SERIAL STORY CARIBBEAN CRISIS IY EATON K. GOLDTHWAITE Tr.crli'c. Tltn STOnr Kanr vlallora ar rin at a Uatek Wal Indian tcland to complicate laa Ufa of mil TaU aott, Tiko la flnlaalnaT alK Ttara ffcara aa branch annnicr for an Aaterlcan chemical Arm. Taer ara llalaer, ItlU'a ancccaaon an audi tar, wao Immcdlatclr accnaca Illll ml a larva eaortaa;e In ala ac aoaatai MitUowri!. a Aatrctlva fcromat to lake BUI back la Ika talca If aar Irrra-alarlrjr wcra fonad and June ralcrenn. beantu fnl eonaln af Blll'a former room kaate. At dam two more vtaliora arrlTA, dcpoalfrd by a amnamllnaT aktaper aflcr a flaht In wktck JHacOowrll la wonoded and Ualacr ronfa the aklpper. EVE OF DEPARTURE CHAPTER IX TNEXPLI CABLE at Bill Tal- cott'i actions might have teemed to June Paterson, they were the direct and simple result of a combination of circumstances which. In the space of half a day, had changed the course of his life. For link by link about him was being woven a chain. Twist and struggle as he might, the thing only bit deeper into his flesh, throttled his spirit, threat ened not alone his freedom of movement but his mental balance as well. It is true that In questioning Halsey's orders and resenting his presence he had acted with ill grace, scarcely in the manner of one upon whom responsibility had rested tor six long years. But therein, where lay his greatest strength, was also his greatest weakness. Believe as he might that he waited to be clear of Abas Island, warded to put behind him its smell ai-d filth and oppressive heat, one uncompromising fact remained. . For six however long and lone ly years they might have been, Bill Talcott had been monarch of a tiny kingdom. His subjects were a half-thousand natives; his chancellor Sebastien. That he bad ruled fairly and Justly, that lie had acquitted his responsibili ty with honor and measurable success was no longer a matter of moment He was being de posed, kicked out; it was not an abdication. For him there were no banquets, no poet laureate to sing his virtues. He was being forced out under suspicion. Manu factured out of whole cloth though they might be, the circumstances were sufficient to ruin him. Halsey was no coward and he was no fool. He had shown that clearly enough In handling the refugee smuggler. He had done so well that already black Tomas and Sebastien were looking upon him as a kind of super being; even June Paterson's eyes became star ry as she inspected the rangy, lantern-jawed new manager. What j were Halsey's private thoughts about the guilt or innocence ot Bill Talcott? Halsey was a Federal Chemical man. His life was routine, his blood was busi ness. To him Plant Number Six was just a Job, Bill Talcott just a plant manager being relieved. Bill Talcott knew, as surely as be knew that there were sharks in Anegada Passage, that loss of his head would bring the end. Bis personal feelings must not control him; whatever cause he might have to suspect Halsey of intrigue, however much he might resent the new man's calm ef ficiency in supplanting tilm, he must fight to keep his mind clear o that his powers of observa tion would not be