. Dial 3629. 7-14 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 15 acres near Mills City, Oregon. W. M. Downing, Merrill, Ore. 7-15 WILL TRADE Karakul sheep for good alfalfa hay. J. P. Fallon, Rocky Point, Ore. 7-15 FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acres pine and fir virgin tim ber. 15 miles south of Ash land. Inquire R. L. Putnam, 2505 Crest St.. City. 7-14 42 Miscellaneous Winted WANTED Small portable saw mill or small stationary. News- Herald Box 3347. 7-13 WANTED 20 cords fir wood delivered Merrill. Santford Jones, Merrill, Ore. 1983tf WANTED Stock saddle. Write Box 2833, care Herald-News. 7-14 FARMALL BUCK RAKE, H preferred. A. E. Wampler, Rocky Point. 7-15 WANT either hydraulic car hoist or 4-post electric hoist, and 20 to 35 feet overhead steel track. P. O. Box 391, Lakevlew. Ore. 7-13 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 8 young pigs, all or separate. Reasonable. 3802 Bisbee (Altnmont). Phone 7365. 7-14 REGISTERED ANGUS BULL for service 4441 Homedale road. Phone 3045. 7-24 FOR SALE One Guernsey bull, 18 mos. old, $65; 75 head of sheep Including lambs and 2 bucks, $600; 2 long yearling heifers, $75 for both; 4 hogs around 160 lbs., 131c lb. 5102 So. 6th. Phone 4943. R. C Prudhomm. 7-15 Portland Produce PORTftLAND. Or.. Jur it APU-fiiitLr Frlnti, A gtada, t'Afl la parch mat urate (wri, Uc In car torn; II grada, ai'io in (arch roan t wrap?ara, la curiam. Buttcrfatwriret quality, nuilimini of J rtf l par coat acidity dillvcrad lo Portland, 40-4 lo lb.) praoilun quality mailinum of M of 1 pt cent acWIt), Hi-f:c b.; vailay rout4w and country polou, to li than first, or 40c Ib.j aeonl qualify at rumiDfl, m unqar nrsit, or Vf'vx: lit. C'ftMia Hell lot Drlc4M to Portland ratnlU aril Tillamook trlpMta. UUe lb. j loaf, 13 Uc lb. j tflplni to wholtaalera, Ufa; loaf, fJ'ji f. o. b. Tillamook. r,ff rnea to pronucara: a lari, m-jho; B Uf, i iic; A medium, l 2c; ft medi um. 23 Me do tan. Attala to retalleri. lr. hlfhar for aiaa; eartoni, c hlfhar. uvt rouitry Buyikf prtwa: no, i gratia tiriorn brolleri u&dar li Ibi., ; met IS lb., lie: eolortd fry an. VA to a Itn.. J4c: under l Ibi., lie; obJorad rotutar, lie; colored ben, foe lb.; Ufhoroa, under z' ioi isc; orer i ioa., ic; ro. i jrarta beiil. fte lata: Xo. 1 a tula, lta lata: rooatara. 9e lb. Drcuad turkaya iallDi prfeaa. Rem, t7 lb. j tomi, , Buy lag prleaa: Toma, UJic ; hern, Mc lb. rubblta AraKt country killed, SB-IQc lb.; dty klllad. -c. Ha Selling price em trucks! AlfalU, Ko. f. IIS .00-? I. M ton; oat-retch, SU.00 too. t auy pneaa: wmtmaiu clover, 110.00 ll.M) ton. valla Dolata: timothy. aaitro Oregon, 124.09. Onions Green, 40c dot, btinchoi; Califor nia red, Mi, 1 1 41; yellow, (1.10; Walla Walla, ll.U. PrUtorf, Rv-VaklfflS., W.90-1.M cental; local, i 1. 00-1. 10 lug. Country mftaUIUIIIn nrleaa to ratallari County killed hoga. bttt butcJicri, 129 to i toa., ivwc 10. i vtaiarij fancy, V4 tic 1 ilgut to Ui is, &iie; nvy, 17-Lac; cano? cowi, MMt lb. good cutter eowt, 14-Ue Ib.l bulla. 17e b.: aortac Umbi. iSe lb.; yearling Iambi, good, lt-lto lb.; haary, 'J ID.) Wi, O-f0 IQ, Wool 1 Ml contract!, Oregon ranch, nom inal, M-7e Ib.j croaibrada, 40-4Se lb.; lamb uo. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore, July 13 (AP-USDA) Cattle: Salable 2, 100, total 2250: calves: salable and total 223; market uneven, grass steers steady to 25c low er, other classes generally steady with late last week; few loads good ted steers $13.25-85; grass fat steers $11.25-12.25; common steers downward to $9.00; few common dairy type heifers $8.00-50; medium grassy, beef heifers $10.25-11.25; good fed heifer quotable above $12.00; canner and cutter cows $5.00 6.25; fat dairy type cows to $7; heavy beef cows $8.00-35; good young cows to $9.00; medium to good built $9.75-11.00, few $11.25; vealers unevenly steady to 50c lower; good to choice grades $12.50-13.75, ! odd head $14.00, common grades down to $8.50. Hogs: Salable 2100, total 2, 400; carload lots 25c above; last Monday, trucking steady with last week's high time, sorted carloads $14.75, new high; good to choice drivelns 170-215 lbs. mostly $14.50, few $14.60; 230 270 lbs. $13.50-14.00; light lights $13.50-14.00; good sows 350-550 lbs steady at $11.00-75, light sows upward to $12.50; choice feeder pigs quotable to $14.00. Sheep: Salable 1750, total 2, 900; market steady; good to choice spring lambs largely $11.50, several lots $11.75; feed er lambs $9.50-10.00;' feW year lings $6.50-7.75; . good ewes j $3.50-4.00.. 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 1 registered Guern sey bull, 3 small Guernsey and Jersey calves, 1 Holsteln cow giving 5U gal. a day, 1 brindle cow to freshen In August, 1 Jersey and Durham heifer freshens in August. Walter Collman, Mountain Dairy, Old Fort road. 7-15 WANTED Work for drag line or shovel. Call 4748 after 7 o'clock. 