dulled. For Talcott bad come to realize that only by ceaseless watchfulness could he survive. a DILL TALCOTT auddenly chuckled. No matter how badly off he might be, he was in better shape than MacDowelL "Welcome to Abas," he chuckled aloud, and June Paterson, turn ing at his words, stared coldly. Over a hastily assembled breakfast, the newest arrivals re laxed somewhat First audience by any right belonged to the woman, and after having reit erated that she was Martha Swenson, she told of her escape from Norway. "Through Sweden, where I have friends, I went to Mur mansk," Martha Swenson said in her throaty, disturbing voice with its trace of accent. "From Mur mansk to Moscow and then along jthe route to Vladivostok. I rode the Trans-Siberian railway to :Tokyo. I sold my camera in Tokyo, lit was a good camera and I got I a good price. With part of the i money I took passage on a ifreighter to the Panama CanaL It was in Colon that the Captain Jackson offered to take me to Puerto Hico where I could eet Ja boat for New York. 1 wanted ! to go to New York because I have people there." , As her voice died silence came out of the rocky barrenness of the island and settled on the terrace. It was as if the lesser beings in their fight for existence recog nized and paid silent tribute to one of their number. June Paterson's sharply In drawn breath broke the spelL "You poor dearl You must forget all that now. If you like you may travel home with me. I'll be leav ing Saint Thomas Monday on the "Blue Petrel" and I'm sure ar rangements can be made." PROFESSOR CONSTANTINE A had surrounded himself with an imposing array of bottles, and already a strange assortment ot pills of various colors and shapes had been chased down his throat with several glasses of water. "It's an outragel" the odd man in the too-large clothing muttered. "That ' Jackson What he did to me I'm not well I was in Mar tinique, gathering anthropological data for my studies You know, the Martin Iquian is most interest ing. Different background com pletely came from a different section of Africa. These Island clacks, you know, ar. all de- 4 teended Bora slaves. Mill prac tice voodoo Where was I?" "You were in Martinique," Bill Talcott said drily. The professor held the bow ot his glasses, peering through the lenses at Bill Talcott as It in specting a new and interesting specimen. "Hm Of course," he murmured. "This man Jackson brought in some flour from Pana ma, and said he was going to Puerto Rica Since it's ahh rather difficult at the present time to get around the islands I ac cepted his offer of transportation. But I certainly didn't expect to be dumped at dawn in the midst of a lot of shooting! Is this town Fajardo?" "Scarcely. You're still a good hundred and fifty miles from Puerto Rico. This is Abas Island. We'll see that you get to Saint Thomas. Under the circumstances it will be impossible for you to remain here." r "Abas! I don't want to remain here. There's no anthropology here. Whatever natives you have are imports from the other islands. That huge man on the pier, for example probably an Amina. Interesting type but un reliable " And the Professor lapsed to grumblings. "Cant say as I blame you." June Paterson put in tartly. "I'm not any too fond of this place myself." Halsey handed her a cigaret. "I understand there's a supply boat due tomorrow," he said. "We'll see that you're safely de livered. We've all been " He broke off, turned to look at Struthers who was rapidly ap proaching along the path. The auditor appeared not to have slept. His eyes were blood shot and sweat poured from his puffed face. Straight on he came. THIS CURIOUS WORLD Some dav the canadian branch op niagara falls will cut around BEHIND GOAT ISLAND p AND STEAL THE WATER THAT NOW GOES OVER THE AMERICAN FALLS. . . JLWSS& 7y& ,Avi.??'e-.Av oofTL ikj sy ncAstsmct wc. i AjZ- EARTH -2 IS STRUCK BV Q J LIGHT!, Kj feer ON AN AVERA6E OP ISTHIS .11 i POSITION Vl-. ' W lh ZZAAI. A&HS, :&VTv;iyN -- ( , . - ' ANSWER: Parade, rest Should the flag come down at sunset? NEXT: CIVILIAN DEFENSE UNIT HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured is insignia ot U. S. Civilian Defense 10 French river. 12 Molding. 14 Type of cat. 15 Not cold. 17 Sea skeleton. 19 Eye purL 20 Weird. 22 Hawaiian goddess. 23 Moving truck. 24 Master of ceremonies (abbr.). 26 Dry. 27 Proceed. 29 Fruit decay. 31 Household Answer to Previous Puzzle In AO'-DSTAkI RAtn'i IS T'VR iRC PEf ;o ETON. COOP' :M!l'LEZ LlE RASH'S OP" ELiF Ei .'js'Fii i t f ADMIRAL DiA'R iiTQ ,er!rIs jIAKK vFIy S'MLIOI iLlllTI ywr WSD5 .iPjO:LiE SjClARl if - C'E L LnPEjNiA ATiE IFA'Tl !CVlR! - A p n I jPlMJ ' IS E W E.R'SPlS A N SH 46 Indians. 47 Leg part. 48 Devil. 50 Age. 51 Old womanish. 52 Fragment 54 Laymen. 2 3 4 6 7 god. 32 Street (abbr.). 55 Networks. 8 33 Domestic 56 Musical instruments. VERTICAL 1 Reduction in cost 9 10 1 1 13 14 slave. . 35 Inquire. 37 Orders. 42 Also. 44 Orderly.. 113 4 I 15 16 17 18 19 I 14- 515 t W.ij IB J mM il W36 Fi7 38 39 40 41 SFj" ii H 44" 5Tp4T .'it 'uJL 48 49 50 W- 1 si 1 JO - aannaaWannnwnnaaaananaHBnnl . anaaaannnBnaiBaBannannnnnnaal avoiding Bill Talcott, to stop by Halsey's choir. "If you can beg leave of your guests I'd like to complete our business," he said, and pausing, added in a significant tone, "before you return to New York." (To Be Continued) Hold Everything! "Is this what they mean by the Marines beinff nmrlibio.?" Out By By William Ferguson T7" V CUT IT t.u.HtG.U..PAT.Orr. to administra tive duties. 15 Him. 16 Symbol for titanium. 18 Heat-resistant stone. 21 Their identify ing are worn on their ' sleeves. 25 Group. 28 Refuse. 30 Sea eagle. 32 Water strider, 34 Moral principles. Very (Fr.). Insect. Symbol for iron. 36 Gunlock catch. 38 Exclamation. 39 Female saint (abbr.). Old Testament 40 implement (abbr.). 41 Even (poet). Fabulous bird. 43 Lubricants. Support. 45 Story. Most certain. Variable star. Drone bee. Auction. It includes assigned 47 Clip off suddenly. -49 Louse egg. 51 Swiss river. 53 101 (Roman). 