8-80 48 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS . I WATS TO OVt X CONSUMERS CASH LOAN PRONI WR1TB . COMK IN Yoa BMd oo oo-lisoen or endorser, to set . ooaiamere lots THREE LOAN PLANS NO. I-1NCOME IOAN9 Ob your rtot only. Ko wag atilgo tnanta. No co-ilgnira. NO. 1 FDRN1TURI IOANS Your charaUr la mora imporUnt tbu tfaa fumitura IUU. NO. S AUTO LOANS $30 to 600 cuh roan i and refi nancing. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY (H-tSI g-U) 720 Pine St Phone 7711 7-31mtf See ' Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor. Investment COMPANY 111 If. Jth Lie M J75 rimn. tSU 7-SI mtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Rooming house, 14 rooms, furniture and lease. 920 Klamath. 7-16 FOR SALE Shoe repair shop. Clean stock, modern equip ment, good location. Well es tablished. Will sacrifice at one-third actual value for Im mediate sale. News-Herald Box 3339. tf LOWER DRIFT RULES TODAY S STOCK MARKET Br' NEW YORK, July 13 W) A generally lower drift ruled lo today's stock market as light profit taking was resumed on last week's big upswing, second best for the year to date. The encouraging feature of the performance, from the standpoint of bullish forces, was that selling never was of an urg ent character. A smattering of modest advances took the edge off the retreat. Transfers approximated 000 shares. On the offside the greater part of the time were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, American Telephone, Greet Northern, Anaconda, Allied Chemical, Johns-Manville, Sears Roebuck, Standard Oil (NJ) and V. S. Gypsum. Closing quotations: American Can 6 Am Car & Fdy . 241 J14I 26l 181 38 Am Tel & Tel ... Anaconda Calif Packing ... Cat Tractor Comm'nw'lth !t Sou ...3-18 .. 27 i .. 30i -211 ..: t 49 - 301 .. 171 ..' 3 .. 30 - 5 -, 81 5i - 191 - 2i 20t -15 71 341 S3 121 31 41 - 4l . m General Electric General Motors Gt Nor Ry pfd Illinois Central Int Harvester Kennecott Lockheed Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv N Y Central . Northern Pacific Pac Gas & El Packard Motor .. Penna R R Republic Steel RiRchfield OH Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Brands .. Sunshine Mining .. Trans-America ..... Union Oil Calif . Union Pacific 701 401 61 U S-Steel- Warner Pictures POTATOES POTATOES CHICAGO, July 13 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 208f on track 353; U. S. shipments Saturday 431, Sunday 27, total 458; supplies liberal, demand moderate; California Long Whites, market strong for best cjuality; Bliss Triumphs, market firm for best quality; Missouri and Kansas Cobblers, weaker Saturday, steady Monday; Cali fornia Long Whites US No. 1, $4.00; Idaho Bliss Trilmphs US No. 1, $4.40; Alabama Bliss Tri umphs, US No. 1, $4.25; Arkan sas Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1, $3.25-$4.00; Kansas Cobblers $1.75-95; Missouri Cobbleri $1.70-$2.30; Missouri Bliss Tri umphs $2.25-$3.00. CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, July 13 fP) Trad ing In the wheat pit was a list less affair today as Interest was focused upon legislative develop ments in Washington for a cue to the next market move. Hedge selling at the start forced quotations down about 1 cent, but the failure of any pro nounced weakness to develop re sulted in covering by shorts and the market experienced a mild rally. -Weather conditions over the weekend were reported favor able for harvesting in many see-, tions, but reports from the southwest suggested peak of ar rivals at terminal markets had been passed. Wheat closed 1 lower to I higher,. July $1.20, September $1,228-, corn was I to 1 cent higher, July 881, September 90 S-5; oats' gained i to 1. July 471; rye up I to 1 cent,' July 681; and soybeans up I to 11, July $1,751. ' S. F. LIVESTOCK . SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, July 13 (AP-Fed-State Market News SVC) CATTLE: Salable 700; active; fed steers absent, quoted $13.25; largely grass run, about two loads 1000-1050 lb. grass steers $11.73-$12.00; two loads 1000 lb. Mexicans $9.28; few feeder heifers $10.25; good young cows quoted $9.00-50, ab sent,' aged medium cows mostly $8.25-75, about 200 head dairy cows $5.50-$7.00; bulls $9.50 $10.00, few $10.50. Calves, sal able 25. Nominal; good to choice vealers quoted 13.00-30. HOGS: Salable 650; steady; two loads 190 lb. Oregons $18.20, extreme top; bulk 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts $15.15; most good sows $12.60. - SHEEP: Salable 5000; choice lambs .carco, quoted $13.75, bulk good lambs $13.25-50; slow, dull, weak; very little scaled; medium tc- choice ewe scarce, quoted $4.0O-$5.0O.