54 Music note. PS? MM LTL WH AT'S TW MATTER Y WITH A CATFISH H THEV GOT HIPE "STlp V - I OP SCALES, BUT GOSH, jCj'-.A THEY'RE GOOO EATIN'V OUT ntf Our Woy J. R. Williams BORM THIRTY THAT FLOATING ITD BLOW US HIGH6RN A KITE. WOULDN'T IT? IT' O im tART WALKIM'.' ) (YOU'RE HOLDIN ) T Vil 3 &01H OF YOU ' V fJM CnKU5, f5YEAL-UM 1 T' RlOrO' HlfA ARE TvJO vV V!) TOT I 0URH0RSE5y 1 'G1 I MINE WEIGHS PLENTV WITH THE TIDE HELPirvS. WERE MAKING HEADWAY-SURE HOPE DOESNT NUCX5E ANY SUNKEN LOGS- rttv a. .i Little Orphan Annie 00 I CKetAVl. bLtW A WNKS TO THM.-A 0 AGEKbT ... INi OO wm LjQ SHHH! T GUARD youR here V Wash luhb. gXX ' - f Ji- lArSA---::" '::) Here's mv Two-ens') f Tnee No sale- (nfo$M I'D LIKE TO INSURE SHE IS J I 60TTA IMI W MYSELF l66CMOOSEyy ffl& J Wi PATsy anw . SJ A Freckles and His Friends &A0FREV, IT'S DARK OUT HERE ON THI& RIVER ...BUT OTHER wish it aim't $o bap BOAT& IN (J5E ON FAST MOUNTAIN STREAMS ARE ESPECIALLy PESIGNED FOR, TRAVEL DOWNSTREAM ST6RM FlF"T 33wil Klilr- m 60 IS A WOLF, IP VOL) DON'T MIND SKINKOINJO I'D JUST I, " AS SOOM EAT A PlOCE M THEM .' GET THAT ANIMAL I Uf ul iuru i i AS THAT A NIGMTMACE.'y OP HERE.' YEARS TOO SOON 5-30 avri I ii Mjcjt n ir AND THE DO US AtSfY GOOD? WAY YOU'VE LUCKY THE MOON WENT DOWN SO GOT THOSE OAK LOCKS WRAPPED HHOEVERS ON THffT OLD SCOW CANT THEY HARDLY SPOT US GOING ESY- MAKE A SOUND- iUbT HAO A lOWG TAVW VOVH COWA-StAVW 1 Or- couw-,wt mu-dWt t -b0b9ClOO-b ov tVOM"E.."SOT ' 60bT "V"c. .At. Vit CANVT -6 TOO 90UCE IT W "L1 1 ""A WW MnanaananVnnaaBS LJ. .TOf ffm'J?? TT?. u I a a ff i-m Stn'aUmi 11 irT ' wsms-ffi(j,ifm j v ; W VOU BOV5 HAVE Tl V CCFkl .IOTHIMA VCT' Vl -J WAIT'LL WE HIT THE' J I MAIM CTREAM' -af" I A ' UNCLE BULGV, I 60T AM IDE FROM -mK Shower tuw big GMB ME MOVJ US I MS THE ROBOT 14 IGU- PRESSURE MAN FOR NAS5 STAMPS AN1 BONDS f -NHEN AMSBODV VJOULONT m? BOV. WE'D LET OTTO (h With Major Hoopla bliJ Hey they 51EAL-UM DEEPEST PART OF THE COVE 6TAKE? YEAH! SA-A-AYl LOOK! IGNT IT MOVIfH ? IT IO I RIGHT HERE. --ER--IANNIE f THAT STAKE I WHERE DID THAT COM6 FROM? 1 I'M NOT HOW 60NNA COMP INSUR5 ROMAMCF THAT'S BUILT CHUM NOT ME! ITS GOTTA BE FIRM AMD SUBSTANTIAL rg OOOC2 A6AM U tH it' t t1 anallantillnnalBManBaaanWananmT .cbMI " " t"vwt. tac r f arc 8v Martin ujuat X -SPEAK, Y 1, WHO WELCOMED THE JAPANESE TO I BCIN6S YOU OLD TITO J OUf? VILLAGE, HAVE BEEN A FOOL. LET ) brSpp fc-J -tr- THE AMERICAN OFFICER 6PEAK...1 AM HEge TyST l-'f:. . . .. fTiNC. r. rouXrrVy frani, JOVE, VOL) AREi A BRIGHT LADj LEANDE.jTO PROFIT otto BV VOUR DKrACWINa.'--v ASOCT 4 BUT VOUR PLAN FOR SOAR A A ING THE RICH MIGHT MMEM SALES LEGAL DRAsNBACKG-w ... SUPPOSE SOU TRW IT OM , , THE TADPOLE& AOnilKiC) TUI. mc I nu rod urinn' Lbt ANDES TUP PATRIOT L2-' ... A v., ft f STAKE, , A? THAT6 MO Tl gtakeI rrts a v PERISCOPE! I BETWf I'M IK AMD TK Jlll AMD IT'S COMIN' UP! ; '.-rv-v -4. ' 'F &r?--- AS LONO AS YOU HAVE TMAT FACE, AND SHE HAS THAT FIGURE, AND OTMKR DRIPS HAVE' EYES. VOUR, ROMANCE IS WALKIN' ON m morn cr-rr n 'A' v.1 v.' r., i A-y kHoh lift.. -V'-"''!l W" n --aw y ii Vr-iC0PR, 1848 BV NFA gfBVICE, Inc. gCQ. OS By BloSSOF HM,,, TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK! .WE SHOULD MAKE THE 1 CAMVOM ABOUT OMAM iU 5 THAT BOULUEK. (FROM THERE ON. T A, 13 WANT TO SEE WHAT -rfTj I'M DOING TTimifc ' "-r-i By V. T. Homlin -a i ii s-n By Fred Harniun a sub' irs ftr t,i.'A(a By Harold Gray